Mary's Predictions, part 12, given in Brazil
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 And Part 11 precede this. This Part 12 is the final part of Mary’s place-specific predictions given over seven and a bit years. In Part 8, message 3250, given 12/08/09, Mary has said that She is the Immaculate Conception, which means that she is the appearance into objectivity of the One: the sea (the meaning of the word Mary) or “Holy Sea” of God the Father. Together, the Source and the appearance brought forth the Son, or Christos, incarnated in Jesus. Jesus, being at one with God, creates in the sea which is the creation. We being from the Father, or Source, are creative beings also, in the Image of God. We create – influence the creation. However, the Creation is all one: no part or individual can be divided off – neither human, nor animal nor plant, nor mineral soil, and we have to reconcile that with ourselves, or ourselves with that. The ticket to the Kingdom of God is the spiritual consciousness, and no soul who is oriented to the personal by his or her own ego, or separated mind, can see that wholeness or holiness of each other with oneself. If we see it and try to manipulate it for personal gain or difference from others, then the vision disappears. All we can do is follow it – or follow Jesus who is the Christ consciousness of the Holy Tri-unity. Mary explains it very clearly in some of the following messages in this the Part 12 of Her predictions.
Message 3626, given on 3/23/2012
… Meneng (a district in the south of the island nation of Nauru) will experience heavy cross and My poor children will cry for help.
Message 3627, given on 3/24/2012
… The inhabitants of Belmopan (the capital of Belize) will carry heavy cross. I suffer for what comes to you. 2) Death will pass through Guerrero (a state in s/w Mexico) and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3628, given on 03/25/2012
… Those who are in Cayo (a district of Belize, Central America) will drink the bitter cup of suffering.
Message 3629, given on 03/27/2012
… The children of Lorena (a small city in e/c Texas, US) will cry and great will be the suffering for My poor children.
Message 3630, given on 03/31/2012
… God has haste. Do not cross the arms. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. I ask that you live My appeals and that in all things you imitate My Son Jesus. Humanity moved away from the Creator because men have become spiritually blind. Liberate yourselves truly from your sins and serve the Lord with joy…
Message 3631, given on 04/02/2012
… Ebino (a city in the south of the island of Kyushu, s/ Japan) will live moments of great tribulations and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3632, given on 04/03/2012
… Those who are in Bygland (a municipality in Aust-Agder county, s/ Norway) will live moments of great tribulations.
Message 3633, given on 04/06/2012
… My Son Jesus walks with you. In moments of joy or of pain, He is always at your side. He carries with you your cross and leads you to victory. Remember always: only by passing through the cross will you reach victory.
Message 3634, given em 04/07/2012
… Bigand (a city in the province of Santa Fe, n/ Argentina) will carry heavy cross and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3635, given on 04/09/2012
… The Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil) will live moments of great afflictions.
Message 3636, given on 04/10/2012
… Chihuahua (a city and state in n/ Mexico) will carry heavy cross. 2) Similar event will happen in Bahia (a state in e/ Brazil).
Message 3637, given on 04/12/2012
… The day will come in which the Earth will be inhabited by men and women of faith. The just will see the loving action of God and all will live felicitously/happily.
Message 3638, given on 04/14/2012
… Be calm and humble of heart. God wants to speak to you. Pray. Listen to the voice of God that calls you to holiness. Humanity is sick and needs to be cured. Walk with the Lord. Days of joy will come to the elect of God. Humanity will live under the dominion of God and no harm will reach My devotees. There will be no space for the suffering. Rejoice, for the Lord has prepared for His that which human eyes have never contemplated.
Message 3643, given on 04/23/2012
… A painful event will happen in Italy and great will be the suffering for the Church.
Message 3644, given on 04/24/2012
… A painful event will happen in Europe. Death will pass through various countries and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3645, given on 04/28/2012
… From Bo (a city and s/ district in the nation of Sierra Leone, West Africa) will be heard shouts and cries of lamentations.
Message 3647, given on 04/30/2012
… Chad (a country in central Africa)) will live the anguish of one condemned and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3648, given on 05/01/2012
… Those who are in Barnaul (a city in s/c Russia, close to borders with Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan) will live moments of great tribulations.
Message 3649, given on 05/05/2012
… When the truth is not taken seriously, the lie wins. You live in the time when the creature is more valued than the Creator and for this My poor children walk as blind to guide other blind. I suffer for what comes to you. Those chosen to defend the truth will negate it. There will be a great crisis of faith and few will remain in the truth. Do not permit that the demon win.
Message 3650, given on 05/08/2012
… Do not let yourselves be deceived by the Pseudosofia (false wisdom). The true wisdom is what comes from God.
Message 3651, given on 05/10/2012
… Michoaca (a state in s/w Mexico bordering Mexico City) will drink the bitter cup of pain and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3652, given on 05/12/2012
… A painful event will happen in Seville (capital of Andalusia, s/ Spain) and 2) will be repeated in Lima (the capital of Peru).
Message 3653, given on 05/14/2012
… A painful event will happen in Berlin (the capital of Germany) and My poor children will carry heavy cross. 2) Similar event will happen in Ica (a city and region in s/w Peru).
Message 3654, given on 05/15/2012
… In Cochabamba (a city and department in the Andes, in c/ Bolivia) will be heard shouts and cries of lamentations.
Message 3655, given on 05/19/2012
… Angra dos Reis (a municipality in Rio de Janeiro state, s/e Brazil) and 2) Zurich (a city, a canton and a lake in n/e Switzerland): the death will pass and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3656, given on 05/20/2012
… The death will pass through France and My poor children will carry heavy cross. The pain will be great for those who live in the South (of France).
Message 3657, given on 05/22/2012
… Salta (a city and province in n/w Argentina) will drink the bitter cup of suffering and My poor children will carry heavy cross. It will happen on a Friday and will call the attention of the world.
Message 3658, given on 05/26/2012
… If you remain firmly on the path of the truth, you can contribute to the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 3659, given on 05/29/2012
… A painful event will happen in Iran (a country in the Middle East) and the pain will be great for My poor children. 2) Similar event will happen in Brasilia (the capital of Brazil).
Message 3661, given on 06/02/2012
… Shouts of despair will be heard in Sochi (a city on the Black Sea coast, s/w Russia) and the men will have to cry and lament.
Message 3662, given on 06/04/2012
… Ganja (a city in w/ Azerbaijan) will cry for help and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3663, given on 06/05/2012
… A great revolt will rise in Europe and in various countries there will be spilling of blood.
Message 3664, given on 06/09/2012
… Those who live in Kwara (a state in w/ Nigeria) will drink the bitter cup of suffering.
Message 3665, given on 06/11/2012
… Kobe (a city and port in the south of the island of Honshu, Japan) will live moments of anguish and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3666, given on 06/12/2012
… A painful event will happen in Liaoning (a province in n/e China bordering North Korea) and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3667, given on 06/16/2012
… Zwolle (a city and municipality in n/e Netherlands) will experience heavy cross. Pray for its inhabitants.
Message 3668, given on 06/18/2012
… Open your hearts to grace of God. Fill yourselves with hope and do not be discouraged. Be just. My Son Jesus has prepared for His elect that which many prophets have desired, but did not see.
Message 3669, given on 06/19/2012
… Those who are in Lima (the capital of Peru) will cry for help and the pain will be great for My poor children. 2) Similar sufferings will be lived by the inhabitants of Assis (a city and municipality inland in Sao Paulo state, s/ Brazil).
Message 3670, given on 06/23/2012
… It will happen in Pyongyang (the capital of North Korea) and will be repeated in Brasilia (the capital of Brazil).
Message 3671, given on 06/24/2012
… God will send a just man and this one will contribute to the definitive victory with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 3672, given on 06/27/2012
… In the great tribulation, the ones who listen to and receive My Appeals, will be protected and no harm will reach them. The Angels of the Lord will come to you and you will be guided and supported. Courage.
Message 3674, given on 06/30/2012
… You walk to an unknown future and you must now, more than ever, take care of your spiritual life. Great will be the persecution of the faithful. The Church will drink the bitter cup of pain. The enemies of God will act with great fury against the Church in your nation (Brazil). The Church will be forced to the silence, and many who today are fervent in the faith will retreat.
