SHATTERDAY Saturday And Bloody Black Sunday 611/911, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyhead Sheeple It's Almost Time To Witness NO M.A.G.A. Because The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Demoncrats Are Covertly Hard...
SHATTERDAY Saturday And Bloody Black Sunday (611/911) Is Imminent – Please REPENT Now While You Are Still Alive And Able To Do So, DON’T WAIT Y’ALL – Righteously Prepare Now Before It’s Too Late – Please Wake Up And REMEMBER The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements In Conjunction With The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements Involving Soon To Be Massive Widespread False Flag ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks (Larger Scale Mixed 911s) Due To Be Executed Against Extremely Vulnerable America Including Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Low Vibe Weaponized TESLA Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Being Executed In Rapid Fire Succession And This Also Involves Major Attacks Against It’s 12 Strong Allies-Wings-Watchdog Sectors, So Take Heed – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyhead Sheeple Because It’s Almost Time To Witness *NO M.A.G.A.* Because The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Demoncrats Are Covertly Hard At Work Against America Under The Diabolical Commands Of Barack Hussein Obama And His Vile Partner In Crime Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Who Have Cunningly Planned Their Getaways – Stage Left, While The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Horrifically Nightmarishly Terrifyingly Burns Like Hell! SELAH
611/911, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyhead Sheeple!: Please Be Aware That The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic War Mongering Black-Ops ISIS Sleeper Cells – Paid Mercenaries – Diabolical C.D.C./W.H.O./M.A.D. Scientists Of VIRULENT VAXX PLAGUES *Demonic* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Low Vibe Microwaves Activated Multiphase PLANDEMICS – Wicked Alphabet Agencies Worldwide Crime Syndicate Cronies Of Mass Destruction And Death Are Coverly Feverishly Working Up A Mega-Storm Under The Sinisterly Gay Muslim Brotherhood Radical Jihad Main Terrorist Ringleader Of ISIS *Barack Hussein Obama* (The Sinister Fallen Angel Called Nergal-Allah-The Mars Aries Bloodthirsty god Of War, Pestilences, And Noonday Destruction Is Negatively Guiding Him) Evilly Assisted By Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton (The Sinister Fallen Angel goddess EVIL White Witch ISIS Is Negatively Guiding Her) Have Both Wickedly Planned On Giving Murderous Commands To Severely Attack The Vulnerable Doomed Cursed *Not Blessed* ILL-FATED Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great With Massive Widespread False Flag ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks (Horrific Nightmarish Larger Scale Mixed 911$), Which Is Foretold In The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements + The Ezekiel 28th Ch. Judgements + The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements With Major Mixed Attacks Being Executed On Zidon/Sidon/Modern Day Washington D.C. And Tyre/Modern Day NY City/The Whore Of Babylon Including America’s 12 Strong Allies-Wings-Watchdog Sectors As Aforementioned, Involving Aerosolized Biological And Biochemical Weapons – Various Bombs – Fiery Directed Energy Weapons D.E.W.s – Weaponized Microwaves Activated DEMONIC Zombie Rage Apocalypse Vaxx Plagues Multiphase PLANDEMICS – A Massive Widespread False Flag UFO/ALIEN Invasion Involving The Deceptive “Project Blue Beam” Under So-Called Full Disclosure, Including (Satan’s) Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Low Vibe Weaponized TESLA Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Which Are All Due To Suddenly Go Extremely Hot In Rapid Fire Succession As They Covertly Begin The Catastrophic Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Retro-Engineered Worldwide Interconnected *Nimrod Style* TOWER OF BABEL Demonic Netium Network + Dimensional Intrusions + Sinister Fallen Angels BEAM DOWN Telemetry Involving NASA Trying To Forcefully Release Them From Their Supernatural Imprisonment Tesseracts Located Above Within Innerspace, But They Will Also Try To Forcefully Free These Vehemently Unmerciful Hateful Cursed Vile Spiritual Bastards (Many Distressed Desperately Twittering Caged Angry Birds/ALIEN E.T.s Who Can’t Phone Home/Ancient Evil Lower Powered Extremely Deceptive gods Of Destruction And Death) From Many Other Paranormal Locations Throughout The Earth Below Where They Are On Timed Spiritual Lockdown Within Various Dimensional