Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: All Is Now Active! Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Special Intel Report 11/9/24 (Video)
by N.Morgan
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Compiled Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.” HOME | Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)
Trump’s Victory was three days ago and already the Stock Market has recovered; Putin wants to end the Ukraine War; Hamas and Iran have signaled peace with Israel & Xi has joined their forces, while the Globalist Agenda was crumbling beneath those Satan Worshipper’s feet in a New World Order Death March.
Though, no one was talking about Biden’s Impeachment Hearing that began in Congress Thurs. Biden Impeachment Hearing LIVE | Biden In Deep Trouble? | Joe Biden Impeachment LIVE| Joe Biden News
If you truly believe that we were experiencing a Military Operation, then you must also believe that the last four years were set up like a Sting Operation. You would, too, believe that the Military has identified all credible targets and threats – and believed that the bad actors have either been replaced, or were being watched like a hawk watches a mouse. If you believed all of this, but were wondering why it’s so quiet, maybe you should stop wondering.
…KylePatriots on Telegram FRI. 8 NOV. 2024
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Master, the Tempest Is Raging
“You are a precious Child of God and He loves you. He not only created you on purpose, but for a purpose. It’s your duty and obligation to pray and ask Him what that purpose is, and then act on it before He calls you back to return and report”.
…Judy Byington
· By 1832 Illuminati families (now known as the Deep State Cabal), who claimed to be descents of Cain and practiced Child Sacrifice, had joined with their fellow Satan worshippers – the UK Crown and Vatican – to form a worldwide banking system that included Central Banks, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC and Chase.
· In 1871, the Deep State Cabal had conspired with these private Central Bankers including the Rothchilds and Rockefellers, to create the Corporation of the US of America, effectively erasing the original Constitution.
· In 1914, the Deep State Cabal signed a 99-year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold. Backed by the gold, the US Inc, UK Crown and Vatican partners used their privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS to launder US taxpayer monies back to themselves. This Satan Worshipping Operation included funding what was to become a very lucrative international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug, Gun Running, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring.
· The Federal Reserve and IRS were working in secret, not as US Government agencies, but were funding a privately owned Deep State Cabal foreign Central Banking system that has been unconstitutionally operating on US soil since 1913.
· By law US Citizens did not have to pay taxes, but by signing the IRS Form they voluntarily dedicated their monies to the Deep State Cabal IRS.
· The IRS collected those US Taxpayer dollars and then sent the monies to the Satan worshipping UK Crown, which used the monies and then sent it on to the Satan worshipping Vatican Bank, which also used it and then sent it to their privately owned Deep State Cabal Central Banks across the World.
· About a month later the monies were finally returned to a Deep State Cabal New York Bank, where US Taxpayers were charged interest to use their own monies to pay privately owned US Inc. federal employees. That was where the over $34 Trillion US debt came from.
· By 1993, this Satan Worshipping Deep State Cabal’s lease on the Chinese gold expired, and by the early 2000s, a Global Alliance had formed to dismantle the Cabal.
· Even though paying tax to the IRS was voluntary, US Taxpayers who have tried to buck the system have paid dearly. Just one example was Patriot and Film Maker Ken Cromar who presently sat in a Utah jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sent a SWAT Team to kick his unarmed and peace loving middle class family out of their fully owned home, sold the home at auction and threw away all their possessions including expensive camera equipment Cromar used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago, refused his basic rights to present findings of the Federal Tax Court in his Court hearings and has been locked in jail without the ability to even file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until next Feb. 2025.
· Trump and the Global Military Alliance White Hats to the rescue!!! Trump and his team were cleaning the DC Swamp and changing the entire system. Operation Phoenix referred to the rollout of NESARA/GESARA and the Global Currency Reset which gave taxpayer monies of all participating nations back to The People.
· As of early November 2024, Operation Phoenix was now fully in its execution stage.
