Detroit Sports - #DeadWings, time declare #YZERplan #YZERfail and be #YZERfired? #PistOFFS (lost hopes of #MeleeAtTheLCA) too at #LostCausesArena
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening:
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads here ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past - However, if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! ]
Quick/brief share…. from my social-media (expounded upon a bit from there, of course more “characters/words” space allowed here…
A break from #Politics….
Welcome to #Detroit and #LostCausesArena (and you thought #LCA stood for #LittleCaesers #Arena, didn’t you? LOL) home to #NHL #DeadWings and #PistOFFS
#Wings need #FIRE #HeadCoach (Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here, Lolland – sorry, LaLonde) and then beyond that if they do not get the (most usually) NEW #COACH BUMP and make the #Playoffs! Then….
the #YZERplan has be declared #YZERfail and he be #YZERfired!!
[New Coach bumps make sense - cuz with the new person coming in ALL PLAYERS know they are now under renewed scrutiny and NONE exempt from losing playing time and/or even TOTALLY FIRED AND REPLACED or conversely if they can STEP IT UP they MOVE UP the Roster for Play time! You get stepped up Play from all as they WANT TO KEEP THEIR JOBS where-as with a "current regime" (up/down administration) some may NOT really be giving ALL as thinking they are "favored" and "protected" and Coach change creates an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (and if not, FIRE/REPLACE THEM)!]
Kane clearly, unless miracle turn-around SOON, is stepped back not stepped up now in his 2nd Season back from Surgery (which indeed often spells END OF CAREER as he had). Others that were expecting to step up, sadly seem to be napping/coasting! Something MUST HAPPEN NOW, RIGHT NOW, or Season is indeed a complete WRITE-OFF and then indeed I go back to #YZERplan = #YZERfail = #YZERfired!!!! Loved ya Stevie as #19. Loved what you did in Tampa Bay. Those were THEN, THIS IS NOW – and you’ve had longer than I would have given ANYONE ELSE THE SLACK you have had so far!
As for the #PistOFFS? Well, sure y’all remember the #MaliceAtThePalace back when – did you see more recently what I coined #MeleeAtTheLCA (for same melodic flow, but too #DustUpInTheD or #DustUpInD) when #Stewart stood up to #LeMoronJames?!?!? We thought, hoped, PRAYED, they got a bit of #BadBoys Days spark back that would have them turn the Corner on them being one of several LaughingStocks of/in the #NBA – but, alas, NO, same-ole DUDS.
Hopefully #Lions stay on track (assured Wild-Card, but if fall to that just throw in White-Surrender-Flag on the Playoffs) to do something into #NFL #Playoffs, but seriously with the injuries (and, yes, every team has some, but Lions seemed to have had way too many in too many key spots) they could FALL to Vikings (been saying all year in many of my Calls into Derek’s “Stone Cold Sports Truth” episodes – we need HELP (now more than ever) and somebody beat MN (who people kept laughing at me after Lions season last year, that still coming into THIS SEASON that MN was the favorite to Win our Division; they’re all busy HOLDING THEIR BREATH and PRAYING now than laughing – but I hope they have last LOL, I want to be proven WRONG, would so rather be wrong and Lions have that Division Title to at least show for the Season cuz given the Bills game chances have DROPPED we’re getting past them in Playoffs unless miracle injury list returns can drastically improve the odds against them) let alone getting past the Eagles… where was I? Oh… Need someone beat MN (and Bills, and Eagles) before now and our last game against MN in week 17 (well, play week 17, NFL Season week 18, game 17); and that is IF the Lions don’t look past and DROP either 49ers or Bears (who defeated themselves at Ford Field on Thanksgiving) games – giving Vikings Division Title and really KILL Lions chances ability to really go deep into the Playoffs. I do NOT want the Lions going into that game week 17 (18, whichever way you want call it) needing A WIN to hold Division Title and still any chance at Conference #1 Seed IF WE CAN GET SOME DAMN HELP with somebody beating Eagles too.
Lions have a few supposedly WILL return of IR/IL. But how “ready” will they really be at that point to be IMPACT we need them be?!?!? So, Home Field Advantage is an almost MUST HAVE if Lions have chance to get even as far in Playoffs as they did last year.
And, seriously, really…. HOW THE HELL did the Lions being in the WEAKEST DIVISION OF ALL FOOTBALL for decades to now that they have a GOOD TEAM competing now against others in THE TOUGHEST DIVISION of all, or at least and for sure, our Conference, the entire NFL! Lions should have been a shoe-in and lock for Division but NO they barely got by MN last year, GB made massive push, Bears WERE better (but somehow stumbled rather than built on); so we gotta have damn near PERFECT SEASON just to Win the what was and should still be (but somehow isn’t now) THE WEAKEST DIVISION IN ALL FOOTBALL????
The other thing is NORMALLY I WOULD WORRY about Team having/getting THE BYE as potentially too much time off between first Playoff game – BUT, given the Lions situation THEY NEED THE FIRST ROUND BYE to recover and rehab some folks to HOPEFULLY better game-shape before being PUSHED to be on the Field. Cuz now, and potentially entering Playoffs, our Defense is JUST NOT ABLE TO STOP ANYBODY (even likely a local Pop-Warner 10yo’s squad)! Proving my point was today’s game vs Bills – several injured players came back BUT NOT READY and MADE ZERO IMPACT due to their 1st game being back.
