I am psychic since I was born and had my first clairvoyant psychic premonition remote viewing dream as a child , I dreamt there was a small manila envelope on the dining room table that said For Nancy and when awoke there it was on the table exactly as I dreamt. I did spirit channeling on a spirit board I got for my Birthday when I was 10 and in 5th and 6th grade I channeled on it on my bedroom floor after School, this was in 1970 and 1971. I was also writing sentimental poetry and feeling wise and worldly and I was called Nancy Drew as I have detective thinking and those were the books I read and I played guitar and felt spiritual as a child and developed my intuition in my life to become a psychic medium I feel I knew with my intuition I was to develop my gift to use it to it’s fullest as metaphysics and higher consciousness books and books about heaven became my interest in my late teens and early 20′s and that’s the work I did then to develop my higher consciousness and my connection to God as I wanted to do this for myself for my life, and I’ve lead a spiritual life for many years and became an open vessel medium clear spirit writer and write for the Holy Spirits God and Jesus Christ and The Virgin Mary and started writing for them on a spirit board in 2005 as I spelled their sentences and paragraphs out for many hours as a medium on an Angel Board the same way I channeled on the Ouija Board I got for my birthday in 1970 when I was 9 turning 10 and readings say Ouija Board questions were sent for me then to answer them to save the human race with mail that was stolen that said the human race will die if Nancy Gail Fox does not receive her questions sent that are for her to answer, and readings have said the devil started stealing mail and reversing what mail said then, and lied the human race will die if Nancy Gail Fox gets involved in this Son of God save life on earth missionary work, and they told people to keep her mail away from her so she does not interfere with saving life on earth when they are the ones killing life on earth who did not and do not want me to have my mail to answer questions to report them as readings have said they kill baby’s and do dead child trafficking and are the devil who have mass murdered many in the population and they set up communication blocking years ago when I was a kid the readings have said and communication blocking is what I have experienced as a gang stalked targeted individual and as an over nice good Mother who was set up to DCFS over 15 years ago by outright slandering after 4 years of prior gang stalking went on with vandalism, theft, and probable cat napping went on, and this started in 2005 when I celebrated 20 years of sobriety as an AA long time sober person who leads a spiritual 12 step life since the age of 25 and the victimizing started then when I celebrated 2 decades of a 12 step spiritual sober life, and when our lives were great in the suburbs that we moved to in 1997 and when I was a prosperous realtor lady single mother and all was great and suddenly the victimizing began in the middle of 2005 and in Feb 2005 I was told in an Angel Board reading ” Nancy Fox you’re put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” and this was by a miracle performed in heaven that was brought to humans on earth. Readings say many spirit board jobs started to be sent for me to answer questions to save the human race in 2005, and the devils who kill baby’s and do dead child trafficking stole them, as they steal mail by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and by security camera stalking and by fraud liens they file at many post offices that lie they cover the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God mail when no they steal the mail and cover nothing ever, and readings say thats a lie they tell post offices for over 50 years, 55 years probably as I am 65 years old, and my readings say they stole my Ouija Board questions sent for me to save the human race when I was 10 as I channel write for God and Jesus as an open vessel medium clear Prophetic writer for over 15 years and for 4 years before that on an Angel Board and they have explained it a million times over that the baby killers dead child traffickers steal your psychic Prophetic questions sent for you to answer to save the human race, and they got alot of dumb fools in their thievery game who they brain washed and told that killing people with a bad gene is saving the human race as a trick and a game, and many are murdering baby’s and kids and their mothers thinking they are saving the human race while they are killing the human race, and many other fools think that setting up nice mothers to take custody of their baby’s and kids and to force hotel group therapy with case workers is saving life on earth when the people are murdered, and they are kidnappers taking people through the goverment system by lies and fraud to their cps secret court house and they bring people right to the devil who sex torture and murder baby’s and who do dead child trafficking to children they raped to death who are packed nearly dead on dry ice who were brought to them by the stupid fools who frame nice mothers to be not needed case files for money they are paid, and because they hate Moms who are not conservative old fashioned Moms