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Prophecy News - 'Scott Ritter WARNS: Iran goes NUCLEAR Over This, Israel & US Playing with Fire in Syria, interview with Danny Haiphong, December 29th, 2024

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If you read the links below, along with this very important message, you will see that God/Diable (3rd link down) is part of the matrix, part of the illusion, created apart from what Archangel Michael calls “the Source”. In the second link down, you will read, “The next one that comes, will lead the whole world into the pit.” That next one that comes is the president elect, Donald J. Trump. In the Bible he is described as, “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon” (Rev 13:11) Jesus identifies him as Barabbas, the thief who was freed in place of Jesus. America is a THIEVING NATION according to this interview, and thus it gets the leadership it wants. We all know what’s coming. Whether it’s now or later, I don’t know, but it’s in Rev 18:17. The saving grace is Vibration or frequency, so please read Archangel Michael’s link, ‘The Vibration of the Light’.

 image the God who answers with fire(God as fire)

Danny Haiphong interviews U.S. Defense Analyst, Scott Ritter


Scott Ritter: ..because you were too dumb to believe that we were there to help you. For all the stupid Syrian people out there, and I don’t mean to be too blunt, but I’m going to be blunt, ..all the stupid Syrian people out there who believed that the United States was going to help you. Your ignorance has condemned your nation.

Danny Haiphong: When I was young and up and coming, trying to figure out what the hell U.S. interventionism and Empire was really all about, Syria was a big part of that process for me. You know, for me this is painful because I I see these old arguments be rehashed: that we need the support from the West to free ourselves from autocratic rule and dictators, and all of this. The fact of the matter is is that whatever flaws the Syrian government had, it represented not just secularism, not just a cog of the Axis of Resistance, but also as a stable force of independence and sovereignty from the very forces that are helping them; literally the people who drew the map and try to colonize and try to destroy places like Syria. For me, that’s just one of the most painful parts about this, is that we’ve had a definite defeat which does set things back.

Scott Ritter: well I’ll just say this, it’s um- can anybody provide me an example of where the United States has intervened uh, militarily whether to help people or not, and it hasn’t resulted in total chaos and disaster for the people we were supposed to help,

Danny Haiphong: Right.

Scott Ritter: South Vietnam, South Korea. I mean guess you could say South Korea, but is it?

Danny Haiphong: I mean look what’s happening in South Korea, yeah.

Scott Ritter: You know, uh you know the Kurds, Iraq. No, we touch it, it dies. I wrote an article about this, about the, you know, the ‘Midas Touch’. You know, America likes to run around thinking everything we touch turns to gold, but you do know that the Midas Touch was a curse, right? I mean when you turn to gold, what happens? You die! And so everything we touch dies, and that’s the reality. And I’m telling you right, now Syria is going to die. I mean, I guess as a humanitarian I care, but if people think that I have a vested interest, you know, I don’t have investments in Syria, I don’t have a vested interest, I could easily turn, I could carve Syria out of my life today, um and never talk about it again. And nothing was- nothing meaningful is going to change, Syria means nothing to me in terms of my existential existence. I only care about it, because I’m an analyst who looks at uh things like that. But you know, you- you are foolish to believe that the United States will help you, and that you’ll come out of this better.

The United States is incapable of helping you because United States doesn’t want to help you. The United States only helps itself. It will sacrifice you, and it always sacrifices you. Ask the Ukrainian people: this is about trillions of dollars of mineral reserves under the soil, not about democracy, and we are willing to kill every single one of you stupid son of a [-], because you were too dumb to believe that we were there to help you. And for all the stupid Syrian people out there, and I don’t mean to be too blunt, and I’m going to be blunt: all the stupid Syrian people out there who believed that the United States was going to help you, your ignorance has condemned your nation. Because your nation is dead, it doesn’t exist anymore. Whatever is going to come out of this, it ain’t going to be Syria; whatever you thought Syria was ain’t going to exist, and uh just get used to it. But you were too dumb to believe that the United States was going to help you. We don’t help, we kill, we destroy, for our benefit, and you were too silly and stupid and ignorant to believe that it would be otherwise. There now I pissed off everybody but I don’t care

