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Norton Utilities Ultimate (Critique)

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Norton Utilities Ultimate (Critique)

NOT trying to Sell you anything in here – in fact, the opposite. Trying to help you KEEP SOME MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS (or more Cash for Holidays Gift giving purchases)…

OK, I’ve ignored doing the Public shaming thing til now.

Norton Utilities ULTIMATE – which, yes, I use, for various reasons – should really be called N U LIMITED so we can and will try to SUCKER YOU INTO buying more things (nice to have, perhaps, but need? no) as separate and stand-alone items.

Particularly I point to the constantly claim by NUU that “YOU HAVE XX DRIVERS OUT OF DATE” and need updating.

REALLY? why isn’t that part of NUU already? NO, instead if you click on the button to TAKE CARE OF IT you are told you NEED TO BUY BUY BUY NOW something else; cuz again NUU is really NULimited (the least we can offer, and still get folks to pay) and nothing close to all the Tools we used to have under the old Norton Utilities during the DOS and early Windows operating system days. Where did the RAM Reclaim/management util go that was in there before you stopped offering a different set of Tools before these now became NU “unlimited” (outright LIMITING what you offered just a couple years ago)??? I have my System maxed with 16G RAM, and even with that everything today being UN-EFFICIENT, thrown together, and/or as NEW/IMPROVED stuff they expect you to them PAY UPGRADE TO GET, and the Code never, ever, optimized – no, just expect you buy more HD Space and more RAM and faster processors, my RAM often tops 95% used where IF software companies actually CARED ABOUT CODE EFFICIENCY would not be the case.

And, by example. I have a HP System. IF my HP Camera Driver were outdated and “AN ISSUE” their built-in HP Drivers Update System would handle it. But it is not, cuz there is NOT an issue with my HP Camera Driver! Likewise other Drivers. Windows-Update will take care of them IF A REAL ISSUE 99% of the time.

So, NO, I (nor most others) do NOT NEED your Driver SCARE TACTICS new add-on should already be part of NUU.

OK, that’s it – short, to the point, and kind of a follow-up to my prior MicroSUCK  Windows-11 complaints piece:

Joseph M Lenard (JLenardDetroit) 
Retired IT guy 

NOW as you see above, I do NOT go near as far as the person recommending NEVER INSTALL ANY NORTON on your system. But, indeed, I understand where he is coming from (yes, Norton keeps adding SUITE ITEMS they then endlessly try peddling you to buy whether NEEDED or more-so much of it GIMMICK/PLACEBOware (as I discussed above about their COMPLETELY WORTHLESS PLACEBOware DRIVERS UPDATER that should be part of NU anyway (and, again, did I say above or forget? Where the Hell did the RAMreclaimer go?!?! as you want charge more and more offering less and less in NUtils))) and indeed IF you do not have a CORE PROCESSOR in excess of 1Ghz abilities and basic minimum installed RAM from purchase – Norton stuff IS A MAJOR HOG of Resources. In his opinion Windows Defender is GOOD ENOUGH, well, frankly, DO YOU REALLY/FULLY TRUST WINDOWS (with all its problems) to MONITOR ITSELF?


And as I’ve said before, NORTON and MICROSUCK are two biggest OFFENDERS of the hire low-end CODERS versus real Professional EXPERIENCED Programmers to ever OPTIMIZE their code/programs. They just ADD, AND ADD, AND ADD, and hog more, and more, and more, Space on HD and System Resource HOGGING and expecting you to just UPGRADING HARDWARE to deal with their “supposedly” upgraded HOGware - often while CLAIMING TO FIX ONE THING to while they were in there BREAK ANOTHER THING!!!

As a former IT guy, I agree with him VPN’s, except for very specific needs/reasoning WASTE OF RESOURCES AND MONEY. Agree with him on 99.99999% of any/all CLEAN UP SPECIALTY SOFTWARE just useless. Absolutely agree that they ALL try SCARE TACTICS to sucker you into what they CLAIM they can/will do/fix for you but indeed often PLACEBO PROGRAMS! And as for me I do run NAV (blacklist) and another (no, not McAfee, I agree their stuff is WAY TOO HOGGISH and they want install TONS OF OTHER SHIT on your System as part of their Loads (if you uninstall them, you MUST RUN the MCPR application to really clear out all the SHIT they would otherwise be leaving behind on your system wasting space including something (I forget what, running in the background, that a trouble-shoot issue with another Software piece diagnosis to find why their program all of a sudden STOPPED WORKING and some McAfee thing exposed and though while then fully removed with MCPR and showing had no REAL EFFECT on the Software we were debugging still glad they helped expose the UNWANTED/UNNEEDED and UNAUTHORIZED ITEM on my System that I think a Remote-Session for an issue I was having helped diagnosed remotely ADDED W/O MY PERMISSION/KNOWLEDGE as one of those “they get kick-backs” if they place things needed or not on your System)) another that is a whitelist style (and, yes, NAV has triggered on some things the other does NOT, and vice versa). But I have a System, while a bit older, certainly not LATEST AND GREATEST, does have upgraded to 500G SSDrive, maxed high-speed RAM, and what-not, that can HANDLE WELL ENOUGH having them both on – otherwise NO, indeed they are HOGS.