· Trump’s leadership has empowered elite military units and specialized financial teams to dismantle key corrupt banking nodes in Zurich, London, and Hong Kong. These forces have begun arresting high-profile bankers and corporate operatives and seizing assets in a historic operation aimed at dismantling the power of the Satan Worshipping financial elites.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: General Flynn calls for Trump to launch a ruthless campaign to end child trafficking
· “Vladimir Putin Declared The New World Order Dead After Trump Historic Victory”. …Alex Jones on Telegram
· “The Final Purge is here. The Deep State is trembling – their end is closer than ever, and the White Hats are just getting started. This is a Global purge, and every last trace of their corruption will be wiped out”. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
· “Late Thurs. 7 Nov. evening Federal Agents arrested multiple staff members amid whispers of corruption inside the White House”. …Julian Assange on Telegram
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024: Biden Impeachment Hearing (that Biden refused to attend): Biden Impeachment Hearing LIVE | Biden In Deep Trouble? | Joe Biden Impeachment LIVE| Joe Biden News
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: White House lit up in Gold signifying The Golden Age Has Begun.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Mass Arrests Made! It’s Starting.. Riots & Protests Break Out in Multiple US Cities | Prophecy | Before It’s News
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: WORLD CHANGING: Trump’s Election Victory on November 5th Sparks Historic Alliances—Putin Poised to End War with Ukraine, Hamas and Iran Signal Peace with Israel, Xi Joins Forces, and the Globalist Agenda Crumbles! – Gazetteller
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: The terrifying truth behind HAARP – a mysterious US Government project located deep in Alaska contains a hidden technology capable of manipulating minds and controlling entire populations using electromagnetic waves. The HAARP Patent shows how these waves can penetrate the skull and target emotions.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! “The Future No Longer Belongs To The Globalists. The Future Belongs To The Patriots. We Will Bring Back Our Dream… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: “The Future No Longer Belongs to the Globalists. The Future Belongs to the Patriots”. ..President Trump – Special Intel Report 11/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/7/24 “MONKEYS ESCAPE FROM LAB, OBAMA FLEES US, HOLLYWOOD PANIC”
JUDY NOTE: IF YOU WERE READING THIS UPDATE ON, OR FROM OPERATION DISCLOSURE OFFICIAL’S WEBSITE, BE AWARE that the information has been redacted. For a complete UN-REDACTED VERSION, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official’s Website, you can download it OR you can read an UN-REDACTED VERSION on the Rumor Mill News Website. Go to rumormillnews.com You will be in the Reading Room, then scroll down looking for Agent Seawitch’s posting titles, the UN-REDACTED VERSION for “RESTORED REPUBLIC” is there.
Fri. 8 Nov. EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram:
· U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.
· During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones? Only working for 911calls. This is the Global Martial Law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed.
· The Military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.
· After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming. GESARA/NESARA activated.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “People write and ask questions like is this a scam? No. It’s not. I’ve seen the Whales contracts. I know a billionaire who’s the biggest Paymaster in the World and has his own law firm. He wouldn’t be fooling around with this if it weren’t true. Everyone’s saying that by Tues.12 Nov. we should have a shotgun start. Everything is going at once. The bankers had a meeting and said that Zurich has already started. The codes were locked in a couple of days ago. Remember Tues. 12 Nov. is when we expect things to roll.”
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should receive notification to set appointments over the weekend. Exchanges should start on Tues. 12 Nov.
· Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Julian Assange: All Intel is saying “Next Week.” Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date. Bond funds were being delivered to paymasters. Private appointments are being made now. ZIM Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows: NO projects = 15 million no matter amount you might hold. With projects = First 2 bond notes are 1 to 1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes. To negotiate further you will need to return. Rates are EXTREMELY high.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Declassification of Information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), Banking Cartels, Brunson Brothers, and Empowerment of the People! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: MILITARY INTEL! Global Strategic Impact: Star Link’s Military Applications, RVs &GESARA, and the Quantum Financial System – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· GESARA’s Operation Phoenix, which reclaimed wealth from the corrupt elite and restored it to The People, began it’s execution stage in early November.
· Commander In Chief Trump’s elite military units and specialized financial teams were dismantling key corrupt banking nodes in Zurich, London and Hong Kong. They began arresting high-profile bankers and corporate operatives and seized their assets.
· Redemption Centers across the nation have received critical upgrades to ensure a secure exchange process. Each center now operates with Quantum Shielding Technology, preventing any external interference or surveillance attempts. Developed in top-secret military labs, this technology ensures that only those approved through the QFS can enter, protecting participants from Deep-State actors attempting to disrupt the wealth transfer.
· Participants signing Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) must now verify their identities through advanced biometric signatures, including fingerprint and retina scans.
· These security measures link directly to Quantum Access Cards, further securing each participant’s funds and ensuring only genuine participants are permitted within the QFS.
· The Quantum Access Cards, were essential for accessing funds under GESARA. All cards are equipped with Real-Time Surveillance Deterrents (RTSDs), which detect any attempt to access the card outside QFS’s secure environment. If tampered with, the card immediately encrypts all data, remaining locked until receiving a signal from a Quantum Communication Hub.
· In recent weeks there has been full integration of Star Link satellites with the QFS, creating a powerful Q-Grid.
· This global network of Quantum Communication Hubs now spans eight strategic U.S. regions and other key global locations, connecting Redemption Centers and Quantum Access Cards under an unbreakable encryption shield accessible only by the QFS.
· All GESARA announcements (including notification for appointments) will be delivered through the EBS without obstruction by mainstream media or Deep-State interference.
· When the time comes for the GESARA announcement, Star Link will activate the EBS through the Q-Grid, transmitting real-time updates to every participant. This bypasses traditional media outlets, delivering unfiltered truth to the people directly.
D. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 EBS & GESARA Countdown: Exposing Deep State & Banking Betrayal, QFS Revolution, 5D Earth Shift, Trump-Obama Power Play, Petrodollar’s End, and Iraq’s White Hat Alliance! …NESARA/GESARA on Telegram
· October 10, 2024 EBS, Martial Law, and GESARA: The Countdown Begins: The way things will unfold is meticulously planned. It starts with the EBS, the Emergency Broadcast System – the messenger of utmost importance. The Martial Law declaration will follow, all in line with the monumental GESARA announcement. Is the EBS preceding or succeeding the GESARA? Ah, the uncertainties remain, but one thing is certain: once Disclosures come to light, the Redemption Center Appointments will beckon.