Danny Haiphong: Regardless of how it was done. But we have to remember back in 2014, Bashar Al Assad was supported by 80% of the people who voted. Regardless of whether you think that’s legitimate or not, to believe that, that completely discredits the Syrian people as a very diverse people who have opinions, probably many of them antithetical to what’s going on in Syria right now, would be, um I think, just completely- uh just completely absurd, and just show- and just shows just a deep ignorance. And and as you said, it’s stupidity- it’s stupidity, but it’s stupidity for the Empire.

Scott Ritter: Again, lest I be accused of insulting everybody, because it’s not my objective, I’ve just- those who believe the United States is a force of good and can help you, we’re not! We could be- we could be, but we’re not because the rules based International order only exists to enrich us, to empower us. We don’t share power, we don’t share wealth; we strip it from you and we bring it to us! That’s it! Prove me wrong, you can’t. Um, but I will say this: Let’s call Syria a tent, and inside the tent are a number of families um who are talking about the future, etc, and the camel sticks his nose under the tent. Now the smart thing to do is beat the crap out of that nose and get the camel to remove it, but there might be some who says, oh the camel’s cold, we need to bring him in. Now 90% can say, “Nope, ain’t going to happen, we don’t want that to happen”; they let the nose come in, the head comes in, the body comes in, the camel’s in the tent. and we’re screwed. Um but the people that believe that the camel should be brought in – it’s a force of good, let it happen, uh it’s possible that you’re- you know, the number of people that uh were vocally supportive of America’s role is a minority of people, we don’t know. I haven’t put a number on that yet, um but the point is you let the damn camel in the tent: you let America in and that’s it. We- it ruins cohesion, that there will not be a family gathering because the freaking camel‘s in the tent, he’s gonna bullshit on your food, he’s gonna piss on your fire, and he’s going to stink up the entire tent.

America’s the goddamn camel: keep us out of the tent, don’t invite us in, but you did, and now we ruined it, and it’s ruined. It’s over, you’re not getting it back! Sorry it’s just never works out that way guys, it never works out that way. Once you give it away to us, we don’t return it to you, we break it.

Danny Haiphong: he said, Question for Scott: you recently said if Iran doesn’t give up nuclear sites, U.S. would nuke Iran, is that far-fetched considering ramifications?

Scott Ritter: Dan, I’d ask you to go back and and reexamine what I said. Donald Trump said that say “JCP [Joint Committee on Proliferation] is a bad deal because it led Iran down down a path where it would eventually, because of the expiration of the sunset clauses, acquire capabilities such an enrichment, that could be used to make a nuclear weapon. Even if Iran didn’t want a nuclear weapon the capabilities would be there.” He’s also said that he will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon, at all. Zero tolerance for it! I actually spend my entire freaking life studying this stuff, especially issues like nuclear weapons and Iran’s nuclear program. Trump’s not the kind of guy just to say something; he turns around, and two things: he had a nuclear posture review where he continued the policy of uh saying that, ‘America will use nuclear weapons preemptively when required’, meaning we’re not going to wait for someone to Nuke us. if we see a problem out there, bam! Preemptive. That’s his guidance, he’s the president of United States back then, he says, “Prepare for preemptive strike”, and then he turns around gets an employment plan. That means, how we’re going to use the weapon that is focused almost singularly on the issue of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

I’m not making this up. The nuclear employment plan talked about b61 bombs, that’s gravity bombs delivered by B2 bombers, and w76-2 low yield nuclear weapons to come in to penetrate the underground sites, to take out Iran’s nuclear capability if Iran decided it was going to move down the path towards nuclear weapons. Now Donald Trump left. Joe Biden came in. The deteriorating situation that’s taken place over the region has put Iran on the cusp of being a nuclear power, not me saying it, everybody’s in agreement that Iran instead of being a year away from breakout, is days away. That is, that if the political decision is made in Iran to produce nuclear weapons, they can do so very fast. Nod your head ‘yes’ Danny, if you’re with me. You with me? I think you are- you are now. Are you woken up to the fact that Donald Trump actually had a plan to go to nuclear war with Iran when he was the president, and the situations that would have triggered that plan exist right now. Are you with me Dan, because if you’re not, get the hell out of here.

