Who Invented the Religion Christianity and Where Did the Name Jesus Originate From? Why Did They Make Up the Letter J and What Year Was It Invented?!
Black Liberation LoveN Unity
If the letter J wasn’t invented until the 1500’s, then how is it possible for there to be a “Jesus”?
The letter “J” wasn’t invented until the 1500’s, so there was no official Jesus, John, Jacob, Jonah, Joseph, Jude, etc… in the bible.
There may have been a person by the name of Yeshua ben Yosef, but this is debatable as well because the translation means “Joshua, son of Joseph”, not Jesus.
Some may say that his name was spelled with an “I” instead of a “J” (more specifically Iesous or Iesus), but that still doesn’t make him “Jesus”.
The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following quote on the J: “The form of ‘J’ was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either symbol (J,I) used initially generally had the consonantal sound of Y as in year. Gradually, the two symbols (J,l) were differentiated, the J usually acquiring consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a vowel.
It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.” Note in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous.
No one wrote about Jesus until many years after his alleged death. Granted that people were illiterate back then but surely, someone could have drawn a picture or two of his alleged miracles.
I mean, really… think about the letter “J”. Does anyone think there was a “John” living in the Middle East several thousand years ago?
Does that mean there was no “Jesus”?
It is possible that there was a “Jesus” figure who may have been “Immaculately conceived” through extraterrestrial insemination and intervention with the Virgin Mary, which would explain his supernatural abilities, but still, one must question why no one ever wrote about him while he was allegedly alive, especially after performing all of these miracles.
Perhaps this is the same person that the Meso-Americans referred to as Kulkulcan / Quetzalcoatl. who taught the Maya mathematics, astronomy, agriculture and medicine? Quetzalcoatl was described by the indigenous cultures as having blond hair with blue eyes.
Most likely, Quetzalcoatl was an extraterrestrial who was construed by the Maya as being a “god”. Is it possible that Jesus could fall into this category as well? Is it possible that they are the same person?
Ultimately, all religions boils down to subservience, control and conformity, which is the same template as every government.
Jordan Maxwell at the 12:27 marker in the above video: “I don’t believe for a moment that Jesus existed as a man. The entire New Testament story is an encoded, symbolic metaphor.” Maxwell goes on to show how religion and politics are tied in together with one another.
A lack of historical evidence
There are no references to Jesus before the Jesus myth was created by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD (see addendum below). Granted, at the time, most people were illiterate but surely after seeing one of his many alleged miracles, at least someone could have painted him walking on water or performing one of his alleged healings.
While the bible only dates mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago, there are numerous petroglyphs and cave wall paintings of UFOs and extraterrestrials dating back as far back as 29,000 years old, which raises the question, “If God created Earth 6,000 years ago, then why are there artifacts older than 6,000 years?” (THERE WAS A FIRST WHEEL OF CREATION BEFORE ADAM AND EVE WAS CREATED IN THE FLESH SENT FROM HEAVEN TO EARTH TO SPREAD THE “WORD” TO THE OTHER BEINGS OF EARTH.)
Even the fact that prehistoric man was able to draw a “miracle” on a cave wall supports the fact that Jesus never existed. Surely, there would be at least one single painting of Jesus’ many alleged miracles during the time he was supposedly alive. There are none. Zip. Nada.
Testimony from those who have crossed over
Through numerous near death experience (NDE) testimonies, there are no religious figures that greet you nor are you judged by anyone other than yourself. In this scenario, you see your life in a panoramic, 360 degree view of everyone you came into contact with. Then, you see your life from their perspective. There are no “pearly gates” and there is no Saint Peter (Ju-PETER). There is, however, an all-loving Creator.
The Age of Pisces, in astrotheology, was the reign of Jesus. Now that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, Jesus’ time has come to an end. This is why we are seeing the collapse of the Roman Catholic Church right now, which fits perfectly into the timeframe from an astrotheological perspective. For those of us who study the stars, this was not surprising at all.
According to Jordan Maxwell’s interpretation of the bible (Luke 22:10), the Age of Pisces ends when the 12 followers asked the apostle Jesus, “Where are we to go when you leave this world?”
Jesus tells his apostles, “Go into the city. You will see a man carrying a pitcher of water. Go into the house of the man with the water pitcher.”
The symbol for the Age of Aquarius is of a man carrying a pitcher of water. According to Maxwell, in the ancient world, no man ever carried water. “That was unheard of in the ancient world,” stated Maxwell. “Men don’t carry water. Women would go to the well, women would get the water. Never would a man go to get water. That was a woman’s job.
The last supper was in the Age of Pisces (the two fish) and now we are going to go into the house of the man with the water pitcher.
Each zodiac sign is referred to as a “house”. We are now entering the house of the man bearing the water pitcher, the house of Aquarius. The Age of Pisces is represented by the two fish, which symbolize the reign of Jesus in Pisces as he fed the masses with two fish and a loaf of bread.
The bible follows these houses in direct order. For example, the “golden calf” announced the Age of Taurus while the blowing of the horns announced the Age of Aries, the ram from where the horns came from. This is also why the bible ends in Revelations because the astrologers who were involved with writing the bible knew that, inevitably, religion (as we know it) would end at this current point in time.
Even the date of his alleged birth is a lie
“It has served us well, this myth of Christ”
~ Pope Leo X
Most of the world recognizes December 25th as the birthday of Jesus but even this is a lie.
A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that December 25 couldn’t be the date for Christ’s birth. Here are two primary reasons:
First, we know that shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke:2:7-8
). Shepherds were not in the fields during December. According to Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays , Luke’s account “suggests that Jesus may have been born in summer or early fall. Since December is cold and rainy in Judea, it is likely the shepherds would have sought shelter for their flocks at night” (p. 309).
Similarly, The Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary says this passage argues “against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec. 25 since the weather would not have permitted” shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields at night.
Second, Jesus’ parents came to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke:2:1-4).
Such censuses were not taken in winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and roads were in poor condition. Taking a census under such conditions would have been self-defeating.
