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By JLenardDetroit
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DNC - Please Stop, My Sides Hurt From Laughing at All Your BS. Lies, Hypocrisy, SPIN, etc...

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[ First, added update (Thu. Aug. 22 14:07ET): I will be on again with Rick Walker (Maverick News) as we will again LIVE FactCheck their idiocy tonight (Thu. Aug. 22 19:00ET): 

LOL, us calling out LEFT LIES getting noticed - MemeHysteria gave a mention on TruthSocial: 
image source: (c) TruthSocial 2024 (FYI: (if you do not see the image above) B4IN strips images after 1 year when Articles are moved to Archive Servers)

Please share this piece via SHARE ANYWHERE buttons above, just below this Article's title and date/time-stamp (unless you have blockers engaged and therefore may not see them or they may not work).  NOTE: Fri. Aug. 23rd update: there will be DNC Night 4, RFK Jr. endorses Trump, and Trump 8/23 AZ Rally (which RFK Jr. Guest appeared at), items appended to the very, very, bottom of this piece!  EVERY DAMN SPEAKER at DNC Convention predicated their bullshit starting with STRAWMAN/LIES about Right/Trump/Conservatives/ChristiTutionalists/etc... (more on that/this at bottom and my appearance on Maverick News Day 4 of DNC follow-up) ]

First? Second? Third? Whatever, let’s officially start off the full piece with: I’ll start with copy/paste from my LOCALS #SocialMedia site (posted yesterday):….

The #FASCICRATS plan to continue THEIR #LIES again tonight (Thu. Aug. 22 which will highlight #GroundHogHarris whom they will allow out long enough to help hype another DOOM AND GLOOM Weather Report)!

They literally telegraphed the plan to #LIE again and talk about #Project2025 from #HeritageFoundation THAT IS NOT #TRUMP’s PLAN, not on the #Trump website, he has laid out countless #Policy positions on his website while #HarrisWalz2024 have no #Policy pages on/at their Site. More on Harris and Defense Coordinator Sub-Coach (just one of his many Resume exaggerations trying to make (Tiananmen Square)  #TiananmenTim look better than he is) Walz too (far more than #ENEMEdia will tell you)…. I am a member of Heritage Foundation as well as Americans For Prosperity and I certainly do NOT always agree with their Policy positions (neither of them were part of my Campaign way back when I ran, and that was almost 30 years ago and then I sided with ACLU on a few things but would NOT associate with them in any way these days (but ACLJ, instead, as ACLU is now yet another pure Leftist agenda only organization).

more… I said DAYS AGO

Notice all that POLICE PRESENCE (for the #DefundThePolice Party) event at United Center and the TRIPLE LAYER WALLING all around – no hypocrisy there?!?! LOL  No breaks in that Border Wall no gaps in Border of UC Security coverage.
And, did you see the White-House proclamation from when Biden appointed the (what they now want claim) NON-BORDER-CZAR as the Border-Czar?!?!? You can STILL go onto the White-House website and find it (or, maybe they pulled it down now, but as the saying goes the internet is forever and plenty copies of it going around).


I have ZERO ISSUE with some putting together #Project2025
clear indication that most there-in (I haven’t read) is GOOD for America is that the moron Left again has to play #IdentityPolitics and call it #RACIST.
They (Heritage, and other Groups) have every Right to put forth their DESIRES just as all the LOONS on the Left have of being part of #AGENDA2030 (and continued destruction of USA) that The Left supports!
I’ll side with those behind #Project2025 over those (#FASCICRATS) with #WEF #NWO #AGENDA2030 any and every day of the week!

One thing I know is in #Project2025 is DISMANTLE THE #UNCONSTITUTIONAL #DeptOfEducation which we #CONSTITUTIONALISTS have called for since it was ILLEGALLY (in violation of #10A) since it was created and that has caused dumbing down of every subsequent generation since its creation.
#LocalControl #ParentalRights HELL YES!


