Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws... Issues... Questions... via my own Personal ongoing experience...
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws… [#YouTube fiasco] Issues… Questions… via my own Personal ongoing experience (if you have any YouSUCK… err… YouCENSOR… err… YouTube ”stories” to tell please feel free to PILE ON via the Comments/Replies section here-on)… Plus I have reached-out to several I have talked with (Recorded Singers/Songwriters (and their PR guy) for past or future CTP episode drops/releases); and a few others “deal with Music on a Show” and if you’re a regular Listener of CTP you likely know who I am talking about, as I talk about my Friends at WAAMradio all the time; not sure if any of them will want chime-in, but thought I’d reach out regarding this (as “effects” them, to very little degree, IF YouCENSOR demands their episodes be pulled from the Channel (though will still be up as BTS/SP on BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble)).
Hi-D…. Yep, cutting myself off/short right there…. This piece, rather that Video that will be embedded here-in, or via the written (albeit, not perfect translation) Transcript… I have a COPYRIGHT issue, rather question, rather/really SITUATION THEY REFUSE TO PROPERLY ADDRESS/ACKNOWLEDGE, that YouTube has put me in the middle of, IMO very improperly and un-necessarily (THEY REFUSE TO ALLOW ME COMMUNICATE WITH THEM ABOUT)….
Yes, and apologies in advance, as if you’re a regular reader of me here on B4IN you know I have “issues” with folks that just use B4IN as a DUMPING GROUND for them to just cut/paste a Video and pretend it “an Article” like B4IN is for/about (the written word) since inception….
AT ANY RATE…. I do from time-to-time make an Exception to my own disdain for those folks that do that and do a bit of a CHEAT myself and this will be one of those times…. HOWEVER, unlike those others; that just create a DRIVE-BY POT-SHOT posting of only their Video they hope you were CLICK-BAITED by their Headline into surfing into; I at least provide TRANSCRIPT of the Video (or CTP Show episode) for those who indeed only interested in READING ARTICLES on B4IN (I used to write for/at RedState, but you can see me too over on TheLibertyBeacon) for you/them to be able to Read instead of only option (those other DARN CHEATERS offer) to click the Video embed feed.
One last aside, then we’ll get to it… I try to make things USABLE to/for the widest potential Audience – my CTP Show offers BTS/SP Video (which started this whole dust-up) versions (BitChute, Brighten, just recently started drops on/with DailyMotion (just recently joined there, so BTS/SP Videos of/for CTP only since Mid-October 2024), Rumble (ALL my Videos; including the (mostly older) one’s (further down the catalog, going back many, many, many, years) YouCENSOR had “issues” with and I had to pull to assure I could keep my Channel there; they do not CENSOR), YouTube, and “occasionally” some Episode snippets (Video form) on/at Vimeo) to go along with my Audio versions (across 20+ Podcast Platforms); though this one a VIDEO ONLY/EXCLUSIVE (well, not true now, as I am providing this here on B4IN now for you my B4IN Friends, but indeed will not appear on any of my normal Audio only Platforms as an “Official” CTP Show)… I know, and talk about, INDIVIDUALISM (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities or Collectivism as a whole), and that means some will prefer things in Writing, some in Audio, some Video. I want, try, to give OPTIONS (as until Elon gets more BRAIN IMPLANTS into folks, no ability to directly d/l into others’ Brains YET)!!!!
Now, what I am really here to present….
#PREMIER NOW (Sun. 11/3 Afternoon)….
CTP S2ENovVideoOnlyExclusive 31m 35s…
CTP 20241103 S2ENovVideoExclusive episode: The ongoing YOUTUBE “Copyright” concerns/issues/questions… The, as far as I know, and IMO, mis-identification of some Music, and therefore upload to YT issues (but not always, only some times, which to me is TELLING, NOT cut/dry or it would FLAG/TAG it every time) and their demand that I allow “them” to alter my content… Other Copyright related items include, but not limited to (obviously, lots of Lawsuits over the ages about such “infringement” questions Courts then have to Rule on)… If you’re a listener/viewer of Sean Hannity you know the Eric Church “Outsiders” tune as Hannity uses (I would “HOPE” with permission or officially) Licensed during his Broadcasts. Many Thanks to Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED) and “Shakey” of Savaged Unfiltered for creation of the “, 3 of my books, #PrinciplesNotPersonalities” background, and other related Savaged Unfiltered images) used often during his Show Records that I at time CoHost with him for that background image and Used With Permission. “Stomping Rock Four Shots” Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License (but, no, do not actually USE it, this time, in this Vid-Excl, to try avoid any INCORRECT YOUTUBE TRIGGER when it is uploaded to them and my YouTube @JLenardDetroit Channel (and I do have more “Subscribers” there than the other Video Platforms, at least for now)).
Episode related pieces…
- (original/1st discussion on topic) CTP 20241019 YouTube Video EXCLUSIVE about YT caused issue w/ my Show only at YT [UPDATE]:
- This online at BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble (, YouTube (, JLenardDetroit channels.
- (tribute to my Dad, his Band; and how/why I was introduced to Copyright Laws (he had to File Lawsuit on that regard back in 1980′s) and the like.)
- I discussed “It’s A Wonderful Life” movie with Hodgepod: (well, actually, mention IAWL many times, many places/shows (including my own CTP Show) but that one is dedicated to just IAWL
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP:
- CTP long-form description:
- TLB articles:
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:
- CTP Official Coffee: (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist:
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard –
( /
(S1EJunSpecial4 Audio: 32m 37s, Wed Jun 26 2024)
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from November 2) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
[Lots recent/previous ELECTION RELATED Guest appearance CTP Shows from Oct]
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
November 9 – S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST
November 16 – S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no not LVE, in Theaters]
November 23 – S2E75: Abortion: The Profit Motive Side
November 30 – S2E76: Government Regulations and Automobiles
December 7 – S2E77: Fight… Flight… at least one other (Fade?) option
December 14 – S2E78: No you CAN NOT REST (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video versions of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
Some other CENSORship items…
Water-Cooler discussions still happening? Some certainly trying to CENSOR some from Speaking other places…. | Watercooler Topics | Oct 31
Internet Archives HACKED and still down…. WHY? Ask WHO wants SPEECH SQUELCHED/CENSORED and History Erased? | Conspiracy Theories | Oct 15
Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!? | Opinion | Oct 14
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP may have connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example):
Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.
