The Ongoing Battle for Biblical Truth
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Gary discusses the work of American Vision and runs through some history of theological debates over the last half-century.
Biblical heroes like Gideon, Jephthah, Samuel, Barak, and Samson had their moral failings, and yet they are in the biblical “Hall of Faith”:
And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon [idolater], Barak [coward], Samson [womanizer], Jephthah [made a rash vow], of David [adulterer, accomplice to murder, man of bloodshed] and Samuel [a terrible father who raised two evil sons] and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight (Heb. 11:32–34).
There is no perfection in this world. In most cases, we have to settle for the less than righteous while always pursuing righteousness. There aren’t many Josephs or Daniels around. There was only one of each in the Bible.
Self-government under God is the starting point in the transformation of the political sphere. A person who can’t govern himself well (not perfectly) can’t govern well when other imperfect people are part of the mix.
To repeat what has been discussed in earlier chapters of this book, governing principles must be taught by word and example. Training in good government begins with family government. The Preface to Elements of Civil Government states, “This text-book begins ‘at home.’ The starting point is the family, the first form of government with which the child comes in contact.” Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language includes the following definition under the entry “government”: “The exercise of authority by a parent or householder. ‘Children are often ruined by a neglect of government in parents. Let family government be like that of our heavenly Father, mild, gentle and affectionate.’”
The church is a government. There are specific qualifications for church governors (elders) outlined by the Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 3:2–7). Keep in mind that these are qualifications for Christians in an ecclesiastical setting that are transferable to the civil sphere. But not all candidates are going to exemplify these character traits. In most cases, however, the majority of people do want their civil servants to embody the qualities that Paul lists. Christians should strive to nurture and support such candidates.

The main reason anti-Christian civilizationists survive and seem to thrive is that Christians have not engaged with, answered, and built a competing alternative culture—THE ORIGINAL CIVILIZATION—founded on the principles found in God’s Word and observable in creation. Moreover, many Christians don’t believe there can be or should be a Christian civilization, so they send their children off to the local government school that is anti-Christian believing that facts are neutral and public education is free. Such thinking comes at a terrible cost.
Gary discusses the work of American Vision and runs through some history of theological debates over the last half-century. AV has been on the frontlines of biblical truth for 45 years and continues to do so with books, videos, web articles, podcasts, and much more. Please consider joining us and help to continue AV’s impact in 2025 with a donation matching grant during March.
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American Vision’s mission is to Restore America to its Biblical Foundation—from Genesis to Revelation. American Vision (AV) has been at the heart of worldview study since 1978, providing resources to exhort Christian families and individuals to live by a Biblically based worldview. Visit for more information, content and resources
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