Mary - the Great Punishment
I hope people realise that the time to choose which way is NOW, for when the disruptions come and the shortages, it will be too late… The space of time offered now, while there is still orderliness in the world, is to allow people the peace and the mental space to decide which orientation or path they want to follow.
We all know that this upheaval, or some upheaval, has to come, because we haven’t lived right. We haven’t lived as ‘part of’ but as ‘the only one’.. the desire-mind rather than the spiritual mind: in kama manas and not in atma-buddhi.
Message 4863 from Our Lady Queen of Peace, given on 10/03/2019
Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mother and I came from the Heaven to lead you to The One who is your Unique and True Savior. Say to all that God has haste and that this is the Time of Grace. Value the treasures of the faith that the Lord has given you. Receive with joy all that the Lord offers you. The day will come in which many will have to repent of a life lived without the Grace of God, but it will be late. I suffer because of what comes to you. Men have rejected the love of God and a great punishment will fall upon the Earth. Turn around, repent and look for the Mercy of God by means of the Sacrament of the Confession. God loves you. My presence in the middle of you is a sign of the Love of the Lord for you. Be just. Your compensation will come from the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Move away from all that moves you away from God. What you have to do, do not leave for the tomorrow. Courage. Whatever happens, remain in the truth. This is the message that I give to you today in name of the Most Holy Tri-unity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
There was a notice on that there is a meeting on November 30 to dedicate individuals to the service of Mary. Since most of you reading this won’t be able to go there, I thought that just being aware of that date, and on that date, will lend energy to the ones who are there… So if you want to meditate or pray for them as you are guided to do, then you will help the people there, and because energy is broadcast, you will help everyone else as well. Every little bit that you do or think, either raises or lowers the energy of the whole.. other human beings, the animals, the plants, even the mineral LIFE, and all of nature.
80th National Meeting of the Army of Our Lady of Anguera – ENSA
Day: November 30, 2019
9am to 8pm
Place: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Anguera
On that day, there will be at the foot of the Cross, the Consecration of all members of ENSA present, to Our Lady of Anguera.
* If possible, bring 1kg of non-perishable food.
Jesus.. The Wide Road or the Narrow Road
Mary’s messages in Portuguese
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages