UNSTOPPABLE WRATH IS COMING SOON AT LEVELS THAT MANY PEOPLE CAN'T COMPREHEND, REMEMBER THAT THE MOST HIGH IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF US, WE MUST ALL WISELY REPENT!: Please READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch., Amos 5th Ch., Jeremiah 10th Ch., And GENE-SIS 19th Ch., REMEMBER That 2/3rd Of Our Indigneous People Will Be Destroyed Because Of Unrepentant Sins And Only 1/3rd Of YISRAEL-Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Will Make It Through All That's Going To Happen Concerning Many Supernaturally Controlled Wrathful Judgements - Without Dying Due To The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Being Righteously Faithful Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL'S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS Which Is The TRUE LOVE Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER, Ahman. Please Be Aware That Vile Major Cities Populated By Evil Black People Including Many Other Wicked Places Where Our Melanated People Are Willfully Living Extremely Sinful Lifestyles Like Cursed Non-Indigenous Races Of Heathens Are Going To Experience Many Supernaturally Controlled Horrific Nightmarish Extremely Severe Wrathful Judgements. Please TAKE HEED SHEEPLE - Sinister NWO Cronies Are Trying To Start A Civil Race War - FEBRUARY Is So-Called Black History Month - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING - Because The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Know That If Our Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People Are Unwisely Choosing To Not Live Righteously, Then It Gives Them An Open Window To Severely Attack Them Because They Have Unwisely Dropped Their Spiritual Shield-Protection-Armor, Please REMEMBER The Supernatural Angelic Protection Of The Righteous Faithful Few. So Like I Said Before You Are About To Experience And Witness The Evil Ones Of Our Indigenous People Being Destroyed Like Flies In Large Numbers Due To Many Unrepentant Sins. Currently HBCU's Historical Black Colleges And Universities (Temporarily Populated By Mostly Wicked GAYS "LGBTQQIAAS") Are Receiving Bomb Threats, But REMEMBER That THEY Unwisely Erroneously Worship Primarily Molech/Satan And Isis/Ishtar/Lilith Though Unwisely Taking Part In Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Pagan Worldly GAY Insanely Idolatrous Sororities, Fraternities, And Other Secret Society Groups That Worship And Praise Sinister Fallen Angels And Demons To Their Own Horrific Nightmarish Demises. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! SELAH
UNSTOPPABLE WRATH IS COMING SOON AT LEVELS THAT MANY PEOPLE CAN’T COMPREHEND, REMEMBER THAT THE MOST HIGH IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF US, WE MUST ALL WISELY REPENT!: Please READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch., Amos 5th Ch., Jeremiah 10th Ch., And GENE-SIS 19th Ch., REMEMBER That 2/3rd Of Our Indigneous People Will Be Destroyed Because Of Unrepentant Sins And Only 1/3rd Of YISRAEL-Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Will Make It Through All That’s Going To Happen Concerning Many Supernaturally Controlled Wrathful Judgements – Without Dying Due To The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Being Righteously Faithful Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL’S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS Which Is The TRUE LOVE Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER, Ahman. Please Be Aware That Vile Major Cities Populated By Evil Black People Including Many Other Wicked Places Where Our Melanated People Are Willfully Living Extremely Sinful Lifestyles Like Cursed Non-Indigenous Races Of Heathens Are Going To Experience Many Supernaturally Controlled Horrific Nightmarish Extremely Severe Wrathful Judgements. Please TAKE HEED SHEEPLE – Sinister NWO Cronies Are Trying To Start A Civil Race War – FEBRUARY Is So-Called Black History Month – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING – Because The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Know That If Our Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People Are Unwisely Choosing To Not Live Righteously, Then It Gives Them An Open Window To Severely Attack Them Because They Have Unwisely Dropped Their Spiritual Shield-Protection-Armor, Please REMEMBER The Supernatural Angelic Protection Of The Righteous Faithful Few. So Like I Said Before You Are About To Experience And Witness The Evil Ones Of Our Indigenous People Being Destroyed Like Flies In Large Numbers Due To Many Unrepentant Sins. Currently HBCU’s Historical Black Colleges And Universities (Temporarily Populated By Mostly Wicked GAYS “LGBTQQIAAS”) Are Receiving Bomb Threats, But REMEMBER That THEY Unwisely Erroneously Worship Primarily Molech/Satan And Isis/Ishtar/Lilith Though Unwisely Taking Part In Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Pagan Worldly GAY Insanely Idolatrous Sororities, Fraternities, And Other Secret Society Groups That Worship And Praise Sinister Fallen Angels And Demons To Their Own Horrific Nightmarish Demises. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! SELAH