I was on with Rick Walker (Maverick News) for DNC Night 2 – we had Fun making Fun of the Leftards (I joined him about 45m into the Show that starts weekdays at 19:00ET):

[yes, Rick will be back on again for DNC Night 4, not sure who will be joining him tonight update is that I will be with Rick tonight (Thu. Aug. 22) but we have discussed that maybe (MAYBE, not a certainty yet) I may join him again tomorrow (Fri. Aug. 23) to discuss the RFK Jr. potentially dropping out of the Race and endorsing Trump? (Rumors for now, scuttlebutt from some in that Campaign) (19:00ET) I will not be streaming it to my YouTube channel as YouCENSOR sent me a nasty about Streaming Tuesdays Show and that they are RESTRICTING it on my page (LIVE sub-page) in "some territories" (they don't say which ones) but it will Stream on my LINKEDIN page. --- FRI. AUG. 23 UPDATE: I am on LIVE with Rick again today too (discussing RFK Jr. Trump endorsement and LIVE analyzing the Trump AZ Rally of today):]

Mikey #obaMAO (aka: #oblunder) said last night:
“Mommy said do not Trust those who TAKE MORE THAN THEY NEED”
Well, we should take Mamma’s advice and NOT TRUST MICHELLE AND BARACK who already made MILLIONS while they were in Office for 10 years (2 #USSenate and 8 #WhiteHouse) but then GRABBED MORE via a $40M book deal and a $60M Netflix deals plus let us not forgot how they LOVE running around (both of them) giving Speeches PAID at a minimum of $1 MILLION a pop.

The #FASCICRATS #HYPOCRISY by which what Michelle said, tells you ALL YOU NEED KNOW – all Leftists are #FAKES, #FRAUDS, #LIARS, #PHONIES —- they will SAY OR DO ANYTHING to fool their Moron Retards #FASCICRATS (#UsefulIdiots) BASE!

And gotta LOVE they have FOUR MANSIONS (from fleecing Taxpayers) one on Ocean (despite claiming the Ocean-fronts are all going to be WASHED AWAY soon due to CLIMATE HOAX! lol
SHALL BE KNOWN BY FRUITS (Actions, Deeds, etc.) NOT their empty lying rhetoric.

#obaMAO told everyone, in his book (‘the Audacity of a Dope’ (the first edition anyway before they removed it in later copies)) that he would eagerly side with #GIJIAS (see: and now that entire Party is the HAMAS Terrorists Caucus!

THE REAL FACE of the #FASCICRATS Party is outside the United Center, they would not let their REAL BASE in (only those willing to put on the “JOY” (lie) face – like the SMILE movie; Zombies with forced on Smiles).

SOME OTHER #SOCIALMEDIA (I am on 12+ platforms) POSTS
all month of August 2024 (and some before that even)


SEEN the #Video of her pick saying “One Man’s #Socialism, is another’s Neighborliness” — what a complete bleeping #JOKE. It is not being a good #Neighbor to STEAL THEIR STUFF TO GIVE OTHERS!!!

COMMUNITY (Voluntary, Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical 
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT

So, Tim WALTZ.. er.. #TimWalz (no “t”) The #CommieFasciSocies Ticket VP.. So now I can keep making my #Polish #Joke reference over and over and tout my tribute page to/for my #Father’s #Polish #Polka Band! LOL  But Tim is a German Socialist WALTZ not a Polish one.

This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)… 


trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.

Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

irrefutable #FACTS in: 

#JesusWasNotASocialist ( #FreeWill – LEFT chooses EVIL over GOOD) 
Fake #Christians like to leave out the #ToughLove #Jesus parts!
and that relates to today’s #News…. The #Bible predicted future, not just talking #Revelations, but too today’s Left/Right #Politics paradigm (see KJV Ecclesiastes 10:2-3)….

more in…
#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks…


Two NEW pieces from me just dropped Tue. Aug. 6th 2024:

#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12

It’s why many do not want #History taught in U. S. #Schools – they might #LEARN from #BradfordColony (#MayflowerCompact (#CommieCompact, they don’t teach that part)) early failure (if full truth taught)….
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:40


