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Antediluvian Sacred Energetic Sites In Plain Sight Under The Negative Influences Of Evil Spirits Who Are Evilly Guiding Their SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO Cronies In The Flesh To Cunningly Build Highly Advanced Giant *LOW VIBE* Resonant Elemental Highly Advanced TESLA Technologies Circuits As Strangely Designed Constructed Infrastructures Which Have Various Tuned Resonant Dimensional Dynamic Cymatic Functions Which The Sinister Fallen Angels Desperately Evilly Desire To Make Way For Their Emergence-Return-Disclosure And For Easy Instant Dimensional Travel Throughout The Earth So They Can Quickly Traverse The Sacred Antediluvian Worship And Praise Sites (Their Old Evil Stomping Grounds) While Greatly Deceiving The SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE During The Planned Vainly Attempted Worldwide Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth During Their DIABOLICAL ALIEN COLONIZATION PROCESS OF WARRING SINISTER SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-PARASITIC FACTIONS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING BECAUSE JANUS IS IMMINENT, Research This Word But Please Don't Worship Or Praise The Sinister Evil Spirits Who Deceptively Call Themselves Higher gods, But Are Really Extremely Low Classed Doomed Spiritual Bastards-Vile Losers-GangStars-Cursed Haters Who Unwisely Rebelled Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL To Their Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Supernatural Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Demises And Eternal Spiritual Punishments, Remember 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + The Book Of Enoch + The Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Ahman. SELAH

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Qatar Is No Exception Because Ancient Stargates-Jumpgates-Portals-Wormholes-Gateways Of The Sinister Fallen Angel Alien gods Are Being Wickedly RETRO-ENGINEERED Over Older Antediluvian Sacred Energetic Sites In Plain Sight Under The Negative Influences Of Evil Spirits Who Are Evilly Guiding Their SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO Cronies In The Flesh To Cunningly Build Highly Advanced Giant *LOW VIBE* Resonant Elemental Highly Advanced TESLA Technologies Circuits As Strangely Designed Constructed Infrastructures Which Have Various Tuned Resonant Dimensional Dynamic Cymatic Functions Which The Sinister Fallen Angels Desperately Evilly Desire To Make Way For Their Emergence-Return-Disclosure And For Easy Instant Dimensional Travel Throughout The Earth So They Can Quickly Traverse The Sacred Antediluvian Worship And Praise Sites (Their Old Evil Stomping Grounds) While Greatly Deceiving The SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE During The Planned Vainly Attempted Worldwide Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth During Their DIABOLICAL ALIEN COLONIZATION PROCESS OF WARRING SINISTER SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-PARASITIC FACTIONS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING BECAUSE JANUS IS IMMINENT, Research This Word But Please Don’t Worship Or Praise The Sinister Evil Spirits Who Deceptively Call Themselves Higher gods, But Are Really Extremely Low Classed Doomed Spiritual Bastards-Vile Losers-GangStars-Cursed Haters Who Unwisely Rebelled Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL To Their Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Supernatural Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Demises And Eternal Spiritual Punishments, Remember 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + The Book Of Enoch + The Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Ahman. SELAH › stargate › stargate04.htmThe Message of the Stargates – (From ancient Times To Modern Times Many People fall for Evil Spirits Who want to Be worshipped And Praised as socalled Creator gods, The Nerve Of These Fallen Spiritual Bastards. SELAH)

Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, is located at 30 degrees Taurus near the constellation Orion. Alcyone, in Taurus, represents the Earth Goddess. The lessons from Alcyone are those dealing with compassion, higher wisdom and vision, and Earth consciousness. Much has been channeled from the Pleiades. › threads › have-u-heard-of-the…Have u heard of the ultra luxurious Raffles Doha Stargate hotel in Qatar?

