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Gang Stalkers Target People By Zillow Mortgage Estimates

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Readings say some are saying Nancy Fox’s mail has been taken for about 20 years by reports to post offices that are sent that Explain the following in slanderous fraud fake reports.

Nancy Fox did not know what she was doing when she ran out out of the wind out of nowhere and bought a house so fast that cost far too much in mid 2005 so thereby we are taking her mail due to this as she just ran out and bought it so fast and did not call anyone hardly at all about or consult with others about many mortgages that may have been offered and just went with someone so fast who got her not needed loan approval for a dumb stupid neg am loan for  a purchase price that was far too much that exceeded her income by our accountings as we said it was probably five grand at this time and projected it would be $9,000.00 in a year and thats why we started taking her mail and take is since then due to that as it was stupid and uncalled for an so ridiculous for a young single Mom who just got a real estate license who just sold a couple homes so fast for a really fast buck, and then she just waltzed right in a open house on a whim out of the wind and bought a house that cost far too much so fast and ran there when she saw a big huge impressive estates Open House sign and wrote an offer in the car even and at full price to get the house to act important we say, and to impress everyone in the small town upscale community, and she bought a house in a whole other area that was posh and prestigious for the wrong reasons without thinking of any consequences, and we said we are running them out due to this and getting a hold of her postal mail because she did that so fast, and did not inform hardly anyone about it, and many saw the house at the house warming party and agreed it was so ridiculous to buy a house like that that cost far to much as we estimated her payment to be five thousand a month by the zillow estimate, and saw the big huge comps and said oh my God she must have paid a million and half for this posh prestigious house and ninety thousand on furnishings we thought and said then as she had all new furniture to impress everybody at the house warming party we said then as she had new living room furniture and it was all decorated with pillows and things that looked hot and sexy to us, thereby we said we are getting a hold of her postal mail and taking her pay from her mail from then on and her jobs sent in the mail and from everywhere to run them out as that house was far too much for a young single Mother who just got a real estate license, and said why did she do that so fast? and not inform people about it and why did she think she could afford it? as we say that was dumb and stupid and said we are still setting her up to the a CPS Secret hearing and to DCFS as we planned when she did carpet paint tile to the two story house to impress everyone at a backyard party in Feb 05, and said that was spending far too much for a young single Mom with young kids, and did not know why she spent money so quick on new carpet, paint ceilings, and on tile for the kitchen as that was not needed or necessary as it was all fine before then, and we said that was frivolous spending and stupid to do when you have young kids, and we said then we are taking custody away because she spent all that on the two story house, and said thats a Mom who wants to impress everyone in the area and thats why she did all that so fast in Feb 05 and we said thats it we are setting her up for being like that, for just running out and spending money so fast on the house, and we said thats a dumb stupid person who would spend like that when its not necessary or needed at all and we said then in summer 05 she had it listed, and it was early April 05 some say, and we say it was summer but she planned to list it the end of Feb 05 right after the party Feb 27 05 and we say summer anyway in reports as we say she ran and listed her house after she wrote the offer on the one story house that cost far too much for a young single Mom who just got her real estate license who just sold barely a couple homes, and we say she had a low income lower than most realtors as Nancy Fox and we say her license name was not Nancy G Fox-Taylor as she claims, we say she hardly sold a thing at all ever, and thats the other reason we take her postal mail as she just waltzed in upscale open house to buy it so fast to look so hot and to impress people in the area and we say thats why she did all thats say she should have left the carpet in the one story and not done flooring before moving in and we say that was dumb and stupid to do that and to buy it with her equity from her two story by swing loan was dumb and stupid to us as we say she should have sold first then bought if what if the two story did not sell that year? we say she could have lost one hundred thousand or more, and we say why would she trust she could sell it and pay off the swing loan? and we say thats a stupid dumb idiot to us, and we say she did not look for a house that style for four years as she claims, or write offers on similar homes over the years before she stupidly bought a hoo fast without telling hardly anybody, and she did not hardly make a call about any of it at all or we would have stopped it right then and there, and we say we agreed then many of us in a group to take her postal mail because she bought that giant house so fast without thinking that cost too much for her income, and we say she ran around spending money so fast to do the house up for the house warming party, as she did to the two story in Feb 05 and we said we need to get a hold of her finances because she spent money like that so fast and  because she bought so much at once, and in a day, and hurried around spending alot instead of taking her time as weuse that cost too much in 2005 summer, as we say thats just not so, and she claims she wrote 5 offers on other homes and looked for a house starting in 2001 and we say no way as we do not see records of offers and we say thats just a fabricated lie as others would have known about it at the time and we say do not listen to a word she says as she’s too dumb and stupid and thats why we take her postal mail still is due to the house she bought in summer 05 in May June and we say it was March or April and we say tough luck anyone who behaves that way to impress others is a person with a problem who should expect others to hate her for being that way, as we were outraged by the home she bought so fast, and so mad she did not call all over town telling everyone about it as we would have stopped it right then and there, and say she just went with the mortgage brokers who got her a neg am loan so fast, and that was dumb and stupid, and we say they were not at the house to see it during escrow or at the house warming party Oct 27 05 as she so claims, and we say that was just a mortgage broker fast loan sheet she picked up so quick to do that to impress others, and to have a big bash to look hot, and thats how we see it so we are still taking her postal mail from post offices due to that in 2005 and because in fall 07 she spent too much too fast again to update the house some more and we say she did that to impress people and she says she updated it for an appraisal and we say that was dumb and stupid and she should have left the house the same, and we hate Moms who are this way doing updates and decorating, as we say they should sock their money away and leave everything the same thereby we are taking her postal mail still as we said she’s too dumb and stupid to run her finances by the spending she did in 2005.

