The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be And Their Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Cronies-Agents-Minions-Heathens Are Covertly Going To Poison Many Cities And Towns Water Supplies, Please REMEMBER That The "World War Z" Zombie Rage Outbreak Started In Philadelphia. Did THEY Recently Rupture The Water Main On Purpose As A Deceptive Cover For So-Called Repair While Secretly Poisoning The City's Water Supply In The Process. Please REMEMBER That Ancient Anthrax Known As Biblical Murrain Of The First Exodus Plagues Has Been Covertly Extracted And Genetically Engineered-Modified Into Many Different Forms Of Biological/Biochemical Weapons That Can Be Spread Quickly From Human To Human Once Ingested And Then Becomes Airborne Or Can Be Passed Along To The Next Person Via Bites Or Bodily Fluids (Please Get Ready For The Weaponized Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Activation Of The *DEMONIC* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Cocktail Retroviral NWO PLANDEMIC That Will Severely Ravage The Already Diminishing Population Of The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great/The Heavily Militarized Arm Of The New Age Roman Empire Of Esau Which In The Past Experienced An Ancient Zombie Outbreak Of The Black Death/Bubonic Plague, But This Time Around It Will Be More Horrifically Nightmarishly Virulent With Billions Of Lives Lost Worldwide Due To Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Genetic Engineering. Please REMEMBER The PLUM ISLAND Biological/Biochemical Weapons Research Laboratory Facility Including The C.D.C. And W.H.O. That Covertly Work For The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Who Are Secretly Assisting THEM In The Multi-Phase Destruction Of Billions Of People's Fragile Lives Worldwide Under Their Pre-Planned Murderous Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 NWO Population Control Protocols While Covertly Reprogramming The DNA/Genes/Brains/Cells Of Millions Of Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress In The Process, Who Are Still Undergoing More Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Quickly Leading To The *FINAL PHASE* That's Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th/22nd Chs., So Please PRAY - WAKE UP - REPENT - WISE UP - STAY SOBER - SHOW LOVE - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW Before Its Too Late, Ahman. Also Please Be Aware That The Extremely Vile Highly Deceptive DEMONCRATIC *Neragl-Allah-Fallen Angel* False Love Faction Involving Barack HUSSEIN Obama's NWO-UN-ISIS-ALPHABET Agencies Worldwide Crime Syndicate Including The Sinister Satanic Faction Involving The White Jew-ish Imposters Of The FAKE Nation Of Israel Known As The Synagogue Of Satan Covertly Allied With The *Kenites* Who Are Bloodthirsty Flesh Eating Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Descendants Of Satan's Vile Son Cain And The Fear Mongering Reptilian Faction Involving The Evil Republicans Of The Old World Order Republic For Which It Stands Are All Covertly Hard At Work Against Primarily Us Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People As Their Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Factions Murderously Fight For Who Will Have World Domination Under Their Evil Forms Of A Dystopian NWO With Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Control Of The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress, Involving The Sheeple That Will Be Left Over From The Initial Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction/FALL Of The Godforsaken USA Known As Mystery Babylon The Great, Who Will Be Buying And Selling As Cursed Monstrously Mutated Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Insanely Idolatrous Consumers Temporarily Operating During The Great Tribulation Within A NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Under Primarily Under Satan's Highly Deceptive Emergency Economic Recovery System Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Slavery, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! SELAH
The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be And Their Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Cronies-Agents-Minions-Heathens Are Covertly Going To Poison Many Cities And Towns Water Supplies, Please REMEMBER That The “World War Z” Zombie Rage Outbreak Started In Philadelphia. Did THEY Recently Rupture The Water Main On Purpose As A Deceptive Cover For So-Called Repair While Secretly Poisoning The City’s Water Supply In The Process. Please REMEMBER That Ancient Anthrax Known As Biblical Murrain Of The First Exodus Plagues Has Been Covertly Extracted And Genetically Engineered-Modified Into Many Different Forms Of Biological/Biochemical Weapons That Can Be Spread Quickly From Human To Human Once Ingested And Then Becomes Airborne Or Can