The 132-key property offers 270 rooms, 92 suites, four themed suites, and one presidential suite, with views of the Doha skyline, personalised butler service, and bespoke amenities such as a gallery collection of curated books, and an in-suite boutique, also included as part of the experience. › watchHoover Dam : StarGate and Secret Alien Base – YouTube

If you thought what you heard about Denver airport was strange, wait till you get a load of this. links:… › alternative › 2014 › 06 › confirmed-hoover…Confirmed: Hoover Dam Is a Stargate! – Before It’s News

What was built under our noses in Black Canyon is a conical shaped pyramid which may act as a Stargate. Hoover Dam is 1/3 of a complete circle, it is unknown if this is a true portal. This dam then is a pyramid of a specific variety unlike those typically understood.. the most notable in Egypt. It is a conical pyramid formed as a third of a whole. › alternative › 2020 › 07 › will-the-hoover-dam…Will the Hoover Dam Be Destroyed? Confirmed Stargate Portal for …

What was built under our noses in Black Canyon is a conical shaped pyramid which may act as a Stargate. Hoover Dam is 1/3 of a complete circle, it is unknown if this is a true portal. This dam then is a pyramid of a specific variety unlike those typically understood.. the most notable in Egypt. It is a conical pyramid formed as a third of a whole. › time-travel-stargate-found-in-abydos-egyptTime Travel Stargate Found in Egypt – Kathy J. Forti, PhD – Trinfinity8

The Seti 1 Temple in Abydos, Egypt has always been cloaked in mystery. It has been rumored to have an Ancient Stargate, an opening to the next world. To add to the mystery, the temple contains strange carvings on several walls which Egyptologists have been at a loss to explain. Such carvings have not been seen in other temples. › qatar-raffles-doha-hotel-stargateQatar’s Ultra-Luxurious Raffles Doha Hotel Looks Like A Stargate To A …

The 132-key property offers 270 rooms, 92 suites, four themed suites, and one presidential suite, with views of the Doha skyline, personalised butler service, and bespoke amenities such as a gallery collection of curated books, and an in-suite boutique, also included as part of the experience. x › watchHoover Dam Stargate pt 1 – YouTube

Catching some air at the Hoover Dam and a walk across the bypass bridge › watchHoover Dam Stargate pt 2 – YouTube

Getting some air at the Hoover Dam › watchHoover Dam Is a Stargate – YouTube

What hides beneath the Hoover Dam? What is there so much occult surrounding it? Timmy O Channel: .Canaanite Altars and the Federal Reserve [interview with Ti... › watch"The Temple of Alcyone" [Hoover Dam Stargate in Enclosed ... - YouTube

"Canaanite Altars and the Federal Reserve" [interview with Tim Bence]: “Hoover DamStargate” vids: https://w… › gaia-lighthouse › stargatesStargates | gaia-lighthouse

HOOVER DAM AND STARGATE INFO . China Has a Stargate? STARGATEs explained. NASA FINALLY REVEALS PORTALS EXIST – PROOF! Lighthouse Collective. MILITARY ENVOLVEMENT. I’m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. › ancient-stargates-using-wormhole…Ancient Stargates Using Wormhole Technology Across the Planet

Other Possible Stargate Locations. Interestingly, the Gate of the Gods is but one of five unusual archaeological sites in close proximity around Lake Titicaca, high in what is now called the Andes Mountains. Travel just across the lake into modern-day Bolivia, and there stands the perplexing Gate of the Sun, a 10-foot tall archway fashioned from a single piece of stone, resting seemingly in … › 2018 › 02 › mysterious-portals-and-star…Mysterious Portals and Stargates of the Ancient World

Some tales are even more outlandish yet, such as is the case with an ancientSumerian stargate that supposedly can be found in a massive ziggurat near Nasiriyah, a city about 370 km south-east of Baghdad, and which has sparked all manner of rumors and conspiracy theories. The stargate was allegedly discovered in the 1920s, and when word got out … › r › TheSaturnTimeCube › comments › w87rcb › hoover…Hoover Dam & The Star God Alcyone, sacrifice rituals, drought, stargate …