Transcription Services below from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
[NORMAL ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VIDEO-EXCLUSIVE EPISODE]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
Hi-dee-…. yes I cut myself short those of you who grew up watching a certain cartoon
know what I was eluding to their Heidi and I would follow it by gang but I’m
self-sensoring because this show is a follow-up to the YouTube issues still
ongoing and copyright trademark issues in general figured I should talk to you
again about if you recall from the original which will be mentioned in the
notes description here linked to that you could go back and check it out but
what was happening is I licensed through Pixabay Alex Grohl stomping rock four
shots a little snippet and if you’re a newsmax viewer you can hear that also
in the background on some newsmax related things now I would guess but you
know what they say about assumptions right making an assumption there that
they also properly licensed it for use on the TV I mean they got tons of bucks I
sure don’t I they better have been licensing it or they’re in copyright
infringement trouble but the issue here is you may have noted before and a couple
of my videos may have sections that have been altered or muted out entirely
because someone is claiming that I am violating their copyright well let me
back this up when you upload to YouTube as I explained before it goes through a
copyright check the problem here is that YouTube is apparently misidentifying
the song I am using in my show I’ve added to the intro and the outro so that
you know as I say no must no fuss high production stuff will come later
well that was something very simple I could do to update and enhance the show
at least a little bit okay make it a little more like the regular more high
production shows with the underlying music to back all the stuff they’ve got
going on I’m not getting into all that high production stuff anytime soon one
because I can’t afford it I’m on disability but the point of this is that
YouTube claims that the Alex Grohl song at least part is somebody else’s song
and no I’m not even going to bother to mention what they think it is and who
they think it is but the issue here is as I’ve said before you cannot get a
hold of YouTube and their notices they send are from an email that you can’t
reply to and they don’t even care that their system is misidentifying I can’t
get a hold of anyone to let them know all they do is then send my dispute to
the person they believe their copyright is in violation of and then it is up to
that person who either release any claim or continue claiming that their product
has been violated well indeed it happened again the other day it seems
like four out of every five episodes now I upload perfectly fine the exact same
intro and outro with zero claim of copyright problem at all but that’s this
one one out of five at least so far in the pattern they claim this person’s
song soon whatever I assume it’s instrumental like Alex Grohl’s stomping
rock four shots is but that they claim belongs to him and I may be infringing
his copyright and therefore they send it to him to deal with and his response
apparently so far has been he refused to release any claim so I’m resorting to
this and I know something about copyright and trademark because of course
you see the little TM there ChristiTutionalist is trademark now that’s an important point
you can trademark a word or a short phrase you cannot copyright it now obviously I am concerned about copyright and I don’t like the notion of any infringement where actual infringement may be as you can see I toggled my background right my I got a point the reverse video so which way if I got a point here okay as you can see obviously as author of books I am indeed concerned about copyright law and trademark trademark law and any potential infringements because of course and you can see I change the
the background back because of course I have my own copyrights to be concerned
about protecting my own trademark to be concerned about protecting but also my
father Thaddeus M Lenard Jr. aka Ted Lenard Jr. creator of Ted Lenard Jr. and the
polka kings I would include one of his songs at the end of this but as you can
see I’m tentative about doing anything for fear of YouTube being triggered with
another false flagging of a copyright but getting to the point here others of
course have been involved with this the courts have been involved in the past
regarding copyright versus trademark and whether something’s covered or not Taylor
Swift currently involved in all kinds of lawsuits I could share my screen and a
story or two regarding it but you know I don’t even want to get into the fair
use law and the court inconsistencies on upholding that or not to show you the
papers there is a Reddit article currently of course the Swifties making a big deal
of Swift being sued and claiming that others are targeting her just because of
her success to this what I apologize I have to camp down my green screen there
see the little flakiness going on there and now the corners messed up okay yeah
it’s just gonna be one of those days at any rate Taylor Swift let me take a
drink here first ah there we drive very dry a little behind the scenes TMI yeah just plain pure water because yeah the dentist stop drinking pop okay I’m drinking water okay
at any rate yeah Swift is being sued by various people well before Swift and
her shake song looks I tell I’m gonna say you know what I’m talking about
there’s players you know haters you know while there was an Eric
Church song before Swift’s song that has the same line players haters regulators
Eric Church the outsiders you could check it out for yourself so he was sued
and I had trouble finding that article today to find the resolution but if I
recall correctly when I looked this up before because I was curious it was the
first I heard of a group called 3LW who have a song called players gone not
gonna gone apostrophe right players gone you know the other word well Eric
Church was sued by them for the players haters that is in the three or like
thereof similarity in the three LW players gone song and if I recall
correctly they were smacked down and said no because you did not trademark that
phrase it is just part of a song and you did not trademark the title of the
album under copyright you can’t claim permanent control over that sub phrase
of the song also the courts have dealt with an aside snippets of music right you
may recall who was it oh I don’t remember the guy who did steal away was
temporarily sued but then they withdrew the suit I believe if I’m correct again
you can look these things up if you want to research further there do be not do
be brothers Mcdonald Michael McDonald right because he steal away sounds
exactly like something else that Michael McDonald did I don’t remember this the
tune I’m sorry but you could probably Google steal away lawsuit and it’ll come
up or steal away dispute so a couple bars of the song has generally been upheld
here and there as you know you copyright the whole thing you you can’t copyright
notes right I can’t record a tune that the whole thing is the c-chord and
copyright it and then try to sue everyone else on the planet that uses the c-chord
going forward because I copyright the song and then maybe trademark the title
and whatnot that’s not how it works it can’t work that way or obviously that
would be going on there would be no more music you if you had to invent your own
new chords each and every time you did a new song so that’s copyright ish in a
nutshell and how the courts have been acting and I mentioned my dad the polka
king’s he indeed at one time sued someone regarding copyright infringement and
won his case that’s a whole other story not worth going into but the point being
I’ve been there I’ve lived it I know about these things I understand it and
the differentiations and distinctions that the courts sometimes go back and
force on and you would think it said law for the most part but not always so swift
and her song Eric Church and his song 3LW who I’d never heard of before and my
apologies to Eric Church because when I I used to say the outsiders was Charlie
Daniels band because I don’t know it might be only one or does that song him
singing it especially that chorus sound to you like Charlie Daniels and yet
the the the estate of Charlie Daniels isn’t trying to sue Eric Church for sounding
like him violating his sound his copyright his trademark on his voice again
don’t work that way but there is a reddit piece I will link to that in the
description and Starbucks 0304 again this is that person don’t know that
person don’t whatever says Puff-Daddy and notorious B.I.G. coined the phrase in 1997
before all the others now I don’t know the legitimacy of that claim the point
being here is also they go on to say in 2010 the urban dictionary listed it as
a common phrase which makes it public domain if indeed that were to be upheld
as it indeed a common phrase like Lady Gaga cannot be sued over her or as I
call her jokingly Lady Gagme because yes now I’m not a fan but poker face is a
brilliant tune now can she be sued by some gambler family from the 1800s who
may have originally first used the term poker face no because it’s not trademark
you can’t copyright that but that isn’t stopping others of course since Taylor Swift
has very deep pockets from suing her over this phrase that’s been used by like a
dozen different people in some way shape or form gone apostrophe or gluna and play
player play us different variations on that theme but I said all that I apologize
I was gonna drink again I’m very dry this morning
I said all that to finally get to this point and I apologize it’s taken 18
minutes to actually get into the follow-up point YouTube claiming that I might be
using a bar or two of somebody’s song and sending that to the person who claims
they own that bar or two but the dispute isn’t with me I licensed it if if there
is any similarity between that person’s song and the song that I have legally
