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Readings say Gang Stalkers are stealing 5 stacks of old not due paid off bills from 80 houses in Los Angeles County to set up innocent hard working nice good American citizens that are Targeted Individuals to do framing fraud reports to Police to make it look like they had late’s on bills, and bills they did not pay, and they send 10 liar letters with the fraud framing reports that say ” We are deeply concerned the following individuals had so many late’s we are covering to help the situation out as we say they could not afford their houses and apartments and had trouble with finances, thereby we ran them out by our subtle manipulation we use to do this to many we see in such unfortunate situations, thereby we are keeping an eye on them by our spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment and security cameras at intersections, and in our many rooms we have had built under Markets, Drug stores, large Shopping Malls and Pod malls, and Park N Recreation buildings and everywhere a person goes including food places, and restaurants so we can see what they are doing, so please read our reports we have sent so you can see why we feel they should be on a Watch list, and they are also many who are case files with a case file number so we can keep tabs on their whereabouts and see what to do to help them out by filtering money in to them secretly and by forcing medical exams, and thats another reason we make them stuck and pen them in an area we run them to by taking their postal money, and money from it, their ups and fed exes by unloading the trucks we see in security cameras and by taking their online payments by hacking with hacker devices we pick up at many City Halls in California and in 8 or 9 other States in America, and as you can see the people named bought houses and rented apartments that were beyond their means, as they did this without thinking or planning it out at all in any way, and we say they would have put many in the hole by their carelessness and they would not have been able to provide a nice life for their family or themselves, so we handle things secretly without them ever knowing and inform the Police Stations in our reports”

This is a game, the readings explain they pick people to Target who make a good living who’s lives are fine, who always paid their mortgage or rent and bills with no problem, people who are excellent in balancing their household budgets are ones they Target, and high earners, business owners to steal from them and to rob their businesses from them and to do Identity theft by their thievery they do by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, as silent thieves and they pick who to Target based on income and on looks, and they Gang Stalk the properties, steal their mail from their mail boxes and rob their cash from it, and steal their ups and fed exs off their porches and case out properties with spy cams they steal with that they put on Trees, Curbs, Mail Boxes, Porch over hangs, Garage Doors, and Stop Signs, and they steal 8 work calls from the Targeted Individuals by bugging their cells and land lines, and they hack them and steal their work emails, and they rob about $100,000.00 from their bank accounts a little at a time slowly for years, and they are robbed victims, and they steal their pets by throwing them in pillow cases when they stalk the properties, and they make keys to houses and apartments by lock smiths and go in and steal stacks of old bills that are paid and not due to pay them 5 to 10 times to put the checks on a ledger sheet to frame them and to set them up to Police Stations, and say ” see all the lates we covered” etc when they pay them over and over with the Targeted Individuals money they stole from them, all to make good innocent people look bad, and they say ” they do that to set them up, to send a false impression, and the instructions they follow say to this the same way each time, they say first run them out by master manipulation, then pay their old not due bills 5 to 10 times to make it look like they could not afford their property, to lie they ran them out to help a situation” when they caused the situation, as they steal a years of worth of reserves the people have in their savings that is to cover their bills for 1 year or for months, and they steal their work calls that come by money they spent and invested in their business, and that come by their years of work and networking and resumes’, ads, and so on, and they steal what the people they Target earned and they stack up their cash they rob from their mail they steal, and Tally it up, and deposit it in secret accounts, and say we are running the following individuals finances because they had too many lates and because their rent or mortgage was too high, when their bills were just fine for their incomes. Many they do this to have a lot of money on the horizon that is from years of their money and hard work and time and energy they invested, such as a realtor could have many buyers and sellers and know the amount of money they will be making that year when escrows close from sales etc. like people with free lance jobs, such as film crew people, they may have a few months off and know in a few months they will make ten thousand a month, and they know money is coming and they may say I can catch up on everything later this year and many live this way, and don’t have money for a few months or so and then have fifty thousand they deposit from their work and careers and professions, and until then they may pay minimum payments and so on and know its a temporary situation, and that money is on the horizon, and they do not stress but know money is in the pipeline, and they may know when I make the money thats due to me and on the horizon then I may refinance, and or consolidate my monthly bills by getting a second equity line on my property, as a second for $100,000.00 that could pay bills off would be $100.00  a month, so many plan for these things to refinance and get seconds when money is coming in and when they have worked on their fico score etc. and the point is people do debt consolidation often, and refinance a car even to lower a monthly payment, and they do whatever they need to do to own their home which is an asset to borrow from or against, and running people out of their homes would worsen a situation, as owning a home you have many avenues to take to help