Given the difficulties and the desire to bring pagans into Christianity, “the important fact then which I have asked you to get clearly into your head is that the fixing of the date as December 25th was a compromise with paganism” (William Walsh, The Story of Santa Klaus , 1970, p. 62).
If you research the origin of Christmas or any other Christian holiday, you will find a Pagan holiday that preceded it. In the case of Christmas, the holiday was called Saturnalia, which was a week-long of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law.
In the year 4 A.D., Christianity adopted Saturnalia with the hopes that they could convert the Pagans into Christianity by promising that they could still celebrate Saturnalia as Christians. (Imagine how that would work out today). Because Saturnalia did not follow Christian principles, the Christian leaders designated the last day of Saturnalia as the birth date of Jesus.
If Jesus’ birthdate is based on a lie, what else is fictitious in the bible?
What About God and the Creation Story?
The “god” in the bible is responsible for killing everyone except Noah and his family. This leads us to other questions, such as:
- How did Noah gather two of every animal from the planet?
- How was it possible to gather polar bears, penguins, and other animals that were not indigenous to the Middle East and surrounding area?
- If Noah and his family were the only people who survived the “Great Flood” then explain the difference in ethnicity, blood types and Rh values amongst the people on this planet.
- Did Noah take two Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc… people with him as well? If he did, why wasn’t this explained in the bible?
If Jesus is the “Son of God”, then his father, through priests, popes, ministers, etc…, is responsible for millions of deaths from various crusades and inquisitions.
Another example comes from the Sumerian texts, which date back to 6,500-7,000 years ago, long before “God” allegedly created Earth:
According to the Sumerian texts, mankind was genetically manipulated by the Anunnaki, who most likely have some sort of connection to the Elohim demigods in the bible. The prefix “EL” means “god” as in ArchangEL MichaEL.
That being said, I do believe in an all-loving Creator/Source, just not the bipolar god in the bible who is all loving in one chapter, then kills everyone except for Noah and his family in another.
Why do so many people believe this story?
There’s a reason why the bible is the “greatest story ever told”. While it was written by man to control man, the bible teaches morality and has good parables. That being said, you don’t need a bible to be moral.
If a UFO landed in your backyard, chances are, the ET wouldn’t have two things in his possession: a bible or money (which represent religion and government). Think about that one…
We believe in religion because this was engrained in our mentality since birth. In previous generations, people were labeled as heretics and burned at the stake if they did not conform to Christianity. Why did people fall for this cult mentality? How can any person with moral values conform to something that kills others?
Many religious people fall into this trap. If you go to the 10 minute marker of the following video, David Icke explains how we get suckered into subservience and conformity through group think.
So who is Jesus?
I find it interesting that even Jesus’ Facebook page says he’s a FICTIONAL character.
In my opinion, I agree with Bill Donahue that Jesus is some dude in Mexico. To my Christian parents, Jesus was a real person in accordance to the biblical story. Each person is going to have his or her own impressions of Jesus, so use your own inner truth and discernment. No matter what any one else’s opinion may be, the truth is always within.
Some channelers claim to have been in contact with Jesus. This is their truth, so who am I to argue? What is truth to one person may not be the same to another.
I am not alone in the expression of my truth about religion but for many people, a predisposed mentality coupled with cognitive dissonance will over rule logical thought and comprehension. The embarrassment of possibly being wrong in their belief systems will also keep them believing in something that may not be true.
In5D Addendum: When there is a conspiracy, you can usually trace the money to find the root of it. In the case of the story of Jesus, you can trace the bloodlines.
Astrology was well known amongst every civilization and many knew that they were transitioning from a battle-ladened Age of Aries into the upcoming Age of Pisces. A 400 year old prophecy told how a messiah would be born and how he would lead the Hebrews out of persecution. At the time, each religious cult hoped that this messiah would be from their religion. In order to be uncontested amongst their rival religions, one cult created their own messiah story and based it on knowledge from 100 years in the past so nobody would be able to contradict their story. In their own minds, they believed that this would give their story credibility versus the other messiah-like characters who were based on mythology.
Initially, their messiah was based on a man named Yeshua ben Yoseph (which translated means “Joshua, son of Joseph”). Yeshua was believed to have lived approximately 100 years before the creation of Jesus and evaded prosecution by the governing Hebrew body by fleeing to Rome with his wife, Mary Magdalene and their daughter. Over 100 years after Yeshua’s death, this particular messiah cult added supernatural powers to the Yeshua character, based on Mithra, Osiris and Horus. In order to make their cult more appealing, they added the belief that Yeshua died for your sins and that all anyone needed to do was to accept him as their messiah.
At this point in time, there were several other religious cults vying for ultimate power. The emperor of this time period, Constantine, fought his way into power through death and deception, so he was eager to bring aboard a messiah figure who would forgive him of all of his sins through the deaths he was responsible for on his way to becoming emperor. By the year 312 CE, the Yeshua story had the backing of the Roman Empire, but there were numerous other Yeshua cults that divided them all. In the year 325 CE, Constantine brought together a meeting called the Council of Nicea, which was comprised of all of the leaders from the various Yeshua cults in order to unify their story into one religion which would rival any other major religon. Yeshua’s name was changed to Jesus Christ, with “Christ” meaning the anointed one. Jesus’ first name is simply the English translation of Yeshua, which in Greek, is Iesous.
The Library of Alexandria held all of the Gnostic, philosophy and religious texts from previous generations. By the end of that particular century, all of these texts were destroyed under the auspices of emperor Theodosius, so there were no other records to corroborate how the Yeshua story was fabricated into the story of Jesus.
The Jesus myth can be summed up by a famous quote:
If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.
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40 thoughts on “If the letter J wasn’t invented until the 1500’s, then how is it possible for there to be a “Jesus”?”
E. James Mitchell says:
Great wealth of knowledge it’s good to be conscious in 2015. The conversation has been address….let’s keep it moving for knowledge is power.
