God & Jesus Say Loudly The Sex Torture Serial Killer Cult Must Be Haulted
The cult the readings have explained who sex toture and murder people get them by deception and by lying about nice Moms on facebook in messenger as they brain wash people by a two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying, and that is the sentence God and Jesus channeled by me many years ago in 2008 and 2009 and then they made me an open vessel medium to Prophet channel write their words for them to stop this human sex torture serial killer large cult and I have reported my Medium For God Prophetic channel writing crime tips for almost 15 years as I started writing for them in June 09 on white paper with many pens and then began channel typing for them and many others and channel type crime tips very fast for many years to stop them from sex torturing and murdering people and to stop them from taking people by their secret framing master manipulation deceptive force and today they are after 5 kids in 10 areas where they kill them and in 8 States in America the channeled information says today that God communicated to me.
They also say they have 10 Real Esate agent women in the computer hacker dug out rooms, and it may be 8 pick up folders to frame Mothers to take their kids from them, and 2 are in the computer dug out rooms all the time, the readings say and there are 16 Real estate agent women in their Territorys, Zones, readings say they have 8 Computer dug out stations in a Territory and go by zip codes, and that would be 8 dug out Computer rooms in say The San Fernando Valley with 16 realtors always in them, and 5 Moms of the young computer squad women, and readings say 59 to 89 of them work in the dug out computer rooms everyday and night and there are a group of 10 year olds and a group of 15 to 16 year olds in the dug out comptuter rooms all the time and there are also some 18 to 22 year olds with them, and about 4 or 5 Dads of the young women who are 29 to 34 and some are 35 years old, and again there are 89 of these young women who started as girls and readings say 89 young women started as girls and lied with folders about nice mothers, and passed on lies at School yards, and started stealing Son of God Save Life On Earth Stop Sex Slavery Intermationally Prophet crrme tip job mail, and then in June 09 they started in computer technician training when they are graduating Middle School and others were in 11th and 12th grade then and readings say the many kids were very corputed. and shot up with drugs and turned into needle user drug addicts and alcoholics as they give kids Peppermint Schnapps Alcohol as children and still are doing this to the 10 year olds and teenagers in the dug out computer rooms,and they turned them into child molester sex addict serial killers who murder people with their pedophila and sex addictions and drug addictions as they get shot up with meth before they murder people and heroin after they do the murders, and run around looking like nice goody two shoe girls with 2 realtors and 5 Mothers so no one suspects them and thats the ones in California in L A County and surrounding areas where they have the same make up of people, 2 Realtor women, 5 Moms, 59 to 89 young women, around 10 children who are 10 or 11 and around 15 to 89 teenagers 15 to 16 years old, and 5 are always in the dug out rooms the readings have said. In North Carolina they are 26 years old to 27 and maybe one is 30, and there are about 9 of those young women who started as kids at young ages passing out slander and framing folders for free new clothes, and they got in the cult at 9 or 10 years old as they started when they were in Religous Private Schools with girls in the School who were 7 years older and thats the young women in the dug out computer rooms who are 28 to 35 years old, and they started under a Civics Art Plaza in California then flew to North Carolina and they are some who are taller, with dark wavy long hair God says, and they were sent Navy Blue or plain Blue Parkas from The Gap and turtle necks and ugg boots, and the clothes were bought by online shopping by who they call their Shopper and Realtor so many nieve kids who are not wise were brought into the cult by telling them to lie for Free New Clothes and for Goody Treat Bags, and for 90 bucks under the table pay for lying and thats stolen stop traffick paypal the women and girls steal by hacking in the dug out computer rooms, and the kids are told here is one hundred bucks, pocket ninety kids and go around and read the lines in the folders we made up and spend ten on a treat or snack and you will get Free New Clothes fed exed to your door step and at Noon you will be given a Goody Treat bag for lying, and the gift bags have stolen Prophet thank you gifts in them, and the new clothes they send them are bought with stolen money and the older young women sit hacking in new cars they got with stolen money at car lots on ipads they looted from ups fed ex trucks by security camera stalking and 5 to 9 sit in a new vechicle robbing stop traffick paypal and Medium For God thank you Prophet pay as its a big cob web the cult has built that is woven around many in this endangered State of California and much of it is to do I D Theft and many steal jobs and instructions to act important to lie money and jobs are theirs and to pretend they are Son of God commanders by stolen papers to bark orders and to act like they got a big important crime tip job when they did not at all, they stole it outright in Feb 05 and that job they outright stole was sent to hire Nancy Fox to do Angel Board crime tips, to answer crime tip questions by spelling answers on an Angel Board and it was sent to her name and address in mid Feb 05 and many stole it, and some wanted to pretend they got a big important crime tip job to do proffesional crime tips and some wanted to do this to act so important and who heard the job came with alot or perks is the word they say, and they heard it was a prestigous job and so on, so some greedy ones did it for that and some did it who knowingly do sex torturing FGM depopulation and they do it to people they Hate readings have said and others are the satanic ritual cult leaders, an antichrist family who foolled many into getting them the most innocent and nicest people to sex torture and murder them, so they and others did not want Nancy Gail Fox otherwise known as Fox-Taylor reporting Prophetic tips to stop their crimes did they? says God and Jesus