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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Are Desperately Lying To You All About Funding The Government In Order To Avert A Shutdown. But Don't Be Deceived Because CHINA Is Russia's Strong Ally And Since The Wicked World Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Is At War Against Russia, CHINA Is Going To Cut Off All Ties With The USA Which Means That They Are Calling In The Insanely Large Amount Of Credit-Debt Owed To Them Which They Won't Fully Be Repaid Due To Sinister NWO ROGUE UN Interception Involving The Forceful Takeover Of The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Covertly Under BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - Main Terrorist Ringleader Of His NWO-UN-ISIS-ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Worldwide Crime Syndicate Which Is Cunningly Fighting For World Domination Involving The Pre-Planned Destruction Of The Titanic ROMAN US EAGLE Government Economic Corporation Of Extreme Fraud Known As Mystery Babylon The Great (TYRE = The Modern Day Mercantile Stock Exchange Center NY City/The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon + ZIDON/SIDON Modern Day Washington D.C.) Which Shall Surely FALL EXTREMELY HARD Never To Rise Again As A Dominant World Power, As Foretold In The Book Of Obadiah + 2nd Esdras 10:59 Through 12:38 And 2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. Apocrypha Texts + Joel 3rd Ch. + Ezekiel 32nd Ch. + Isaiah 13th Ch. + Isaiah 21st Ch. + Ezekiel 28th Ch. + Jeremiah 50th/51st Chs. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Be Aware That The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Is Under Covert Eminent Domain Credit-Debt NON-PAYMENT Protocols And THEY Are Cunningly Shuffling Around What To Pay And What Not To Pay In Order To Deceptively Appease The Sleepyhead Sheeple Long Enough To Covertly Secure Their Own Interests-Assets-Agendas-Missions-Protocols For The Evil Establishment Of A Dystopian NWO Under Satan, Fallen Angels, And Demons-Entities/So-Called gods Commonly Called ALIENS Deceptively Operating Within Highly Mutated Genetically Hybridized CLONED Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Vessels (Shapeshifting No Good CLOUDS Without Water - Meaning Sinister Spiritual Beings/Evil Fallen Angel Bastards Of Mass Deceptions-Strong Delusions-Illusions-Lies With No Love Connection To The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, Foretold In The Book Of Jude And The Book Of Enoch, AHMAN). Time Is Getting Shorter, Please Let's All WAKE UP - PRAY - REPENT - WISE UP - STAY SOBER - BE RIGHTEOUSLY OBEDIENT UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS - SHOW LOVE - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW Before It's Too Late And Help Save Others Out Of The Fire. Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, JOHN 3:16, 1st JOHN 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, ALL ABOARD MY PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS - OUR ETERNAL DESTINATION IS HEAVEN, AHMAN! SELAH