· The Redemption Centers: It’s Not Just About the Money: Every single one of us will have to pass through these Redemption Centers. And it’s not just for those fortunate to possess foreign currency. All the dark deeds, including military tribunals, public punishments, and much more, will finally be unveiled.
· The Sinister Secrets of Banks Revealed: Our trusted financial institutions? The very banks that promised to safeguard our futures? They’ve betrayed us all. Not just you, but the generations before you. With the initiation of GESARA and NESARA, a financial reckoning is upon us. The mighty dollar will be returned to its rightful owners: the people.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: BOOM! BANKRUPT U.S. CORPORATION: Trump Restores the Republic, Jan Halper-Hayes, the Vatican, and “We Have the Gold!” – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: BREAKING: U.S. Military Rallies Behind Real Commander-in-Chief! Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Memo Commands Full Readiness for Trump’s Leadership! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Re-inhabited Republic For These United States (rumble.com) How To Save America | Republic for USA (republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org)
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 The Taliban says it wants to strengthen relations with President Trump and be removed from the United States’ terrorist list.
· US Special Forces Destroy F-16s in Ukraine That Zelensky Used To Bomb Russian Villages: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248154
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Breaking: Arrests Inside the White House. Late last night, a stunning series of arrests unfolded within the White House, as federal agents apprehended multiple staff members. Eyewitnesses reported a chaotic scene, with officials being led away in handcuffs amid urgent whispers of corruption. The reasons behind these arrests remain unclear but are rumored to involve shocking revelations. …Julian Assange on Telegram
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: John Kerry Declares WAR on Free Speech: Globalist’s Full-Scale ATTACK on the First Amendment to SILENCE the American People Forever! – Gazetteller
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: The Hammer Has Fallen: Trump’s Mass Deportation Plan Begins NOW – 10 Million Illegals Forced Out to Save America From Biden’s Open-Border Nightmare! – Gazetteller
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024: Vladimir Putin Declares The NWO Is Dead After Trump Historic Victory.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 “The View” Goes Viral as Hosts Have A Meltdown On Air:
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024: Alex Jones Accepts Don Jr’s Nomination To Be The New Press Secretary For The Incoming Trump Administration
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024: 43 Rhesus monkeys “escape” from bio-research lab in Yemassee, South Carolina. Residents are told to lock their windows and doors. https://www.disclose.tv/id/oarp0779m7/
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Lefties Loosing It: https://youtu.be/uOWmg0tnV_w?si=_hiRAoCSgc7R6l7K
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: The Simpsons STRIKES AGAIN! They Predicted Trump’s Multiple Presidencies in 2015! ARE YOU WATCHING THIS?!! Enjoy The Show! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: The Vatican’s Underground Secrets: The Vatican’s 1,500-Mile Tunnel to Jerusalem and the Secret Gold Stash Transferred to Fort Knox! A Revelation That Shatters History! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: BOOM!!! JUST NOW: President Trump Releases His Plans to Dismantle the DEEP STATE! [VIDEO] – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: /prophecy/2024/11/just-in
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Breaking News: The Massive List of Deep State Secrets Trump Is About to Declassify Just Got Leaked Today | Prophecy | Before It’s News
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: Disturbing: Diddy’s Secret List and the Celebrities Selling Their Souls to Endorse Kamala Harris – Gazetteller
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 White Hat Intel Warning to the Satanic Pedos: Every single celebrity who was involved in sex crimes against children is panicking for a reason. Every single journalist who covered up child sex crimes and/or Pizza-gate is also panicking. Let me make this crystal clear: It’s over for all of you! Anyone who is guilty of committing, enabling and/or facilitating sex crimes against children will face justice — I will personally make sure of that. …White Hat Intel on Telegram
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024: Slaughter of 60,000 Native Canadian Children Coverup | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024: RFK Jr. Wants To Remove Entire Departments In FDA, Tells Corrupt Employees To “Pack Your Bags” | WLT Report
· First off, the Federal Reserve IS NOT A US GOVERNMENT AGENCY. It is a FOREIGN Central Bank that was installed without concern of the American people as a way to siphon any REAL WEALTH (Gold) into the hands of offshore Globalists. They wanted to keep us in perpetual debt slavery FOREVER.
· They are actually operating UNCONSTITUTIONALLY on US soil since their inception in 1913 when Wilson passed the act after it was written in secrecy on Jekyll Island along with the IRS which is the enforcement arm of the Fed.
· BOTH NEED TO BE ABOLISHED so that America can return to REAL PROSPERITY.
· If you recall, right before Trump left in 2020 the Federal Reserve was consolidating under control of the US Treasury.
· Thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families, headquartered in Venice, Italy, once ruled the world through their control of the global monetary system, all while practicing dark rituals and Satanic worship.
· This Cabal, now often referred to as the Deep State, orchestrated a global network of child sacrifice, sex orgies, and mind control experiments on kidnapped and produced victim children.