Hoover Dam & The Star God Alcyone, sacrifice rituals, drought, stargateetc. Currently Hoover Dam/Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in US, is experiencing a “dangerous drought.” Here is a NASA image to show how much Lake Mead has receded since 2000. Hoover Dam is required to release 9 million acre-feet (11,000,000 megaliters) of water each year. › motlochw1Hansen’s Star Map And The Precession Of The Equinoxes Circle

The Hoover Dam hides an intriguing secret connecting sky to ground and past to present, using very much the same “as above, so below” system of measuring time deployed at Giza around the Great Pyramid of Egypt. To learn more, take a read of this intriguing article by Wally Motloch. › news › 2021-05-electromagnetic-anomalies-earthquake…Electromagnetic anomalies that occur before an earthquake –

It has been documented over hundreds of years that variouselectromagnetic anomalies occur a few weeks before the occurrence of a large earthquake. These electromagnetic anomalies are… › news › baja-mexico-earthquakeEarthquake hits Mexico as team plays World Cup game in Qatar

A strong earthquake hit in the waters off of Baja California, Mexico on Tuesday morning as millions of citizens were glued to TVs watching Mexico take on Poland at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar…. › watchEARTHQUAKE IN QATAR! FRED AND ANTONY PLAYING A LOT IN THE WORLD CUP …

WELCOME TO MANCHESTER UNITED NEWS!Hello Manchester fans! Subscribe to the channel and stay up to date with the latest Manchester United news! Here you will b… › 2021 › 05 › 24 › electromagnetic-anomalies…Electromagnetic anomalies occurring before large earthquakes

It has been documented over hundreds of years that variouselectromagnetic anomalies occur a few weeks before the occurrence of a large earthquake. These electromagnetic anomalies are variations that appear in telluric current, geomagnetism, electromagnetic waves, etc. before the earthquake, authors of the new study say. › 2014 › 11 › 27 › 10-strange-electrical-phenomena…10 Strange Electrical Phenomena Found In Nature – Listverse

Triboluminescence describes the phenomenon of light being emitted from a crystalline substance when it is rubbed, pulled apart, ripped, scratched, or crushed. Although this is another poorly understood curiosity, it is thought that an electrical current travels through the material and causes molecules of gas trapped within the crystal to glow. › sports › first-photos-qatar-world-cup-2022-vagina…Fans Say Qatar World Cup 2022 Stadium Looks Like Female Anatomy

Photos of the almost completed soccer stadium in Qatar, which will host the 2022 World Cup, have hit the internet’s radar, and fans immediately noticed a resemblance to a certain female body… › sport › 20472226 › qatar-stadium-vagina-world-cupInside Qatar’s ‘vagina-shaped’ stadium that will host SIX World Cup …

ALL eight stadiums are ready to host the 2022 Qatar World Cup, however one in particular has caught the attention of the fans for the wrong reason. The Al Janoub stadium located in Al Wakrah,… › qatars-new-world-cup-stadium-will-look-like-a…Qatar’s New World Cup Stadium Will Look Like a Giant Vagina – Jezebel

Qatar’s New World Cup Stadium Will Look Like a Giant Vagina. In preparation for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the architectural firm responsible for the stadium’s design has released a short … › a-map-of-all-the-stargates-throughout…A Map Of All The Stargates Throughout The World – Delightful Knowledge

According to the film and Tv show of the same name, A Stargate is a name for a class of devices which allow almost instantaneous travel between places. Stargates are circular devices marked out by nine chevrons spaced equally around their circumference and 39 symbols displayed on an inner ring. › article › what-stargate3 Suspected Stargate Locations Around the World | Gaia

This concept was popularized by the science-fiction TV show Stargate, and as recently as 2015, NASA admitted to having spent at least a decade researching access points to places outside our world, our universe, even beyond space and time as we know it. › time-travel-stargate-found-in-abydos-egyptTime Travel Stargate Found in Egypt – Kathy J. Forti, PhD – Trinfinity8

