No You CAN NOT REST (part 3, B4IN exclusive)... WE THE PEOPLE have more work to do and pressure to apply....
No You CAN NOT REST (part 3, B4IN exclusive)… WE THE PEOPLE have more work to do and pressure to apply…. [this is an ever further expanded follow-up to "Trump Win, USHouse still in Question but leaning-R, USSenate flips to GOP, can we now ROAR (Restore Our American Republic)?!?!?" B4IN piece (all from there/that, plus additional important points sad have to spell-out but do) from earlier this morning in U-S-Politics B4IN Category dropped Wed. Nov. 6th 2024 13:30ET] HISTORY made as Trump becomes first since Stephen Grover Cleveland to have 2 non-back-to-back (not only 2nd to try, but to get, others tried and FAILED at such non-consecutive) Terms as President!!!!
[An aside: Remember 2020 Census ReDistricting Allocations, not all took effect until this Cycle and many Gerrymandering aiding Democrats for House this Cycle now, or GOP Control of USHouse would have been a lot less "in question" still with Counting many places still ongoing. Watch results as they change, or the full/total/final breakdown later, via:]
However, re: Senate – people with ZERO COMMON-SENSE and BAD CANDIDATES cost us again. MI Rogers (the “known” name, as yes Name Recognition is often helpful BUT NOT SOLE FACTOR and putting most the Eggs in that Basket can/will/did this time (as with Oz in PA last cycle, and potentially again in AZ (as that is still TBD at time of Press)) leave us STILL HUNGRY and UNFULFILLED – as, again Name Recognition also means SOME ALREADY DO NOT LIKE YOU AND WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU, therefore Rogers) LOST, of course, because Rogers was/is a known commodity and many REAL CONSERVATIVE CHRISTITUTIONALIST PLATFORM REPUBLICANS know him as a CINO and Intelligence Community DEEPSTATE INSIDER and therefore told everyone they would VOTE THRID PARTY if he the nominee and morons failed to listen and use COMMON-SENSE that another Candidate in the Primary would have EASILY BEEN ABLE TO RIDE TRUMP COAT-TAILS TO VICTORY (providing he had any, which he did SOME PLACES, not all, and NOT where people keep insisting on picking BAD CANDIDATES to go up against The Left. AND this now (along with OZ in PA last time, Kari Lake (before, and potentially again), etc… COST US CHANCE AT FILIBUSTER PROOF MAJORITY in USSENATE AS OBTAINABLE IN 2026.
You cannot just think about NOW, but the PAST, and THE FUTURE!!!! Too many Politically UN-SAAVY can’t grasp that. (semi-related (use logic, common-sense, to understand how it does relate/apply in other ways like this): – not directly related but THINKING PEOPLE ought get relation and POINT! Sadly too many NON-THINKING FELLOW REPUBLICANS can’t grasp concepts there-in)
[Wed. Nov. 6th 18:15 UPDATE --- ROGERS LOST, as expected, frankly SHOCKING it was a Close a Lose as it was - many TOLD YOU SO that if he were nominee, instead of support that CINO DeepState Intelligence Insider, they'd Vote 3rd Party in that Race - did, HE PREDICTABLY LOST. I myself held my Noise and Voted for him in the General (cuz what the others that didn't like him failed to grasp, Slotkin Win means they are represented by someone they do NOT agree with on virtually everything where-as with Rogers had several of same Principles/Values (and as Reagan rightly proclaimed: someone with me 80% of time is NOT MY ENEMY those who opposed me/us 80-90-100% of the time is/are - and then there is that whole often short-sighted Enemy-Of-My-Enemy nonsense (may be good temporary Ally, but not EVERE your Friend and keep clos eye on them.), despite backing Doc Sherry in the Primary (Outsider, like Trump usually promotes, Doctor like Rand Paul (though not Eye-Doctor), eliminated the Left #IdentityPolitics GENDER argument, etc.).. But, folks DO NOT THINK things thru and Trump Endorsed (on Bad Advice) another BAD CANDIDATE that then predictably LOST. Yes, we must always be #PrinciplesNotPersonalities but to NOT FACTOR IN ALL REALITY OF LIKELY VOTERS is just DUMB. There was a Female Senator in that Slot since the 1990's, and failing to FACTOR THAT (and that it could/would matter to some was STUPID! I/you/we/us may NOT like #IdentityPolitics does NOT mean we can just IGNORE THEM and SURRENDER that BattleGround to The Left (like Lincoln did not just get say: Gettysburg Schmettysberg, let 'em have it). Semi-related:]
This piece dedicated (in-part) to PEANUT and FRED. #PeanutWON as well as #FredWON, they may have lost their Lives (RIP)!
Their Lose was not in Vain as they became Martyrs to/for the Cause of Liberty and return to SANITY of/in Governance vs the Fascist-Left (#CommieFasciSocie Left DUMBocrats) March to more and more EDICTS/DICTATES/REGULATIONS and more Storm-Troopers Hired with “Just following Orders” Fascist mind-sets! WE MUST NEVER FORGET THEM (and Cats/Dogs/Ducks/Geese/etc. in Springfiled), honor them, work for them, create THE PEANUT ACT Animal Rights Act, and so on…. WE HAVE NEVER-ENDING WORK TO DO, and again NO YOU CAN NOT REST!!!
Sure glad Trump exceeded the 300 EC level to be able to claim Mandate (as well have USSenate shift (but by what margin? as this piece goes on to talk about) and NEED to hold USHouse and hopefully gain margin there too – to really able to claim RED-WAVE MANDATE)!!!
[image above, as long as lasts, 2024 POTUS Race Results - B4IN strips images from pieces after 1 year and pieces moved to Archive Servers. image source: DecisionDeskHQ]
NO LONGER CAN IT BE ALLOWED/ACCEPTABLE (as sad and fucking pathetic usual pattern) that JUST CUZ we managed to Win ONE BIG ELECTION that morons (never had Civics, or real History, or Economics, in school cuz The Left wants Kids DOPED UP AND DUMBED DOWN, in Schools creating many GENERATIONS of lazy, over-self-esteemed but really WORTHLESS, people) then foolishly BELIEVE they actually ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING (but Temporary Victory, just ONE BATTLE in permanent, never-ending, COLD CIVIL WAR within our Nation (let us Hope/Pray it doesn’t go HOT, as discussed with William R Douglas on CTP in Oct 2024)). YOU, YOUR, OUR, ALL OF US “WE THE PEOPLE” JOB IS NOT DONE… You do NOT get to go back to your Couch and BE LAZY and consumed in BREAD AND CIRCUS yet again!!!
Shame we even have to discuss all this BUT WE DO!!! I’ve been in Politics since 1978, and decade after decade TOO MANY allow History (same sorry patterns) to happen – as many GET LAZY AGAIN!
A quick need mention to/for AZ, MI, NV, and elsewhere (especially, but applies ever-more in future, STAY VIGILENT, KEEP EYES ON THE PRIZES, etc.). STILL SOME UN-CALLED RACES all up/down The Ballot!! Even now almost 24 hours after Polls Closed! Like my Home-State of MI, while it may have been called for Trump #STOPTHESTEAL efforts still on to make sure The Left does NOT Steal the Retiring StabYaNow Senate seat for Slutkin over Rogers (and similar cases, West of Mississippi States).
YOU DO NOT GET TO LET-UP YET!!! Actually, EVER AGAIN, the Silent Majority and #MAGA must forever more stay involved (point of the piece below) and FOOT ON #GAS to assure we NEVER SLIDE BACK TO #CommieFasciSocies Leftard control of ANYTHING Nationally ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AZ and MI both Laughing-Stocks of USA, cannot DO THEIR DAMN JOBS and GET VOTES TALLIED in any REASONABLE time-frame (as discussed elsewhere FL and GA used to be a major Joke too, they FIXED MOST OF THEIR ISSUES (GA dare say has more to do still) but AZ and MI still REFUSE to change Laws, DEMAND appropriate number of machinery and Personnel be in those SAME BS LEFT CONTROLLED COUNTIES that drag their feet to assure they can no longer do that shit in future Elections!!!!