Be Passed Along To The Next Person Via Bites Or Bodily Fluids (Please Get Ready For The Weaponized Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Activation Of The *DEMONIC* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Cocktail Retroviral NWO PLANDEMIC That Will Severely Ravage The Already Diminishing Population Of The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great/The Heavily Militarized Arm Of The New Age Roman Empire Of Esau Which In The Past Experienced An Ancient Zombie Outbreak Of The Black Death/Bubonic Plague, But This Time Around It Will Be More Horrifically Nightmarishly Virulent With Billions Of Lives Lost Worldwide Due To Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Genetic Engineering. Please REMEMBER The PLUM ISLAND Biological/Biochemical Weapons Research Laboratory Facility Including The C.D.C. And W.H.O. That Covertly Work For The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Who Are Secretly Assisting THEM In The Multi-Phase Destruction Of Billions Of People’s Fragile Lives Worldwide Under Their Pre-Planned Murderous Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 NWO Population Control Protocols While Covertly Reprogramming The DNA/Genes/Brains/Cells Of Millions Of Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress In The Process, Who Are Still Undergoing More Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Quickly Leading To The *FINAL PHASE* That’s Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th/22nd Chs., So Please PRAY – WAKE UP – REPENT – WISE UP – STAY SOBER – SHOW LOVE – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before Its Too Late, Ahman. Also Please Be Aware That The Extremely Vile Highly Deceptive DEMONCRATIC *Neragl-Allah-Fallen Angel* False Love Faction Involving Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s NWO-UN-ISIS-ALPHABET Agencies Worldwide Crime Syndicate Including The Sinister Satanic Faction Involving The White Jew-ish Imposters Of The FAKE Nation Of Israel Known As The Synagogue Of Satan Covertly Allied With The *Kenites* Who Are Bloodthirsty Flesh Eating Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Descendants Of Satan’s Vile Son Cain And The Fear Mongering Reptilian Faction Involving The Evil Republicans Of The Old World Order Republic For Which It Stands Are All Covertly Hard At Work Against Primarily Us Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People As Their Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Factions Murderously Fight For Who Will Have World Domination Under Their Evil Forms Of A Dystopian NWO With Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Control Of The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress, Involving The Sheeple That Will Be Left Over From The Initial Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction/FALL Of The Godforsaken USA Known As Mystery Babylon The Great, Who Will Be Buying And Selling As Cursed Monstrously Mutated Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Insanely Idolatrous Consumers Temporarily Operating During The Great Tribulation Within A NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Under Primarily Under Satan’s Highly Deceptive Emergency Economic Recovery System Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Slavery, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! SELAH
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The Crazies (2010) – IMDb › title › tt0455407
Play trailer 3:01 17 Videos 99+ Photos Horror Mystery Thriller After a strange and insecure plane crash, an unusual toxic virus enters a quaint farming town. A young couple are quarantined, but they fight for survival along with help from a couple of people. Director Breck Eisner Writers Scott Kosar (screenplay) Ray Wright (screenplay)
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Cabin Fever: Directed by Eli Roth. With Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd, James DeBello, Cerina Vincent. Five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.
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The Stand (TV Mini Series 1994) – IMDb › title › tt0108941
Adventure Drama Fantasy After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups – one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a malevolent being – to face each other in a final battle between good and evil. Stars Gary Sinise Molly Ringwald Jamey Sheridan See production, box office & company info
identify this movie – Contaminated water horror film, army … › questions › 66699 › contaminated-water-horror-film-army-poisons-vet-to-shut-her-up
The start of the movie has small town veterinarian investigating sick animals (horses?). Then humans become sick. It turns out the water supply is toxic. The vet survives because she is a bottled water fanatic and doesn’t drink tapwater. Authorities quarantine the town.
