X22Reports:[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham and the American Revolution | Whoa! FOIA Documents Reveal the Fort Knox Gold Mystery (Videos)
The [DS] is trapped, they are trying to figure their way out of this fake impeachment, each direction they go is a dead end. The plan has failed, the patriots are getting ready to strike. [No Name] confirmed to be involved in the Steele Dossier. Durham has a double meaning, think taking the country back. —
PLUS: The Trump economy is hitting all time new records, the NASDAQ hit 9000 for the first time, Holiday sales are up, why, Trump and the patriots put more money back into the pockets of the people, boosted confidence with the market which enabled people to spend money. Trump is continuing the pressure on #China and big money is being moved out of the country. FOIA were released and they reveal that the amount of gold in Fort Knox might not be what we think it is. —
[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham And The American Revolution
FOIA Documents Reveal The Fort Knox Gold Mystery
X22Report Spotlight: The Elite Hiding Their Gold to Protect Their Wealth (Video) Craig Hemke click here
#economy #finance #endtimes #geopolitical #politics #X22Report
Trump is a scam. Best friend s with clintons. They own all the horses in the race. You have been deceived! YouTube Trump says “take the guns first”. You’ll see Trump is a sham. Lol. The sheep took the bait “Trump”. Hardcore patriots can’t be fooled for long before coming to their senses
After three years of broken promises, it is obvious. The question is how can the sheeple still be fooled?
They cannot explain epstain’s death either..is that because american’s cannot be trusted..you bet your sweet ?? on that..for corrupt..they are the kings ..and the queens..all these other countries they accuse Russia China Ukraine…are just novices compared to them.. If america disappeared of the maps tomorrow.. would we notice ??????? Sure we would..things would be better immediately ..we probably would be puzzled at this for a while ..but it would soon dawn on us… america was the problem all along ..hallelujah for solving that one
You are a frogging moron! A complete ass! You been screaming for years how this economy is going to crash and by your standards should of years ago! Now u have this fn cure all of the economy is better than ever? That people spent more money cause Trump fixed the economy somehow! By being tough with China and pumping fake ass money into the economy?So now u r telling us it’s all better? Nothing more to worry about? No more collapse? It’s all fixed now? Your a scam! A frigging liar! Another Lisa Haven! You make shit up as u go along! You feed off of what’s looking to be and give bad advice to fill your pockets with gold! Bitcoins! Etc. your credibility is SH-T! Step on it and it is hard to get off your shoe! Your games are mind boggling! How do u sleep at night?
Really tired of these stupid videos …..won’t believe a word of any of it unless and until Durham and Barr start indicting and locking up these coup plotters and lawless Demonrats…..we waited for 2 years for the FISA report and it didn’t do a thing but gee the fake news their talking points that all the turds in the Obama Administration were acting in good faith…..Barr, Sessions, Durham, Q…..so far it all adds up to a hill of beans and no indictments and the DS carries on criminal business as usual….how about arresting Nancy Pelosi for sedition ? How about bringing out the fact that they are keeping Julian Assange in prison so he can’t prove Seth Rich hacked the DNC not Russia..and they murdered Seth Rich….nothing but silence…
Stock market at all-time highs, and Epstein is still breathing. The people in charge are responsible for both.
America is still sleeping.