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It’s Almost Time To Pay Your D.E.W.s, WAR-NING $ BEWAR3! SELAH
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Zechariah 13:8 KJV: And it shall come to pass, that in all …
https://biblehub.com › kjv › zechariah › 13-8.htm
King James Bible And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. New King James Version And it shall come to pass in all the land,” Says the LORD, “That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, But one-third shall be left in it:
Gods and Goddesses, Pagan – Bible Study Tools
https://www.biblestudytools.com › dictionaries › bakers-evangelical-dictionary › gods-and-goddesses-pagan.html
Gods and Goddesses, Pagan. God early and clearly commanded the descendants of Abraham not to have any other gods besides him ( Exod 20:3 ). This strict, undivided loyalty was the basis of the covenant relationship Godestablished between himself and the people of Israel. Sadly, the whole of biblical history is punctuated by the numerous times …
Sodom and Gomorrah: What Was the Primary Sin? | Answers in …
https://answersingenesis.org › contradictions-in-the-bible › what-was-primary-sin-sodom-gomorrah
The Bible is not contradicting itself when it states that Sodom and Gomorrah’s sin was sexual immorality and pride (and its related lack of concern for others). The first was an outworking of the second. God can and does judge upon the motives of the heart, but he can and does also judge on the physical actions.
Genesis 19- Sodom and Gomorrah: A Case Study in Gay Pride …
https://www.audible.com › pd › Genesis-19-Sodom-and-Gomorrah-A-Case-Study-in-Gay-Pride-Podcast › B09L55L79H
Check out this great listen on Audible.com. There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about ‘being on the right side of history’ on the issue of ‘homosexuality.’ Listen as Brother Josh Woody looks to an historical biblical account of a city marked by ’gay pride,’ and consider the wrath and judgme…
Bible Verses About Homosexuality – King James Bible Online
https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org › Bible-Verses-About-Homosexuality
Bible verses related to Homosexuality from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. – Sort By Book Order. Leviticus 18:22 – Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Homosexuality is a Sin an Abomination in the Eyes of God
https://mesabiblestudy.com › is-homosexuality-a-sin
Homosexuality is a Detestable and Unnatural Act Yes. Men having sex with each other is an abomination and condemned by God. Women having sex with each other is also an abomination and condemned by God. This isn’t new news, it’s not like all of sudden Christians have come on the scene proclaiming sodomy is a immoral act and a sin in eyes of God.
Licentiousness (Homosexuality/Lesbianism) A Variety of Sins
www.missionprinting.us › html_pubs › Licentiousness A Variety of Sins.html
Lot plead with his fellow townsmen in Sodom to refrain from “this wicked thing.” Peter branded it as “lawless deeds” and called it “filthy conduct.” Jude called it “sexual immorality and perversion.” The law strictly forbade such deportment: “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination
Molech worship included sexual worship … – Gay Christian 101
https://www.gaychristian101.com › Molech.html (BEING GAY/Sexually Immoral IS AN ABOMINATION, READ GENE-SIS 19th Ch. To Understand How The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Judges These Vile Sexual Acts-Sins-Abominations. Many People Will Try To Satanically Justify What They Desire To Do By Skipping Over Precepts Of The HOLY LIVING WORD Of LOVE-TRUTH. Scroll Down To The Bottom Part Of The Page And Witness How Gay Erroneously Unwisely Think That It’s Alright To Do What They Do Involving Extreme Sexual Immorality Which Are Abominations Against Our HEAVENLY FATHER. I Understand Why HE Said That This Godforsaken Nation Of Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Heathens Is Like Sodom And Gomorrah. Again I Included This Post To Show You What Most Gay People Think Concerning Their Unrepentant Lustful Sexual Abominations Even After Reading It In The Holy Word, But I See That They Conveniently Skipped Over GENE-SIS 19th Ch., WAKE UP SHEEPLE! SELAH)
Believing Jews and non-Jews living in the land of Israel were also prohibited from pagan sexual worship of the Canaanite fertility goddess because God viewed such pagan worship as abomination. God intended to prevent His people from practicing the shrine prostitution of the Canaanites, which He warned against in Leviticus 18:3 and 20:23.
