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There Is No Real Miracle Cure But The ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Within Us Called DNA - A Regenerative Healing SPIRITUAL GIFT From Our HEAVENLY FATHER: Ancient Anthrax/Biblical Murrain Has Been Covertly Genetically Modified And Engineered Into Highly Virulent Weaponized Strains Currrently Used For Murderous Agenda 21 And Agenda 2030 NWO Population Control + Eugenics Protocols Designed To Get Sheeple Down To Controllable Numbers Under Extreme Duress As They Erroneously Seek Help From The Same Sinister Government Bastards That Are Destroying Them. SELAH

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There Is No Real Miracle Cure But The ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Within Us Called DNA – A Regenerative Healing SPIRITUAL GIFT From Our HEAVENLY FATHER: Ancient Anthrax/Biblical Murrain Has Been Covertly Genetically Modified And Engineered Into Highly Virulent Weaponized Strains Currrently Used For Murderous Agenda 21 And Agenda 2030 NWO Population Control + Eugenics Protocols Designed To Get Sheeple Down To Controllable Numbers Under Extreme Duress As They Erroneously Seek Help From The Same Sinister Government Bastards That Are Destroying Them. The COVID-19 Tests Are Just Another Way To Introduce Infiltrating Retroviruses Into Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes In Order To Gradually Open Up Your Receptors And Stop The Rejection Of Foreign DNA Leading To The Implementation Of The Satanic Irreversible Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Nanotechnology Embedded Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols Consisting Of The CAR T-Cell Immunotherapy Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retrovirus, CRISPR Gene Manipulation, The Brain Altering VMAT 2 Gene, And *Black Goo* Synthetic Melanin Graphene Nanoparticles Infusions/Nanites Which Will Gradually Cause Spiritually Unwise Gullible Sheeple-People-Civilians Who Erroneously Accept Or Take These Highly Deceptive DNA Infusions (Fast Tracked, Advertised, Marketed, Pushed, And Implemented As A So-Called Miracle Cure-All For Cancer And Most Diseases-Viruses-Pathogens-Plagues-Pestilences, But It’s Actually A Satanic Irreversible MARK/*Genetic + Mental* BRANDING CURSE That Will Cause Multitudes To Go To Hell, As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch. Ahman) Because Many Spiritually Unwise Gullible Sheeple-People-Civilians Will Seek To Have A So-Called Life Again In Their Fallen States And Will Accept Or Take This Satanic CURSE, Not Cure, In Order To Be Able To Buy And Sell Within A Dystopian Society Of Uproar And Cataclysms, Not The Utopian Society That Rich Illuminati Elite Bastards Think That They Will Live Within During The 3.5 Years/1260 Days Of Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrath Judgements Of The Temporal Great Tribulation. Please WAKE UP Soon Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes And Indigenous Gentiles, We Must All PREPARE Our Families And Ourselves NOW Before It’s Too Late Because Time Is Definitely Growing Short, Please Let’s All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-RAIN! SELAH 


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Scholarly articles for Genetically Modified Engineered Anthrax Retroviruses

Genetically modified anthrax lethal toxin safely delivers … - ‎Lu - Cited by 58

Genetically modified viruses vaccines by design - ‎Stephenson - Cited by 39

… expression constructs and recombinant retroviruses … - ‎Symonds - Cited by 42 › pmc

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Genetically modified anthrax lethal toxin safely delivers whole HIV protein antigens into the cytosol to induce T cell immunity – NCBI

by Y Lu · 2000 · Cited by 58 · Related articles

Bacillus anthrax lethal toxin can be engineered to deliver foreign proteins to the cytosol for antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Vaccination with modified toxins carrying 8–9 amino acid peptide epitopes induces protective immunity in …


Materials and Methods


Discussion › pmc

Genetic engineering and biological weapons – NCBI

by J van Aken · 2003 · Cited by 55 · Related articles

The genetically engineered ‘superbug’—highly lethal and resistant to environmental influence or any medical … is the USSR’s ‘invisible anthrax’, resulting from the introduction of an alien gene into Bacillus anthracis that altered its … › senate-section › article

ANTHRAX – Congressional Record | | Library of Congress

Dec 17, 2001 · The first recorded appearance of anthrax can be found in the Bible, where it appears that God may have used anthrax to punish the Pharaoh for holding the ancient Hebrews in bondage. The fifth Egyptian plague that … › pmc

