Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)... Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner...
Jon Kahn – Fighter (Official Music Video) #TrumpVance2024
Hey gang, if you check out my BeforeItsNews pieces (shortcut link to my B4IN blogs): at least from time-to-time you know I occasionally drop a early-preview sneak-peak of a TheLibertyBeacon piece. Well, today, is a concurrent drop…. [ feel free to reach-out to me via ]
[ TLB Sep 14 2024 – 1,100 words, 2 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E65
see TLB piece for all embed images/videos: ]
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)…
I had a recent discussion with Derek Reimer of Calgary Alberta Canada area prompting this piece (and the related CTP S2E65 episode will be that interview/discussion). Some may not know the extent of all of Western Culture Nations and erosion of Freedom/Rights and targeting of folks on The Right everywhere (trumped up charges, duplicity, double-standards, and hypocrisy, abounds in Canada, England, France, Germany, Spain, virtually any and every “supposed” Constitutionally limited Republics around the Globe).…
The tyranny of the lazy getting to be more and more climbing into the cart rather than help pulling the cart and Vote for a living as would have, should have, been learned from the Bradford Colony days if it were only really fully properly taught about the Mayflower Compact and the formed “Common-Wealth” (aka: COMMUNIST Pact).
And, yes, it is happening via Cultural-Marxism Revolution all around the Globe. Atlas is Shrugging, but may be beyond point-of-no-return. It is happening in Canada too.
VIDEO (59m 24s): CTP (S2E61, 20240817) Hate BTS/SP Video:
Just like many Pro-Life Peaceful Protestors are being locked up on fabricated and/or spun Charges as Political Prisoners (meanwhile, those that Burn, Loot, Murder, still roam our Streets Free) same has happened to Derek Reimer. Yes, same too/true with majority of those being held as Jan-6 Political Prisoners here in the USA. Yes, true, some on that day engaged in violence but yet Ray Epps the instigator still roams free and all the known AntiFa plants in crowd on video busting glass also roam free while those who just peacefully walked through the Capitol were targeted and are still all these years later behind bars and denied their Right to Speedy Trial.
Just like here in USA some are targeted while others given favor and ignoring any charges they would deserve be under existing Laws, they in Canada have targeted Derek to make example of. The Law, matters not, they will twist it for the Fascistic State ability to Politically silence their enemies. There is no longer any denying the two-tiered Justice system – those favored and others Politically targeted.
The bottom-line of this short-piece is like my ChristiTutionalist ™ Politics S1E45 about “When are You going to Stand and Fight?” Or will you be the fool that has no-one left to defend your Freedoms/Rights because you were too lazy to stand for others that you may not have liked so much. It is not about standing for them, but for ANYONE and EVERYONE that would lose those Freedoms/Rights.
This article is a more direct setup for your need to hear (or watch via the lone video embedded in this piece BTS/SP video of) CTP S2E65 episode this piece is in conjunction and correlating with. An episode that was originally slated to be a Mid-Week Wednesday episode drop but am pivoting to have that discussion with Derek to replace a normal/otherwise Saturday weekly monologue drop.
The end of our Republic is nigh… Are you going to Fight?!?!? Time to #ROAR (and, no, not talking Katy Perry Music homage to Helen Reddy) – #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic before it is too late.
Listen to CTP S2E65 via buzzsprout. There will NOT be a correlating CTP Video BTS on my Video channels as Derek had a screen scrolling items during our Zoom Record and some Ads were displayed (to avoid any Copyright issue) therefore I will not be airing a BTS Video for this episode.
[Following from TLB “A Republic If You Can Keep It”]
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]
“A Republic [but not just ANY Republic, a never fore created/seen one], if you can keep it” Ben Franklin….
From a Social-Media post/thread… It will make sense when you get to the “And all Republics are not created equal either” part…. Yes, WE ARE A REPUBLIC, and those trying to destroy it may pretend to be Anarchists but they are not they “pretend” to fool #massholes that don’t understand HISTORY nor THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM….
No, just because ANTIFA uses “Anarchist” tactics, does not mean they are ANTI-GOVT — they actually want to over-throw CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED GOVT in USA to reign in FULL FASCISM… #FACTSmatter #WORDSmatter #HISTORYmatters
My response to someone Parroting the #ENEMEdia distortions…
Your premise is way off. You already buy in and parrot the Lib #ENEMEdia narrative.
Just because someone may use ANARCHIST labeled/defined/usual tactics, does not make them Anarchists!
