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By Medium For God
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  1. The young women in the hate crime hated gang stalker cult have explained in 2005 to 2007 they were sent texts that said ” okay kids, go take the stinken Son of God crime tip jobs ouf of Nancy Foxs mail box on a post by wizzing past with your parents, just pull up to it at these times when they are gone and reach in and take all the Son of God crime tip mail and send it to us as we are saying that big important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission sent for Nancy Fox and her kids is for us, so ignore that it says for Nancy Fox and her two daughters to do crime tip word spellings, and on a stinken game board, what a joke a laugh that is as who could get crime tips by spelling them out on a dumb stupid game board? no way we say, so we are saying those big huge important large Son of God jobs sent to their name and address are for us to do by important proffesional spy cam equipment instead of them spelling words out together on a Angel Board at their house on the formal dining room table letters we took state, and we say no way shes the type to do in depth crime tips as we say shes dumb and stupid for buying that house so fast for a million bucks, and how dumb is that? for a single Mom to rush out and buy a house like that, so we are setting her up with that, and saying shes too dumb and stupid to do an in depth crime tip job and proof to us is she bought a house so fast withiout even shopping around or did not call around hardly for opinions, so thats our game plan to say that was stupid and dumb which shows she not the type at all do to in depth crime tip jobs and never was we say by the way she acts so free spirited, and the way shes so up in the sky and proof is the million plus house she bought we say without thinkin at all about it, to take the mail left in her name from the mail box on a post and send it all to us every single bit of it and the post office mail also that you kids can pick up by saying you’re assigned the Son of God job to be an assoicate as your names and your parents names, Moms mostly are named to be hired by Nancy Fox, so we are saying we are assuming everything sent by sayng shes too dumb and stupid to do in depth crime tip work as a psychic genius mail says, and we take all the mail for years anyway by the in home investigators sending it to us as they assign the jobs sent to us and told us years ago you are so much better suited for the utmost important job positions sent than Nancy Fox and so is my counterpart whos taking the ups fed exes off their porch each day by a spy cam placed on the porch overhang and we are saying that big huge large important Son of God save life on earth mission is our job and saying we assumed that important position by getting mail and by proving that Nancy Fox is not the type to do this work at all as many Angel Board jobs and a whole lot of seperate pay has been sent to their names and addresss and it started at their two story they moved from, and we took that job in Feb 05 also and many of you got in that as you were named as possiblitys for her to maybe hire so we say we decide by saying that Son of God important job is ours by you taking everything and sending it us, as many seperate angel board jobs have been sent by her work shes been doing after hours from being a realtor shes channeling on her angel board in the formal dining room each night at about 10 pm and we know from bugging, and so on and many jobs are sent now hundreds could be so go smash the mail box on a post onto the ground on the hard cement to break it so the postman cannot leave her any stinken dam angel board jobs or ouija board jobs we call them as she did ouija board game board stinken word spelling years ago also, and we took that mail too and always do and say others think we are much better to do that big important job by our lives and our looks, and by our personalitys as shes into dancing some and into music, and we say shes not the type at all because shes into fashion and art and writes poetry, and we say thats for us who dress conservative and who lead that kind of life for years and my counterpart also is one in it, and we say by the way she dresses up and by the way shes conservative and because she does full hair and make up every day for years in L A County we say shes the type by her apperance, and the in home investigator men and women agree and say she can be assigend the Son of God job to over see buying many Propeht houses and estates, and it says Nancy Fox shall buy many mansions where she sells real estate on streets she loves with old huge laden Old Oaks and around that road and set up a prophet camp, and the counterpart whos taking ups and fed exes left on their porch at about 5 pm and 6 pm sometimes is saying thats her great important Son of God job to over see buying many properties by taking the ups fed exes, and by pretending she got an important Son of God job, and she took bank papers that said for Nancy Fox to give someone banking authority and she filled them out and is pretending the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family funds sent for them to protect themselves as their owned money is for us to set up a Prophet camp as letters say that we take and we knew this would be sent and were prepared to get it to say thats for us instead, so we are making it look like she was dumb and stupid to buy a house for a million plus, to go take the angel board ouija board jobs and send them to us, as many are named as suggestions for her to maybe hire, and thats about 100 kids in the area and some of their parents, and some business types, realtors and mortgage brokers it says could be her accountants, and we are saying whatever it says for her is ours by you girls getting that mail so fast, and then run to the bank parking lot and go in the back of the market as we are telling everyone go take funds from the bank truck parked behind the market to set up a Prophet camp for us who are doing the important Son of God large job position all top secretly, so take money we text to about 100 realtors who we have been calling and leaving voice mail messages for and we are texting them saying hey guys good morning to all of you we are so pleased to inform you we got the big Son of God save life on earth mission job taken away from Nancy Fox by voting on it with thumbs up you guys sent is without her ever seeing it or knowing of