licensed for use his dispute is not with me it is with the person who’s tuned I
licensed I didn’t write it I didn’t record it I’m not claiming ownership of
it I’m not infringing their copyright if there is any that’s for a court to
decide that is for that person to sue the other person in court over whether
these few bars constitute an infringement or not and I can’t even give you my
opinion on it because I’ve not heard the other person’s tune and I don’t intend
to listen to the other person’s tune I don’t care that is again between them
and them not me and not even YouTube though YouTube keeps inserting itself
improperly in this and refuses to deal with any of it they just pass it along
to that person a who claims an infringement where they’re in my opinion
as I have licensed the song and I’ve told them over and over and over again
this is who my license it from this is the song this is what’s in there if you
have a complaint you need to file it with Alex Grohl and settle that and then
if there’s an issue the court must decide but yeah back to copyright trademark in
general you you’ve all seen right the TV ads there’s the C in the circle for
copyright there’s the R in the circle for registered usually means trademark
also the TEM like you use if I could get that pointing right again I think it’s
reverse screen so I’m all thrown off here on the video a trademark as I have
trademarked ChristiTutionalist see it all the time a past food chains ah whatever
whatever whatever trademark or are registered we registered this phrase you
can’t use it in your ads because we’ve got it trademark okay all right I hope
that I’ve explained this enough and yes I am whining moaning and complaining because I am in the middle of all this now when I should not be the complaint is not
with should not be with cannot be with in my opinion me if there is any question
of copyright infringement I didn’t write it I didn’t record it I licensed the use
thereof your complaint is with the person who claims it’s their song that I’m using
that you claim at least part of may or may not have been stolen from you and
again that’s for a court to decide it’s not for YouTube to be meddling with and
censoring and editing my videos now I have taken a few steps to cut trim just a
hair here and there to hopefully get it past the copyright check from now on and
not trigger this but supposed violation once every five videos again once every
five videos if if I were using a minute and a half of somebody’s song I would
indeed expect that YouTube would could should properly identify the correct
song on the issue of who indeed has the copyright over it but in my opinion
again I’m using a song that I got licensed via pixabay from someone claiming
copyright of it and I am using with permission under license but yet YouTube
keeps triggering and saying it so-and-so’s song or part of his song you know the
longer the sample the more accurate it would be of course now if why I think it’s
an issue of one or two bars is because as I said four of five times there’s no
copyright trigger so it’s inconsistent it’s not even noticing four of five times or
80% of the time only 20% of the time it thinks the AI misidentifies in my opinion
that there might be a violation and all this hassle I am now going through and why I’m here explaining it to you and if you’re still here with me 24 minutes in on this rant and wraith but you know I put up behind the scenes sneak peek videos it would be the only reason you’re probably watching this video to find out what’s going on indeed with those BTS SP videos again four out of five times of late since I’ve made the adjustment to update the intro and outro with some background music to try and make the show a little more professional quality while I’m not going overboard as I said I have no interest in all the high flute and high production fancy fancy stuff this is just me from my living or my you know I lift up the green script yeah there’s my ugly couch with I’m not a hoarder but I am a slob and there’s stuff all over it and I use the green screen because it’s quick it’s cheap it’s easy and a very basic background image is the word I’m looking for background image to overlay over it and you know I since my books I
go on other shows to discuss my books I also go on other shows to discuss politics I will be with Rick Walker the night of the election on Maverick news if you want to tune in on that or tune in for that election night coverage over the night of the election Tuesday November 5th 2024 so the dating they’re just in case of somebody’s watching this at some odd time later so I’m on other shows so I do the quick green screen that hey I bought from Michaels you know the the home craft people this is just green material that works as a green screen because I’m on disability don’t have money to throw around so rather than buying a professional green screen I went to Michaels and bought some green material that I’m using I have to cut corners part of the no-mus no-fuss just me you and an educational guest but yeah now I’m dropping guests every Wednesday not along on Saturdays so at any rate let’s wrap this up I think I’ve
rambled enough check the description for that reddit article and the link to the other youtube video I think I’ll probably even link uh or make a reference to Eric Church’s The Outsiders because everybody knows the Swift song that’s involved in all this they may not know the Eric Church song and then also you can look up 3LW again I’ve never heard of them before and I’m sorry I I don’t mean that as a disrespect to you it’s just I just didn’t happen to ever hear of you or that album or that song that became issue to sue Eric Church over and now others all kinds of people suing Taylor Swift uh I don’t know if 3LW is indeed one of the ones if anyone has a claim it would be 3LW again or if indeed let me check my note again uh star buck 0304 I’ve not done the research on this I’ve not dug any deeper down the rabbit hole if that person is correct that of daddy and notorious b i g in 97 we’re the first to do it and to be honest I doubt it I’m sure if you dig hard enough and deep enough you can find somebody somewhere that said it
the 4 1997 creative people can come up with sometimes similar things
it is then up to the courts to decide whether enough of something has been used to potentially imprint somebody else’s copyright and you can look up copyright infringement cases and you’ll
probably see umpteen million different versions of articles on such over the years ever since the beginning of music there’s copyright copyright do expire the law was changed to make the copyright last longer you have to renew it and there’s also things that enter public domain like it’s a wonderful life copyright there had Turner colorized it and you see his version over and over or it’s also why you see it’s a wonderful life every Christmas the copyright had expired on it and that renewed so it is now in the public domain and anyone can show it without need to license the plane thereof so I apologize for going 30 minutes as I have but you know me rabbit holes open and indeed I want to be detailed it’s like the issues with my the liberty articles at times I keep getting yelled at you know we really only want 800 to 1200 word count
and mine on average are like 1500 word count sometimes 2000 word count because I believe in actually giving you the details now I’ve given you only snippets of details that you can now further research but I want to give you the facts as they lie and like a real journalist kind of presenting both sides here of that copyright dispute and the ongoing other disputes to let you decide whether you want to do deeper on these things and you decide who is in the right or the wrong if anybody in those cases of copyright questions okay thank you all I’m gonna actually stop rambling now because my mouth is so dry again I gotta go get another bottle of water thank you all for tuning into this especially if indeed you have made it to the end here thank you all as I said this is me I’m me I’m not pretending to be anybody else except well I’m savaged and filter as jokes to Joe and the shock caster the term I created also that Michael Gardner savaged and filtered uses you know makes a shock a shock jock right well these are the days of podcasters so I invented shock caster and indeed Michael has a licensed shirt that he shows themselves about us being a shock caster so yeah I kind of put on a different hat on my show Christian show obviously I try to keep things toned down a bit there I’m my other kind of part personality comes out and yeah I get a little more rude a little more crude and shocking at times and that’s the point right that’s a different show though thank you all take care god bless
[NORMAL ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VIDEO-EXCLUSIVE EPISODE]
Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless
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Transcription Services above from:
BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: TheLibertyBeacon “How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1 of 2)” [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]
[ Oct 12 2024 – 1,700 words, 4 images, 4 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E69 ]
How Stupid Have Americans Become? (part 1 of 2)
Yes, we are ALL ignorant of that which we had yet not studied to learn about – however, we’re talking those who PREFER DELUSION – self-imposed state of STUPIDITY! With Election 2024 under a month away; some early-Voting going on now many States; seriously have to ask the article title question and more-so when done – WHAT are you/me/we going to do in these last few days to reach those DELUSIONAL people (far too many inDUHpendents that are often easily fooled by Left lies and useful-idiots to/for The Left (inDUHpendents refuse to take a firm side of preserving our Republic (being a REAL REPUBLICan – not support MOBocracy, INEPTocracy, CLEPTocracy, Fascicrats/Left and CINOs/RINOs created) or with those destroying it))?!?!?