[Wed. Nov. 6th 18:15 UPDATE --- ROGERS LOST, as expected, frankly SHOCKING it was a Close a Lose as it was - many TOLD YOU SO that if he were nominee, instead of support that CINO DeepState Intelligence Insider, they'd Vote 3rd Party in that Race - did, HE PREDICTABLY LOST]
Trump Win (defeating The #KAMALunist in significant fashion – despite many States Vote-counters and the #ENEMEdia trying to drag it out; and the first Republican POTUS Candidate to Win the Popular-Vote too since H.W.Bush*), USHouse still in Question but leaning-R (and testament to The Left / #CommieFasciSocies work last four years GerryMandering House Districts to their advantage in any/all States they could by Legislatures or Ballot-initiative LIES preventing a YUGE (pun intended, over-riding Red-TYPHOON), USSenate flips to GOP (hopefully though the margin of control still grows, more Results still to come-in; margin matters as Filibuster will remain and we need as many GOP to potentially be able get a couple #CommieFasciSocies blend DUMBocrats cross-over on occasion to break Filibuster, if any of them want KEEP THEIR JOB in close/Purple seats for/in 2026), can we now ROAR (Restore Our American Republic)?!?!?
* Winning the popular vote and the electoral college vote was actually the norm in the 1900s, with each winning candidate having won both in each of the 25 elections from 1900-1996 (according to The Hill (and others pointed out, found via DuckDuckGo Search).
Also, remember folks, JD is now VP-ELECT and therefore that Ohio USSenate seat will OPEN and we must PRESSURE RINO DEWINE to put a REAL CONSERVATIVE/MAGA REPUBLICAN APPOINTMENT TO REPLACE JD!!!!!
SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!! You know you know some that need THE BAT UPSIDE THE HEAD to get this to sink in — just subtly, let me be the bad-guy and call them out, pass this along to those you know NEED THE HINT!!
Sign the OFFICIAL “We The People Demand List” PETITION at: (aka, sharable short-cut:
I will, below, share a BeforeItsNews SNEAK-PEEK of an upcoming (still in ROUGH-DRAFT form, finishing touches will come next few days, but will SHARE what/how it is THIS MOMENT of this posting on B4IN, of what will be Titled over on TheLibertyBeacon piece: “No You CAN NOT REST (part 1)” as well as TLB slated ”No You CAN NOT REST (part 2)” slated for December 14th on TLB very, Very, VERY, still ROUGH-ROUGH-ROUGH-DRAFT version so far.
But first, before those, from my Social-Media yesterday….
Update, previously Reported ( in: /opinion-conservative/2024/11/nov-5-2024-before-10a-the-election-shenanigans-began-already-3706477.html ) availability of my appearing with Rick Walker LIVE on/at Maverick New tonight #Election coverage via my YouTube STREAMS channel – that was/is incorrect as I forgot Rick changed Services and therefore I will NOT have ability to connect the Show to my JLenardDetroit YouTube Streams Page – use link:
Starting at 19:00 (7p) ET.
[related here on B4IN: /u-s-politics/2024/10/flashback-a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2616749.html + 3 bonus items there-in]
… you can now go back and see that SAVED RECORDING of the LIVESTREAM on/at Rumble… SPOILER-ALERT: When we rapped up at Midnight-ish my closing-thoughts were still of concern that 2020 over-night could repeat and still fresh the thoughts of the 2022 DRIZZLE (that was supposed to be Red-Wave didn’t materialize). And even STILL NOW, as I type this (around Noon:30 Nov. 6) The USHouse is still in Question so YOU CANNOT REST we must keep watching closely and keep pressure on as while PROJECTIONS seem to be LEANING-R for control of that body too – CAN NOT REST TIL ALL RESULTS FINALIZED and even beyond that – THE POINT OF THIS PIECE.
Our documents say WE THE PEOPLE and you all CANNOT GO BACK TO THE COUCH for Bread-And-Circus consumption 24×7 (but, yes, an “OCCASIONAL BREAK” is OK, and in fact Healthy) IF WE ARE TO RESTORE OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC we CANNOT improper (as discussed on CTP often) mis-apply RENDER UNTO CAESAR and just HOPE/PRAY our Elected Officials will do it — WE MUST STAY IN TOUCH with our Elected Leaders AT LEAST once-a-month, preferably, ONCE-A-WEEK to DEMAND they do OUR (WE THE PEOPLE) bidding and what/why we GAVE THEM MAJORITIES!!!!
[related here on B4IN: /u-s-politics/2024/10/flashback-a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2616749.html + 3 bonus items there-in that B4IN piece]
[Wed. Nov. 6 13:30ET UPDATE: Michigan called for TRUMP, however, as stated, THEY CAN AND LIKELY ARE STILL TRYING TO STEAL THAT USSENATE SEAT IN MICHIGAN!!! KEEP LOOKING/WATCHING, we need Rogers to beat Slutkin... err... Slotkin... and improve GOP Senate margins (more on that below) that there are still VOTES TO BE COUNTED in certain areas and Rogers needs CLOSE A GAP at time of this update... see related: /u-s-politics/2019/05/the-key-to-winning-state-wide-elections-in-michigan-facts-data-gop-ignores-at-its-own-peril-2576573.html as well as AZ, PA, NV, Senate Races still OPEN AND TOO CLOSE TO CALL at this moment.]
[Wed. Nov. 6th 18:15 UPDATE --- ROGERS LOST, as expected, frankly SHOCKING it was a Close a Lose as it was - many TOLD YOU SO that if he were nominee, instead of support that CINO DeepState Intelligence Insider, they'd Vote 3rd Party in that Race - did, HE PREDICTABLY LOST]
CTP (S2E72, 20241102) How Stupid [Have Americans Become] (Part 2) BTS/SP Video (21m 18s):
PLUS we must keep up pressure to FORCE the USHouse and USSenate to pass, to send to Trump to sign….. (I am now calling this quasi-#ContractWithAmerica update list the #WeThePeopleDEMANDlist)
1) The SAVE (Elections Integrity) Act and more.
2) BORDER BILL and DEPORTATIONS Act (not the FAKE #AMNESTY shit The Left kept peddling with Lies as FAKE BiPartisanship (ONE RINO backed it)).
4) SPENDING CUTS A to Z!!! Remember that from Gingrich’s CONTRACT WITH AMERICA?!?!?
5) Creation of (for Elon, Shark-Tank Kevin O’Leary, and others) GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLITY COMMITTEE (aka: #DrainTheSwamp Act) to offer related SPENDING CUTS A to Z items to/for Congress as ONE PAGE ONLY specifics (not too many on one sheet, excuse to be Rejected then) for the Congress to Debate AND SHOULD Pass to CUT SPENDING (present, and into future) and beyond that CLOSE ENTIRE AGENCIES that are UnConstitutional (yes, like, Department of Education and return back to States and Parental Rights)). Item (19) below talks more about CONSOLIDATE SOME AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS and eliminate REDUNDANCIES (esp. NO LONGER NEEDED Federal Paycheck DeepState buffoons only ever do is move paper around to justify their keeping their Paycheck coming).
Item 5 update (from FascistBook): David Truly (in “League of Deplorable Gentlemen” Group) #5. Important idea – this effort needs to have stringent, ambitious time demands else it could linger on trying to achieve perfection. Require at least 10 (or more) steps be ready to act on within 4-6 months. Then allow for more to be done. ….get it on!
Me: We are NOT going to get all we want, no NEED, at least as fast as we’d want them (see item 20, for more on that), so indeed as it took Century+ get us all this SWAMP GAS it will take some time to unravel BUT WE MUST SEE CONTINUED FORWARD MOTION REGARDING SUCH (or more and more GOP folks need REPLACED til they GET THE DAMN MESSAGE)!!!!
6) a REAL INFASTRUCTURE BILL (not fake, Green New Scam MONEY LAUNDERING Bill BiDUMB/HarASS passed) after they CUT SPENDING and freeing up dollars for it.
7) a REAL INFLATION REDUCTION Act (not fake, yet another Green New Scam MONEY LAUNDERING Bill BiDUMB/HarASS passed) after they CUT SPENDING and freeing up dollars for it.
