Prophecy News - 'The Gathering of the Faithful in Christ!', given to William Brooks by Jesus, November 10th, 2024
This message clearly delineates Righteousness, giving the example of Melchizedek and Abraham. I had to look them up. Melchizedek, King of Salem (peace), thought to be Jerusalem, was not a Jew and did not follow the Jewish Law. Abraham followed him.. Righteousness means doing the right thing, leaving those you succeed over with their means of support, not destitute without the ability to function or to live. Wrongs can be righted, but you don’t plunder what belongs to the offenders. America since 2001 has plundered other countries, for their wealth, for their land, leaving the people basket cases. Which is wrong. So the correction – the balance, has to come. I read a long time ago that America has an overhang in its economy, meaning that it takes in in imports more than it exports. So it uses the military basically to steal from other countries, from other people. And to service the growing U.S. debt, the money supply is increased, which basically turns the stealing around from others to people inside of America. Hence now the push to war and the jumping up and down about one crisis after another. The elite want it all, hence by example, loss of soul. Loss of feeling for others, which feeling is the bedrock of the Melchizedek.
The Gathering of the Faithful in Christ!
Written by: William Brooks
Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
Published: November 10, 2024
Created: November 10, 2024
The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
The Little Book for Handheld Devices
Spirit of Prophecy Youtube Channel
Behold, Behold! Understand what is about to be unleashed on the earth.
Behold, Behold! Surely the wrath of the lamb is upon you mystery Babylon, and as I, Yeshua HaMashiach have warned, and so too will it be done.
Behold! Behold! The day is upon you oh Secret Babylon and your day of judgment has come, even a day that will unleash that great day promised of old, even the “Day of the Lord” (1Thes 5:2; Joel 3:14; Ezek 7:19)! Woe to you inhabitants of the earth because great wrath is about to be unleashed fully upon you, and you will not escape and truly, truly Daniel’s seventieth week has come.
And so I counsel my Church, my Body and Even my bride to gird yourselves in my righteousness and prepare yourselves to stand upright before your Lord, even in the throne room of Yahweh, where I will present the firstfruits. Even all those who I will gather who have fallen asleep in Christ and are at rest waiting for my call. And even all who are alive on the earth who are faithfully in Christ at the time of my appearing. And in like fashion, where I presented myself to Yahweh as the firstfruits from the dead [of soul], in such manner you are identified with your everlasting Lord of Righteousness. Because in the same manner that I was taken into the heavens, so too will you be taken into the heavens, where I will present my firstfruits of harvest even without spot or wrinkle of any such thing.
And you will all stand before my judgment seat, even that great judgment seat where your works will be judged and some will be recompensed, and some will suffer loss, and some will experience both loss and reward, as the wood hay and stubble are burned away. Because none of you have walked perfectly before me, and yet in Yahweh’s love you will be utterly astounded at the magnitude of your inheritance. And of my overcomers your reward is great, and you will inherit all things just as I did when I overcame the fallen ones. However, all who are gathered to their Everlasting Lord, even Yeshua HaMashiach, will come to newness of life as they are recreated for all eternity, and never will you be corrupted nor change from the perfection that awaits you. Because Yahweh has so declared!
And suddenly will you be taken, and the world will know that I have appeared, and the restrainer will be removed [DJ Trump]! And in the absence of my restrainer all force and influence of evil will be fully unleashed on the earth. And it is I, Yeshua Hamashiach, even Christ Jesus, who declares these words, and so these Words will be known on the earth, and they will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those to whom they are sent.
And so it is, and so it will be, but for only an extremely short time the Dragon’s kingdom will rise in full, for so has been given for them to accomplish. Because when I was rejected of my kinsman, even Israel of whom I am Kinsman redeemer, I turned to the nations so that the nations would be blessed, even as Yahweh promised of old. And my Words were received mightily, even through great persecution and many trials, and the gates of hell did not prevail against my Church. Yet, even so as my Church is removed, and my restrainer is removed, evil will fully overtake the earth, and they shall not escape.
Even all who have pleasure in unrighteousness and who are willing to reject Jesus the Nazarene in favor of Barabbas and when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction, and they shall not escape. And yet the Dragon will reveal himself, and he is bound to the earth, and from the heavens he is banished forevermore never to return. And he has great wrath because he knows his time is short, and yet he foolishly thinks he can still defeat me, Yeshua HaMashiach, even though I soundly and utterly defeated him at Calvary in my atoning works of salvation that culminated with, “It is finished” (Rev 21:6; John 19:30; and for this time Rev 16:17)!