When I am over honest sincere person who’s excellent with finances, and I was 45 when I bought a house as planned in summer 05 and I was in the top 100 Real Estate agents and sold many homes and estates and made a great living as a realtor licensed as Nancy G Fox-Taylor in 1999, and I sold 5 to 7 properties a year, and I usually had 4 real estate listings, and I shopped for a one story for four years from 2001 to 2005 and I ran my buyer net sheets and figured out my mortgage payment, and knew exactly what I was doing, and it was very very planned by me a real estate professional expert at buying and selling, and I used my expertise for myself on my own properties and updated my two story to get a good price in Feb 05, and I bought the perfect house that was exactly what I was looking for in summer 2005 when I was 45 and I had been selling homes and estates for 6 years at that time and always made money and always was busy as a realtor and my daughters were 10 and turning 14 in 2005, and I bought  a house for their teenage college years and a one story for my Mother to live with us as good devoted daughter and Mom, and I am a humble person not one who does things to impress anybody, my life was with my family, and thats the reason I bought the house as our family home, and my mortgage brokers were ones I did escrows with, and I knew them well and I am a loyal person and they did my loan, and everything went very well and my payment was $2650.00 a month $100.00 second my monthly nut was the same as the two story house and I had bills alone for years as a single mom realtor, I had paid bills alone since Jan 2000, and my bills were the same in the one story, and I spent $3000 on furniture, and the living room furniture was shabby sheik that we had at our two story house, and I did the flooring before we moved our furniture in in June 2005, and I listed the two story in Feb 05 or early April 05, I saw the one story house on the MLS in April 05, and it was back on the market on the MLS in the middle of May 05, and I said thats the house I want to see that was perfect for about 1 million and it I saw the photo of the one story hacienda with a covered porch and laden old oak trees, 2544 square feet, and saw an open house sign that day and said I bet thats the house I want to see, and it was the perfect house so I wrote a full price offer which is very smart to do when you want a house.


