Palestinian President: US Peace Plan ‘Will Go To Hell’ | Israeli-Arab Conflict, Battle Over Jerusalem | US-Iran Relations Headed Towards Military Conflict (Videos)
With the midnight deadline swiftly approaching, it increasingly appears that Jerusalem will not have a new government – an unprecedented scenario that will force Israel into another cycle of national parliamentary elections. Palestinian #Islamists have yet again launched dozens of incendiary kites and balloons from the #GazaStrip toward Israel’s southern communities, resulting in blazes in the Be’eri Forest, which is situated in the Eshkol Regional Council. The Palestinian leadership in Ramallah officially announced that it will not attend the Bahrain U.S.-initiated economic workshop, despite its stated purpose of securing regional investment in the Palestinian territories. —
#Palestinian President: U.S. peace plan ‘will go to hell’
TV7 Israel News
Israeli-Arab conflict, battle over Jerusalem
TV7 Israel News As time fast approaches for the official unveiling of the anticipated so-called “deal of the century” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one crucial piece in the puzzle, is surely going to be – the status of Jerusalem. While the dispute over the city could possibly face delay, Jerusalem’s significance to both Israelis and Arabs makes it impossible to bypass this issue indefinitely.
Are US-Iran relations headed towards #militaryconflict?
Al Jazeera In the latest round of escalating tensions between the United States and Iran, US President Donald Trump has said he will deploy around 1,500 additional troops to the Middle East. The move is one more chapter in US-Iran relations that intensified earlier this month when a US carrier and missiles were sent to the region in response to an unspecified potential Iranian attack on US interests. Both nations have since engaged in worrisome back-and-forth rhetoric that some fear is leaning towards conflict. On Monday, Trump mentioned the possibility of a new nuclear deal with Iran, but Iran’s foreign ministry swiftly rejected prospects for renewed negotiations. In recent weeks US sanctions have been tightened and Iran quadrupled its production of enriched uranium – breaching the 2015 nuclear deal it struck with world powers to halt its nuclear development in exchange for sanctions relief. So what should be done to ease tensions between the United States and Iran?
Israel Strikes Syrian Target Amid Rising Tensions With Iran
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) – Syria said an Israeli attack against a military post in the country’s south on Monday killed a soldier and injured another. Israel, in a rare statement acknowledging firing into Syria, said it was responding to an anti-aircraft fire from Syria against one of its combat planes.
The back-to-back statements come amid heightened regional tension over Iran’s role in Syria and other parts of the Middle East. They also follow a number of reported Israeli strikes on Syria in the past ten days, according to state run media.
Israel does not usually comment on reports concerning its strikes in neighboring Syria, though it has recently acknowledged striking Iranian targets there.
Syrian state TV al-Ikhbariya quoted a military official saying that the Israeli attack came shortly after 2100 local time (1800GMT) and targeted a military outpost east of Khan Arnabeh, a town in Quneitra on the edge of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. An earlier statement on state media said one military vehicle was also damaged when a rocket landed in Tal al-Shaar in Quneitra.
Israel said it was responding after an anti-aircraft fire from Syria targeted one of its combat planes in Israeli airspace.
A statement from the Israeli army said that earlier Monday a Syrian anti-aircraft system fired at one of its aircraft “as it was carrying out a routine flight in Israel. The projectile landed in Syrian territory. In response, we targeted the Syrian launcher that was responsible for firing it.”
The Israeli military “sees any threat against its aircraft with great severity and takes measures to defend them.”
Israel’s prime minister said in statement shortly afterward that the Syrian army “tried to harm an Israeli plane, it didn’t succeed.”
“Our policy is clear – we are not prepared to tolerate any aggression against us, we will retaliate against it forcefully and decisively,” the statement said.
Syrian media had reported earlier this month two incidents in which Israeli strikes hit inside southern Syria.
#middleease #prophecy #war #peaceandsecurity #shtf #prep #peaceplan
The Bible tells us that every human has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God which is is a heart-penetrating truth. He has provided a way to cleanse us of our sins since we can never be “good enough” to cleanse ourselves. That avenue to God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness (the cleansing of our sins) is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who is equally God.
Not one of us are guaranteed a “tomorrow”. Has your time run out? Will you continue to ignore the promptings of God the Holy Spirit or have you awakened to the essential need for God, risking eternal damnation?
God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son and God the Holy Spirit are One God, the true, living, uncreated God Who is ever-present, all knowing, all powerful and all loving. He desires that every single person be forgiven, saved and to live eternally with Him. He is our only real protection and His love for you is unchanging. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the true Messiah, today.
You can’t take your salvation for a test drive. You’re all-in or not.
Admit to Him that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness, that you are truly sorry for your sins. Acknowledge that He died for your sins, rose from the dead and lives forevermore. Invite Him into your life and to help you to turn from sin. Rejoice! You just became a Christian! Now trust in Him and get to know Him through the Bible which tells us everything we need to know and through prayer/talking to Him. He eagerly desires relationship with you. —-