8) MAKE TRUMP PREVIOUS TAX-CUTS PERMANENT, that The Left was able to BLOCK for years now after having Filibustered such in USSenate forcing the original Trump Tax Cuts Bill to have to EXPIRE in order to Pass USSenate during Trump’s first term under Budget Reconciliation Rules (that allowed bypassing Filibuster Rule). BUT ONLY AFTER some Spending Cuts to avoid the whole “How you gonna PAY for it” BS. You do NOT have to PAY for TaxCuts as that money was NEVER, EVER, THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY in the first place to have and spend.
9) Continuation of (8) REVERSE the Bill giving more Funding to IRS and Hiring of 87,000 new ARMED extortionists… err… “Agents” and FIRE any/all new Hired in under the prior Bill (which also applies to item (5) above)!!!
10) Permanent FILIBUSTER Protection Act!! Start a Constitutional Amendment process that would make sure USSenate cannot “BY JUST A RULE CHANGE” eliminate, rather further erode further the Filibuster weaking started back when idiot from NV Senate Leader Harry Reid was in charge (and therefore Left threating to completely eliminate it, for any/all things, since).
11) SCOTUS Protection Act!! Start a Constitutional Amendment process that would make sure the SCOTUS cannot GROW IN SIZE ever (as Left tried PACK COURT during FDR and been threatening again for last decade+ again.
13) And after the Spending Cuts save us Money and the additional TAX CUTS will do what they always do – INCREASE REVENUES (not reduce them) TO THE TREASURY – THE 250 YEARS OF USA Act to lay ground for USA 250 Anniversary Celebration BLOW-OUT like was for/at/on USA Bi-Centennial before. We have restored PATRIOTISM in our Nation and 250th BLOW-OUT will be perfect time to showcase such.
14) the Epstein Pedo-Isle FLIGHT LOGS DISCLOSURE Act. Time for people to know, and our chance to CLEAN OUT THE GARBAGE.
15) The CHILD TRAFFICING GET SERIOUS Act – creating Federal Task Force specifically to coordinate more efforts to Capturing, Charging, Convicting, those involved (INCLUDING the INSIDERS IN GOVT. we all know are there and have been previously BLOCKING SUCH)!!!
16) The Make Hitlery, Harris, Gore, HONORARY POTUS for the Day and Abrams Honorary Gov for the Day (just to tweak those Fuckers) Act – C’mon, most you know I am #JOKEsterJOE on Savaged Unfiltered podcast, you expected me to be SERIOUS the entire way through?!?!? LOL Hey, we do all kinds of other UN-SERIOUS and/or UN-IMPORTANT SHIT in Congress, so why not this?!?!? Or, how ’bout, Bill to name a couple Schools “The Hitlery will never be President” and “The KAMALunist Lost” and “Gore is a ClimateHoaxer” all of course GRADE-SCHOOLS to match the People named after Mental-Capacity (IQ level) and so on!
17) Work with Tim Scott (and even Kim Kardashian again) for follow-up Criminal Justice Reform Act 2 (aka: #StopSorosBackedDAs and #DemocratsCoddleCriminals and we will no longer tolerate it (ACT) and support Victims of their Crimes instead and will work to make them whole and Safe again) that will help INNOCENCE PROJECT groups across USA to Free truly wrongfully Convicted folks – WHILE AT SAME TIME demands ACTUAL REPEAT CRIMINALS be locked up/away (a THREE STRIKES return, but regarding SPECIFIC actions, if a THIRD OFFENSE is a Violent Crime (Assault, with or without a Weapon) 3 STRIKES YOU GET LONGER SENTENCE (which was GREAT CONCEPT, but BAD LAW, too broad, abused, mis-used, good intention warped, etc.)!!!
18) The Repeal Big-Pharma IMMUNITY/Indemnity from Wuhan-Hysteria-Fake-Jabs Act… See how FAST those JABS vanish from Pharmacies everywhere. As they are NOT Vaccines, not even a good Flu-Shot as the Side-Effects (even DEATH) far out-weigh any good they CLAIM they do! FURTHER, the Parental Rights and CHOICE IN VACCINES Act! Could/would also be known as the TRUMP was, still not, PERFECT Act, and #OperationWarpSpeed was yet another Fed. BigGov BOONDOGGLE admission Act. None on this Planet Perfect, except Jesus when/while he walked the Earth!!! And don’t get me started on The #nincomPOPE Francis – more interested in COMMUNISM than CATHOLICISM most of the time!!!
19) Something ANYTHING (as part of, coming out of item 5) that starts to restructure the FBI, CIA, and so many other WAY OVER-BOUNDS Alphabet Agencies in USA reign-in Act (see related Norton V Shelby SCOTUS case). Part of it needs to MOVE MANY GOVT BUILDINGS OUT OF DC. Put these people, get these Bastards, out of the DC bubble and actually among WE THE PEOPLE they are supposed to be Serving (move FBI HQ to South Dakota? move ATF (actually this one easily abolished, move their BOMB/IED’s COUNTER-OPERATION under FBI, disband the rest of it, Alcohol, Tobacco and FIREARMS are ALL LEGAL THINGS and when/where they become a cross-State (counterfitting, avoiding valid Tax payments (which would involve IRS also obviously (NO we are NOT ever, Ever, EVER, going to completely eliminate IRS not matter what we do, but we sure as Hell can SHRINK IT as there are 50 State related TAX COLLECTION AGENCIES why not just involve them in Tax Evasion issues instead) whatever issue) THAT IS WHAT THE FBI is for/about)!!!! Move the EPA to middle of Country at same time STRIPPING THEM OF MOST THEIR DUTIES AND STAFF, as they have NO AUTHORITY to use Treaty-of-the-Seas to try proclaim that PUDDLE on your Property gives them Authority over YOUR PROPERTY!!!!! Also, Real-Estate is CHEAPER to buy/maintain outside DC. And think of so many PRIME LOCATIONS then could be FREED UP FOR SALE TO/FOR PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (which, in/of self, alone, WOULD GENERATE REVENUE TO PAY FOR THIS PROCESS)!!!!! (from related suggestion via GAB – see:
This item also relates to SHRINKING HSA (Homeland Security Agency) and need to VASTLY STRIP MANY ITEMS IN “PATRIOT ACT” being used against USCitizens instead of Terrorists. The Patriot Act originally had a REASONABLE CONCEPT to consolidate the Intelligence Agencies under one umbrella to FORCE THEM WORK TOGETHER and SHARE INTELLIGENCE, but of course what we got was a NEW ADDED LAYER OF IDIOTS with zero consolidation and removal of duplicative…. you know what I mean…. of course with Patriot Act we got the NEW LAYER and ZERO OF THE SAVINGS (via Economy of Scale IF actually and really bringing them together) as always Fed GOLIATH just grows and grows and grows – never any ACCOUNTABILITY. Is there still an OFFICE OF BUGGY-WHIPS SOMEWHERE, would it Surprise anyone if is?!?!?
20) GIVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS (as, this list is FAR from complete, and I am forgetting many I know rummage around in my Brain I am forgetting for the moment) for what they should spend March 2025 doing?!?!?
Repeat from item (5): CONSOLIDATE SOME AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS and eliminate REDUNDANCIES (esp. NO LONGER NEEDED Federal Paycheck DeepState buffoons only ever do is move paper around to justify their keeping their Paycheck coming). This at least FIRST STEP to eventual ELIMINATION (which will never get through Congress right off the bat, SOMETHING TO BEING IN MOTION AND WORKING TOWARD Vance/Noem Admin starting 2028 as well as more and more in Noem/Scott admin starting in 2036!!!!!
21) Disband the (Thousands Standing Around collecting gov checks, mostly featherbedded jobs) TSA!!!! Need Return Airport Security to Private Sector Act. The TSA was un-necessary FASCIST FED POWER GRAB, only thing was needed was an UPDATE to Airport Security Regulations (as much as I, likely you, HATE REGULATIONS, there need be some, which will lead to (22) below!!! All needed done add Box-Cutters to PROHIBITED ITEMS LIST and due to Project Bojinka the enacted limitations on liquid containers (as was done, no need for NEW AGENCY to enforce the NEW UPDATES)!
