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JANUARY 6th EPIPHANY Could Be THE DAY When Suddenly "Destruction Lays Waste At Noonday", As Foretold In Psalms 91st Ch. BEWAR3 $ WAR-Ning, Which Could Also Be The Horrific Nightmarish Mega-Chaotic Time That Many High Level Evil Political Leaders Of Sinister Illuminati Secret Societies Coverty Evacuate The Scene And Scurry Into Their Semi-Fortified So-Called Locations Of Safety As The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Experiences The REVELATION 17th Ch. Judgements Including The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements, But REMEMBER That Barack HUSSEIN Obama Is The Sinisterly Gay Allah-Nergal Worshipping-Praising Muslim Conqueror Of Nations Cunningly Mounted As The Murderous Rider Upon The White Horse In The APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION Who Has Commanding Control Over 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings With The Sinister Assistance Of Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who All Together Secretly Formed Their Worldwide Terrorist Organization Known As ISIS But They Also Have The Wicked Assistance Of Sneaky Joe Biden, InFLUEntial Oprah Winfrey, And Their Evil Alphabet Agency Cronies-The FBI-The CIA-Black Ops Agents-MAD Scientist Groups-ISIS Sleeper Cells-UN Nonpeacekeeping Fully Vaxxed Mind Controlled Troops-Illuminati Secret Society Members Including The Muslim Brotherhood-Many Other Strong Supporters Of The NWO Including Non-Human Entities-Extraterrestrial Biological Entities So-Called ALIENS-Cloaked Up Shapeshifters-Demons-Fallen Angels-Satan Who Strongly Desire To Horrifically Destroy The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government Of Easu-The Evil Male Bloodlines Of Edom-The Edomites-The Idumeans-The Wicked Ones Upon Mount Seir-The New Age Roman Empire-The Brutish British Kingdom In Order To Make Murderous Way For The Sinister Establishment Of The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Populated By Fully Vaxxed Monstrously Mutated People Who Will Have Gradually Turned Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras Embedded With Satan's Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *Biometric* Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Internally Destructible Nanotechnologies-Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions-Vaxxes With Highly Mutative Retroviruses + MRNA + CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Cellular Immunotherapy + CRISPR Gene Splicing + The Brain Altering VMAT2 Gene + The *Black Goo* 666 Atomic Structure Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Synthetic Melanin Para-Electromagnetic Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites, Watch The Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called "BLOODSHOT" Catch The Name *Blood - Shot* Denoting The FINAL PHASE Satanic Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing MARK Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption Complete *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming-Reconditioning-Rehabilitation BIOMETRIC NWO Emergency Economic Recovery System Protocols That Will Be Made MANDATORY As An ENFORCED REQUIREMENT Worldwide In Order To Vainly Buy And Sell Again As Cusred Monstrously Mutated Consumers Unwisely Obeying Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic False Doctrines/EVIL DNA PROGRAMS/Under BIOMETRIC Control, And If THEY Get Out Of Control For Some Reason (REMEMBER EXTREME *HEAD BURN* From The Inside In Order To Shut Down People Who Don't Follow Satan's Evil Commands), Check Out The Test Of These Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive Vibratory Graphene Hydroxide * Black Goo - 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystalline* Nanotechnologies, Please TAKE HEED To The CRITICAL Time Sensitive WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th Ch. BEWAR3! MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, BE SPIRITUALLY WISE And STRONGLY WARN As Many People As You Can The More The Better Because We Are In A Spiritual Fight Against The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lower Powers That Be Who Deceptively Desire To Destroy And Control People, But Our HEAVENLY FATHER Of LOVE-TRUTH WARNED Us To Not Take Sides With Them Because THEY Are Already Doomed Including The Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized EVIL SEED Bearing TARES Who Are Fit For The Supernaturally Controlled HELLISH FIRE Of WRATH, AHMAN. WAKE UP PEOPLE, Also Please REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. Concerning The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Supernaturally Preserving HIS Own Righteous HOLY SEED Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Children Known As The HOLY WHEAT-REMNANT While HE Supernaturally Unleashes HIS Unstoppable Wrathful Judgements That Are Meant To Destroy Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Including Those Who Have Been Unwisely Satanically Fully Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused All Classed As TARES, So Don't Live Evil Vain Sinful Lifestyles Like THEM, My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. Because Its All About "Us", We Are Of The Called-Chosen-Elect People Of Primary Importance, Please READ 2nd Esdras 6th Ch. Apocrypha Texts, AHMAN. Please Be Aware That Unfortunate People Who Have Been Fully Vaxxed Are "The Walking Dead" Still Gradually Undergoing Extensive Deathly Mutations, REMEMBER That Billions Worldwide Will Die Within A Short Span Of Time. So, You Might As Well Dig Your Own Grave Beforehand Because There's No Escape For The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic People On Earth Above And Below No Matter Where You Try To Vainly Hide From Our HEAVENLY FATHER'S EXTRAORDINARILY BRIGHT BLAZING EYES, That See Everything That's Going On And Everyone Externally + Internally, Which Are 10,000 Times Brighter Than The SUN, As Foretold In Ecclesiasticus 23rd Ch., So Please Don't Be Stupidly Rebellious Against Our HEAVENLY FATHER - We Must All REPENT And Be Righteously Faithfully Obedient Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL'S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS With LOVE-TRUTH Through HIS First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT LOVE-TRUTH - Otherwise You're Deceiving Yourselves To Your Own Fiery Hellish Wrathful Demises In The Inescapable Abyss Of Hell, AHMAN. Please Let's All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
Thursday, January 6, 2022 12:41
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JANUARY 6th EPIPHANY Could Be THE DAY When Suddenly “Destruction Lays Waste At Noonday”, As Foretold In Psalms 91st Ch. BEWAR3 $ WAR-Ning, Which Could Also Be The Horrific Nightmarish Mega-Chaotic Time That Many High Level Evil Political Leaders Of Sinister Illuminati Secret Societies Coverty Evacuate The Scene And Scurry Into Their Semi-Fortified So-Called Locations Of Safety As The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Experiences The REVELATION 17th Ch. Judgements Including The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements, But REMEMBER That Barack HUSSEIN Obama Is The Sinisterly Gay Allah-Nergal Worshipping-Praising Muslim Conqueror Of Nations Cunningly Mounted As The Murderous Rider Upon The White Horse In The APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION Who Has Commanding Control Over 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings With The Sinister Assistance Of Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who All Together Secretly Formed Their Worldwide Terrorist Organization Known As ISIS But They Also Have The Wicked Assistance Of Sneaky Joe Biden, InFLUEntial Oprah Winfrey, And Their Evil Alphabet Agency Cronies-The FBI-The CIA-Black Ops Agents-MAD Scientist Groups-ISIS Sleeper Cells-UN Nonpeacekeeping Fully Vaxxed Mind Controlled Troops-Illuminati Secret Society Members Including The Muslim Brotherhood-Many Other Strong Supporters Of The NWO Including Non-Human Entities-Extraterrestrial Biological Entities So-Called ALIENS-Cloaked Up Shapeshifters-Demons-Fallen Angels-Satan Who Strongly Desire To Horrifically Destroy The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government Of Easu-The Evil Male Bloodlines Of Edom-The Edomites-The Idumeans-The Wicked Ones Upon Mount Seir-The New Age Roman Empire-The Brutish British Kingdom In Order To Make Murderous Way For The Sinister Establishment Of The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Populated By Fully Vaxxed Monstrously Mutated People Who Will Have Gradually Turned Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras Embedded With Satan’s Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *Biometric* Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Internally Destructible Nanotechnologies-Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions-Vaxxes With Highly Mutative Retroviruses + MRNA + CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Cellular Immunotherapy + CRISPR Gene Splicing + The Brain Altering VMAT2 Gene + The *Black Goo* 666 Atomic Structure Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Synthetic Melanin Para-Electromagnetic Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites, Watch The Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called “BLOODSHOT” Catch The Name *Blood – Shot* Denoting The FINAL PHASE Satanic Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing MARK Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption Complete *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming-Reconditioning-Rehabilitation BIOMETRIC NWO Emergency Economic Recovery System Protocols That Will Be Made MANDATORY As An ENFORCED REQUIREMENT Worldwide In Order To Vainly Buy And Sell Again As Cusred Monstrously Mutated Consumers Unwisely Obeying Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic False Doctrines/EVIL DNA PROGRAMS/Under BIOMETRIC Control, And If THEY Get Out Of Control For Some Reason (REMEMBER EXTREME *HEAD BURN* From The Inside In Order To Shut Down People Who Don’t Follow Satan’s Evil Commands), Check Out The Test Of These Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive Vibratory Graphene Hydroxide * Black Goo – 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystalline* Nanotechnologies, Please TAKE HEED To The CRITICAL Time Sensitive WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th Ch. BEWAR3! MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, BE SPIRITUALLY WISE And STRONGLY WARN As Many People As You Can The More The Better Because We Are In A Spiritual Fight Against The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lower Powers That Be Who Deceptively Desire To Destroy And Control People, But Our HEAVENLY FATHER Of LOVE-TRUTH WARNED Us To Not Take Sides With Them Because THEY Are Already Doomed Including The Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized EVIL SEED Bearing TARES Who Are Fit For The Supernaturally Controlled HELLISH FIRE Of WRATH, AHMAN. WAKE UP PEOPLE, Also Please REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. Concerning The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Supernaturally Preserving HIS Own Righteous HOLY SEED Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Children Known As The HOLY WHEAT-REMNANT While HE Supernaturally Unleashes HIS Unstoppable Wrathful Judgements That Are Meant To Destroy Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Including Those Who Have Been Unwisely Satanically Fully Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused All Classed As TARES, So Don’t Live Evil Vain Sinful Lifestyles Like THEM, My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. Because Its All About “Us”, We Are Of The Called-Chosen-Elect People Of Primary Importance, Please READ 2nd Esdras 6th Ch. Apocrypha Texts, AHMAN. Please Be Aware That Unfortunate People Who Have Been Fully Vaxxed Are “The Walking Dead” Still Gradually Undergoing Extensive Deathly Mutations, REMEMBER That Billions Worldwide Will Die Within A Short Span Of Time. So, You Might As Well Dig Your Own Grave Beforehand Because There’s No Escape For The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic People On Earth Above And Below No Matter Where You Try To Vainly Hide From Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S EXTRAORDINARILY BRIGHT BLAZING EYES, That See Everything That’s Going On And Everyone Externally + Internally, Which Are 10,000 Times Brighter Than The SUN, As Foretold In Ecclesiasticus 23rd Ch., So Please Don’t Be Stupidly Rebellious Against Our HEAVENLY FATHER – We Must All REPENT And Be Righteously Faithfully Obedient Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL’S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS With LOVE-TRUTH Through HIS First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT LOVE-TRUTH – Otherwise You’re Deceiving Yourselves To Your Own Fiery Hellish Wrathful Demises In The Inescapable Abyss Of Hell, AHMAN. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
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