How many Pagan/false gods does the Bible … – JesusAlive.cc
https://jesusalive.cc › pagan-false-gods-in-bible
Name Of Pagan/False god: Nehushtan Worshipped By/In: Israel Bible References: (Total Verses): 2 Kin 18:4 (1) Description: Serpent Moses made in wilderness (Num 21:4-9) Name Of Pagan/False god: Nergal Worshipped By/In: Cuth In Babylon Bible References: (Total Verses): 2 Kin 17:30 (1) Description: War and hunting god. Name Of Pagan/False god: Nibhaz
The Major False gods of the OT – Reasoned Cases For Christ
https://bcooper.wordpress.com › 2017 › 07 › 27 › the-major-false-gods-of-the-ot
That Molech worship was already common among the Canaanites when Israelentered the land is evident from the fact that, before Israel entered the land,God warned them against Molech worship as an abomination the Israelites were forbidden to practice, Leviticus 18:21, 20:2-5.
The gods of Canaan – Studies in the Word of God
www.studiesintheword.org › gods_of_canaan.htm
The world lives today with the worship of pagan gods; not just pagan idols but in yielding to the god of pleasure more than to the instructions of the CreatorGod. Even such practices as abortion are a replay of ancient pagan practices of child sacrifice. This sermon describes these wretched similarities.
14. Israel’s Worship (Exodus 20:1-7) – Bible.org
https://bible.org › seriespage › 14-israel-s-worship-exodus-201-7
Israel lived 400 years in Egypt, a nation which had many gods, and the Israelites continued to attempt to worship them (cf. Joshua 24:14; 1 Samuel 8:8). It was for her rejection of God that Israel was sent into captivity (Ezekiel 20).
Major False Gods of the Old Testament – Learn Religions
https://www.learnreligions.com › false-gods-of-the-old-testament-700162
Baal, sometimes called Bel, was the supreme god among the Canaanites, worshiped in many forms, but often as a sun god or storm god. He was a fertility god who supposedly made the earth bear crops and women bear children. Rites involved with Baal worship included cult prostitution and sometimes human sacrifice
Foreign gods – The Bible Journey
https://www.thebiblejourney.org › biblejourney2 › 48-the-jewish-world-of-the-old-testament › foreign-gods
But many foreign gods and goddesses were worshipped in Israel, and the Old Testament is full of references to foreign deities such as Baal, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Chemosh and Molech. ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one!’ (Willy Horst) Baal
We Are Practicing Baal-peor Worship Like Israel of Old We …
https://www.numbers1317.org › resources › We are guilty of practicing Baal-Peor Worship.pdf
God placed the Holiness Code prohibitions of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 in more than the context of worshiping false gods, 18:3, 21 and 20:2-5, 23. Formany centuries before Israel entered the land of Palestine, ancient Canaanite fertility cults used same sex rituals to worship their false gods
What the Bible says about Israel’s Idolatry – Bible Tools
https://www.bibletools.org › index.cfm › fuseaction › Topical.show › RTD › cgg › ID › 5664 › Israels-Idolatry.htm
What the Bible says about Israel’s Idolatry. ( From Forerunner Commentary ) Exodus 32:2-10. The Israelites’ lack of faith while Moses was on Mt. Sinai made them feel insecure. Moses was gone less than 40 days when the Israelites fashioned a calf of molded gold to substitute for the invisible Creator God.
Why Israel Turned Its Back on God – Step Study Teach
https://www.stepstudyteach.com › bible-notes › why-israel-turned-its-back-on-god
God told Israel that he would not do what they could do, but did not do. The Israelites were instructed to fully evict the enemy from the land. But, they failed to do this. As God said, these pagan nations became a thorn in Israel’sside, and even worse, their gods became a snare for Israel
Illumaniti – Page 15 – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft
https://www.exposingsatanism.org › category › illumaniti › page › 15
The Masonic Order Lucifer’s little helpers? A little background Masons claim there is an ancient connection way back to Adam and Eve. … Fraternities andSororities - Molding societies future Perverts. August 4, 2020 January 9, … Illumaniti, New Age, Paganism, Witchcraft Tags 33, angel worship, angels,Fallen angels, Idol worship, occult …
Hand Symbol Ok Illuminati [3TJM8Y]
https://oshitaru.pecorino.sardegna.it › Ok_Hand_Symbol_Illuminati.html
There’s the classic “a-ok” symbol, which apparently means the devil’s number ’666. The following videos have been selected because in 6 or 7 or 10 minutes they can help explain how pop TV media and Hollywood Illuminati produced motion picture films, aka “movies” are “orchestrating” a reality for humanity which is not actually …
Christians and Greek Life: Should I Pledge a Fraternity or …
https://www.tblfaithnews.com › faith-religion › christians-and-greek-life-should-i-pledge-a-fraternity-or-sorority
It was an owl-shaped diamond cluster, and when asked about it, she said it was a sorority ring. The owl signified hidden wisdom, and was the sorority mascot. The minister discerned that there was a demon connected with the ring, and when it was thrown away and her sorority vows renounced, a demoncame out of the woman.
Satanic Symbols – The Most Powerful Satanic Symbols …
https://www.bigchitheory.com › satanic-symbols
A magical symbol representing a demon or fallen angel, Sigil of Lucifer is used to conjure the demons and make a bond between the magician and thedemon to accomplish one’s will using the demon. The Sigil of Lucifer was first recorded in the middle ages in the instruction books about black magic, grimoires.
Major False Gods of the Old Testament – Learn Religions
https://www.learnreligions.com › false-gods-of-the-old-testament-700162
Many Bible scholars are convinced some of these so-called divine beings could indeed do amazing acts because they were demons, or fallen angels, disguising themselves as gods. “They sacrificed to demons, which are not God, gods they had not known…,” says Deuteronomy 32:17 ( NIV ) about idols.
Secret Societies and Fraternities – Judeo-Christian Clarion
https://judeochristianclarion.com › brochures › secret-societies-fraternities
Secret Societies and Fraternities. Some Christians may face the temptation to join a fraternity, secret society, or other such organization. These groups have historically achieved some level of success even among believers. By appealing to the desires of mankind for greater degrees of wisdom, closer ties to friend and neighbor, and insight …
How The Devil Rules The World And Kamala Harris Was Chosen …
https://www.nairaland.com › 6054004 › how-devil-rules-world-kamala
How The Devil Rules The World And Kamala Harris Was Chosen by TheBedWench: 12:31pm On Aug 14, 2020. Greetings. Understand polytheistic pagan worshippers are ruling the world. Kamala Harris is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha which is a pagan Greek sorority cult yet it does have trannies in the cult like Michael Obama
The Occult Masonic Temple God | Freemasonry | Ancient Egypt
https://pt.scribd.com › document › 4096094 › The-Occult-Masonic-Temple-God
The Bible clearly states that Satan is the “prince” and “lord” of this world – John 12: 31 & 14: 30, Eph. 6: 12, Luke 4: 6-7, and 2 Cor. 4: 4 – and in fact has dominion over this fallen world) This King of the World, according to Eastern tradition, has a rule and influence which stretches to the surface world by means of trusted emissaries
Gangstalking Freemason [2J0MUV]
https://ridzuran.notizie.sardegna.it › Freemason_Gangstalking.html
It is ancient, and secret societies (such as the Freemasons) are still being used to gather intelligence, Gang Stalk, and target and terrorize any individual perceived to have integrity, as righteous individuals are considered impossible to predict, control, or corrupt; they also have a special destiny. It’s not healthy to ask why
Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order – Top …
https://topdocumentaryfilms.com › age-deceit-fallen-angels-new-world-order
A biblical look at the history of fallen angels and it’s relationship to the New World Order and the new age movement. Topics covered are the fall of mankind, the pre-flood world as Atlantis, the new age through theosophy, thefallen angels and their origin of planting the seeds to society, UFOs, ETs and abduction cases, demonic possession .
Black Lives Matter is Run by Three Lesbian Witches …
https://www.exposingsatanism.org › black-lives-matter-is-run-by-three-lesbian-witches
Black Lives Matter is Run by Three Lesbian Witches. August 15, 2020 by Jon Watkins. The video compilation below shows nationally-syndicated radio host Bishop Larry Gaiters exposing the West African Odu Ifa witchcraft practiced by the founders and leaders of Black Lives Matter. Look Folks, this stuff IS REAL
Eight Secret Societies You Might Not Know | History …
https://www.smithsonianmag.com › history › secret-societies-you-might-not-know-180958294
according to the non-profit african american registry, the fraternal order was founded in cincinnati, ohio, in 1899 after two black men were denied admission to the benelovent and protective order…
9 Of The Most Dangerous Secret Societies In The World
https://www.indiatimes.com › culture › who-we-are › 9-of-the-most-dangerous-secret-societies-in-the-world-247678.html
Assassin, or Hashashin, is considered to be one of the most fearful of all thesecret societies in the world. They are known for striking down their targets regardless of the number of security personnel that guard them. Between 1090 and 1256, there were eight grand masters who ruled the society of Assassins.
Home – denouncegreek
There are several reasons to denounce secret societies, fraternities,sororities, or secret oath-based organizations especially if you are a Child of Elohim/Joint Heir to Yahusha/Born Again/Salvation & Filled with the Holy Spirit. … and HOSEA 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The Almighty has geared my ministry mainly …
5 of History’s Most Mysterious Secret Societies – HISTORY
https://www.history.com › news › secret-societies-freemasons-knights-templar
The Order of Skull and Bones is a secret society founded at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut in 1832. Skull and Bones founder William Huntington Russell was inspired by an occult society …
9 of the Most Exclusive College Secret Societies | Mental …
https://www.mentalfloss.com › article › 86032 › 9-most-exclusive-college-secret-societies
One of the most famous (and infamous) secret college societies in the U.S. is the Skull and Bones at Yale. Previous alumni include such notables as George Bush senior, George W. Bush, and John Kerry.
6 Secret Societies Presidents Have Belonged To – Thrillist
https://www.thrillist.com › culture › 6-secret-societies-american-presidents-have-belonged-to
We love stories about secret societies—just look at … While most campusfraternities are known for … but plenty have accused the group over the years of being an evil occult society. There …
The World’s Most Powerful Secret Societies: Who’s Really …
https://www.outsiderclub.com › report › the-worlds-most-powerful-secret-societies-whos-really-running-the-world › 1063
This top-secret, invitation-only meeting has taken place every year since 1954. The inaugural meeting was in Oosterbeek, Netherlands at the Bilderberg Hotel, from which the group got its name. Annual attendees — 80 of the world’s most powerful people — are members. The rest are chosen by the group’s Steering Committee.
THE BLACK SUN PROPHECY – Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis
https://groundzeromedia.org › the-black-sun-prophecy
The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secretsocieties. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti-matter. The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well.
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