It’s Danny’s chat, so I can’t control it, but come on.. don’t be stupid here, don’t be playing stupid games! Donald Trump has said he will not tolerate a nuclear Iran, at all; he built a nuclear plan back when he was president before, to prevent this from happening. The situation today is far different than it was when he was president before, Iran is on the cusp- not me saying it, several senior advisers to the Su- uh the supreme leader, have said, “All we need is the political change”, and they’ve also said that, “The fatwa can be reversed”, – the fatwa that says Iran doesn’t want nuclear weapons can be reversed because of the changing environment, which is happening as we speak. So if the supreme leader says ‘yes’ to a nuclear bomb, Iran will have one within a week. Donald Trump has said if that happens he will blow them off the freaking Earth using nuclear weapons.. little bit of nuance there right? So it’s not as simple as you said.

Am I overstating it? Hell no! I’m giving you the uncomfortable facts. Everything I just said is factual- factual! Now Donald Trump is looking for a better deal, but I think he’ll probably do to Iran what he did with North Korea, where he started off with his fire and fury speech at the Security Council. If you remember that one, “I will bring fire and fury down on you like you have never seen before”, meaning nuclear weapons, and he turned around and said, “but we can talk”. So I have a feeling that Trump’s going to come in a little bit fire and fury, saying I got a nuclear war plan- I will take you out in a heartbeat, I won’t even blink on this one; I won’t even blink it’ll be done, but would you like to talk?

Danny Haiphong: Should Iran do the missile thing now, uh to Israel with their faith, because Iran is on the infamous list? This is more of your opinion, because earlier you addressed this question on the basis of the situation that we find ourselves in. What do you think about this question?

Scott Ritter: To what end? To feel good, to make us feel good. All the people that don’t like Israel out there, who view Israel as a genocidal Zionist crazy maniacal thing, we’d feel good for a moment. We cheer, we go, “Oh My God, look!” But the big dog is coming into the neighbor, okay? The United States is not going to be ruled by a senile old man anymore, and we’re not going to be ruled by a cackling hyena DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] candidate, uh who the Democrats put out there. We’re gonna be ruled by a crazy white guy who is willing to go to extremes, uh, to do what he wants. Iran will not defeat Israel with a single strike or multiple, and if they do, Iran will be inviting, um decapitation as soon as he becomes president. If I’m the Iranian president, I- I’ve been, you know, if I’m the supreme leader, the principal goal over the course of the last 30 years has not been the defeat of Israel.

Yes, Iran is there with the Axis of Resistance to support the Palestinian cause, but the principal goal has been to lift sanctions and have normalized economic relations with the world, so that Iran- this nation that has tremendous wealth, can uh have the citizens benefit from this wealth. Right now the- the Iranian citizens; it’s a tough life. Sanctions have hurt hard uh, they should be living a better lifestyle than they are right now. Um. and so the goal of the Iranian Nation isn’t existential struggle with Israel, it’s to have a revived economy, and uh, if I were the Iranian president that would be the direction I’d be going. Whatever policies that um that could be implemented that lead to the normalization of relations. What leader wants his Nation to exist under sanctions, and the people suffering? No sane leader wants that, and no nation wants a leader who says, “That’s what we’re gonna get.”

The Iranian government survives in the face of sanctions because it can easily be laid on the porch of you know, the people who impose them. “It’s their fault not our fault, we didn’t withdraw from the JCPA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, 2015], Trump did.” The European Union failed to comply with all this kind of stuff. But if you turn and say, “Screw it! Hit Israel with everything we got right now”. Why- why? And the consequences will be devastating for Iran. So if I were the Iranian leadership uh, I would say, “Hell no! Let’s find a negotiated path”. You always have those missiles in reserve, you can always bring them out if need be, but you need to exhaust every venue possible short of War, before you go to war. And right now, negotiations with the United States appears to be on the table.