· These families, who claim descent from Cain, included infamous names like Poseur, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Onassis, Carnage, Bush, and Rothschild.
· By 1832, they had seized control of the Vatican Bank and established dominance over major central banks worldwide, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC, and Chase.
· In 1871, they enacted the Act that created the Corporation of the US of America, effectively erasing the original Constitution.
· By 1914, they had signed a 99-year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold, using the Federal Reserve, IRS, and other financial institutions to launder US taxpayer money, while their operations extended through the Vatican Bank, notorious for its role in child trafficking, drug, and gun running.
· The turning point came in 1903 when Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf began unraveling the Deep State’s secrets.
· By 1993, their lease on the Chinese gold expired, and by the early 2000s, the Alliance was formed to dismantle the Cabal. This Alliance, as of 2020, included President Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Narendra Modi, influential figures of Q, QAnon (headed by JFK Jr.), Pentagon Generals, NSA, and Interpol.
· By 2008, the Cabal’s reliance on a fiat US dollar led to a manufactured mortgage crisis, which further drained US taxpayers. This prompted the formation of the BRICS Alliance, aiming to restore a gold/asset-backed financial system.
· On March 21, 2013, the Gold Treaty was signed by 209 nations.
· In 2018, President Trump enacted the National Quantum Initiative Act, establishing a new Quantum Financial System and a transparent voting system. On October 16, 2019, US Marines and Special Forces rescued over 2,100 children from beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California, uncovering a network of deep underground bases funded by the Cabal.
· The Vatican was raided in October 2019, revealing the global elite’s money laundering operations. Over 650 plane loads of gold and cash were seized and repatriated to the US Treasury.
· By March 2020, the Alliance had eliminated the heads of the thirteen Illuminati families in Venice, initiating arrests and military tribunals for US political elites.
· Expect further developments, with significant disclosures and arrests anticipated in the coming months. By late 2024, global changes will unfold as the remnants of the Cabal are dismantled and justice is served.
K. FRI. 8 NOV. 2024: THE FINAL PURGE IS HERE. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
· The Deep State is trembling – their end is closer than ever, and the White Hats are just getting started. This is a global purge, and every last trace of their corruption will be wiped out.
· Military Tribunals are ready for the most corrupt players. The evidence? Unbreakable. We’re talking about crimes so dark and depraved they were kept from the public at all costs.
· The White Hats have it all: names, bank accounts, secret emails, and the dirty money trail that ties it all together.
· The Deep State’s Empire of blackmail, bribes, and stolen wealth is crumbling before our eyes.
· The Elites are losing control, their iron grip slipping fast – and GESARA is the sword that will finally break their stranglehold over us, bringing back the wealth and power that belongs to the people.
· This isn’t just a fight; it’s a total takeover, and the deep state knows they’re already beaten. They’re running scared, trying to hide, but there’s nowhere left.
· The White Hats won’t rest until every last globalist is dragged out, exposed, and brought to justice. This is the moment we’ve waited for, patriots. The storm is here, and there’s no escape for the deep state now.
· Victory is within our grasp. Stand strong, hold the line. We are unstoppable. GESARA is coming to bring us the freedom and prosperity stolen from us long ago.
L. FRI. 8 NOV. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: WHITE HOUSE LIGHTS UP IN GOLD – The Golden Age of Trump Begins NOW! Trump’s Strong Message to the Deep State! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
· White House Blazes Gold: The Start of Trump’s Golden Age! The White House is shining in gold tonight—a bold, radiant signal that Trump’s Golden Age for America has arrived! This is more than just a spectacle; it’s a fierce message to the Deep State, to all the elites who doubted America’s resilience. For every patriot watching, this is the dawn of a powerful new era where strength, unity, and unbreakable resolve define our path forward.
· America, Prepare for an Unstoppable Wave of Power and Glory! This isn’t just another night in Washington, D.C. This is a monumental moment, marking the rise of American greatness under President Trump. He’s sending a clear warning to all who mocked or opposed him: America is back, and we’re ready to reclaim our place as the beacon of freedom. Trump’s Golden Age is here—a movement, a revolution, a transformation for every patriot ready to fight for this nation.
· “Those Who Are Blind Will Soon See the Light.” Tonight, the White House’s glow stands as a symbol for every citizen who has felt silenced or betrayed. For those who’ve stood by, this golden light represents a newfound hope, a brilliant reminder that America’s best days are ahead. This isn’t just about one man; it’s a rallying cry for patriots everywhere to stand together, stronger than ever.
· The Message is Clear: America’s Rise Cannot Be Stopped. With this bold display, Trump declares that the Deep State’s control is ending. The time for secrecy, for hidden agendas and manipulation, is over. The White House’s golden glow is a testament to Trump’s vision of an America that fights for its people, for justice, and for freedom. This is the beginning of a Golden Age like no other—one rooted in unshakable patriotism and unyielding strength.
· Where We Go One, We Go All! Together, under Trump’s leadership, we are marching forward, driven by pride, unity, and a fierce determination. This is the start of something monumental, a path forward that doesn’t falter, that doesn’t compromise. The Golden Age has arrived, and with it, a new dawn for America’s patriots.
