SNEAKY Smooth Talking Joe Biden Is Covertly Under Evil Orders Being Secretly Given By Barack HUSSEIN Obama-The Modern Day NIMROD/ZEUS/The Wizard Of Oz, "We Ain't In Kansas Anymore DOORothy (Making Reference To Dimensionally Intrusive Worldwide Tower Of Babel Extreme Low Frequency E.L.F. Microwave Energy Radiation Generation-Transmission-Transceiver *Demonic Netium Network* Portal-Wormhole-Stargate-Jumpgate Tesla Infrastructures Plus Mega-GeoEngineering/Mega-Terraforming System Technologies, As Foretold In Amos 9th Ch., Concerning The Earth Destabilizing Disharmonic Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Involving These Tesla Technologies Which Will End In Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrath Judgements/Consequences, As Foretold In 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch., Isaiah 47th Ch., The 2nd Seal Opening Fiery Hellish Wrath Red Horse Judgements, And The Revelation 18th Ch. Aftermath Judgements Which Will Leave Many Wicked Major Major Cities As Profusely Smoking Smoldering Ruinous Heaps Of Ashes Due To Inescapable Sudden Downpours Of Unstoppable Pure Fire Ultra-Powerful Plasma Arc Lighting Bolts Coupled With Pure Sulphur Brimstone, Just Like What Suddenly Befell Sodom, Gomorrah, And The Evil Cities Of The Plains Region, As Foretold In Genesis 19th Ch., REMEMBER The Gay/Lesbian Marriage Laws That The Sinisterly GAY Muslim Barack HUSSEIN Obama Happily Passed In June 2016, Their Fiery Nails In The Hellish Coffin Made For The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Which Is Under A Supernaturally Controlled Double Portion Curse As Foretold In Revelation 18th Ch., Ahman: Please Be Aware That Under The Highly Deceptive NWO Paris Climate Change 7 Year Accord-Pact-Agreement Sinister UN Non-Peacekeepers Have Made Agreements To Attempt To Utilize Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Technologies In Order To Vainly Try To Stop-Hinder-Block The Endtime Prophetic Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events That Will Aid In The Gradual Destruction Of The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Including Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras (Mutated-Evolved Genetically Hybridized Evil People/TARES) Embedded With Extreme Transhumanism Nanotechnologies While The Earth Undergoes Ultra-Cataclysmic Corrective Transformations Which Is Actually Being Caused By A Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming Steadily Increasing Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy Which Will Also Gradually Increase The UV Light Energy Radiation Output Of The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of Righteousness, As Foretold Malachi 4th Ch., Including Increased Energy Output Of The Moon, Stars-Sparkling Radioactive Stones Of Fire, Plus The Other Harmonic Resonant Elemental Heavenly Bodies Which Will Undergo Unstoppable Spiritual Energy Powered *Frequency + Amplitude* Increases That Will Ultimately Reach 7Xs Times Amplification With CYMATIC Dimensional Changes To The Structures Of The Heavenly Bodies Above As They Gloriously Output More Spiritual Light Energy Radiation, As Foretold In Isaiah 30:26, The Book Of Enoch, 2nd Peter 3rd Ch., And The Book Of Revelation, Aiding In The Fiery Destruction Of All Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Abominations Against Nature, As Foretold In Zechariah 14th Ch. (REMEMBER ISHI-ISHIAH Will Destroy These Unnatural Non-Indigenous TARES/Beastly Vampiric Chimeras With The Brightness Of HIS Coming And The ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Of HIS MOUTH), Which Will Simultaneously Cause Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven To Be Gloriously Manifested On Earth With The Supernaturally Renewal Of The Heavens Above And The Earth Below, Upon ISHI-ISHIAH'S Glorious Extraordinarily Bright/Extraordinarily Energetic Triumphant Return With HIS Host Of Glorified Saints, Including The Metaphysical Manifestation Of Our Glorified Indestructible Celestial Light-SPIRIT-Body Forms Of PURE LOVE, Thus Giving Us Righteous Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings Total UNITY With Our HEAVENLY FATHER Through CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE/TRUTH, Also Remember Saint Luke 17th Ch. And Isaiah 60th Ch., Ahman. SELAH