#TimWalz #Military Record A JOKE (willing to put on Uniform as long as he was FAR AWAY from Combat, and went #AWALZ (term I started, glad to see even used on FOXNEWS now, the day he was officially announced VP nominee, more below (like back in the 90′s they borrowed my “The Party of KnoW” (not as Schumer said “Party of NO” about #GOP) my Friend Thad McCotter (then Congresscritter) helped get into flow of back-and-forth talking-points stream)) when clear he’d actually have to go into WarZone, not be HIDING/SAFE in Allied Nation deployment).
We need REAL MEN/WOMEN that Served as PATRIOTS,
basically call him #AWALZ (as he skipped out, before he would actually have to bother to see COMBAT, he was STRIPPED of the Rank he claimed while Running for Congress (aka: STOLEN VALOR, for the most part, went #AWALZ (new form of #AWOL, no different abandoned his outfit) before entering BattleZone yet claimed to be in Combat), etc…).
As long as he had 3 Hots and a Cot and FAR AWAY from any WarZone, yes he was eager to COLLECT A CHECK (to/for him, just a Govt Check and means to build Resume toward collecting Govt Checks (one-way-shape-or-form) THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…
Military | Jun 17 2024

see also: 
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Politics | Aug 06 2024 16:12


#Harris / #Walz DOUBLE DOWN on his #StolenValor selling #HarrisWalz2024 CamoHat?!?!? ROTFLMFAO
But, to be fair, something The Left never is (fair), this is more #Hunting #Camo than #Military #Camo, but as IF #TimWalz is a big #Hunter and is not another #FASCICRATS #GunGrabber (2A has ZERO to do with Hunting).

#TimWalz #Military Record A JOKE (willing to put on Uniform as long as he was FAR AWAY from Combat, and went #AWALZ (more below) when clear he’d actually have to go into WarZone).
We need REAL MEN/WOMEN that Served as PATRIOTS,
basically call him #AWALZ (as he skipped out, before he would actually have to bother to see COMBAT, he was STRIPPED of the Rank he claimed while Running for Congress (aka: STOLEN VALOR, for the most part, went #AWALZ (new form of #AWOL, no different abandoned his outfit) before entering BattleZone yet claimed to be in Combat), etc…).

Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…
Military | Jun 17 2024 12:12

see also:
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Politics | Aug 06 2024 16:12

And they BEGGED the few Left-leaning Country Music Artists to play at DNC Convention in DESPERATE PLAY/PLOY to now try pretend they care about Rural areas and all the FLY-OVER (as they call it) Country. LMFAO #TransperantDeception


#obaMAO years: #HOPE AND #CHANGE (lies)
#Harris / #Walz: #Dope and #Deranged (delusion)

more in…
#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12

#obaMAO promised to side with #Islamists (aka: #GIJIAS)
[put it in Print in the initial edition of his "Audacity of a Dope" book]
and the entire Left now does
( )

And that whole #Kamalot (that I #Joestradamus predicted was coming) manure (#ENEMEdia deflections, attempt Style over Substance (cuz #Fascicrats Policy Sucks)) in…   



#kamELE (Extinction Level Event if she gets elected POTUS) 77 second soundbites to Reporters at Airport and zero Questions (as well as same zero substance as her Parroting same manure Teleprompter appearance to another)
vs Trump facing 77 minutes of ALL COMER Questions (as does JD also)
#HidinHarris just like #HidinBiden / #BasementBiden
#GroundHogHarris (or #ParrotHarris) they pull Her out of the Cage just long enough read the same substantiveness (except for her to say what Policy she steals from Trump, that she will do NOTHING to enact if elected) Teleprompter verbiage (except to change name of current City she is Parroting it in).



YES, as the saying goes: For every Rule there can be exception(s) — BUT that exception is only valid if you can explain with logic, reason, common-sense, why you are making it; otherwise it is just #HYPOCRISY!