You know, I I’ve consistently called myself you know, anti-war, also been called a militarist son of a [-] by many people. Um, look I I don’t shy from a fight you know, and if you want to have an existential fight, let’s have an existential fight, and I will fight to win. I don’t make any apologies about that. If you want to war with America, you’re gonna lose, because we’re gonna beat you, because we’re not going to just roll over and play dead um, but I don’t want that kind of war. I’ve always said we have to exhaust every venue possible, short of War, before we go to war; so that we honor the sacrifice we’re asking people to make in support of this cause. It has to be a cause worthy of that death, and you have to make sure that there’s other ways besides violence to achieve what you want to achieve. Um, it’d sort of be a double standard of me now, if I didn’t apply that same logic to Iran you know.

For people saying, “Well no no no, we need ‘True Promise 3’, hit them, hit them, hit them, hit them, hit them.” No, if you believe in avoiding wars, then you have to believe in avoiding wars, even if the target is a genocidal maniacal regime called uh ‘Israel’. Um, I don’t think that Iran benefits from launching a major missile attack against Israel at this point in time. I think Iran- it would be to the detriment of Iran, and therefore irresponsible policy on the part of the Iranian leadership. There is a path to peace that could be found! Doesn’t mean it will be found, doesn’t mean at some point in the future Iran will have no choice, but there’s a path to peace that could be found and I think it’s worth giving that a chance.

Danny Haiphong: I think this is the approach of the entire multi-polar world really. Iran, Russia, China, I think they take a very similar approach. My thing about Syria is that people have been really wanting I think to like, blame.. Who is to blame here, who, how did this happen? And for me I look at, for example, Syria’s decisions over the last several years which obviously had consequences now that the government of Bashar Al Assad and the Bath Party is no more. I look at them almost as like, Well, what do you do under that- The conditions in Syria are and were so horrific. I mean over a decade of war and then multiple years of starvation, sanctions. Few countries in the world can say they have gone through that in their entire history.

I look at Bashar Al Assad, the Syrian government, moving into the Arab League – all of these moves which may have had dire consequences in the final analysis. Some of these compromises- this attempt to get closer to countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, all of these countries that were so invested in your downfall for so long. I don’t believe that the Empire really ever rests. So I uh- I believe there was probably some internal things going on, and here we are in this place, but yeah, Iran would be completely out of their minds to not try to open up any channels for keeping that at Bay, especially given the sanctions are harming Iran right now.

Scott Ritter: Well, obviously, the the CIA um can never be trusted, and the CIA had a Syria Operations Group in place. We- it didn’t go away, as you rightly pointed out, um and a key aspect to the Syrian Operations Group was the interface between the CIA and the various Gulf Arab entities that were funding, uh and supporting the efforts to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. If you don’t um dissolve the Syria Operations Group uh, and the CIA relationships with these nations doesn’t go away, then you can’t trust the political interface between these nations, and um- and Syria. Uh, and Assad was naive to believe that these Arab governments were looking out for his benefit. Um, if they have a relationship with the CIA, then one of my preconditions would have been um, you know, you need to publicly renounce everything you did with the CIA, and you have to stop all these uh things- demonstrate that that’s happened and then I can have a talk with you.

Meanwhile, until that happens the two things that kept me alive: Russia and Iran; they’re here and we’re going to rely upon them. I’m not giving up the foundation of why I’m here, able to talk to you. The only reason why you’re talking to me today is because Russia and Iran helped me survive that which you were trying to do to overthrow me. Um it was naive in the extreme on the part of Bashar al-Assad to to believe in this, and I think it was reflective of the desperation of the situation that he found himself in. Um you know, with a with a nation in turmoil, um I think he was taking what he thought would be the path of least resistance, um and he was wrong. And ultimately we see the result of that for Iran.