Anthrax: A disease of biowarfare and public health importance – NCBI

by AK Goel · 2015 · Cited by 114 · Related articles

Jan 16, 2015 · Inhalation of spores causes inhalational anthrax which is the most dangerous form of disease. Inhalational anthrax is dangerous for obvious reasons as initial symptoms resemble to that of flu, making its early …


MedicineNet › anthrax › article

Anthrax Symptoms, Vaccine, Treatment, and Transmission – MedicineNet

Jump to What kinds of diseases does anthrax cause? What are the signs and symptoms of anthrax infections? · There are four forms of disease caused by anthrax: … The first symptoms are subtle, gradual and flu-like …


Scientific American › article › as-ear…

As Earth Warms, the Diseases That May Lie within Permafrost Become a Bigger Worry – Scientific American

Nov 1, 2016 · This past summer anthrax killed a 12-year-old boy in a remote part of Siberia. … frozen layer of soil—released previously immobile spores of Bacillus anthracis into nearby water and soil and then into the food supply.

There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up

May 4, 2017 · For instance, scientists have discovered fragments of RNA from the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses … Anthrax bacteria can do so because they form spores, which are extremely hardy and can survive frozen for … › cvcyu › unscramble-cal…

Unscramble calves

Murrain did not refer to a specific disease, but was an umbrella term for what are now recognized as a number of different … The primary causes of scours include: Rota virus, Corona virus, 2017 4-H & FFA CALF SCRAMBLE The …


The Telegraph › uk

Thawing Siberian permafrost soil risks rise of anthrax and prehistoric diseases

Apr 14, 2019 · “Anthrax spores can stay alive in the permafrost for up to 2,500 years. … Permafrost thawing has also caused thousands of oil and gas pipeline breaks in Russia, Greenpeace has said. And most …


Inflibnet › shodhganga › bitstream

Chapter 1 Review of Literature – Shodhganga

The earliest reference to anthrax is found in the Bible’s book of Exodus as the fifth and sixth plague that afflicted … inhibit phagocytosis (Hanna and Ireland 1999) At higher levels LeTx causes death in macrophges and release of … › serp

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Search for synonyms: cattle prices –

Murrain is an antiquated term for various infectious diseases affecting cattle and sheep. … a number of different diseases, including rinderpest, erysipelas, foot- and-mouth disease, anthrax, and streptococcus infections. … The term murrain is also used in some Bible translations relating to the fifth plague brought upon Egypt › The_story_of_anth…

(PDF) The story of anthrax from antiquity to the present: A biological weapon of nature and humans : Gearing up for War | Lawrence …

This occurs along with fever and signs of men- Cutaneous Anthrax ingeal, pulmonary, or other organ involvement. … It is known as murrain, charbon, “ splenic fe- ver,” or der milzbrand and occurs most commonly after ingestion of  … › pdfsPDF

vol. 5 no. 4 – CDC

by D Reemergence · 1999 · Cited by 20 · Related articles

Christian threats plague and the dissemi- he talked seeks separate. Identity and against U.S. anthrax (vac- nation of … Causes acute respiratory disease with high mortality in horses. Believed to cause a fatal encephalitis in humans.


New World Encyclopedia › entry

Black Death – New World Encyclopedia

2 Causes. 2.1 Bubonic plague theory. 2.1.1 Signs and symptoms. 2.2 Alternative explanations. 2.2.1 Counter- … Plague, that the Black Death might have been a combination of pandemics including a form of anthrax, a cattle murrain. › …PDF

Bacillus species of medical and veterinary importance – Journal of Medical Microbiology

Anthrax. Anthrax is a disease of great antiquity and historical interest ; it may have been responsible for two of the biblical plagues of Egypt in 1491 BC and its symptoms in animals were clearly described in. 29 BC by Virgil in the …


Chicago Tribune › news › ct-xp…

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From Bible to battlefield, anthrax has widespread past – Chicago Tribune

Oct 21, 2001 · Anthrax is an ancient enemy, a nemesis since the dawn of civilization that was harnessed early as a … “Moses took ashes from a fire and produced the symptoms of cutaneous anthrax among Pharaoh’s … › earth › story › 2016080…

Earth – Our ancestors may have spread anthrax all around the world – BBC

Aug 5, 2016 · As the Bible puts it: “Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be a very grievous …


Carson-Newman › web › kwheeler

Black Plague: The Least You Need to Know – Cn

A growing minority of scholars (e.g., Graham Twigg) think we have misdiagnosed the disease, and that it was actually anthrax or some mutation of cattle murrain. It’s also possible the Black Plague might not have been a single …