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Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Are Desperately Lying To You All About Funding The Government In Order To Avert A Shutdown. But Don’t Be Deceived Because CHINA Is Russia’s Strong Ally And Since The Wicked World Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Is At War Against Russia, CHINA Is Going To Cut Off All Ties With The USA Which Means That They Are Calling In The Insanely Large Amount Of Credit-Debt Owed To Them Which They Won’t Fully Be Repaid Due To Sinister NWO ROGUE UN Interception Involving The Forceful Takeover Of The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Covertly Under BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA – Main Terrorist Ringleader Of His NWO-UN-ISIS-ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Worldwide Crime Syndicate Which Is Cunningly Fighting For World Domination Involving The Pre-Planned Destruction Of The Titanic ROMAN US EAGLE Government Economic Corporation Of Extreme Fraud Known As Mystery Babylon The Great (TYRE = The Modern Day Mercantile Stock Exchange Center NY City/The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon + ZIDON/SIDON Modern Day Washington D.C.) Which Shall Surely FALL EXTREMELY HARD Never To Rise Again As A Dominant World Power, As Foretold In The Book Of Obadiah + 2nd Esdras 10:59 Through 12:38 And 2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. Apocrypha Texts + Joel 3rd Ch. + Ezekiel 32nd Ch. + Isaiah 13th Ch. + Isaiah 21st Ch. + Ezekiel 28th Ch. + Jeremiah 50th/51st Chs. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Be Aware That The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Is Under Covert Eminent Domain Credit-Debt NON-PAYMENT Protocols And THEY Are Cunningly Shuffling Around What To Pay And What Not To Pay In Order To Deceptively Appease The Sleepyhead Sheeple Long Enough To Covertly Secure Their Own Interests-Assets-Agendas-Missions-Protocols For The Evil Establishment Of A Dystopian NWO Under Satan, Fallen Angels, And Demons-Entities/So-Called gods Commonly Called ALIENS Deceptively Operating Within Highly Mutated Genetically Hybridized CLONED Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Vessels (Shapeshifting No Good CLOUDS Without Water – Meaning Sinister Spiritual Beings/Evil Fallen Angel Bastards Of Mass Deceptions-Strong Delusions-Illusions-Lies With No Love Connection To The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, Foretold In The Book Of Jude And The Book Of Enoch, AHMAN). Time Is Getting Shorter, Please Let’s All WAKE UP – PRAY – REPENT – WISE UP – STAY SOBER – BE RIGHTEOUSLY OBEDIENT UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER’S HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS - SHOW LOVE – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late And Help Save Others Out Of The Fire. Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, JOHN 3:16, 1st JOHN 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, ALL ABOARD MY PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS - OUR ETERNAL DESTINATION IS HEAVEN, AHMAN! SELAH


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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, March 11, 2022, 19:25


Please REMEMBER The DAY AFTER TOMORROW And The NIGHT Of The LONG TAILED COMET And GEOSTORM, You All Need To TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late!: Please Be Aware That Soon Many People Will Be FLASH FROZEN In Just A Matter Of Minutes After Being Exposed Briefly To The Horrific Nightmarish Imminent Sudden Drastic Changes In Temperature And Many Other Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Cursed Races Of People With Varying Percentages Of The Undesirable Snow White Leprous Cursed Recessive Genes EVIL SEED Mark Of Cain Who Have Degraded Feeble Flesh Embedded With Sulphuric Pheomelanin Will SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST Into Inextinguishable Flames Under Direct Exposure To Suddenly Intensified UV Light Energy Radiation While Quickly Burning Down From Within Due To Spiritually Powered Ignited Internal Plasma Fire That Will Turn Them Into Piles Of Ashes Involving Cursed Wicked Hearted Unrepentant MANKIND Heathens/Genetically Hybridized Doomed TARES Who Are Directly Exposed To The (Radiant Flashlight – SpotLight Like) Directional Projected Focused Spiritual Heavenly Energy Vigorously Flowing From The Ultra-Bright Glorious Shining Face Of The Gradually Amplifying “SUN Of Righteousness” Rising With Supernatural Healing In It’s Extraordinarily Energetic Wings-Solar Rays, Which Are Definitely GOOD For The Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Fleshly Creations Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Undergoing The Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Process, That Will Soon Begin Unleashing Extraordinarily Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Ultra-Cataclysmic X-RAY SHOCKWAVES Followed By Much More Intense GAMMA-RAY SHOCKWAVES Weeks After The Initial Multiphase Solar Amplification Event Which First Occurs During The Supernatural Ultra-Cataclysmic Opening Of The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Including The Extraordinarily Energetic Opening Of The Ultra-Bright Windows-Wormholes Of HEAVEN That Spiritually Connect To Higher Dimensional Heavenly Worlds Of The HOLY MIND Of CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH That Will Gradually Manifest In Us Righteous Ones Which Will Begin To Supernaturally Change Everything Thing On Earth Above And Below While Simultaneously Destroying The Temporal Satanic Fallen World Dimensional Matrix Veil That’s Currently Obscuring Our Spiritual EYE That Will Be Gradually Burned Away From Our Renewing Minds For The Eternal Betterment Of Us Righteous Faithful Few HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL.DNA-WORD Bearing Spiritually Melanated Chosen Elect WHEAT Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children, Please REMEMBER LUKE 21st Ch. + ENOCH 80th Ch. + MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs. + ISAIAH 30:26 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, March 11, 2022, 12:39


