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By JLenardDetroit
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The Trump Assassination attempt... Facts vs Speculation, needing sound investigation to seek facts (vs fictions)....

% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

[NOTE: An update will be at very bottom of this piece about the "multiple guns" facts (evidenced) vs the speculation there-of, as was discussed with Rick Walker of/on Maverick News Sun. 7/21 evening  -- now after suspected 2nd attempt (we await REAL EVIDENCE COLLECTION SO CAN AND WILL BE PROVEN IN COURT OF LAW - I joined Maverick News FOUR TIMES via Phone and much discussion in the Chat on Rumble channel (today, Sun. Sep. 15th 2024 - see: 

I deal in FACTS (normally, but yes at times conjecture/speculations, but try to be CLEAR betw. the 2)
I will NOT, as some, with ZERO, even ZERO flimsy circumstantial, EVIDENCE leaping to the IT WAS THE CIA DOING IT (Trump promising RFK Jr. he will ORDER (no compromise this time, all involved WOULD BE DEAD) Docs of JFK and RFK murders release HEIGHTENS CONSPIRACY POSSIBILITY LINKS/hysteria
HOWEVER, seems CLEAR, that IF CIA, FBI, whomever, not directly involved in PLOTS sure are not DOING TOO MUCH to potentially intercede ANY1 WANT TAKE SHOTS AT DJT 
CLEAR, something going on, rather NOT GOING ON SHOULD BE, for now BOTH these PROTECTION (up front, how any1 w/ Rifle pass parimeters should been set) FAILURES happened
But, again, REALITY IS, much is still SPECULATION until ACTUAL EVIDENCE THAT CAN BE BROUGHT IN COURT OF LAW TO PROVE BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT (except, of course, in LibActivist BananaRepublic style run Courts) FOR CONVICTION!!!

Yes, while it CLEAR at times I MAY BE ANGRY/UPSET in my tone (during shows like Maverick News that I referred to above) rest assured I will never, ever, be a complete Emotionally Hysterical Snowflake moron and while ANGRY still can/do/will remain rooted in LOGIC, REASON, COMMON-SENSE, as much FACT/REALITY/EVIDENCE based as I can (EVEN when I delve into CONJECTURE/SPECULATIONS - when we go into the utmost WILD SPECULATIONS it does ourselves a dis-service as it can erode Credibility, Integrity, in some eyes/minds and we must avoid that ---- as, as I said in the show, WE HAVE AN ELECTION TO WIN and dealing in things that can/may and hopefully WILL shift some Votes our way is WHAT we have to stay grounded in and focused on.

UNLESS the Suspect HAS CONFESSED and put in written CONFESSION that was what he was there to do IT IS SPECULATION - but (in words of BiDUMB) C'MON MAN we all have a 99.9% certainty that was/is Case - likelihood he was there to, what, SHOT GOPHERS? NIL ... He just so happened to be there to TARGET his ExGirlfriend's new Boyfriend that what? Was just so happened to going to be at/on Trump Intl Golf Club course EXACT SAME TIME AS DJT?!?!? Seriously, but language matters, words/verbiage matters, phrase we speak matter, (see related: /education/2024/07/language-use-and-abuse-2464215.htmland WE have to be BETTER, and PROPER, in our choices, than endless LOOSE LANGUAGE FROM THE LEFT.

more in, as discussed with Rick, over I think FOUR SEPARATE PHONE CALLS with/on his Program   


some more stuff in COMMENTS as this update WAY TOO LONG ALREADY ]

TRUTH may indeed at times seem stranger than fiction – point being if you’re telling truth but someone thinks/feels it so unbelievable they then “believe” that YOU are indeed peddling fiction instead of fact (because it isn’t so readily/easily evidenced) - YOU LOST (more on that in:! Choose your words, your topics, your STRATEGY carefully! WE must carefully bring people that The Left has INDOCTRINATED and TRAINED to engage in EMOTING rather than THINKING, to common-sense, logic, reason – Yes we should “have a heart” but it should not RULE OUR HEAD/LIVES all the time.

OF COURSE, with keyboard internet jockey’s of today – instead of things being “clearer” these now couple days later, things just get/got more “WAY OUT MORE AND MORE WILDLY SPECULATIVE” instead (while some of us seek TRUTH/REALITY/CLARITY, others just seek CLICK-BAIT HYPERBOLE CLICKS (which I not so coincidentally wrote about here on B4IN too the other day: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html)).