Answers in Genesis › microbiology

Bacteria Survival and Growth | Answers in Genesis

Jul 24, 2015 · Since ancient times, anthrax has played major roles in history, including the plagues recorded in Exodus 9. When the Lord visited Egypt with a “a very grievous murrain” upon Pharaoh’s cattle ( Exod. 9:1–6 …


NPR › goatsandsoda › 2016/08/03

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Anthrax Outbreak In Russia Thought To Be Result Of Thawing Permafrost : Goats and Soda : NPR

Aug 3, 2016 · Health officials think it might have been triggered by warming permafrost, which unleashed dormant bacteria. … A heat wave is blamed for thawing a 75-year-old reindeer carcass, along with dormant spores of … › pmc

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Influenza as a bioweapon – NCBI

by M Madjid · 2003 · Cited by 58 · Related articles

Sequencing of the genome of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus is nearly complete; once it is published, unscrupulous … the possibility for genetic engineering and aerosol transmission suggests an enormous potential for bioterrorism. › influe…

Influenza virus seen as possible bioterrorism weapon | CIDRAP

“The possibility for genetic engineering and aerosol transmission suggests an enormous potential for bioterrorism,” they assert. The Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 killed between 20 million and 40 million people. The “usual … › flu › about

Reconstruction of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Virus | CDC

The influenza pandemic of 1918-19 killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, many more than the subsequent pandemics of the 20th century. The biological properties that confer virulence to pandemic influenza viruses have …


Relias Media › articles › 21990-raisi…

Raising the ghost of 1918: Could flu be the ultimate bioweapon? | 2003-09-01 | AHC Media: Continuing Medical Education Publishing

Sep 1, 2003 · Raising the ghost of 1918: Could flu be the ultimate bioweapon? Skeptics doubt terror factor, but pandemic planning praised. In an age of exploding genetic engineering, could the Spanish influenza strain of 1918 … › article › compare-1…

Compare: 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID-19 | BioSpace

Apr 2, 2020 · With all the similarities, it should be emphasized that there are several significant differences between the two pandemics. › 2014/08

Making viruses in the lab deadlier and more able to spread: an accident waiting to happen – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Aug 14, 2014 · (The 1918 Spanish Flu killed an estimated 50 million people; the molecular structure of the new strain is … given the danger that the bio-engineered viruses could turn into a pandemic threat, and that some … › …

Canary in the Bioweapon Coal Mine: The lessons of Covid 19 pandemic – The Economic Times

Apr 5, 2020 · But one thing is certain: this is a grim reminder of the threat of weaponised pathogens and the pressing need to revise the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). BWC was written to outlaw …


ResearchGate › publication › 28155…

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PDF | This book covers the broad field of Family Medicine: The roots, Jacob and Esau, the biblical lentils, the birth of Jacob’s family, family… | Find, read … infectious agents and the clinical manifestations of the diseases, and. to … › lt › eknygos › sprin…PDF

Anthrax: A Disease and a Weapon

by K Alibek · Cited by 6 · Related articles

Anthrax infection was described in ancient literature and religious writings. Some biblical scholars have interpreted descriptions of two of the … ous murrain (an infectious and fast-spreading disease) that affected livestock ( Witkowski,.


Medwin Publishers › IJFSCPDF

Bullock JD. Were Moses and Aaron the First Bioterrorists?. – Medwin Publishers

Aug 26, 2019 · Thus, Moses’ airborne release of anthrax spores was the proximate cause of the 6th plague of Egypt. This … Table 1: Biblical key word descriptions in Exodus 9:8 found in 26 different (Non-King James version …


St. Louis Fed › fraser › blsPDF

anthrax as an occupationaldisease – FRASER (St.Louis Fed) – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Apr 7, 2019 · to the city itself, prevailing especially among cattle that fed on the common. Several persons who had been engaged in skinning animals that had died of murrain were affected with the malignant pustule. Of the three  …

198 pages·8 MB › The_story_of_anth…

(PDF) The story of anthrax from antiquity to the present: A biological weapon of nature and humans : Gearing up for War | Lawrence …

This occurs along with fever and signs of men- Cutaneous Anthrax ingeal, pulmonary, or other organ involvement. … It is known as murrain, charbon, “ splenic fe- ver,” or der milzbrand and occurs most commonly after ingestion of  …


Wikipedia › wiki › Theories_of_the…

Theories of the Black Death – Wikipedia

Also, diseases with similar symptoms were generally not distinguished between in that period (see murrain above), at least not in the Christian world; Chinese and Muslim medical records can be expected to yield better information …