The shortcuts came to be called “Einstein-Rosen bridges”, or wormholes. While the wall carving at Abydos may indeed mark a natural Stargate, it appears the military found a way to open such portals on-demand. Once opened, they utilized a strange black box-like device to access information from the portal pertaining to past and future events. › war-articles › project-stargateProject Stargate: The CIA’s Human Experiments with Mind Control

Project Stargate was a multi-million-dollar program enacted by the CIA atthe height of the Cold War to try and get ahead of the Soviet Union on powers of the mind. This program explored reading someone’s thoughts, telepathy, predicting the future, and the ability to view a place or time remotely, without actually being there. Cold War Origins: › lexicons › hebrew › nas › qatarQatar Meaning in Bible – Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon – New American …

Qatar The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong’s Number: 6999 Browse Lexicon Definition v to sacrifice, burn incense, burn sacrifices, make sacrifices smoke (Piel) to make sacrifices smoke to sacrifice (Pual) to smoke a sacrifice (Hiphil) to make sacrifices smoke to cause incense to smoke, offer incense to make smoke upon › hebrew › 6999.htmStrong’s Hebrew: 6999. קָטַר (qatar) — to make sacrifices smoke

qatar: to make sacrifices smoke Original Word: קָטַר Part of Speech: verb; noun masculine; noun feminine Transliteration: qatar Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-tar’) Definition: to make sacrifices smoke NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin denominative verb from qetoreth Definition to make sacrifices smoke NASB Translation › hebrew › 7000.htmStrong’s Hebrew: 7000. קְטֻרוֹת (qatar) — perhaps to shut in, enclose

INT: of the court courts enclosed forty long. 1 Occurrence. Strong’s Hebrew7000. 1 Occurrence. qə·ṭu·rō·wṯ — 1 Occ. › word › Qatarqatar | Etymology, origin and meaning of qatar by etymonline

qatar | Etymology, origin and meaning of qatar by etymonline Qatarpeninsula-state in the Persian Gulf, probably from Arabic katran “tar, resin,” in reference to petroleum. The Romans knew it as Catara. Related: Qatari. Share Qatar ‘cite’ updated on February 23, 2021 Advertisement Advertisement Dictionary entries near Qatar Q and A q.e. Q.E.D. q.t. › Meaning › KeturahKeturah | The amazing name Keturah: meaning and etymology

Meaning Incense, Indiscriminative Distribution Of Society’s SurplusEtymology From the verb קטר ( qatar ), to produce smoke. Related names • Via קטר ( qatar ): Kitron 🔽 🔽 Etymology of the name Keturah 🔽 Keturah meaning › sports › first-photos-qatar-world-cup-2022-vagina…Fans Say Qatar World Cup 2022 Stadium Looks Like Female Anatomy

Photos of the almost completed soccer stadium in Qatar, which will host the 2022 World Cup, have hit the internet’s radar, and fans immediately noticed a resemblance to a certain female body… › sport › 20472226 › qatar-stadium-vagina-world-cupInside Qatar’s ‘vagina-shaped’ stadium that will host SIX World Cup …

ALL eight stadiums are ready to host the 2022 Qatar World Cup, however one in particular has caught the attention of the fans for the wrong reason. The Al Janoub stadium located in Al Wakrah,… › qatars-new-world-cup-stadium-will-look-like-a…Qatar’s New World Cup Stadium Will Look Like a Giant Vagina – Jezebel

Qatar’s New World Cup Stadium Will Look Like a Giant Vagina. In preparation for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the architectural firm responsible for the stadium’s design has released a short … › commentisfree › 2013 › nov › 18 › qatar…Qatar’s accidental vagina stadium is most gratifying

Qatar’s accidental vagina stadium is most gratifying Holly Baxter The resemblance of the Al-Wakrah World Cup stadium to the female genitalia can only be a good thing – sport and vaginas are not… › news › article-6985453World Cup ‘vagina stadium’ is unveiled in Qatar – Mail Online