Lauren says:
Ye of little faith! Thr Shroud of Turin is the picture of Christ you are questioning. Miracles were performed. Padre Pio lived with the stigmata! You can pick & choose “facts” and taint the truth. We are in the year 2015 AD – years after Jesus death. Science does not offer full explanations for all situations and THAT proves that God is the Creator. I will pray for all of you and your true ignorance.
Charles Jones says:
The bible never said Jesus were born Dec. 25th.
Teena says:
A very interesting read. I think the concept of region was and always will be man’s way of trying to get away with mind contol.
There is no room in religion for eqaulity.Like
MercyfulGrace says:
Listen folks – faith is personal but let me give you an insight. Humans will never fathom God. The best is a revelation of him that you would have. God pre-existed before the foundations of the world, how then can you justify or explain him? Man were the last fixtures on this planet. So your timeline is mute, remote and limited in comparison. Jesus was ordained before this world and and there is nothing you see made without him. He was always with the one. Take this or leave it but you can’t deny you are unaware – now! I have seen Jesus, he is real ..’ He is sitting on the right side of his father. Reigning supreme over all – demons and humans and angelic bodies. This is no joke – Add up JESUS CHRIST, alphabetically – numerically – you would find out the no totals – 77. THATS A GREAT CODE!
andri says:
I think the analysis above are full with many confusion between bible and the human or curch interpretation. For example, the birth of Jesus. Bible never said it was december, but he conclude that it was bible lies. It was wrong decision made by church long time ago. Second, letter “j”. Letter j for jesus was translation, so how come a translation became the base to judge the real letter from jewish?
Those are not analysis. Those are sinical and unbased and hatred comments. If Yeshua followers was making many mistake, you cant put Yeshua as your blacksheep. If church making mistake in intepreting the bible, you cant judge that bible tells lies. That is wrong and full of lies. BE OBJECTIVE AT LEAST WITH YOUR OWN HEART.Like
us says:
nouns dont get translated buddy , if i translate andri in japanese , will it not remain same?
Islam is the true religion it tells the reality of jesus in great detail and his name was IsaLike
keith lewis says:
interesting but what about the bloodline written of in the bible that gives direction to the throne of david the son of jesse grand father of solomon great grand father of menalik great great grandfather of tafari and the said bloodline of which the messiah is to come out of ; if the shepherds attending to their flock during summer rules out the december 25 birth then july 23 the birth of the lion of the tribe of judah tafari haile selassie i stands accurate born in the peak of summer this brings ?s to my mind 1 why did marcus mosiah garvey said look foward to the east for the crowning of a black king then shall u know that redemption is near & why rome invaded ithopia? can this be the part of the true knowledge untold in the bible in its fullness for ones overstanding? also rev 5 behold the lamb had prevail the only person whom was found worthy to take the book out of the hand of one seating on the throne loose the 7 seals and reveil what was written at the same time only picture proof of this bloodline is son of solomom son of queen of sheba king menilik and his son halie selassie i we see today
keith lewis says:
the lion of the tribe of judah had prevail
keith lewis says:
and what about the new name given to his people of which he shall be called ? rastafari and ? who is this king of glory ] haile salassie i
Ovimbundo says:
All the language come from the African accent Juculaomesso, Its mean open your eyes. Human was so confused about the globe phenomenal thats why they didn’t have much choice in their believes and from time to time some people were able to explain the rain, wind the sun and so on but a few people they still believe in it there might be something to control us and our destiny…
lisa says:
There is no j in the Hebrew alphabet… we learned that years ago! As seen before the devil has always tried to usurp and deny to deceive us. The devil has seen the glory of God and with his time running out… what else can he do but work over time in his deception of the masses.
I feel sorry for these people who have nothing better to do but mock God because their souls are lost. They have fallen for the lie manufactured by Satan therefore only by prayer can the heart be changedLike
Debrah Daniels says:
Very True.
foster baah nketiah says:
“”By the end of that particular century, all of these texts were destroyed under the auspices of emperor Theodosius, so there were no other records to corroborate how the Yeshua story was fabricated into the story of Jesus.””
If the above extract from your article is true to go by it, where did you get your information to dispute Jesus’s existence????
Does if mean you also concocted your story??Like
Bill Cooper says:
Any thinking person after reading the Gospel accounts of His birth it plain that 25 Dec could not be Christ’s real birthday. He obviously was born around the 1st part of October which coincides with Day of Atonement which is the entire reason Christ came.
Al says:
Ah! Hence, the Hinduism movement to convert, kill, remove Christians (and others)from India….. Makes sense…..one subjugating religion exterminating the other. Next on the menu: honour killings, desecration of old churches, and food bans, lest others ones gods’…….
before2016 says:
Religion is Politics for the masses.
Cary says:
This is silly….
Obviously there was no “J” in ANY of the languages the texts were written in.
And yes it is widely known that December 25th is a chosen date and not actual.
Do not believe garbage people put out there…. Trust your own research. Make certain you have reliable sources…. Like THE BIBLE….. It says it ALL!!Like
Chibueze says:
This is a masterpiece, well written with evidence. I know many things said here, those who believe in Jesus can do so but not me. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that God never changeth. Why do you have New Testaments? Does it mean that God forgot things and decided to add it in New Testaments? Or does it mean that God has changed. Read the bible very well, probably from the beginning you will observe a lot of conflicts with the verses.
Christian Pius says:
The scriptures is about time, space, people, event, history, fact, truth and revelation. One can never compare God with this scripture and the knowledge that follows. God is everything in heaven, on earth and beyond. God is everyone, every creature even the knowledge educated elites have. Knowing God or how existence came about does not follow common logic but revelation and knowing and accepting truth.
joe says:
So, no J means no Jesus? Well BEfORE Jesus they was the God Jupiter, then there was The Juila family of Rome, of whom Julius Caeser was a part of. Also the Jews had their OWN alaphabet so while the letter J may not have been invented as you say the J sound was. Furthermore Jesus was proven to be a living person and his existamce has been documented by the then historian Flavius Josephus.
