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Israeli - Arab Wars Again! Alert For All Supporters Of the Old World Order – you’re making a big mistake!

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Israeli – Arab wars again! and again! and again! For years many have believed that we are living at the end of the age and about to see the New World Order take control of the world. After that we expect to see persecution of all who object to the New World Order and especially true followers of the Messiah Yeshua. For years many have felt like the world is living on the edge of a cliff and about to fall over any time soon. Many of us take the prophecies of the bible seriously and watch the signs of the times as instructed by our Messiah. For decades and even centuries there have been groups of sincere and devout followers of the Messiah that held the same convictions and expectations, most of whom no longer see the need to be taking the prophecies of the bible seriously and watching the signs of the times. They now carry on with their lives as if this corrupt world and it’s political systems will continue forever. The vast majority of Christians have the same complacent view and expectation.


Actually we who take the prophecies of the bible seriously really are a crazy fringe group of deluded religious freaks, just sitting around watching and waiting for something to happen. It’s a waste of time because the prophecies of the bible describe how the timing of the end of the age is something that is set by true followers of the Messiah Yeshua, not by the illuminati or the Rothchilds and family; but Christians don’t know that. For centuries powerful agents in high places have been trying to establish the New World Order for total control over all humanity. But many groups especially the vast majority of Christians and most true followers the Messiah of prefer the Old World Order, fighting for their rights and privileges they enjoy as supporters of the Old World Order. So the coming of  the New World Order is constantly opposed and delayed. We live in an age of continual violence and injustice, anxiety and oppression, uncertainty and confusion among the masses and this has been the situation for decades if not centuries and the delay can continue for many more decades. So those of us who seriously study prophecy and watch the signs of the times seem like a crazy fringe group of deluded religious freaks. And in fact we are if we continue like this!


How do true followers of the Messiah set the timing of the end of the age? The New World Order must take full control before the Kingdom of YHWH (the true God of Israel) will appear and replace it. The more the supporters of the Old World Order (including the Christians who helped to build it) succeed in opposing and delaying the New World Order the longer it will take before the Kingdom of YHWH will appear. The only way to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of YHWH is to convince Christians of their mistaken and futile efforts in supporting this corrupt world and it’s political systems, both the Old and the New World Order. That is NOT our kingdom, not our mission, in fact it’s the opposite of what our Messiah called his followers to do. We must wake the flock up and convince them to withdraw their support from this corrupt world and it’s political systems and begin building the foundations of the kingdom of YHWH (the true God of Israel). Then we will see the end of the age and the kingdom of YHWH take full control of the world in the next age of peace, security, justice, prosperity and goodwill among all men and women, without the illuminati or the Rothchilds.

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    Total 6 comments
    • Xebache

