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Very Strange Times Indeed! Perilous Times And Fearful Hearts In These Times of Sorrow.

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Written By: Marlene*
Thursday 2nd January, 2025.

Monday 30th December, 2024.
The world is becoming so different or perhaps it seems different because of my perception of things, I doubt it though because I know that just about everyone is wondering: what on earth is happening? There are many strange things happening or have already happened, such as the Pope opening the doors in the Vatican that have been shut for a long time. Why were there people on the other side of the doors? Are the openings just symbolic or do the doors actually open into a space hidden away for a long time? Why did he have to knock?

There are many ‘opinions’ as to what the opening of the doors really mean on the spiritual level, but I have heard stories of a great demon being imprisoned somewhere in the Vatican. Who knows if it is true. The Pope has also announced his resignation from the papacy which I guess is the new trend since the last Pope. Popes have always served until death, but not so much anymore and they are already speaking of who the new Pope will be. Even King Charles paid a visit to the Vatican and was greeted by the Pope. He even knelt before Pope Francis which I thought was interesting, considering the fact that he is not a Roman Catholic.

The most encouraging part of all of this insanity is that more of the people are finally waking up and realizing that something strange and diabolical is happening here and unfortunately many are already too late to the show, because they are coming in at the part where there are ‘alien objects’ in our skies, mainly over military bases, and there are thousands of reports and videos showing these strange objects they are calling plasmoids. There is a detailed article concerning the identity of these drones and it suggests that these all belong to the military secret projects, even the plasmoids belong to the military. (article at end).

The one fact I know is that there is a lot of deception happening here and there is also holographic tech being used to deceive us. Please remember that in the last days there will be sign an wonders in the skies and I know that there will be more strange sky events scheduled to appear, so as to deceive us. We are being conditioned for what is to come and the forces of darkness have many Humans and others who are working very hard to establish the Babylonian kingdom upon the Earth. The minions prepare the world for the arrival of the Babylonian kings.

In the last days all the hidden things will be revealed and today we are seeing all the evils coming to light. Can we handle all of this insanity? I guess it really all depends on how much you really want to know. It is even clearer to see how the Devil and his minions really work to destroy Human Souls and send them to Hell, especially when fame and pleasure and greed and riches are involved, as in the Diddy fiasco. There is a demon involved in all of that situation of satanic worship and child sacrifice, even cannibalism. There are witches and warlocks and other demon worshippers who are very serious about their rituals, because they too have their evil work to perform.

JOEL 3:3
3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. 

Strange things are happening in our world, things we have never seen before and some of these things are here to instill fear into the people. When you rest in Christ Jesus, you can remain at peace within and not be affected by all the other-worldly things we will experience in these last days. At least that should be the plan and then you must remain in that place, planted by the river and you shall not be moved. I pray for a lot of things, mainly for the revelation of the hidden things concerning the ones who rule over us and all their hidden secrets. Nothing is hidden from God.

I pray against the evil strongholds and those who are putting leaders, who are definitely carrying out the Satanic Agenda, that includes Gender and Climate Change policies and don’t forget taxes, very high rate of taxes. The Satanic Temple has already established itself in some places, with ‘rights’. I am certain that is not what the founding fathers intended. When Anti-Christ appears and deceives the whole world, it is possible that it is mainly because Humans have become so condition to evil, and also we do not study the word of God and most of the new converts to Christianity are being led into churches shepherd by wolves, in sheep’s clothing.

The Synagogue of Satan is an actual ‘school of ministry teaching’ where the wolves do not even believe in Christ Jesus, however these are usually prosperity ministries where the wolves get very rich from the  pockets and purses of their congregations. How can someone who is not saved, nor do they have the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within, teach anyone about Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit? The very rarely read the Scriptures to their flock, they always eulogize, but not about Christ, and  say all the good things the people want to hear, but nothing about the Kingdom of God or Repentance and Salvation. 