Alma Miranda says:
I was referred to this page. I will assume you are being sincere. So, in that vein let me briefly say that theologists, including atheists ones would have a field day with this post. It is folly to regurgitate what people like Jordan Maxwell and Ms Murdock say. Her stuff has so many errors it is not funny. The problem is the way men have distorted ancient writings. There is absolutely no evidence of the Horus and Krishna’s have similes with Jesus. To be able to make that assertion we would have to find archeological evidence of those mythical figures in Hebrew land. There is none. The founder of the ‘christian insanity’ was the heretic self appointed apostle Paul whose agenda was destroy the Jesus figure. Jesus came to end blood sacrifice, an element vital the agenda of certain people in this world. It is a mission of blood. Why do you war is provoked?
I assume you do not know the Ossuary of James, Jesus brother, has been an archeological discovery. Or that you ever heard of Flavius Josephus (there goes the J again). Not to mention the writings of Hugh Schonfield, the famous British Bible scholar, who mocked Jesus in his famous The Passover Plot huge bestseller. Hugh Schonfield died believing there was indeed a Jesus. Mostly, no one knows this. This monumental figure has nothing to do with how He has been portrayed. Or that He came to die for our sins.
By the way, I follow no religion, left a couple and have been doing comparative religion for 50 years. I have not even begun to scratch a decent amount of truth.
Wishing you the best.
George says:
Theoretical analysis will not help. You need to encounter Jesus Christ to appreciate his true essence. I advice that people should be sensitive & respect people’s way of life, just as no one is condemning them, particularly, the atheists. Just as Christ prayed for the people who crucified him, so I pray for those insulting our sensibilities.
sessionsncl says:
I’m an outspoken atheist, but this is by far the worst argument I have ever read.
The Gutenberg Bible was printed in 1450. He wasn’t omitted, just because they didn’t have the letter for his name.
herman says:
You are right there was a man named Yeshua in English Joshua.Yeshua was a common name of that time however to say there is no mention of him historically goes against facts.There is more evidence for him than there is for Abraham Lincoln! Tacitus wrote of him who was the founder of the christians who died during the reign of Tiberius Caesar.Pliny the Younger wrote of him.Flavious Josephus wrote of him.Julius Africanus as well.He is mentioned in the talmud as being killed for insurrection sorcery and leading people away from the true God.By claiming to be the son of God the bible confirms that they understood that he was claiming equality with God and in the bible it mentions they believed he cast out devils using the power of devils thereby confirming his miraculous power.there is a grave in east Talpiot Jerusalem that may have held the bones of James allegedly Yeshua (preressurection) Mary Juda and Joseph.so in theory and reality odds are almost certain he existed and that he was murdered by crucifixion.even the tomb of Caiaphus has been located so have relics belonging to Pontius Pilate bearing his inscription as prefect (governor) of judea.
Anthony D Smith says:
I love this stuff.
Sarah says:
You people are so fickle and so easy persuaded from the true facts of life. Jesus did exist and stop listening to these stupid humans who claim to have all of the answers. God is real and I feel so sorry for you if you haven’t been blessed with the presence of our creator so far in your life. How about you spend your time doing some more research into Jesus’s life and stop wasting your time on the ET lie. Not saying that ETs arent real, but really, what has it got to do with Jesus…. nothing…. stop spreading your lies and get on with living a wholesome life and live in peace brother!
sentoria says:
Are you sayng Jesus is stupid? That he wouldn’t know about alien life? Where did that idea come from? How do You know if
he conversed or even more with them? They where here in
the world Jesus made so yea I am sure Jesus knows everything about them, the galexy the universe and every living being in infinity
so who is to say he didn’t have important dealings or common dealings with Aliens, Jesus knows every hair on every single person born continually on this earth’s head, so ofcoarse he knows of them and who knows what parts the aliens may have played in Jesus’s life
and our history. Jesus made this world who knows how many more he may have made, His awsome power has no limits, None…
It seems to me you already have a set idea of how jesus’s life is suposed to be, but no 1 knows that accept for him.Like
Gospel Rider says:
Wow! In this age of not only information, but high speed information, how could anyone hope to float mad ravings as fact? Someone who calls themselves ‘Christian’ must of really pissed you off. However, did you stop to consider whether or not they were operating in accord with Jesus’ teachings (which you artfully stay away from)? That’s what actually draws a sharp distinction between the many permutations of what is called “Christianity” and the true spirit and purpose of Jesus’ coming.
About that pesky old “J”. Alphabetical representation is different from pictographs or hieroglyphs. They do not convey intrinsic meaning, but only give a graphical reference for an existing phonetic expression. Hence, the creation of characters to represent what we now enunciate as Y, I and J (and all the others for that matter).
But back to the apparent, other central gripes against Jesus. Historical data: Anyone with a library card or Internet access can look up Tacitus, Josephus and the Talmudic entries that one of the earlier posters correctly mentioned. Point being, there is, importantly, non-Christian and anti-Jesus documented history. This gives much more credibility to Jesus’ life than what many who have not taken the opportunity to understand his mission offer in attempts to discredit him.
I must however, agree with the statement that numbers too great to express have been murdered while the perpetrators claim to be following God’s will. Funny that one response sites that Islam is the only true religion, because it doesn’t use violence as a conversion methodology. Islam is plagued with the same fanaticism in its ranks.
Conclusion: Not only are your assertions far outside the sphere of fact, it also seems that your hatred (partly understandable in the face of all the garbage being foisted as Christ-like or Godly) has closed you off from an objective and scientific study of the very person for whom you express such vitriol.
With love and respect to my own experience with this, I urge you to consider another looks.
Gospel Rider says:
I should add the nothing in the quotations of Jesus or any of the “New Testam” writer even hints toward conquering lands, attacking anyone who speaks against him (guess he’s a big enough boy to handle a little criticism or himot). Nor does he ever advocate forcing anyone to accept what he has to offer. On the other hand, it is written “through love and kindness have I draw you” and again, “the goodness of God leads you to repentence”. Completely counter to much of what’s being advance as “God’s will”.