says they outright planned to steal her big important psychic angel board Prophetic jobs when they were sent and did and just before this I flew down to that part of their then suburb City where they lived starting in 1997 and in early 2005 I flew down and spelled out on an angel board with God at my side, and we flew in to give her our very important messages to save the human race and to do goodwill on earth, and we found an Angel Board reader woman Mom from her daughters School who sat at the kitchen dining room table each day spelling out words by a passed on relative an Aunt, and we had her neighbor who died that she grew up next door to in Sherman Oaks fly in many times to spell out on this persons Angel Board ” I died I need to talk to Nancy Fox”over and over so many times she could barely channel words from her late Aunt so she of course told Nancy Fox about this and said come and do a reading, and she did in mid Feb 05 and then guess what ? word of mouth got the information out that we spelled out ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” so the smart lady remarked you better buy an Angel Board and get to work and thats a fact and so many devils swarmed around outright stealing her earned angel board jobs and her letters that said, this is for your in born psychic gift to spell out crime tip words on a game board it may have said meaning a Spirit Board that many mediums in the past channeled on and some others in the past turned into real full mediums this way the way Nancy Fox did as she channeled on the angel board for about 4 years then started writing our words instead to save the human race as the message we brought to her in mid Feb 05 by the very good lady, and Amen for this occurance and all should have been so grand way back then if greedy devils had not stolen her earned spirit channeler gift, as again some did it because they wanted to pretend they got important jobs by stealing them in mail, and from ups fed exes off the one story house she bought in 05 summer right off the porch one just leaned in and swept them all away when she was sitting there channeling away and in the day dressed up in suits and pearls and sold homes and estates as realtor in the suburbs and guess what? says I God they the devil in mid to the end of Feb 05 ran to banks and said oh Sir Mams that great amount of money sent that says for Nancy Fox to be deposited in her account is for us because we are doing the big important crime tip job instead by proffesional spy cam equipment, and that money sent is pay for us, when its not at all and never was , in fact it may have spelled out so clearly says I God, this is for deposit only in Miss Nancy Gail Foxs account as she needs her money to protect her children and herself because shes been sent Prophet crime tip jobs, and other stolen mail later in around July said Nancy Fox you should buy many mansions and hire a staff to fed ex your angel board words in folders from the properties we suggest you buy with your owned money sent to the bank, and many had ran to banks in person and sent liar slandeous awful letters in mid to end of Feb 05 to do a big bank robbery, and they lied in letters they gave many banks that said something such as Nancy Taylor is a middle class houswife a bum in an old run down tract home and shes not the person described in the letters and therefore we are doing that big huge important in depth crime tip job by proffesional spy cam equipment by a group of us who dress so conservative and who are much more the type and we are some the letters we took describe and thats not her personality, when it is exactly as it said first off for Nancy Fox the gracious kind down to earth spiritual Saint personality nicest Mom who dresses so classy in upscale clothes,we like your style of dress and we would like you to buy more exspensive clothes with your owned funds sent to the bank to your account Nancy Gail Fox or Nancy G Fox or Nancy G Fox-Taylor, and she shall explain now says I God as shes heard the awful story inside and out for too long then I will pick this piece back up to explain more as I often fly down and into her open vessel and start writing when she begans writing her own stop crime articile by all the work combined, and I God and Jesus Christ are standing right by her all the time at least 20 or more hours each day, and so are many wise angelic large winged Angels and famous ones shes become a medium for also including each and every single passed on White House President since 09 she writes for them to stop many crimes also, and did some stop right away, and stops many each day but the awful lying greedy crooked to swindling devils who want to pretend they got important crime tip jobs start in by lying and continue stealing so the group of them in mid to the end of Feb 05 wrote slanderous letters to banks and now I God am explaining after all as first of all they lied she was Nancy Taylor when her name is Nancy Fox and she went by that name as a realtor after her legal seperation Jan 2000 so therfore she was not a housewife at all was she, and certainly not a bum lady as she was the busiest and nicest Mom in our time and her real estate liscense was Nancy G Fox-Taylor liscensed in 1999 and it expired in about 2011 due to them taking her real estate renewal mail, and they stole her real estate business also and planned it all out as they lied that big crime tip folder job is for a realtor to buy many properites when its not, so many real estate ladies were so mad saying why is that her big job? to buy many mansions and to fed ex folders and so on so many mean cut throat mad fools thought they snaked a big realtors job when they snaked stole as cut throat snakes her big important psychic crime tip jobs, and some stamped around like babys balling says I God screaming online wa wa I want that big job whys that her big job? etc and still are doing this wa wa as big cry babys who were so jealous and so steaming mad when they heard funds were sent on many white armed transport trucks to banks where she had accounts at the suburb branches I God add in here as its so complicated and they heard the armed transport trucks white only where sending funds to Nancy Fox the realtor with notes that said buy many mansions with the funds, as a suggestion, and it said on bank notes to set up a Prophet camp so people you trust can live in the properties we suggest you buy so they can gaurd your kids with their lives and you as you are being sent