Of course too looking forward to IF the #Tigers (#MLB) can move FORWARD on the Miracle end of last Season to make Post-Season?!?!? Beyond that – not sure, does #Detroit still have a #RollerDerby team?!?!? According to #PWHL we are supposed get a Team in that League — will our Ladies be able get a #Title before #DeadWings ever do again?????
I very much am IN TUNE, was during time it was happening, as the Tigers kinda “ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD” type Run since Aug. 11th (my Birthday LOL) at Little League Field vs Yankees and then HOTTEST TEAM IN ALL BASEBALL to/through end – and what anyone knows was a MIRACLE (certainly not expected, and waited for the TRAIN to come off Tracks as the end of last-Season came closer and closer) ending likely to not be seen again anytime soon and something you’d only expect see in another ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD movie remake!!!!
No-one here in Detroit WILL BE SURPRISED if the Tigers again fall back/down to out of Playoffs long before Aug. 11 for any MIRACLE RUN SEQUEL as again appears Tigers REFUSE TO USE THE NOW SEVERAL YEARS REMOVED MIGGY CAP-SPACE upon his Retiring! They want, hope, to do it all ON THE CHEAP!!!! Speaking of WEAK DIVISIONS, like the Lions talk of past, the Tigers Division was expected to be Weakest in all Baseball last year and maybe again this year??? clear Tigers Cheapskates rather than BUILD to assure chance at Division Title being CHEAP AGAIN and hoping to accidentally have all others in Division be even worse and HAND US the Division!!!!
CTP S1E21 “God and Guns” PLUS Derek Stone 2nd part of episode to talk Sports
OK, about that #Detroit #Lions “#Stumblebum” play….
Right Trick, WAY WRONG TIME!
Loved it, but why then/there? Seriously. The play makes perfect sense clearly inspired by the NOT FAKE stumble on 4th down lucky to make the clear hand-off exchange to then wrap up Game a bit before. But, again, seriously, WHY didn’t they come up with that for the Bills Game they needed it to potentially pull-out Win in that Loss… OR, if not ready then, WHY would you not want that in your bag against 49′ers (if down, or too close) but better yet wanting keep in bag of tricks for the Vikings game (much harder, with all injuries) to be able to Win in week 18 and Division Title might still come down to?!?!? If Lions drop both 49ers and Vikings game they may as well wave flag of Surrender for Playoffs (likely 1st Round exit). So, again, WHY WASTE IT there?!?!? It ain’t gonna fool nobody again and Lions better learn from their own gimmick, be sure NOT BE FOOLED by it in return come next 2 weeks!
[Are you interested in writing/publishing, about Sports or anything (as my "Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" has a Baseball sub-thread throughout it (when you read it, will make sense why but sure don't wanna give away SPOILER here) and how/why several Sports related Shows had me on to talk Sports even though had just released a "Terrorism" book) a book yourself? Check out "How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips and Techniques" which takes you from concept, to outlining, to writing, to character and scene development, edit options, cover design/options, publishing options, post-publication promotion, and more: vs all the "how to put your book on Amazon" that you can read the FREE Amazon Help files for that.]
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Mon. Dec. 23rd 2024
#Detroit #RedWings: Let me say it AGAIN:
Derek (Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here) Lolland needs be #FIRED – NOW!
Bring in #Gallant or hell what is (former #Goaltender signed by #Lightning, and #Detroit #Broadcaster) #ManonRheaume up to?!?!? Let HER be First #Female #HeadCoach in #NHL. Get that NEW COACH bump.
THEN, if still not good enough to get #Wings to at least final #Playoffs #WildCard slot.
TIME for #YZERplan declared #YZERfail and he be #YZERfired too.
OK, about that #Detroit #Lions “#Stumblebum” play….
Right Trick, WAY WRONG TIME!
Loved it, but why then/there? Seriously. The play makes perfect sense clearly inspired by the NOT FAKE stumble on 4th down lucky to make the clear hand-off exchange to then wrap up Game a bit before. But, again, seriously, WHY didn’t they come up with that for the Bills Game they needed it to potentially pull-out Win in that Loss… OR, if not ready then, WHY would you not want that in your bag against 49′ers (if down, or too close) but better yet wanting keep in bag of tricks for the Vikings game (much harder, with all injuries) to be able to Win in week 18 and Division Title might still come down to?!?!? If Lions drop both 49ers and Vikings game they may as well wave flag of Surrender for Playoffs (likely 1st Round exit). So, again, WHY WASTE IT there?!?!? It ain’t gonna fool nobody again and Lions better learn from their own gimmick, be sure NOT BE FOOLED by it in return come next 2 weeks!
more #Detroit #Sports….
Detroit Sports – #DeadWings, time declare #YZERplan #YZERfail and be #YZERfired? #PistOFFS (lost hopes of #MeleeAtTheLCA) too at #LostCausesArena
Sunday, December 15, 2024 20:30