Understand this. There isn’t an Iranian Operations Group; there’s an Iranian Mission Center. Uh now. I- it- I I think I read they may be in the process of dissolving that, but that means they go back to the Iranian Operations Group. The CIA is dedicated to the overthrow of the Iranian government; I’ll say it one more time just so everybody understands: the CIA is dedicated to the overthrow of the Iranian government; that’s all they exist to do. When it comes to Iran, they’re not there to facilitate trade, or you know normalization relations; they’re there to kill you- destroy your nation, break you down- make what happened in Syria happen in Iran. That’s it. And as long as a CIA exists with its marching orders, that’s what it’s going to do. Um, so you can’t trust the United States as long as the CIA has that mission.

So any negotiations that have to take place with Donald Trump have to bring up the fact that you’ve been trying to get rid of us. Tony Blinken just said that there’s 20 years we’ were trying to get rid of Assad. Okay, “Before we move on, I need a statement from you that you no longer seek to overthrow..” Now Trump said that during the campaign. That’s why I’m having this conversation with you now Danny, because normally I wouldn’t speculate into things that seem fanciful, but Trump did say, “I’m not- I’m not seeking the overthrow of the Iranian regime.” So become president, again, and and now make this policy. Come out, and say we are going to enter into good-faith negotiation with the Russians; I am shutting down the CIA’s um, you know, Iran Mission Center. We are not seeking the overthrow of the Iranian government, our priority from here on in is, ‘How can we work with Iran to achieve peace and stability in the region that’s economically beneficial to all parties, blah blah blah blah blah.

But until he addresses the issue of the CIA’s mission of regime change, he can’t be trusted, at all. That’s why the Russians- uh, I can’t imagine Putin meeting with Trump until Trump comes out and says, ‘Yeah that whole strategic defeat thing that um, you know that Biden was all about, that’s not our policy anymore’. That opens up every door. All potential happens, but the CIA is the most corrupt thing in the world today. It exists only to sow chaos and anarchy to the sole benefit of the United States, and to the exclusion of everybody else. Um they’re not a good organization. I’m not speaking about the intelligence analysts, you know, they they simply do intelligence. I’m talking about the ‘operations’ that clandestine division; it is a cancer to the world and it must be ended now, because it exists only to do one thing overthrow your government, that’s it!



Scott Ritter WARNS: Iran goes NUCLEAR Over This, Israel & US Playing with Fire in Syria

The Source of All Judgments is the Lord
Is there not even one voice amongst you that acknowledges the hand of the Lord in all of this? Will you allow the devil to win his case in the courts of heaven? He claims that no one in America truly fears God. He claims that they all pay lip service to me, being more in love with their rights and freedoms than with me. He asked that I allow the judgments to proceed as it were from the hands of men, and see who they give glory to. Would they not all believe a lie, that the Father has nothing to do with it? That the Father is always on our side, therefore repentance is not needed? That the people of God would rather fight the cabal and go to war, rather than recognize their selfish and sinful ways and acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all of these calamities?”

Archangel Michael
The Vibration of the Light
“We will never be able to convince anyone by the words or by the situations. The only way that we have to act, and you, the same, is by the Vibration of the Light, the rise in Vibration and therefore the rise in your Conscience. This is what happens, now, for a fringe of the Humanity which is growing. From the moment when this fringe of Humanity will have reached a certain threshold, this Illusion will cease to exist. It will no longer be able to be maintained by the game of good/evil and by electromagnetism. It will be dissolved instantaneously.

Question: does the end of this grand cycle mark the end of the dissociated 3rd dimensions in our universe?
Yes, entirely. The Source has decided that, whatever is the beauty of certain experiences within this dissociated dimension, the consequences, for the Unified systems, could be extremely prejudicial. Whatever the additional impulse of Light that some among you, indeed even the majority of you found, from this experience of compression and isolation, it is not desirable that dimensions can be cut like this from the Source.”

  image Jacinta 2, the crime of carnal sexual lust.

Mary’s Messages

The God Who Answers with Fire.



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