Al Wakrah stadium to host matches up to quarter-finals when country hosts football’s prestigious tournament Was designed by late British-Iraqi architect, Dame Zaha Hadid, who died suddenly of a… › sport › football › 59868204World Cup 2022: A guide to the eight World Cup stadiums in Qatar

Al Thumama, Stadium 974 and Al Bayt are all eye-catching stadiums Astadium designed like a hat, one made of shipping containers and one in a tent-like structure – the World Cup… › s › qatar-world-cup-stadiums-f8130334dd…An Inside Look at Qatar’s World Cup Stadiums | Stadium Talk

for the 2022 world cup in qatar, the construction of new stadiums has been the focal point of criticism from the world soccer community and human rights activists, citing a 2019 report by london’s the guardian newspaper that stated approximately 6,500 migrant workers died during the building ofstadiums in qatar for what would be the first world … › lists › world-cup-2022-stadiums-qatar-photosA look at the stadiums for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Al Janoub Stadium (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images) Capacity: 40,000 Located about 12 miles outside Doha, this retractable-roof stadium was the first World Cup-specific stadium to break… › wiki › QatarQatar – Wikipedia

Etymology Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer, documented the earliest account pertaining to the inhabitants of the peninsula around the mid-first century AD, referring to them as the Catharrei, a designation that may have derived from the name of a prominent local settlement. › 2019 › 10 › etymology-of-qatar-geography-historyEtymology of Qatar (Geography, history) – Tim Boucher

The term ‘Catara’ (inhabitants, Cataraei) [34] was exclusively used until the 18th century, after which ‘Katara’ emerged as the most commonly recognised spelling. [33] Eventually, after several variations – ‘Katr’, ‘Kattar’ and ‘Guttur’ – the modern derivative Qatar was adopted as the country’s name. [35] › qatar › etymologyQatar – Etymology

Etymology The name may derive from Qatara, believed to refer to theQatari town of Zubara, an important trading port and town in the region in ancient times. Another possibility is that it comes from the Persian word Gwadar which means port. There are similar places in the region with that name, such as Gwadar in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. › article › what-stargate3 Suspected Stargate Locations Around the World | Gaia

The Gate of the Gods is an ancient site discovered in 1996 by a local tour guide, Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, and according to lore, the massive stone door was a portal through which heroes of the past entered to join their gods in the next life.

The Gate of The Gods › wiki › History_of_QatarHistory of Qatar – Wikipedia

The history of Qatar spans from its first duration of human occupation to its formation as a modern state. Human occupation of Qatar dates back to 50,000 years ago, and Stone Age encampments and tools have been unearthed in the Arabian Peninsula. Mesopotamia was the first civilization to have a presence in the area during the Neolithic period, evidenced by the discovery of potsherds … › qatar-raffles-doha-hotel-stargateQatar’s Ultra-Luxurious Raffles Doha Hotel Looks Like A Stargate To A …

The 132-key property offers 270 rooms, 92 suites, four themed suites, and one presidential suite, with views of the Doha skyline, personalised butler service, and bespoke amenities such as a gallery collection of curated books, and an in-suite boutique, also included as part of the experience. x › ancient-stargates-using-wormhole…Ancient Stargates Using Wormhole Technology Across the Planet

Other Possible Stargate Locations. Interestingly, the Gate of the Gods is but one of five unusual archaeological sites in close proximity around Lake Titicaca, high in what is now called the Andes Mountains. Travel just across the lake into modern-day Bolivia, and there stands the perplexing Gate of the Sun, a 10-foot tall archway fashioned from a single piece of stone, resting seemingly in … › 2018 › 02 › mysterious-portals-and-star…Mysterious Portals and Stargates of the Ancient World

Some tales are even more outlandish yet, such as is the case with an ancientSumerian stargate that supposedly can be found in a massive ziggurat near Nasiriyah, a city about 370 km south-east of Baghdad, and which has sparked all manner of rumors and conspiracy theories. The stargate was allegedly discovered in the 1920s, and when word got out …