Seriously, I am indeed HONESTLY begging the Answer to the Question: How Stupid (or dumbed-down, or indoctrinated) Have Americans Become? We will have our Answer following the Tuesday November 5th 2024 Elections!! I will incorporate some previous TLB pieces of mine you may have missed, or forgotten, as part of pointing out the #ENEMEdia trying to shape opinion (to aid/abet #FASCICRATS) rather than cover News (and engage in push-polls) and the Nations true beliefs!
Repeating, of course, the same debunked SPIN/LIES like the Charlottesville distortion (Trump said THREE TIMES that “Fine People” did NOT apply to KKK, Neo-Nazi’s, etc.), Russian Collusion (version 300), the “inject Bleach” idiocy (he was talking new-Medicine lasers that can clean-blood like a Bleach can clean/disinfect Clothes (rather than need hook someone to a dialysis machine to withdraw and scrub the Blood then pump back into the Body), the “Project 2025” lie when Trump has said over and over and it is (all laid out) on his website how Trump-47 is his platform (and the 20+ bullet-point items outlined; while Harris/Walz website does not have a “Policies” or “Platform” page at all – not one mentioned/referenced there-on).
More lies like: the Trump is threat to Democracy (when #FASCICRATS are the one with a Candidate that did not Win an actual Presidential Primary (2020 nor 2024, not even 1 States’ Party Delegates, either of those Election cycles) as their Elitists of Party hand-picked nominee as “The Democrat Party” is not Democratic in the least and of course we are a Constitutionally limited-FedGov Republic, the Dobbs decision and Trump’s States Rights position on Abortion Laws, lie after lie about the Legislation they passed before GOP took control of U.S.House (Biden let the secret out in Sep. that Inflation Reduction Act was a Green Scam Money Laundering Bill as is case with all Leftist Bill names FRAUD), try coerce innocent people through weaponization of FBI, CIA, DOJ, more, to pressure Conservatives to cop to false pleas under threat of going after their Family or Friends or that they will just Bankrupt them tied up in Courts through Lawfare, and on and on and on distortions.
Lie, after Lie, after Lie, about Trump Tax Cuts (that were across-the-board, everyone benefited) and Fascicrats have been blocking in U.S.Senate to make PERMANENT (meaning, Fascicrats will cause your (everyone’s) Taxes to increase by default when the “temporary” Tax Cuts expire (only way GOP could get them through U.S.Senate, avoid Filibuster in Trump’s first term). And LIES that Kamala wants a TAX CUT (when, as just said, THEY BY ACTIONS (or inaction) WILL CAUSE YOUR TAXES TO GO UP) plus she already promises several Corporate and Investments Tax Increases (which will DESTROY everyone’s Retirement Accounts funds)!!! And Kackles hilarious co-opting of Trump’s OPPORTUNITY ZONES (created with help of Tim Scott in U.S.Senate, that created Economic Booms in Urban Centers all across America that were dying) claiming she will create a “Opportunity Economy” (want real “Opportunity and Growth and Flourishing Economy? – Vote #TrumpVance2024).
The Left lies about Health-Care – they do not want Medicare-For-All, they want MediCAID-For-All. Fact is Medicare is a paid-into Entitlement MediCaid IS NOT and would be open for/to all (Citizen or not, anyone with a foot in USA gets it) which will immediately destroy and bankrupt the MediCare system and Cloward-And-Piven style desire BANKRUPT ALL AMERICA! We told you, obaMAOcare was only ever the first step toward eliminating the most effective (saves most Lives per capita of its Citizens) Private Health-Care System in ALL THE PLANET.
VIDEO (4m 46s): Alice Cooper (featuring Ozzy Osbourne) – Hey Stoopid (Official Alice Cooper YouTUBE channel):
[Lyric(s) from Song, All Rights Reserved to/by “Official channel” linked above --- Yes, yes, “you know, I know” he is singing about ‘Drug pushers and that dependency’ but it works both ‘figuratively’ and ‘metaphorically’ with ‘Power/Control agenda Government hand-outs dependency peddlers Politicians too’ ‘come on and scream’ --- “hey, hey, hey, hey… hey stooped… [if] they Win [not just] you [we all] Lose”]
The Ultra-Far-Left that controls the Fascicrats Party can never, ever, Ever, EVER, tell the truth because on and issue-by-issue basis their actual goals lose in the arena of ideas. They always predicate everything they will say to soften their lies by creating STRAWMAN (false-narratives, distortions, SPIN) arguments (like I spoke to about the DUMBocrats / demoKKKrats / Fascicrats / CommieFasciSocies Convention with Rick Walker of Maverick News Canada (which can be seen via (B4IN piece) “DNC – Please Stop, My Sides Hurt From Laughing at All Your BS. Lies, Hypocrisy, SPIN, etc…” and YouTUBE Vid “Maverick News – DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up” (and related “Maverick News: RFK Jr. endorses Trump” discussion))) about what we on The Right stand-for, call-for, have done and/or actually say we will/would do if granted full-control of White-House, House of Representatives, the U. S. Senate, and sufficient numbers of actual Constitutional originalist Justices (from low-courts, Appeals, and SCOTUS levels).
And the ridiculous morons when Trump says (over and over) he wants (the traditional, every POTUS Election cycles) THREE DEBATES and #GroundHogHarris (only comes out of cage for fake Weather forecasts (metaphorically speaking) to do only Parrot TelePrompter (no substance) Speech (where only the Bus-stop location name changes) and one Friendly fake Dana Bash Interview, with #AWALZ by her side to coddle her) as they cannot let her have a Pressor or field MSM Questions or a Word-Salad will spew (like the disaster her Spice-Store visit, trying to match the many Trump impromptu visits into McDonalds’, Donut-Shops, etc., Kam crash-and-burn again epic failure). Meanwhile, Trump has held countless Pressors and take-all-questions events/interviews. But, the Leftard talking-point is that “Trump is trying to get out of the ONE DEBATE” that was priorly agreed upon. It is like they get a daily morning Memory-wipe and download of new manure Delusion devoid of any/all recent Reality.
How many fellow Americans fallen to the READ AND CIRCUS? Distracted by all around them that Politicians prefer you stay focused on – that way you are not paying attention to what they are DOING TO YOU (erosion of your Rights, until possible then/when too late to #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic)).
[from TLB “Bread and Circus”]
Bread and Circus…
[ Feb. 17 2024 – 1,500 words (800+700Bonus), 2 images, 3 videos conjunction with ChristiTutionalist TM Politics S1E35 ]
It is NICE to finally see some people discover this after forever, so let’s review we’re we’ve at TLB (not just me) touched upon this; a few times actually, and not just with/on TheLibertyBeacon but BeforeItsNews and even RedState/Townhall before this; but of late run across more folks that have no clue about what it is having come from the Roman days – keep the #MASSHOLES (Masses of Asses, you rubes, you dweebs, you Peasants) belly full enough and distracted so-as “comfortable enough” to ignore the Tyranny and be complacent and NOT REVOLT!