CTP S2E60 NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 10 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E60) “#PrinciplesNotPersonalities” 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
#PrinciplesNotPersonalities – it should be a simple concept, but sadly many (both Left and Right) are more “rah rah” my guy/gal whatever rather than be honest/true to self and uphold their own “supposed” set of Principles/Values. Remember the recent CTP “Speculations and What If’s” episode? Well, can/do you pass the “Shoe on the other Foot” test “What if” or are a hypocrite (which, of course, is not to say for every “Rule” there can be an occasional “exception” but if everything is allowed be “exception” you really have no Rules/Principles/Values/Standards)? Some eager to be “hypocrites” if it is for “their guy/gal” benefit. And #Kamalot, she is NOT (trying all style and fluff and zero principles/values/substance Campaign) there-in.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “Speculations and What If’s” (TLB article) 



#MAGA and #MakeAmericaFreeAgain  
more in….
No moron #Waltz (German Socialist, not Polish kind) “One person’s Socialism is [NOT] another’s Neighborliness!”
THEFT from Neighbors is NOT Neighborliness….
#Voluntary #Community (in BIBLE) vs (Harris / #AWALZ (so glad what I started on/via Social-Media now even being used on FOXNEWS)) #Forced #Communism 
– there are big differences!
Sunday, August 11, 2024 
So many FAKE #CHRISTIANS warping the #Bible   
The #Scriptures do denote “unwilling” vs “unable” distinctions!

AND see too (Charity, NOT THEFT Tim is what is in The Scriptures/Word/Bible): /economics-and-politics/2024/08/charity-community-voluntary-and-biblical-vs-communism-forced-of-the-world-warped-scriptures-miss-applications-2532443.html

[ As of RIGHT NOW (Thu. Aug.  22  14:40 ET update, the literal Night #kamELE to accept nomination) DJT site has his AGENDA 47 (NOT #Project2025, that is NOT HIS, never was, never will be, Heritage is an Independent Conservative group/Think-Tank with ZERO affiliation/association with Trump or his Campaign) POLICY ITEMS all listed ( where-as Harris/Walz ( site has pop-up DONATE info/page/window/link virtually EVERY OTHER PARAGRAPH but still ZERO POLICY STATEMENTS anywhere on their website. Like Piglosi said about The Leftists Bills (with fake names, like #InflationProductionAct (and, no, I did not come up with that tag, but brilliant) "gotta pass it to find out what's in it" cuz they won't tell you the Harris/Walz Campaign is "gotta Elect them to find out what they'll do" (hint: MORE DESTRUCTION OF USA)!]


Education has been sliding more and more each decade/Generation due to Left creation (Carter payback to Commie Teachers Unions, zero concern for Students) of Dept. Of [mis]Education (UnConstitutionally) in violation of 10A, Parental Rights via their Local School-Boards, for (as always, #FASCICRATS about) power/control of EVERYTHING via #DeepState in DC!!!!

In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional/core “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…

more in


Hey #TamponTim (not sure who came up with that one, but fitting – did he make sure they were in his BOYS FOOTBALL TEAM LOCKER-ROOM TOO (he was Defensive Coordinator sub-Coach (not Coach) for)?) you claim that “should stay out of other Peoples’ business” how does that Square with your #WuhanHysteria SNITCH ON YOUR NEIGHBORS (ala: Hitler Youth style) Hotline?!?!?


AND SPARE US the “name-calling” whine….
#Libtards whine abt #namecalling? HILARIOUS.
#Democraps ultimate name-calling SCREAM Every1 #RACIST, #SEXIST, etc, (#IdentityPolitics) cuz cant Win #POLICY Debate! Play #VictimCard 2 #dodge, #deflect, #distract, etc..


Democrat (aka: #CommieFasciSocies blend) HATE….
U. S. Politics | Aug 11 2024 12:15

The Fascicrats (claim to be about Democracy) turned LAWFARE on RFK Jr to keep him off Ballots.
U. S. Politics | Aug 15 2024 23:29


AND SOMEHOW there are still ‘tards (especially morons that think they are getting NEWS rather than just Left propaganda/SPIN from #ENEMEdia  #CNN and the #MSNBCiles or on/via FascistBook paid Leftists liars) that DO NOT KNOW the FACTS about The Left AMNESTY plan from a few months back…

#USSenate #RINO sellout! This #DeFacto #Amnesty. 350+ pages Bullshit HIDE two provisions codify #OpenBorders & make #ReplacementTheory into #ReplacementLAW  & about granting #AMNESTY before #Trump can take Office again. Those 2 provisions…

Grants AUTHORITY to #DHS #DeepState Leftist #AntiAmerican loons ability BYPASS #COURTS & GRANT IMMEDIATE #ASYLUM (99.9999% wouldn’t qualify for, if go to Court) – they could literally stand at #Border & hand-out Green Cards to all Cross & them get #Citizenship very next yr.