22) The Govt Regulations Reduction Act – also in conjunction with item (5) HOWEVER there is ZERO EXCUSE to wait on recommendations come from item (5) Committee. Begin IMMEDIATELY, load up a Bill with DE-REGULATION including/starting with EPA and other EV MANDATES bullshit and the like.
(related: /new-world-order/2024/10/government-regulations-and-automobiles-yes-ties-to-nwowefetc-14891.html)
23) Re-Introduce and PASS the STOCK Act (aka: The STOP Pelosi’s and other THEIVES in DC Insider-Trading Bill) more in: and
24) The JFK and MLK Jr. Assassination Files Release Act (it has been so long, really there is NO REASON to keep these Classified any longer, all involved long deceased, and we all know the real reason they do not want them released if to CYA for CIA,FBI,others failings or involvement?!?!?). While we’re at it – the AREA-51 Alien (ET’s / Inter-Stellar, Inter-Dimensional, Inter-Timenal, Beings) Disclosure Act. Time all the UAP/UFO/USO Files get RELEASED!
25) The Repeal Dodd/Frank Act Act. Seriously, the idiocy (of course, Leftist NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE manure) following the 2008 Housing bubble (mainly cause by moron DUMBocrats CRA (Community Redevelopment Act) that basically ORDERED (DEI fashion) The Banks to LOAN MONEY ON RELAXED STANDARDS and Millions of folks that could NOT AFFORD the Homes they bought in the best and perfect conditions time ALL WALKED AWAY, DEFAULTED, when the Housing Bubble started bursting and CRA caused the Bubble burst to be 100x worse (as the so-called PREDATOR LOANS (complete bullshit, they all knew, they all signed on dotted line, hoping/Praying the Rates would never adjust up; and, of course, THE RATES FLEXED UP due to Inflation as was predictable and many that couldn’t afford the Loans at the Rates the Banks WERE BASICALLY FORCED TO LOANING then most certainly could not afford them at higher-adjusted Rates as was outlined in the CONTRACT they signed and was inevitable to happen)! As always, Govt making things WORSE not Better. Then tried blame BANKS they Regulated/Mandated Quota Loans to and enacted the TOO BIG TO FAIL (false narrative) Dodd/Frank (2 DUMBocrats, 2 corrupt in Pocket of Bank PAC donors (just like DE BiDUMB, how he had such a long funded career, Twiddle-Dumb and Twiddle-Even-Dumber) Act. Which Regulated CREDIT UNIONS more and did NOTHING to reign in Massive Bank Mergers (lowering competition) and even GREATER potential crying about when happens again THEY ARE TOO BIG TO LET FAIL. And don’t get me started on the idiocy of the GWBush (CINO/RINO move) TARP sell-out (more Spending, more Regulations, more growing Govt, more bailouts to the INSIDERS in Congress Family, Friends, Donors)!!!!
[ (Glass/Steagall (aka:Glass/Steigal [sic]), the CRA – Community Redevelopment Act) ]
And since we talked Education in item 5….
Seriously, sadly Education is so da** poor in the Western World these days, people know no History (virtually NOTHING, and by design – dumbing down of America (As Carlin said) just have them Smart enough to Run the Machines (or today, capable enough to PULL THE FASCICRATS LEVER by indoctrination and certainly NOT SMART enough to question a da** thing or do own research)…
In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional/core “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…
more in
Sat. Nov. 9 update… more in….
Remember CONTRACT WITH AMERICA? Well here is started the WE THE PEOPLE (post-election) DEMAND LIST…. Saturday, November 9, 2024 12:31
Remember Contract With America? Well Here Is the started the We the People (post-election) Demand List
Saturday, November 9, 2024
…[UPDATE: Now officially exists as: OFFICIAL “We The People Demand List” PETITION (Please consider signing) at/in/on (Change Org (aka, sharable short-cut:
a few more items listed here-in this piece, and each item more detailed below than at/on Petition - reach out:
Also update - this will be topic of discussion on/with/at "Your American Heritage" hour (second half of Show) with Ed Bonderenka at/with WAAMradio (Listen Live button/option online at: or via TuneIn, iHeart, Live365, more) his upcoming Sat. Nov. 16th episode which airs at 14:00ET (2pET) and can/will be able to be found in Archives there-after via: (starting Dec. 7, YAH will cover 2-hours 13:00ET-15:00ET)]
#BeforeItsNews #WeThePeople #ContractWithAmerica #ContractForAmerica #ContractFromAmerica #WeThePeopleDemandList #ChangeOrg (also shortened list will be presented in two-parter (1..16, 16..25; of the now over 30+ in/at #B4IN piece) via #TheLibertyBeacon in #December there).
ROUGH-DRAFT (as of Wed. Nov. 6 2024) version… See the finished piece on/at TLB Sat. Nov. 9th (for final draft, and all related images/videos there-in)…
[ Nov 9 2024 – 1,100 words, 3 images, 7 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E73 ]
Seriously? Do you think Satan and his Minions ever say – oh, let’s give ‘em a break. NO, certainly not (and as will touch on down-thread “Only Thing for Evil Prevail, Good Peoples Do Nothing” as a TLB from me piece came some time ago (clearly time for some recap/review)… NOW the Fight, Fight, Fight, has to begin IN EARNEST for Mid-Terms 2026 and need to improve MAGA-Republican margins in U. S. House and U. S. Senate (need 60+ Filibuster-proof) and even #Vance2028.
[exclusive B4IN insert: USSenate flips to GOP (hopefully though the margin of control still grows, more Results still to come-in; margin matters as Filibuster will remain and we need as many GOP to potentially be able get a couple #CommieFasciSocies blend DUMBocrats cross-over on occasion to break Filibuster, if any of them want KEEP THEIR JOB in close/Purple seats for/in 2026) ---- AND.... Wed. Nov. 6 13:30ET UPDATE: Michigan called for TRUMP, however, as stated, THEY CAN AND LIKELY ARE STILL TRYING TO STEAL THAT USSENATE SEAT IN MICHIGAN!!! KEEP LOOKING/WATCHING, we need Rogers to beat Slutkin... err... Slotkin... and improve GOP Senate margins (more on that below) that there are still VOTES TO BE COUNTED in certain areas and Rogers needs CLOSE A GAP at time of this update... see related: /u-s-politics/2019/05/the-key-to-winning-state-wide-elections-in-michigan-facts-data-gop-ignores-at-its-own-peril-2576573.html as well as AZ, PA, NV, Senate Races still OPEN AND TOO CLOSE TO CALL at this moment.]
[Wed. Nov. 6th 18:15 UPDATE --- ROGERS LOST, as expected, frankly SHOCKING it was a Close a Lose as it was - many TOLD YOU SO that if he were nominee, instead of support that CINO DeepState Intelligence Insider, they'd Vote 3rd Party in that Race - did, HE PREDICTABLY LOST]
VIDEO (3m 55s): Days Like These (Asia):
[True Wisdom only comes from pain… What doesn’t Kill you, will make you Strong… Today I am Strong enough… Day’s like these I feel like I can CHANGE THE WORLD!]
Now, before I go further let me give a bit of behind-the-scenes: I am writing this (at least starting this piece) on Fri. Sep. 27th 2024 obviously well before Election Night (Nov. 5th 2024) for WIN or LOSE (thinking short-term to Nov. 5th 2024, medium term to Dec. 2024, and longer-term to Jan. thru Dec. of 2025 already (lots of Walking and Chewing Gum at same time, just do not tell my Dentist he doesn’t want me Chewing Gum LOL)). Proceeding SAME regardless. This is AS IMPORTANT if (hopefully when we) Win, but imagine how much more mega-important (yes, pun, but serious point, play on MAGA with MEGA) it will be if turns out we Lose the White-House, the US-House, or cannot also gain control of US-Senate (with #kamELE (Extinction Level Event if she is elected) and her admissions for a laundry-list of reasons why should would push to eliminate the Filibuster too ram through PACKING SCOTUS so then Liberal Activists Judges on that Bench would then uphold all the dozen plus UnConstitutional items she also insists they would also then ram through (and, again, if Court Packed, will Rule POLITICALLY not CONSTITUTIONALLY to allow their ILLEGAL LEGISLATIONS to stand)…. So, with that said….