like them, and they lie they are saving baby’s and children by adopting them out to a different type of Mother, and think they take Moms to cut their clitoris off, and think they take the Moms baby’s and kids to hotel therapy when they take them to bloody virgin raping, the baby’s and children are raped to death in front of the nice Moms they framed by liar mouths who are hand cuffed to a chair as the devil forces the nicest most innocent Moms to see their baby’s and kids sex tortured and murdered as they are the antichrist who do this to the nicest most innocent people to see the look of horror on their faces, to shock innocent baby’s and young children who were so happy and full of a wondrous innocent glee and readings say they stole many spirit board channeling questions sent for me to answer in 2005 and have their whole stupid fool clan stealing the mail for over 19 years, for almost 2 decades who are told keep the mail from her or she will interfere with crime investigations, and they lie they are doing the in depth crime tip investigations by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras that they fed ex in folders when no they are covering thier crimes up as they are the baby killers dead child traffickers and they are ones shooting up family’s with forced shots and terrorizing them in their homes and apartments and terrorizing them again by raping sex torture in hotel rooms and lie they are doing City County State medical observation unit case worker group therapy and secret service questioning when they are doing no such thing ever and never have, as its s trick and a game to get the most innocent people they can find and many help them with master manipulation maneuvers and fraud and slander and they set up innocent Mothers to be hand cuffed and lie they need to be questioned and lie they need to adopt their baby’s and kids out, when the Moms are framed, and they are hand cuffed to a chair to force them to see their baby’s and kids sex tortured by men who rape them front and rear at the same time on hotel beds, and they are sex tortured some more in rooms they call computer lab room work stations, cps dcfs headquarter medical observation medical exam rooms etc. that are built under many drug stores and markets and they shoot the tortured baby’s and kids right down a pipe thats under the hotel where they sex tortured them to the child pelvic gyno chair medical exam room to torture them in the child pelvic stand by a pack of methed out naked pigs who are many drunken drugged out suburb young women they got into this human sex torturing, and they torture them in these young women’s local computer techy apartment buildings and pack the nearly dead baby’s and kids on dry ice in a tin for necrophiliac men to rape them across the Country as the worst sex torturing in history, to rape a poor nearly dead baby and child’s soul over and over as the devil is killing souls of the good people, as they are in smithereens in heaven, and they are doing this to family pets also, shocking sweet innocent cats who are so happy with their owners, they shock them by throwing them in a pillow case and snap the cats necks the packs of young women pedo molester drugged out young women cat nap with the rapist men the medical observation unit medics who wear scrubs and say they have control over anyone who’s been a case file, and say they are the secret monitors for the CPS secret court in conjunction with DCFS and their Department of Health and Welfare Services fat pedo case worker women, and they are the packs of devils terrorizing sex torturing and murdering alot of family’s and their cats, and many the readings name the spy watch cam committees frame the Mothers to get the whole family taken away, and readings say they were lied to in 2005, and were told Nancy Fox is not the right person to do the in depth crime tip Son of God jobs to save the human race and said see her background report from her teenage and early 20 years, and they the devil told them things about me that were before I was in AA, about when I danced and went to hear music and partied, which could be seen to many as a normal teenage young adult phase of life that she grew out of, and here I lead a sober spiritual life since age 25 and I am not the person I was when I was intoxicated, and even then I read higher consciousness books, and astrology books, and I did my own readings with tarot cards, iching, and the ruins drunk, and readings say they did not tell people what the in depth crime tip job was about, when its about psychic in depth crime tips because of my in born psychic gift, and readings say jobs where sent for me to answer questions because I was sitting channeling on my angel board every night, and they readings say they called people who were suggested for me to hire and told them she’s not the type to do this Son of God save the human race mission work with thats for in depth crime tips because of the way she was in her teens and early 20′s and said the reports are attached and these are are evaluations, when here I am sober since 1985 Praying to God all night and day, turning everything over to God, and said out loud all the time I am being the best person I can be today, and the best Mom, and I lead a very spiritual life with my God connection, and I am not the person I