The Name of Jesus (Yeshua) is our last line of defense against human and ultimately spiritual violence. It is not merely reciting the name that is powerful, but rather it is the authority that is behind the Name and our position within it which makes the difference.
John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you gave me—so that they may be one as we are one.
When we proclaim the Name of Jesus we are letting both heaven and earth know that we are joint heirs with Christ and are declaring our Family Name! In such an environment of grace we have the authority to command spiritual violence and murder to cease in its advance against us.
Presently in the world there are sources of violent contention brewing and ready to pounce. So in the days ahead you can expect that there will be opportunities to stand in Christ and oppose various forms of oppression. I say “stand” rather than advance, simply because we need to trust that God is on our side, so we really don’t need to pick a fight. In fact I believe that we should avoid confrontation whenever possible because there is a question as to whose ground we are standing on in the midst of such a battle. Let me give you an example.
Acts 16:16-18 is telling the story of a girl that had unique abilities. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. One day as Paul and Silas where preaching in that region she started shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her.
What should be brought to our attention is the girl and spirit engaged the apostles on their own turf; they were doing God’s work. She unfortunately entered into their zone of power and authority which was the result of Christ on their lives. Hence based on Jesus’ authority the demon had to leave and the girl ceased in her rant.
Let me give you another example of how God is capable of winning battles without lifting a finger.
A few years back I was meeting a friend of mine who was having some work done on his house. For the project, he had hired a man with whom he had previous business connections. Yet on this day the two had a disagreement and the hired man started to become quite aggressive, even to the point of becoming violent. Before the confrontation became ugly, the Holy Spirit prompted me to bind the spirit of violence that was on this man’s life. I didn’t bind the man, I bound the spirit. I said;
“In the name of Jesus (Yeshua) I bind the violent spirit that is at work in this man.”
Now I was about thirty feet away from this encounter and had whispered my command, but immediately the hired man turned to me obviously shaken and said, “ Wait a minute “we” don’t have a problem with you, our fight is with the boss!” My reply was; “That doesn’t matter you are now bound from being violent.” In short order the confrontation was over.
Whatever the battle, whether it’s as simple as having a quarrel with the man on the street or having a confrontation with a violent oppressor we have a way of escape, we have authority in spiritual realms and we have the Name of Jesus on our side.
In the days ahead the individual Christian may not be able to depend on others as a shield against violent acts. Instead it is time that each believer develops their own set of leadership skills. That means, we each put on the armor of God and really settle in our hearts that God is for us. It is by His authority on our lives that we can set at bay any potential enemy. In the Name of Jesus violence stops when we say it stops. If believers finally get a revelation that they are seated with Christ in heavenly realms, then evil will want to stay far from us. Based on a timely revelation it is very possible that some will call off spiritually inspired and aggressive armies with a simple word. But all of us have a birth right in Christ to say “no” to evil advances.
Now some may say, “But what about the bibles many references to being persecuted, shouldn’t I accept persecution as just the way things are?” You could, but a better response would be; “Lord, your will be done in my life”.
So if you find yourself staring death in the face and some man wants to steal away your dignity and your right to life, I think it’s a good time to introduce them to the authority that you have in Jesus.
Gordon Brownlee is the founder of Shadow free Ministries which teaches the importance of the Cross in our daily lives, as well as our way to freedom from spiritual error. His latest book; “The Shadow of the Spiritual” teaches how to understand spiritual worlds and the Bibles marvelous way of escape. It’s available on Kindle, Nook or paper back from amazon.com. It is also free for the asking in PDF form.
Come visit us at http://www.shadow-free.com