Charity or love is a powerful weapon against hatred, selfish greed fear. Jesus did advocate the armed defense of those for whom you are responsible. He told his followers to purchase swords, but make it clear that it wasn’t about arsenal building. Saying regarding the two swords the his disciple reported to Jesus as being in inventory.
Obara Meji says:
Well done
Sane says:
I believe god is love and god is within u. Whether u r a christian, hindu, islam ,jews , shembe. The bottom line is all religions teaches same thing, love, giving, helping others, caring, doing good, taking reponsibilities etc… Why should there be arguments abt whose god is real or myth. There r ppl who reflects god by their doings and yet they dnt belong to any religious group/church. And there r leaders who preach d word of god and yet do d opposite.
claae03 says:
The pride of some blacks continue to campaign they are the only ones that matter and have been deprived of their true identity how they are the real Hebrews. What they fail to realize is their pride consumes them and how is that possible? Because God is allowing it. The Word of God explains a reprobate mind and they are turned over to themselves.
Jacqui says:
Read the book of ENOCH.
Devon says:
I’m going to deal with the J part since that is what is titled:
1. As stated by the authors source the J original sound was equivalent to the I with a Y sound
2. As should be known. Greek custom would normally add an “S” to the end of Male names to keep the Gender specific if in question.
3. Jesus, John, Jacob, Jonah, Joseph, Jude, etc are written that way in English due to the French involvement in the English language development, But that’s not what is seen in the Greek NT and with the cultural S at the end of the name taken off you have: Ieshu, Ionne, Iekoob, Iona, Iosep. Iooda
3b. and by the way it’s not Iames it Iakobo(s) in the Greek NT. I’m not sure where they got James from.that.
3c. You made another mistake in thinking that the names are European. They’re not but you have made the association because you where brought up in a European world. Like people think Malik is a black name, but it’s ArabLike
Key says:
I needed this… Ran into so many inconsistencies in what I was raised to believe… this actually makes sense to me. I know there is the Creator but I am still searching for my truth. Thanx
Keith Augustus Burton says:
Very simple:
For instance, take the English name “James” is the same as the French name “Jacques”, which is the same as the German name “Jacob,” which is the same as the Greek/Latin “Iakobos/Iakobus”, which is a culturally adapted translation/transliteration of the Hebrew “Yakov.”
Here are the steps:
1. Ya’akov — Original Hebrew
2. Iakob-os/us — Greek/Latin transliteration of Yakov (there is no “Y” equivalent in Greek). The “-os/us” ending is added to conform with second declension masculine Greek/Latin nouns.
3. Jacob — German reversion to the Hebrew original, but pronounced “Jacob” (the “J” in German is pronounced like the English “Y”)
4. Jacques — French adaptation which is transformed for the French language in which the “J” sounds like the English “J”.
5. James — Linguistic accommodation based upon regional pronunciation.You can use this progression to see how Yeshua becomes Jesus–a less complex process:
1. Yeshua — Hebrew
2. Iesous — Greek
3. Jesu — Latin
4. Jesus — German (pronounced Yesus)
5. Jesus — EnglishLike
Andre Murray says:
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Recycled Zeitgeist garbage that has been well and truly answered.
The Zeitgeist material is via genuine theological research, pretty much iron clad with shed loads of evidence. It has never been answered, only slandered. Yes, we understand knee jerk reactions on finding out you’ve been lied to, but claiming something is garbage is not answering the points raised, it just makes you look like an idiot.
“The Zeitgeist material is via genuine theological research, pretty much iron clad with shed loads of evidence. It has never been answered, only slandered.”
Who sounds like a blind religious fanatic now Pix?
There is nothing “blind” about shed loads of evidence.
Etch-a-sketch clown….
There is little defensible evidence of anything ( Other than deception by the movie maker and it’s primary source DM Murdock ) in that movie.
You mean to say you’ve never considered the sources or lack of real evidence?
Have you tried watching the debunking videos that have been around for over 5 years? They do a good job of detailing the lack of evidence. Want a link or 5 ?
You repeat stuff from that movie all the time. You are corrected routinely but you choose to repeat Fairy Tales instead of face facts.
You are blind or willfully deceitful.
What is worse than your writing this Baloney (Bologna)
Is that there are some People out there that will believe
this papalatschi. Texts translated out of Hebrew, Aramaic,
and Greek, and you waste time talking about a J. The J and
the y (how the words are written, and how they are pronounced)
changes back and forth through many languages. The
pronunciation you speak of with the hard English J was a rather late
Ask an Hispanic how to pronounce Jalopy.
Ask a third grader from Utah how to pronounce Jalapeno.
A German would write the Beatles Lyric “She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah,”
as “Ja Ja Ja”
As Shambalah fades away,
a new batter steps up to the plate.
No Respect.
Distant Cousin,
You make excellent points, all.
However, it must be said, Shambalah has lost his nerve. His back bone. His balls. Game over for him.
He should have stayed in the game and stopped sand bagging…..is it sand bagging? Tea bagging…..I get so confused with all the metaphors……
Any who….if he wanted to stay the King he should have never hid in the closet and diddled with himself all day.
Batter UP!
For a high functioning Schizophrenic to endlessly
defend his theories and principles is time consuming,
and can lead to depressive side effects.
Truly the “Coward King” – - “Shambles the Unready)???
Saved his rear by turning off his Comments!
I commented once he shouldn’t be afraid of comments,
but afraid of G-d. He is incapable of research, or bringing
abstract concepts together with facts.
How long before some parent sues BIN, because their child
believed Shambalah???? haha
OK Next to Bat?????
He closed his comments ’cause people copied or linked his personal information in the comment section.
Personally, the fruitcake shouldn’t have made endless moronic videos of himself to promote his delusions. Plus, some wise one tallied all the vicious responses he made on BIN on two enlightening websites (if not more). The man is totally nuts.
To think that he claims to be in the MENSA LEAGUE… Mensa league my rump.
