Prophecy News - 'Great Lament and Weeping is coming to this World', given to Sister Eva by an unhappy Jesus, January 25th, 2025
Jesus can guide, but He cannot compel because you have “free will”, given by the Source.. So please read this message given to Sister Eva of the ‘Bread of Life’ church in Mexico, with thought to your destiny and to the destiny of those you influence. Because All is I AM. The essence is ‘I AM’. The decisions you make affect not only yourself but all others as well through their frequency, whether high (altruistic) or low (selfish). Thus the frequency of selfishness or of altruism spreads.
Great Lament and Weeping is coming to this world
1/25/25 12:04 pm
Sister Eva
1/24/25 alert
My daughter, all the churches are corrupt. The enemy has sown tares among My wheat, therefore I must cast the tares into the fire.
Great lament and weeping is coming to this world; buildings will fall, the earth will be split open in places least expected. I tell you that the whole earth will be shaken.
Be attentive to my voice my children. I will warn my children not to go out on that day; many I will protect because they still have work to do for me. Many I will take with me (Christians will die in the earthquakes), because my wheat is ready for harvest.
I have many of my children on their knees; they are praying and I continue to touch hearts to serve in these last days. I continue to touch the doors of their hearts and many are answering the call.
Cry out with all your strength my daughter; many will cry out to me with all their might in the middle of my judgements, and I will hear them because I am merciful. I also pleaded with the Father with all my heart, yes my daughter, the same way you cry out to me with your strength to the point your thought hurts. That is the way many will cry out to me in the midst of calamity.
I have given them many opportunities to repent, but they have only mocked me, (Psalm 18:41. “They cried out, but there was none to save them. Even to the Lord, but he did not answer them.”)
Hurry, hurry my people now that I am at the door, to pray and to seek me, for soon, I will turn my back on you, and even if you come after me, I will not listen because I gave you time to repent and to seek me, and you did not want to listen.
Oh, my people, do not think that my judgments will not reach you. Oh yes, yes, they will, and you will see it with your own eyes.
I speak to you my people through many ways, but you have hardened your rebellious hearts
(Father who will be able to stand and endure?), Only those who know me, those who have filled their lamps with my word [verbum or vibration]; those who have given me their time, those who have not shut their ears to my Word, and to my alerts; those who have been humbled to seek me, and have acknowledged that they need me. Those who are not prideful; those who do not trust in their own wisdom, whose wisdom is meaningless, (psalm 64:6 “As they plot their crimes, they say, “We have devised the perfect plan!” Yes, the human heart and mind are cunning”. Isaiah 64:6 “We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind”.)
Examine yourselves my children, many of you have grieved my Holy Spirit. Come back to your first love before it is too late, before the night draws near, while it is still daytime. Serve me, children, because soon you will rest from your labor and you will receive your rewards.
All glory to God!
Lament and Weeping is coming to this world.
Mary’s Messages
God sent his Love to us in the form of Jesus. That means the only way you can receive God’s love is by believing in Jesus. It’s not Jesus plus anything it’s Jesus and Jesus alone. Jesus Christ died on the cross then was buried then risen from the dead on the 3rd day as payment for our sins. Nothing can remove your salvation except your refusal to believe. Believing is like turning on a light switch. 700 years before the Romans invented crucification it was described in the book of psalms.
Sister Eva just happens to be a registered Democrat