SNEAKY Smooth Talking Joe Biden Is Covertly Under Evil Orders Being Secretly Given By Barack HUSSEIN Obama-The Modern Day NIMROD/ZEUS, “We Ain’t In Kansas Anymore DOORothy” (Making Reference To The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Extreme Low Frequency E.L.F. Microwave Energy Radiation Generation-Transmission-Transceiver *Demonic Netium Network* Portal-Wormhole-Stargate-Jumpgate Tesla Infrastructures Plus Mega-GeoEngineering/Mega-Terraforming System Technologies, As Foretold In Amos 9th Ch., Concerning The Earth Destabilizing Disharmonic Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Involving These Tesla Technologies Embedded Into The Earth Currently But Temporarily Piggybacked Upon The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Network Of Watery Oscillating Ley Lines-Vortexes-Portals-Intersection Points-Axioms/Ancient Sacred Sites That Many Doomed Wicked Major Cities’ Cunningly Constructed Infrastructures Are Covertly Built Upon, Operating As Extreme Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Giant Circuit Board Components Unnatural Plugged Into The Earth Sinisterly Designed To Attempt To Permanently Alter The Earth’s Gradually Amplifying Harmonic Resonance/GOOD SPIRITUAL VIBRATIONS, But The Evil NWO Supporter’s Multiple Vain Failed Attempts To Do This Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Alteration Of The Dynamic Operations Of The Earth While Also Trying To Stop-Hinder-Block Our Necessary Deep Spiritual Awakening Via Vainly Attempting To Alter The Unstoppable Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Cosmic Energy Via Various Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Technologies Like The NASA Parker Solar Probe Antimatter Triggered Fusion Bomb Wepon Detonation On The Thinner Brighter Coronal Edge Of The SUN Designed To Attempt To Permanently Alter Its Harmonic Resonance And UV Light Energy Radiation Output Coupled With The “Dark Sky Project” Covertly Involving Extreme Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation HAARP Antenna Arrays Aimed-Beamed Up Into The Upper Atmosphere To Negatively Stimulate Electromagnetic Nanoparticles/Chemtrails Currently Suspended In The Atmospheric Waters-Aethers Cunningly Designed To Block Gradually Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation In Their Vain Failed Attempts To Make The Earth A Dimly Lit Fallen Low Vibrational/Low Powered World More Suitable For Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Highly Genetically Corrupted Unnatural Abominations Against Nature/TARES. However, The Covert Utilization Of These Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Extreme Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Tesla Technologies Will End In Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrath Judgements/Consequences Involving The Deaths Of Millions Located Within Wicked Major Cities Where These Tesla Infrastructures Technologies Are Temporarily Stationed, Thus Suddenly Becoming Inescapable Fiery Hellish Infernos Which Will Be Cunningly Deceptively Blamed On Russia-China-Including Their Strong Allies (The Ultimate Blame Game War) In Order To Deceptively Instigate Full Scale Nuclear WW3, As Foretold In 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch., Isaiah 47th Ch., The 2nd Seal Opening Fiery Hellish Wrath Red Horse Judgements, And The Revelation 18th Ch. Aftermath Judgements. These Unstoppable Supernaturally Controlled Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrath Judgements Swiftly Executed As Attempt Dimensional Intrusion Angelic Security Measures Will Leave Many Wicked Major Major Cities Full Of Heathens As Profusely Smoking Smoldering Ruinous Heaps Of Ashes Due To Inescapable Sudden Downpours Of Unstoppable Pure Fire Ultra-Powerful Plasma Arc Lighting Bolts Coupled With Pure Sulphur Brimstone, Just Like What Suddenly Befell The Extremely Wicked Cities Of Sodom, Gomorrah, Including The Evil Cities Of The Plains Region, As Foretold In Genesis 19th Ch., REMEMBER The Gay/Lesbian Marriage Laws That The Sinisterly GAY Muslim Barack HUSSEIN Obama Happily Passed In June 2016, As Fiery Nails Stored Up For The Hellish Coffin Made For The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Which Is Under A Supernaturally Controlled Double Portion Curse As Foretold In Revelation 18th Ch., Ahman. Please Be Aware That Under The Highly Deceptive NWO Paris Climate Change 7 Year Accord-Pact-Agreement Sinister UN Non-Peacekeepers Have Made Evil Negotiated Agreements To Attempt To Utilize Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Technologies In Order To Vainly Try To Stop-Hinder-Block The Endtime Prophetic Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events That Will Be Facilitated By The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL To Aid In The Gradual Destruction Of