with a monthly budget by getting a secured debt loan against the property if need be, and running people out of homes causes financial problems, and that is why many are Homeless in California and America, as readings say they do this to people who are high earners  in the high income tax bracket, they are many who are ambitious and productive who thrive in their homes with success by being in a functioning environment, to have nice work clothes hanging in their closets, a fax machine, and desks, and file cabinets, and laundry so they can do chores while they are getting work done and so on, and they have books and dictionary’s at hand, and are productive people by being in a home or nice apartment that is all set up to be very functional. The readings say the Gang Stalkers run people out on purpose because they Hate them, and because they want to rob their money and businesses, and the readings say they steal all the money they earn after they run them out and keep on stealing it, and take 99.9 percent of their incomes and pay old bills that are paid a million times over to make them look bad, and use their money they stole the Targeted Individuals could be buying a new house with, and they get receipts by spy cams they put inside houses and apartments when the person is going through old bills, papers, and files and they get them by phone bugging, and make lists of what the person owes to others as they sit there with their money they stole that would pay everything off, and they would not have had to borrow any money if they did not steal their money, and they sit lying the following individuals are very bad persons because they have debts, when the Gang Stalkers are very bad persons who steal their money that would pay debts off, and they say they got  5 stacks of bills right now from 8 streets near each other, they took them from old file boxes in their garages as they were instructed to do, and they are sifting through papers, and finding old paid off bills to pay them 5 to 10 times, and 199 times some days, as they write checks over and over and copy them, and make a sheet with the check numbers and amounts and send the lists to Police Stations, and say ” see these following individuals are very bad persons, see the lates” when they have been paid off for years, and they rob money sent to Targeted Individuals, the Victims that they could pay their house off with, and they cause many not needed foreclosures on properties and then pay the second loans a million times over that are not due when a house forecloses, and they pay them with the home owners money they stole that would have paid their mortgage, so they are foreclosing on homes when the money to pay the mortgage is sitting in the banks, and this appears as illegal foreclosures they are doing, as you cannot foreclose when the persons money is in the bank that could pay the mortgage up, and they also have someone take over mortgage payments and pay them 5 times in 5 weeks, then they put the Property Title in the persons name who says they assumed the mortgage because the person had such problems and bought a house that cost too much and so on. Readings say Gang Stalkers call all over town and say ” we are looking for someone to take over a house payment and then they can own the house by putting the name on the Property Title after paying it for 5 weeks” and they lie to the County Recorder and lie ” These individuals had problems and bought houses without thinking that cost too much and could not cut it” etc. and they make many Homeless on purpose, and say they take 20 Government aid checks from 8 people they did this to at many Main Parks, they take their postal mail, and they take their checks that they ran them into getting by robbing them, and they get their Welfare Checks, Disability checks, and Department of Health and Welfare Government aid checks, tax returns, Western Union victims checks and all sent to them, and they take checks sent to their children’s names also, and say ” they pocket them, and get them from the Postal Stations loading docks each day at 9 or 10 am” and say ” we are covering the 199 persons mail in this area, Thank you so much, we shall be opening this postal mail, and depositing the funds and leaking money in to them so they do not starve to death, as they are Homeless in many Main Parks, and some are on sidewalks in tents, and we filter money in and calculate what is sent to their names, and deposit it, and say thats our pay for covering as the spy watch cam committee udder gals who check to see who needs what, to hand a friend a buck to buy them a cup of hot coffee, and keep them stuck and penned in at Parks and on Church steps and so on to force medical exams on them, as they are impoverished and lethargic and do not amount to much, so do not bother finding them to hand them a tax return etc. as they are named worthless persons and very bad persons by the way they lived, as they bought a house so fast without thinking that cost too much, and did not think how that would affect others, and we say that is self centered, thereby we take their pay away, and say tough luck they did it to themselves, as they should have bought something that was more reasonable and or rented a smaller apartment unit as we say they lived beyond their means, as they bought too much too fast often, or twice a year mostly, and we say thats wrong, and Hate people who shop fast and who buy alot at once, and who spend money on decorating their homes and on stylish clothing, and say they should have made due and gotten by and used old furniture, and learned to sew their clothes instead of buying new ones, and they should have spent doing chores instead of making money to have a nice house and thats how we see it, we hate people who are care free and who live vicariously, who are not rigid with to do lists and who have such Faith in life who trust things will always work out and we make it look like their way does not work” When it always worked just fine and the Gang Stalker girls and women saying this are ones who grew up in large three to five thousand square foot homes and many of them own estates and they are young women who’s parents make the same incomes as the Targeted Individuals as they are also Hypocrites, as many they work for live in 5,000 square foot homes, and some spend alot on clothes, and they spend alot more at Markets and at restaurants, and on sports than the Targeted Individuals.




