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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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BEWAR3 EXTREME *HEAD BURN* WAR-Ning For Targeted Individuals Of Interest Or Rebellious Groups Of Individuals Who Are Against The Satanic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar!: We Will Witness Many Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Variable Frequency Resonant Vibration TESLA Technologies At Work. It's About To Get Stranger And Stranger For Many Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Of No HOLY SPIRIT Wisdom-Knowledge-Understanding-Discernment As Time Progress Onward With The Gradual Fulfillment Of Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies. Please Be Aware That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Are Secretly Conducting In The Field Experimental Tests On How Efficiently Their Destructive Mutative Retrovial MRNA *Black Goo 666 Carbonic* Vibratory Nanotechnologies Respond To Focused D.E.W.s Directed Energy Weapons Coupled With *Sky Net* Iridium Electromagnetic Levitation Satellites Plus HAARP Antenna Arrays/Cell Phone Tower Grids-Gwen NewG Thumper Tower Grids Involving Widespread Dispersement Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Sent Out Through These Various Tesla Technology Sources Including Powerful Handheld Versions And Many Other Devices-Networks-Systems Covertly Set Up For Satan's NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar In Order To Give Him And His Cronies Near Ultimate Control Over The Fully Vaxxed Immune System Compromised Highly Mutated Hybridized Hosts. This Is A CRITICAL Time Sensitive WARNING, Especially To My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters, Please DON'T Get Fully Satanically Vaxxed For Any Reason!!! Witness The Horrific Nightmarish Burning Effects Of Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Sensitive *Black Goo* 666 Atomic Structure Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydride Electromagnetic Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites Which Can Be Used As An Internal Weapon Against Anyone Who Has Been Fully Vaxxed That Are Not Following Satan's Orders For Some Reason Or Another, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WAR-Nings Of REVELATION 13th Ch. BEWAR3, Ahman. Please Let's All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

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BEWAR3 EXTREME *HEAD BURN* WAR-Ning For Targeted Individuals Of Interest Or Rebellious Groups Of Individuals Who Are Against The Satanic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar!: We Will Witness Many Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Variable Frequency Resonant Vibration TESLA Technologies At Work. It’s About To Get Stranger And Stranger For Many Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Of No HOLY SPIRIT Wisdom-Knowledge-Understanding-Discernment As Time Progress Onward With The Gradual Fulfillment Of Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies. Please Be Aware That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Are Secretly Conducting In The Field Experimental Tests On How Efficiently Their Destructive Mutative Retrovial MRNA *Black Goo 666 Carbonic* Vibratory Nanotechnologies Respond To Focused D.E.W.s Directed Energy Weapons Coupled With *Sky Net* Iridium Electromagnetic Levitation Satellites Plus HAARP Antenna Arrays/Cell Phone Tower Grids-Gwen NewG Thumper Tower Grids Involving Widespread Dispersement Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Sent Out Through These Various Tesla Technology Sources Including Powerful Handheld Versions And Many Other Devices-Networks-Systems Covertly Set Up For Satan’s NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar In Order To Give Him And His Cronies Near Ultimate Control Over The Fully Vaxxed Immune System Compromised Highly Mutated Hybridized Hosts. This Is A CRITICAL Time Sensitive WARNING, Especially To My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters, Please DON’T Get Fully Satanically Vaxxed For Any Reason!!! Witness The Horrific Nightmarish Burning Effects Of Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Sensitive *Black Goo* 666 Atomic Structure Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydride Electromagnetic Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites Which Can Be Used As An Internal Weapon Against Anyone Who Has Been Fully Vaxxed That Are Not Following Satan’s Orders For Some Reason Or Another, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WAR-Nings Of REVELATION 13th Ch. BEWAR3, Ahman. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH


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REMEMBER That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Know That THEY Will Soon Be Dealing With High Class (Indigenous WHEAT) Non-Mutated Metahumans-Immortals-The Real gods Of Psalms 82:6 That Will Be Gradually Supernaturally Activated To The 7th Chakrah Who Will Ultimately Become Completely Impervious To Damages Or Destruction And Low Class (Non-Indigenous TARES) Highly Mutated Genetically Hybridized Semi-Immortals That Will Be Limited Gradually Supernaturally Activated To The 6th Chakrah Making Their Satanic Fallen Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies More Vulnerable To Damages And Destruction. In Order To Effectively Kill GAMMA-RAY Irradiated Mutated Semi-Immortals Metaphysically Activated To The 6th Chakrah, They Have To Burned By Extreme Fire (ie. Via Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Induced Burning Of The Vulnerable Head-Soul Vehicle Piloting Area Of The Body) Or Their Heads Must Be Chopped Off At The Weaker Neck Area Of Their Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Snow White Leprous Cursed Fallen Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies, Hence The Utilization Of Industrial Strength Automated Guillotines, Foretold In The APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION.: REMEMBER That Carbon Efficiently Vibrates To A Wide Range Of Frequencies At Various Energetic Amplitudes And That’s Why Satan Is Cunningly Putting A Synthetic *Black Goo* 666 Venom Like Form Of It Into People’s Vulnerable Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies, Thus Giving Him More Technological Control Over The Covertly Infected Fully Vaxxed Compromised Hosts That Will Be Under His Sinister Control. If You Get Out Of Alignment With Satan’s NWO Dystopian Control Agenda, He/His Mind Controlled Cronies-Agents-Militarized Troops Can Make You Flame Out From Within By Increasing The Power Of Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Directed Energy Weapons (Even Via Extremely Powerful Handheld Versions Of These Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Low Resonance Tesla Technologies) Which Can Be Cunningly Utilized To Do Focused Low Frequency Energy Attacks On Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Semi-Immortal 6th Chakrah Activated People Who Have Been Satanically Vaxxed As Another Means Of Control: When People Are Forcefully Rounded Up And Quickly Transported To NWO UN Controlled Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death, THEY Will Inject Many Of These Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded Sheeple With *Black Goo* 666 Atomic Structure Graphene Hydroxide Synthetic Melanin Electromagnetic Nanoparticles Infusions Of Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Programmable Matter Nanites Cunningly Designed For Limited Sunscreen Protection Against Gradually Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Including Its Utilization Within The Immune System Compromised Host For Limited Repair Of The Feeble Highly Mutated Retroviral MRNA Cells Of Snow White Leprous Caused Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras (REMEMBER The Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called BLOODSHOT Which Cryptically Showcased The Near Future Utilization Of These Highly Advanced Fallen Angel Nanotechnologies Designed To Attempt To Prolong Their Lives Upon The Spiritually Ascending Earth Which Will Ultimately Become Seven Times Brighter Above And Below, As Foretold In The Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies Of Isaiah 30:26 + Malachi 4th Ch. + Zechariah 14th Ch. + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + The APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION, Involving The Gradually Amplifying GAMMA-RAY Radiation Emitting Sun Of Righteousness Which Is Definitely Not Good For Melanin Deficient Monstrous Abominations Against Nature) Involving People-Civilians-The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Who Have Been Fully Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused-Vaxxed With The Highly Deceptive *FINAL PHASE* Of Extremely Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions-Vaxxes That Will Be Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered As A (FAKE) So-Called Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Which Is An Extremely Clever Disguise For The Satanic Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing (External + Internal) MARK Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption Complete *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming So-Called Cellular Immunotherapy Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *Biometric* Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable Nanotechnologies That Will Be UN Mandated Under A WORLDWIDE MANDATORY ENFORCEMENT REQUIREMENT In 2022, Because Satan Wants Primarily Indigenous People To Be Gradually Mutated Into Evil Ones Like His Monstrous Murderous Bloodthirsty Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Shapeshifting Son Cain To Increase The Evil Worshippers/Praisers Temporarily Living In His NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Upoar Under His Vile Control Over The 3.5 Year/1260 Day Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Course Of The Horrific Nightmarish Great Tribulation Of Severely Wrathful Judgements, Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-Nings Of REVELATION 13th Ch. Including The Rest Of The APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION – BeWAR3, Ahman. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, December 31, 2021, 19:19


Brain Short Circuit? Man Starts Smoking from the Eyes … › brain-short-circuit-man-starts-smoking-from-the-eyes-mouth-nose-and-ears.htm

FEATURE IT REPOST During a demonstration against the Government, oneof the protesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Suprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from insde the mans head, with a jacket and bottles of water. Tags: AROUND THE WEB MUST SEE


PandaRolling(Athena Farm) on GETTR: 在反对以色列政府covid示威活动中。 其中 … › post › pl2pz8b55b

During the demonstration against the Israeli government covid. One of theprotesters started screaming and spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Frightened protesters tried to extinguish the flames coming from inside the man’s head with a jacket and a bottle of water.


🆘⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ÄLÄ KATSO … – › koronavirus › 129968492

During a demonstration against the Israeli government. One of theprotesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water.


<<필독시청>>백신반대 반정부시위 하면 666백신 베리칩 5g로 언제든지 원격사살 하는 이스라엘 현장폭로 … › deer5798 › 222607766541

During a demonstration against the Israeli government. One of theprotesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water.


1️⃣속보 이스라엘서 반정부 시위 중, 시위대 2명이 비명을 지르며 눈, 입, 코, 귀에서 연기를 … › choiyeon177 › 222607791250

During a demonstration against the Israeli government. One of theprotesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water.


Spontaneous Human Combustion – VAXXED MAN – Caught on film … › watch › ZmYrsiD894cSBZK

During a demonstration against the Israeli government 12/29/21. One of theprotesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water.


백신반대 반정부시위 하면 666백신 베리칩으로 언제든지 원격사살 하는 현장폭로 ! : 네이버 블로그 › mosesjesus › 222607700686

BRAIN “SHORT CIRCUIT”⚠️ ️ ⚠️ ️⚠️ ️⚡️⚡️⚡️ ️⚠️ ️⚠️ During a demonstrationagainst the Israeli government. One of the protesters started screaming,spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out.


This is some crazy shit…what do we make off it?? › forum1 › message4996898 › pg1

BRAIN “SHORT CIRCUIT”??? During a demonstration against A government.One of the protesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprisedprotesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man’s head, with a jacket and a bottle of water.

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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