And the fallen ones somehow think they can escape their long promised judgment because they are afraid of their past more than anything, because they understand their own cruelty, and it is dispensed with no mercy. Because they know they have shown no mercy and therefore no mercy will be shown to them. They are well aware that all of their unrighteous and detestable acts will be forevermore given to them a multitude of times over, in that great lake of burning brimstone where the flames of punishment can never be quenched. Even flames created that will recompense every evil work they have committed into their bosoms, and they will utterly pay and in utter agony will they forever be.
Because they attacked Yahweh [the ever present I AM] and they attacked the Garden of God [living consciousnesses or souls], even as they pretended they were gods, and their judgment has come. Yet so it is that the fallen ones have lulled to sleep the masses with their technologies, and frequencies, and with the pleasures of sin and the wages of unrighteousness. “Yet, so it is that men loved darkness rather than light” (John 3:19), and so now I will give them the darkness they so desire.
Because all pleasure is to be taken from the earth, and lives of sinful and extravagant prosperity will never be seen on the earth again in like manner, where men heap to themselves treasures and forsake their fellow man in their greed and unrighteousness. Even sneering down at those in need as they step over them on their way to accumulate more wealth. Natural man is so ensconced in the pleasures of sin, that he will not even lift a finger to help those in need. And so I will not lift a finger to help him escape his judgment, because natural man is now given into the hands of his enemies. And so it will be that these things will not survive Daniel’s seventieth week and will never again occur in such manner in my Kingdom of Righteousness!
Yet so will it be that when the restrainer is taken, the evil that is latent within mankind due to the serpent’s wiles, will now go unrestrained and madness will overtake the earth as brother will kill brother and countrymen will fight their countrymen. And extreme chaos and war will overtake the earth. And yet this event is the destruction and judgment of mystery Babylon, but the seals are set to be loosed, and the horsemen will ride!
And so the great falling away is happening as foretold. Because at the time of my appearing [2000 years ago], when many were waiting and purifying themselves in my Word and spirit, instead of completing their salvation in my loving arms, they instead forsook their Lord, even Christ Jesus, in favor of Barabbas of whom they have given their hearts. And just as Pontius Pilate, who was determined to release me from their baseless Pharisaic lies and accusations, offered the people of the land a choice. “And so Pilate said to them when they were then gathered together, ‘Whether will you that I let loose unto you, Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ?’ And they said, ‘Barabbas’. Pilate said unto them,‘What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?’ They all said to him,‘Let him be crucified’” (Matt 27:17,21-22).
And this was so because Esau exerted his evil influence over the people so they would take to themselves a murderer instead of he who was sent for their salvation, even Jesus the Nazarene! And yet how else was the penalty of the law of Moses to be fulfilled but by my sacrifice of myself in bitter agony as the lamb of God, even where I offered myself for the sins of the World as the high priest forevermore after the Order of Melchizedek. Even so, in Yahweh’s foreknowledge he knew fully that Israel would reject their true Messiah and so he used the fallen one’s hate and jealousy against them, “for had they known the great mystery of God they never would have crucified your Everlating Lord of Glory” (1Cor 2:8)!
“Yet so it is, that Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the Priest of the most high God” (Gen 14:18). And so Abram made his offerings as required to honor Yahweh and so is Melchizedek an Order of faith that was a shadow of things to come. Because as it is written of faithful Abraham who lived by faith in the most High God and by his example “the just shall live by faith forevermore” (Gen 14:21-23; Rom 14:23)! And so have the gentiles been blessed and included into the tribes amongst the Israel of God, and they do partake of the promises made to the Fathers to the fullest, because they have been adopted by Yahweh himself even by my mighty hand, so “what God has cleansed do not call common or unclean, O’ Israel” (Acts 10:15)!
Yet so it is that my day has come, and I will not share my glory with another. And God has sent strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Because those who follow Barabbas [DJ Trump] do so because of their lusts because they imagine themselves part of his promised golden age that is actually not intended for them, though he does lie. Because the golden age he promises is based on the fallen ones’ golden age in the days of Noah, where the fallen ones dominated the earth in unrighteousness! Therefore, when Barabbas speaks of a golden age [MAGA] he speaks truly of their hearts intent, except they [the fallen ones] fully seek the full destruction of Adam so their abominations and tares can overtake the garden of God forevermore. And so it is, you now understand why no flesh would be saved alive had God not shortened the days.
And yet no golden age will they have because I am the promised seed of the woman who will utterly crush the serpents head forevermore, and I will utterly crush in full the entirety of his kingdom and they will not stand. So in place of their coveted golden age, they will instead have harsh judgment and their kingdom will be utterly destroyed right in front of them, never to rise again. And the seals will be loosed, and the trumpets will blow, and my remnant will be hidden away, and then the vials with the full wrath of God will be poured out, and they will be in great torment and agony even as they see their defeat approaching fully.