many Prophet angel board psychic crime tip jobs to do in depth crime tips, so many stole the money and sai hey thats our pay for doing the big realtor job sent, thats to buy many mansions, and to fed ex important folders and so on and not so forth I do so hope, as the cob web is woven all over and here was a woman dressed so nice being her proffesional articulate polite self in banks and the Post Office, and here she had lost weight and bought a nice spiritual geru style outfit for her 20 year sober AA party in Feb 05 and here she had updated the two story to look lovely and was dressed so well and working as a classy looking realtor in suits and pearls selling estates as a very nice hard working greatest and best single Mom, and the evil ones lied to banks shes Nancy Taylor a dumb stupid idiot housewife in a crappy tract home and not the type to have that kind of money sent at all, so many in many banks they were referring to Nancy Fox as they lied about her last name and style of dress their nice updated two story three car garage large lot nice house in the suburbs and about the hardest worker in our time, and the nicest Mother we say again, the most pleasant sweet toned Mom we ever heard is she, so the point of this is many in banks do not know they were slandering Nancy Fox as they gave the wrong name to banks and lied thats Son of God fund money for the Son of God job the group of us are doing instead because shes a piece of crap and we dress conservative and are so much better suited for the utmost important job position to do it by very proffesional spy cam investigation top secret equipment instead of her spelling words on a dumb stupid game board like mail says that we took as we take it all away and say thats our pay sent to the banks that says its to deposit in Nancy Foxs bank accounts we say thats for big important job we are doin the group of us, about 80 persons we say we are the Son of God Family funds sent. They do fake pretend investigations in family households and frame nice parents and Moms they hate for their beauty and grace, and they outright frame them with their professinal equipment to take custody away to take familys to sex torture and murder them in the coldest darkest sweetest nicest blood as some in the 80 I D theft group from 05 do this for ages to do illegal female genital mutilation,and the pretend they are doing save life work by cutting off clitoruses and lie the save lives by stopping diseases and infections by doing FGM to females, and about 89 are this way, they are conservative yuppie square nerds biggets, who hate stylish free spirited great happy Mothers and many in this named bigget jock conservative catagory were raised in the 1950′s and the 1940′s too so they are old fashioned inside by the time period they were raised in, and thats parly why they hate loathe Moms who are into Me Time books that say Moms need some short break time for themselves, others are into being nice to themselves to feel love for themselves gves more love in their hearts for their great wise wonderful good children on earth, and therefore they hate this new age way of thinking thats gone on since the mid 1980s reallly we God and Jesus say, and they are Religous ones too in this hated group we name a catagory of biggets jocks and some about 10 are doing this framing because of their faith and thats nice seeming conservative type Mothers who not like a Mom to show their clevage at all and not an eigth of an inch even, and the do not like a man to see them in the nude and sit yelling all day and night oh my God this Mom is nude in the bedroom changing in front of the Dad and I see them in my in the nude spy cam, and so on so due to that person many ar dying and gone to us God and Jesus Christ already as a very sad is coming when its shown on the news on T V we say its so many deaths that have gone on to this circus cluster you know what and we say please stop the little lying ones with so many fraud folders in many Parks in America as they are setting up to kill alot more nice good great hard working happy now American familys by lying and chanting lines CIA Northern California told them to say as that person is one from the Feb 05 group of 80s who lied Nancy Fox a spiritual long time sober A A polite classy lady was a bum named Nancy Taylor to steal outright her so earned Prophet psychic channeling crime tip jobs as shes studied to advance her intuition and her higher conciouness and connection to us God and Jesus Christ alot for about 4 full decades and started doing her spiritual study work before then, and she worked hard to be an advanced intuitive and became more clairvoyant and the jobs they stole outright are for a lifetime of work as shes spiirtual inside and reserved as a real writer since she was 3 we say when she wrote with a crayon on a book market I Love God and Jesus and that did it thank God. and these devils stealing what is hers must be stopped as in 2009 they started stealing her earned Medium For God prophet writer jobs sent in the mail and lied we are running that family business when its her business she does alone in L A County as a medium in a trance writing away for us in the San Fernando Valley and there are not any people working beside her and many in this lie they are running a family business and say 80 of them from Feb 05 and say we took over her Medium For God jobs in 09 by taking the mail and by saying the Medium For God crime tip jobs sent to Nancy Fox go with the Son of God crime tip folder jobs we got to do organized crime tips in folders by proffesional spy cam equipment and those are Nancy Foxs angel board channeling Prophet crime tip jobs they took that are for her to do crime tips to save life on earth and they do folders and frame nice Mothers and say they are investigating and frame them and set Moms up to be not needed case files to take their kids away to sex torture and kill them all and they stole the list of names who were suggested for Nancy Fox to hire to send out her angel board Prophetic tips and they told a list of people to send out their investigation information, and that taking kids from Moms is the mission, and a CPS Secret Court woman whos an antichrist relative or in law calls them everyday and says we are still taking kids from Moms so do not stop setting them up, as I run the CPS Secret Courthouse and thats the mission we are doing, and 50 yell back online okay Renea. Amen
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