I think he may have spelled the word incorrectly when he tried to convey his thoughts…..I believe the correct spelling for his current state would be ‘mensus.’
Biggest FRAUD committed towards humanity to keep the submissive slaves in check.
It’s the 21st Century, the days of believing in false Idols,Prophets, and Gods need to be done with.
Time to be an adult folks, and throw away your imaginary friends.
Only fraud I see is Satan’s world of sin and his way of deceiving the masses into self destruction and eternal death, where keeping the commandments and repentance gives life more abundantly with peace and everlasting or eternal life after the flesh is no more.
Religions created by man ARE a huge fraud, and they are a racket to acquire money, and to keep people FROM God, not draw them TO Him. The one true faith that Jesus taught, however, is not. It is the only way to survive.
The Catholic church is responsible for the birth lies as the bible is nearly silent without doing a lot of research as to when Yahshua was born.
Jesus is a corrupted translation from Greek to English and the name should have been taken from the Hebrew just as the Father is Yahweh, so is the son Yahshua.
They are both real but men corrupt the manuscripts thru translations but truth seekers can still find it if they look.
As we know the Word of God actually used YHWH for the name of God, and as we also know, many claim Yahweh is the proper way to spell it since YHWH is un-speakable in any language. Consider the following historic facts regarding the use and origin of the name “Yahweh.”
“Pagan leaders used the name Yahweh. The name was inscribed on the Moabite Stone in Jordan about 830 B.C. exactly as it appeared in the Old Testament. The Lachish Letters, written between 589-587 B.C. and discovered in 1935 in the ancient town of Lachish near Jerusalem, frequently used the name Yahweh. ” (Source: http://www.plim.org/Sacred%20Names%20Article.html )
” Yw, Yawu, Yah, Iahu, IeuoYw or Yawu is given as the original name of Yam in the Myth of Ba`al from Ugarit, and is probably the same as Ieuo in Philo of Byblos’ Phoenician History. He is possibly to be identified with Yahweh. Coincidentally, a likely pronunciation of Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh really is Yahuh (Yahoo!).” (Source: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2938/mindei.html)
” The Protoindo European god Yayash, Yaë or Yave, a protective god whose symbol was a tree, signifying possibly ‘”walking”, “going”, “a pilgrim”, has been dated back to the Indus River valley, circa 2900 B.C.E. He has been identified with the Turko Syrian YHVH, a “sacred animal or organization”.
“Yahweh appears to have been originally a sky god – a god of thunder and lightning. He was associated with mountains and was called by the enemies of Israel ‘a god of the hills’. His manifestation was often as fire, as at Mount Sinai and in the burning bush.” – Great Events of Bible Times
“Originally, these four consonants [in YHWH] represented the four members of the Heavenly Family:
Y represented El the Father;
H was Asherah the Mother;
W corresponded to He the Son; and
H was the Daughter Anath.
– Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 18
“In accordance with the royal traditions of the time and region, God’s mysterious bride, the Matronit, was also reckoned to be his sister. In the Jewish cult of the Cabbala God’s dual male-female image was perpetuated. Meanwhile other sects perceived the Shekinah or Matronit as the female presence of God on Earth. The divine marital chamber was the sanctuary of the Jerusalem Temple, but from the moment the Temple was destroyed, the Matronit was destined to roam the Earth while the male aspect of Jehovah was left to rule the heavens alone.” – Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 18 (Source: Biblical Beginnings in Canaan, Op. Cit.)
“A letter found in a mound northwest of the modern town of Ta’annek written in the fifth century B.C. proves that ‘Yah’ was a deity of the Canaanites. Yah is associated with the Canaanitish Mother-goddess, Ashtart-Anat as seen by the Father-Mother titles of the deity of the Jews at Elephantine. There, the title of Anat-Yaw is seen as well as Ashim-Bethel and Afat-Bethel where the titles of Astarte are combined with the Sun-god, Bethel. At Gaza, Yah appears as a Sun-god on a coin and coins were frequently inscribed with the figure of Ashtart-Yaw, Anat-Yaw, and Anat-Bethel, which corresponds to the Phoenician Melk-Ashtart and Eshmun-Ashtart” – The Mythology Of All Races, Vol. 5, p. 44.
“Yah was identified with the Aramaic Thunder-god, Adad. A coin from the fourth century B.C. in southern Philisti (when the Jews were in subjection to the Persian kings) has the only known representation of the Hebrew Deity. The letters YHW were inscribed just above a bird which the god held on his arm. The most likely identification of the god Yah of Gaza is the Hebrew, Phoenician, and Aramaic Sun-god El or Elohim whom the Hebrews had long since identified with Yah.” (ibid., pp. 42-43).
“The collection of ancient manuscripts found at the Jewish colony of Elephantine demonstrates the use of Canaanite religious terminology in conjunction with the name of Israel’s God Yahu. Such compound names as Anath-Yahu, Anath-Bethel, Ishum-Bethel, and Herem-Bethel are found there. These names all represent the attempt to combine differing philosophies and religious beliefs that were prevalent in the centuries following the Israelite conquest of Canaan. For example, Anath was the ancient Canaanite goddess, the sister of Baal (Bruce, p. 53), and Baal was one of the ancient names for Nimrod.” (Hislop, p. 232).
“It was from the divine name Yah that the Greeks took ‘Ie’ in the invocations of the gods, especially the god Apollo. The name ‘Ie’ was written from right to left and inscribed over the great door of the temple of Apollo at Delphi (Taylor, p. 183). Iao, a variant of the Tetragrammaton, was applied to the Graeco-Egyptian god Harpocrates or Horus. Horus was called Harpocrates by the Greeks. The ancient Greeks had an acclamation similar to Hallelujah (Praise you Yah). They used Hallulujee in the beginning and ending of their hymns in honor of Apollo.” – Taylor, p. 183. Source: http://www.bibleresearch.org/law/sacredname.html
“Many Vedic chants of praise also contain Yah, e.g. Rama-yah, Isha-ya (Yah my Divine Husband), Jai-ya (Yah as joy); Shiva-ya (Yah is purity, holiness, truth); Krishna ya (Yah is the transcendental loving Witness); Vishnu yah (Yah is all pervasive Light); Kali ya (Yah is the creative manifesting force or energy).” etc. etc. Source: http://www.corplink.com.au/~roman/Sacred.html
If the Yahweh movement is accurate and we are only to use the name Yahweh for the Lord, why was the following passage penned?