· The time has come. The fight for America’s freedom, prosperity, and unity has reached a new level. With Trump and Musk at the helm, backed by the White Hats Army, this movement isn’t just political—it’s the birth of a liberated America. Join the mission as they work to end excessive taxation, bring private banking to the people, and drive a technological revolution that changes everything. Patriots, the future is ours!
· America, the Beacon of Freedom Has Risen! We’re living in a time of darkness, censorship, and corruption. Yet, a spark has ignited that promises to bring freedom to America and beyond. This victory is not just a political win—it’s a call for We the People to reclaim our nation. It’s a rallying cry for those dreaming of breaking the chains of corruption and oppression.
· This isn’t merely a moment; it’s a movement. The world is watching as America reclaims its destiny. Freedom is here, and this is only the beginning.
· The White Hats Army: Defenders of Liberty and Truth For too long, our nation has suffered under manipulation and deception. But the White Hats Army stands as a fortress of truth, unbreakable and relentless in defending the American dream. Our mission is clear: protect the voice of every American, uphold truth, and ensure the will of the people prevails.
· Months of battle have led to this day, exposing corruption, shining light on deception, and standing for every American. We won’t back down. We won’t be silenced. This is our mission, our duty.
· Trump + Musk: Patriots for a New Golden Age This isn’t just Trump’s victory; it’s a bold alliance that redefines America’s future. Together, Trump and Musk are fighting for a world of prosperity and integrity. This isn’t just political—it’s about true freedom for all Americans.
· Ending Oppressive Taxation and Unleashing Financial Freedom Imagine an America where your hard-earned money stays in your hands. No more taxes feeding the elite. No more centralized systems binding Americans to debt. The Trump-Musk alliance is bringing private banking to the people, placing control back where it belongs: with We the People.
· A Promise of Peace and True Strength No longer will America be dragged into endless wars serving only the powerful. Trump and Musk are committed to peace. Our soldiers will return, our resources will be protected, and our focus will be on making America stronger.
· A Technological Revolution for True Freedom Musk’s revolutionary vision has proven that independence and innovation go hand in hand. Now, with Trump, Musk’s genius will fuel an America where people are free to choose, create, and thrive without interference.
· The Call to Patriots: Join the White Hats Army! The White Hats Army is more than a group—it’s a mission, a rallying cry for every American who dreams of a free nation. Together, united, we are unstoppable. This movement transcends politics; it’s about liberty and justice for all.
· The White Hats Army, President Trump, and Elon Musk are united to secure a future where every American lives free, proud, and prosperous. This isn’t just about Trump or Musk; it’s about every American whose voice deserves to be heard. The fight for freedom has only just begun.
· Today marks the dawn of a new America—a land where power lies in the hands of the people, not the elites. The era of corruption and control is ending. The era of freedom, prosperity, and innovation has begun. Join us in building an America worthy of its people. Let’s make history together.
N. FRI. 8 NOV. 2024: EXPLOSIIVE DAY ONE: Trump and Kennedy Executive Orders Shatter the Status Quo and Redefine America’s Health, Freedom, and Government! …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram
· BREAKING: Trump and Kennedy unleash a storm of executive orders on day one! Vaccine mandates obliterated, FDA and CDC abolished, bans on toxic ingredients, GMOs, and formal recognition of vaccine injury. A new era of health and freedom rocks America!
· BOOM: Vaccine Mandates Annihilated! Vaccine mandates are gone! Trump and Kennedy obliterate the mandates with one powerful order, putting an end to years of control by Big Pharma. Medical freedom is back! Americans reclaim the right to choose—no more forced compliance. Personal liberty is non-negotiable!
· POW! 1986 Vaccine Immunity Law: HISTORY! No more hiding for Big Pharma! Trump and Kennedy have repealed the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, tearing down the wall of immunity Big Pharma hid behind. Justice is back as citizens regain the right to hold these giants accountable.
· BANG! Ban on Fluoridation Takes the Nation by Storm! No more fluoride in tap water! Trump and Kennedy’s ban on water fluoridation ends the era of mass medication without consent. Let America drink pure and free! Expect a massive shift toward natural, clean water nationwide.
· BOOM! FDA, CDC, and FTC Reshuffled—No, Demolished! Trump and Kennedy don’t just reform—they obliterate the FDA, CDC, and FTC, dismantling bureaucracy. This is bureaucracy zero! New, accountable agencies will report to the people and protect health without corporate strings.
· CRACK! Toxic Ingredients Banned in Food—A Health Revolution! Say goodbye to harmful additives! Artificial dyes, preservatives, and toxins are out of American food. This isn’t a tweak; it’s a food revolution led by Trump and Kennedy to safeguard health.
· THUNDER! Vaccine Injury and Death Officially Recognized Trump and Kennedy blast through silence, finally acknowledging vaccine injuries and deaths. No more denials or gaslighting. Victims will be heard. Compensation fast-tracked, ensuring justice for those impacted.