it, so we are assigning all of you in on this to go take money from the bank truck and buy many estates with it salright? as we are so much better suited to do in depth important crime tips by our proffesional sting equipment as we say we investigate parents with it, and make reports and set them up to the secret court we created years ago, and then we take them all away the nice Moms and all their babys and kids and youths, and we say we are saving life on earth that way as the in home investigators taught us how to do this years ago by master manipulation, and its fun to take them away a kickin and a screamin, and to run them out of many towns and some Citys and small towns also for years is what we have been doing with them, and thats to decrease the population, and thats our versiion of a save life on earth mission so we are assigning you the jobs to buy many mansions, so make really bad reports and say Nancy Fox was dumb and stupid to buy that house for over one million, and then we will all tell banks see how dumb she is she just ran and bought a house for a million plus without even thinking about the ramifications as that is how we see it and we are saying her accounts with her money in them are ours to cover secretly as we are depositing her owned bank truck moeny in them and transfering them to a floater account done secretly then to our bank account to pretend that money deposited in our accounts is for a Son of God crime tip job we got and we are sticking with that and say you guys named to be hired by her as suggestions are working for us intead, so send us real estate flyers and we can pick out homes and many mansions, then you can buy them and receive a full commison as letters we took as we take them all away by really bad reports we make about her being so stupid in her life, and she prays to God and some know so we are looping it out to make her seem like a whole other different type of person, and we do not want anyone to ever know shes so nice to her family and always has been, and thats part of the deal, but full realtor commision by sending flyers to us to choose the homes, as it says Nancy Fox can pay realtors a nominal referal fee for doing the real estate leg work on estates she chooses to buy for a Prophet camp, and we say full commision on us and we say she would be a cheap skate and thats a fact to us as shes offered 10 percent and 15 percent or 20 percent in real estate referal fees at times since shes been an agent and we say thats cheap and it should have been much more in our opinion so we are making her look really dam bad anyway we can and first by saying it was so dumb to buy that house and so stupid to do that without consulting with others, as she hardly got opinions from anyone and we are mad she did that so fast just ran out and bought it so fast it seemed to us, and got the money from her two story she had listed for sale in Feb or March 05 and we are mad because we were trying to stop the two story from selling and took about ten offers sent to her name by our courrier service getting them by our security cameras we see everything on always, and we got about ten or more home offers on her two story house, and said no way she can see them as we want to pretend shes a bum type person in a stupid tract home whos not amounted to much in her life at all so we dont want people to know shes sold many homes and estates for so long and is named a top agent or that she got an award her first year as a realtor so go take the realtor book its in her Toyota suv and the ballet bag now just break in and take it all away as we are saying they are not the types to live in that house she bought as we do not want her and her daughters to look presitigous as one is in Royal Academy of Dance Ballet for many years since around 1999, and we say no way anyone can know that or that her older daughter is an equistirian hunter jumper rider in many Shows also so is her younger daughter, shes been in many dance performances and we do not want people to know this as we lied they were bum types in a stupid tract home, meaning the two story they lived in for 8 years in the same area as the house she bought, we do not want anyone to know that as we lied its a whole other area thats different from the two story as we planned to run them to a Capri condo in Oak Park, as we saw th prices and said thats where a single Mom should live with her two girls, and we said we are taking the funds from her two story away somehow and one way we said to do it was by taking her 10 plus offers sent to buy that house and they were for alot more than she sold it for, they were $890,000.00 even probably and she would have made about $50,000.00 more selling it right away when she listed it, and we said no way and took them all, and stopped up showing calls by phone bugging, and she sold the day the power was off in their City and town I call it usually as its a small upscale area, and seems like a small town in some ways to us, and we told agents not to leave their realtor card when they showed the home or saw it themselves, and we said no way she will ever sell it we are taking every stinken offer by our Courrier service and running them to Oak Park as we said in Feb 05 when we took the first dam ouija board job sent to their two story address we are runnin them out so fast, by setting the nicest mom on earth up to take custody away of her girls as we said we have to do that to make her good image she has appear different to banks where her bank truck money started being sent in early May mostly, and it said on bank notes we saw in spy cams in banks and in secuirty cameras we see everything on, These funds are for Nancy G Foxs checking accounts ONLY in big large lettering, and it said deposit this ONLY In her accounts and 20 percent is her two daughters money divideed among them, and it said they should spend millions of thier owned funds on clothing to be upscale for thier Prophet jobs they will be doing, so we got it transfered out by having it put in the wrong account, and sent it to a floater account then to us, and thats how we have been doing this, and I told you many years ago that you may each receive 80 million or more even for being in on it with us as we started setting her up by how she looked after  a diet and make over she did in early 05 and she bought new clothes at Nordstroms then, and looked so good and we said no way she can look good as we are trying to make her look like a low class bum woman home maker type in the two story, and