Therefore, those who foolishly follow Barabbas [DJ Trump] even as he foolishly pretends that he is sent of Yahweh, knowing good and well he is of the dragon instead, and of whom he is chosen to lead the land and even the world with the beast from the sea [BH Obama]. Yet so it is, many who have fallen away into the arms of this pretender and forsaken Christ Jesus, will now be given into his hands as the faithful are taken. And there are those who would accuse me of forsaking my Church when instead it is those who are not in Christ who have forsaken me by joining Barabbas. And I did warn them that they are to abide in the vine, for without me, you can do nothing.
Even though many will perish whose names were never written in the Lamb’s Gook of life, and they will perish from the earth when their judgment arrives. And suddenly will their hopes be dashed in an instant.
Because they did not have hopes of righteousness!
Because they did not have hopes of justification!
Because they did not have hopes of sanctification!
Because they lost all hope of their Lord returning for them, even as I promised in my New Testament, and every promise of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach will be fulfilled for all time and forever more!
For my age of grace and mercy has come to a close, although grace and mercy are with me forevermore. And as it is written so shall it be done that both Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach will have mercy on who we will have mercy, for who can stand against the throne of Yahweh for he is the most high God and there are none like him! So understand that wrath is readied and about to be unleashed on the earth even as my birth pangs have announced and foretold, and that day has come!
And so I announce my appearing, and it will happen just as written in scripture, and my bride will be forevermore united in covenant with their bridegroom. And all who are taken into the heavens at the time of my appearing, whether they be living or dead, will be recreated forevermore in eternal newness of life. And all those who have truly committed themselves to the good words and fair speeches of Barabbas will fall away from my gathering even as leaves that have withered in sin. And yet, many who fall away will come to me through great trials and tribulation and a great many of them will call on my name to the end and a multitude of multitudes will come out of Daniel’s seventieth week into eternal life. Though most will take the mark and fall to the flames.
Therefore, I, Christ Jesus even your risen and ascended Lord, do command my faithful to come fully out from amongst them and be separate from them fully. Ready yourselves my loves! Do not partake in their protests, avoid their crowds, and at all costs avoid the evil that is gathering itself under a false spirit of peace, because their attack is surely at the ready. Understand my loves that you would be walking into their trap if you are to join them in such manner. My loves, it is time to abandon the cares of this world, because your lives are hidden in me, Christ Jesus, and are about to be revealed fully so that “you know even as you are known” (1Cor 13:12).
So understand the deception that is upon you my loves and hide yourselves and wait for my appearing, for it is at hand! Understand their deception, that the lamb with two horns will fake his own head wound, and he will appear to rise from his head wound, but all he offers as confirmation of his false claims that he is their Moshiach are lying signs and wonders and neither Yahweh the great I AM, nor me, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent this deceiver. Although he is allowed to come into his own at his appointed time so he may rule with the beast from the sea with the dragon as their head, for so is given them to accomplish in Yahweh’s eternal plan of redemption for Adam!
And so I tell you my loves to wait patiently for me and believe not their lies, because there is no one or nothing that can stop my appearing for the faithful in my Church. Although they will seek to cover this event with a fake alien invasion and a world war that will eclipse all wars ever to come before. Yet, their war will pale in comparison to the battle of that great day, where they will be utterly decimated when I come to the earth with the hosts of the heavens, because in righteousness I do come to judge and make war!
I, Yeshua HaMashich have sent these Words by my servant who is my faithful messenger and servant. It is I, Yeshua HaMashiach who do verify the testimony given in the Everlasting Gospel that has been revealed in its time.
I am he who will now turn to Israel to redeem them from the earth as their kinsman redeemer, and I am calling you O’ Israel because it is time to accept your true Messiah. Because in like manner that this deceiver will betray and destroy mystery Babylon, in the same manner he will betray the people of the land, in his abomination of desolation that surely approaches.
So understand that they will all crawl away to their bunkers to hide themselves in the rocks of the earth and many perish therein. And so I ask, where is it anyone can go to escape my eternal gaze, or who can escape Yahweh’s sight, because all is seen and known and what happens is allowed to happen either in judgment of, for the salvation of those who will call on my name to the end or who accept me as their Messiah.
And I am he who will appear suddenly in the skies in great glory and they will know, and many will understand that they have missed this one event they were so sure of themselves they were part, but they are denied due to their sinful lives. Because sin will not ever enter the heavens nor stand in my presence.
Behold! The times have come and so I will now move to gather the faithful.
Look! Watch! Listen! Are you ready my loves? The day is upon you.
The Gathering of the Faithful in Christ
Mary’s Messages
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