Does The Bible speak to a Flat Earth? as some would contend???
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening (as of Dec. 19, 2024):
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads (they pile up, to be able to get them viewed in case someone doesn't read the whole article) here interrupting a nice/natural Read flow and are ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past) and conversely their annoyance may indeed keep some from wanting to bother (so, Please, there is some GREAT CONTENT here on B4IN, keep reading the entire pieces despite the annoying Ads) and note if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! The authors images (some or all), videos (some or all), their intended cross-reference links (vs Site produced Ad links, the easy Share-At/On buttons, and more, might also get "blocked" from viewing. And so now, to catch any NEW Readers, I too adding to annoyance having to repeat this over and over. My apologies. I endeavor to always give you DETAILED WRITINGS (and cross-reference related links with other rabbit-holes you can go down) hopefully you'll deem worthy of putting up with the annoying Ads to engage in/with.
I am NOT fond of the changes, but I have been with B4IN a long time now - certainly not looking to leave.
Lastly, note: I also write for TheLibertyBeacon (, where I drop pieces (normally weekly) on Saturdays.]
[cross-posted from B4IN "Science and Technology" category, created with assistance from:]
BehindTheScenes – Earth: Bowl? Donut? Flat? Globe/Sphere? Biblical support for which, if any? Let’s examine….
Lenard (as Host) holds a stand-point of neither endorsing nor opposing Dave’s assertions but that the audience decide for themselves. As really do all Lenard’s CTP episodes – he offers / contends / reports and always asks all to #SelfReflect (not shoot the Messenger – neither him nor any of his every Wed. Guest (every Sat. Monologue)) episodes drops. As he contends: only those who would really fear Questions are those potentially too weak to handle the Questions (and therefore potentially anything it may say about them, rather than the Question(s) themselves (IF they can stare themselves in their Mirror and give HONEST/INTEGRITY #SelfReflection inward (as, remember, when pointing one-finger outward, three of own pointing right back at Self))).
CTP S2EDecSpecial4 NOTES ( listen (Wed Dec 25 2024 & thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EDecSpecial4) Beliefs (not regarding Christmas) but Earth: Flat? Sphere?
See buzzsprout Transcript for fuller/extended Show Notes (inc. related links) and Transcript Bonus
Merry Xristos-Mass (XmasAndKeepingChristInChristmas:, and on this important day on Calendar for beliefs of Christians we examine other “beliefs!” Something very oddly different than the CTP usual #ChristCast, #ChristianCast, #ChristDomCasting, and the like hoping also additional new terms I am getting into the nomenclature? LOL Speculations, What-Ifs. No advocation, nor opposition. Just delivery as food-for-thought. Real or pseudo science? You decide. FlatEarthDave joins to discuss (and brings charts and images, so may want watch this one on my JLenardDetroi (Bitchute, Brighteon, DailyMotion, Rumble) to see all that) – is Earth really the Big Blue Ball? Controversy as content: The Flat Earth is not just about the shape of the Earth. It’s a gateway to discussion on trust in institutions, scientific methodology, and the nature of belief (theories, general) itself (this day of Religious belief).
[ Addl. Copyright material here-in, Used With Permission ]
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript generated
[additional Summary, Key Takeaways, Key Quotes, and more, down-thread]
CTP Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece for this Wed. Dec. 25 Show/episode (TLB pieces will resume Sat. Dec. 28 ”We The People Demand List (part 2)” piece CTP S2E80 Show (#WTPDL-1:
- BTS/SP Video:
- /books/2024/12/thoughts-on-the-god-bless-the-usa-bible-generic-book-actual-bible-propaganda-lets-look-2558906.html
- /awakening-start-here/2024/12/as-if-professing-we-should-all-be-good-to-one-another-is-somehow-a-bad-thing-regardless-of-motivation-21023.html
- /u-s-politics/2024/12/federal-tyranny-roar-not-change-restoration-restoreouramericanrepublic-wethepeopledemandlist-more-2617938.html
- /religion/2024/12/faith-child-of-god-vs-ht-dennis-quaid-churchianity-explored-as-well-as-becomingbridgebuilders-politics-movies-and-more-2576561.html
- /promotional/2024/12/ctp-listener-feedback-can-you-selfreflect-3497.html
- /religion/2024/12/only-one-real-reason-why-one-would-reject-self-reflection-cuz-they-fear-the-honest-answers-to-questions-asked-2576453.html
BTS/SP — Earth: Bowl? Donut? Flat? Sphere? Let’s examine….