Over on FascistBook someone shared, until they declare it POTENTIALLY FALSE and CENSOR (aka: FORCE ITS REMOVAL), over there that “Woman behind Trump actually signaled the Shooter!” FACT OR FICTION? Obviously we have to examine all avenues to uncover Truth/Reality…. HOWEVER, this article is about THE AVERAGE FOLKS OUT THERE!! You know the one’s, the one’s very happy to stay distracted by BREAD AND CIRCUS (prefer the mindless pursuits, to their own detriment allowing others major control over their Life while they ignore those who can and do directly effect their well-being, financial health/wealth, etc.) that one must cautiously approach to engage (or they get skiddish and run away like Wildlife hearing some rustling that might (not necessarily, but may) be “not so beneficial” to their overall well-being!

From my response to that post on FascistBook, again as long as FB allows it to remain before they FORCE ITS REMOVAL….


All this MAY BE TRUE, and of course we as PATRIOTS want to get to the bottom of it all down any and every rabbit-hole to get to facts/evidence (THAT CAN BE PROVEN, not just continued “speculations” and “could be” vs 100% verifiable certainties). That is my PRIVATE (to us, among Friends). HOWEVER, there is another PUBLIC SIDE to be STRATEGIC ABOUT! We can be RIGHT all day long, but what matters is WHAT you/I/we can all convince others to be true/reality. THEREFORE, jumping right to “do you know” or “have you heard” about this can be #StrategicallySTUPID. As the saying goes KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE.

So, again, WE can, could, should, continue these conversations in PRIVATE but out in PUBLIC and if/when talking to THE AVERAGE SCHMUCK who doesn’t know, doesn’t want to know, just wants to continue coasting through Life and what they hope will make things EASY for them – and there is the point/key. This is for NOTHING if we now do not, can not, WIN THE ELECTION!!! And what will WIN THE ELECTION is talking to average schmucks like the know-nothing, do-nothing, clueless people they are and TREAT THEM LIKE CHILDREN.

That they (by they, will be clear, all those clearly think Trump is a threat to THEIR CORRUPTION continuing. but all must arrive at the conclusion by self not have it spoon-fed into their Brain — forced upon, that’s what Left Indoctrination is always about (what to think, not how to think)) wanted him dead and whether it one loon taking a pot-shot or a whole deep Conspiracy NOT THE POINT (or “concern” in the minds of the majority out there) and just THAT THEY TRIED should be, IMO, IS ENOUGH to just discuss as to why they MUST VOTE TRUMP this November.
more in


SOMEONE (on #SocialMedia) quoted 2Chronicles7:14 
If my people…. PRAY…. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS… heal land….

that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!

more in my 2 CTP #books  (CTP2 just dropped last month)…   
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) will drop likely some time in Aug or Sep; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in) 

COMMUNITY (Voluntary, Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical 
COMMUNISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT!

more in…


[Before moving on, quick Sat. Jul. 10th 20:20ET update - you gotta check out the Leftard moron comment in the comment section ---- projection, deflection, spin, conjecture/speculation (what this VERY PIECE is about avoiding), etc...]

And further, I am going to repeat my How About We Stick With 100 Percent Verifiable Facts (They Are Enough) of the Trump Assassination Attempt?! B4IN post from several days ago also in the B4IN “Conspiracy Theories” and “Alternative” categories….

How About We Stick With 100 Percent Verifiable Facts (They Are Enough) of the Trump Assassination Attempt?!

Conspiracy Theories | Jul 14 2024 12:42
Can we stick with verifiable FACTS about the TRUMP shooting?!?!?  [AND, I am adding here today (Sat. Jul. 20th as I add this to this new article) SOMETIMES even dealing in/with ALL THE FACTS AS KNOWN is NOT automatically the Smart thing to do, we must be #STRATEGICALLYsmart not #STRATEGICALLYstupid (more on that added from another B4IN piece of mine in indent below)] Alternative Speculations and Conjecture are always something that happens regarding News headlines (as we all wait for more information to be VERIFIED, if properly done Journalistically by/with MULTIPLE KNOWN VALID/GOOD/RELIABLE SOURCES)!! Which such discussions are OK as long as IF indeed spoken as SPECULATION, CONJECTURE, and passing along HEARSAY…. Sadly ALL KINDS OF KOOKS passing along CLEAR STUPID NUTTY SHIT and pretending it somehow VERIFIED FACT…

From my CTP2 book (generally famous folks quotes, some lesser known folks, and even a few #JoeOriginal quotes…. like the following, modified a bit from what is exactly printed in the book) “Quotations” chapter…..
“Real Leaders studied ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, where-as Leaders doomed to failure [sadly even too many on my Side, The Right]; sadly far too many USA Leaders; seemed to have studied ‘Art of Stupid’ by Sun Burn” – (Me) Joseph M Lenard
So, again, WE MUST BE #STRATEGICALLYsmart, and KNOW our Audience, not FORCE UPON some things they cannot handle. Use the simpler and easiest path (information it takes) to convince folks to our Side and to Vote TrumpPence2024 – pushing too hard, will not work, will only illicit eye-rolls and further push them into be useful-idiots to/for the Lying #FASCICRATS.
And before I get back to the 
How About We Stick With 100 Percent Verifiable Facts (They Are Enough) of the Trump Assassination Attempt?!” piece let me also refer to another recent piece here on B4IN that very much relates to these inter-related subjects: /iran/2024/07/principlesnotpersonalities-and-how-does-iran-relate-2439839.html.