· EXPLOSIVE! GMOs and Toxic Pesticides Banned—America Turns Organic! Trump and Kennedy’s ban on GMOs and pesticides sends a thunderous message: America goes organic. Health is prioritized over profit, and the agricultural sector is forever transformed!
· FINAL STRIKE: Recognition of Autism-Vaccine Link—A Truth Bomb Trump and Kennedy boldly address the autism-vaccine link, challenging the medical status quo. Independent studies will surge, and programs for affected families will expand, proving this administration champions truth and transparency.
· THE GRAND FINALE: Abolishing FDA, CDC, FTC—The End of an Era! This is it: the final blistering strike that shatters the status quo. Trump and Kennedy tear down bureaucratic giants, transferring power to the people.
· America, brace yourself—change is here!
· The truth is, the American People are sick of your shit. You ruined our nation and our culture. You openly mocked, belittled, and discriminated us, then called us racist, misogynist, Nazis when we started noticing.
· You defiled and corrupted all of our great institutions, to include the media, social media, tech, academia, intelligence, health, pharma, Hollywood, entertainment, sports, EVERYTHING! You weaponized every aspect of American life, and used it to push your insane far-Left agenda down our throats.
· You told us Trump was a Russian asset that was going to start WW3 and would be worse than Hitler. Then you used that as an excuse to justify hatred towards Trump supporters and to riot in the streets. You used it as an excuse to obstruct and ruin Trump’s entire first term, and it turned out it was all a lie.
· Then during COVID, you demanded we all be forced to take medical experimentation without testing. You wanted dissenters locked in prison. You wanted children taken from their anti-vax parents. You wanted the anti-vax in camps. You were rooting for our deaths. Then it turned out you were wrong about everything from the man-made origin, to masks, to vaccines, to social distancing, to ivermectin, to HCQ, to natural immunity, and everything in between.
· Then during Ukraine, you told us that Ukraine was a bastion of Democracy, and that they desperately needed all of our tax dollars. Then it turned out that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world, with literal Nazi military forces, and it was actually just a money laundering operation to steal from the American taxpayer. You want to defend Ukraine’s borders more than our own. You sent hundreds of billions of dollars on the other side of the planet, while Americans are suffering, all based on more lies.
· Then there’s the whole Epstein, Diddy, human-trafficking element. You all told us VEHEMENTLY that human-trafficking was a myth, you told us the border was secure, and you told us that anyone who questioned it was an irredeemable conspiracy theorist. You said anyone who watched “Sound of Freedom” was a QAnon extremist and threat to democracy. Then it turned out to be true, and the elites really are engaged in unspeakable crimes against children. After you all told us for decades this was not true. You covered up the most heinous crimes imaginable, for political gain.
· I could do this for days, but I think you get the point. The American People are awake to the scam and the true evil going on around us, and we are not going to stand for it anymore. So we hired Donald Trump and his team of Patriots to rectify the situation, and bring America back to her greatness.
· This is the reality of the situation. You are the bad guys, and you have been deceived. The sooner you wake up to it, the sooner you can join us in repairing this nation. Or you can choose to deny reality, and spend the rest of your lives consumed by hate, based on lies.
· The choice is yours.
· You shouldn’t be able to get citizenship just being born in America if your parents are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who didn’t properly gain citizenship in the first place.
· That is called CHEATING, and it is EXTREMELY UNFAIR to people who go through the legal process to become naturalized citizens.
Trump Wins Despite Massive Democrat Voter Fraud! ….Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram https://t.me/CarolynKennedyBessette Trump Wins Despite Excessive Organized Democrat Voter Fraud | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News
· Trump Emerges Victorious Despite Organized Democrat Voter Fraud! Against all odds, President Trump has secured the votes needed to win the 2024 election. Even with the shocking scale of Democratic voter fraud aimed to topple his chances, Trump prevails, backed by patriots fighting to ensure America’s elections remain fair.
· This election cycle has exposed unprecedented fraud tactics, as millions of illegal immigrants were granted IDs, housing, and voting rights just in time for Election Day. But Trump had a counter-strategy in place. The military was prepared, watermarking ballots to identify and verify authentic votes, exposing fraud in multiple states.
· On Election Day, November 5th, White Hats, Red Hats, and vigilant civilians stepped in, stopping election fraud attempts in nine states, including truckloads of fake mail-in ballots caught and destroyed in North Carolina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. Voting machines rigged to flip votes were remotely disabled in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Over 200 election officials suspected of tampering were swiftly arrested.
· Reports of voting machine passwords leaked by Democrats, absentee ballots withheld from the military, and “glitches” mysteriously affecting Republican areas continue to surface. Bomb threats in Georgia polling stations led to evacuation, and voting machine breakdowns in Republican counties sparked outrage. Americans are demanding transparency, justice, and their right to vote without interference.
· In Maricopa County, Arizona, machines conveniently “ran out of ink,” while polling locations in Texas reported votes flipping from Trump to Kamala Harris. Voters are rightly outraged. It’s time to say enough—our democracy cannot be left in the hands of manipulators.