People Are Supposed To Reap What They Sewed

MARCH 12, 2025 

Readings say reports gang stalking thief liars say they investigated to see what kind of person Nancy Fox was when she bought a house in 2005 and they were told to find out why, how and when and to write down notes about her activity’s to run them out and to get a hold of her mail and money by frame-ups they defraud banks and post offices with to take everything that is hers, and take everything for 20 years, and say they were told in 2005 to do a pretend investigation to set her up and to run them out of house and home to do I D Theft, and they conspired and agreed and are still sending frame-ups to banks and post offices to take what is hers and say they were told to do this, and do not know why many tell them to stop it and did not do a real investigation,they just make stuff up on purpose to set up the targeted individuals, and do this to alot of people the same way, by fake slanderous notes, and by taking clothes from homes, and they frame people with their clothes by lying they wore an under top alone, and they steal work calls by bugging phones at the same time they are writing frame-up notes and siphon money out of banks at the same time to do the people in who are on the list, and say it always planned to do a big frame-up to defraud banks and post offices, and in 2005 they were told make up anything to make Nancy Fox look bad to banks and post offices to take her funds away that are sent and to take her channeling crime tip psychic medium spiritual geru jobs and instructions from the mail ups and fed ex, and they were told to act like they were investigating why she bought a house, how and when, and why, and made up stories and lied and investigated nothing, and they still send fake reports to banks and post offices about the house she bought in 2005 that they ran them out of, and readings say the reports lied she bought that house to have a hot time and to entertain men when I am sober in AA a very long time and live a spritual life and don’t have hot times, and when I did not entertain any men and I had not even been with a man for over 8 years when I bought the house in 2005 summer. I bought the house for our family home as a good devoted Mother and Daughter as the house was for my Mom to live with us instead of an elder care, and I bought a house that had a great floorplan for my daughters as they had large bedrooms, and a large bathroom with double sinks with a laundry room inbetween, and I bought it for their teenage College years, and I bought it because it was in the same City as our two story, and because it was in the same County, Los Angeles County, and because it was in the same School district we had been in since 1997, and I bought it because it was a great convenient location to sell homes and estates from, and I bought it because of its spritual ambiance with large old Oak trees and Church Bells chiming, and I bought it because it felt like a writers retreat as I am a poet, song lyric writer and screenplay writer, and I bought it because it was the right style I had looked for for four years, and I bought it because it felt to great in the house, and so spiritual, and we could see ducks flying to the lake from the covered porch, and deer grazing on the hill from the formal dining room, and I bought it because it felt so wonderful and because it was so perfect for our family life, and I planned to live there the rest of my life, and I was so in love with the house to the depth of my soul and said it was the last house I would ever buy and it was the forth property I owned, and planned for it to be the last time I would buy as I reached my destiny, and was never moving, and I advanced my psychic ability the minute I walked in when Church bells chimed, and I bought an angel board and channeled on it each night at 10 pm and heightened my psychic ability and intuition in the house of bliss that felt so spiritual and so good, and planned to have many years to come in the house, and gang stalkers ran us out and swarmed around and vandalized, and sneered and stalked, and they probably stole our cats when they stalked, and they probably broke in my car and stole property, and they are probably the ones who lied about me an over nice Mom to DCFS by anonymous calls, to set me up to do I D Theft it does seem and my Prophetic readings say yes are the ones who lied, and readings say they did that to rob me blind and still are, and readings say they are sending frame-up reports to defraud banks and post offices still, and taking my mail and money by fraud and readings say the reports lie Nancy Fox bought the house to have a hot time when I bought it because it felt so spiritual and good and for all the reasons I named above, and they lied she went out on the town to have a hot time when I do not have hot times as I am a long time sober spiritual lady, and I went out to AA meetings, and  AA conventions for my spiritual AA program in and I went out with real estate customers to dinner, to hear music, to a show, and readings say they lied this was going out on the town for a hot time, and readings say they lied my stylish designer and spiritual geru clothes were hot get ups, and readings say they lied she bought the house so fast that cost too much when I shopped for it for 4 years wrote 5 offers before that house with 3 being very similar houses by style and a spiritual ambiance, and when I got loan approval to buy the house and had the money down from my two story home, the fico score, and bought it, and readings say they are framing me with my spiritual program and lying she was not worried about money at all in 07 and tell this lie because they heard me say I am not going to worry about money, I am turning my work I am doing and have done over to God, and readings say that sinners misinterpreted my spiritual program, and framed me with AA sayings, as I was working away selling homes and estates showing properties as I always did when I was a realtor and I always turned everything over to God as a long time sober AA member, that being my spiritual money program since I got sober in the mid 1980s and it always worked until the stalking started, as I always worked showing homes, emailing homes, and running escrows etc. and always said I turn it over to God God will provide and money will come by the work I have done, and it always did as I trusted in God, and just worked knowing I would make money and did, and readings say they lied that is someone not worried about money at all because they are not spiritual people in a 12 step program or ones who follow the Bible that say Trust In God God will provide and so on, and readings say they are lying in 07 she was not worried about money at all when I was showing my real estate listings, and previewing and showing homes to buyers, and when I had escrows as I always did, and I always had listings I showed, and saying I am not going to worry about money means I trust my escrows will close and Ill make money and it means I trust my listings will sell and Ill get paid, and it means I trust my buyers will buy and I will get a commission check and thats how I always worked as a realtor, I just kept working trusting money would come from the work I had done and it always did until I started being robbed, and stalked vandalized, and until I was slandered and set up and they ruined my money flowing in, they ruined what I was to reap from what Id sewn, and they steal what is mine for my work I have done my readings have said, and readings say they steal my Medium For God Prophet writer money, gifts, car presents for about 16 years that is sent for my work, and my paypal for almost 13 years by hacking, and my reading calls generated my my resumes’ I send since Dec 09, and readings they steal what I am to be reaping by what I have sewn, and they steal the money sent for the Fox-Taylor stalked victimized family thats sent because of what they did to us, and they loot presents to car thefts steal victims money for almost 16 years that I am to be reaping but what I have sewn which is almost 16 years of victims letters I have written that explain the injustice done to a nice family, and readings say they steal the money and gifts sent that are for my two daughters and I, that we are to be reaping by what I have sewn, by millions of letters emails and posts, and voice recordings and so on.