Message 3676, given on 07/03/2012
… In the great and terrible persecution, only the ones who listen and live My Appeals will experience great victory.
Message 3677, given on 07/07/2012
… I am your Mother and I came from the Heaven to point you to the path of full felicity. Difficult days will come and many will desire the death, but will have to pass through the suffering. I suffer for what comes to you. Look for forces in the prayer. After all tribulation the Earth will pass through great transformation and all will live felicitously.
Message 3678, given on 07/09/2012
… Zaruma (a town at 1200 meters asl, in s/ Ecuador) and 2) Zarumilla (a town and province in the Tumbes Region of far n/w Peru) will cry for help and the pain will be great for their children.
Message 3679, given on 07/10/2012
… After the darkness will come the light.
Message 3680, given on 07/14/2012
… Abaza (a town mining iron, its name a contraction of two words: Abakan (a river) and Zavod (plant), on the Abakan River in s/c Russia) will cry for help and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3681, given on 07/16/2012
… The children of Perugia (a city and province north of Rome, c/ Italy) will cry and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3682, given on 07/17/2012
… Shouts for help will be heard in Viborg (capital of the Midtjylland Region, on the Jutland Peninsula, Denmark) and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3683, given on 07/21/2012
… Those who are in Tartu (the 2nd largest city in Estonia situated on a river between two lakes) will live moments of great provocations.
Message 3684, given on 07/24/2012
… Odense (a large city on the island of Funen, s/c Denmark) will experience the bitter cup of suffering and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3685, given on 07/26/2012
… Value the moments of prayer in family. When you pray the harm moves away from you. Do not remain preoccupied with the material things. Take care of your spiritual life and God will do all in your favor. Courage. Do not fear. Humanity is on the track to a great abyss, and it is close to the moment of your return. 2) Pray also for the inhabitants of Lusaka (the capital and largest city of Zambia) and 3) of Moscow (the capital of Russia).
Message 3688, given on 07/31/2012
… Pray for the inhabitants of Cundinamarca (a state in c/ Colombia which includes the Capital Bogota). Great suffering will come and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3690, given on 08/06/2012
… I came from the Heaven to prepare the humanity, since you walk to a future of great and painful provocations. Humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering because men have moved away from the Creator. The day will come in which many will have to repent for having rejected the grace of God. Many will remember the moments lived and the opportunities given by the Lord, but it will be late.
Message 3691, given on 08/07/2012
… Difficult days will come to the children of Tui (a municipality within the autonomous region of Galicia, n/e Spain).
Message 3692, given on 08/10/2012
… Henan (a province in e/c China) will drink the bitter cup of pain and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3693, given on 08/11/2012
… The cross will be heavy for those who are in Gaziantep (a city in the Anatolia region of Turkey, near the Syrian border), but the Lord will not abandon His people.
Message 3694, given on 08/14/2012
… A painful event will happen in Weslaco (a city in far s/ Texas, US) and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3695, given on 08/16/2012
… Those who are in Aden (a city and port on the Gulf of Aden, at the entrance to the Red Sea, whose natural harbour is the crater of an extinct volcano) will carry heavy cross.
Message 3696, given on 08/18/2012
… Those who are in Toluca (capital of the state of Mexico in s/c Mexico) will cry for help.
Message 3698, given on 08/24/2012
… Those who are in Gunma (a prefecture/administrative division in a mountainous area of c/ Japan, west of Tokyo) will cry for help and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3699, given on 08/25/2012
… Garay (a department/administrative division in the province of Santa Fe, c/ Argentina) will experience heavy cross. Many will have to cry and lament.
Message 3700, given on 08/28/2012
… The Heart of the South (South Khorasan is a province in e/ Iran, near Afghanistan) will experience heavy cross. 2) Similar sufferings will be lived by those who are in Basly (a commune in n/w France near the English Channel).
nb. See also ‘Heart of the North’ in Part 10, message no. 3453, given 03/15/2011, as I’ve had to change it.
Message 3701, given on 08/30/2012
… Those who are in Skien (a city and municipality in Telemark county, s/ Norway) will cry for help.
Message 3702, given on 09/01/2012
… Amber (if Amber deposits, then the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia on the Baltic Sea where 90% of the world’s Amber from pine tree sap is mined) and 2) Piura (a city, province and region in n/w Peru): the death will come and great will be the suffering for My poor children.
Message 3703, given on 09/04/2012
… Xinjiang (a semi autonomous region in n/w China, formerly East Turkestan or Uyghurstan) will cry for help. 2) Similar sufferings will be lived by the inhabitants of Lima (the capital of Peru).
Message 3705, given on 09/08/2012
… Pendik (a district of Istanbul, Turkey, on the other/eastern side of the Bosporus Strait) will live moments of great tribulation and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3706, given on 09/11/2012
… Those who are in Mabalane (either a town on the Limpopo River in s/ Mozambique OR a village in Botswana, close to the border with South Africa) will carry heavy cross and My poor children will cry for help.
Message 3708, given on 09/15/2012
… Those who are in Silopi (a district in Sirnak Province, s/e Turkey, that borders both Syria and Iraq) will carry heavy cross. 2) Similar suffering will be experienced by the children of Van (a city and province on the eastern side of Lake Van in e/ Turkey).
Message 3709, given on 09/16/2012
… I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Humanity is contaminated with sin and needs to be cured. Turn around to Jesus. He is your victory. Only He is your Way, Truth and Life. Do not live moved away from the path that I have pointed out to you. Pray. When you are moved away you become target of the demon. Take care. You are precious to the Lord and He waits for your sincere and courageous ‘yes’.
Message 3710, given on 09/18/2012
… Those who are in Camarones (a city and commune in far n/ Chile) will experience the bitter cup of pain.
Message 3712, given on 09/25/2012
… Those who are in Tampere (a populous city in s/ Finland) will live moments of great afflictions. Similar suffering will be experienced by those who live in Nome (a small city on the Seward Peninsula in w/ Alaska, US).
Message 3713, given on 09/27/2012
… I love you and want to lead you on the path of holiness. Be docile. Forward without fear.
Message 3714, given on 09/29/2012
… Now is the opportune time to convert yourselves. Listen to Me and I will lead you to a high peak of holiness/sanctity.
Message 3718, given on 10/08/2012
… God has haste and wants to save you. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. Difficult days will come for the humanity. Friendly nations will be at war and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3721, given on 10/13/2012
… The great pain of the humanity will be caused by men themselves. What I announced to you in the past will be realized. Bend your knees in prayer. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously.
Message 3722, given on 10/15/2012
… I am the Mother of the Eternal Love. Fill yourselves with the love, since only in this way can you reach the sanctity/holiness.
Message 3729, given on 10/29/2012
… The children of Tottori (city and prefecture in w/c Japan, known for its sanddunes) will cry for help and will carry heavy cross.
Message 3730, given on 10/30/2012
… Those who are in Hidaka (either a city west of Tokyo, c/ Japan OR a town on the island of Hokkiado, n/ Japan) will carry heavy cross. 2) Similar event will happen in Lisbon (the capital of Portugal).
Message 3731, given on 11/01/2012
… Obi (a town, ‘Kamen na Obi’, on the Ob River in s/c Russia) will cry for help and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3732, given on 11/03/2012
… Kofu (capital of Yamanashi prefecture, southwest of Tokyo, Japan) will experience heavy cross and My poor children will cry for help. 2) A similar event will take place in Assis (a province in the Umbria region of c/ Italy).
Message 3733, given on 11/06/2012
… Pray also for the ones who are in Tokai (a large suburb of Cape Town, South Africa), since the cross will be heavy for My poor children.
Message 3734, given in 11/09/2012
… Mendoza (a city and province in w/c Argentina, inland from the Andes Mountains) will cry for help and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3735, given on 11/10/2012
… Those who are in Miura (a city in Kanagawa prefecture, just south of Tokyo, Japan) will carry heavy cross. 2) Similar event will happen in Cruzeiro do Sul (refers to the “Southern Cross” constellation, and is one of three towns in Brazil).
Message 3736, given on 11/13/2012
… Kamchatka (a long peninsula, noted for its volcanoes, reaching down into the Pacific Ocean from far n/e Russia): this is the region of the death.
Message 3738, given on 11/17/2012
… Those who are in Valdivia (a city and province in s/ Chile, capital of the Los Rios region) will cry for help. 2) Similar event will take place in Montreal (a city on Montreal Island at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa rivers in Quebec province, e/ Canada).
Message 3739, given on 11/19/2012
… The cross will be heavy for those who are in Santa Fe (capital of New Mexico, US) and 2) Cordoba (city and province in Andalusia, s/ Spain). 3) Those who live in Van (a city, province and lake in far e/ Turkey) also will experience great suffering.
Message 3740, given on 11/20/2012
… Death will pass through Maule (a city and region in c/ Chile, south of the capital Santiago) and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3741, given on 11/24/2012
… The death will pass through Europe, will go through various countries and the pain will be great for My poor children. Pray. 2) Those who are in the United Kingdom will have to cry and lament.
Message 3742, given on 11/26/2012
Dear Sons and Daughters, cultivate in your hearts sentiments of love and peace. Let the grace of the holiness/sanctity grow in you, for only in this way can you imitate My Son Jesus. Love. The love is stronger than the death and more powerful than the sin. Your victory will come through the love. Do not retreat. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that the Lord has confided to you. Believe firmly in the power of God. Do not lose heart. Your eyes do not see, but God is acting for the good of the humanity. Nothing is lost.
Message 3743, given on 11/28/2012
… Sivas (a city and province in c/ Turkey) and 2) Azerbaijan (a country that straddles the Caucasus Mountains between Asia and Europe and borders the Caspian Sea): the death will come and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3744, given on 12/01/2012
…The children of Sikkim (a small state of n/e India at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains) will carry heavy cross and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3745, given on 12/02/2012
… Those who are in Hebei (a province, surrounding Beijing, in n/e China) will cry for help and will carry heavy cross.
Message 3746, given on 12/04/2012
… Safim (a coastal ‘sector’ of the West African country of Guinea-Bisseau) will drink the bitter cup of pain. 2) Similar event will happen in Salvador (capital, also on the coast, of Bahia, e/ Brazil).
Message 3747, given on 12/08/2012
… Kampala (the fast growing capital of Uganda, near Lake Victoria in e/ Africa) will drink the bitter cup of pain and 2) similar event will happen in Bahia (a state in e/ Brazil).
Message 3748, given on 12/11/2012
… Those who are in Poltava (a city and oblast on the Vorskla River in w/c Ukraine) will cry for help and 2) a similar event will happen in Entre Rios (a province in e/c Argentina whose western border is the Parana River).
Message 3749, given on 12/13/2012
… Bend your knees in prayer in favour of those who are in Donetsk (a populous industrial city and oblast/province in e/ Ukraine). Death will come and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3750, given on 12/15/2012
… Barranca (a city and province north of Lima in w/c Peru) and 2) Parana (a state in s/ Brazil) will live moments of great suffering.
Message 3751, given on 12/17/2012
… In the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart My devotees will shine, for the Light of the Lord will not be extinguished in them. I love you. Walk with this certainty and do not be discouraged.
Message 3752, given on 12/18/2012
… Espinar (a province in the highlands of s/ Peru) will drink the bitter cup of pain and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3753, given on 12/22/2012
… The Land of Santa Cruz will be struck. The terror will spread throughout Brazil and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3754, given on 12/24/2012
… My Son Jesus is the Door to your full felicity. In His Word you will find the path to your salvation. Listen to Jesus. He wants to speak to you. Open your hearts and receive His will for your lives. Be calm and humble of heart. Humanity moved away from the Savior and lives spiritually blind. Look for Jesus. He waits for you with open arms. In Him is your victory. Still there will be long years of hard provocations, but the ones who remain faithful will live the difficult times in the presence of Jesus. There is no victory without cross. Courage. When all seems lost, My Jesus will act in favor of His.
Message 3755, given on 12/25/2012
… After the great and painful tribulation, the light that guided the men of God will shine in the Heaven and all men will see. This will be the time of the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 3756, given on 12/29/2012
… My Jesus will transform the Earth. His miracles will attract all the men and women moved away from the truth. In the time of God there will be only one flock and only one pastor. The truth will reign in all the hearts.
