Mary's Predictions, Part 8, Given in Brazil
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7 precede this. Part 8 goes further than the Church, and gives us an idea of what will happen, in various places and to the Earth as a whole. To live through this tribulation we must be strong in spirit, letting spirit/the life force flow through us when we purify our bodies, our emotions and our minds. We need to stand, not fall, and to resist the temptations to fall/be weak given to us in our minds by the evil ones (the word ‘evil’ is the word ‘live’ spelled backwards) from Satan who would like us to fall with them in this the final and greatest test of our spiritual fortitude.
Message 3102, given on 01/01/2009
… By means of the water will come to men suffering and pain. Cries of despair will be heard on all sides. Do not be far from the path that I have indicated to you.
Message 3103, given on 01/01/2009
… greater than the earth will be the one that will make the learned men worry. They will not find any solution, but God will come to help His people. In the Universe is the one that science still does not know, but by Permission of the Lord, will discover. I ask that you do the Will of the Lord. Do not remain stationary. Bend your knees in prayer. Turn around quickly. God wants to save you, but you cannot cross the arms. The Earth is in peril because the creature wants to be greater than the Creator.
Message 3104, given on 01/03/2009
… Death will leave the north and come to the south (it is North Korea and South Korea). This will be a time of pain for My poor children.
Message 3105, given on 1/6/2009
… A great event will happen in the Land of Santa Cruz. It will be at the “Cruz de Pedra” (Cross of Stone in southern Brazil) and men will never forget.
Message 3106, given on 01/07/2009
… The great light will be visible in the southern hemisphere. If men do not convert, fire will fall from the sky and a great part of humanity will be destroyed. What I have announced to you in the past will be realised.
Message 3107, given on 01/10/2009
… Men will take to the interior of the Earth what will be the cause of the destruction of many regions.
Message 3108, given on 01/13/2009
… In the great tribulations, entire nations will disappear and deserted places will become refuges for men. The Lord will give the great warning. Walk in the certainty that you are not alone. Bend your knees in prayer. In prayer is your strength and your victory.
Message 3110, given on 01/17/2009
… What men construct in the depths will cause great destruction.
Message 3111, given on 01/20/2009
… On the feast of a great saint will occur a great sign in the Heaven of Europe.
Message 3112, given on 1/23/2009
Dear Sons and Daughters, know that God is in control of all. God does not see humanity with your eyes, but with the immensity of His Love. God looks at you with His Eye of Mercy. Do not forget: only God is the Supreme Judge. Receive My Appeals and all will be more clear to you. Your lack of understanding is fruit of your spiritual blindness. I came from the Heaven to announce to you the truth. Be attentive. Bend your knees in prayer. Learned men will be surprised: a devastating fire will take place in the interior of the Earth and many will experience heavy cross.
Message 3113, given on 01/24/2009
… the collision between two giants in the Universe will cause great damage to Earth. Fire will fall from the sky and many regions of the Earth will be affected. Bend your knees in prayer.
Message 3114, given on 01/25/2009
… Humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering when the great one comes to meet the waters. My poor children will have to cry and lament. Continents will disappear. The desert will cease to be desert.
Message 3115, given on 01/27/2009
… Death will pass through various countries of Europe. My poor children will cry for help, but they will be alone. I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 3116, given on 01/31/2009
… There will come the day when humanity will experience great transformation. The horrors that scare you today will no longer exist. The elect will live without fear, since the peace will reign on the Earth. Everything will be different. Nothing that exists today will remain as you contemplate.
Message 3117, given on 02/03/2009
… A painful event will catch the attention of the world. It will come from the depths and be provoked by the men.
Message 3118, given on 02/06/2009
…. Days will come in which men will be prevented from practicing the good actions and the Divine Laws will be despised. The powerful in this world will create their laws; My poor children will be led to renege the faith. This is the time of great spiritual confusion.
Message 3119, broadcast on 02/07/2009
… After all spiritual tribulation, the Lord will permit a great miracle. All eyes will see and it will be the Great Opportunity which the Lord will give to men. It will be the time when there will be one only flock and one only Shepherd. Pray. The prayer will fortify you and lead you to holiness.
Message 3120, given on 02/10/2009
… Behold, have come the times predicted by Me. Death will pass through Bahia (Brazil) and My poor children will experience heavy cross.
Message 3121, given on 02/12/2009
… The day will come when men will reject the Light and embrace the darkness. Many consecrated will abandon the true doctrine and will join with the enemies. There will be great contempt for the Sacred and the lack of order will be present everywhere.
Message 3123, given on 2/15/2009
… The tree will be planted in another field and will bring forth many fruits. Be calm and humble of heart.
Message 3124, given on 2/17/2009
… Cries of despair will be heard in the city with name of apostle (St Paul Minnesota, U.S.).
Message 3125, given on 2/21/2009
… It will fall from the sky, in the land of Santa Cruz, and men will have no explanation. Take seriously what comes from the Lord. Be attentive to His Signs.
Message 3126, given on 02/24/2009
… The great suffering of the Church will come by means of political power. Laws will be created to impede the action of the Church. In many places temples will be destroyed and the christians will have to cry and lament. I suffer for what waits for you. Do not move away from the truth. The Lord is with you. Courage.
Message 3130, given on 03/06/2009
… a movement will be born and spread throughout the world. It will be coordinated by women and will bring great suffering to the Church of My Jesus.
Message 3132, given on 03/10/2009
… A great discovery will be made in this land (Brazil). It will be joy to some, but it will bring suffering to many of My poor children.
Message 3134, given on 03/14/2009
… Days will come in which terror will spread throughout Brazil. Unbelievable events will come and My poor children will have to cry and lament. All that I announced to you in the past will be realised.
Message 3135, given on 03/17/2009
… The day will come in which the fierce Bear (Russia) will join with the devouring Lion (England). The fury of the animals will fall on the Church and My consecrated children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3136, given on 03/20/2009
In the heart of many will reign the thinking of men. God will respond and humanity will see the Powerful Hand of God act. Stay with the truth and do not move away from the prayer.
Message 3137, given on 03/21/2009
… An accident in Italy will cause suffering and pain to My poor children.
Message 3138, given on 03/21/2009
… The day will come when the king will be taken from his throne (Pope Benedict XVI in 2013). The kingdom will be divided and everywhere there will be great spiritual confusion.
Message 3139, given on 03/24/2009
The fumes of the demon will spread everywhere and men will be contaminated with the false doctrines. They will abandon the Gospel and embrace false ideologies. Do not forget: the truth is maintained intact only in the Catholic Church.
Message 3143, given on 04/04/2009
… The day will come when all men will be touched and many will return/come back (The Warning: the illumination of the conscience). God loves you and waits for you with immense love of Father. After all tribulation there will be no more suffering on the Earth. God will transform everything and the just will contemplate that which the human eyes have never seen.
Message 3144, given on 04/07/2009
Europe will become poor spiritually and materially. Nations will disappear and My poor children will have to carry heavy cross. The worst still will come.
Message 3145, given on 04/10/2009
… Jerusalem and many surrounding cities will experience heavy cross. Great will be the devastation. Bend your knees in prayer.
Message 3147, given on 04/14/2009
… Humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering. Suffering will also come to the land of Santa Cruz. In many regions, the Earth will break apart and large cracks will appear. Many places that today you contemplate will cease to exist.
Message 3148, given on 04/17/2009
… a proud king will divide the Church. His orders will be obeyed and the precious will be cast out. The great spiritual confusion is on the way. Pray.
Message 3149, given on 04/18/2009
… After the great tribulation the Earth will be transformed and all will be different. The things that you contemplate today will cease to exist. Everything will be new. Transformed, just men and women will inhabit the earth. All this will come after the Great Sign, which will be the ultimate chance for the conversion of the humanity.
Message 3150, given on 04/19/2009
… Pakistan will drink the bitter cup of suffering and My poor children will have to cry and lament.
Message 3152, given on 04/25/2009
… The cross will be heavy for the inhabitants of Venezuela (food shortages). A similar event will happen in Chile. I suffer for what comes to you.
Message 3153, given on 04/28/2009
… The day will come in which a good and just man will set foot on this land (Brazil). By means of him the doors will open and My Appeals will spread throughout the world. Do not worry. Listen to what I say to you. Who is with God will win.
Message 3154, given on 05/01/2009
… Humanity will moan in physical pain and My poor children will drink the bitter cup of pain. All that I announced to you over these years will be realised.
Message 3155, given on 05/02/2009
… Death will pass through Argentina and My poor children will live moments of dread. 2) Similar sufferings will My poor children in Italy experience.
Message 3161, given on 05/16/2009
… A devastating fire will arise and the inhabitants of Chile will carry heavy cross. An equal event will happen in Bahia (Brazil).
Message 3162, given on 05/18/2009
… The day will come in which many will have to repent of the life lived without God, but it will be late. Humanity will be surprised. Rome will cry the death of her children.
Message 3163, given on 05/19/2009
… At the height of the great persecution, the Lord will show a great sign. Heretics will convert and give evidence of the love of God. It will be the time of the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 3165, given on 05/26/2009
… The earth will suffer with great destructions provoked by the very hands of men. Pray. After the great and painful tribulation, the Lord will restore all and the earth will be rich and full of beauty. The ones who provoke destruction will drink of their own venom.
Message 3166, given on 05/28/2009
… Humanity will live moments of great suffering. Greater pain did not exist. Fire will fall from the sky and the mountains will descend. Rivers of fire will flow out of the earth and death will be present everywhere. Pray. Say to all that this is the time of the great return.
Message 3167, given on 05/30/2009
… A painful event will take place in Spain and will be repeated in Rio de Janeiro.
Message 3168, given on 06/02/2009
… Men walk to the destruction prepared by their own hands. The day will come when nature will confound the men. From the gravitational force of the earth will come great suffering and pain. The birds will cry and the pain will be great for My poor children. Do not move away from the path that I have pointed out to you.
Message 3171, given on 06/07/2009
… The humanity is sick and needs to be cured. A discovery will be made in this land (Brazil) and men will marvel. Pray. Only praying can you comprehend My messages. Behold, a great tribulation approaches for the inhabitants of Argentina. Pray. Pray. Pray. I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 3172, given on 06/09/2009
… Humanity has moved away from the Creator and walks into the abyss of self-destruction. Turn around quickly. Death will pass through a famous seaside resort in Brazil. Great will be the destruction.
Message 3173, given on 06/13/2009
… The greatest and most painful war will come. The cruelty of men will bring suffering and pain to My poor children.
Message 3176, given on 06/20/2009
… God will permit great tribulations for the humanity. Humanity will be purified through pain. After experiencing heavy cross, the just will inherit a new earth.
Message 3177, given on 06/23/2009
… In the great tribulation for men, God will send the prophets to orientate the chosen ones. Difficult days will come to mankind. The earth will be agitated and will rise like the waves of the sea. This will be a great catastrophe for the humanity.
Nb. O.M. Aivanhov, April 2nd 2011,
translated from the French.
“The Earth grows, I have said it also. When I say that the Earth it will go from 7000 km to 10000 km, it is not a view of the mind, n’est-ce pas (is this not so)? And how would you expect it to grow if there are no geophysical tectonic movements? We have announced them to you also. And if mother Gaia has decided that there were more rapid ways of going towards the Light, she has chosen it. Then, of course, those who are on the caterpillar side, will say that this is a catastrophe, and it is their right. With you to know where you want to be.”
Message 3179, given on 06/27/2009
… The earth will pass through great transformation. The day will come in which there will be a great earthquake and all Earth will be shaken. Entire regions of the Earth will disappear. After all tribulation, there will be for you a new time and joy.
Message 3180, given on 06/29/2009
… The throne of Peter will be shaken. A successor of Peter will see the destruction of his house (Pope Benedict XVI) and the men of faith will lament.
Message 3181, given on 06/30/2009
… Still you will see horrors on the Earth. Fire will fall over mankind. The collision of two giants in space will bring suffering to men.
Message 3182, given on 07/04/2009
… A giant will fall on Mexico and the terror will be mirrored everywhere.
Message 3183, given 07/07/2009
… Many men and women of faith will be persecuted in the Land of Santa Cruz. You will be prevented from announcing the truth; temples will be closed and many consecrated will be killed. I suffer for what comes to you.
Message 3185, given on 07/11/2009
… When there comes the punishment to purify humanity, few will remain upright. Fire will fall from the sky and men will live moments of great suffering. The fire will burn the light and the earth will shudder.
Message 3186, given on 07/11/2009
… The day will come when the earth will be shrouded in dense darkness. The men will cry for help and will not know where to go. It will be a painful time for My poor children.
Message 3187, given on 07/14/2009
… God will do a great miracle in favour of men. The humanity will have a great chance to return to the Lord. When the Great Sign comes, all eyes will see. Men will have a chance to repent. It will be a great miracle and many will convert.
Message 3188, given on 07/15/2009
… Death will pass through northern France and My poor children will carry heavy cross. Great will be the destruction. Be attentive. Do not remain with arms crossed.
Message 3189, given on 07/18/2009
… A fast fire will cross the skies of various countries in Europe. It will fall on a famous temple and the men will cry and lament. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you.
Message 3190, given on 07/21/2009
… A grand event will happen in this land. The day will come when a hidden treasure will be found. I ask you to continue to pray. Only through the force of the prayer will you see the transformation of the earth.
Message 3191, given on 07/22/2009
… There will be no suffering and pain for the chosen of God. The ones who are faithful to the end will receive the compensation of the just. It will be these who will contemplate New Heavens and New Earth. I ask that you do good to all. What you do in favour of your brothers, no matter how small, Jesus will not leave without recompense.
Message 3192, given on 07/25/2009
Dear Sons and Daughters, the Earth will pass through great transformations. Humanity will be totally transformed and God will bring forth in the more deserted places a beauty that human eyes have never seen. The hidden wonders will be able to be contemplated by men. The just will inherit a new earth and will no longer experience any suffering. All this will come after the great purification. I ask that you let yourselves be led by the Hands of the Lord. Remain firmly on the path that I have indicated to you, and you will be great men and women of faith. I am your Mother. I want to say to you that My Heart rejoices with your ‘Yes’ to My Projects. God will do all in favour of his chosen ones.
Message 3193, given on 07/28/2009
… humanity will live the anguish of one condemned, but in the Love of the Lord you will find the true liberation. Know that these are the difficult times for the humanity. Pray. Prayer will strengthen you and make you comprehend the Will of the Lord. Do not retreat.
Message 3194, given on 07/30/2009
… By means of pain the humanity will find the path of the salvation. My poor children will carry heavy cross. A great punishment will fall over mankind and only the men and women of faith will survive. Listen to Me and walk to meet The One who is your Unique and True Savior.
Message 3196, given on 08/04/2009
… In the final hour, My children will receive special graces and will not suffer the eternal punishment (of Hell). Rejoice. Your names already are registered in the Heaven. Remain on the path that I have indicated to you. Do not be afraid. There will be no defeat for My Chosen and Consecrated.
Message 3197, transmitted on 08/06/2009
… Awesome events will grab the attention of men. An explosion in the Universe will cause great fear to the learned men. The Earth will suffer. My poor children will experience heavy cross. It is necessary that all this happen, but in the end the Great Victory of God will come to you.
Message 3198, given on 08/08/2009
… There will be great tribulations on the Earth, and men will not support the weight of the sufferings. Many will ask for death, but they will have to pass through the great test/proof of the purification. At this time the just will receive the protection of the Angels of the Lord and no harm/evil will affect them. The ones who dedicate themselves to Me will experience a joy without end. They will contemplate that which the human eyes have never seen. Do not retreat. Stay on the path of the truth. My Lord is with you and will not leave you on your own.
Message 3199, given on 08/11/2009
… An extraordinary phenomenon will happen in Europe. Men will have no explanation. When men witness the appearance of the great light, know that the Great Final Battle is near. Men will call it the Second Sun. What I announced to you in the past will be realised.
Message 3201, given on 08/15/2009
… A fast and destructive fire will hit the Earth. From far away this comes and men cannot prevent its destructive action. I suffer for what comes to you. Continents will cease to exist and the Earth will no longer be the same. All will be different. What you contemplate today will cease to exist. After all this, God will bring forth a new Earth for His Elect. Forward with courage
Message 3202, given on 08/18/2009
… A man will arise, apparently full of virtues, but in truth will be an envoy of the demon. He will deceive many with his doctrine, but will encounter a great barrier in the force and faithfulness of My Devotees and Chosen ones.
Message 3203, given on 08/21/2009
… the day will come in which the Lord will send to the just extraordinary showers of graces. There will be no suffering for the Elect of the Lord. To the ones who pray and receive My Appeals, victory will come. The Lord will wipe away the tears of His Chosen. In the great tribulation the eyes of the faithful will not contemplate the sufferings. They will be protected and in their hearts there will be only joy and peace.
Message 3205, given on 08/25/2009
… My Jesus will produce a great miracle and all eyes will see. This miracle will be the motive for the conversion of the atheists and all the ones who have embraced false doctrines. It will happen on a Sunday on the feast of a great martyr.
Message 3206, given on 08/27/2009
… From nature will come great suffering for a continent. By means of the water will come great pain for My poor children. The fury of nature will strike men, and thousands will be victims of the great tragedy.
Message 3207, given on 08/29/2009
… The day will come in which Europe will extend the hand to the world like a mendicant in need of help. Russia will be a stone for many nations and Rome will be destroyed with fire. I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 3209, given on 09/01/2009
… No evil will affect My chosen ones. You who live My appeals will be supported in the hour of the pain. God will never abandon the ones who are faithful to the end. For the just will come abundant graces from the Lord.
Message 3210, given on 09/05/2009
… Days of suffering will come to humanity. God will permit and learned men will announce the coming of the one who will be cause of despair for many. In many regions of the earth the fire will spread everywhere. I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 3211, given on 09/08/2009
Dear Sons and Daughters, the Projects of the Lord will be realized over all the Earth. The day will come when the Lord will call and the just will hear His voice. There will be one only flock to serve the Unique Lord. Idolatry will fall to the ground. Those who are part of the demon will be separated from the ones who are part of the Lord. The true children of God will be in safe place. The Angels of the Lord will be sent to care for My Chosen. Encourage yourselves and do not retreat. All this will happen after the Great Tribulation. At this time the earth will be purified.
Message 3212, given on 09/10/2009
… the search for the treasure will result in the death of many innocents. Your nation (Brazil) walks to a bloody future.
Message 3213, given on 09/12/2009
… Death will pass through the coast of Espírito Santo (s/e Brazil). Similar sufferings will be experienced by the inhabitants of Minas Gerais (it borders Espirito Santo to the west).
Message 3214, given on 09/15/2009
… from the depths of the ocean that bathes your Brazil will come great destruction and My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3216, given on 09/19/2009
… Know that from Mexico will come sad news. My poor children will have to cry and lament. Do not move away from the prayer. I need you. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you.
Message 3218, given on 09/24/2009
… let the light of the Holy Spirit penetrate your hearts, for only in this way will you be capable of becoming light to the ones who are moved away. Love the Love. When men open themselves to the love of God, humanity will be cured spiritually.
Message 3221, given on 10/01/2009
… great sufferings will come to Brazil because of an agreement. My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3224, given on 10/09/2009
… The earth will pass through great and painful transformations. Men will be confounded, because they have put themselves in the place of the Creator.
Message 3225, given on 10/10/2009
… On the day of the great tribulation, My devotees will be supported and protected. The pain will be great for the humanity. Many will desire death, but they must pass through the tribulation. Humanity will be purified through suffering and God will be the victor. You are the elect of God. Pray.
Message 3226, given on 10/12/2009
… Your nation will experience heavy cross. Difficult days will come, but I want to say to you that the Brazil will not experience the defeat. I love the Brazil and I will not leave My poor children desperate. Be faithful. Listen to Me. It depends on you what I do. Forward without fear.
Message 3227, given on 10/13/2009
… Humanity has moved away from God, but a great miracle of the Lord will attract many moved away men. For the just the Lord has reserved that which human eyes have never seen. Nations contaminated by the communism will open the doors to the Lord. Pray. Do not be discouraged. In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Message 3231, given on 10/24/2009
… A painful event will take place in Yugoslavia and many men will have their faith shaken. Do not move away from the path that I have pointed out to you. Whatever happens, do not retreat.
Message 3233, given on 10/27/2009
… A great suffering will come to the inhabitants of Italy. Similar sufferings will the inhabitants of Chile live. The earth will shake and men will live moments of great sufferings.
Message 3234, given on 10/31/2009
… The force of nature will provoke phenomena never before seen. Objects will be thrown from the earth by a force that men will not be able to explanation. From the depths of the earth will arise forces which will leave men preoccupied, but I want say to you that God will not abandon His people. Pray. Still you will see things that human eyes have never seen.
Message 3237, given on 11/07/2009
… A great discovery will be made for the good of men. Object of one of the miracles performed by My son Jesus. This is the mystery. Know that all the Lord will do is for your good. Open your hearts to Him and you will be happy.
Message 3239, given on 11/12/2009
… From the sky will come the help for you. A great sign from God will attract the moved away men and women.
Message 3241, given on 11/17/2009
… The Church of My Jesus will walk through difficult paths and suffer much. When all seems lost, the Lord will send a just man and this one will contribute to the spiritual growth of the Church. After all good that he will do to the Church, he will be assassinated, but the Church will be firm and the enemies defeated.
Message 3242, given on 11/18/2009
… The day will come when all the moved away men will have the grace of the repentance. The Lord will concede to His children the opportunity to return. It will be a great miracle. Rejoice, since the Lord will not abandon you. He knows you by name. Confide in Him and you will be happy already here on the Earth and later with Me in the Heaven.
Message 3243, given on 11/21/2009
Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering because of the inexplicable phenomena of nature which will come. Bend your knees in prayer to support the weight of the cross. The Andes will descend and many nations will carry heavy cross. The earth will go through great transformations, but in the end the victory will be with the men and women of faith. I am your Mother and you know how much I love you. I ask that you do good to all. Fill yourselves with the love of God and in all places give evidence that you are with My Son Jesus.
Message 3244, given on 11/22/2009
… Humanity lives moved away from God and the moment of your return is come. If men do not convert themselves, soon will fall over the humanity a terrible punishment. Rivers of fire will flow out of the earth. Waters will be contaminated, and in many regions of the Earth My poor children will carry heavy cross.
Message 3245, given on 11/24/2009
… Difficult times will come for you. Pray. In the great tribulations, those who consecrate themselves to Me will be protected. My Heart will be for you secure refuge. It will be the ark of your alliance with God and He will save you.
Message 3246, given on 11/28/2009
… An astounding event will happen in Europe and will reach three countries at the same time. The men will have to cry and lament. Look for forces in the prayer and in the Eucharist. Your victory approaches. Be with the Lord.