[continues at TLB “Bread and Circus” and see/hear too “Bread and Circus (redux)” CTP S1E41]
VIDEO (4m 06s): Disturbed – Open Your Eyes (Official Lyric Video) (Official DISTURBED YouTUBE channel):
[Lyric(s) from Song, All Rights Reserved to/by “Official channel” linked above --- “you [Leftists] feed on the lies they tell you – you do as the [false] headlines compel you – are you afraid to be, exposed to the Demons around you?”]
Yes, as DISTURBED talks about “compelled by the lies they tell you” and the false headlines to drive you; while other stories are suppressed to keep you in the dark to the “Left Wing Violence continues” (another of my TLB pieces) stories (like in image below). I previously mentioned “Push-Polls” to shape outcome of Election, not honestly Report “state of our Nation” (see: “Can We Trust Polling”).
[image source: GAB/Danco1830]
As The Left (often Soros backed) DA’s and Prosecutors let out actual Criminals with long Records to offend again – often then escalate to Killing (and often in the name of KILLING – Murder of Babies in the Womb continuance). Meanwhile Pro-Lifers are targeted by Leftist Deep-State DOJ and locked away for Praying outside Planned-Slaughterhood Murder-factories. And the ‘Rush to the microphone after EVERY SHOOTING (except the Trump Assasination attempt)’ to try peddle Anti-Constitutional Gun-confiscation agenda.
[image source: GAB/OneDayALion]
Seriously, we are all ignorant of some things – not choosing to know makes one STUPID!
“Never before in the course of Human history [via online sources] has humanity had such easy access to facts and truth readily available at their finger-tips. Sadly, too, conversely, never before prolific access to falsehoods they can engage in confirmation-bias to feed delusions and preferred narratives. Many preferring lies.” (ME) Joseph M. Lenard (former IT guy, from my CTP2 book Quotations chapter)
[image source: TurningPointUSA]
“THE LEFT – They don’t know and they don’t want to know cuz they know enough that if they really knew their feewings based delusional bubble would burst!” (ME) Joseph M Lenard
Lastly, most that read me here on TLB know: the articles I drop here on Saturday’s or in conjunction with (implied above, stated now implicitly if you didn’t catch) of/for/with CTP Saturday (normally “monologue” episodes drops) but too now I do almost every Wednesday “Guest appearances” drops: more on that at: “2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview” for review.
[image source: created by Joseph M Lenard using to go along with an older RedState/TownHall piece from 2009]
VIDEO (24m 49s): CTP S2ESepVideoExclusive (not to be released as an Audio version episode) Do You Love & Appreciate God In Good Times Too Or Just In Times Of Need:
Take Care and hope/may GOD BLESS you all. See you again next week.
How Stupid Have Americans Become – part 2
will drop Sat. Nov. 2nd 2024 – just in time for last Election-2024 influence push.
Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…
• How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – Oct. 12th [this piece]
• Micro vs Macro – Oct. 19th
• RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? – Oct. 26th
• How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2) – Nov. 2nd
[ feel free to reach-out to me via ]
VIDEO (1h 03m 55s): CTP S2E69 How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1):
[NOTE: The CTP associated (usually corresponding/corelating episode VERY DIFFERENT than this article and worth watching. Includes snippets on Language Use/Abuse, Trump vs The #KAMALunist Debate, the VP Debate, Abortion, RoeVWade and RGB admissions about it, God and Guns (quasi-part-4), the Cats/Dogs controversy in Springfield Ohio, and more.]
BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: TheLibertyBeacon “How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1 of 2)” [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]
Transcription Services above from: ( is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
Earl, won’t give his last name (not sure he’d want me too, not worth asking permission, first name will do) reached out via, presumably (guessing) cuz he may not have a B4IN Account (and maybe doesn’t want to sign-up just to respond to this particular piece, so it is not in this piece’s Comment/Replies section and I thought worthy of sharing, and certainly so I could RESPOND) said: “I talked to you too they said as long as you say the work is not yours and mentioned who it is you should have no trouble!“
First, if you indeed ACTUALLY WAS ABLE TO SPEAK WITH SOMEONE, want that Phone number?!?!? Cuz they never, EVER, give me even a chance to REPLY TO THEIR AUTO-GENERATED MESSAGE informing me they are HANDING OFF ANY/ALL THINGS IN REGARD TO THIS MATTER to the “supposed” Copyright holder of what “THEY THINK” is with-in, BUT IS NOT! And exactly why YOU-TUBE created THIS PROBLEM/SITUATION (with FAULTY A/I processing) but REFUSE TO DEAL WITH THEIR (not the other guys) ISSUE!
Response to your actual comment: Well, actually, NO, not what they (YouSUCK crew) said in the OFFICIAL DISPUTE EMAIL (no-reply, unmonitored email box, they just IGNORE any VALID, like I have, response to that box) that I got (sorry, didn’t save it, so cannot cut/paste it in, to provide their EXACT wording so therefore PARA-PHRASE notice)…
DENOTING USE there-in a “description” (or even Video Title) DOES NOT dismiss any potential YouCENSOR attempts at FLAGGING ITEMS in their “Copyright Check” function. But, again, IF there REALLY WAS a Copyright infringement their System SHOULD (I bet WOULD) FLAG EVERY TIME but it does NOT!!!!! Like I say in Video, only seems to THINK IT FINDS AN ISSUE ONLY 80% OF THE TIME!
THEIR (automated AI check-) SYSTEM SUCKS AND IS INSUFFICIENT AT THE JOB IT DOES. Either it should be TRIGGERING EVERY FUCKING TIME (as it is same INTRO/OUTRO (with underlying Alex Grohl tune) I have been using the last few weeks (but, yes, now, as I said in Video, I have made a few fraction seconds cuts here and there in hopes it will avoid any future OCCASIONAL IMPROPER FLAGGINGS))! SO – IT IS A FAILURE, either it is TRIGGERING when shouldn’t (AS I CONTEND) or it SHOULD TRIGGER EVERY TIME!!!! PERIOD!!!
SHIT SYSTEM!!!! And NOT COINCIDENTALLY already did prior episode on A/I: CTP S1E37 SHOW NOTES
ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E37) “AI” (Copyright/Legal, Ethical/Moral, etc., questions)
[I was NOT anticipating THIS exact and distinct trouble/problem, however, regardless, frankly STILL AHEAD OF MY TIME on these issues that some have and more will ARISE (yes, SkyNet (Terminator) pun intended, and for those that think COMPUTERS TAKING OVER FOR MANKIND to enforce its [AI] Will on us all does not recall THE FORBIN PROJECT: COLLASUS movie fore-runner to any/all AI/Terminator concept films).]
And, again, ZERO OPTION to respond via Email or Phone, guess next only option is YELP review??? Might THAT get their fucking attention?!?!? But, of course, then they would likely just do the usual FAKE “You Violated TOS” and “We have SHUT-DOWN your Account” which also would have ZERO ABILITY TO APPEAL just out of Spite. I have had the THREATS already before, had to pull a few Videos in order to “KEEP MY CHANNEL” and those can be seen still on RUMBLE with ZERO CENSORSHIP there going on!!!!