[exclusive B4IN insert: USSenate flips to GOP (hopefully though the margin of control still grows, more Results still to come-in; margin matters as Filibuster will remain and we need as many GOP to potentially be able get a couple #CommieFasciSocies blend DUMBocrats cross-over on occasion to break Filibuster, if any of them want KEEP THEIR JOB in close/Purple seats for/in 2026) .... AND.... Wed. Nov. 6 13:30ET UPDATE: Michigan called for TRUMP, however, as stated, THEY CAN AND LIKELY ARE STILL TRYING TO STEAL THAT USSENATE SEAT IN MICHIGAN!!! KEEP LOOKING/WATCHING, we need Rogers to beat Slutkin... err... Slotkin... and improve GOP Senate margins (more on that below) that there are still VOTES TO BE COUNTED in certain areas and Rogers needs CLOSE A GAP at time of this update... see related: /u-s-politics/2019/05/the-key-to-winning-state-wide-elections-in-michigan-facts-data-gop-ignores-at-its-own-peril-2576573.html as well as AZ, PA, NV, Senate Races still OPEN AND TOO CLOSE TO CALL at this moment.]
[Wed. Nov. 6th 18:15 UPDATE --- ROGERS LOST, as expected, frankly SHOCKING it was a Close a Lose as it was - many TOLD YOU SO that if he were nominee, instead of support that CINO DeepState Intelligence Insider, they'd Vote 3rd Party in that Race - did, HE PREDICTABLY LOST]
Evil, The Left, want you to “take a long break” and while you go back to BREAD AND CIRCUS or whatever they will be looking to do all they can to undermine any progress you/me/we made/make or will hope to make. You CAN NOT just go back to Sleep (Politically speaking) until next Election Cycle (MidTerms 2026, or worse until Election 2028 next Presidential cycle). In fact you need be as involved, in some respects more involved, in the supposed “off” Election years because that is the time so much can happen, so much needs to start happening like recruiting and preparing NEW Candidates for the next Election cycle. You want rid of CINOs and RINOs? Off-year’s are the times need working to prepare get them ousted in PRIMARY – sitting on Couch and only re-awakening to pay attention a few months before a/any General Election is WAY TOO LATE.
VIDEO (4m 43s): Blessed Because I Got Fight (Team Fearless):
I’ve discussed before – need to be a Party Delegate… Something I post on social-media over and over is…
Ah, the UniParty thing again
the rhetoric of the LAZY DO NOTHINGS
but, hey, you be lazy, just WHINE from the cheap seats, while those of us that are REAL CONSERVATIVES do things that actually matter toward making a difference.
CTP S1E18 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Oct 21 2023 and thereafter) at:
ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E18) “Odds and Ends”
Show aka: BASSAKWARDS, as the show opens with a Guest (J.J.Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders …. the UNI-PARTY cop-out of/for/by the lazy discussion
I am here to deal with people with Brains, logic/reason, and ACTUALLY DO THINGS AND WORK NOT JUST WHINE!
[image source:]
VIDEO (6m 46s): Never Surrender (Triumph):
From “Only Thing Required Evil Prevail….” TLB 12/17/2022 piece….
Only thing required for Evil to prevail…
All That Is Required for Evil to Prevail Is for Good Peoples to Do Nothing!
It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote. Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered (in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!
All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.
If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick….
When are you going to stop watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly by until there is no bread in the “Bread and Circus” equation?
I know, I know, YOU ARE TOO BUSY…
[I'm betting if this is NOT YOU (because you're already involved, finding at least some time here and there) then YOU likely know someone that needs to hear/see/read this message?!?!? Please cut/paste the link from the Browser address bar into and email to send to them or send it @ them on one of the Social Media Platforms] ARE YOU WAITING UNTIL THEY ARE TREADING, this next time may be too late!
VIDEO (5m 05s): Don’t Tread On Me (Damn Yankees):
You are busy raising a family, well your Children will not have the American Dream if you do not get off your hind-side and help ensure it will still be here for them when they grow up – rather than nothing but dystopian nightmare if FASCICRATS (and far too many RINO enablers) continue us down the road (eve) of destruction!
How about the Movie, ‘ey? Great! Yup, you just spent what? 90 minutes (and how much for tickets and concessions if you did so at the Theater) on something that provided a brief respite of distraction that will not really have real impact on your life during which time you could have instead done something productive to make America great again. Yes, yes, yes, I do indeed still watch an occasional movie too, we need a break from time-to-time, but I’m addressing those here that spend all their time in fantasy and none in dealing with reality.
Continued – see: “Only Thing Required Evil Prevail….”
VIDEO (3m 25s): Fight Song (Rachel Platten):
Yes, as I’ve written before “Occasional Breaks and Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy” BUT you cannot go back to sitting around 24h x 365d consumed by “Bread And Circus” distractions and deflections – so you do not SEE what they are DOING TO YOU while you go back to Sleep Politically.
[images (above and below) source: TheLibertyBeacon]
As I get older and older, slower and slower (physically), I cannot get out and about to dinners, events, rallies, etc… like I used to – so these writings become more and more important to be able to reach out to others; as well as my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast and my Internationally available books. Find what you can do, how you can do it; maybe you too can publish books, see my “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” which takes you from concept to published to promotion; or Podcast via my “Podcasting: Quick-Start Guide” (low-key, low-cost, start then build from there) book; but DO SOMETHING and again NOT just wait until a few months out before an Election but as often as possible.
VIDEO (4m 26s): Stronger (Kanye West):
[As Kanye calls on Her, we too, call on you (really ALL, Women, Men, standing up), metaphorically different (of course) than this song - WE THE PEOPLE all “need you right now” to be STRONGER, ACT, FIGHT. As in the song concludes “NEVER OVER” and as outlined in Triumph tune before “NEVER SURRENDER!”]
The following has ZERO to do with this piece per se’ but only in loose sense of NO YOU CANNOT GIVE UP cuz THE LEFTARDS are so BrainWashed they cannot Stop their StupidLINK – EVER. Even at Comedy Shows:
VIDEO (18m 25s): Comedians DESTROYING Woke Hecklers:
[also, more on “Top Comedians Who MASTERFULLY Handle Woke Hecklers” and while I do not abide COLLECTIVISM, we are all Individuals and “Content Of Character” of each Individual matters the next Comic clearly has “issues” with MUCH (not all, that would be Broad-Brush painting) Younger Generations of late: “Boomer Triggers Gen-Z Snowflakes. Brad Upton”]
very, Very, VERY, ROUGH-DRAFT (as of Wed. Nov. 6 2024) version… See the finished piece on/at TLB Sat. Dec. 14th (for final draft, and all related images/videos there-in)…
[ Dec 14 2024 – 900 words, 4 images, 4 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E78 ]
No you CAN NOT REST (part 2)…
First Published on BeforeItsNews (“Once again… Activist Courts allowing Left to ignore THE LAW…. SCOTUS must step in…”) before the Nov 5 Election – so, yes, the tenses (past, present, future) may be a bit “off” or wonky… I jammed packed, sometimes several (up to 4) things a day over on B4IN; reacting sometimes hourly to Phone-Call inquiries or Reports of more MAD AS HELL fuel pouring in; cramming in stuff before Election but not time to squeeze them all in here my usual once, Saturday’s, a week fare but still valid points post-Election. NOW the Fight, Fight, Fight, has to begin IN EARNEST for Mid-Terms 2026 and need to improve MAGA-Republican margins in U. S. House and U. S. Senate (need 60+ Filibuster-proof) and even #Vance2028.
[exclusive B4IN insert: USSenate flips to GOP (hopefully though the margin of control still grows, more Results still to come-in; margin matters as Filibuster will remain and we need as many GOP to potentially be able get a couple #CommieFasciSocies blend DUMBocrats cross-over on occasion to break Filibuster, if any of them want KEEP THEIR JOB in close/Purple seats for/in 2026)]
[image source: Supreme Court Of United States]
From my Social-Media postings… expounded upon further…
Breaking-News (dateline: Fri. Oct. 25th 2024): Not likely to really be News to many, but indeed acknowledgement of HERE WE GO AGAIN….
