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As Foretold In Daniel 11th Ch. Barack Hussein Obama Is Going To War Against The Semi-Stable Climate Green Zones Of South America!: The Sinister Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATIC FEMA Disorganization Of...

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As Foretold In Daniel 11th Ch. Barack Hussein Obama Is Going To War Against The Semi-Stable Climate Green Zones Of South America!: The Sinister Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATIC FEMA Disorganization Of Barack Hussein Obama Has Been Covertly Evilly Preparing To Transport Fully Vaxxed-Branded-Marked-Cursed Satanically Monstrously Mutated Snow White Leprous *CAIN LIKE* Beastly-Chimeran-Vampiric Heathens From FEMA D.U.M.B.S In The USA Which Will Have To Be Evacuated Because Of Apocalyptic Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Way Beyond Their Limited Foolish Scope Of Preparedness For Vainly Attempted Safe Housing During The Fiery Hellish Wrathful Great Tribulation – So The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Black-Ops DEMONCRATS Covertly Over Satan’s Gaint FEMA Prison Camp Corrals Of Extremely Mutative Death Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Mandated Mandatory Enforced Requirement BIOMETRIC Vaccination Centers With Mass Beheadings FEMA Extermination Centers – Have A Diabolical Plan To Hurriedly Transport Their Vaxxed-Branded-Marked-Cursed Sheeple To Semi-Stable Climate Green Zones Which Have Already Been Set Up By Barack Hussein Obama’s Wicked Alphabet Agencies Cronies Worldwide Crime Syndicate Who Have Been Secretly Conducting Trial Runs Of Their Forceful Takeover Protocols Involving Paid Demonic Mind Controlled Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Mercenaries (MURDEROUS MERCS) Who Will Even Be Sent In On A Swarm Of High-Tech Stinging Attack Helicopters To Forcefully Begin The Pre-Planned Forceful Takeover Of The Godforsaken USA Of Abominable Asinine GAYDOM/Mystery Babylon The Great While It Is Horrifically Nightmarishly Experiencing Many False Flags Involving Bank Robberies By The NWO Feds, Massive Widespread ISIS Related Larger Scale Mixed 911$ Mega-Terrorist Attacks, The Tower Of Babel Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Destructive Events Including Extremely Violent Electrified Weather Phenomenon Anomalies, TESLA Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Involving Mega-Tsunamis Greatly Affecting The West Coast Region And Gulf Of Mexico Region In Connection With NASA D.A.R.T. Mission Asteroid Strikes Plus Explosive Meteor Strikes And HARRP Activated Nukes Being Remotely Detonated In The Gulf Of Mexico With Resultant New Madrid Fault Line Some Mega-Earthquakes And Major Land Deformations With A Mega-Tsunami Involving The Fragile Mississippi River Bed Cataclysmically Splitting Many Miles Wider Swallowing Up The Satanic Flood Waters As Foretold In Revelation 12th Ch., And Also These False Flags Include Low Vibe Flip Of The Switch Weaponized Microwaves Activated Multimode Tuneable DEMONIC ZOMBISM Airborne Vaxx A.I.D.s Plagues Plandemics Evilly Leading To Satan’s Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir “MoonShot Initiative” Fake Miracle Cure-All For Cancer And Most Diseases Called The Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire-Black Goo 666 As Foretold In The Critical Time Sensitive Warnings Of Revelation 13th Ch. Associated With The Warnings Of Revelation 22nd Ch. So Please Don’t Sinfully Foolishly Erroneously Screw Up Your Vulnerable Fleshly Cells/DNA/Genes/Pages Of Your Living Book Involving Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic-Vile Attacks Against Indigenous Humanity, Including A Massive Widespread UFOS/ALIEN Invasion Foretold In Zechariah 5th Ch. With Holy Angelic Protection Of Us Rare Holy Chosen Elect Indigenous People Located In The North Country/North America And In The South Country/South America As Foretold In Zechariah 6th Ch. During The Time When Our Sun Strangely Goes Dim And The Sky Eerily Turns Dark When It’s Supposed To Be Broad Daylight As Foretold In Micah 3rd Ch. While The Extremely Deceptive DEMONCRATS Are At War Against Iran-Pakistan-The Ram Of Elam-The Peacock While Russia, China, And North Korea Are All Being Falsely Blamed For Many Things That They Are Not Responsible For All Evilly Designed To Keep Instigating Major Blame Game Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 In The Apocalyptic Ultra-Cataclysmic DARK WINTER Season Of Worldwide Discontent – Say Bye Bye Miss American Pie BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Because The Vile DEMONCRATIC “$QUID GAM3″ Is Imminent Under Barack Hussein Obama’s And Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton’s Covertly Negotiated Fraudulent Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols NATIONAL MARTIAL LAW (TRAM-LAW) -NATIONWIDE QUARANTINES-CURFEWS-BORDERS LOCKDOWN LOOP HOLES Cunningly Designed To Get Out Of Fully Paying Back China And Other Rich Foreign Investors-Bankers-Major Stock Investors-Big Business Corporation Owners Who Will Be Infuriated Because They Didn’t Get First Dibs – First Grabs On Previously Negotiated People (Live Slave Economic Assets) And Physical Properties That They Foolishly Thought Would Be Turned Over To Them – So Please Get Ready Now For The Proverbial Crap To Hit The Fan And Come Down All Over The Godforsaken Evil USA/Cursed Mystery Babylon The Great And It’s Vulnerable 12 Strong Allies-Wings-Watchdog Sectors Who Will Also Get Severely Hammered! So Take Heed – Please Let’s All Righteously *REPENT* Now Before It’s Too Late Because Time Is Quickly Getting Shorter To Do So And Also Get Ready Now To Apocalyptically WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. BECAUSE YOUR WHOLE SATANIC FALLEN WORLD IS GOING DOWN EXTREMELY HARD IN AN UNSTOPPABLE APOCALYPTIC WORLDWIDE ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FLOOD OF FIRE! SELAH


