Shot Dead: Military Shoots Person Infected With COVID19 Breaking Quarantine
Birmingham,West Midlands,England
As the latest figures showed a rise in the number of coronavirus cases in the city over the past five days, the council’s deputy leader Brigid Jones said council staff had been redeployed to its “drop-and-collect” coronavirus testing service.
Ms Jones told a meeting of the on Friday (September 25) that the initiative involved going door to door in high-risk areas offering testing kits to those with or without symptoms.
She told the meeting: “We have been in talks with the military about them giving us some extra capacity for drop-and-collect.
“It’s very much in an extra capacity, feet-on-the-ground sense. It’s literally just to support the civilian effort side of things and we’ll be in a position next week to confirm whether or not they will be providing extra capacity and how that might be working.”
Ms Jones said of the door-to-door scheme: “We are doing it because these are areas where there are very high levels of Covid and we believe there may be asymptomatic people and other people in the community who haven’t accessed tests.
This is INSANE!!!!!!!
There is NO TEST on planet earth which can diagnose the existence of Covid-19 – NONE — NADA!!!!!!!
The inventor of the PCR test wrote in his book that his PCR test CANNOT be used to detect a virus. The antigen tests make the PCR tests seem like the gold standard by comparison.
The FDA/CDC, and the country of Ireland, and possibly the President of Brazil have admitted that Covid-19 DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!!
There IS NO PANDEMIC and we ALL KNOW IT!!!!!!!
The people need to rise up against this NWO Tyranny!!!!!!!
And make no mistake, president Trump with his operation warp speed is 100% complicit in this Covid Tyranny!!!!!!!
See also my article “Mounting Evidence of Trump´s Anti-Christ Aspiration to Create Hell on Earth”
- /religion/2020/10/mounting-evidence-of-trump%c2%b4s-anti-christ-aspiration-to-create-hell-on-earth-2554997.html
It may be a safe vaccine which pulls the rug out from under the Melinda and Bill Gates Cartel. It could be ‘code’ for using the military(vaccine) to take out the disease (deep state) and it removes the reason for lockdowns and masks.
The name WARP speed is also a star trek reference that few understand.
You do one good post and then follow it with something really dumb. How does that work?
The name of the software program used to track Trump´s Operation Warp Speed rollout is called “Tiberius”, the name of the Roman prefect (governor) of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus and gave the order for his crucifixion?
As I have forewarned in my articles, Trump intends to genocide Christians/Gentiles!:
- /v3/contributor/stories/?uid=382612
“The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine had been contracted by the Department of Health and Human Services to provide 100 million doses for nearly $2 billion. President Trump smiled and acknowledged this proudly. The vaccine utilizes messenger RNA” [the messenger RNA vaccines (which of course are not vaccines at all) are the type which will permanently alter a person´s DNA!!!]
The only other vaccine approved by the Trump Administration is ModeRNA which is also a messenger RNA vaccine. It is foolish to suggest that these are benign.
I’ve never liked this Fact.
What I can tell you taking care of patients with COVID-19 and seeing all variations of those diagnosed as positive and with no symptoms is that that is is not quite as simple as there is no pandemic.
First, yes there are many false positives.
Second, may of those that are asymptomatic, when we check there blood or chest X-ray, they do have evidence of an infection.
Third, those that are admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 pneumonia have a very characteristic course.. It is not like any other virus and if they are not managed very tightly, they will go downhill quickly and end up on the ventilator. Additionally, they become hypoxic quickly unlike other viral pneumonia. We are seeing a large uptick right now. So yes it should not be called a PANDEMIC perhaps, but iit definitely is a circulating virus.
There is no pandemic. Trump really won the election. Masks don’t work. Windmills cause cancer. Elvis was found under an overpass in San Diego. You seem to be pretty much of a stable genius. A true BINNERITE, through and through.
Crappy reporting you ever hear of the five W’s I doubt they don’t teach anything in school anymore but crap who what where why when and how where was this how was this one clue that told me it wasn’t the US was the license plate on the vehicle in the picture but it’s a shame I had to do my own little detective work really easy to post something I guess it’s too much work can actually do honest-to-god reporting let’s just copy lame stream news method
There were a couple of further clues other than the ‘foreign’ license plate if you looked carefully~
The soldiers uniform is MTP camo, not an American pattern……
Oh & article does say ‘Birmingham,West Midlands,England’
Alas I’ve overlooked something myself also~I can’t find reference to “person shot dead” in the linked full article??
The door to door testing mentioned sounds disturbing enough however.
People join the army because they can’t swim
Out of all the things you’ve said over all the years you’ve finally got me stumped. What the hell are you talking about ? Most military are white are 99% of whites can swim
There’s no pandemic and there never was one; “cases” do not equal infections or deaths. Stop trying to ramp up the fear levels. Haven’t you psychopaths caused enough death and damage already? And don’t think we’re so stupid we don’t know you are spreading propaganda for the government in order to brainwash people into accepting your diabolical Reset and Agenda 2030.
The pcr tests are not designed to be accurate for this ‘virus’.
So statistics are inaccurate and the PANDEMIC IS NOT A PANDEMIC.
Arrest the government allowing this. They are elected to protect the people, NOT BIG PHARMA.
know the rules
Garuntee he never had it. As usual they’re covering up Thier own incompetence
Try spellcheck as you obviously never learned in school……
With the pcr tests not applicable to test for this ‘virus’ and that they are using, it may turn out during the autopsy that the ‘infected’ was NOT INFECTED. The deceased may turn out to be negative for covid, but was positive for corona virus that classified the person as a “CASE”
But with the corruption happening as a daily function of the nwo gang, the autopsy may be influenced with their secret hand.
Don’t take medicine if your not sick, Don’t get tested if your not sick, Covid test kits are infected that’s why so many are shown to be infected, there getting nearly 100mpercent of the those tested as positive a logical impossibility. Be wise to them and the vaccine doped with Nano particles to change your DNA to a more controllable state by the evil ones who want a NWO all spied on and controlled with a list of resistors and critical thinkers, the Democrats have bought into the NWO along with MSM, CHINA and many others. Its like chocolate powder milk once mixed in with the milk not very separable i at all. Therefore, don’t get tested or take the vaccine. Other pathologist have warned against the vaccine. So if therapeutics work no need for a vaccine, like Aspirin for a headache only take as needed.
Don’t take medicine if your not sick, Don’t get tested if your not sick, Covid test kits are infected that’s why so many are shown to be infected, there getting nearly 100 percent of the those tested, as positive, a logical impossibility. Be wise to them and the vaccine doped with Nano particles to change your DNA to a more controllable state by the evil ones who want a NWO all spied on and controlled with a list of resistors and critical thinkers, the Democrats have bought into the NWO along with MSM, CHINA and many others. Its like chocolate powder milk once mixed in with the milk not very separable, if at all. Therefore, don’t get tested or take the vaccine. Other pathologist have warned against the vaccine. So if therapeutics work, no need for a vaccine, like Aspirin for a headache only take as needed.