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CBRN Agents Causing Illness Not Viruses - Beware Of New 'Virus' Announcement

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Article posted with permission from the author, Suzanne Hamner

Wild birds are falling out of the sky all over the united States of America due to the H5N1 bird flu – NOT! Yet, if you listen to some of the “medical experts” out there and are aware of the government culling chickens to “stop the spread”, you would think that is exactly what is happening. Remember, these “cases” in humans and animals are determined using the non-diagnostic PCR test. Entire flocks have been culled because of a few “positive” PCR tests. What is really disturbing is “medical experts” inciting fear while simultaneously ignoring the update to the April 2013 emergency declaration in July 2024 to include “bird flu” and other “influenza A ‘viruses’”.

“Viruses” have never been proven to exist; therefore, “viruses” cannot cause illness nor can they be “transmitted” from one animal to another or one human to another. Since this is the case, you cannot “vaccinate” against them. Yet, Dr. Peter McCullough is sounding an alarm over a “ new more deadly H5N1 (bird flu) variant” linked to two deaths.

A new more deadly H5N1 (Bird Flu) variant, called D1.1 has been discovered, and is linked to at least two deaths. In response, Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the nation’s foremost medical experts, is sounding the potential alarms:

We could be on the cusp of outbreaks in man with severe disease and human-to-human transmission.”

Dr. McCullough is also warning that more variants are likely and that the risk to human is escalating:

Given the widespread infections in mammals and migratory waterfowl across the United States, further viral adaptation via spontaneous mutation and reassortment is likely, increasing the risk of enhanced mammalian transmissibility and spillover into human populations. Mixing vessel species, such as pigs, could facilitate reassortment between H5N1 and other influenza viruses, potentially leading to the emergence of new strains.

Additionally, Dr. McCullough warns that the government’s containment efforts are an abject failure and plans for another experimental mRNA vaccine is also likely to fail.


Mass, healthy animal depopulation is not a sustainable solution either given the pervasive nature of the current H5N1 outbreak. Replacement flocks are likely to be reinfected by migratory waterfowl, perpetuating the cycle of transmission and viral adaptation without evolving herd immunity. Widespread culling of healthy poultry has severe downstream consequences, such as constrained egg-production and higher egg prices. Culling is dangerous to workers and is associated with chicken-to-human transmission.


Bird flu mRNA vaccines are a poorly conceived solution to this issue. This includes Moderna’s H5N1 mRNA, CEPI-funded H5N1 replicon (self-amplifying) shots, and Arcturus Therapeutics replicon ‘pandemic’ bird flu injections.


Likewise, mass animal vaccination is not a viable approach either, as indicated by a newly published study titled, Association of poultry vaccination with interspecies transmission and molecular evolution of H5 subtype avian influenza virus. The study highlights how extensive vaccination in poultry has been linked to increased viral evolution, adaptive fixation in the hemagglutinin (HA) gene, and potential antigenic drift, which can facilitate interspecies transmission rather than effectively controlling the spread of the virus.

If you read, “Measures Already In Place For Another Pandemic – Here’s the Evidence, Part I” at The Sons of Liberty Media, you are aware of the Department of Health and Human Services updated April 19, 2013, emergency declaration surrounding H7N9 to include H5N1 bird flu in July 2024. This is triggering aspects of the PREP Act for a military operation, headed by the Department of Defense, for development of demonstration projects, the same as what occurred during the CONvid-1984 planned scam-demic that gave the world modified mRNA gene therapy bioweapons. What this emergency declaration is admitting is the “illness” is due to a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agent or agents, meaning it is the government who is making the animals sick, and as a result humans, through these means. There is no “natural” cause for the illness. There is no “animal to human” transmission. And, the government doesn’t have to broadly release these CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) agents – they just have to strategically release it in a “wild bird” population to make a few birds sick. Next, the use of the PCR non-diagnostic laboratory technique ramps up “cases” to “prove” a “virus”. Then, the government agencies visit poultry farms using the PCR to “diagnose” cases. Once a “case” is detected by PCR, the government agencies have an excuse to cull millions of birds throughout the country, jeopardizing the food supply.

Chemical agents could be pesticides, chemicals raining down from chemtrails, chemicals in the environment, toxins, nerve agents, blood agents, choking agents, blistering agents, etc. Biological agents could be parasites, single-cell organisms (amoebas, paramecium), bacteria, molds, fungus, yeasts, plants, and their toxins, etc. Radiological agents could be EMF radiation, heavy metals, 5G, or other sources of radiation. And, nuclear agents could be from medical use, generation of nuclear energy, or any mechanism of neutron radiation (uranium, plutonium), etc. Most of these come from commercial, industrial, or military facilities.