Tesseracts/Supernatural Containment Cages + The Low Vibe *TEXAS DESERTRON* Cloverfield Paradox 4th Dimensional Rift Space-Time Electromagnetic Disturbances Extremely Paranormal *REAL HALLOWEEN* Event Of Horrors + The Covert *HOOVER DAM* Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate Windows-Wormholes Intrusions Event As Ultra-Bright Spectacular Sequential Supernovas Suddenly Start To Fire Up Initially In The Canis Minor Dog Star Constellation (There Will Be 12 Main Cranial Nerve Supernovas Firing Up Within Our Mind’s EYE Innerspace Brain With Higher Dimensional MENTAL SHOCKWAVES Of Holy Heavenly Christ Minded Focus Which The Evil Ones Are Vainly Trying To Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard + Mega-GeoEngineering + Mega-Terraforming + GEOSTORM PREVENTION Paris Climate Change Accord-Pact-Agreement Protocols Secretly Executed By Their Sinister Leader Barack Hussein Obama/Modern Day Evil Pharaoh/Modern Day Nimrod/The Vile Black Zeus/The Diabolical Wizard Of Oz (You Ain’t In Kansas Anymore DOOR-othy, Please REMEMBER Multiple Vainly Attempted Dimensional Intrusions Involving Gradually Opening Supernatural Portals, Heavenly Gateways-Doors, Windows-Wormholes, And Satan’s Artificially Generated Low Vibe Electromagnetic Rosengate Bridges Concerning Many Other Dimensional Worlds That They Are Evilly Vainly Trying To Energetically Connect With), Which They Are Going To Vainly Try To Forcefully Intrude Into, With Epically Failed Hopes Of Wickedly Trying To Break Into Higher Heavenly Dimensional Worlds Of Eternal Existence. But Please REMEMBER That Many Sinister E.T.s/Fallen Angels/Distressed Desperately Twittering Big Angry Birds/Vile Aliens/Vehemently Unmerciful Hateful Lower Powered Extremely Deceptive gods Of Mass Destruction And Death Can’t Energetically Phone Back Home Via Their Aforementioned Highly Advanced Retro-Engineered Tunable Resonant Elemental TESLA System Technologies Infrastructures *Giant Circuit Components* Involving Low Vibe Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Induction Signals Generators/Donut-Ring Shaped Toroidal Particle Colliders/Nuclear Accelerators + Giant Antennas/Transmitters/Transceivers/HAARP/Skyscrapers/Towers + Satellites + Space Station Relays + Many Other Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Negatively Tuned Disharmonic Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale *SCALAR SOUNDWAVES* Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Induction Signals TESLA System Technologies Giant Circuit Components Temporarily Stationed Within Many Doomed Evil Major Cities As Infrastructures Which Millions Of People Are Unknowingly Living Within (Giant Microwave Ovens) Or Located In Close Proximity To These Mutative Deadly TESLA System Scalar Soundwaves Technologies, But Please REMEMBER That Their Vainly Attempted Dimensional Intrusions Will Ultra-Cataclysmically *BACKFIRE* On Them Causing These Doomed Evil Major Cities And Many Other Wicked Places Where These Vile Low Vibe TESLA Technologies Are Temporarily Stationed To Suddenly Become Giant Inescapable Fiery Hellish Wrathful Infernos For Millions Of Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Classed As Unholy TARES….”The Dawn Was A Brilliant Fiery Red”…BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyhead Sheeple Because These Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Events Are Certainly Imminent, Please REMEMBER The The 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch. Judgements + The Isaiah 47th Ch. Judgements + The James 5th Ch. Judgements + The Apocalyptic 4 Horses Judgements (Especially The 2nd Seal Fiery Hellish Wrathful Red Horse Judgements) + The Revelation 18th Ch. Aftermath Judgements + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation (Russia, China, And Their Remaining Strong Allies Are Not Responsible For These Utter Burnings But They Will Be Deceptively Falsely Blamed By The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Demoncrats Who Are Going To Cunningly Instigate Full Scale Nuclear WW3), Please Understand That We Are All In The Prophetic Endtimes With Unstoppable Manifold Perils That Will Suddenly Befall The Cursed Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Classed As Unholy TARES Who Are Fit For The FIRE, But Please REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. Concerning The Supernatural Holy Angelic Protection Of The Rare Precious Righteous Faithful Few Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People (Us Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites-The Real gods Of Psalms 82:6 Who Are Gradually Ascending Up The Heavenly Spiritual WORD Bearing DNA Ladder Of ISHI CHRIST