And while he points out about AVOIDING ONE-DRIVE, I do use it, HOWEVER, after every reboot I do into TASK MANAGER and turn it (and a few other things, details sub-processes all) TO “LOW” priority (OneDrive and some other things are SUPPOSED to be background items (and include offline backup utils not matter backing to where (USB Drive, Cloud, whatever) and) not needed RUN at that (even NORMAL) priority to get the job done. DO NOT LET those things supposed to be CONVENIENCE and done sight-unseen HOG your Resources. Plus, I always bump up EXPLORER sub-processes to HIGH. There is a REASON why TaskMgr gives you access to those settings, make use of them as ALL the companies BELIEVE they should Run at NORMAL and some even default on ABOVE NORMAL – investigate, learn, KNOW, take REAL CONTROL over your System.

Oh, of course, have you EVER checked your settings of AUTO-START PROCESSES?!?!? Seriously, by way of one example, may not be a HOG but why have it start/Run if you will never, ever, have need for it – the example of if you do not have ANY APPLE PRODUCTS ever interfacing with your Windows unit WHY THE HELL LET BONJOUR START? If something is AUTO-STARTING in your System, do not know what it is or does, SEARCH FOR INFORMATION ABOUT IT ONLINE – yes, conversely, there may be things you do want auto-starting so do not just willy-nilly turn-off and especially not NUKE everything in there. As saying goes, save a penny here, a nickel there, a quarter over there; or in this case/example, SAVING such; pretty soon IT ADDS UP!

Retired IT guy 
former Owner/Operator of “Super Simple Computers Enterprises



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Here are some pieces from me over on TheLibertyBeacon  

Some additional random TLB IMAGES (and these are FAR from all items I’ve dropped at TLB) from pieces over on TLB (reminder, after 1 yr B4IN moves pieces to Archives and images get stripped, so after 1 year they will no longer be visible here) most of which correspond/conjunction with a CTP episode (care to bet CLUELESS err… I mean… ANONYMOUS knows what NORTON V SHELBY is let-alone a damn thing about that or any number of the other things I’ve delved into over last few years on/with/via B4IN and TLB):

TLB images section end

ALL of my TheLibertyBeacon pieces:


Here is a recent piece ABOUT ME rather than FROM ME:



JLD B4IN pieces:   
JLD TLB pieces:   
Joseph M Lenard books:   

How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html

Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]






CTP S2E76 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Nov 30 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E76) “Government Regulations [mainly, but not limited to] Automobiles” 
See buzzsprout Transcript for fuller/extended Show Notes (inc. related links) and Transcript Bonus  
Yes, the #WeThePeopleDemandList (#WTPDL) quasi modern #ContractWithAmerica has as one of the items an entire different #DOGE (DeptOfGovtEfficiency) crew to review Regulations for cutting/removal. This CTP episode focuses on Automobile Regulations alone.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: (this CTP episode, corresponding piece from) TheLibertyBeacon “Government Regulations and Automobiles”    

Episode related pieces
- /republican/2024/11/no-you-can-not-rest-part-3-b4in-exclusive-we-the-people-have-more-work-to-do-and-pressure-to-apply-2445283.html  
- /opinion-conservative/2024/11/remember-contract-with-america-well-here-is-started-the-we-the-people-post-election-demand-list-3706876.html 
- BTS/SP Video version:  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
[ Some CTP episodes contain additional/separate Copyright materials, Used With Permission ]  
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- episodes digests direct: 
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: (Claim FREE listing)  
- Get great Promotional Releases via:     
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  
( /  
- other podcasts with Joseph M Lenard (partial listing):   
(CTP S2E76 Audio: 20m 18s, Sat Nov 30 2024) 
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]  


SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from November 2) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes… 
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)  
November 9 – S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST
November 16 – S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no not LVE, in Theaters]  
November 23 – S2E75: Abortion: The Profit Motive Side  
November 30 – S2E76: Government Regulations and Automobiles  
December 7 – S2E77: Fight… Flight… at least one other (Fade?) option  
December 14 – S2E78: No you CAN NOT REST (part 2)  
December 21 – S2E79: the We The People Demand List (part 1)  
December 28 – S2E80: the We The People Demand List (part 2)  
January ??? tentative “planned” (subject to change) topics: Revelations, E Pluribus Unum, Movies (another edition), more…    


some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…    
as well as can be found on/at: BitChute, Brighteon, and DailyMotion  


In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 



JUST UPDATED… Yes, I noticed I did not go far enough…  #50 in #WeThePeopleDemandList (#WTPDL)…

Remember Contract With America? Well Here Is the started the We the People (post-election) Demand List/opinion-conservative/2024/11/remember-contract-with-america-well-here-is-started-the-we-the-people-post-election-demand-list-3706876.html

50) The Redefine Presidential Pardons Constitutional Amendment process start Bill.  You cannot sit on a Jury of a Relative – how the Hell is the POTUS allowed to Pardon Family?!?!? Mothers/Fathers (including In-Laws), Brothers/Sisters (including In-Laws), Sons/Daughters (including In-Laws), Spouse/ExSpouse (including In-Laws), should be explicitly EXCLUDED from Pardon eligibility!

more in…





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    • JLenardDetroit

      oh… oh…. got another one to call NUU
      Norton Minimums for the Maximum Price!

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