Images Qatar Ancient Stargate

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1000 x 550413 x 550 › 2016 › 05 › 20 › 10-ancient-sites-that-might-be…10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals And Wormholes

the verse reads, “ (1)then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and i saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the abyss. (2)the star opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. (3)and out of … › 2018 › 03 › 21 › the-mystery-behind…The Mystery Behind Ancient Stargates & Portals

This ancient legend tells that the Ayar Brothers came down through threeportals – the windows, to create the Inca people. Furthermore, the temple at Machu Picchu with three windows is said to represent this mysterious event. Could this event describe ancient stargate technology for otherworldly visitors coming to Peru? Through these three windows? › stargate-portalsAlien Stargate Portals Of The Ancient World –

The Stargate Portals at Ancient Sites were regarded as the means by which the Gods transitioned between the realm of the Gods and Man. For instance, the Gate of The Sun at Tiahuanaco is supposed to have served as the gate for the entrance of the God Viracocha who according to ancient belief was responsible for building the site. › mysterious-portals-and-stargates-of-the…Mysterious Portals and Stargates of the Ancient World – Exo News

There is said to be an ancient stargate lost and hidden at the Euphrates River as well. According to researcher Elizabeth Vegh, who has written several books on ancient stargates, this portal is buried under the ruins and remains of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, and which has remained utterly lost to us. › 2018 › 06 › 10-ancient-stargates…10 Ancient Sites Said To Be Real Stargates – Portals And Wormholes …

Henry’s main thesis is that there existed in Sumerian times a technological device which he describes as a ‘Stargate’, that the Anunnaki/Nephilim used to travel back and forth from their home world and the Earth, and also how they travel around the galaxy. Then there’s the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.

Images Qatar Ancient Stargate Jumpgate Portals

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See more images › article › stargates-hidden-portals-earth-spaceStargates and Hidden Portals on Earth and in Space | Gaia

One of NASA’s spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargateportal exists in many locations. Usually these are found where the faraway geomagnetic field bumps up against the passing solar wind. The result is a direct pathway between the Earth and the sun. › 10-ancient-sites-that10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals, Or Wormholes

Two of the pillars sit in the middle of these circles, almost creating an archway of sorts. The archway within these circles are said to be the remains of portals or stargates, which the ancient people who resided here used as a portal to the “sky world.” The “T” columns are very similar to the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca in Peru. › 2020 › 06 › 02 › 10-ancient-sites-that…10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Wormholes And Portals To …

Two of the pillars sit in the middle of these circles, almost creating an archway of sorts. The archway within these circles are said to be the remains of portals or stargates, which the ancient people who resided here used as a portal to the “sky world.” The “T” columns are very similar to the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca in Peru. › post › stargates-and-hidden…Secret Stargates, Hidden Portals, and The US Military

The Bermuda Triangle is probably the most famous stargate portal. Encompassing three vertices, the Bermuda Triangle — sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Triangle — is a large abyss that stretches between San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bermuda Island, and Miami, Florida. › post › stargates-portals…STARGATES, PORTALS & VORTEXES All AROUND THE WORLD w/videos

A Stargate is believed to be a gateway between the earth and the outer space, through which humans allegedly roamed the universe communicating and engaging with other intelligent beings in the universe.Portals are (simply put) a location where a wide variety of unexplained phenomena occurs in a defined geographic area. A Vortex is the convergence of leylines (earth energy lines) that creates …


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See more images › 2016 › 05 › 20 › 10-ancient-sites-that-might-be…10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals And Wormholes

the verse reads, “ (1)then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and i saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the abyss. (2)the star opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. (3)and out of … › what-happened-to-the-ancients-in-stargateWhat Really Happened To The Ancients In Stargate