[Sun. Jul. 14 17:25 UPDATE - I will be on with Rick Walker (Maverick News) again tonight (joining his LIVE STREAM ( some time after 20:00ET (8pm ET)) to discuss the Assassination attempt (to see FULL SHOW tune-in around 19:00ET (7:00p ET))!

The following from my #SocialMedia interactions…

Started off with [GAB]…

From over on #TruthSocial (see attached image [NOTE: B4IN strips images after 1 year's time (during Archiving to save their Server space)  and articles moved to Archive Servers - see the #SocialMedia original thread to view image then at that point.])

YES, IF TRUE, pure hearsay, potential conjecture, potentially COMPLETE FICTION!
that are damning enough – NO NEED TO EMBELLISH! And, in fact, continuing speculations and what if’s CAN HURT YOUR/OUR CAUSE (as: matters NOT what you are convinced true but what you can convince others is reality/truth/factual) that you claim to be Fighting for (pushing people past their point of being able to accept reality, only assures they will just walk away and YOU/WE LOSE that chance to convert someone by having GONE OVERBOARD!!!! In fact it can be #STRATEGICALLYsmart (vs #STRATEGICALLYretarded) by under-selling rather than attempting to oversell. Remember my quip about SUN BURN vs SUN TSU.

Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…

S1E32 NOTES ( listen (Jan 27 2024 and after) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) “Red-Pill Strategy (aka: ‘the Conspiracy-Theories show’)”
Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You do not start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce “digestible” fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
Also, Peter Serefine (Author of forthcoming book: “Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal”) joins the Show to discuss this, Liberty Lighthouse, Google censorship (as they try to block visitors to his, and his previous books.


Analoguedog@Analoguedog  ·Free Speech & General Discussion·  ·33m

@JLenardDetroit If that is true, the operative concerned will have been detained. I call BS.



Joseph M. Lenard  @JLenardDetroit  ·Free Speech & General Discussion·24m

@Analoguedog ME TOO,
that’s why I CAREFULLY CRAFTED MY LANGUAGE when sharing it.

There are what I call #QAnnoners (and I consider myself part of the #QArmy and very grateful to #Q and those that came to MY DEFENSE back in 2016 over on #Twatter when #Hitlery and #Politico chose ME and 199 others there to ATTACK as setup of the whole #RussianCollusion narrative (that’s right, they tested on us first, kinda “Leftard Poll testing” to see if it could SELL (as a falsehood) – see: https://tinyurl. com/TheMighty200Targeted….

Then there are what I hashtag as the #QAnutters , ALWAYS have to go way above and beyond PRESENTING EVIDENCED ITEMS to try to sway #Votes for #Election2024. Because then (and this true, sadly, of most #LIBERALtarians) it is ABOUT THEM, THE “SECRET KNOWLEDGE” only they posses and how much more “connected” or “smarter” THEY are than all. [Which  Shoe fits? Why would you whine if it supposedly doesn't?]

#QAnuttersWhen presenting X and Y, easily EVIDENCED ITEMS, would suffice, THEY MUST always leap to Z (or to the Arabic or Russian Alphabet, off English-Alphabet menu entirely). #StrategicallyRETARDED (see too (Matters not what YOU, may think YOU, know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…): morons that just get eye-rolls and wonder why no-one wants to bother ever talking with them?!?!?

Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
S1E32 NOTES ( listen (Jan 27 2024 and after) at:   )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) “Red-Pill Strategy (aka: ‘the Conspiracy-Theories show’)”
Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You do not start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce “digestible” fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
Also, Peter Serefine (Author of forthcoming book: “Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal”) joins the Show to discuss this, Liberty Lighthouse, Google censorship (as they try to block visitors to his site), and his previous books.



[GAB continued:]


It appears it wasn’t the boots on the ground, it looks like there was an ordered stand down.


Joseph M. Lenard  @JLenardDetroit  19m··

@EMAGDNE point of my post
and all you’re doing ADDING MORE CONJECTURE (potential FALSEHOODS) without ANY DISCLAIMER that is CURRENT HEARSAY may/may-not be true (take with grain of salt) warning (as I did when initially Reporting on the Shooter (then not yet confirmed) and eluded in my carefully crafted language of the post you responded to!


@Analoguedog (CONT)
As I say in my writings ( , ,

, former writer for RedState/Townhall ) and my (CTP ( ) podcast) Show — The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, all the #FACTS (but JUST #FACTS, not bullshit, hearsay (unless identified as hearsay), etc.)!!!