did not know she sold many estates for years and many homes and was in the top selling agents many times, and top 100 agents is in the L A Times Newspaper and we do not people to know about it, to take the newspapers from every library okay dokay? as she had a fine reputation at banks always dressed up so nice as a nice friendly good realtor in suits and pearls often in the banks, and we said no way shes just pretending to be that way because she heard of funds sent to her name and she lost out on a big huge important job we said because shes too dumb to do it, when she never heard of her owned money being sent or her Prophet crime tip jobs we took, and here she is just that way naturally so friendly and nice, and always looked that way in banks as a realtor for many years, and we said shes just pretending when no she never was and never is in her life, and we always use that word pretending when shes never pretending as we frame alot of Moms by that word alone, and always do it by focusing on Mothers we hate, as do not like single Moms who filed for divorce and who act so nice and who then dance around sing at the top of their lungs and who date after they are divorced, and we say they are bad for acting like that, as a nice Mom would not sing and dance around alone as we know by bugging practically everyone in the whole world, and we choose who to set up by who we do not like and my counterpart and I who takes the fed exes and ups deliverys for years decide who to set up and who to take custody from by master manipulation and they are all really nice great good Moms the best Moms on earth we do this to because we hate them so much because of their personality and looks, and body types we see in spy cam observation, and decide that was for depopulation as the whole world might topple over if there are still too many people and we were taught this years ago by the in home investigator unit men and women as we work with thier familys for ages, and do this work with them, and thats to remove people from many areas and we lie they are very bad persons to run out of areas, towns and Citys and do it in 9 or 10 states for years and in California for 40 years or longer, and in NYC about the same by robbing them all blind to frame them to look a bum woman who needs really fast help and by looping bugging to make nice Moms look mad and thats how we do it by faking everyone out including Police and Sheriffs as they think we got important investigator jobs years ago and do not know we are not the Son of God job or the money owners, as we pretend we are important to the Police for many years with the in home investigators so no one really knows who are authoritys as we are way too sneaky and thats our depopulation mission and has been for so many ages with the in home investigator family who taught us how to find a Mom with too much passion within and thats how we vote and decide on who to do this to, and do it by taking all the postal mail sent to Nancy Gail Fox, as we have many realtors in on  it and mortgage brokers taking it from post offices in bundles as we lie the Nancy Gail Fox mail is for us because we assumed the Son of God job secretly when its all hers really and always has been, so they sit around opening her mail and counting the cash and checks of hers, and tally them up on a calculator then they are put into piles, and deposited in different accounts that are secret and thats 20 year of angel board pay of hers we took, and its almost 16 years of Medium For God money we took from mail and from ups fed exes by seeing them on security cameras we see everything on for many years, and her paypal we take by hacking thats sent for her Medium For God work to her paypal links and paypal email and buttons on her work, and the hackers send it to our email and to my counterpart and to the mortgage broker gal who set up the floater bank account to transfer the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family owned money to thats really for her all of it, and 20 percent goes to her two daughters and to their kids as it says divided among them and you kids hacking sending us the paypal are the ones no one suspects and you started doing this sneaky work with us in 2005 to 2006 when we said hurry kids fast go take the dumb stupid ouija board game board jobs out of their mail box on a post by zipping past it with your Parents, so do not say one word about this as we are caught because Nancy Fox is so smart and intelligent and because shes done her Son of God channeling mission for about 20 years in full mail says that we took as she always channels God and the Son of God in every life and thats the reason the mail started coming so fast in 05 to 06 and 07 and 08 and from then on is because it was all planned for her to do this job, and she does it everyday  writing away as a new age Prophet and we are not done as we have killed 900 million very nice very good goody two shoes type people acorss the entire USA mail states as its in 9 to 10 states for years now, and we hate the ones who are in such a giddy glee so harmonious with their family and mail says we killed 900 million nice very good all American citizens who were mostly living the American Dream in a family home they owned and planned to remain in, and we are ruining life in America and on earth by running so many nice wise good great All American familys out of their very nice properties, and apartments some, and we say no way they can know its for depopulation as thats our save life mission and we are caught for killing outright many brand newborn infants each day under 11 freeways in the L A County area for many years, as thats how we get rid of some of them as the in home investigators taught us all about this, and said they cannot live if they are born to the type of Mom we all hate loathe and dispise with all our might but really we think we have done a great job doing our version of the Son of God save life on earth mission by getting rid of so many nice people so the whole world wont topple over as the whole world may die and the entire human race as we were all taught all about this by the in home investigator familys ancestors even years ago as kids and youths as thats when everyone begins in training with them and now 900 million are dead letters say and we have 900 on the list to get all the time in 9 States, and are not stopping as this is our mission thats top sercret and no ones allowed to know its forbidden.

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