In their home galaxy, the Ori – the faction of Anquietas who had devoted themselves to religion – learned the same secret of Ascension, and chose a very different path. The Ancients left a great legacy, one exploited byStargate Command as they used the Stargate network. Some Ancients chose to de-ascend to work against the Ori (notably Merlin … › wiki › AncientAncient | SGCommand | Fandom

the ancients are descended from those alterans that fled the ori in a distant galaxy, and were one of the most advanced races known to have existed in the milky way, and reigned for millions of years as a secular and science-oriented power, reaching their level of technology long before the tau’ri evolved on earth and are known as the builders of … › place › Qatar › HistoryQatar – History | Britannica

Qatar came to the attention of the British in 1867 when a dispute between the Bahraini Khalifah, who continued to hold some claim to Al-Zubārah, and the Qatari residents escalated into a major confrontation, in the course of which Doha was virtually destroyed. Until the attack, Britain had viewedQatar as a Bahraini dependency. › mysterious-portals-and-stargates-of-the…Mysterious Portals and Stargates of the Ancient World – Exo News

• The “Gate of the Sun” is located within the ancient ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia. Discovered in the 1800’s, the gate is an arch hewn from a single massive block of stone. It was said that the gate was used to travel from one dimension or world to the other. › wiki › History_of_QatarHistory of Qatar – Wikipedia

The history of Qatar spans from its first duration of human occupation to its formation as a modern state. Human occupation of Qatar dates back to 50,000 years ago, and Stone Age encampments and tools have been unearthed in the Arabian Peninsula. Mesopotamia was the first civilization to have a presence in the area during the Neolithic period, evidenced by the discovery of potsherds … › the-world-factbook › countries › qatarQatar – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency

noun: Qatari (s) adjective: Qatari Ethnic groups non-Qatari 88.4%, Qatari 11.6% (2015 est.) Languages Arabic (official), English commonly used as a second language major-language sample (s): كتاب حقائق العالم، المصدر الذي لا يمكن الاستغناء عنه للمعلومات الأساسية (Arabic) The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information. › qatar › etymologyEtymology of Qatar | Symbol Hunt

Etymology of Qatar: Derives from Qatara, believed to refer to the Qatari town of Zubara, an important trading port and town in the region in ancient times. What are the Qatari known for? Qatar is known for Oil and Gas, Oryx and vast wealth Where is Qatar located? Neighbours of Qatar Saudi Arabia Questions & Answers › wiki › QatarQatar – Wiktionary

Etymology [ edit] From Arabic قَطَر ‎ (qaṭar) . Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key): /ʕʌˈtʌɾ/ Hyphenation: Qa‧tar Proper noun [ edit] Qatár m Qatar (a country in Western Asia, in the Middle East) Catalan [ edit] Etymology [ edit] Pronunciation [ edit] ( Balearic) IPA ( key): /kəˈta/ ( Central) IPA ( key): /kəˈtar/ ( Valencian) IPA ( key): /kaˈtaɾ/ › languages_of_qatar › etymologyLanguages of Qatar – Etymology

Etymology The name may derive from Qatara, believed to refer to theQatari town of Zubara, an important trading port and town in the region in ancient times. Another possibility is that it comes from the Persian word Gwadarwhich means port. There are similar places in the region with that name, such as Gwadar in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. › place › Qatar › HistoryQatar – History | Britannica

Little is known of Qatar’s history before the 18th century, when the region’s population consisted largely of Bedouin nomads and there were only a few small fishing villages. Qatar’s modern history begins conventionally in 1766 with the migration to the peninsula of families from Kuwait, notably the Khalifah family. › qatar-raffles-doha-hotel-stargateQatar’s Ultra-Luxurious Raffles Doha Hotel Looks Like A Stargate To A …

The 132-key property offers 270 rooms, 92 suites, four themed suites, and one presidential suite, with views of the Doha skyline, personalised butler service, and bespoke amenities such as a gallery collection of curated books, and an in-suite boutique, also included as part of the experience. x

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