The Boy Scouts of America Commit Suicide
A Needless Death
As we survey the ravages of the American cultural landscape which the woke virus has vandalized, we find a legacy of continual destruction. The buzz saw of the progressive mind set has turned America’s iconic brands and institutions into a bizarre jigsaw that is becoming increasingly unrecognizable to the average citizen.
The Boy Scots “Triggered“ the Democrats
Nowhere is this more evident than what has happened to the beloved organization, The Boy Scouts of America. You may remember that it was the Democrat Party which first launched the wave of invective against the Boy Scouts, when an assembly of scouts marched into the Democrat national convention a few years ago and were roundly booed because they had made an effort to keep homosexual pedophiles out of the ranks of their leadership. After all, nothing says “inclusion” like allowing gay predators into your organization to molest young, vulnerable children,
Toxic Masculinity Neutered
However, since that time, a concerted effort has been made to neuter the Boy Scouts of their “toxic masculinity” by allowing girls into the Boy Scouts, because “Scouting is for everyone.”
Any Sex or Combination Can Now Join
But now, because BSA membership has dipped to historic new lows, a dramatic course correction is required, according to the opinion of their new leading light, Roger Krone. The decision has now been made to throw the doors wide open to ANY person — male, female, trans, two-spirit, non-binary, etc., — to join this iconic American organization.
“Scouting America” is More ‘Inclusive’!
The idea, of course, is that to be really “inclusive”, their should be no barriers, sexual or otherwise, into being in the Boy Scouts. To that end, the new name of the Boy Scouts has been changed to “Scouting America” which eliminates the “Boys” entirely!
I predict that this little piece of marketing insanity will horribly backfire on the Boy Scouts or “Scouting America” and drive their membership to even lower levels of participation. It may even bankrupt the organization.
America Needs Real Boy Scouts Now More Than Ever
What America actually needs now is an organization that re-affirms the traditional principles of masculinity for boys and men: rugged individualism, problem solving skills, the ability to live off the land, and the passion to help others in their community through strong participatory leadership. Traditional masculine virtues such as courage, strength, honor, duty, self-reliance, wisdom and integrity — none of these qualities will be addressed or amplified by lowering barriers to participation and inviting 57 varieties of fruit loops into the new “Scouting America” mosh pit of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.”
A few disasters of “Woke” Marketing
Who can forget Budweiser Beer’s idiotic “Bud Light” campaign featuring femme man Dylan Mulvaney? A campaign that cost Budweiser 1.4 BILLION DOLLARS in market share? Or Target’s push of the “Pride” agenda with its male “tuck” bathing suits for boys — because “Pride” means pretending you have no penis, or at the very least hiding the offending toxic male member.
Who can we forget the grotesque Gillette Razor “Be the Best Man You Can Be” ads featuring a father shaving his legs in order to teach his young daughter how its done (because being a female, the apparent complexity of using a safety razor is a bridge too far), combined with their non-subtle attack on male virtues in the ad copy?
And, of course, we can always rely on the new “woke” Disney’s never ending “re-imagining” of fairy tales filled with “people of color” to assuage the nonexistent “pangs” of insufficient “minority” representation. For instance, in Disney’s Frozen II, the leader of Arendelle’s army, although set in Norway, is Black! There is simply no reason for this. As Dan McLaughlin, writing in the National Review, sarcastically notes: “Given that all the characters are early-modern Norwegians, this makes about as much sense as putting a white guy at the head of the army of Wakanda and never explaining where he came from…”.
Virtue Signalling Creates Smaller Market Share
This incessant pandering to increase market share, boost sales, and add membership thru virtue signaling has backfired on all of these corporations. My prediction is that “Scouting America” has now been launched on a death spiral that will permanently put an end to a once thriving and relevant organization formerly dedicated to enabling young boys learning to be leaders as they became young men. Their membership will plummet as surely Dylan Mulvaney’s “charms” sabotaged “Butt” Light.
Trump Nailed “Woke”
As Donald Trump so simply put it: “Everything ‘woke’ turns to shit.” It is only a matter of time before Roger Krone, the new President and Chief Executive Officer of “Scouting America” learns this infallible lesson in gender studies as it is applied to the once great organization formerly known as The Boy Scouts of America.
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girls had the girl scouts of america and the boys the boy scouts of america. you said it best, they suicided themselves. RIP