From my #SocialMedia I just (Sun. Nov. 3 21:25ET) posted….
LOL, we all thought #YouCENSOR was ridiculous with items they WHINE ABOUT and FORCE TO BE TAKEN DOWN!!! Well, Video (that is embedded in the following Article: beforeitsnews . com/the-law/2024/11/copyright-trademark-other-content-laws-issues-questions-via-my-own-personal-ongoing-experience-2459421.html ), that even #YouCENSOR (at least, so far, but why I embedded the version on/at/from Rumble) does NOT (and we thought they were the most RIDICULOUS) have problem with (at least not yet) #DAILYMOTION just sent me an email that the version I u/l to their Site ( ) WAS PULLED. Yes, of course, I have FILED AND APPEAL but if they are even WORSE than #YouCENSOR (as it sure now seems, I’ve only been on there about a month uploading recent pieces) then I do not expect ANY REAL SERIOUS CONSIDERATION about it being reinstated to my Channel. #Disgusted at all this #CENSORship all over – now has me Questioning WHO OWNS/OPERATES #DailyMotion – #FascistBook? or perhaps even #YouTube as they (maybe???? Speculation! What-IF!) are owned by #Alphabet (#GOOGLE, which owns #YouTUBE – I THINK, pretty sure, if I heard it correctly about IT gobble-ups; like Bank Mergers moving for/toward MONOPOLY control of at least certain Regional controls; with Internet it is EVERYWHERE of course if they gain even Quasi-Monopoly control by owning many places, different names, but really ONE OVERALL/OVER-RIDING CONTROL STRUCTURE). If this doesn’t get RESTORED (on appeal) there I will have to seriously consider LEAVING ENTIRELY (they don’t have much traffic, so no real Loss, and if they are going to give me HASSLES now no sensee in bothering with them when BitChute, Brighteon, and Rumble, DO NOT complain unless there is SOMETHING BLATANT/NON-DISPUTABLE at issue; like someone posting a FULL MOVIE clearly under current Copyright they would NOT very likely have any LICENSE for displaying) and then GUESS WHAT – THEY will be a future #BeforeItsNews #CENSORSHIP piece (but some of these places don’t seem to give a shit if they get constant negative press for shenanigans (not sure how you think you’ll get and keep Contributors and/or Users that way)))!!!!!
OK, UPDATE TO THE UPDATE NEEDED – in Fairness…. As I said I have NOT been on their site long, just really still “learning the Rules” over there. I NOW AM THINKING, as I got another email about a COMMENT being rejected — NOW possibly I understand the issue. I commented about that Video now being in THIS ARTICLE and link to this B4IN piece. NOW, they CORRELATE/CORRESPOND with each other. The very Comment (and now that I think about it, same text was added to bottom of description) says CORRELATES/CORRESPONDS with the DAILYMOTION VIDEO the comment is on (but, I guess, I get it, they do not want people there mainly/only dropping Videos with sole intent and purpose to try PULL PEOPLE AWAY FROM THEIR PLATFORM (when in reality THE VIDEO implies A COMPLIMENT to them/Site for NOT hassling me like YouTube, called out in the Video, then they go and do this. It again IMPLIES, not explicitly/literally says there-in, how much better DAILYMOTION was/is, at least til now, than YouCENSOR)).
They get a FREE MENTION (Free Ad, more or less, and B4IN does not WHINE about that occurring) so my point being is they CROSS-REFERENCE EACH OTHER (if they’d bother to actually READ what is SAID). BUT, OK, I get it, maybe we are NOT allowed to post to OFF-SITE. BUT NOW AS I TYPE THIS that doesn’t make sense cuz EVERY VIDEO that I post I link (in description RELATED LINKS to the CTP episode) and NONE HAVE BEEN FLAGGED, SENT WARNING ABOUT, NOR REMOVED!!!! And, that is my point here now: WHY DID I NOT GET A “WARNING” ABOUT POTENTIAL VIOLATION AND OPPORTUNITY TO FIX THE ISSUE?!?!?! And, again, WHY has NONE OF THAT been an issue before THIS PARTICULAR VIDEO?!?!!? HOPEFULLY, we they likely just REJECT my Appeal will be able to further interact about it “Appeal the Appeal, with even further info than included in original Appeal!” ?!?!?!?
Again, Hey, WHY THE HELL wouldn’t they have, couldn’t they have, THEY SHOULD HAVE, temporarily changed the Video to PRIVATE with demand I make “whatever” changes to make it compliant to/with their TOS! Nope, NO WARNING, not even once, never any issues/warnings before, just straight to ASSUME I INTENDED TO TRY TO BE “DECEPTIVE?” (their word, in their email) IN SOME WAY?!?!?!?
Now, again, another “TO BE FAIR” Comment. I do not know how long they have been operating, and not gonna bother to look. SO, if indeed they haven’t been operating long or have new crew or was TAKEOVER like Elon of Twitter (now X, and don’t get me started about being SUSPENDED THERE after Elon took over and there refusal to entertain any Appeal if ONLY they would TELL ME WHY it is that I am SUSPENDED there (maybe cuz Elon doesn’t like the Reality of all the Govt. Subsidies (direct, or indirect) that aided his building Tesla and Space-X and help build his fortune that he now wants Conservatives to forget as he works with Trump (if he is in Charge of a Committee to CUT SPENDING IN GOVERENMENT, wanna bet any Subsidies that aid/help him won’t happen to come up?!?!?))) and there is a lot of OLD CODE (AI bull still doing things they may not know, may not want, but again WILL NOT KNOW any of this UNLESS MY APPEAL actually gets a REAL FUCKING PERSON to look at it, have a Brain, be willing to have a back-and-forth about what happened or didn’t and THAT I SHOULD BE GIVEN chance to rectify “any” potential TOS violation (as it is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to keep straight all these different Sites’ TOS’ differences)!!!!
OK, an update to the update of the last/this update, LOL, Mon. 11/4 09:30ET! (Hey, let’s keep our sense of Humor and ability to add some FUN (even with lame humor) when/where we have opportunity… but seriously now) Wanted to note that DailyMotion has RESTORED the Video but altered the description. That is OK, HOWEVER they did not (at least yet, not sure how long it has been Restored there, just got up this AM and checked and it is back there and therefore could have been put back up 7 hours ago or 7 minutes ago. I mention that, as I have yet to get any email acknowledgement (again, maybe happened 7 seconds before I checked, and them just not had chance to generate the email) that my Appeal was “accepted” and the item Restored/Reinstated/UnVanished/etc…..