They are Targeting 29 nice Mothers in 80 areas of Los Angeles County and surrounding areas who do ” Needle Point”, the Gang Stalkers say they Hate them because of the way they are in their Homes, and they are trained to write down what they could be doing instead of ” Needle Point” or “Taking a Nap” etc. and they say they do this to the ones who they see are wasting time, and write down ” Why don’t they make extra funds for the family? or jog ? or bake? or mop and scrub? instead of wasting time doing crafts, yarn work, needle point ” etc.  5 out of 10 are divorced or seperated, and get Child Support or and Alimony and they Hate them for that, and say they should go make money instead of doing a craft all day, and one Mom Needle Points from 9 am to 1 pm and then straightens her kids rooms and picks them up from School at 2 pm, and another Needle Points in the front yard with their dog at her side, and they say they have 199 Needle Pointer Mothers they have on their list, and do thumbs up symbols by text to each other and vote ” YES Set the bad Moms up” and say ” They are wrong to waste time a Needle Pointin it makes them so dam stinken sick to their stomachs and they deserve to loose full custody of their entire family for being that way, as that is not helping their household in any way, as its a waste of time and meaningless” and the Gang Stalkers make lists that say ” Take their houseghold pets this day at this time, and put the mouses meaning rats and hampsters and goldfish they call guppies in a sack fast on Tuesday at 9 o clock in the  A M and put any and all Cats in long pillow cases, and the dogs we will snatch at midnight the day we take the famiys away in our tall vans, and we will alert the neighbors we drop off paper gift bags to from our old white vans and who we send pay to to stay away to keep back when we arrive as planned on our charts with days and times, and the Dogs we will take to so called adoption places but suficate them really by putting our long garden gloved hands over their mouths, and we got 20 some persons lined up who are interested in paying their house payment or rent check by cashiers checks for 5 weeks straight to then say they assumed the mortgage or the lease, and then they will be put in those persons names, and then we will record them on Title of the owned properties, and say hey hey you’re a real winner, you got a free place a huh a huh as we said, then no one will notice we took the family’s away so fast, and child support and alimony checks will go in our hands as we will take them from mail, and cash them at cash checking places as always with the Moms I Ds we take and deposit them in accounts and say thats our pay for covering, then no one notices them missing, and the neighbors we give gift bags to at 8 am to 11 am to from our old white beat up vans won’t say a word as they are on the list to take away in the usual domino effect and we have many on the list who are going to Eyebrow Places also, as we hate Moms who spend time on their looks so dam bad, as that is not Motherly and its a waste of time and energy and we say Moms should be baking, and cleanin, and making nice fun snacks and cleaning their kids room first off at the top of the morning and not right before they go to pick their kids up,and we choose the Moms because we Hate them because of the way they are in life, and say Moms should be a calling out on the phone, and asking people how they are doin? and they should be rakin leaves, and spending time hiking or doing anything outdoors instead of needle point or getting their eyebrows done and we have made about 99 in each of our areas homeless, we keep 99 at each Main Park by taking their pay away and lie they are welfare bums in their life when they were not on welfare and never a bum type and its to teach them  a real needed ol lesson for being a lazy piece of crap to then take them for not needed medical exams by surrounding them and forcing not needed or wanted shots in them and we tell people we cover on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras to cover individuals on our lists” The Gang Stalker girls and young women with older women say.










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