Many American Family's Are Being Murdered By A Modern Slavery Holocaust With New Age Nazis Who Take People Away By Papers
Alot of people are being murdered in a Secret Modern Day Holocaust as people are being drug off by groups and murdered the same way the Nazis drug off Jewish people that hated for being different them then to kill them and what is going on beneath everyones noses and under the Streets of America and in properties is like the Holocaust in many ways as readings explain that they are murdering people they hate, and taking them away by force by groups to kill them all because they hate the way they are, they hate Mothers who are attractive with a good body, and who have a certain physical make up such as large breasts with large nipples, dark pubic hair, a large clitorus, and a good rear end, and they have a real human body chart they check off to see who to take away by force of papers, and framing, and defrauding done to banks and post offices as they rob the ones they target and hate blind to then capture them by groups with papers done by the framing they did to them, and they frame them first with lies and fraud reports and papers and lie they need to do an in home investigation, and that is to place spy cams in bathrooms in mirrors, bathtubs, and in shower heads, and in bedrooms in smoke detectors, and on ceilings over beds to see their body to check off their body parts on a chart to say do they have big dark nipples? dark pubic hair? a large clitorus? does it pant when the Mother has intercourse with the Dad? or on a Mom whos divorced who has a boyfriend? and they say if their clitorus pants that means they have bad dna and they are ones to take away to get rid of them and all their babys, children, and kids of all ages. The New Age Modern Day Slavery Nazi cult decide by voting weather to target them and to set them up by a thumbs up text, and they lie the Moms are bad for having an orgasm that they saw in a spy cam, and they lie that means they have too much male hormone and passion within and lie it means they are a very bad person is this happens, and they say they are bad for having intercourse in the day, and for laying on their back, and for having an orgasm, and the Nazi cult who are conservative religous types say they hate these Mothers, and lie they should loose full custody of their family becsuse of the way they look in private in their spy cam footage, and they say they go to town to take the nice Moms down because of the way their body looks, the way they have intercourse, the way their clitorus pants, because of the size of thier clitorus, and nipples, and because of the way they move, and walk with a little ol wigggle and say they hate sexy Moms and the body they were born with, and say set the Mom up now for looking like that alone getting dressed because they hate Moms who tuck their blouse in to not have one buldge, and they hate their clothes with darts that fit perfect, and they hate a tiny bit of their clevege shows, and they all start gawking at them in private when they are told there is an in home investigation person named to see if they are fit to be a Mom by how they act and look in private by soy cam viewing by the spy watch cam committee, and the thousands of them start braining washing people by texting and messengering lies all over town, and they say pass it on about this Mom, and ruin their income by that in the very beginning the minute they become a targeted individual, and they steal their mail from thier mail boxes and money and checks and jobs sent to them by women who say they are on patrol, and they write fake slanderous notes about what Moms are doing that they are targeting as gang stalker Nazi women who set up to kill the Moms and all their kids and they find them by checking many times a day to see who just bought a house, and when they see a Sold they check to see is it a divorced Mom? a legally seperated Mom? an unwed Mom and Dad? and they check to see are they an attractive family? and then they set them up by lying about income and spending habits, and by robbing their mail from and fed ex ups deliverys off their porches, and by fraud liens at post offices that lie they need to do an investigation on them, and by that fraud frame-up they take to banks, that lies they need to investigate this Parent, and they siphen their Money out of their accounts, and lie they need to do that to pay bills they are not paying when they may not be due yet and they may not be paid, and the Parents may pay the minimum on thier bills, and have enough income for their monthly bills, and qualified to buy the house or to rent a nice apartment, and they frame them to look like they cannot afford the place they got, and pay bills without them knowing, and pay off balances and lie they are very bad persons for having balances on their bills, and they frame them to look like the payment is too high for their income when its not, as they steal their reserves in their savings accounts they have for bills, and they rob them blind every which way at the same time, and they steal their work calls by bugging phones, and take the nice parents down by a wicked evil secret Nazi cult who lie they are investigating when they are framing them to their CPS Secret Court, and then lie to a CPS DCFS Government agency to set nice Parents up to be not needed case files, to then take the whole family away by Nazi women in Nurse Uniforms and Lab coats and by Men in Scrubs who jump out of a big van or ten vechicles to surround the Moms and kids with fraud framing papers on clip boards and say ” sorry lady we are taking full custody of your entire family today by our papers we have and we are forcing shots in all of you to take you to a meeting in a hotel, motel, lodge, underground room, to their computer lab hacker apartment buildings” etc. and a pack of new age Modern Day Slavery Nazi men and women take familys away by force the same way the Nazis took Jews away in that Holocaust to murder them, and the Women Nazis say they think they are bad because they saw their clitorus pant in a spy cam, and because of the way they walk, talk, and move, and because of the body they