Springer › link › content › pdf

Download book PDF

clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of these potentially deadly diseases. … Anthrax infection was described in ancient literature and religious writings. Some biblical scholars have interpreted descriptions of two of the …

284 pages·2 MB



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Anipedia › resources › anthrax

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Anthrax – Anipedia

Sep 19, 2018 · The first record indicative of anthrax is considered to be in the Bible (Exodus, Chapters 7 to 9), which refers to the fifth and sixth plagues of Egypt, this murrain, which is believed to be systemic and cutaneous …


Inflibnet › shodhganga › bitstream

Chapter 1 Review of Literature – Shodhganga

The earliest reference to anthrax is found in the Bible’s book of Exodus as the fifth and sixth plague that afflicted ancient … a richly detailed account of this disease, “the murrain ofNorcium” in his third Georgic, “If anyone wore a …


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… expression constructs and recombinant retroviruses … - ‎Symonds - Cited by 42 › pmc

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Genetically modified anthrax lethal toxin safely delivers whole HIV protein antigens into the cytosol to induce T cell immunity – NCBI

by Y Lu · 2000 · Cited by 58 · Related articles

Bacillus anthrax lethal toxin can be engineered to deliver foreign proteins to the cytosol for antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Vaccination with modified toxins carrying 8–9 amino acid peptide epitopes induces protective immunity in …


Materials and Methods


Discussion › pmc

Genetic engineering and biological weapons – NCBI

by J van Aken · 2003 · Cited by 55 · Related articles

The genetically engineered ‘superbug’—highly lethal and resistant to environmental influence or any medical … is the USSR’s ‘invisible anthrax’, resulting from the introduction of an alien gene into Bacillus anthracis that altered its …



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Feedback › cbw › nextgenPDF

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Next Generation Bioweapons: The Technology of Genetic Engineering Applied to Biowarfare and Bioterrorism –

by MJ Ainscough · Cited by 9 · Related articles

Oct 22, 2019 · strategic bombers would have carried plague, anthrax, or smallpox.10. Pasechnik also detailed work on … genetically engineered bacteria and viruses, (2) weaponized the microbes in a powder form, (3 …

50 pages·264 KB


Dartmouth College › sites › dujs › g…

Genetically Engineered Bioweapons: A New Breed of Weapons for Modern Warfare – Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science

Mar 10, 2013 · Ken Alibek is conducting cellular research in pursuit of protection against the bioweapon anthrax (2). 3. Viral and Bacterial Genome Literacy. Decoding the genomes of viruses and bacteria will lead to molecular  …


New Scientist › article › dn4318-us-…

US develops lethal new viruses | New Scientist

Oct 29, 2003 · The cowpox virus, which infects a range of animals including humans, has been genetically altered in a similar way. The new virus … Such a disease, like anthrax, would infect only those directly exposed to it. It …


Oxford University Press › academic › …

New Considerations in Infectious Disease Outbreaks: The Threat of Genetically Modified Microbes | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford …

by JR Gilsdorf · 2005 · Cited by 19 · Related articles

Apr 15, 2005 · Genetically altered microbes are used widely in the conduct of scientific study and have facilitated the … causes smallpox) and to develop antigenically altered Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax …


GMWatch › news › archive › 8403-…

US expert behind anthrax attacks? / GM and bioweapons – GMWatch

Nov 30, 2001 · BERLIN – The anthrax attacks in the United States were probably the work of a member of a U.S. biological … At the same time, GM crops engineered with interleukin genes are being grown in open field trials [8 ]. › story

Dangers of Genetically Engineered Weapons – ABC News

Jan 6, 2006 · Bacteria that cause diseases such as anthrax could be altered in such a way that would make current vaccines against them ineffective. “In my opinion, this is not fanciful and there is good reason for …


The New York Times › world › gen…

Gene-Engineered Anthrax: Is It a Weapon? – The New York Times

Feb 14, 1998 · American scientists will seek to determine whether new form of anthrax created by Russians through genetic engineering is merely theoretical or a practical weapon and whether it is able to defeat the vaccine …


ScienceDirect › science › article › pii

Vector-based genetically modified vaccines: Exploiting Jenner’s legacy – ScienceDirect –

by B Ramezanpour · 2016 · Cited by 19 · Related articles

Dec 7, 2016 · After the introduction of Jenner’s vaccinia virus as the first vaccine more than two centuries ago, which eventually led to the recent eradication of smallpox, this and other viruses may now be the basis for constructing ..


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