So many people all across the world are hearing the call to repentance and Salvation in their hearts and are being baptized and converted, and I always pray that our Lord leads them to the good shepherds of the Church and not into the claws of the wolves. The most important things for the new Christian or for someone who wants to invite Jesus into their lives in order to save them, is that they must begin a personal study of the Scriptures. They must study the Bible, do not ever depend on your shepherd to teach you everything, that does not happen in Church. You cannot afford to be ignorant of the Word of God and of the Truth in these last days, because ignorance of the Word leads to deception and captivity.

So many evil-strongholds are established here in this world-system and I will tell you this truth, when our prayers are directed against these strongholds we can break them down. I consciously try my faith and today I know that prayers bring results, your prayers are answered, always in due time. In your own heart you may want a thing to happen immediately when you ask in prayer, however somethings take time, even years to see the results, so we must continue praying against the strongholds and be patient. 

When you pray for something to happen in the world, or to the people of the world, you do not expect it to happen immediately. When you continue to pray for this miracle to happen, after a time you will see the results, even if it is a coincidence that the things you have been asking for to happen are actually happening just as you prayed. How do you answer a prayer asking that for the life of one Christian martyr, the conversion and salvation of one thousand of those who consider Christians who love Christ Jesus as their enemies? You save an entire country of millions!!! So many martyrs and so many being saved and coming to Jesus Christ.

As Followers of Christ Jesus and members of His Church, His Congregation, we must also remember that Repentance is an ongoing process. We must always confess our sins, we all know what is sinful, we may be saved through Grace and the Blood of the LAMB, however, we are still here and when we follow Jesus we do being to really hate Sin, because we understand what the consequences are for the sinner and that sin also leaves a crimson stain on your Soul. You want to always be clean and white, Sin also has a stench that reaches up to god’s nostrils, so as Followers we do become in a way obsessed with being clean, and we hate sin but love righteousness. 

I truly believe the things written in Scripture and it tells that ‘with God all things are possible’, Jesus also told us to ‘ask the Father for anything in His name and it will be given you’. Of course you have to know how to pray and what to pray for to receive answers and blessings. I mostly pray for spiritual things because they are answered and as for material things, I am in the perspective that we are not to worry about what we will eat or drink or wear, because our Heavenly Father knows our needs and He will provide for us, so we should not be worried about these things.

What we are left with are the spiritual things of the WAY we must seek and find, especially the knowledge of the journey and what is commanded of us. That is all we should really be focusing on and everything else will fall into place. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all things will be given to you. I guess we are to let God take care of these things for us, unless you like designer stuff and are trying to keep us with the Jones’, so you might want more material things than you need. We should trust Jesus and take Him at His word, for He is called Faithful and True.

MATTHEW 6: 25-33
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

It makes perfect sense that we should not worry about food and clothes, that is to say that God will help us in our daily lives to get the things we need so we do not have to worry. Of course we know that we are to also help the unfortunate and the poor, with their food and their clothing and also preach the Good News of the Gospel so that God can work in the hearts of those who hear the Word of God.

There are so many strange things happening in our crazy world, including a possible ‘Alien Invasion’! The deeper levels or hell of evil are coming to the surface and we can see the depravity and the lawlessness being exposed, especially with the crimes against the children. Here is an idea: why do we not return to the days of Salem and of the removal of Witches from the world? It is important that this evil be eradicated from the world. Am I being a racist with dangerous ideas?

Prayers are made against the Witches and Wizards and Sorcerers and their craft and their stronghold here in this world, especially inside the churches The witches did say that Trump appears to have some kind of protection around him, that stops their curses from taking hold. How many witches and warlocks do you think have been crafting to destroy Trump? I would think all of them. 

It would be so much easier to find the witches today because in our crazy world, witchery is a thing… yes and a very dangerous thing that captures the hearts and minds of our our young, especially young girls and bring them into Satan’s fold and on their way to the Pit. We don’t even have to ‘try’ them to discover if they are witches, because they all advertise their craft online and they even tell us about their evil spells they continue to cast upon the Right.