Zombie Farm (2007) – IMDb › title › tt00499601
Horror Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombies after Taliban warriors poison the local water supply. The only hope for humanity are two FBI agents and four party-crazed college students. Director B. Luciano Barsuglia Writer B. Luciano Barsuglia Stars Bobby Field Javier Morga
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009) – IMDb › title › tt1377290
Fast Zombies with Guns: Directed by Bennie Woodell. With Leena Kurishingal, Tony Swansey, Will Cummings III, Dennis Doornbos. Collateral damage….sometimes it’s unavoidable. Paul Varlo’s attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an outbreak ofzombie carnage.
VideosPhotoPlot SummaryRelease DateTechnical Specs
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009) – IMDb › title › tt001377290
Paul Varlo’s attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an outbreak of zombie carnage. To make matters worse, these zombies are different, they’re faster, meaner and they’re armed. Wi… Read all 2.2/10 122 Director Bennie Woodell Writer Bennie Woodell Stars Leena Kurishingal Tony Swansey
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This post-apocalyptic tale starring Sandra Bullock and her two children, who must cross a dangerous river while blindfolded, tells the story of a single mother’s harrowing journey in a world where she is unable to see. Isn’t this plot a touch familiar?
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The last few survivors live in homes with blacked-out windows, strapping blindfolds on whenever they need to venture out for supplies. The movie stars Sandra Bullock, Trevante Rhodes, John…
identify this movie – Contaminated water horror film, army … › questions › 66699 › contaminated-water-horror-film-army-poisons-vet-to-shut-her-up
The start of the movie has small town veterinarian investigating sick animals (horses?). Then humans become sick. It turns out the water supply is toxic. The vet survives because she is a bottled water fanatic and doesn’t drink tapwater. Authorities quarantine the town.
Fast Zombies with Guns streaming: where to watch online? › us › movie › fast-zombies-with-guns
Paul Varlo’s attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an outbreak of zombie carnage. To make matters worse, these zombies are different, they’re faster, meaner and they’re armed.
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A tenacious lawyer takes on a case involving a major company responsible for causing several people to be diagnosed with leukemia due to the town’swater supply being contaminated, at the risk of bankrupting his firm and career. Director: Steven Zaillian | Stars: John Travolta, Robert Duvall, Kathleen Quinlan, Tony Shalhoub
The Walking Dead Recap: Zombies and Water Don’t Mix › 2011 › 11 › walking-dead-recap-zombies-in-the-water.html
First we must discuss the powwow between Hershel and the gang about how to best search for that other most precious pain in the asset, Sophia. Hershel has a handy map of the entire countryside …
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The riveting Japanese film “Kansen” (“Infection”) plays a bit like “Assault on Precinct 13″ meets “Cabin Fever,” as the staff of a neglected, understaffed, out-of-the-way hospital reluctantly takes in a patient infected with a disease that turns you crazy before melting your organs into a green ooze.
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009) – Plot Summary – IMDb › title › tt001377290 › plotsummary
Paul Varlo’s attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an outbreak of zombie carnage. To make matters worse, these zombies are different, they’re faster, meaner and they’re armed. … Best Zombie Movies ever a list of 240 titles created 08 Feb 2017 ZombieMovies 2000 – Now a list of 141 titles …
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009) – Movie | Moviefone › movie › fast-zombies-with-guns › 1439131 › main
17 NR 1 hr 27 min Jan 1st, 2009 Horror Collateral damage….sometimes it’s unavoidable. Paul Varlo’s attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an…
Zombie Farm (2007) | Radio Times › movie-guide › b-nwyyv6 › zombie-farm
Zombie Farm (2007) | Radio Times Home Zombie Farm Zombie Farm Summary How to watch Zombie Farm Horror 2007 B. Luciano Barsuglia 81 mins Summary Powered By How to watch Credits Cast Crew Details…
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009) – Bennie Woodell | Synopsis … › movie › fast-zombies-with-guns-v492901
Synopsis by Jason Buchanan A mob hit gone awry results in a plague of running zombies that know how to handle firearms. Paul Varlo was attempting to silence a rat when he poisoned the water supply of the man about to turn evidence on him. But when the poison taints the water supply, the result is an army of flesh-eating zombies.