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A flotilla of FEMA barges, each able to hold 2,000 people in cramped conditions, set sail from a secret staging area near San Diego and is currently en route to Hawaii, says a FEMA employee… › wiki › Google_barges

Google barges – Wikipedia

[9] On October 9, 2013, BAL0011 was tugged to Portland, Maine, [10] where it arrived the next day. As described by the Portland Press Herald, the superstructure is 4 containers long, wide and high, with one slanted container for access, for a total of 63 containers. Each of the upper three floors has doors at each end. › story › news › factcheck › 2022 › 10 › 06 › fact…

Fact check: No, the Navy did not sink a FEMA barge – USA TODAY

The video attached to the post describes the supposed FEMA bargesas “transport vessels,” as well as “hospital ships” and “temporary relocation shelters” that are several hundred feet long…

Videos from Giant Google Barges BAL Ships NWO FEMA Prison Ship Barges For Set To Transport Survivors To Semi-Stable Climate Green Zones



FEMA Barges have arrived in hawaii!! ( FLOATING PRISON)


· 6/24/2018



FEMA Barges EN ROUTE To Hawaii!


· 6/12/2018



“Behind the Scenes: Port of Antwerp’s Lifeline – Barges in Action”


· 4 months ago



Migrant barge on route to Dorset


· 6 months ago



Fun working moments on the river with Flat-bottomed Barge


· 2 months ago



Barge rented by Government to house migrants arrives in Falmouth


· 9 months ago



Unloading Giant Ship Full of Sand With a Genius Technique


· 6 months ago



Secret Floating Prisons – Explained


· 10/24/2020



A Day in Life of US Navy’s Super Advanced Billion $ Amphibious Transport Dock


· 9 months ago



🚢 Amazing Ships – Blue Marlin 🚢


· 11/1/2016


Show all

See more videos › factchecks › 2022 › jan › 20 › facebook-posts › …

PolitiFact – Claim of FEMA ‘prison camps’ is part of long-running …

A Facebook post says, “There (are) over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards … › technology › a9628 › the-mystery-of…

The Mystery of the Google Barge, Solved – Popular Mechanics

Last week, two barges owned by Google, each carrying a load with large rectangular structures, were spotted in the bays near San Francisco and Portland, Maine. Originally, some speculated that … › 2023 › 09 › 19 › new-barges-budgeting-tweaks-set…

New Barges, Budgeting Tweaks Set to Ease Crew’s Life During Ship Repair …

So it has been long overdue to get these new barges online,” he said. The new APL-67 is a state-of-the-art berthing barge, Greene said during his keynote speech. “It can berth about 600 … › 1357955

The Google Barge Explained: What Happened To Google’s Offshore …

According to The Wall Street Journal, none of the four barges that were built officially opened due to potential structural dangers. The United States Coast Guard issued a safety inquiry into the … › fact-checks › meta-programme-fact-checks › …

Photo shows US prison barge based in New York city, not headed to …

The prison barge was built in 1992 as an emergency solution, meant to be temporary, for soaring prison populations due to the crack epidemic and the US government’s “war on drugs”. The barge can be seen on Google Maps. It lies on New York’s East River, with the huge Rikers Island prison complex on the river’s other side.