This is truly a battle between Good and Evil, however you must also realize that at the top of this battle is Almighty God and His Heavenly Army fighting against Fallen Archangel Lucifer and his army of fallen and cast-out ones. This is a battle for Human Souls and although the battle has already been won when Christ Jesus died on the Cross and spent three days in Hell defeating the Demons and changing the course of the prisons of Hell by taking the Keys of Hell and unlocking all the doors that were locked and locking all those that were unlocked. He set the captives free because he released all the Souls from captivity who were imprisoned there and there were many, since no one could could enter Paradise until the Lord has defeated the agates of Hell, set the captives free and ascend to Paradise. 

The Gates were opened and the Angel with the Flaming who guards the Gates of Paradise to stop all Human Souls from entering was also defeated because Christ Jesus gave the thief who was crucified alongside Him on the cross was said to be the first one to enter Paradise. He did not go to Hell as Jesus promised him that ‘today you shall be with me in Paradise’. Jesus gave him words to say to the Guarding-Angel and he was let in, where it is said that there he met Elijah the Prophet and Enoch.

No one could enter Paradise until Jesus came and died for our sins and was resurrected. He is also the only One who could open the Book of LIFE in which I believe all our names and deeds are written, those who are Human children of Adam and Eve. I also believe that many names get blotted out from the Book of LIFE because of the lives lived. There is also another Book I believe, one with the deeds of the blotted-out names, that will be opened on the Day of the Great White Throne Judgment, after the Millennial Kingdom Age.

2nd January.
Twenty twenty-five started with a bang and deep fog-cover. What are they trying to hide in the skies? There are space-ships in the skies! This world is becoming ever so insane and chaotic, and we are entering into some kind of new madness in this coming year, even in the next few days and weeks and months. There is also the inauguration of President Trump in eighteen days, so his enemies are most likely working overtime to stop him from taking power.

There are so many weird stories concerning Trump and his family, however the only thing that matters for the American people and by extension the ‘common sense’ world leaders, is that President Trump carries out his mandate and does what he promised to do for America and American. MAGA. There are many conservatives and right-wing leaders being elected at this time in the world, and many of the WOKE leftist radical policies are being trashed and removed. They are being challenged and more and more people are becoming vocal and pointing out the insanity, especially of the Alphabet movement.

The world is changing at a very rapid pace and it is also spinning out of control. No one can help us, for this is our fate. We have transgressed the LAW and the curse is upon the land. God has given the lawless and godless over to their own desires and we are also entering into a time of even more Human depravity, because there are actually those who love serving the Adversary, they love being one of his minions whose mission is to bring as many Souls to Hell as possible.

There are those who really want to go to Hell and have made their pacts with the Devil and unless they repent and change their ways, seeking out Christ Jesus to redeem their Souls, we will have the opportunity to watch these famous ‘elites’ descend down into their own personal hell. This will also happen ti those who are not saved and put all their trust in the things of the world and not in God. Only Christ Jesus can safely lead us through this time as we move under the shadow through the valley of the shadow of death.

People are also changing and becoming much more aggressive to one another, with feet quick to shed blood. The children are out of control and many teachers are complaining that they cannot teach our kids today. Technology is the problem and it is only when we return back to basics and figure out how to unplug the kids from the Internet and tech devices, and rewiring their brains with proper education, including morals and ethics, perhaps then they may have the opportunity to grow up and become stable productive individuals. 

This last days generation does include the whole world population… we are all in this together, as they say, right? I believe that we will not all experience the same things in terms of the countries we live in. Some countries will suffer more than others, while some will disappear from the map. Something to also consider and that is the reality of things happening and events unfolding may appear somewhat different than we imagined.

God uses evil doers to destroy and enslave the ones who are disobedient to the LAW. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. Our world is a place where the evil ones seemingly have power and are in control of the top places, the highest places in our world. The bottom-line here is that they are all Devil worshippers and all of their hidden diabolical secrets are being revealed, which all depends on how much information, you, as an individual is willing to digest. 