Below follows Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP S2EDecSpecial4 episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO (with a few added in cross-references to additional TLB fare…
- episodes digests direct:
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: (Claim FREE listing)
In this CTP episode S2EDecSpecial4…
In this podcast episode, host Joseph M. Lenard interviews David Weiss, also known as Flat Earth Dave, who shares his beliefs and perspectives on the flat Earth theory. Dave explains how he initially set out to debunk the flat Earth theory but ended up becoming a believer after examining the evidence. He presents various arguments supporting the flat Earth model, such as questioning the shape and motions of celestial bodies, challenging the authenticity of NASA’s images, and drawing connections between flat Earth and biblical references.
The conversation delves into topics like the supposed deception perpetrated by institutions and governments, the nature of belief itself, and the potential motivations behind promoting the globe/sphere Earth model. Dave asserts that the flat Earth model aligns with biblical descriptions and suggests that understanding the true nature of Earth’s shape can lead to a deeper understanding of God and the creator. He also criticizes the concept of outer space and questions the feasibility of space travel based on the vast distances involved.
Throughout the discussion, Dave presents his arguments with a mix of logic, humor, and occasional tangents into related topics like taxation, water’s significance, and the existence of extraterrestrials. The episode aims to encourage critical thinking and questioning of accepted narratives while acknowledging the controversial nature of the flat Earth theory.
David Weiss, known as Flat Earth Dave, presents his beliefs and arguments supporting the flat Earth theory, challenging the accepted narratives and encouraging critical thinking.
The flat Earth model is presented as aligning with biblical descriptions and offering a deeper understanding of God and the creator.
Dave questions the authenticity of NASA’s images and the feasibility of space travel based on the vast distances involved.
The conversation explores themes of deception, belief, and the potential motivations behind promoting the globe Earth model.
Dave encourages listeners to verify the information for themselves and offers a substantial reward for proof of a globular Earth.
The episode aims to encourage questioning of accepted narratives while acknowledging the controversial nature of the flat Earth theory.
Dave presents his arguments with a mix of logic, humor, and occasional tangents into related topics like taxation, water’s significance, and the existence of extraterrestrials.
The discussion delves into topics like the supposed deception perpetrated by institutions and governments, the nature of belief itself, and the potential connections between flat Earth and biblical references.
“If you believe in the moon landing, I don’t really want to have a discussion with you because you don’t have critical thinking skills.” – Dave Weiss
“If you think flat earth is crazy, that must mean that you think it’s a globe. And if you think it’s a globe, that globe, that must mean that you probably have a proof of the globe. And that’s worth three bitcoins. I offer three bitcoins. Listen to the show. I have a three bitcoin offer that’s almost $300,000 as of today for one globe proof.” – Dave Weiss
“If everyone knew without a doubt that there is a God and that we lived on a flat, expansive realm, that all governments would crumble instantly, we wouldn’t need to take them out. They would just dissolve. They would just dissolve.” – Dave Weiss
“Listen, I’m not a fan of Elon Musk. On my website, there’s an Elon Musk banner five minute video, all you gotta watch. And then you’ll know that he’s a false, you know, saver of freedom.” – Dave Weiss
“The word bored and jealous is not even something that’s in my vocabulary anymore.” – Dave Weiss
In this week’s special video edition of the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast…
Host Joseph M. Lenard delves into a thought-provoking exploration of the shape of our world. Joined by guest David Weiss, a self-described ‘Flat Earth Dave,’ the discussion challenges the conventional wisdom around the Earth’s geometry and the implications of this controversial theory.