The Holy Savior-We Are Actually Heavenly Celestial Cosmic MetaHumans-Ones Inherently Like ISHI CHRIST The Holy Savior At The Spiritual-DNA-Genetic Levels As The Rare AB+ Blood Type Precious GOLD Classed Highest Ranked People On Earth Including The Rare Indigenous Gentile Servants Humbly Ranked Under Us As The Rare ABO+ Blood Type Precious SILVER), Please REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. And Righteously Faithfully Wisely Joyfully Get Ready Now To Apocalyptically Supernaturally Metaphysically Spiritually Energetically Vigorously Gloriously WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, But Please Don’t Forget To Righteously REPENT Now Before It’s Too Late – READ Jeremiah 11th Ch. + Hosea 2:16 + John 3:16 + 1st John 1:9, Let’s All Joyfully RISE And SHINE Together Into Eternity, Please REMEMBER Saint Luke 17th Ch. + Daniel 12:3 + Isaiah 60th/61st Chs. + Isaiah 30:26 + The Entire Book Of Enoch + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Be Encouraged My Brothers And Sisters, Ahman. SELAH
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(Please Be Aware That Energetic Portal Connections Between The Earth And The Biblical Destroyer Moon Of Satan’s Cataclysmically Destroyed World RAHAB Which Most People Erroneously Call Mars – The Severely Damaged Fragile Decaying Rusty Irony Ancient Anthrax/Biblical Diseased Murrain Spores Shrouded + Volcanically Active Dimensional World Of Blood Rust Pestilence Dust Poison Is Gradually Becoming More Active Due To The Unstoppable Unavoidable Influx-Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy And Amplifying UV Light Energy Radiation Induction Signals That The Receptive Resonant Elemental Dimensional Heavenly Bodies Above Are Absorbing While Gradually Charging Up Including The Indigenous Earth Below As *Spiritually Powered* Ultra-Cataclysmic Necessary Corrective Transformative Worldwide Climate Changes Occur Above And Below Involving Our Indigenous Earth Undergoing The Holy Gene-Sis Fiery Ascension RESETTING Process As She Goes Back To The Base-X Of Uncorrupted Extraordinarily High Vibe Holy Right Order Ultimately With Seven Times Increased Influx-Flow Of Our HOLY HEAVENLY FATHER’S THE MOST HIGH POWER – THE HIGHEST ISHI – THE SPIRITUAL SAVIOR OF YISRAEL’S ETERNAL SPIRIT OF PURE LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY, REMEMBER THAT WE RARE PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND OUR INDIGENOUS EARTH ARE ABOUT TO *SIRIUSLY* GET FIRED UP FROM DEEP WITHIN AT THE SPIRITUAL-DNA-GENETIC LEVELS WITH A GOOD HEALING PURGING PURIFYING IMMUNE SYSTEM AMPLIFYING FIERY FEVER IN ORDER TO APOCALYPTICALLY SUPERNATURALLY METAPHYSICALLY SPIRITUALLY ENERGETICALLY VIGOROUSLY GLORIOUSLY ULTIMATELY *BURN OUT* ALL DOOMED LOW VIBE SINISTER SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-MUTATED-GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED *CAIN LIKE* CURSED CELLULAR PARASITES WHICH TEMPORARILY PLAGUE US AND OUR MULTI-CELLULAR LIVING INDIGENOUS EARTH, GET READY NOW TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN AHMAN. SELAH) › watchNight of the Comet (1984) – 1080p – YouTube
Two sisters, high school seniors in the early 1980s, awaken one morning to blood red skies and the realization that the human race has been wiped out.
Air quality has also plummeted to hazardous levels in western New York, and upstate looks like Mars. Latest live view of Lower Manhattan via @EarthCam. 1:00pm, June 7th, 2023….
Font Size: As the east coast sees dangerous air quality levels due to Canadian wildfires, eerie images have some (us) wondering whether we’re looking at New York City or Mars. Mass evacuations are underway in parts of Canada as hundreds of wildfires engulf the region and send thick clouds of smoke barreling into the U.S. › 2023 › 06 › 08 › nyc-air-quality-hazYour Photos of NYC’s Hazy Orange Skies – Untapped New Y4
The view of the skyline from the Queensboro Plaza subway station was obscured by the bad NYC air quality on Tuesday evening The haze is expected to stick around through the weekend, through…
A ground stop was issued at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey and LaGuardia Airport in New York City on Wednesday afternoon due to low visibility from the smoke and haze, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
A thick veil of Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading south over much of the Midwest, Ohio Valley, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, bringing milky-white skies and dangerous air pollution to the most…
Images June 2023 NY City Very Bad Air Quality Reddish Mars Like Skys
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