Exodus 3:13-15, “And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”
Or what of this passage?
Exo 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Coincidentally, a likely pronunciation of Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh really is Yahuh (Yahoo!).”
Well yeah. Israel is under the rule of the yahoo Bibi.
Yahuh Serious??
(young einstein)
The various forms of the name of the Saviour are given to us by Father Himself (Isa 56.5; Rev 2:17). They can be thought of as ‘stepping-stones’ we encounter at each stage of our growth, as we search and seek for Him in Scripture, and as we overcome various obstacles. As we proceed along the Way, and as we mature in our knowledge of Him, we move from one stepping-stone to another, and we come ever closer what His name is.
When we learn of a more ‘Biblical’ form of the Saviour’s name, we dare not stop on that one stepping-stone, thinking we can go no further, or that we have somehow arrived. There may be more for us to learn of His name. Let us therefore not criticise any of the names that someone else has found in their search along the Way, even though we might have moved on from that stepping-stone, from that particular understanding of His name.
We are reminded that each blessing we receive from Father carries with it a test of our stewardship of that blessing. The name of the Saviour is just such a blessing, so let us be good stewards, and not bicker and argue with one another over which may be the more ‘correct’ form of His name.
Most importantly, let us remember that we are saved and delivered by His name (which speaks of who He is), and not by a certain pronunciation — whether spoken as Jesus, Yahushua, Yeshua, יהושוע, or any other variation.
Whatever names are used, when spoken by a sincere and seeking heart, our Heavenly Father responds to them all!
This sounds good to me.
It is impossible that God’s Name will ever be fully known to us, any more than His nature can ever be fully known.
This is surely why we read, “In Thy presence is fulness of joy, at Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore”.
Personally, I find that the name YHVH, with the letters’ individual meanings according to the Hebrew language, being “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”, suffices to fill my heart with all the love which He requires of us during this present stage of our awareness.
You say:
According to Jordan Maxwell’s interpretation of the bible (Luke 22:10), the Age of Pisces ends when the 12 followers asked the apostle Jesus, “Where are we to go when you leave this world?” Jesus tells his apostles, “Go into the city. You will see a man carrying a pitcher of water. Go into the house of the man with the water pitcher.”
but the Bible says:
Luk 22:9 And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?
Luk 22:10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.
Please explain the discrepancy.
Simple answer, Jordan Maxwell is a false prophet with no authority to speak for God or Jesus Christ. Whereas the apostles were present with Jesus, heard His words and recorded them as heard.
Could you not find something interesting AND truthful to write about? Use your imagination, I am sure you can.
Ja! Meaning Yes Hua , Maori for brother.
Do you live among Maori speakers, Coalpony, as i do? The reason i ask is because your assertion is incorrect.
If you are really interested in Jesus and understanding your world, then you must read the Sumerian writings. Jesus time does not start till Aquarius. Quetzalcoatl is Thoth, after his brother RA came back to rule. Jesus has is history recorded if you can turn away from the Roman controlled bible, as of 400 AD. The Tomb of Jesus can also be found, where he died of old age. His father is Josephs Ben Hurr, Jewish royalty. He has been given a thousand year rule next, on Earth, which is a half time, for the regular time to rule. His true messages were hidden from Rome’s destruction of his true teachings, which were of the Chakra and the third eye, which can be found in the Book of Thomas. The current christian religion is been altered by Rome and is the sun god religion………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………. …….. The current religion of Rome, during Jesus, till the time Rome took it over was …..Mithra; 1200 BC, born of a virgin on Dec 25, had twelve disciples, performed miracles, dead for three days then resurrected, sometimes called the light and the way and his day of worship is Sunday. Other names with similar worship would be Buda Sakia, Salivahana, Zulis, or Zhule, Crite, Zoroaster, (Mithra), Indri, Bali, Iao, Adad, Deva Tat, Alcides, Mikado, Beddru, Thor, Cadmus, and of course Prometheus and Adonis . ………………. If you just study the Rome’s version of Jesus, you will never find the TRUTH.
horse manure
Definitely some sort of manure…. but it’s cold like a stone instead of warm and steamy with a straw filling.
Jesus time was actually Pisces, not Aquarius. I know exactly what documentary you watched. It’s a good overview, but completely wrong in some of it’s claims. eg, “Quetzalcoatl is Thoth, after his brother RA came back to rule.” Ra is an aspect of the sun, solar maximum activity. as opposed to Osiris who represents minimum solar activity and El who represents balanced solar activity. The three Egyptian solar deities, osirIS+RA=EL=ISRAEL
The Hebrew bible dates only to 6,000 years ago -because that is where the Egpytians left off or were ‘plagued by that nice forgiving hebrew’god of the hebrew ‘bible.
For the name jesus here is the online etymology dictionary for what its worth.
late 12c. (Old English used hælend “savior”), from Greek Iesous, which is an attempt to render into Greek the Aramaic proper name Jeshua (Hebrew Yeshua) “Jah is salvation,” a common Jewish personal name, the later form of Hebrew Yehoshua (see Joshua).
As an oath, attested from late 14c. For Jesus H. Christ (1924), see I.H.S. First record of Jesus freak is from 1970. Jesu, common in Middle English, is from the Old French objective case.