Message 3757, given in 01/01/2013
… The ones who remain in the truth will never experience the defeat. Do not fear. After the cross, will come the victory.
Message 3758, given on 01/01/2013
… The City of Sete Colinas (‘Seven Hills’ is Rome, Italy) will cry for help. What I have announced to you will be realised.
Message 3759, given on 01/05/2013
… Augusta (a city on the Savannah River between Georgia and South Carolina, US) will cry the death of their children.
Message 3760, given on 01/08/2013
… Chieti (a city and commune, across from Rome, in e/ Italy) will drink the bitter cup of suffering and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3761, given on 01/11/2013
… Chincha (a city and province in the Ica region, s/w Peru, south of Lima) will cry for help and the pain will be great for My poor children.
Message 3762, given on 01/12/2013
… Humanity has become unfaithful to God and each day grows the number of the ones who will be lost forever.
Message 3763, given on 01/13/2013
Dear Sons and Daughters, your future depends on what you sow today. Take care of your spiritual life and your recompense will be the Paradise. Do not live in the sin. You are part of the Lord.
Message 3764, given on 01/15/2013
… The men and women of faith will be persecuted, but I will walk with you. Give me your hands and I will lead you by a secure path. Rejoice, since you have a special place in my Immaculate Heart. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. God has haste.
Message 3765, given on 01/19/2013
Dear Sons and Daughters, help me. I need you. Open your hearts to My call and follow me on the path of holiness. I am at your side, even though you do not see Me. Do not lose your hope. Your victory is the path.
Message 3766, given on 01/22/2013
… Difficult days will come for Brea (a city close to Los Angeles in s/ California, US), 2) Cusco (a city, province and region in s/c Peru) and 3) Campos (a municipality in the south of the island of Majorca/Mallorca, part of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea).
Message 3767, given on 01/25/2013
… Love overcomes all, supports every weight, pardons and brings the peace. Courage. I will ask My Jesus for you. After all tribulation men will comprehend and embrace the Love.
Message 3768, given on 01/26/2013
… The cross will be heavy for my poor children. Those who are in the North of Argentina will cry for help.
Message 3769, given on 01/29/2013
… A destruction will bring a future of pain. Atacama (a region in n/ Chile, the southern part of the Atacama plateau and desert): this is the location.
Message 3770, given on 02/01/2013
… Mardin (a city and province in s/e Turkey near the Tigris River and near Syria) and 2) Mersin (a large port city on the Mediterranean Sea in s/ Turkey) will live the anguish of one condemned.
Message 3771, given on 02/02/2013
… Nuuk (the capital of Greenland) and 2) Valparaiso (a major seaport and region just north of the capital Santiago in c/ Chile) will experience heavy cross.
Message 3772, given on 02/03/2013
… Fionia (aka Funen, an island between Jutland and the island of Zealand in Denmark) will cry for help and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3773, given on 02/05/2013
… Those who are in Lagoa Vermelha (a municipality in the state of Rio Grande du Sol, far s/ Brazil) will drink the bitter cup of suffering.
Message 3789, given on 03/12/2013
… Dangerous birds will sow the seed of evil, but in the vineyard of the Lord will sprout only the seed of truth. 2) The fire in the Palace is the fruit of the dishonesty.
Message 3792, given on 03/18/2013
… Pray for the Church. The enemies will act with great fury. Death will be present in the house of God. The enemies will approach via the Appian Way (an old Roman Road that lays between Rome and the southeast coast of Italy).
Message 3796, given on 03/26/2013
… A son falls within the house of God and who loves him will not be able to help him.
Message 3799, given on 03/31/2013
… Men have moved away from the Creator and humanity walks to a great abyss. A war will arise. The soldiers of cassock (a religious habit) will be.
Message 3804, given on 04/13/2013
… The population of Europe will diminish alarmingly. Multitudes will look for help in many regions of the Earth. Rich and poor will walk in the same direction and eat of the same bread. The faith will be present in few hearts and the Church of My Jesus will suffer much. Pagan nations will receive the Gospel and Jesus will be loved. Great will be the tribulations, but in the end will come the victory of God with the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.