· The American people are waking up, and Trump’s victory signifies more than just another election win—it’s a call to arms for every patriot who’s fought to keep this nation true to its principles. As the White House prepares to light up in celebration, one thing is clear: the Golden Age of America under Trump has arrived. Let’s rally, let’s remember, and let’s stay vigilant. This is just the beginning.
White Hats Track Her Every Move as Trump’s Return Signals the Fall of Deep State Puppets – GITMO Awaits! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
· Kamala Harris, once the Deep State’s rising star, is now running for cover. After Trump’s 2024 victory, her world turned upside down. The tables have turned, and Kamala is the hunted.
· The White Hats are closing in, determined to bring her to justice. Her role as a puppet for elite manipulation is over, and she’s on a one-way path to GITMO. Every hidden action, every deal she struck in secret, has now come to light. She’s no longer a vice president; she’s a fugitive running from the truth.
· Kamala’s True Role Exposed: For years, Kamala’s rise was orchestrated to serve the Deep State’s agenda. Her carefully crafted image was nothing more than a mask for elite interests. Behind the public’s view, she was maintaining the Deep State’s grip. But the 2024 election changed everything. With Trump’s win, the patriots gained the power to bring truth to light.
· Kamala’s allies and covert connections are now unraveling, and the White Hats are relentless, exposing her network. Her connections to the CIA, FBI, and other shadowy agencies have turned into her greatest liabilities.
· Nowhere Left to Run: Kamala’s escape routes are gone, and her elite handlers can’t protect her. The White Hats track her every move. This isn’t just about an election—it’s a strategic takedown of one of the Deep State’s most embedded operatives. And the destination is set: GITMO. She isn’t just another official—she’s a symbol of betrayal, a puppet of globalist interests now facing real justice.
· GITMO Awaits: The End of Kamala’s Reign: The facility at GITMO, a site for traitors to the nation, is ready. Kamala’s undermining of democracy and her ties to globalist operatives are being exposed. This isn’t just punishment; it’s about reclaiming America’s integrity. Patriots have uncovered her schemes, her role in destabilizing elections, and her betrayal of the people.
· Trump’s Direct Orders: With Trump’s return, the military is acting with purpose. His orders to bring Kamala to justice are not about vengeance—they’re about dismantling every figurehead of the Deep State. Trump’s military allies are ready to see this mission through. Many who once protected her are now cooperating with the White Hats, understanding the stakes.
· Kamala’s Fall Sends a Message: Her capture isn’t just personal; it’s a warning to every elite operative who thought they could manipulate the system. The White Hats won’t stop until every corrupt figure has faced justice. Kamala’s downfall is proof that Trump’s America won’t tolerate treason. Patriots everywhere are seeing the truth unfold.
· Justice for the People: Kamala’s arrival at GITMO is more than symbolic—it’s the restoration of justice. She represented a corrupt system, but now patriots are reclaiming their nation. Her day of reckoning is near, and the people are watching. This is only the beginning; Trump and the White Hats are dismantling the Deep State piece by piece. In Trump’s America, betrayal will not go unpunished.
S. FRI. 8 NOV. 2024: HAARP EXPOSED: The Sinister Technology Manipulating Minds and Controlling Populations with Invisible Waves! …t.me/USAFalseFlags
· The terrifying truth behind HAARP – a hidden technology capable of manipulating minds and controlling entire populations using electromagnetic waves. What was once dismissed as conspiracy is now becoming undeniable reality. This is psychological warfare on a scale never before imagined.
· HAARP: a mysterious project deep in Alaska, controlling the ionosphere and possibly influencing human behavior. The patent US2016/0375220 A1 reveals that electromagnetic waves can interfere with brain frequencies, targeting areas like the amygdala—the brain’s fear center. Imagine a world where fear is artificially induced in the population. The potential for mass manipulation is terrifying, and this is not science fiction—it’s in black and white.
· This tech could make entire populations fearful, irrational, and easy to control. If governments have already harnessed this power, then we are all part of an invisible experiment. With these waves, HAARP could induce panic, alter behavior, and make people turn to leaders who promise safety. And the worst part? You’d never even know it was happening.
· The patent shows how these waves can penetrate the skull and target emotions. Fear could become the ultimate weapon, used to sway elections, manipulate dissent, or silence opposition. Imagine HAARP controlling entire nations from space, influencing thoughts without firing a single bullet. This tech is the next frontier of warfare, and it’s invisible.
· This is not just a theory. HAARP is a weaponized tool, and if the controllers can manipulate emotions, they can control everything. Could it already be happening? Would you even know?