Related searches for Giant Google Barges BAL Ships NWO FEMA Prison Ship Barges For Set To Transport Survivors To Semi-Stable Climate Green Zones


fema barge fact check


are fema barges safe

2 › 2018 › 06 › 23 › fema-prison-ships-arrive-in-hawaii

Fema Prison Ships Arrive in Hawaii – Coercion Code

The way that these Houston area evacuations were handled in these two situations, along with the on-the-record-account with regard to the Beaumont area forced evacuations to anonymous locations, compelled me to take a look at the subject of FEMA barges and I am very disturbed by what I found! The Existence of FEMA Prison Barges Is Public (kind of) › 2018 › 12 › 22 › 2-massive-u-s-prison…

2 Massive U.S. Prison Barges Enroute To Gitmo, Cuba

Prison Barge Leaves NY for Gitmo 2 Massive U.S. Prison BargesEnroute To Gitmo, Cuba. ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!!!! I read that the docks at GITMO were worked on to permit HUGE SHIPS to dock at GITMO, ships that will also contain prisoners, because too many to process at once or hold at GITMO prisons, so they will be held on ships, like a floating hotel. › news › national-international › last…

Last operating US prison ship set to close in NYC – NBC New York

Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – the last operating prisonship in the United States — is finally closing down. The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said … › citizensvoice › article › 9d552d4cda48b58bdb141a…

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said, as part of a broader plan to replace the city’s long-troubled correctional system with a network of smaller jails. For now, most of the roughly 500 people incarcerated on the ship will be transferred to Rikers Island, according to the Department of Correction, though the … › types-of-barges

All Types of Barges in the Maritime World Explained [2023]

As you have read, barges are still a vital part of maritime infrastructure, and can be used for a range of jobs. There are several types of barges, including deck barges, crane barges, and ocean barges, each used forspecific purposes. Barges can be bought, but the more affordable option is hiring them, as well as the tugboats required for … › what-is-a-prison-ship.htm

What is a Prison Ship? (with picture) – MyLawQuestions

Terry Masters. Last Modified Date: January 23, 2024. A prison ship is a seafaring vessel used to transport or house convicts, enemies of the state, or political dissidents. Typically commissioned by countries at war in foreign lands, these ships were a convenient way to restrain undesirable people without the expense of having to establish a … › last-operating-us-prison-ship-041847630

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

NYC Jail Boat. FILE — The Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center is seen docked in the Bronx borough of New York, Monday, Oct. 16, 2023. It arrived in 1992 as a temporary measure to ease overcrowding on Rikers Island, the city’s main jail complex for detainees awaiting trial. Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – believed to be the last … › topics › american-revolution › the-hms-jersey

The HMS Jersey – Prison, Revolution & Ship | HISTORY

At war’s end, there were only 1,400 survivors among the inmates of the entire prison ship fleet, and at least 11,000 men and boys died aboard the ships from 1776 to 1783. › business-industry › doing-business › transportation

Provide Transportation Services |

Provide Transportation Services. Please join us for an Onboarding Q&A session at 1 p.m. ET on February 12 and March 6. The FEMA Tender of Service Program allows FEMA to schedule and book transportation with pre-approved private sector Transportation Service Providers (TSPs). FEMA invites TSPs serving any mode of transportation (air, maritime … › see-photos-last-prison-ship-191147440

See photos of the last prison ship still operating in the US. The 5 …

Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – the last operating prisonship in the United States — is finally closing down. The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said, as part of a broader plan to replace the city’s long-troubled correctional system with a network of smaller jails.

3 › 2018 › 12 › 22 › 2-massive-u-s-prison…

2 Massive U.S. Prison Barges Enroute To Gitmo, Cuba

Prison Barge Leaves NY for Gitmo 2 Massive U.S. Prison BargesEnroute To Gitmo, Cuba. ITS HAPPENING FOLKS!!!! I read that the docks at GITMO were worked on to permit HUGE SHIPS to dock at GITMO, ships that will also contain prisoners, because too many to process at once or hold at GITMO prisons, so they will be held on ships, like a floating hotel. › types-of-barges

All Types of Barges in the Maritime World Explained [2023]

As you have read, barges are still a vital part of maritime infrastructure, and can be used for a range of jobs. There are several types of barges, including deck barges, crane barges, and ocean barges, each used forspecific purposes. Barges can be bought, but the more affordable option is hiring them, as well as the tugboats required for … › business-industry › doing-business › transportation