Yep, another sub-update (this one Mon. Nov. 4) to the ongoing saga now with DailyMotion too (as well as YouCENSOR Site):
Well it has been 2 hours since I discovered the “Copyright Laws, Issues, Questions” Video reinstated/restored to my Channel on their site AND STILL NO FOLLOW-UP FROM THEM via email. I used to work in IT for a Major Retailer, so I am sadly aware that many companies/organizations (sadly even more-so, online operations, where a Customer is NOT RIGHT THERE in any Physical Store or your HQ to ask/demand some SATISFACTION to any issue they have) try do CUSTOMER SERVICE on the cheap! Clearly, this another case of such – their Customer Service SUCKS but at least for now (we’ll see how things shake over the month of Nov with them) will keep using them for exposure (IF there is indeed any real exposure to glean there, doesn’t seem to be much traffic there, at least not yet – but, hey, we all start off at ZERO and have to build from that/there). Hey, just tellin’ it like it is! REALITY isn’t always NICE!
An IN/FOR FULL DISCLOSURE share (Good, Bad, Ugly, ALL POTENTIAL ANGLES, you know like JOURNALISTS used to do for Newspapers, Radio, and TV)….
Also from my #SocialMedia (several, not all, Platforms, but…) this particular SHARE from GAB ( as I happened to ADD a bit over the same basic Post made elsewhere (Sun. Nov. 3 22:00-ish ET):
[#DailyMotion issues now, the ongoing #X / #Elon saga (only a #FreeSpeech that Elon allows, no criticizing him*, you'll be banned there), response to Earl that reached out on regarding the Questions raised there-in the piece, and more]
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws… Issues… Questions… via my own Personal ongoing experience…
Sunday, November 3, 2024 13:42
beforeitsnews . com/the-law/2024/11/copyright-trademark-other-content-laws-issues-questions-via-my-own-personal-ongoing-experience-2459421.html
* Hey, I’ve had a couple ISSUES here-and-there regarding THIS SITE, and ALL HERE are HAPPY to assure this remains a FREE SPEECH Site and any “minor Questions” about issues regarding TOS addressed (cuz, hey, Reality!!!!! All Sites have to have some sort of TOS and things that WILL NOT BE ALLOWED; Standards and Practices, that still exist (but very lax from decades ago) regarding Fed. Govt. FCC and TV Station content.
I am VERY PROUD to have been some of the original Users (by invite only) to Help get GAB on its feet and FULLY BETA TESTED and allowed them to also “understand” potential SCALING ISSUES they might have over time (heading them off). AND, AS EVERYWHERE, WE HAVE THE #BLOCK BUTTON for those who we may not want to ever see their sh…stuff again!!!!! Answer to Speech is MORE SPEECH (refutation of Troll MORONS with Facts/Truth/Reality, like Elon really smartly adding COMMUNITY NOTES over there rather than FAKE FACT CHECKERS) and indeed last-resort #BLOCKING of complete utter jackasses that can, and never will, ever DEAL IN #REALITY!
Mon. Nov. 4 11:55ET update:
I would like to say we’ll know something more regarding the YouCENSOR situation tomorrow when it will be time to drop another CTP BTS/SP Video of episode will drop everywhere Audio format on Wednesday tomorrow/Tuesday and see IF YouSUCK triggers another COPYRIGHT CONCERN bogus prompt. As I’ve said, it doesn’t HIT every time even thought the INTRO/OUTRO had exact same underlying LICENSED Music… And I didn’t say, need add, it seemed to HIT on the OUTRO but not the INTRO (as they tell you the “about timeframe” in the Video they are whining about and that always fell in the OUTRO of Show range. THEREFORE, the RETARDS think the Music is JUST FINE AND OK and not an issue in the first minute of the episode BUT NOT that back-end EXACT SAME FUCKING UNDERLYING TRACK (under Outro talk-over)?!?!? That makes the situation even more RETARDED and their A/I interface checking such EVEN MORE SHIT THAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED here by me!!!
So sad Reality is – will not know for MONTHS as it was already HIT AND MISS, but I have altered again the INTRO/OUTRO to cut very minor parts where there was no Voice-Over and therefore modifying the underlying Music track (just a bit, fractions of seconds) in hopes it will then be “different” enough to never again Trigger YouSUCK’s AI. But, again, since HIT/MISS, may take at least a month or two of uploads to see if that little tweak works or not. AND, now hope that Alex Grohl doesn’t have a FIT about alteration of the Music (but, frankly, UNLESS I TOLD YOU, as I have here, it is likely UNNOTICABLE to those listening (as the Music is at 25% Volume to act as underlying fill to/for the INTRO/OUTRO sections, just to dress-up the Production a bit). This has been A PAIN IN THE ASS enough already, I sure do not want to have to completely re-record the Intro and Outro due to only YouSUCK (as not having ANY of these issues on the other 4 Platforms EXACT SAME DAMN CONTENT was/is being put up on also)!!!! I could, would, change it to use an ORIGINAL Recording/Music Instrumental from me written/recorded (title: Rainy Night) IF ONLY was able to find the damn Tape it is on – back then we didn’t have all it DIGITIZED (on Analog Tapes, or Vinyl if officially released on 33 or 45) and if I can ever find that darn Tape I will import it into Computer (none of my pieces ever were digitized, but some of my Dad’s Band stuff was, as Radio Stations (Terrestrial and online) still Play some of his/their Music) for future use/share (cuz I really liked that short little instrumental that had Rain falling and Train Whistle sounding in background for mood/effect)!!!