Take particular note, the emergency declaration did not state “biological agents mimicking pandemic influenza A viruses”. It says, “involving biological agents, namely pandemic influenza A viruses ….” And, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services can only declare an emergency when it “involves a CBRN agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.” Getting the picture now? If animals are getting sick, the government is doing it with a CBRN agent(s). If humans are getting sick, the government is doing it with a CBRN agent(s). All “illness” is then determined through the non-diagnostic PCR test.

In this emergency declaration, it is declared that H5N1 has “pandemic potential.” How would the government know that unless they were the ones releasing a CBRN agent(s)? Remember, the CONvid-1984 was declared a “pandemic” with very few human cases and no deaths. Interestingly, pandemics and epidemics have historically been declared after the fact not before and not during. These declarations are determined after extensive analysis of the data involving the “illness”. There is no way to know if anything has “pandemic potential” unless you are the one releasing an agent to create a “pandemic”. If you look at many illnesses determined to be “epidemics or pandemics”, you will find most of them are bacterial in nature – typhoid, cholera, bubonic – and only declared as pandemics or epidemics after the fact. Usually, these have occurred because of poor sanitation, contaminated food or water, or a vector carrier (fleas on rats). Malaria can reach epidemic stage when mosquitoes carrying the parasite that causes malaria proliferates in an area.

In modern times, you may see outbreaks of these bacterial or parasitic culprits, but these are easily treated with modern antibiotics and anti-parasitic agents.

Today, the invisible boogeyman of “viruses” has now been coopted to cause “pandemics and epidemics” to proliferate the big pharma vaccine program and bring forth new modified mRNA platform technology injections for humans and animals that carry more risk than benefit.

McCullough is correct when saying culling flocks of birds is not the answer and neither are human and animal “vaccines”. The answer is pegging the government for using CBRN agents, selectively, to induce illness, or taking advantage of commercial industrial CBRN agents that sicken people, then using PCR to determine “cases”, and trigger the PREP Act to engage a military operation to produce pharmaceutical demonstration products. The real answer is to refuse to comply with uptake of demonstration projects.

McCullough continues supporting diagnostic use of non-diagnostic PCR to fan the flames of variants, strains, antigenic drift, etc., and using a bit of fear to do so. Fear, stoked by the media and others, prompted individuals to continually shove cotton swabs up their nose to “test” for CONvid-1984 using non-diagnostic PCR. Using fear to drive individuals to an action could be considered unethical and immoral.

Look at who is doing the “testing” to discover these “variants” – National Milk Testing Strategy’s (NMTS) testing program. It is admitted the milk is tested using PCR. In this cited paper, it is indicated a Louisiana man died “from” H5N1 bird flu. However, it was omitted by the authors the Louisiana man had several co-morbidities, which means the man probably died “with” symptoms attributed to a PCR “diagnosed” H5N1 bird flu. With the symptoms being common to many other illnesses, including bacterial respiratory infections, it would be easy to infer “bird flu” – the latest invisible boogeyman. If you access the entire study, you will discover some usual suspect academic institutions.

After government agencies have repeatedly lied during the CONvid-1984 planned scam-demic and been caught doing so, and academia got it terribly wrong regarding CONvid-1984, why would any “expert” take any “research” by any academia, who receives government money to do so, or government entity? Has everyone forgotten about the October 2024 “tabletop” exercise for H5N1 bird flu that happened in New York City? This exercise occurred approximately 3 months after the July 2024 emergency declaration update for bird flu (H5N1). Remember the original emergency declaration was for H7N9 – both are currently in place today. Moreover, Moderna has been “contracted” to create modified mRNA gene therapy bioweapon shots for H5N1 as well as H7N9.

If H5N1 bird flu has already been declared an emergency with national security implications caused by CBRN agent(s), the February 21, 2025, article at The Gateway Pundit reported the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has “discovered” a new coronavirus originating in bats capable of “human transmission” should give everyone great pause that any of this is coincidental. The “scientist” involved with this new coronavirus dubbed HKU5-CoV-2, a supposed part of the merbecovirus subgenus, is none other than the “bat woman” herself, Shi Zengli. What is being done at the WIV is nothing less than creating CBRN agents to be released strategically in certain areas upon an unsuspecting world, just like the CONvid-1984, in order to “declare” a “pandemic” than use non-diagnostic PCR to determine “cases”. No one should forget that the CONvid-1984 “virus” was not isolated; its genome determined using a computer model; the computer model created numerous “genome sequences”; and, it was by “consensus” the CONvid-1984 genome sequence was determined. Nothing about CONvid-1984 was determined using proper scientific methods. It’s the same with bird flu and now the HKU5-CoV-2.