These ‘revelations’ are sometimes found in the depths of depravity where only demons dwell. The Earth is full of secrets and all of the hidden things, especially those of the Inner Earth will be revealed to us here on the surface. The secrets of the Oceans will also be made known to us, as the waters will also dry up on the Earth, in these last days. Can you imagine walking all the way to Jerusalem from the West?

So many things are prophesied to happen to us and to our planet, some are very alarming. The closer we get to the ‘Day of the Lord’, the more the terrible things will befall us. This ‘fog’ is of great concern and some are reporting feeling ill after being outside in it. What a terrible time for Humans on Earth and there is no one who can really help us… except Jesus, of course. Remember also that He has to cut the last days short, because if He did not come quickly, no one would be left alive!

The time is cut short because the Human population will be decimated at a very rapid pace. I also understand that my words do at times portray a future that seems hopeless, and i may also appear as a negative, or even depressed person. I can assure you that I am not and that is probably why I am able to speak of these things in such a manner. I believe also that I am to keep a testimony and write down as much as I can, even though it will end with all the physical things.

There is also something I wanted to touch upon that I believe is also happening at this time. There is a thinning of the veil happening and in some places it is possible that it has become so thin that it is allowing for other dimensional creatures to enter into our reality. There have been all manner of strange creatures appearing in our world and soon the veil that hides the Realm of the Angels and other strange other dimension earthly beings from our world will be ripped from top to bottom and the two Realms will converge.

The saying goes that God does not give us more than we can handle. He knows our needs and does not discriminate concerning these things, for all Humans receive the same blessings along with the other creatures and life-forms on the Earth. It is also important to remember that this is also a transformation of all physical things into a non-physical existence, even the animals and flora. All physical matter will be consumed by fire, including all Humans and all of the Fallen ones who wore Human clothing to become kings and rulers in this world.

We are living in crazy times indeed and even though the future may seem a bit daunting, we can live a full life to the best of our abilities, knowing that none of what is happening in the world right now, will in any way affect you on your journey along the WAY heading into the Kingdom of God which is soon to appear upon the Earth. Jesus Christ is called Wonderful and Faithful and He truly lives up to those names. He has so many wonderful gifts to offer those who become His and Follow Him.

The unbelievers and lawless ones will continue in their ways and it will seem as though only the evil ones have success in this world while the good ones die young. There is no justice in this world, there is only evil being done to Humans and by Humans continually. Almighty God is coming to Earth, for He is that ‘consuming-fire’. We will all see the appearing of this fear-full sight as it draws nearer to us. 

It is possible that fog will be used to hide this sky-event from us, in some places. There is so much to look forward to, however it is more important that we becaome keenly aware of the moment we live in and try no to be too concerned about what will happen… be in the moment and always aware of what is taking place in your surroundings. Is the fog ‘alien’ and dangerous to Earth inhabitants, because even the dogs and cats do not want to go out in the fog, is it? Some people are getting sick. How many more will follow…

There is a theory that the fog which is actually tiny particles of ‘something’ is being used to decontaminate the areas where those drones were seen and reported earlier as spraying something misty into the air. There is a children pandemic happening in China currently and as I watched those videos of the fog where the people were shining their flashlights into it and seeing the particles of whatever that is, I thought that perhaps we should be wearing masks! Isn’t that crazy?

We should also prepare ourselves because ‘things’ are going to escalate and become even more chaotic. Some countries may get a short time where the illusion  will give us that little hope that things are going to get better for the future, however, that illusion will be shattered. There are no more chances, we are living as it were in the time of Noah, the time when Fallen Angels ruled in this world. 
Some will be given a short time to have power here in the last days and the same things will happen to us as were in those days, and the only thing that will destroy the contamination and corruption of the Earth and all of what God had created is written in the Scriptures… not by water, but by fire.