The REAL Political Spectrum (despite Left attempts to rewrite History)…
The FAR RIGHT is indeed Anarchy ZERO GOVERNMENT, we are NOT that, we were NEVER intended to be that, but we flirted with a Government (under original Articles Of Confederation) that proved to “not be quite enough” and hence the “Constitution of the United States” then drafted and adopted instead — to which people have been eroding our INDIVIDUAL AND STATE RIGHTS ever since toward Fascism because it is part of Human Nature, some are SHEEP and some seek DICTATORIAL AUTHORITY over others.
We, the USA, is a RIGHT SIDE OF SPECTRUM limited/small Govt operation (or, at least, that is how it was founded and supposed to be as THE SOVEREIGN STATES created the CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED FEDERAL GOVT (not the other way around) and was to retain THE ULTIMATE LOCAL AUTHORITY (destroyed more and more, and especially with the passage of 17A which made the US Senate that was (The States’ body) as nothing more than another US House (directly elected by Citizen’s) People’s House – directly DESTROYING that important Check and Balance our Founders created.
Sadly, the usual trend is ever Leftward (the Overton-Window for those who wish to look that up) toward less Freedoms to/for People and more Govt power/control. As Franklin said A REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT and THOSE WHO WOULD TRADE FREEDOM FOR SECURITY DESERVE NEITHER.
The FAR LEFT is COMPLETE GOVT CONTROL (which includes Monarchy, FASCISM (what today’s Left is aiming towards), Socialism, Communism, etc.).
Just because a FASCIST uses “Anarchist tactics” does not make them one! A Leftist wanting to OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS to then usher in TOTALITARIAN GOVERNANCE, may use Anarchist tactics but they are still Fascists in Anarchist ‘guise! Words have meaning, and STOP allowing yourself to be suckered into the Left-wing distortions and twisting of the Language!
[continues in… “A Republic If You Can Keep It”]
[image source: TruthSocial/TeddiGG50 and MintPressNews]
Lastly, late addition, semi-related as The Left will continue to call Trump HITLER even after he is elected and takes Office in 2025 — ALL A SETUP… ALL A PLAY…
From my social-media:
#JaneFonda was #overseas telling folks #Trump would #JAIL those who #protest his #Policies…. THAT, MY FRIENDS, IS A TELL – it is telegram / message / Dog-Whistle (term Left loves to spew) that The Left and their #ENEMEdia allies have it all planned out. They will ENGAGE IN #VIOLENCE (as they often do) and it will be PURPOSEFULLY MIS-REPORTED (#LIES) as just “#Peaceful #Protests” being cracked down upon.
corresponding CTP episode:
CTP S2E65 NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 14 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E65) “Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere) w/ Derek Reimer (Political Prisoner)”
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus
The Leftists weaponizing Lawfare (and people targeted for Special Persecution, not valid Prosecution) is not limited to USA, meet Derek Reimer Political Prisoner in Canada.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “A Republic If You Can Keep It” TheLibertyBeacon piece
BTS/SP Video ( Note: there will not be full BTS/SP Video of the full episode due to Copyright issues – tune-in Sat. 14th via buzzsprout link above
Next week’s (Sat) episode: ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E66) “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust — WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures”
Episode related pieces…
- (has discussion w/ Pastor Artur in list)
- /u-s-politics/2024/06/usa-past-present-what-is-its-future-2613616.html
- /u-s-politics/2024/08/democrat-aka-commiefascisocies-blend-hate-2615143.html
- /u-s-politics/2024/08/the-fascicrats-claim-to-be-about-democracy-now-turn-lawfare-on-rfk-jr-to-keep-him-off-ballots-2615272.html
- /9-11-and-ground-zero/2024/09/911-somber-remembrance-time-again-2024-2443405.html
- /awakening-start-here/2024/08/neighborliness-voluntary-community-vs-forced-communism-there-are-big-differences-20300.html
- upcoming Wed/MidWeek Guest episodes drops: /media/2024/08/2024-christitutionalist-tm-politics-show-special-guest-appearances-wed-drops-aug-dec-preview-2516096.html
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP:
- CTP long-form description:
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)
- CTP Official playlist:
(CTP S2E65 Audio: 56m 39s, Sat Sep 14 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from September 7th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
[ BTS/SP Video released Sat Sep 14: ]
CTP S2E66 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 21 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E66) “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust — WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures”
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus
God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust — WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures…. God’s Not Dead 5th film in Series, Reagan movie, Am I Racist film, movies discussion. How those movies cross-over into past, present, future, CTP episodes discussions. COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical. COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT! WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures outlined. What does David A. R. White, Ronald Reagan, Dennis Quaid, and Matt Walsh, factor here-in.