      Interesting but inaccurate. Two points 1. The Lord God sets and controls all “time frames”, not the followers or the Illuminati or the rebellious Angles. 2. Any time delay from our point of view in how the future transpires is not about holding on to the old world. Which is how some folks I’m sure feel about it, however it’s about our Heavenly Father providing every opportunity to an obstinate people to Repent and be saved by the blood of Yeshua. God is Holy and Righteous > mankind is immortal, we all are born and all will physically pass away, however our Bodies pass away – what is “us” ( spirit, mind ) is eternal. Life here is a type of boot camp which basically comes down to CHOOSE > and we have until our physical passing here to make that choice. We are born spiritually separated from God ( dead ). We can acknowledge Him, repent, be delivered from righteous punishment ( eternal separation from ) by acknowledging Yeshua’s death and blood as a substitution payment in our place or we can not. The word says that God would have no man suffer eternal damnation. The punishment was created by God for the Angels. Therefor the aspects of thought which people toss around as ” Good God wouldn’t punish mankind, or the Devil made me do it ” are all Bravo Sierra. The responsibility is solely upon each of us. That includes responsibility for teaching our children, loving our neighbor, and asking for God’s intervention in our own lives.
      Sounds to weird you say. Christian nonsense. Well I beg to differ. Man was originally created in fellowship with God (deathless). A different order of beings(pan dimensional – alien) existed also before us also created by God. One who was given more or less everything couldn’t be satisfied and wanted to be AS his creator (mistake – Angelic rebellion), Same Angel (who we call Satan) goes after the apple of Gods eye (mankind) to punish us for his demise and to attempt to still usurp his creator (Lost before he started). Man “Sins” (eats forbidding fruit – breaks rule – God new all along would happen) instantly dies spiritually (link with God broken) and here we are. Why it’s said we are born dead and need to be born again.
      Satan mocks God always – our spiritual link with our creator can be real, personal and evident during this life. Spiritualist for a simple term would say Gaia except as a created being we are in submission to and share in the whole. Don’t dig Adam n apple – well most ancient cultures have some twisted history of a heavenly rebellion and such. Don’t dig the whole flood thing – same with over 200 ancient histories describing a world wide catastrophy. Confused about the Crucifixion – gets easy when you realize that God ordained blood sacrifice for temporary remission of “Sins”. Again devil mocks in a destructive way. Mayan’s, Aztec’s, tossing virgins into volcanoes and such to placate a “god” – the actual precursory example was the Passover Lamp in Exodus.
      Now the important part – God is and always has been in control and we are nobody to judge our creator. God gave us laws ( 10 C’s ) to show mankind that we were incapable without him to be righteous and holy before him. They were put here to make us realize the standard that God goes by and to educate us to the fact we can’t buy or work towards perfection worthy of God. Again God has it all planned out. He creates a people through whom he will Himself physically be born unto and he will take the punishment himself in our behalf. That should explain why all the hate for thousands of years on the Jews whom God created as the vehicle through which to come FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. Ever wonder why ever in the quiet and dark as to how-come the world despises Israel or why the holocaust happened. Remember the bad Angel well he ain’t happy about it. See God took his own punishment for mankind’s transgressions and when he undeservedly DIED, all hell broke into a party “too soon”. 3 days later God resurrected himself from the death and defeated Satan for good. God knows it – Satan and the fallen Angels know it – faithful Angels know it – Real followers of Christ and even the human enemies (by choice) know it.
      Gospel is simple – believe that Yeshua (Jesus-Messiah-Word of God) paid your debt with his life and blood and that God (Heavenly Father-Lord God Almighty-Adonay) raised him from the dead and confess the same with your mouth and you will be brought back into fellowship with God forever.
      And the Bible well it’s 66 books by 44 authors presenting God’s written word to mankind. Seriously not enough room or time to present a case to the naysayers, however the Bible presents prophecy which is and will be 100% accurate. All God does is to glorify his Name for his sake. It’s comforting to know that he LOVES us and chooses fulfill us completely.
      When you look and see how the devil (little G god of this world), fallen angels and demons have reeked havoc upon mankind and they are only created beings of God (except demons of course who are the earth bound disembodied souls of the hybrid fallen angel and human mingling). It’s good and comforting to know that the only living God of all is on our side and has it under control.
      Free will – God doesn’t want robots – you have a choice of which side to be on. Choose wisely for time is running out. The devil will be tossed out like rotten fruit and be earthbound and very pissed off. Mankind’s desolation will be his goal but God says before he achieves said goal and destroys all flesh that the King of Kings will return and end the silliness. Praise and thank Jesus Christ.
      So as far as the world goes The whole masonic Shirley McClain thing of we are gods on our own merit is a lie (the biggest along with thou shall surely not die). The whole I worship nature, quartz crystals, my ancestors is a crock. I worship the God that made them. And as for allah and all the other impersonations of God by Satan (ever wonder if the women get 70 some virgin guys?) and ghosts, aliens, spirits and the such The Bible says if they don’t profess Jesus is the Christ then they are false.
      Remember – all the Devil can do is take away your physical existence temporarily from you and yours. But be of good cheer for God promises to give you a new incorruptible body and eternal fellowship. Also says he will dry all tears. Sounds good to me.
      So look at what you believe and think about it. Condemnation without investigation is foolish and flawed. Ask God – if you ask in earnest he will answer. 4 P’s of prayer – perceive, pursue, persist and posses. Can’t fail because God won’t.
      God gives life – devil gives death by keeping the truth from you.
      Oh and all the Israel conspiracy folks – lay off. They are men just like you and you ain’t any better. We all are to be judged so while it isn’t pc these days stop fostering blame on others and go look in a mirror.
      God died for the Palestinians too!
      Peace -X :cool:

      • Endtime

        Be careful! Read this:

        There is a Highest God that Jesus called “Father”, then a semi-god that called himself YHWH and wants to rob the power of the “Father”. Jesus came as a messenger of Christ to let us know this, but YHWH had him killed for it and twisted his teachings to a false “Christianity”.

        May the Highest God save us from YHWH’s tyranny!


      • Pix

        “God died for the Palestinians too!”

        God would have done better to fart fireballs out of his backside and blast his enemies into outer space.


    • Pix

      “Israeli – Arab wars again! and again! and again! For years many have believed that we are living at the end of the age and about to see the New World Order take control of the world.”

      The world does need a new order it can’t continue for much longer with the system we have, of infinite growth in a finite world. But it can only change if we all consent. Politics can’t operate without our consent. It matters not what form the politics take, it cannot operate without consent. Even dictatorships need the consent of the people.

      If the current forms of government were so powerful why do they need all the false flags to motivate us in the direction they want us to go? Ike is a nut case but is correct, it is ‘problem reaction solution’. They have their solution where everyone is subservient and in debt to them, so they create the reaction needed via a manipulated contrived problem, it’s called propaganda and needs an ever increasing level of atrocity to carry on having the desired impact and reaction.

      • Pix

        You know full well if you actually followed the bible ‘thou shalt not kill’, there would be hardly any conflict, wars in the world. The majority of people still believe in some form of god entity, so the fact that there is still much loss of life taking place proves you do not actually believe it. You would not dare to kill another if you did. You would not dare to do half the things you do if you actually believed it. What you all do is role play your ‘deity’ so you can do the judging, torturing in a living hell and murdering instead.


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