Readings say they are sending more frame-up letters to banks and post offices today to steal from us, and today the frame-up fraud report says we are taking Nancy Fox and her children’s money due the way she acted in fall 07 as she got funds from her Mother from a not needed Wacovia loan to update the house so fast again to look hot a party they had and that was not nice to do to her Mom etc. When my children are not children they are grown up adults almost 30 and 33 years old, and they have been adults since 2009 and 2013, and they are Mothers also. and in fall 2007 it was my Mothers idea to get a loan for me to borrow from because I told her there was going to be a slow in the real estate market for that next coming year, and I talked to her in person, and she said ” I can get a loan my house is worth alot!” all happily, and she got a loan from Wacovia all her idea to get the loan on her house, and I told her I wanted to consolidate debt with it, and update the house for an appraisal for a streamline refinance I put in for to lower my monthly payment, and I was doing debt consolidation in fall 07 to lower my monthly nut to prepare for the slow real estate market coming ahead that agents had been warned of, so as a responsible home owner, and a responsible parent and a mature grown up adult and a a good daughter who bought the house for my Mom to live with us I did debt consolidation, and applied for a streamline refi while I had the income fico score and so on to refinance to lock in another neg am for another 7 years or so to prepare for the what was called The Global Financial Crisis, and I talked to my Mom in person, and she said ” I do not want you to sell the house I love it for family gatherings I will get a loan” and my Mom planned to live in the house for her old age, and thats why I started shopping for a one story in 2001, so as a good daughter and good Mom, and a good home owner and responsible smart person I planned ahead to get through a slow real estate year that agents were warned of, that was from fall 2007 to spring 2009, and my Mortgage Brokers who were doing the streamline refi said update the house some more for the appraisal, and they said paint the house and go to Home Goods and buy more decorative items and update the house some more for the appraisal for the refinance, so I did what they said, and I went to Home Goods, had the house trim painted outside, and painted some rooms myself in fall 07 and I decided I would update the ceiling lights, and my master bathroom, and made a budget of $2,000.00 to update the house for an appraisal and I went to Home Depot and bought crown molding for the ceiling light area as this was an update I saw in many homes and estates I previewed as a realtor so I thought great I will have the floursent lights and  plastic covers ripped out of the ceiling and paint, put crown molding in and hang a light fixture in the middle an easy update I had seen done in many properties, so I made lists, and hired workers to do that and to paint the trim outside, and updated my master bath area also, for the Appraisal as I followed my Mortgage Brokers directions, and spent about $2,000.00 of the Wacovia Loan my Mom got for me to borrow from as needed, and told her I was updating the house for an appraisal and that I was doing debt consolidation, and this was to lock in at another neg am rate before the market froze up, and to lower my monthly nut, and I finished painting and decorating on Sept 17th 2007 and had a suprise Birthday Party that night for my older daughter, it was a casual party with a group of teenagers dressed casual in sweat shirts at our house. The next day was the appraisal Sept 18th 2007 in the morning, and readings say the mortgage broker doing frame-ups to banks and post offices who robs me blind with fraud and lies ruined the appraisal as gang stalkers ruin everything a targeted individual does, and readings say that mortgage broker transfered my real estate income commission money and two story house equity money out of the bank to a bank robber floater account, and readings have said she stole my money in 2005 my two story equity money my real estate commission money I made selling homes, and my one story house equity in early 06 when I refinanced my equity line, and Wacovia money my Mom loaned me, and readings say she stole $150,000.00 my reserves from banks, and I would not have needed to borrow any money from my Mom if she had not done that, the readings have explained, that every time I had money for reserves for bills in the bank she would take some of them out, and transfer them to a floater secret account she made up to run us out of our house I planned to never move from.




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