No one is coming to help us, we must help each other and take care of ourselves. When you let Jesus into your life, you can give over to Him all of your care sand worries, even some of your responsibilities. He gives you a feeling of inner-peace that is always constant and present in your being, in your body. Your body and mind and heart are at rest and you try to keep it there, in that state of peace, not the peace offered in this world, in the absence of war, but the peace offered by Jesus Christ which is found within the Follower and it surpasses all understanding.

We were warned that many people will not be able to handle what is coming upon us and many hearts will fail from fear. The only solution is to have your mind renewed by the Word of God through Bible study and prayer. It may help also for you to keep a testimony of what is happening in your life. Write about your journey, especially the difficult things, because the words are your fears and dreams and hope flowing out of you to become encapsulated as your testimony.

There are perilous times ahead and a lot of Human suffering, however we do not have to become overwhelmed by fear when we trust in Christ Jesus, He will protect you in your heart, mind, soul and He will give you the strength needed to overcome this world. This world has become very anti-Human in all its dealings, they are literally going to wipe most of us out and it appears that no one will intervene to prevent our ultimate demise… ‘nothing can stop what is coming’ seems appropriate at this time.

There is are also the ‘Two Harvests’ of the Church of Christ in our future and most Christians are anxiously awaiting to be taken out of this world. For others there is the Galactic Federation with their space-ships that will take those chosen ones away from this world also. This change that is coming will affect the entire COSMOS all the things of Creation, so no space-ship can actually take you to safety anywhere. Only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can save us from what is happening.  Trust only in our Lord.

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus  Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

Christ loves us and He will take care of us when we put our trust in Him. He must be put in first place being the most important person in your life. We all have free-will to choose which road we travel and the WAY is very narrow and we travel alone with Christ Jesus and Our Heavenly Father. It is sad but not completely hopeless for those who do not know Jesus, there is still time when He can be found, for this is the moment of Salvation and Repentance. Come out of the world which offers Humans nothing but various and numerous ways to experience death.

Christ Jesus has already defeated death and also have victory over the Gates of Hell. We have to pray for the increase in our faith and repentance is always an ongoing experience, for we do not become perfect as Humans when we are saved through Jesus Christ. We still do at times commit sin, however because we understand what sin really is and the consequences, and more importantly, sin leaves a crimson stain on your Soul that cause a stench in God’s nostrils, so Repentance is very important in the life of a Follower of Christ Jesus.

We hate sin and along with the renewing of our minds through the Word, sin has become something we work to avoid, however we do have Repentance and the Blood of the LAMB for forgiveness and removal of the crimson stain- purification. We are able to wash ourselves and become clean, by means of our Faith in Jesus and by the Grace of God. So please do not become a casualty of this war between Good and Evil, between LIGHT and Darkness. 

You must choose a side and there are only two sides and if you are not saved and do not Follower Christ Jesus, you are being led and are enslaved by the Adversary and his world-system. There are those who would say that they do not believe in the Christian Gods and these things do not apply to them. The truth is that there are two systems of belief in this world, one given to us by the WORD of GOD, CHRIST Jesus, and the other one given to us by the Devil through the world-system.

The gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached throughout the whole world and then the end will come. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. King and Lord of the coming Kingdom of God, on our New Earth with New Heavens and New Humans, those without flesh and blood bodies. The future looks great and wonderful when we keep our eyes on our Heavenly treasures and put our trust in Christ Jesus. He will lead us into the places where we belong, places that He prepared for us to enter into and soon He will return to receive us unto Himself.

Times are strange and weird and very chaotic, so please be mindful of your surroundings and your loved ones. Put all of your trust in Christ Jesus so that you will not be deceived or fall-away, because everyone is working against Humans for the benefit of the Darkness. Let us hope and pray that our leaders will rule according to the laws and provide some justice for the people. It is also very important that those on the Right regain their foot-hold in many countries and return to common-sense values. 

Stay safe everyone and and become strong in the Joy of the Lord, so as not to become overwhelmed by the things afflicting us in these last days. ONLY JESUS SAVES!

Written and Posted by: Marlene*  

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