Has anyone stopped to ask the question why does there seem to be “talk” of pandemic after pandemic using the invisible boogeyman of “viruses”, which means “toxin/poison” in Latin? Why is everyone continuing to focus on “lab leak” CONvid-1984 origins when it was the governments releasing CBRN agent(s) upon their own people, strategically, to make some individuals ill to declare a pandemic, increase the numbers by non-diagnostic PCR, and implement PREP Act demonstration projects to inject humans with a bioweapon? Now, the same scenario is in place with “bird flu” and soon to be HKU5-CoV-2.

Another great piece of the puzzle is the emergency declaration for CONvid-1984 has been extended to December 31, 2029, which is also including influenza shots.

On May 9, 2023, I amended the Declaration to update the determination of a PHE to state that COVID-19 continues to present a credible risk of a future PHE after the end of the PHE declared pursuant to section 319 of the PHS Act; to add a new limitation on distribution to provide coverage under the PREP Act Declaration through December 31, 2024, for manufacturing, distribution, administration and use of Covered Countermeasures while they are authorized for emergency use (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pursuant to section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, regardless of any Federal agreement related to manufacturing, distribution, administration or use of the countermeasures, and regardless of any Federal, regional, state, or local emergency Declaration; to add a new limitation on distribution to provide coverage under this PREP Act Declaration through December 31, 2024, for manufacturing, distribution, administration and use of Covered Countermeasures that are COVID-19 vaccines licensed by FDA, and any FDA-approved or cleared in vitro diagnostic product or other device used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID-19, or the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating therefrom regardless of any Federal agreement related to manufacturing, distribution, administration or use of the vaccines, and regardless of any Federal, regional, state, or local emergency Declaration; to clarify that the category of disease, health condition or health threat includes the burden on healthcare providers caused by coterminous seasonal influenza infections and COVID-19 infections; to extend the time period of PREP Act coverage through December 31, 2024, to Qualified Persons who are licensed pharmacists to order and administer, and pharmacy interns and qualified pharmacy technicians to administer, Covered Countermeasures that are COVID-19 vaccines, seasonal influenza vaccines, and COVID-19 tests regardless of any Federal agreement related to manufacturing, distribution, administration or use of these Covered Countermeasures and regardless of any Federal, regional, state, or local emergency Declaration or other limitations on distribution stated in section VII of the Declaration; to clarify the time period of coverage for other qualified persons authorized under section V of the Declaration; and to extend the duration of the Declaration to December 2024 (88 FR 30769, May 12, 2023). [Emphasis Mine]

This was extended to December 21, 2029, in the next paragraph of the extended emergency declaration.

I am now amending section XII of the Declaration to extend the time period of PREP Act coverage through December 31, 2029. COVID-19 continues to present a credible risk of a future public health emergency. COVID-19 continues to cause significant serious illness, morbidity, and mortality during outbreaks. The risk of domestic cases is high due to ongoing outbreaks that continue domestically and internationally in the year since the PHE for COVID-19 ended. Development of and stockpiling vaccines, therapeutics, devices, and diagnostics for COVID-19 continues to be needed for U.S. preparedness against the credible threat of a public health emergency due to outbreaks of COVID-19. Continued coverage under the PREP Act, as provided in this Declaration, is intended to prepare for and mitigate the credible risk presented by COVID-19. This includes extending the time period for PREP Act coverage for licensed pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and qualified technicians, which allows for continued access by the recipient Population to Covered Countermeasures that are COVID-19 vaccines, seasonal influenza vaccines and COVID-19 tests. As stated in prior amendments to this Declaration, licensed pharmacists, pharmacy interns and qualified pharmacy technicians are well positioned to provide continued access to Covered Countermeasures, particularly in certain areas or for certain populations that have too few primary-care providers or that are otherwise medically underserved. As of 2022, nearly 90 percent of Americans lived within five miles of a community pharmacy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of Americans have received their COVID-19 vaccines and tests from a pharmacy. In addition, continued access by the Population to seasonal influenza vaccines mitigates risks that seasonal influenza infections, in conjunction with COVID-19 infections, could overwhelm healthcare providers. [Emphasis Mine]

It’s no wonder this year’s “flu” season is the worst it has been in years and more people are dying from it. With “seasonal influenza vaccines” now considered a “covered countermeasure” under the PREP Act since December 2024, this year’s dose could be considered a bioweapon. Another measure for depopulation is at work.

Proper nutrition, hydration, rest/sleep, exercise, and hygiene; properly cooking and storing food; routine detoxification of the body; and correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies are the best measures to support your immune system to combat dis-ease. Ditch the hand sanitizers and wash your hands. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Decrease EMF radiation in your home as best as possible. All of these are good measures to help keep some CBRN agents from causing dis-ease. Consider what is in place, never forget the CONvid-1984 playbook, and be prepared in case things start moving forward more rapidly.

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