Weiss presents a compelling case for a flat, rather than spherical, Earth. He cites various anomalies and inconsistencies in NASA imagery, as well as the seemingly contradictory behavior of gravity and the movements of celestial bodies. The audience is invited to critically examine the evidence and decide for themselves whether the ‘globe lie’ has been perpetuated for nefarious purposes.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the conversation is the connection Weiss draws between the flat Earth theory and matters of faith. He argues that a flat Earth aligns more closely with biblical teachings and the concept of God’s creation, potentially undermining the foundations of the heliocentric model. This ties into broader discussions about the nature of belief, scientific methodology, and the importance of maintaining an open and inquisitive mindset.
The episode also delves into the controversial topic of the moon landing, with Weiss asserting that the historical footage was entirely fabricated. He presents visual evidence that he claims casts doubt on the authenticity of the space program’s achievements, challenging the widely accepted narrative.
Listeners are encouraged to explore the flat Earth theory for themselves, with Weiss offering a substantial financial reward for anyone who can provide definitive proof of the globe. This challenge highlights the passion and conviction behind the flat Earth movement, as well as the persistent desire to uncover the truth, no matter how unconventional the beliefs may seem.
Throughout the discussion, Lenard and Weiss engage in a thought-provoking dialogue, exploring the implications of the flat Earth theory on various aspects of society, including government, science, and personal sovereignty. The conversation encourages the audience to question long-held assumptions and to approach the world with a critical and open-minded perspective – while Lenard (as Host) holds a stand-point of neither endorsing nor opposing Dave’s assertions but that the audience decide for themselves.
Ultimately, this episode of the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast serves as a captivating exploration of the flat Earth theory, inviting listeners to venture down the rabbit hole and form their own conclusions about the true nature of our planet and the cosmos that surround it. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Weiss’s assertions, the episode promises to challenge and expand the audience’s understanding of this intriguing and highly controversial topic.
As the discussion unfolds, it becomes clear that the flat Earth theory is not merely a scientific curiosity, but rather a gateway to deeper discussions about trust in institutions, the nature of belief, and the broader implications of challenging established narratives. Listeners are encouraged to approach the topic with an open mind and to engage in further research and contemplation.
In the end, the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast has once again delivered a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of a complex and divisive issue. By inviting diverse perspectives and encouraging critical thinking, the show continues to provide a platform for engaging discourse and the pursuit of truth, no matter how unconventional the path may be.
Be sure to tune in to the full episode to delve deeper into the flat Earth theory, the moon landing controversy, and the broader implications of these fascinating topics. As always, the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast promises to challenge your assumptions and broaden your horizons, leaving you with more questions than answers – and a renewed sense of curiosity about the world around you.
Above Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO
- episodes digests direct:
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters:
(Claim FREE listing)
MON. FEB. 15h 2025 UPDATE….. From my SocialMedia (15+ platforms) just a few minutes ago…
I previously wrote…
Thoughts on the “God Bless The USA – Bible” Generic Book? Actual Bible? Propaganda? let’s look…
Books | Dec 19 2024 00:11
… and I still highly reco peeps read the LEGIT QUESTIONS at that time
SINCE THEN, I’ve come to learn that it is supposedly an exact copy of KJV (I don’t know, I do not have a copy yet to verify) and also contains our #USA Foundation documents. That is a GOOD THING! Peeps can READ our #JudeoChristian #BIBLICAL Foundations based on FREE WILL and BIBLICAL COMMUNITY (under FREE WILL) not Worldly Communism (which is FORCE) and go back and forth to check the cross-referencing — I do NOT KNOW, hope it does, do annotation of our Documents back to the Biblical Scriptures to which apply!!!!
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