They are on the attack against me here. Quote from David Hinkson
Please visit www.Ienergysupply to help David in his quest for freedom. One dollar is all he is asking for you to help him. Thank you
They are on the attack against me here. Quote from David Hinkson, Please visit www.Ienergysupply.com to help David.https://twitter.com/TruthPress/status/977238748491669504
Copper Water Oz businessman and Dr. Dave Hinkson on the Lou Epton show titled, “How we lost the Republic”. This show was broadcast on March 7, 1997 Now a Political Prisoner, Navy Veteran http://beforeitsnews.com/letters-to-the-editor/2018/03/copper-water-oz-businessman-and-dr-dave-hinkson-on-the-lou-epton-show-titled-how-we-lost-the-republic-this-show-was-broadcast-on-march-7-1997-now-a-political-prisoner-navy-veteran-2436844.html