Provide Transportation Services |

Provide Transportation Services. Please join us for an Onboarding Q&A session at 1 p.m. ET on February 12 and March 6. The FEMA Tender of Service Program allows FEMA to schedule and book transportation with pre-approved private sector Transportation Service Providers (TSPs). FEMA invites TSPs serving any mode of transportation (air, maritime … › what-is-a-prison-ship.htm

What is a Prison Ship? (with picture) – MyLawQuestions

Terry Masters. Last Modified Date: January 23, 2024. A prison ship is a seafaring vessel used to transport or house convicts, enemies of the state, or political dissidents. Typically commissioned by countries at war in foreign lands, these ships were a convenient way to restrain undesirable people without the expense of having to establish a … › topics › american-revolution › the-hms-jersey

The HMS Jersey – Prison, Revolution & Ship | HISTORY

At war’s end, there were only 1,400 survivors among the inmates of the entire prison ship fleet, and at least 11,000 men and boys died aboard the ships from 1776 to 1783. › types-of-ships › different-types-of…

Different Types of Barges Used in the Shipping World – Marine Insight

Flat bottomed vessels or barges are typically available in different sizes and can be used as per the transportation requirements. These bargesare designated as per their overall lengths in feet, for e.g. the 180 ft barge, the 230 ft barge and so on. Different barges have different load carrying capacity which varies as per their overall … › prophecy › 2017 › 09 › all-aboard-google-nwo…

Giant Google NWO Slave Ships Will Transport Survivors of the USA …

All Aboard! Giant Google NWO Slave Ships Will Transport Survivors Of The USA-Babylon’s Fiery Catastrophic Fall To NWO Slave Camps Located In Green-Safe Zones During Extreme Climate Change, Including Natural, & Unnatural Catastrophes! Please, Just Spell Wal-Mart Backwards And See What You Get! It’s TRAM-LAW, Meaning Queen’s Law Or Queen’s › citizensvoice › article › 9d552d4cda48b58bdb141a…

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said, as part of a broader plan to replace the city’s long-troubled correctional system with a network of smaller jails. For now, most of the roughly 500 people incarcerated on the ship will be transferred to Rikers Island, according to the Department of Correction, though the … › uk-news › 2023 › may › 01 › uk-planning…

Home Office to acquire fleet of ships to house asylum seekers

Last modified on Fri 11 Aug 2023 10.42 EDT. The Home Office is planning to use 10 redundant cruise ships, ferries and barges to house asylum seekers in ports around the country, with Merseyside … › wiki › Prison_ship

Prison ship | Wookieepedia | Fandom

A prison ship, also known as a correctional vessel, a dungeon ship, or prison transport, was a type of starship used to contain and transportprisoners. During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic’s Correctional Authority maintained such craft. Much later in the New Republic Era, the New Republic used a specific model of prison ship crewed mainly by droids. The Knights of Ren flew an …

4 › news › national-international › last…

Last operating US prison ship set to close in NYC – NBC New York

Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – the last operating prisonship in the United States — is finally closing down. The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said … › blog › ship-vs-barge

Ship vs Barge: Fundamental Differences Of These Terms

Ships are typically powered by engines and have a variety of different designs depending on their intended use. On the other hand, a barge is a flat-bottomed boat that is used for transporting goods. Unlike ships, barges are not self-propelled and are typically towed by a tugboat. › store › apps › details

Army Prison Transport Ship Gam – Apps on Google Play

Army prison transport ship driving games with state-of-the-art army prisoner transport vehicles. Overcome every obstacle of army transport truck games in army prison transport ship game that comes in the way of your army, police transport duty. Make this jail prisoner transport truck driving games a success in the us army transport bus driving … › 2023 › 10 › 31 › nation › last-operating-us…

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

Darren Mack, co-director of the advocacy group Freedom Agenda, described the boat as a “modern day slave ship” used by the department to warehouse detainees, mostly Black and Latino men, with … › barge-guide-different-types-functions

The Barge Guide – Different Types and Functions

These barges are designed to operate on rivers, canals, sounds, bays, and inland lakes. Inland barges provide the most economical mode of transportation for many high-density, large volume or oversized cargos. Different barge sizes and configurations assist in project execution and the transportation of specific materials. › world › 2020 › oct › 03 › uk-ministers-warned…

UK ministers warned against leaked plans to put refugees on ‘prison ships’

A plan to process refugees on decommissioned ferries risks being expensive, inadequate for its inhabitants, and likely to repeat the policy mistakes of the past, ministers are being warned. › news › uk › politics › small-boats…