were born with and many are young women who are tall, blond and blue eyed like the German Nazis looked perfect, and they hate dark nipples and dark pubic hair, as many of them have blond pubic hair and eyebrows, and small pink nipples, and they hate the way they look and think their bodys look nasty, and their Mothers on the spy cam commitees hate them because they have passion within as their conservative Jewish and Catholic and Christian Moms think they are bad to orgasm, and to lay on their back, and to have intercourse in the day, and they hate love making positions, and styish free spirited Moms, as they are ones raised in their house of religion that learned intercouse is for a married couple only and that is for night time before going to sleep and they frame the nicest Moms on earth and lie they should loose full custody of their enitire family because of the way they look in their spy cam viewing, and they lie they do personality profiles on Mothers when they do not, as they describe things wrong and see things wrong with their perception, and if a Mom dressed stylish and went to dinner with a girlfriend or work customer or to a convention and had coffee and came home alone they would lie a Mom was dressed hot to go out on the town to have a hot time when they are not doing that at all, and they lie if a Mom has bra and underwear sets or and a strapless bra it means they plan to wear them to have hot sex when it does not mean that as many women always own under garments like that for their self, and no one may ever see them, and many gawking gossip religous ladies are paid to frame nice Moms that they hate, and their kids were trained as children and teenagers to believe if a Mom is like that she should loose full custody of her entire family, and they went to Nazi training as children and as teenagers with their Mothers and were told if a clitorus pants, and a Mom has orgasms and lays on her back in the middle of the day that means shes got Serpent dna and is one to take away, and the kids and youths who have this Nazi training think Moms are very bad persons who fit the criteria, and they run all over many town in America lying these Moms are bad, and they exploit them with spy cam shots done secretly, and lie they are very bad persons when they are not at all, and they tell people we have to take custody from that Mom, and set it up for the Nazis to wisk them and all their babys kids and teenagers away to murder them in cold blood in thier New Age Holocaust, and some are children 10 years old doing the capturing with teenagers who say they are in training, and they do this with young adult women and older woman, and some who say they are Child Protective Services case workers who are not protective at all, as they are some who are new age Nazis who got job titles to capture people to their holocaust, and they say their mission is to kill them all off, and the kids, and teens and young women think they are saving life on earth by killing off this type of person, and loathe them to pieces with so much hatred, and say if a Mom has an orgasm and looks sexy moving around in bed that they see in spy cam footage they all stare at each day to get angry and reved up, because it means they are very bad persons to take away by packs of them by papers on clip boards and forced shots to make the Moms and all their babys and kids of every age orgasm til their dead, and they restrain them and do oral sex to them til they die, and they chew up their genitals as canablistic pedophile serial killer sex torture addicts, and say they do this to save the human race as they were taught in lab classes and in meetings in their suburb neighborhoods as they were told a Mom like this will infect the population as they look act and move in a sexy looking way just by the body they were born with it means they would have a fling or extra maritial affair, and their kids will be this way when they are older because they have the same DNA so they hate them so much with all their might, and yell at them the whole time when they suck and chew on their genitals, and scream ” lay down lay flat you brats you are named bad because of the Mom you were born to and we are doing this to you in our naked pack til you die, and some of you will be packed for dead baby dead child traffick on dry ice to be raped across the American lands, and some of you kids and Moms and babys and tiny tots will go right in the dog cage for kiddy porn and trafficking and you will die in the end by some are choosen to cage by our long lists we are sent, and we are all really good girls from the suburb outskirts and do this to save life on earth as this breed has got to die as we learned this and know for certain, and do not care what happens to you as this is our mission to make you all orgasm til you die and some babys will be placed in a flour sack we buy, and some will be placed in a garbage bag with a zip tie and thrown right out the way we dispose of newborn infants we kill each day under the roarin freeway and many unborns we kill by eating their genitials that we carve out of pregnant Moms with Costco Carving knifes we buy and no one suspects us girls who look like really good girls from the wholesome burbs as we look young like a Chruch Youth Group, and we are Cathollic, Christian and Jewish, and we are of many heights and sizes and some are small five feet tall and under, and some are dark haired with blue and brown eyes, and many are tall and slim with blond hair blue eyes like a model, and people do not suspect us because of the way we look and act as we lie we surround familys to help them out, and lie we force shots to relax them and we lie the Moms need to loose full custody by many papers when they should not at all as its a game to take them all away to do them in to get rid of them” just like the Nazi Holocaust. Many are being murdered who are taken away by them in California, L A County and surrounding areas, Nevada Carson City, Provo, Utah, Wickenburg, Arizona, Colorado, ski resorts, South Dakota, Tennessee , Chatanooga, North Carolina, Haysville Ashville, Ohio, and it was in NYC but they have stopped it there the readings say.