“All Hell Is About To Break Loose” As The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Fearfully Say. (You Will Soon Witness Spectacular Sequential SUPERNOVAS Supernaturally Shining With Heavenly Light Coming From Higher Dimensional Worlds) Over The Weekend It Sure Got Arctic Cold Quickly, Especially In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth, When The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Bright Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Were Supernaturally Opened Up With Heavenly Cosmic Winds Vigorously Blowing Throughout The Earth As The Sun Begins Its Extraordinarily Energetic First Phase Of Solar Amplification, Please READ Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. (Near Future Speaking): TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW - REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. Concerning The Covert Utilization Of Sinister Fallen Angels’ *LOW VIBE* Disharmonic Satanically Tuned Ancinet Seven Note Musical Scale Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Dimensional Intrusion Technologies Which Will Cause Extremely Freaky Ultra-Disastrous Events Worldwide With MIND BENDING Spiritual + Electromagnetic + Demonic Paranormal Activities And Disturbances Of The Earth Plus Its Inhabitants That Will Be Greatly Affected By The Negative Disharmonic LOW VIBE Soundwaves That Will Be Radiated From The Extremely Powerful TESLA Infrastructures *Demonic Netium Network* System Technologies, ie. The Covert Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel Electromagnetic Cloverfield Rosengate Bridge Portal TESLA System Technologies + The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate TESLA Technologies + The Worldwide HAARP *LOW VIBE* TESLA Transmitter Antenna Arrays + GEOSTORM PREVENTION TELSA Satellite-Networks-Systems Technologies Located Above And Below + Scalar Weaponized Soundwave TESLA Technologies Which Is Enough *LOW VIBE* Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Negatively Flowing Through The Vibratory Elemental Aethers And Earth To Inductively Drive Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused Sheeple Into Mind Controlled Frenzied Fits Of DEMONIC ZOMBIE RAGE As Strangely Silent Freakish Lightning Bolts Rip Violently Across The Artificially Darkened Sky With The Sun Also Dimmed Via Satan’s NASA TESLA Technologies And Their Giant Artificial 2nd Sun/Patented Solar Simulator/Spherical Nuclear Powered L.E.D. Array Covertly Activated In The Horrific Nightmarish Process, Please READ MICAH 3rd Ch. About This First Strange Darkness Event That Will Cause Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded Sleepyhead Sheeple To Erroneously Think That It’s THE END Of The World, But It’s Just The Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains Events. However, Also Please REMEMBER The Cryptic Illuminati Predictive Programming Movies In This List Below Which Show You A Little Bit About The Imminent Vainly Attempted Forceful Dimensional Intrusions Beginning During The Month Of MARCH MADNESS And The Worldwide Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Disastrous Disharmonic Extremely LOW VIBE Negative Effects Thereof, Please Check Out CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, THE MIST, DARK TOWER, KILL SWITCH, BIRD BOX, GHOSTBUSTERS, POLTERGEIST, Because A Technological Rift Will Soon Be Torn Into The 4th Dimensional Space-Time Fabric With Hellish Earth Destabilizing Effects, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, March 11, 2022, 2:42


DONALD TRUMP/TRUMPTY DUMPTY Is About To Take A Great Fall And Die! I Have Been Receiving Codes That His Strange Demise Is Connected To New Orleans (With Recent Airplane Problems), But I Can’t Remember Where I Heard This Clue Involving His Imminent Hard Fall Down A Flight Of Stairs With A Fatal Subdual Hematoma To His Devilish Little Brain. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, March 11, 2022, 0:17


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