Home Office plans to put migrants on barges and cruise ships

Migrants arriving in the UK via small boats could be housed in ferries and barges as well as disused military bases under government plans to reduce the spending on hotels. Immigration minister … › equipment › barges

Marine Barges | Barge Transportation & Shipping Vessels | Osprey

Class Lloyds. Trading area Unrestricted Navigation. Dimensions 100.58m x 30.48m x 6.1m. Capacity 12906T. Freeboard min 1.37m. Draught max. 4.73m. Better logistics – delivered by sea, not road. Osprey has a large fleet of registered barges, pontoons & vessels fornearshore construction & deep-sea projects. Contact Osprey’s barge team today. › forum1 › message4830717 › pg1

So, Where Are the FEMA Prison Barges During Covid? – Godlike Productions

Welcome to Your Police State Future: You Will EAT CRICKETS and DRINK PEE on a Floating Prison Barge: 07/15/22: 4: Interesting PrisonBarge reference: 12/02/13: 5: FEMA BARGES) remember those people who got onto the FEMA barges during Hawaii Volcano? gone: 12/11/19: 6: Prison Barges Sent To Gitmo – Judges have been seated. Death chambers have … › wiki › Caligula’s_Giant_Ship

Caligula’s Giant Ship – Wikipedia

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Caligula’s “GiantShip”, also known as the “Round Ship”, was a very large barge, the ruins of which were found during the construction of Rome ‘s Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino, Italy, in the 1950s. [1] This was previously a Roman port a few kilometres north of Ostia at the …

5 › pin › 515310382354673041

FEMA BUILT PRISON -SHIPS!!!2017 WalMarts N Target Camps Now FEMA BARGES …

Sep 27, 2017 – Please Don’t Forget to Hit The “Like” Button and Subscribe to : TheHeadz Not TheTailz w/ Christopher Kristopher-Music By My Favorite Artist Hands Down – SEVI… › 2023 › 10 › 31 › nation › last-operating-us…

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

Darren Mack, co-director of the advocacy group Freedom Agenda, described the boat as a “modern day slave ship” used by the department to warehouse detainees, mostly Black and Latino men, with … › news › ap-kenneth-williams-rikers…

Last operating US prison ship, a grim vestige of mass incarceration …

In recent years, the unusual nautical jail has drawn attention primarily for its failures: Last September, a 44-year-old man, Gregory Acevedo, jumped from the top of the ship to his death; The … › explore-ny › the-prison-ship-martyrs-monument

The Prison Ship Martyrs’ Monument – New York Landmarks Conservancy

About The Landmark. In the center of Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn is the Stanford White designed monument to the Prison Ship Martyrs of the American Revolution. Dedicated in 1908, this soaring Doric column honors the 11,500 patriots who died on British prison ships in nearby Wallabout Bay during America’s fight for independence. › equipment › barges

Marine Barges | Barge Transportation & Shipping Vessels | Osprey

Class Lloyds. Trading area Unrestricted Navigation. Dimensions 100.58m x 30.48m x 6.1m. Capacity 12906T. Freeboard min 1.37m. Draught max. 4.73m. Better logistics – delivered by sea, not road. Osprey has a large fleet of registered barges, pontoons & vessels fornearshore construction & deep-sea projects. Contact Osprey’s barge team today. › news › us › articles › 2023-10-31 › last-operating…

Last Operating US Prison Ship, a Grim Vestige of Mass Incarceration …

Oct. 31, 2023, at 12:18 a.m. Last Operating US Prison Ship, a Grim Vestige of Mass Incarceration, Set to Close in NYC. More. Seth Wenig. FILE — The Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center is seen … › news › british-prison-ships-american…

The Appalling Way the British Tried to Recruit Americans Away from …

The HMS Jersey, a 60 gun Royal Navy ship of the line used by the British as a prison ship during the American Revolution. The prisoners were a mix of soldiers, sailors and rebellious civilians … › USA › 2023 › 1031 › Last-U.S.-prison-ship-in…

Last U.S. prison ship in NYC set to close. Why was it open this long?

Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – the last operating prisonship in the United States – is finally closing down. The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said … › plan-for-prison-ships-to-isolate…

Plan for prison ships to isolate dangerous criminals at sea is still in …

Although it was widely criticized by his opponents during the election campaign, President Daniel Noboa insists his plan to send prison shipsand barges out sea is a practical short-term solution to Ecuador’s prison crisis. “Prison ships are being used successfully all over the world, so this is not a crazy idea,” he said in […]

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