2nd allows #ILLEGALS flood to tune of 1.9M/year BEFORE POTUS “COULD” (not should or SHALL/REQUIRED) “could” in other words, Democrats NEVER WILL, Declare State of Emergency to STEM FLOW for about 180 days (THEN FULL FLOODGATES OPEN AGAIN).

Other provisions of 350+ pages JUST FOR SHOW & DEFLECTION & also cover MONEY LAUNDERING to those who help Settle #ILLEGALS into #USA.

#FACTSnotFeelings #NoAmnesty  #democratLIESmatter 


Lies, more Lies, nothing but LIES, from The Left


Something SEMI-RELATED (with all the manure going on at the DNC Convention) from WAY BACK (well, certainly not decades back as some of my writings go, cuz I know what a #THESIS is and have been putting them together online for decades now) of mine – as the Gays/Lesbians I know, are my Friends, you heard of Log Cabin Republicans and other groups, that JUST HAPPEN TO BE GAY (the true Tolerance and Acceptance crowd) it is NOT what defines their entire Life want NOTHING to do with the current Leftards #RainbowAlphabetMafia crowd (#GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism cuz the only thing that seems to matter to them is BEING GAY (and they about not “Born that way” nor tolerance/acceptance but about #GROOMING, #Pedophilia, and recruitment, etc.)):

#PrideMonth (#GayPrideMonth): Some in #LGBTQ community ask: “Where is the REAL #HATE?” #WORDS vs #ACTIONS / #DEEDS!
Awakening? Start Here | Jun 13 2019 14:59




2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Media | Aug 17 2024 

JLD B4IN pieces:   
JLD TLB pieces:   
Joseph M Lenard books:   

How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html

Going further back….

A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…

Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).


Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]








CTP S2E59 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 3 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E59) “Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?” 
“Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?” Are YOU the Parent, or just the Night-Sitter for WARDS OF STATE Children?!?!?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
A myriad of Rabbit-holes (including how a recent #Joestradamus prophecy came true (#Kamalot  Spin; Style over Substance, Personalities over Principles, #IdentityPolitics deflection from Policy (especially Biden/Harris admin #EpicFail policy disasters) that I (#Joestradamus) predicted (they would take my JOKE and try and make serious) almost a full week before NYMag decided to put the farce as A SERIOUS COVER? even though there is a REAL KENNEDY (descendant of #Camelot) in the Presidential Race), and another #kamELE prediction (ELE, Extinction Level Event)) ultimately culminating in how they all relate to how The Left wants your Children (the one’s that PlannedSlaughterhood doesn’t Murder) as Wards of Fascist State! How does Tyrus of GUTFELD! Show factor in this?  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: TLB “Slaves To State” piece     

Episode related pieces…




DNC night 2 Coverage (I join) Maverick News 2000ET (Tue. Aug. 20th)

DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up (Thu. Aug. 22nd)

Maverick News – RFK Jr endorses Trump (Fri. Aug. 23rd)

Maverick News – Derek Reimer (Political-Prisoner) joins and more Trump Rally in AZ tonight (Fri. Aug. 23rd) follow-up

Again, SORRY, I would have embedded all 4 of those Videos for viewing right within this Article – but there STILL continues to be a BeforeItsNews issue that when/where I try to put more than one Video Player embed in it SCREWS UP and manages to RANDOMLY DELETE other parts of the Piece – they have been told, but it STILL has not been addressed/fixed so I can only supply links to those Videos. 