FYI: Not all things discussed/touched-on here-in can make it into the Show-Notes, for idea of the whole bunches of other things see RELATED ITEMS links below as they’ll tell you
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: (BeforeItsNews) “Language Use and Abuse”
Episode related pieces…
- corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat drop TBD
- /education/2024/07/language-use-and-abuse-2464215.html
- /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
- /republican/2024/09/do-not-be-like-leftist-snowflakes-2445255.html
- /conspiracy-theories/2024/09/are-voo-doo-cult-haitians-really-eating-pets-in-ohio-city-2521469.html
- /health/2024/09/suddenly-many-not-concerned-about-others-health-pure-politics-3059209.html
- /media/2024/09/update-on-the-media-lies-about-the-harris-v-trump-debate-2516215.html
- /economics-and-politics/2024/09/is-the-number-six-always-better-than-number-three-just-cuz-6-is-bigger-than-3-2532536.html
- /u-s-politics/2024/09/enough-is-enough-time-to-harden-schools-not-confiscate-law-abiding-peoples-guns-2615884.html
- /9-11-and-ground-zero/2024/09/911-somber-remembrance-time-again-2024-2443405.html
- /politics/2024/09/charity-community-biblical-vs-communism-neighborliness-free-will-part-2-3323125.html
- /awakening-start-here/2024/08/neighborliness-voluntary-community-vs-forced-communism-there-are-big-differences-20300.html
- (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 1) (Dingell townhall)
- (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 2) (more townhall hijinks)
- (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 3) (Acting, Razzie to Peters)
- (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 4) (Steny Howyer)
- (ObamaCare 2009 Mandates)
- (ObamaCare 2012 Contraception deception)
- /healthcare/2024/09/do-you-really-want-the-dmv-controlling-your-health-care-that-is-what-medicaidforall-would-be-2542213.html
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP:
- CTP long-form description:
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)
- CTP Official playlist:
(CTP S2E66 Audio: 33m 45s, Sat Sep 21 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from September 7th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
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[ Sat. Sep. 14th 2024 quick / insert / #update: They have managed to get ONE #WITNESS to now say "he started rumor" but HE was not the only Witness that made claims to #Pets eating in #Springfield #Ohio --- ARE THEY GOING TO SOMEHOW CONVINCE THEM ALL TO RECANT?!?!? The ONE supposed "admission" (aka: recant) is to allow #ENEMEdia (and sadly even seeing it on #NEWSMAX scrawl) to DISMISS THE WHOLE THING! You Buying what they're now trying to Sell? ALL OF THIS is DEFLECTION to keep discussion away, we cannot forget, the HUMAN VICTIMS OF THE #ILLEGALS ALL ACROSS THE #USA... We return back to the original piece... ]
more in….
Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!?
Friday, September 13, 2024 1:22
Did it not seem REAL CLEAR after the #ABC #Moderators had the #Springfield* #Ohio “#City #Manger” #SPIN-#CHECK (carefully crafted language) ready to go THE WHOLE #DEBATE WAS A #SETUP (and yet #Trump still WON, cuz people who are #THINKERS and have #CommonSense SAW what was going on – they were so obvious; and IT IS BACKFIRING ON THEM)?!?!?
YES, #Whistleblower #insider from #ABC confirms #ABC leaked the Questions to #Harris, and #ABC had back her PRE-REHEARSED PLANNED RESPONSES, and “potential” that #Trump would take any number of the BAITING w/ that Story.
* more specifics and breakdown WHY the #ABC #ENEMEdia Team had that exact CAREFULLY CRAFTED (keyword: CREDIBLE, spin, twist, dodge) response outlined in (that exact #verbiage was NOT COINCIDENTAL):
I deal in FACTS (normally, but yes at times conjecture/speculations, but try to be CLEAR betw. the 2)
I will NOT, as some, with ZERO, even ZERO flimsy circumstantial, EVIDENCE leaping to the IT WAS THE CIA DOING IT (Trump promising RFK Jr. he will ORDER (no compromise this time, all involved WOULD BE DEAD) Docs of JFK and RFK murders release HEIGHTENS CONSPIRACY POSSIBILITY LINKS/hysteria
HOWEVER, seems CLEAR, that IF CIA, FBI, whomever, not directly involved in PLOTS sure are not DOING TOO MUCH to potentially intercede ANY1 WANT TAKE SHOTS AT DJT
CLEAR, something going on, rather NOT GOING ON SHOULD BE, for now BOTH these PROTECTION (up front, how any1 w/ Rifle pass parimeters should been set) FAILURES happened
more in, as discussed with Rick, over I think FOUR SEPARATE PHONE CALLS with/on his Program
TUE. SEP. 24th 2024 UPDATE:
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Derek Reimer
To: Joseph M. Lenard (jlenarddetroit)
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 01:43:43 PM EDT
Derek Reimer is Found NOT GUILTY for protesting the seton library drag queen story hour.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone