Carnival Cruise Victory Dessert is king Stevian's BONE APPETITE or Bon Appetit?
Carnival Cruise Victory Dessert is king Stevian’s BONE APPETITE or Bon Appetit?
Well food is great but in this day and age we find ourselves either eating GMO foods or froen foods that have no freshness. king Stevian being on his 5th Carnival Cruise says that the food wasn’t as good as it was his past 4 cruises. So let’s take a look at the desserts he at which was 4 different cakes. He chose 1 that satisfied his taste buds even though on his last 4 cruises it normally was (4 out of 5) of the desserts he ate was great to him. If you wanna know what BONE APPETITE is then look no further. Many of you maybe tried looking up the word. Well it don’t exist!!! It is a word king Stevian made up for poor food that you would or might not even give to your dog because he might bury it like a bone. But know if it gets a Bon Appetit,then it was awesome in many ways along with elegant. So below are the four cakes that our CEO tried and gave the comments for the Carnival Cruise Ship Victory.
- CAPPUCINO MOUSSE – This Mousse was the worst tasting one of the four. The texture was not pleasing so it was really hard to judge. But either way it should’ve had a flavor that would make anyone bite into it. The bottom of it was thin but was enough to say it was the only tasteful thing on it. But of course chocolate is always great with many cakes. king Stevian says this one is 100% BONE APPETITE by the king.
- VANILLA CHERRY CREAM CAKE – Now this one is the one above that has the red fruit color in it. It is the second on the list but it was the best. king Stevian could not get enough of this one. The texture was like that of a birthday cake but had an elegance to it that make you wanna grab a glass of red wine with it. This one gets the 100% Bon Appetit by the king.
- CHOCOLATE TRES LECHE – The Chocolate Tres Leche was a very delicious cake but the texture wasn’t as solid as the one above. It had a moisture to it that makes you think it was a piece of bread that sat in some type of juice or water. So this one gets a half and half but in full neither a Bon Appetit or a BONE APPETITE! 50% / 50%.
- PRALINE CAKE – The Praline Cake is the layered one with the creme in the middle or mousse. It is a mix of textures that the VANILLA CHERRY CREAM CAKE had but lacks a little of the taste. They did add a salted crunch at the top of the cake but it wasn’t enough to knock it out of the park. The chocolate gave it an edge so we will give this one 75% Bon Appetit and 25% BONE APPETITE of course by thew king though.
Well why we eat all types of food we need to first know that without God we wouldn’t have anything even a mouth to put it in. So as the scripture says let everything that has breath praise God (the Lord). READ IT HERE:
If you desire to be or already are then know that Man doesn’t live by bread alone but by every word that preceeds from the mouth of God. READ THE SCRIPTURE HERE!
And when eating the word the sweetness is like it reads in the scriptures where We Taste And See that the Lord is Good. READ IT HERE
And if you are looking to be healed from all the GMO food then you can eat the leaf for medicine and the fruit is your meat but not the meat of an animal the meat that the Lord says in THIS PASSAGE!
So in summarry and in ending know that all food may not taste great and out of many there will be 1 thing that always come first and in this case God’s word always should and comes first for those that choose the sweet taste of life.
GOD’S WORD is 100% Bon Appetit!!