Newsmax “Judge stops removal of Non-Citizens from VA Voter-Rolls”
[Youngkin, of course, to “Appeal” (as of today, this Draft started, Fri. Oct. 25th) but frankly not expecting any real update, as suspect the usual dodge, delay, deflect, distract, distort, etc., from Left to try push past Election; and then try get forgotten so they can pull same BS next Cycle.]
DESPITE the #FACT that the #MotorVoterLaw SIGNED INTO #LAW BY #BILLCLINTON “REQUIRES” (not “suggests” not “you may” but “YOU SHALL”) REMOVE #Voters improperly placed on #VoterRoll (#QVF) of/at/in ANY/ALL STATES! That is any/all NOT QUALIFIED TO #VOTE IN ANY LOCALE FOR ANY REASON THEY DO NOT QUALIFY (including Deceased, Moved, ILLEGAL, Fictional name/address, etc.)….
Motor-Voter ALLOWS (for convenience) people who moved, or USCitizens coming of Age, etc./whatever, to be ALLOWED (not automatically, and with PROOF OF CITIZEN OR OTHER VOTER ELIGIBILITY) to Register to Vote while at DMV. And, of course, we all know, can all see the Reports, despite LEFTIST ATTEMPTS AT DENIAL, in Blue Cities especially in Red States, REGISTERING ALL TO VOTE whether Person requests OR NOT for such — VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
VIDEO (3m 49s): I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore! Speech from Network (1976):
SERIOUSLY, do you have NO MEMORY AT ALL or just Leftist propagandist (or perhaps TOO LAZY to bother stay active as WE THE PEOPLE are the one’s supposed to be in-charge, and MUST KEEP ON PRESSURE when the bright-lights may not be shining on this or whatever)…. That we go through this in many States EVERY ELECTION CYCLE!! And AMAZING the Challenge always come just WEEKS BEFORE ELECTION and LIBERAL ACTIVIST JUDGE (knowing will be over-turned, doesn’t matter; just purposefully, willfully, malice aforethought, push and delay over-turn until AFTER THE ELECTION so that they then can and do) ORDER REVERSE AND RESTORATION of the QVF and all those IMPROPER NAMES THERE-ON!!! So Emergency Appeal and escalation through other Courts STALLED, DELAYED, as they only ever care to GET PAST THE CURRENT ELECTION….
Then, of course, RINSE/REPEAT in all the Battle-Ground (where the Vote COULD BE CLOSE) States EVERY ELECTION to assure names exist to be able TO CHEAT WITH where they cannot SELL the manure they peddle and honestly WIN without games. And then the Election passes and SCOTUS never, ever, bothers to get around to it to deal with it FULLY AND FINALLY so it can, will, does, happen again (again, EVERY ELECTION CYCLE). WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO LET THIS STUFF GO ON every two years – YOU DO NOT get to go back to SLEEP on Nov. 6 but must begin anew at pushing what MUST GET DONE between Election Days (related: /opinion-conservative/2024/09/no-you-can-not-rest-3703504.html).
[image: U.S. Constitution meme representation]
But, as always, The Left made that DEAL to get #Republican BIPARTISANSHIP despite the CLEAR WARNINGS of how LEFT ALWAYS LIES and indeed as always The Left gets what they want and those parts they do not like —- they know (like here/now, ever since #Clinton as #POTUS) they can, will, go to LIBERAL ACTIVIST COURTS to demand HALT of that LEGAL/PROPER CONSTITUTIONAL DEMAND of that Law cleaning of QVF. Just like their opposing #VoterID, there is ONLY ONE REASON to have those CANNOT LEGALLY VOTE be Removed, THAT IS CUZ THEY KNOW THEY NEED THEM TO CHEAT!
And over and over while #GOP trying pass SAVE (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility act) Left cries that ALREADY ILLEGAL FOR X, Y, Z, to Vote so WHY do we need a NEW LAW! Well, duh, now you know – can’t play STUPID anymore.
VIDEO (2m 09s): SAVE Act: House passes GOP bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote (The National Desk):
Some TOO STUPID to ever Learn from History and Left LIES and LEGAL POSTURING to ignore LAWS (or portions there-of) they don’t like. Just like when Reagan made partial AMNESTY deal with Tip O’Neil. The Left KNEW they would Rush the #AMNESTY and ignore and never FUND (via Spending Bills) portion of that LAW that REQUIRED more funding of BORDER SECURITY!!! #WakeTheHellUp #StopBeingSuckers
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]
NOT MY FIRST TIME talking about WE THE PEOPLE not keeping Active and our Foot on the Gas about GETTING STUFF TO SCOTUS (and/or whatever other THINGS WE MUST DO)…. IF YOU ignore these issues, you Surprised others (esp. our Lazy Govt, they are only interested in things they want to ADD ON ILLEGALLY never really ADDRESS OR FIX THINGS THEY BROKE or are willfully VIOLATING LAW) will just IGNORE THEM once the immediate Heat is off and they hope you’ll just forget and go away (and sadly TOO MANY OF YOU JUST DO THAT, let them Win, go back to SLEEP go back to LAZINESS and COMPLACENCY (Bread and Circus) as if Voting every 2 years IS ENOUGH to KEEP OUR REPUBLIC)???
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]
WHEN, if ever, are you gonna (ala NETWORK movie style) GET MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE?!?!? Or SHINEDOWN style “When you gonna wake-up and FIGHT – FOR YOURSELF?!?!?”
VIDEO (4m 14s): Shinedown – Sound Of Madness (Official Video) [HD]:
[When you gonna wake-up and Fight! For Yourself?!?!?]
Original “Once again… Activist Courts allowing Left to ignore THE LAW…. SCOTUS must step in…” piece has different video and some other additional B4IN site exclusive content and additional related materials cross-references links. Part 1 of this piece released on TLB Sat. Nov. 9th.
VIDEO (24m 34s): CTP (S1E46, 20240504) “[with Left] Issue, Never Issue” BTS/SP Video:
If my people.. PRAY.. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS.. hear.. heal land..
that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will, Freedom), Charitable (from/with own Blood and Treasure), lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
more in my 2 CTP #books (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( ) #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) dropped Oct. 2nd; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in)
This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…
LEFT is NOT PROGRESSIVE, they are REGRESSIVE (ever moving toward more TOP DOWN AUTHORITY over all, they way it was before introduction of Free Individual Rights based Republics (which, of course, just cuz a Nation calls itself a Republic and has a Constitution does NOT make it that, plenty #CommieFasciSocies “Republics” Constitutions outlines Govt Controls over People vs USA Protections of Individual GOD GIVEN RIGHTS of the People and limitations of the Government))
Left always trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.
Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.
irrefutable #FACTS in:
also related:
who back when Federalists indeed pushing for more Federal-centralized authority/power, but nothing like today’s full-on Fasci-Federalists
Like 1980/1984
(unlike #Reagan yrs, #MAGA coat-tails, all down-ballot, fill Congress w/ MAGA movers assure agenda can be passed Legislatively – were SOME Democrats willing to work w/ Reagan there are exactly ZERO #FASCICRATS today will work w/ #POTUS47)…
CTP S1E36 NOTES ( listen (Feb 24 2024 and after) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics “The Lessons of Reagan (originator of the MAGA phrase 45 also uses) on today’s Politics”
Comparisons betw. Reagan & Trump were inevitable as Trump had re-used one of Reagan’s phrases “Make America Great Again” (as did the Clinton/Gore Campaign, but no cries of Racism then despite them also using Confederate Flag on Clinton/Gore buttons). Time to look at today, re-examine what happened then, similarities and differences.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for addl info inc. bonus: “A Republic If You Can Keep It”
(DO NOT BE SHOCKED if The Left and GOOGLE managed to get several of these SCRUBBED FROM THE NET already – can go to IA/WBM to find them then!)