Death Street USA (1988) Horror, Sci-Fi – Dir.Nico Mastorakis › movies › death-street-usa-movie-5158.html
Movie release dates/review for Death Street USA 1988, Horror, Sci-Fi, Actionmovie directed by Nico Mastorakis.Synopsis: Scientists poison the watersupply of a small town, turning the residents into homicidal maniacs who kill each other and anybody who passes through.
Zombie Farm | › 2009 › 02 › 04 › zombie-movies › zombie-farm
Zombie Farm ” Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombies after Taliban warriors poison the local water supply. Humanity’s only hope are two FBI agents and four party-crazed college students. The harvest has begun.
Zombie Farm streaming: where to watch movie online? › us › movie › zombie-farm-2007
Rachel Riley Sweet Thing Jed Rowen Inbred Jed Jon Snow Dr. Emil Santos Synopsis Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombies after Taliban warriors poison the local water supply. The only hope for humanity are two FBI agents and four party-crazed college students.
Watch RiffTrax: Nightmare at Noon | Prime Video › RiffTrax-Nightmare-Michael-J-Nelson › dp › B01MQIGSK6
The stars of MST3K bring their comedic riffing to this cheesy 80′s movie aboutscientists poisoning the water supply of a small town! This feature is a parody and contains the original movie combined with a comedic commentary by Mike, Kevin and Bill from RiffTrax (former stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000). Directors David D. Martin Starring
Zombie Farm (2009) – Movie | Moviefone › movie › zombie-farm › 10050895 › main
21 NR 1 hr 30 min Jan 1st, 2009 Horror Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombiesafter Taliban warriors poison the local water…
Alpha Is Definitely Poisoning The Water On ‘Walking Dead’ › p › everyone-in-alexandria-is-sick-on-the-walking-dead-siddiq-may-know-why-19298064
Spoilers ahead for The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 6. Negan fled Alexandria at the right time — and that’s not just because his life was on the line. A sickness in Alexandria on The Walking …
Zombie Farm (2007) — The Movie Database (TMDb) › movie › 488813-zombie-farm
Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombies after Taliban warriors poison the local water supply. The only hope for humanity are two FBI agents and four party-crazed college students.
Public Health in the Movies | College of Public Health … › news › 2013 › 02 › public-health-movies
Erin Brockovich finds a local electricity company has contaminated a neighboring town’s water supply leading to the poisoning of many residents. She works with others in a legal action against the company. The Omega Man A doctor who got an experimental vaccine is the only survivor of an apocalyptic war waged with biological weapons.
‘The Crazies’ Review: Don’t Drink the Water – TIME › time › arts › article › 0,8599,1968240,00.html
This is a remake of the 1973 The Crazies, by George A. Romero, whose 1968zombie classic Night of the Living Dead has been the inspiration for countless remakes and rip-offs. (Romero’s latest film, Survival of the Dead, may go direct to video.) The Crazies — about people whose minds are poisoned by the town’s water supply — wasn’t quite so … Fast Zombies With Guns: Various, Chemical Burn … › Fast-Zombies-Guns-Various › dp › B004WD1J60
Collateral Damage. Sometimes it’s unavoidable. Mobster kingpin Paul Vario’s (Charles Ramsey) attempts to kill a potential rat by poisoning his personalwater supply, leading to something he never saw coming: Zombie Carnage! To make matters worse, these zombies are different: they’re faster, meaner and they’re armed.
Zombie Farm DVD Movie Review | › php › article-3510-1.html
There is no escaping the fact that Zombie Farm is more about sociopolitical allegories than it is about bloodthirsty undead monsters. The trouble starts in the small town of Muerto Verde, CA., where a gang of Taliban warriors haspoisoned the water supply, turning everyone, inexplicably, into cannibals.
Movie Review: ‘Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City … › movie-review-resident-evil-welcome-to-raccoon-city
The sketchy plot proposes that a corrupt pharmaceuticals conglomerate, the Umbrella Corporation, has poisoned the water supply of the titular factory town. The tainted H2O is rapidly transforming most of Raccoon City’s inhabitants into undead fanciers of human flesh.
Water Source Tampering – TV Tropes › pmwiki › pmwiki.php › Main › WaterSourceTampering
In A Cure for Love Kira ‘s ultimate scheme is to release a Sterility Plague into the water supply so that he may gain absolute control over the human race.; Power Rangers Mythos features a variation of this, as the villain Avanth sets up a series of nodes on Earth that essentially “poisons” the Morphing Grid, the source of power for the various teams of Power Rangers.
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City. Published Nov. 22 … › article.asp?ID=191173
A corrupt corporation has poisoned the water supply of the titular factory town, transforming most of its inhabitants into flesh-eating zombies. Among their targets are a police officer (Robbie Amell), his estranged sister (Kaya Scodelario) and three of his colleagues (Hannah John-Kamen, Tom Hopper and Avan Jogia
Sort by Popularity – Most Popular Movies and TV Shows … › search › keyword › ?keywords=contaminated-water
A tenacious lawyer takes on a case involving a major company responsible for causing several people to be diagnosed with leukemia due to the town’swater supply being contaminated, at the risk of bankrupting his firm and career. Director: Steven Zaillian | Stars: John Travolta, Robert Duvall, Kathleen Quinlan, Tony Shalhoub
Water supply terrorism – Wikipedia › wiki › Water_supply_terrorism
The film V for Vendetta (2006) features corrupt government leaders contaminating London’s water supply. In the video game Final Fantasy VI (1994), a siege on the fictional kingdom of Doma by an army of the Gestahlian Empire is broken when Kefka Palazzo releases a deadly poison into Doma’swater supply.
identify this movie – Contaminated water horror film, army … › questions › 66699 › contaminated-water-horror-film-army-poisons-vet-to-shut-her-up
It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. The start of themovie has small town veterinarian investigating sick animals (horses?). Then humans become sick. It turns out the water supply is toxic. The vet survives because she is a bottled water fanatic and doesn’t drink tap water. Authorities quarantine the town.
Hacker tries to poison Florida town’s water supply › en-us › news › us › hacker-tries-to-tamper-with-florida-towns-water-supply › ar-BB1dvQjr
The hacker was controlling the computer system’s mouse — opening various functions on the screen and changing the sodium hydroxide in the watersupply from about 100 parts per million to more than…
A Hacker Tried to Poison a Florida Town’s Water Supply … › pinellas-county-florida-sheriff-says-someone-tried-to-poison-the-city-of-oldsmars-water-supply
A rogue actor remotely accessed a Florida city’s water treatment system and tried to poison it by increasing the lye concentration to over 100 times the normal amount, Pinellas County Sheriff …
Sheriff: Hackers tried to poison Florida town’s water supply › 2021 › 02 › 08 › sheriff-hackers-tried-to-poison-florida-towns-water-supply
Feb 8, 2021Hackers broke into a water treatment facility that serves thetown of Oldsmar in Florida on Friday and attempted to poison the watersupply, the Pinellas County Sheriff said on Monday. The hackers …
“Dark Waters” Film Exposes Cancer Risks Behind Teflon … › article › dark-waters-film-exposes-cancer-risks-behind-teflon-video
A new film based on true events and starring actor Mark Ruffalo sheds light on how one of America’s most powerful corporations contaminated a town’sdrinking water with a toxic chemical linked to cancer, reports Time. In DarkWaters, Ruffalo portrays the real-life corporate lawyer Robert Bilott, who in 1998 became an environmental crusader.
Hacker tries to poison water supply of Florida city – BBC News › news › world-us-canada-55989843
Hacker tries to poison water supply of Florida city 8 February 2021 Officials said “at no time was there a significant adverse effect on the water being treated” A computer hacker gained access to…
What is the movie where a town’s milk supply gets … › Q › What_is_the_movie_where_a_town’s_milk_supply_gets_contaminated_by_the_cows_drinking_bad_water_Then_the_towns_people_get_angry_very_easily_There_was_a_scene_where_cop_shoots_some_kidrunningfromhim
What is the movie where a town’s milk supply gets contaminated by the cows drinking bad water Then the towns people get angry very easily There was a scene where cop shoots some kidrunningfromhim?
A tiny town’s mining past brings movies, tourists and … › nation › 2022 › 01 › 09 › tiny-towns-mining-past-brings-movies-tourists-environmental-problems
Jan 9, 2022A tiny town’s mining past brings movies, tourists and environmental problems Though the remnants of its coal legacy lead to contaminated runoff and flooding, Madrid, N.M., doesn’t want them to …
Sort by Popularity – Most Popular Movies and TV Shows … › search › keyword › ?keywords=water-pollution
Sort by Popularity – Most Popular Movies and TV Shows tagged with keyword “water-pollution”. 1. Dark Waters (2019) A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution. 2.
Water in the Movies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly … › entry › water-in-the-movies-the-g_b_686646
The Tuxedo (2002): Wilson and Leeson’s movie with Jackie Chan and a power hungry bottled-water mogul trying to destroy the world’s natural water supply to force everyone to drink his bottled water. Batman Begins (2005): portrays a terrorist attempt to destroy Gotham by introducing a vapor-borne hallucinogen into the water system.
A Black town’s water is more poisoned than Flint’s. In a … › us-news › 2021 › sep › 21 › benton-harbor-michigan-lead-water-poisoned
Sep 21, 2021A Black town’s water is more poisoned than Flint’s. In a whitetown nearby, it’s clean A volunteer hands out water to residents in Benton Harbor this month. Photograph: Jim Vondruska/The Guardian…
Top 10 Toxic Ghost Towns – Listverse › 2017 › 06 › 16 › top-10-toxic-ghost-towns
The town is still toxic. While the air quality meets the government’s minimum standards, windy days blow large amounts of lead throughout the city. Even wildlife is not safe from the area’s toxins. In 2015, more than 1,000 migratory birds were found dead across Picher. It is believed that they died of zinc poisoning.
Cities With the Most Contaminated Tap Water in the US › cities-worst-tap-water-us-2019-3?op=1
Industrial towns like Pittsburgh and Detroit have discovered unsafe levels of lead in their water, which can lead to permanent brain damage in children. Other cities are reeling from the aftermath…
A Hacker Tried to Poison the Water Supply in a Florida … › hacker-tried-to-poison-water-supply-in-oldsmar-florida-2021-2?op=1
A Florida town of 15,000 people was the target of a cyberattack at the localwater treatment plant. The hacker tried to raise the amount of sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, in the water by …
Gutfeld on the hacker who tried to poison a Florida city’s … › opinion › gutfeld-hacker-poison-florida-water-supply
hacker tried to poison florida water supply near super bowl, police say The hacker increased sodium hydroxide — that’s lye — from 100 parts per million, to 11,100 parts per million. Lye is what …
The 10 Most Poisoned Bodies Of Water In The World › most-shocking › the-10-most-poisoned-bodies-of-water-in-the-world
Flint, Michigan made headlines when it was uncovered that 25,000 children had been exposed to lead contamination from the city’s water supply. In a cost-saving measure, Flint switched its water source from Detroit to the Flint River. Kids broke out in rashes and scabies. Others stopped growing, or became irritable and aggressive.
Flint water crisis – Wikipedia › wiki › Flint_water_crisis
The Flint water crisis was a public health crisis that started in 2014 and lasted until 2019, after the drinking water for the city of Flint, Michigan was contaminated with lead and possibly Legionella bacteria. In April 2014, during a budget crisis, Flint changed its water source from treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department water (sourced from Lake Huron and the Detroit River) to the …
This Mayan city died out after inadvertently poisoning its … › world-news › .premium-death-knell-for-mayan-city-inadvertently-poisoned-its-own-water-supply-1.8953324
This Mayan City Died Out After Inadvertently Poisoning Its Own Water Supply. Our Mega-cities Could Be Next . As drought ravaged the land, the people of Tikal were dependent on their dwindling water reservoirs, which archaeologists now discover were fatally polluted
‘Plan A’ dramatizes real plot to kill millions of Germans … › plan-a-dramatizes-real-plot-to-kill-millions-of-germans-as-payback-for-holocaust
According to the film, Nakam plotted to poison the water supply in five German cities — Nuremberg, Munich, Weimar, Cologne and Hamburg. “[Nuremberg] had the most advanced cell,” Yoav Paz said.
Monsanto Poisoned This Alabama Town – BuzzFeed News › article › harrietwashington › monsanto-anniston-harriet-washington-environmental-racism
Monsanto Poisoned This Alabama Town — And People Are Still Sick. Monsanto Industrial Chemicals admitted to poisoning residents of Anniston, Alabama, with PCBs. Years after a settlement, people are still sick. An excerpt from Harriet Washington’s A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind.
French team confirms poison in water supply – UPI Archives › Archives › 1989 › 12 › 29 › French-team-confirms-poison-in-water-supply › 8183630910800
Dec 29, 1989French team confirms poison in water supply. … nerve gas was dumped into a Romanian town’s water supply during the … City workers drained and inspected the water tower before beginning the …
Jammu and Kashmir’s drinking water poisoned by pesticides … › jammu-and-kashmirs-drinking-water-poisoned-by-pesticides
Jammu and Kashmir’s drinking water poisoned by pesticides Shali Ganga river around Ashtar valley Pir Panjaal mountain range. Picture Courtesy: Raja Muzaffar Bhat The use of pesticides in orchard farms and paddy fields of this scenic state has led to the chemicals seeping into rivers and streams and affecting drinking water sources.
Georgia Today: Is coal ash poisoning water In Juliette, Ga … › news › 2021 › 12 › 31 › georgia-today-coal-ash-poisoning-water-in-juliette-ga-residents-say-yes-and-they
The film explores the story of a small community north of Macon called Juliette. The town is also home to Georgia Power Plant Scherer, one of the biggest coal-fired power plants in the country. The film tracks what happens after residents discover coal ash from the plant could be poisoning their drinking water.
Water Source Tampering – TV Tropes › pmwiki › pmwiki.php › Main › WaterSourceTampering
Attempted in a city in Oregon where a cult planned to poison a water supply to make the residents sick so they could rig an election and get their own cult members elected. The good news is that in the dry run, which involved poisoning salad bar food, they were ultimately tried and convicted and lost the election.
How can i poison my citys water supply › bbs › topic › 1469396
Response to How can i poison my citys water supply ? 2021-04-27 15:54:16 Back in the woods the uptown folks got sick from a dead bird that got into thewater supply pipe. Someone left the cover off after checking for clogs.
33 Cities Across US Have Lead Contaminated Water Like … › news-politics › politics › news › a45451 › lead-water-crisis-33-cities
In Michigan, a department of environmental quality (MDEQ) official told the director of a town water department in a Detroit suburb called Howell to “bump this one out”, referring to a sample with …
Truth in the end? Was Erin Brockovich wrong? – AR15.COM › forums › general › Truth_in_the_end___Was_Erin_Brockovich_wrong_ › 5-1133258
Chromium-6 was discovered in harmful levels in the tap water of 31 of 35cities tested. Water utilities are not required by EPA to test for Chromium-6 even though it is a known carcinogen, and they generally don’t. EPA does however require control of CO2 now, which is exhaled by humans, and used by plants to make Oxgen.
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