The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Including Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras (Mutated-Evolved Genetically Hybridized Evil People/TARES) Embedded With Extreme Transhumanism Nanotechnologies While The Earth Undergoes Ultra-Cataclysmic Corrective Transformations Which Is Actually Being Caused By A Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming Steadily Increasing Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy Which Will Also Gradually Increase The UV Light Energy Radiation Output Of The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of Righteousness, As Foretold Malachi 4th Ch., Including Increased Energy Output Of The Moon, Stars-Sparkling Radioactive Stones Of Fire, Plus The Other Harmonic Resonant Elemental Heavenly Bodies Which Will Undergo Unstoppable Spiritual Energy Powered *Frequency + Amplitude* Increases That Will Ultimately Reach 7Xs Times Amplification With CYMATIC Dimensional Changes To The Structures Of The Heavenly Bodies Above As They Gloriously Output More Spiritual Light Energy Radiation, As Foretold In Isaiah 30:26, The Book Of Enoch, 2nd Peter 3rd Ch., And The Book Of Revelation, Aiding In The Fiery Destruction Of All Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Abominations Against Nature, As Foretold In Zechariah 14th Ch. (REMEMBER ISHI-ISHIAH Will Destroy These Unnatural Non-Indigenous TARES/Beastly Vampiric Chimeras With The Brightness Of HIS Coming And The ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Of HIS MOUTH), Which Will Simultaneously Cause Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven To Be Gloriously Manifested On Earth With The Supernaturally Renewal Of The Heavens Above And The Earth Below, Upon ISHI-ISHIAH’S Glorious Extraordinarily Bright/Extraordinarily Energetic Triumphant Return With HIS Host Of Glorified Saints, Including The Metaphysical Manifestation Of Our Glorified Indestructible Celestial Light-SPIRIT-Body Forms Of PURE LOVE, Thus Giving Us Righteous Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings Total UNITY With Our HEAVENLY FATHER Through CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE/TRUTH, Also Remember Saint Luke 17th Ch. And Isaiah 60th Ch., Ahman. Please WAKE UP Soon Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes And Indigenous Gentiles, We Must All PREPARE Our Families And Ourselves NOW Before It’s Too Late Because Time Is Definitely Growing Short, Please Let’s All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-RAIN! SELAH
Murderous NWO Agendas Are About To Kick Into Higher Gear In Early 2021 With The Sudden Start Of A RAPID FIRE Series Of Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Endtime Prophetic Events Involving The Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes: Please Be Aware, PREPARE NOW Because The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Powers That Be Have Covertly Planned For Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 To Occur By Valentine’s (Massacre) Day While The Sinister NWO UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized MANDATORY VACCINATIONS-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of The Highly Deceptive Satanic Irreversible Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Nanotechnology Embedded Mutative Retroviral Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols Of Extreme Transhumanism Ramp Up A Few Weeks Before THEY Hurriedly Transport And Transfer Their Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens/Allied Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress, (That Have Underwent Extensive Reprogramming Within FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death) Who Have Unwisely Accepted Or Taken Satan’s Irreversible *Genetic + Mental* CURSED MARK, To Semi-Secure Fortified Bunker Locations Stationed Within The High Mountains, High Hills, And Dens-Caves-Holes In The Rocks Just Days Before The Supernaturally Controlled Fiery Hellish Celestial Dragon Heavenly Body System A.K.A. Planet X Makes Ultra-Cataclysmic Landfall With The Commencement Of The Horrific Nightmarish Great Tribulation Of Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements, WAR-Ning $ BeWAR3! SELAH
By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Wednesday Jan 27 2021 16:56
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The great escape: how Donald Trump survived impeachment
Feb 5, 2020 — The great escape: how Donald Trump survived impeachment. How did Trump and his team pull off his successful defense? Here’s a look at key factors. Elected Republicans went …
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