(where it all ramped up: (EF2020D pt2)
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Like what you’ve read? If you are a BeforeItsNews member, please click RECOMMEND CONTRIBUTOR and also RECOMMEND STORY, and if you’re not yet Registered with B4IN please consider doing so in order to be able to give me RECOMMENDATION clicks as well as I REALLY WANT YOU TO COMMENT on my pieces (and you gotta be Registered here on B4IN to do that)!!!
RELATED/RECENT (Nov. (so far) and some Sept./Oct. 2024; many Election related pieces will be stripped (well, they’ll exist, just no longer cross-referenced in-general in this sub-section going forward) and go back to items not only/fully related to such following Nov. 5 drops going forward; other from me) B4IN PIECES:
Remember Contract With America? Well Here Is the started the We the People (post-election) Demand List | Opinion – Conservative | Nov 09
No You CAN NOT REST (part 3, B4IN exclusive)… WE THE PEOPLE have more work to do and pressure to apply…. | Republican | Nov 06
Trump Win, USHouse still in Question but leaning-R, USSenate flips to GOP, can we now ROAR (Restore Our American Republic)?!?!? | U. S. Politics | Nov 06
Nov 5 2024 before 10aET the Election Shenanigans began ALREADY…. | Opinion – Conservative | Nov 05
Life, Kids, Animation, Cartoons, Books, Sports, with Devon Taylor…. | Family-Parenting (Cross-Posted from Sports) | Nov 04
Devon Taylor – Life, Kids, Books, AND SPORTS…. | Sports | Nov 04
Music: DPB: Bringing GRACE and LOVE back to RAP…. | Entertainment | Nov 04
Music: Robert Ross “Better With Time” (Wisdom, with Age) and more discussion… | Entertainment | Nov 04
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws… Issues… Questions… via my own Personal ongoing experience… | The Law | Nov 03
Water-Cooler discussions still happening? Some certainly trying to CENSOR some from Speaking other places…. | Watercooler Topics | Oct 31
Endless FAKE ADS from Left for #Election2024 are Hilarious…. | Opinion | Oct 29
How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)…. | Awakening? Start Here | Oct 28
Is it premature to shift the Betting Odds POTUS Race? USHouse control? USSenate control? ALL in GOP favor/column! | U. S. Politics | Oct 28
Is it premature to start talking who should all be in Trump / Vance Cabinet?!?!? | Republican | Oct 28
Halloween and the 2024 Election… | Economics and Politics | Oct 28
OK, OK, OK, trying HARD not to LOL til my sides hurt on latest Social-Media suspension supposed reason(s)… | Media | Oct 26
MicroSoft (aka: MajorSUCK) Windows 11 endless problems…. | Science and Technology | Oct 26
Once again Smoke billows up across Iran, Iraq, and Syria.. and I stand by my B4IN post 3 years ago… | Middle East | Oct 25
Once again… Activist Courts allowing Left to ignore THE LAW…. SCOTUS must step in… | The Law | Oct 25
When I mess up, I want to acknowledge such and apologize… | Opinion - Conservative | Oct 25
Frank Tull joined for Conversation – bottom-line: M. Jackson: starting with the MAN IN THE MIRROR… | African American News | Oct 24
USA documents say: WE THE PEOPLE – so Frank Tull rightly asks: WHO really then is BLAME?!?!? | Politics | Oct 24
Government Regulations and Automobiles… Yes, ties to NWO/WEF/etc…. | New World Order | Oct 22
Are there Aliens? Not the Open-Border kind, the ET kind? | Paranormal | Oct 22
Just cuz Science makes it Possible, doesn’t mean it’s practical or even a Good idea…. | Beyond Science | Oct 22
PR about – Child Trafficking – a certain PR outlet REFUSED to distribute… Guess they are FINE with Abused Children… | Press Releases | Oct 21
CTP: Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Christian News | Oct 21
Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Press Releases | Oct 21
Fight or Flight…. NO, there is at least one other option…. | Survival | Oct 21
God and Trump (Richard Lynch) and Left Cancel Culture desperation | Republican | Oct 20
Again (yes AGAIN) The Left / Democrats DENY GOD! | Christian News | Oct 19
The Profits (of The Left) behind MURDERING BLACK CHILDREN…. | African American News | Oct 19
Abortion – the PROFIT MOTIVE side…. | Economics and Politics | Oct 19
FLASHBACK: A Republic If You Can Keep It (and 3 bonus other materials here-in) | U. S. Politics | Oct 18
[Live from New York it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [not LIVE, in Theaters now]… | Movies | Oct 17
Applause to and for The KAMALunist for her first HONEST actions during this 2024 Election cycle… | Letters to the Editor | Oct 17
Power and Control – the bottom-line all things Left in USA doing toward/for Globalism… Attacks on Internet related…. | New World Order | Oct 15
The Internet – additional moves to DESTROY the History on it, and gain Control/Power over all of it… | Science and Technology | Oct 15
The moves of The Left to SHUTDOWN Speech and Erase History…. | Police State | Oct 15
Internet Archives HACKED and still down…. WHY? Ask WHO wants SPEECH SQUELCHED/CENSORED and History Erased? | Conspiracy Theories | Oct 15
Civil War (in USA) redux??? Already in COLD Civil War… might it turn HOT?!?! | War and Conflict | Oct 14
Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!? | Opinion | Oct 14
Video Platforms…. | Resources | Oct 14
Faith… Politics… Election 2024 based Reporting/Discussions…. | Media | Oct 14
Ignorance Vs STUPIDity… difference… | Education | Oct 13
The continuing FIASCO in MI-GOP and sadly likely some of the Other INSIDERS CONTROLLED States…. | Republican | Oct 08
FBI “claims” foiled an upcoming Terror Plot for Election 2024 day… Can, could, should, we believe them?!?!? | War on Terror | Oct 08
End really Nigh? Are you Fighting for Good or just complicit via inaction in the Evil??? [with Special Guest: Christopher Armstrong Stevenson] | Religion | Oct 02
VP Debate follow-up [updated] | U. S. Politics | Oct 02
The VP Debate should have a very simple strategy from JDVance… [updated] | Republican | Sep 30
HILARIOUS, if not so serious, LIES, DEFLECTION, PROJECTION, from The Leftists…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 29
Random thoughts… Highlights from this weekend’s (so far) social-media posts… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 28
No you CAN NOT REST…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 27
World War III inevitable?!?!? | War and Conflict | Sep 27
International Taxation issues (finding that Sweet-Spot, too low ineffective, too high backfire) | International | Sep 25
Bill Clinton (then) vs Mark Robinson (now) – thought Adult Sex matters didn’t matter (lets do necessary comparison)… | Media | Sep 25
How is it that Criminals are like the new CELEBRITY CLASS and feel ENTITLED to getting CRAZY REQUESTS fulfilled… | Crime All-Stars | Sep 25
So sad gotta say it: IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID! No, really, if talking anything else (‘cept maybe 20M Illegals flood) is #StrategicallySTUPID… | Economy | Sep 24
Brett Favre testifying about FRAUD before Congress? Let’s discuss (that and more)… | The Law | Sep 24
EXCLUSIVE share to and with my fellow Christians here on BeforeItsNews… | Christian News | Sep 23
Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter – All Lives have Value/Meaning) | African American News | Sep 21
Micro vs Macro | Green Living | Sep 21
Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!? | Iran | Sep 19
Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination…. | Economics and Politics | Sep 18
Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic | U. S. Politics | Sep 17
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too… | U. S. Politics | Sep 16
SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution…. | The Law | Sep 16
Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now… | Movies | Sep 14
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner… | Canada | Sep 14
Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be.. | Healthcare | Sep 13
Do NOT be like Leftist Snowflakes… | Republican | Sep 13
Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!? | Conspiracy Theories | Sep 13
OK, seriously, let’s examine the Cat, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, Eating in the Room…. NO, seriously look at…. | Immigration | Sep 13
Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics…. | Health | Sep 12
UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate…. | Media | Sep 12
Last Night’s Debate…. (and Somber Remembrance of 9/11)… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 11
Are you going to let them play FUN WITH NUMBERS spin/games? Or you really checking the Math??? | Personal Finance | Sep 10
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?! | Economics and Politics | Sep 10
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET…. | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again – 2024 | 9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2…. | Politics | Sep 07
School Shootings… TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers… | The Law | Sep 05
Books: Fantasy Fare | Books | Sep 03
Here are some pieces from me over on TheLibertyBeacon…
Some additional random TLB IMAGES (and these are FAR from all items I’ve dropped at TLB) from pieces over on TLB (reminder, after 1 yr B4IN moves pieces to Archives and images get stripped, so after 1 year they will no longer be visible here) most of which correspond/conjunction with a CTP episode (care to bet CLUELESS err… I mean… ANONYMOUS knows what NORTON V SHELBY is let-alone a damn thing about that or any number of the other things I’ve delved into over last few years on/with/via B4IN and TLB):
TLB images section end
ALL of my TheLibertyBeacon pieces:
Here is a recent piece ABOUT ME rather than FROM ME:
Hey gang,
I am PROUD to be Affiliated with: Blackout #Coffee Co.
NEWS: Better than usual PROMO-CODE DISCOUNT…
Oct 24th – 31st – #Halloween Sale: 20% off
JLD B4IN pieces:
JLD TLB pieces:
Joseph M Lenard books:
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!! You know you know some that need THE BAT UPSIDE THE HEAD to get this to sink in — just subtly, let me be the bad-guy and call them out, pass this along to those you know NEED THE HINT!!
The Country Club Insider Elite RINO version of GOP is now officially over/down/dead. Oh sure, some will fake and feign being part of the RENEWED (not NEW, RENEWED, return to Conservative, ChristiTutionalist, Platform, Founding Fathers REPUBLICan, Party we once were/was and now are again… They will try FAKE their way through, but we know who they are and they will one-by-one be WIDDLED OUT as we can never again let the CINO/RINO Class control the GOP. The greatest coalition of ALL CLASSES, ALL SKIN-TONES, ALL BACKGROUNDS, ALL FAITHS/RELIGIONS, Business Owner Class as well as Working Class, and while Left likes peddle DIVERSITY we are the BIG TENT MOST DIVERSE COALITION for AMERICA FIRST (not America only, or America Alone) SUPER-PARTY — IF we all STAY ACTIVE; if there is any doubt remaining after getting through all this THAT THE POINT!!!! DIVERSITY, in REAL SENSE, not The Left WOKEtard moronic twisting of it is not a dirty-word nor bad thing (just is in The WOKE DEI bullshit (we called in MI “DIE” cuz it is about Killing Westerb Culture, long before Chris Salcedo picked up on using it at/with NEWSMAX) Cultural-Marxist sense).
semi-related (DEI/WOKE Leftardism manure): and /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
LASTLY, to close things out… The absolute LATEST CTP episode drop (early today, Wed. Nov. 6th 2024)….
CTP S2ENovSpecial1 30m 54s before audio editing
CTP S2EOctSpecial8 NOTES ( listen (Wed Nov 6 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2ENovSpecial1) Better with Time w/ Robert Ross
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
Better with Time w/ Robert Ross overall theme. But specifically discuss with Robert (Canadian, or as I joke: Canuckian, and originally Australian) Singer/Songwriter Family Values tune: Mamma’s Song! And, as well, tune-in to find out what all the following have to do w/ this episode: Vern Gosdin, David Allan Coe, Freddy Fender, Conway Twitty, and George Jones.
[ Addl. Copyright material here-in, Used With Permission ]
Transcript Bonus: “Music, Tv, Politics; and yes some more on Movies too” TheLibertyBeacon piece
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece for this Wed. Nov. 6 Show/episode (TLB pieces will resume Sat. Nov. 9 ”No You CAN NOT REST (part 1)” piece for CTP S1E73 Show)
- Current Press-Releases regarding this Artists (and past ones, see future one’s as they drop) at:
- /entertainment/2024/11/music-robert-ross-better-with-time-wisdom-with-age-and-more-discussion-2680924.html (for how/why too Michael Jackson and Rick Springfield apply)
- /christian-news/2024/10/again-yes-again-the-left-democrats-deny-god-2623745.html
- /press-releases/2024/10/christian-based-bible-full-context-voting-biblically-monologues-plus-people-of-faith-guests-3834420.html
- Initial/early BTS/SP Video (of this S2ENovSpecial1 episode):
- Later BTS Video on/via (you may already be seeing this instead already on/at) BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube too
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
[ Some CTP episodes contain additional/separate Copyright materials, Used With Permission ]
- CTP:
- CTP long-form description:
- episodes digests direct:
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)
- CTP Official playlist:
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard – ( /
(S2ENovSpecial1 Audio: 30m 22s Wed Nov 6 2024)
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from October 1st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 8 – S2EOctSpecial2: All Lives Matter?
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 15 – S2EOctSpecial4: Sum Of Many People’s Fears: Civil War 2.0
October 17 – S2EOctSpecial5: Preserve America Now
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 22: S2EOctSpecial6: Singer/Songwriter Eddy “You Da” Mann
October 24: S2EOctSpecial7: God and Trump (w/ R. Lynch)
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
November 9 – S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST
November 16 – S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [not LIVE, in Theaters]
November 23 – S2E75: Abortion – Profit Motive side
November 30 – S2E76: Government Regulations and Automobiles
December 7 – S2E77: Fight… Flight… other option…
December 14 – S2E78: No You CAN NOT REST (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
as well as can be found on/at: BitChute and Brighteon
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
THU. NOV. 9th 2024 UPDATE:
HEY GANG… SO WORN OUT with all Election stuff & IT AIN’T OVER,
not referring to JUST that morons in AZ and CA are slowing things down, dragging out; MI is still a JOKE too, but at least got it done in 48 hours rather than 48 days; UNABLE OR UNWILLING do their Jobs matters not THEY MUST BE FIRED – like DeSantis cleaned Miami/Dade and THEY got all FL results done/in before MIDNIGHT. NO MORE EXCUSES!!! USHouse and USSenate numbers STILL IN QUESTION (due to AZ and CA).
But I mean BEYOND THAT – my TLB piece this w/e (Sat 9th) about:
YOU DO NOT get to go back to Sleep.
NOTHING IS FINISHED, just a different Phase and we need BEGIN on/for 2026 IMMEDIATELY!!!
The Left, EVIL, never Sleeps, we must not either if we’re to thwart that EVIL.
more in…
BTS/SP Video of me doing SAVAGED UNFILTERED minus Savaged…
“Jokester Joe hijacks the Savaged Army” (my feed is unedited/uncut RAW feed):
Fri. Nov. 8 2024 12:15 UPDATE….
Not now, there are still #USHouse and #USSenate Races OUT TO CALL!!!
We must watch them like HAWKS! We still must #StopTheSteal attempts!!!!
more in…
No You CAN NOT REST (part 3, B4IN exclusive)… #WETHEPEOPLE have more work to do and pressure to apply….
[Plus, weigh-in on my growing #WeThePeopleDEMANDlist of #GOP Leadership these next 2 years and before the #MidTerms2026 could REVERSE GAINS this Year]
#Republican | Nov 06 2024
And, yep, while the next few #SavagedUnfiltered Shows started off under #JOKE concept of “#JOKEstreJOE hijacks The #SavagedArmy” all kinds of very, Very, VERY, serious #Election2024 topics covered there-in…..
[note, there are a couple seconds of black-screen and silence at start, so do not be surprised or "concerned" something wrong with #Video or your Equipment]
#DailyMotion view:
#Rumble view:
#YouTube view:
Just came from #Movie #Theater
Now, must make clear that is a PARTIAL RATING, Why….
I left after about 30 minutes in. I thought it slow/boring…
…. NOW, HAVING SAID THAT, I dare say this is an IMPORTANT #FILM
something 20,30,40 year olds need see lacking #History and need understanding HORRORS OF #WAR this and other #movies like it can deliver!!!
related items….
/movies/2024/09/gods-not-dead-in-god-we-trust-5th-in-the-franchiseseries-2440497.html (fleeting thought then, now clearly LOST OPPORTUNITY)
Movies throughout the Ages:
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