I.H.S. Look up I.H.S. at Dictionary.com
Old English, from Medieval Latin, representing Greek abbreviation of IHSOUS “Jesus,” in which the character -H- is the capital of the Greek vowel eta. The Roman form would be I.E.S. Mistaken for a Latin contraction in the Middle Ages, after its Greek origin was forgotten, and sometimes treated as short for Iesus Hominum Salvator “Jesus Savior of Men.” Alternative version I.H.C. (terminal -s- often was indicated in later Greek with a character resembling -c-) is found on vestments from 950 C.E., and may be the source of the H. in slang Jesus H. Christ.
Nazarene (n.) Look up Nazarene at Dictionary.com
c. 1200, “holy man;” early 13c., “a native or resident of Nazareth,” childhood home of Jesus, from Late Latin Nazarenus, from Greek Nazarenos, from Hebrew Natzerath. As an adjective from late 13c. As “a follower of Jesus” from late 14c. In Talmudic Hebrew notzri, literally “of Nazareth,” meant “a Christian;” likewise Arabic Nasrani (plural Nasara). In Christian use, however, it can be a nickname for Jesus, or refer to an early Jewish Christian sect (1680s in English), or, in modern use, to a member of the Church of the Nazarene, a U.S.-based Protestant denomination (1898 in this sense).
Perhaps you should study the historicity of Christ, before you make uninformed statements.
No evidence is provided for the existence of Jesus, the bible is not evidence that Jesus existed, any more than the song Puff the Magic dragon is evidence that Puff existed. It amounts to idle claims as usual with copious amounts of odious arrogance by claiming knowledge of the unknowable.
The problem with atheists is that in most cases they vociferate loudly about schematics, but refuse to even try to establish a relationship with God. In turn they just don’t know Him or recognize His existence. It’s like if a person never opened their eyes, they would never realize all God’s wondrous creations that exists around Them. The absence of vision does not mean these creations do not exist!
It takes a contrite heart, a teachable willingness to set aside our very limited human intellect which is viewed foolishness in the eyes of God. Sadly God has not yet manifest in your life most likely because of your arrogant self reliance and degradation of that which is spiritual. If you honestly open up to Him when He does call you there will no denying His presence in you. Should you answer the call your ability to understand what is spiritual will then and only then be truly heightened.
God’s truth, His plan as outlined in Rev. 21:2 is remarkable and the love He perpetrates is breathtakingly warming. It’s like nothing else life has to offer. Try it , you’ll like it!
Who how his name is spelled? How does it, in any way, important to the story? This is why people are sick of religion (and yes, Atheism IS a religion): All this trifling over stupid details.
Dammit! That should read “Who cares how…..”
Because there was no such person as Jesus, Dionysus was an idea, a concept of freedom, not a person. Atheism is not a religion, it is the default state, we are all born as atheists and you have to be brainwashed from birth into believing something else. In fact there is very little difference between a theist and an atheist, the disbelieve in one less deity than the other. I’m assuming you don’t believe in Zeus or the boggy man in the mountain?
It’s not trifling stupid detail, but the difference between reality and fantasy role playing at being ‘holier than thou’.
Having a hard time following your dirty bowl of “word salad” Pix.
Are you trying to tell Bill Lyle that he is playing at being “holier than you” ?
He ain’t playing.
I think we can safely agree that Bill ( in any form… even as O.T.S. ) is holier than you Pix.
Gus Fung
What are you talking about? Why don’t you actually read what I said, instead of interpreting it in your hate filled mind? EG point out where I’m accusing Bill of anything?
Who are you talking about now “O.T.S.”? Are you role playing your deity again, doing the judging for IT?
More jewish fables . . .
“Who Invented the Religion Christianity and Where Did the Name Jesus Originate From? ”
The oldest versions of Christianity originate in Turkey and neighboring Armenia. It was common practice back then for the pagan mystery cults Mithraism and Dionysus to share buildings, because Mithraism had below ground level temples and Dionysus had ground level temples. It was an official (state) amalgamation of the two cults.
The name Jesus Christ originates from Greece, probably via a country just North of Greece originally in an extinct nation called Thracia. Dion = Anointed one, Christ, and Ysus is Jesus before the letter J existed. The whole name Dionysus means ‘being like the source’, and a reference to living off the bounty of the land as God intended in nature. As opposed to being subject to a human despotic dictator.
The reason why Dionysus was transformed into a dictatorship was to destroy it’s message of freedom. Can’t have the surfs revolting against their despotic masters. The only way to destroy such ideas is to pervert them.
Quote: “The only way to destroy such ideas is to pervert them”
That would explain the many wrong and twisted assertions you make here every day. It’s getting harder and harder to pull a thread of gold out of the stack of manure you post Pix.
I thought you where just an “etch-a-sketch” that resets every day “with a shake” but it appears your whole task here is to pervert whatever you can’t wish a way.
Nobody is interested in your invented gossip about what you believe about other people you know nothing about. Just a suggestion but grow the f up, you’re acting like an idiot kid.
Only kids run from the truth Pix.
Tie your shoes up so you don’t trip Honey….
“Why Did They Make Up the Letter J and What Year Was It Invented?!”
“A distinctive usage emerged in Middle High German.[3] Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478–1550) was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds …”
“The great majority of Germanic languages, such as German, Dutch, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian; use ⟨j⟩ for the palatal approximant /j/, which is usually represented by the letter ⟨y⟩ in English.”
Although I have many names, I go by the name Yahshuah. Yes We are the blue eyed people of Earth and yes We were blond but We changed Our look about 10000 years ago for a good reason. Now I have dark brown hair and brows and still blue eyes like the flame of a fire. We are known as Sagica, the Dark haired Lords. We were the Sumerians and The Bible introduces Us in Genesis 2. We are the line of Seth known as The Yahudim or The Tribe of Yahudah where the word Jew was derived from. That means that there are no Jews on Earth with brown or green eyes. Green eyes are the result of the angels described by Enoch who took Earth wives, the ones described in Genesis 1, day six. The tribe of Esau are the Aashkenazi and are called the Red Dragon in Revelation because they have red hair and no compassion. If you are at all interested in what is happening with the Two Witnesses, here is an up to date blog with a free download of the Book of Revelation 10: http://www.wheretofromhere.org.