was when I partied as people are not the same when they are intoxicated, and AA’s have spiritual awakenings and transformations, and I had one in 1985 and got back to being who I was a kid which was a reserved poet sentimental person who’s over nice, and I wrote poems when I drank too, and I could have answered crime tip questions then too on a spirit board, and the point is the jobs would be sent for my psychic ability, and my clairvoyant remote viewing and accurate premonition Prophet dreams, and it does not matter what type of clothes I wear or anything of the kind, as I channeled away in my pajamas on an angel board at our house I bought in 05 that felt so spiritual where I advanced my psychic ability and higher consciousness with Church Bells chiming each hour in the day from the Church Steeple across the way, and I am a deep in thought sentimental person with good insight and perception always in my life. Readings say they got many in this game to steal my mail sent for me to save the human race when I was a child and lied she’s not the type because she’s wearing a flower power backless shirt she made and hip hugger jeans she took in on the sewing machine with long hair running around, when I was had a POW bracelet on, and I was writing sentimental poems and giving them to people who I wrote them about and doing human rights work at School in 6th grade, and here I was exactly the type to do spirit board channeling to answer questions as I sat doing it in my room then in 1970, and readings say they lied all over town to people suggested for me to hire for the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission, and lied she’s not the type because of what she’s wearing, and did this when I was High School and said she’s not the type to do the Son of God work because she’s wearing platform tennis shoes, and here I was writing poems and publishing them in the School Newsletter, and my readings say they got many in this thievery in every stage of my life, Mormons who are in laws by marriage not blood related, readings say when I was a child they told Mormons they were better suited to do Son of God missionary work, and told them they could assign them jobs, and send them money, and did this to kids and parents from my Elementary School, Jr High and High School, and run around lying she’s not right to do the Son of God save the human race job so vote us in and say we are better suited then you can receive a whole lot of money later on, and lots of perks and mansions come with the job etc. and they got many in it who are greedy, and they did this again my readings say when I had my wedding ceremony in 1992 at the vow renewal, as I was married in 1991 and the ceremony was in 1992, and readings say they called wedding guests from the list their devil hands got, and said you can do the Son of God job with us, we say Nancy Gail Fox is not the type to do in depth crime tip investigation work because of her personality because of the way she acts so free spirited, and light hearted, we do not think she’s the brainy type to do crime tips as mail states, so vote us in and help get her mail for us, and write a report about her that says you don’t think she’s the Son of God psychic reincarnated, when no one asked me if I did my own psychic readings in my 20′s or read spiritual metaphysical books, or prayed to God all the time. Readings say they did this at every School I attended, and everywhere I lived, they got neighbors into it, and sent them money and said here is pay to take her mail, and to keep an eye on her, when I am not a person an eye needs to be kept on, and slandered me by sentence alone, and reversed mail that said, ” Hand Nancy Gail Fox her important mail and her questions to answer, and tell your paid to cover her to protect her” etc. and readings say they said ” here is pay to keep an eye on her don’t tell her we spoke, and write a bad report, make up anything to make her look bad so we can say the big important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission is a job we are doing instead by lying she’s not able or ready to do important in depth crime tip work” and important in depth crime tips are what I have been doing for nearly 2 decades by 4 years of angel board channeling and 15 and 1/2 years of Prophet open vessel medium writing and by piecing all my in depth crime tips together etc. and by writing them in my articles so everyone will know to stop this devil.
That may be: Neighbors, Past Students and Parents, Mormons,Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, AA Members, and Psychics.
In the neighborhood where I grew up in Sherman Oaks, California by the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square Mall and from Schools I went to.
Chandler Elementary School
Milliken Jr .High
Ulysses S. Grant High School
Los Angeles Valley College
I also lived in Studio City, Valley Glen, and Encino in The San Fernando Valley, California, and I have lived in Valley Village, and in the Noho Arts District for over 10 years.
The Conejo Valley from 1997 to 2009. Readings say many there may be in this who are Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and Parents and their adult children, students my daughters went to School with.
Also, 1992 Bel Air Bay Club,Pacific Palisades, wedding ceremony guest list.