RELATED/RECENT (Nov. (so far) and some Sept./Oct. 2024; many Election related pieces will be stripped (well, they’ll exist, just no longer cross-referenced in-general in this sub-section going forward) and go back to items not only/fully related to such following Nov. 5 drops going forward; other from me) B4IN PIECES:
Music: Robert Ross “Better With Time” (Wisdom, with Age) and more discussion… | Entertainment | Nov 04
Copyright, Trademark, other content Laws… Issues… Questions… via my own Personal ongoing experience… | The Law | Nov 03
Water-Cooler discussions still happening? Some certainly trying to CENSOR some from Speaking other places…. | Watercooler Topics | Oct 31
Endless FAKE ADS from Left for #Election2024 are Hilarious…. | Opinion | Oct 29
How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)…. | Awakening? Start Here | Oct 28
Is it premature to shift the Betting Odds POTUS Race? USHouse control? USSenate control? ALL in GOP favor/column! | U. S. Politics | Oct 28
Is it premature to start talking who should all be in Trump / Vance Cabinet?!?!? | Republican | Oct 28
Halloween and the 2024 Election… | Economics and Politics | Oct 28
OK, OK, OK, trying HARD not to LOL til my sides hurt on latest Social-Media suspension supposed reason(s)… | Media | Oct 26
MicroSoft (aka: MajorSUCK) Windows 11 endless problems…. | Science and Technology | Oct 26
Once again Smoke billows up across Iran, Iraq, and Syria.. and I stand by my B4IN post 3 years ago… | Middle East | Oct 25
Once again… Activist Courts allowing Left to ignore THE LAW…. SCOTUS must step in… | The Law | Oct 25
When I mess up, I want to acknowledge such and apologize… | Opinion - Conservative | Oct 25
Frank Tull joined for Conversation – bottom-line: M. Jackson: starting with the MAN IN THE MIRROR… | African American News | Oct 24
USA documents say: WE THE PEOPLE – so Frank Tull rightly asks: WHO really then is BLAME?!?!? | Politics | Oct 24
Government Regulations and Automobiles… Yes, ties to NWO/WEF/etc…. | New World Order | Oct 22
Are there Aliens? Not the Open-Border kind, the ET kind? | Paranormal | Oct 22
Just cuz Science makes it Possible, doesn’t mean it’s practical or even a Good idea…. | Beyond Science | Oct 22
PR about – Child Trafficking – a certain PR outlet REFUSED to distribute… Guess they are FINE with Abused Children… | Press Releases | Oct 21
CTP: Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Christian News | Oct 21
Christian based (Bible, Full-Context, Voting Biblically) Monologues plus People of Faith Guests… | Press Releases | Oct 21
Fight or Flight…. NO, there is at least one other option…. | Survival | Oct 21
God and Trump (Richard Lynch) and Left Cancel Culture desperation | Republican | Oct 20
Again (yes AGAIN) The Left / Democrats DENY GOD! | Christian News | Oct 19
The Profits (of The Left) behind MURDERING BLACK CHILDREN…. | African American News | Oct 19
Abortion – the PROFIT MOTIVE side…. | Economics and Politics | Oct 19
FLASHBACK: A Republic If You Can Keep It (and 3 bonus other materials here-in) | U. S. Politics | Oct 18
[Live from New York it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [not LIVE, in Theaters now]… | Movies | Oct 17
Applause to and for The KAMALunist for her first HONEST actions during this 2024 Election cycle… | Letters to the Editor | Oct 17
Power and Control – the bottom-line all things Left in USA doing toward/for Globalism… Attacks on Internet related…. | New World Order | Oct 15
The Internet – additional moves to DESTROY the History on it, and gain Control/Power over all of it… | Science and Technology | Oct 15
The moves of The Left to SHUTDOWN Speech and Erase History…. | Police State | Oct 15
Internet Archives HACKED and still down…. WHY? Ask WHO wants SPEECH SQUELCHED/CENSORED and History Erased? | Conspiracy Theories | Oct 15
Civil War (in USA) redux??? Already in COLD Civil War… might it turn HOT?!?! | War and Conflict | Oct 14
Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!? | Opinion | Oct 14
Video Platforms…. | Resources | Oct 14
Faith… Politics… Election 2024 based Reporting/Discussions…. | Media | Oct 14
Ignorance Vs STUPIDity… difference… | Education | Oct 13
The continuing FIASCO in MI-GOP and sadly likely some of the Other INSIDERS CONTROLLED States…. | Republican | Oct 08
FBI “claims” foiled an upcoming Terror Plot for Election 2024 day… Can, could, should, we believe them?!?!? | War on Terror | Oct 08
End really Nigh? Are you Fighting for Good or just complicit via inaction in the Evil??? [with Special Guest: Christopher Armstrong Stevenson] | Religion | Oct 02
VP Debate follow-up [updated] | U. S. Politics | Oct 02
The VP Debate should have a very simple strategy from JDVance… [updated] | Republican | Sep 30
HILARIOUS, if not so serious, LIES, DEFLECTION, PROJECTION, from The Leftists…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 29
Random thoughts… Highlights from this weekend’s (so far) social-media posts… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 28
No you CAN NOT REST…. | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 27
World War III inevitable?!?!? | War and Conflict | Sep 27
International Taxation issues (finding that Sweet-Spot, too low ineffective, too high backfire) | International | Sep 25
Bill Clinton (then) vs Mark Robinson (now) – thought Adult Sex matters didn’t matter (lets do necessary comparison)… | Media | Sep 25
How is it that Criminals are like the new CELEBRITY CLASS and feel ENTITLED to getting CRAZY REQUESTS fulfilled… | Crime All-Stars | Sep 25
So sad gotta say it: IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID! No, really, if talking anything else (‘cept maybe 20M Illegals flood) is #StrategicallySTUPID… | Economy | Sep 24
Brett Favre testifying about FRAUD before Congress? Let’s discuss (that and more)… | The Law | Sep 24
EXCLUSIVE share to and with my fellow Christians here on BeforeItsNews… | Christian News | Sep 23
Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter – All Lives have Value/Meaning) | African American News | Sep 21
Micro vs Macro | Green Living | Sep 21
Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!? | Iran | Sep 19
Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination…. | Economics and Politics | Sep 18
Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic | U. S. Politics | Sep 17
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too… | U. S. Politics | Sep 16
SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution…. | The Law | Sep 16
Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now… | Movies | Sep 14
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner… | Canada | Sep 14
Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be.. | Healthcare | Sep 13
Do NOT be like Leftist Snowflakes… | Republican | Sep 13
Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!? | Conspiracy Theories | Sep 13
OK, seriously, let’s examine the Cat, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, Eating in the Room…. NO, seriously look at…. | Immigration | Sep 13
Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics…. | Health | Sep 12
UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate…. | Media | Sep 12
Last Night’s Debate…. (and Somber Remembrance of 9/11)… | Opinion – Conservative | Sep 11
Are you going to let them play FUN WITH NUMBERS spin/games? Or you really checking the Math??? | Personal Finance | Sep 10
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?! | Economics and Politics | Sep 10
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET…. | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again – 2024 | 9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2…. | Politics | Sep 07
School Shootings… TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers… | The Law | Sep 05
Books: Fantasy Fare | Books | Sep 03
Here are some pieces from me over on TheLibertyBeacon…
Some additional random TLB IMAGES (and these are FAR from all items I’ve dropped at TLB) from pieces over on TLB (reminder, after 1 yr B4IN moves pieces to Archives and images get stripped, so after 1 year they will no longer be visible here) most of which correspond/conjunction with a CTP episode (care to bet CLUELESS err… I mean… ANONYMOUS knows what NORTON V SHELBY is let-alone a damn thing about that or any number of the other things I’ve delved into over last few years on/with/via B4IN and TLB):
TLB images section end
ALL of my TheLibertyBeacon pieces:
Here is a recent piece ABOUT ME rather than FROM ME:
Hey gang,
I am PROUD to be Affiliated with: Blackout #Coffee Co.
NEWS: Better than usual PROMO-CODE DISCOUNT…
Oct 24th – 31st – #Halloween Sale: 20% off
JLD B4IN pieces:
JLD TLB pieces:
Joseph M Lenard books:
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
UGH! I cannot wait to get this damn #Election over with — Indeed said every #ElectionCycle MOST IMPORTANT EVER but this time REALLY IS and The Left is piling on the #LIES over #Radio, #TV, #Internet, etc., more than ever before try keep their #POWER / #CONTROL in #DC while we are out-spent almost 10-1 trying to #RestoreOurAmericanRepublica and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain…. These Leftard Lying Ads driving me Crazy but is worrisome still so many #SUCKERS out there refuse #RESEARCH anything for themselves and eager to BUY INTO THE LEFTARDS #LIES and #Vote for their own demise and destruction of the #USA that affords them #FREEDOM being #UsefulIdiots for #CommieFasciSocies blend #DUMBocrats Party.
I mention about LYING LEFT #ADS in/during, many other #discussions we have on #SavagedUnfiltered (can see Record #BehindTheScenes of upcoming (will be broken into 2) episodes…
Deuteronomy 30:19 states “I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore CHOOSE LIFE that you and your descendants may live.”
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
CTP podcast host:
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