T. FRI. 8 NOV. 2024: GINGER’S LIBERTY LOUNGE on Telegram:
We were working at a store today as volunteers (anonymity for everyone) and helping customers find an item and the gentleman had a Space Force hat and shirt on. Wayne mentioned he was retired military & they thanked him for his service. Wayne and the gentleman began talking, the gentleman stated he was still active military. Wayne mentioned tunnels & the gentleman’s eyes lit up. He gave a number for “extra terrestrials” and humans already executed or exterminated, ‘400 million’ (we think he said). He also mentioned a cataclysmic event that altered or eliminated humanity 265 yrs ago. He mentioned JFK and Time Travel were real & that they (not sure exactly who) came to reverse and restore humanity. He said to have faith in God and Jesus, although the pictures of Jesus in the Bible are not correct. Wayne mentioned chem trails, ‘Are they good, now’? He said, ‘Everything now is to counteract the poisons of the past’. Have you noticed, the sun has changed? The sun is good!’ However, he did say, ‘Every vaccination or flu shot injected into you is still bad’. He also said he wished he could say more but they’re under NDA. Wayne asked about the beds. He said, You mean med beds? ‘Yes, they’re real and they can actually grow limbs’. Wayne acknowledged that we knew that. Wayne asked about “Tiers”. She said, ‘Tier1?, Tier2’?and Wayne said, ‘No, 4B? We have humanitarian projects & we’re looking at buying properties for our projects’. They both smiled & she said, ‘You’ll have more money than you can dream of’. He said, ‘Things are going to change for the better come Wednesday, 11/6’. Wayne asked about the EBS and 10 days and she said, ‘15 days w enough food, etc., to stay in your house’. They ended w: ‘Good things are coming’. Although they did not give us their names, they did give us his title. We googled it. The picture looked like who we were speaking with. He said, don’t be surprised if we see him speaking during EBS.
The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m. Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
V. TOM BALLARD has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here;
Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until next Feb. 2025.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.miraclesingodwetrust.com/contact/ Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mail to: The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (you will receive a gift for your contribution)
In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
Y. JUDY NOTE: HOME | Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)
Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.
“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website:
HOME | Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)
Watch out for: Anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.
DO NOT exchange currency or ZIM Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.
Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.
The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.
Report your Scam experience to:
Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email: [email protected]
Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: [email protected] General Questions: https://trialinternational.org/contact-us
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. https://trialinternational.org/contact-us Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! “The Future No Longer Belongs To The Globalists.The Future Belongs To The Patriots. We Will Bring Back Our Dream… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: “The Future No Longer Belongs to the Globalists. The Future Belongs to the Patriots.” ..President Trump – Special Intel Report 11/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/7/24 “MONKEYS ESCAPE FROM LAB, OBAMA FLEES US, HOLLYWOOD PANIC”
Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! “The Future No Longer Belongs To The Globalists. The Future Belongs To The Patriots. We Will Bring Back Our Dream… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: “The Future No Longer Belongs to the Globalists. The Future Belongs to the Patriots.”..President Trump – Special Intel Report 11/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248141
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 8, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/7/24 “MONKEYS ESCAPE FROM LAB, OBAMA FLEES US, HOLLYWOOD PANIC”
Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 7, 2024 – The US Military News
Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Now That God Has Given Us Trump. To Save The World From The Satan Worshipper Elites. – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Now That God Has Given Us Trump Be Prepared, Stay Prayed Up! We Are in the Eye of the Storm! Special Intel Report 11/7/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/6/24 “TRUMP WINS PRESIDENCY, PHASE 2 TO BEGIN”
Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 6, 2024 – The US Military News
Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: As Trump Swept the Election, A Military Coup Was Underway, Washington DC Has Been Boarded Up! Special Intel Report 11/6/24 (VIdeo) | Alternative |
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF WEDNESDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248059 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 6, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: We Are in a Final Battle Between Good & Evil, A Fight for the Very Soul of Humanity! Special Intel Report 11/5/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Trust The Plan! Save The Children! A Fight for the Very Soul of Humanity! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 – amg-news.com – American Media Group
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY 5 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 5, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 4, 2024 – The US Military News
Mon. 4 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! National Guard Deployed To Major Cities, Fencing Surrounds US Capitol, White House. Be Ready, Prepared, Expectant… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 4 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247981 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 4, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/3/24 “DEMON-RAT INSURRECTION, WW3, CYBERATTACK/BLACKOUT, VT INTEL”
Sun. 3 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Blackhawks Storm Capitol in DC Drill in Preparation For Martial Law. Activation of the BRICS Alliance, NESARA GESARA,QFS… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 3, 2024 – The US Military News
Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Cabal Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout to Shutdown Media, Radio, Phones Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Martial Law. Special Intel Report 11/3/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247955
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 3, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/2/24 “DC BARBED FENCING, NATIONAL GUARD, MARTIAL LAW, VT INTEL”
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 2, 2024 – The US Military News
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! The Cabal Planned a Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout For Tues. Nov. 5 Election Day. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: According to 3 Intelligence Sources Planned a Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout for Tues. 5 Nov. Election Day. Special Intel Report 11/2/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247940 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 2, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 1, 2024 – The US Military News
Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Operation Free World Launches on Fri. 1 Nov. The Greatest Military Sting and Financial Reset in History… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Op Free World Launches on 11/1/24. Greatest Military Sting & Financial Reset! Largest Military Intelligence Operation Undertaken. Special Intel Report 11/1/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (NEED TO KNOW)
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247913 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
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LINK: rumormillnews.com/Seawitch
SOURCE https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2024/11/09/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-november-9-2024
Stories Contributed by N. Morgan
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