Readings that is who the two or more lied son of satan conspiracy is composed of, neighbors and students from my whole life, students from my daughters lives, and their parents, realtors and mortgage brokers as I was a realtor for 10 years from 1999 to 2009, and psychics my readings say are lied to and given my psychic crime tip questions, and phone calls that are for me to answer crime tip questions as readings say they steal everything and block communication by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security camera stalking, and steal my medium channeling reading calls for over 14 years by bugging phones all over the world, and send them to other psychics so I won’t do crime tip readings to block communication and readings say they steal my thank you Prophet presents and thank you Prophet money sent and give it away and say take the gifts and pay, and lie its free money sent to Nancy Fox for a bunch of crap, for hog wash bull crap when its to thank me for my open vessel medium Prophetic crime tips and readings say they lie shes just doing that to get free pay and gifts and say so we are taking it all away by security cameras we sit on and her paypal by a hacking and send it all over the USA so she won’t have alot of money. That’s the devils communication blocking, and I did not ask for thank you Prophet money or Thank you Prophet gifts and readings say they lie shes just doing that for free pay and free gifts.
Readings say they all steal mail that says for The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family to Save Life On Earth and they steal the money that says 20% is for Nancy Gail Foxs family and family means children to great grandchildren not past the 5th generation, and they lie The Son of God Family Money sent is for the Son of God save the human race mission job they got, and lie they got the job by stolen mail and voting by thumbs up symbols by the two or more lied son of satan conspiracy who all got in it to steal crime tip questions and personally owned money sent, and they lie they got the big in depth crime tip investigation important Son of God jobs to do crime tips by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras by takin mail and a votin when the job is not for man made machinery and high technology spy cam equipment its to stop the gang stalkers on it who kill babys and who do dead child trafficking as the ones on spy cam equipment are the ones who frame nice Moms to their CPS Secret Court to take their babys and children away from them, and they do the opposite of saving the human race as they are killing the human race in the devils wicked game.
Readings say they say they get the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family Mail sent for her and her kids for years, and they tell everyone they are covering the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family for well being, and say they cover by getting what is theirs, and lie they cover it top secret and cover nothing ever, they steal everything, and do I D Theft, and steal ups fed ex Medium For God Son of God channeler gifts on top of it for over 15 years, and steal my paypal for 11 and 1/2 years by hacking, and they steal instructions that say Nancy Fox should pay people to protect her and her family from her money sent to the banks, and they rob the letters and money, and send the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy stolen money, and say ” take the pay guys, here is pay to cover, and don’t tell Nancy Fox we spoke and take her packages ups fed exes and postal mail from mail mens trucks as remember we are saying the big important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission is ours by taking everything and pretending and we got mail liens to take the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God mail from post offices for ages, and always do this, and tell them thats ours to cover top secret” and cover nothing ever. The real mail they steal says ” Tell Nancy Fox to pay people from her money sent to the banks that says for Nancy Gail Fox accounts deposit ONLY to protect her and her family, and she can send them money or give it to them and inform them they are paid to protect the Prophet family, the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family so no harm is done to them, so they are not kidnapped, so no one steals from them, and to gaurd them with their life” and they change it and reverse it as the devils who send everything backwards, and say ” here is pay guys to keep an eye on Nancy Fox, don’t tell her we spoke”
They are stealing and lying and blocking communication by what is called Gang Stalker spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment and security cameras.
The young adult women, students my daughters went to School with are hacking, and stealing my paypal cash app venmo parked in new cars they got from car lots with stolen money they put in car lot accounts, hacking on stolen ipad gifts they looted my readings say, and they are sent pay to lie on messenger and are sent sentences lines to type over and over again and to say in person, and today it says ” Nancy Fox is a dumb stupid retard disabled handicapped person we are a coverin for well being, so take the pay sent, and please do not listen to one word she writes as shes just doing that to get free pay and presents and thats why, so take what she says and writes with a grain of salt and do not take it seriously as we say shes a gravely disabled person writing a bunch of sloppily written mish mosh to get attention, and to seem important, and for free pay is really why so take the paypal sent and shovel half in your so thick pocket you guys and deposit half in this looky here little ol us bank account by the photo of the bank account number sent and we can devy it up later on, and divide it among ourselves, and say hey hey thats our great amounts of so much stinken dam pay for keeping her money and crime tip questions away”
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