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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 5 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      #BiDUNG (we’ve always known he is full of S#!+, so time for the/that #BiDUNG official label) at #DNC #Convention:
      ‘I have 5 months left as #POTUS and I have a lot to do and I intend to get it done’
      And, of course, what has he done – immediately taking extended #Vacation
      1 week off in CA
      immediately after did he return to WhiteHouse NO he’s in DE
      but, yes, of course, there is ALWAYS a full Team (Administration) behind any and every #President – so things do indeed GET DONE whether they are in #DC or not; but with this Fool we know he was NEVER, EVER, IN CHARGE or doing anything from the get-go and others behind scenes have been Running the Govt every minute of his #pResidency.
      WE COULD ONLY HOPE that nothing would be/get done while he’s out-to-lunch (cuz everything these #Leftards do is #HARM not #HELP)!

    • JLenardDetroit

      Tonight’s (Tue. Sep. 10th 2024) #Debate will be VERY PREDICTABLE… Just like #Harris at the #DNC #Convention #Kamunist and her after Debate #minions will be “#UNBURDENED BY #REALITY” and everything comes out Her mouth, like those #Convention 4 nights, will be #STRAWMAN arguments about #GOP and #TRUMP and outright #LIES about Her years as #VP and what She (#Harris the #MARXist, and #AWALZ the #MAOist) really stands for (as She said recently: #Values haven’t Changed and #Sanders admitted She is just LYING about Her #positions now to get #Elected).


      DNC night 2 Coverage (I join) Maverick News 2000ET (Tue. Aug. 20th)

      DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up (Thu. Aug. 22nd)

      Maverick News – RFK Jr endorses Trump (Fri. Aug. 23rd)

      Maverick News – Derek Reimer (Political-Prisoner) joins and more Trump Rally in AZ tonight (Fri. Aug. 23rd) follow-up

    • JLenardDetroit

      ARE YOU ACTUALLY AWAKE RATHER THAN WOKE NOW?!?!? Did it not seem REAL CLEAR after the #ABC #Moderators had the #Springfield* #Ohio “#City #Manger” #SPIN-#CHECK (carefully crafted language) ready to go THE WHOLE #DEBATE WAS A #SETUP (and yet #Trump still WON, cuz people who are #THINKERS and have #CommonSense SAW what was going on – they were so obvious; and IT IS BACKFIRING ON THEM)?!?!?
      YES, #Whistleblower #insider from #ABC confirms #ABC leaked the Questions to #Harris, and #ABC had back her PRE-REHEARSED PLANNED RESPONSES, and “potential” that #Trump would take any number of the BAITING w/ that Story.


      * more specifics and breakdown WHY the #ABC #ENEMEdia Team had that exact CAREFULLY CRAFTED (keyword: CREDIBLE, spin, twist, dodge) response outlined in (that exact #verbiage was NOT COINCIDENTAL):

    • JLenardDetroit

      in the following piece
      I talked about how they realized The #KAMALunist had to lose the #KACKLE at the debate and indeed got that but then she had the worse SHIT EATING GRIN idiocy POKER FACE tell every time she was uncomfortable as #Trump spoke #FACTS inconvenient to/for Her and the equally Lying Leftist ABC #ENEMEdia Moderators.
      So, now, did you see ANY of the LOW LIGHTS of the #Oprah farce the other day and that the HYENA CACKLE is back including during serious talk about POTENTIALLY KILLING AN INTRUDER – no laughing matter. IF ANYONE is Voting for that moron, they reveal how even more STUPID and RETARDED they are – Harris is the most unserious and clueless Candidate to ever Run for DOG CATCHER let-alone President of the #USA.

    • JLenardDetroit

      Other recent items here on B4IN by ME (author of this piece)

      Every Black Life Matters
      African American News | Sep 21 2024 19:24

      Micro vs Macro
      Green Living | Sep 21 2024 10:46

      Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!?
      Iran | Sep 19 2024 12:51

      Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination….
      Economics and Politics | Sep 18 2024 16:46

      Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
      U. S. Politics | Sep 17 2024 22:41

      Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too…
      U. S. Politics | Sep 16 2024 16:18

      SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution….
      The Law | Sep 16 2024 01:14

      Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now…
      Movies | Sep 14 2024 21:50

      Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner…
      Canada | Sep 14 2024 11:53

      Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be..
      Healthcare | Sep 13 2024 23:43

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