Message 3247, given on 12/01/2009
… The day will come in which your cross will become very heavy, but I want to say to you that I will be at your side. Many waters over little water. Ask/pray the mercy of the Lord and He will sustain you. I walk with you and no evil will come against you if you receive My appeals.
Message 3248, given on 12/03/2009
… When the great day comes, the humanity will be liberated and My poor children will be free. The demon will be chained and the humanity will once again have peace. It will be a time of glory for the just and all will live to uniquely serve My Son Jesus.
Message 3249, transmitted on 12/05/2009
… In the great triumph of My Immaculate Heart, the sky will open and the angels of the Lord will come to help My chosen ones.
Message 3250, given on 12/08/2009
Dear Sons and Daughters, I am the Immaculate Conception. I came from the Heaven to point out to you the path of sanctity/of holiness. Open your hearts, for I desire to lead you to perfection. Move away from the sin and turn towards the Lord. You are important to the projects of God. Do not retreat. Say your ‘yes’ and return to the arms of the Father. I am your Mother and well you know how much a mother loves her children. Be calm and humble of heart, for only in this way can you feel the love of God in your lives. God is very close to you. He will do all to save you. The day will come when men will gain great grace. A great miracle of God will transform hardened hearts. Each one will see his errors and have the grace of repentance (It is ‘The Warning’). It will be the great opportunity that the Lord will give to His moved away children. Know that you will never be abandoned. Bend your knees in prayer and you will be capable of understanding the designs of God for your lives.
Message 3252, transmitted on 12/12/2009
… Do not lose your confidence. The prophets that were, will return and announce the day of the great warning. God will give you the opportunity to change your minds. Be attentive.
Message 3256, transmitted on 12/22/2009
… Fire will rise from the depths of the earth and many regions will be destroyed. Do not move away from the prayer. I will always be with you. Forward without fear.
Message 3258, given on 12/26/2009
… A painful event will happen in the land of the queen (England) and will be repeated in the capital of Brazil (Brasilia in central Brazil).
Message 3259, given on 12/29/2009
… The terrestrial crust will split in many regions of the Earth. The energy coming from her interior will cause suffering for many of My poor children. Listen to what I say to you. Humanity is on the verge of the most terrible scourges and punishments. What formerly I announced to you will be realised.
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Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

Just remember that it is our imagination which carries the force. Absent healing can be done via the imagination, something which I only recently discovered when it was agreed that I try to give someone who lives half the world away, some healing. Afterwards when I asked if it had been received, the person wrote back that they had received the same imagination and its healing energy. During the time in which I have been doing out these predictions of Mary, part by part, sometimes there has come to me unwanted imagination, which is really psychic attack, not full blown ‘force of possession meeting force of resistance’, but manipulations of the imagination. Fortunately I’ve been alert to these attempts at control, to take me over, and I’ve put in the effort to reverse them. When my mind is clear, lucid and calm – energized, when there is the energy of peace around me (not that of a forceful kind), then I do out these predictions of Mary, but not otherwise. This is the freedom – freedom of the mind where we can feel the inexhaustible energy of God, of life itself – which Mary is steering us towards in Her messages which she has given through Pedro Regis in Brazil since 1987. Her messages are ongoing and haven’t stopped. However, there are some forces, some people on the other side of life, invisible to us, who don’t want these messages to go out. Yet, Mary wants them to go out to people, so that they too can work/trend towards their own mental freedom from being controlled. It’s not the physical freedom/lack of self-control, that we want, but it is the real mental freedom to feel the tranquility, the inexhaustible energy or power of God which lays just below the surface of our physical consciousness. This is the fullness, the power which we have to tap into, and when we have opened our beings to it – as Mary says, “Open your hearts” – it will never leave us on our own, never betray us, never abandon us, because this is the true energetic freedom of the Children of God.