Sadly SOME, far too many for my liking, supposedly on our Side (or are they really just farce CONTROLLED OPPOSITION?), seem to have ZERO HONOR and ZERO CONCERN for their coming known as FOOLS, NUTS, ZERO INTEGRITY, folks!!!

more on me, dealing in HONOR, INTEGRITY, PATRIOTISM…

(see too:

DESPITE the Secret Service DEI hire head steamrolling and stalling, MORE #FACTS (and, again, WE NEED STICK WITH VERIFIABLE (multiple sources confirmed, true Journalism style) #FACTS every step forward!!!



Sat. Jul. 20 11:45ET update:
I just got off the phone with Bruce Fleury (Phil Stargell was having Skype issues again, damn Microsoft, and not yet on) ART ( and spoke to the DEI leading to people to DIE due to incompetence in some positions and that IF a “Yellow Polka-Dotted (skin tone) Midget” wants to join SS (or whatever else) that is FINE as long as STANDARDS exist for each position within any organization. That Midget can certainly perform plenty of Jobs within SS that would be perfectly fine for them to be “on the Team!” HOWEVER, those who are immediately around and responsible for a Protectee CANNOT be shorter than 6 foot tall (MUST be actually able to SHIELD 99% of all they’d be charged to protect/shield). My Ex-Wife was 5′ 4″ and 100lbs and would have ZERO BUSINESS being “assigned” to actually be a Protector of any Proctectee (unless that person SHORTER than her). She would be FINE for answering phones, doing paperwork, working the Magnitomiter (sp?), etc…. and that has ZERO to do with SEXISM, it would, should, be SAME (Sound, Logical, Intelligent) MERIT REQUIREMENT for Male or again a rare Yellow-Polka-dotted-Midget (if one exists, and wants to join SS)!!
Also, my Friend Ed Bonderenka (Host of YAH on WAAM Sat. afternoons 14:00ET) called in right after me and made a GREAT COMMENT in ”intent using incompetence” — Yes, those with ILL INTENT able to use those that are INCOMPETENT —– another great/brilliant phrasing by Ed (another, more, below), yes others with ILL intent able to act due to incompetence of others that would otherwise stop their Evil if people of Merit were in place to indeed stop them!! Indeed, as Ed started calling DEI “DIE” instead many years ago, first I ever heard make that very appropriate PLAY on the phrase – as, yes, again, DEI is indeed causing some to DIE; and Bruce repeated today during the ART Show (and I’ve heard others across the Nation using DIE instead now too, but again, that correct implication was created here in Michigan by/with Ed Bonderenka (YAH, WAAM radio)!
Also Tim chimed in with DEI = Discrimination Exclusion Indoctrination! Yes, exactly!
Later on Trigger Talk WAAM Show, I called in about my point in this Article, Thayrone (Owner/Operator of WAAM (also does Mon-Fri 3p-6pET Show) was sitting in with Dick) made a point about MULTIPLE SHOOTER POTENTIAL EVIDENCE… I tried to actual bolster his point that someone can be WRONG on many things but STILL CORRECT on others (in this case someone he was referring in doing audio analysis of the Shooting event and audio Gun tech highly suggesting another shooter/gunshots at/toward Stage/Trump)… But Thayrone didn’t understand where I was going with that thought (by bringing up idiot Whoopsie Golddigger (making, or trying to make/bolster) same point Thayrone had about stopped-analog-clock principle being right twice daily) in piece))… I then after my call texted our Friend Ed with following….
Thayrone did not GET that I was bolstering his point by interrupting me, one can be right on one thing and wrong on all others; as he said and I was trying to make by bringing up another example; does not reduce the correctness/legitimacy of the thing right on. #PrinciplesNotPersonalities (see (just dropped Sat. Jul. 20 related item): /iran/2024/07/principlesnotpersonalities-and-how-does-iran-relate-2439839.html). And, the “Conspiracy” (my other point tried to make) MAY BE TRUE and necessary to find out from a LAW perspective and holding all involved accountable, but talking w/ inDUHpendents about such only likely will illicit EYE ROLLS and does not help the REAL CAUSE of getting Votes for our side on Election day (that they TRIED to kill him, ENOUGH to discuss, NO NEED to constantly drone on about CONSPIRACY of such). Some people just have zero understanding of STRATEGY when it comes to shifting Votes (getting eye rolls, no matter HOW RIGHT YOU/WE MAY BE, does ZERO for us ultimately) we must (Publicly speaking, point of this blog) reach people how/where they are in dealing with Reality and NOT try push what they will never, ever, listen to. [MORE, updated information, on the "additional shots" Conspiracy in update at bottom of this piece]
That’s how LIBERALtarians^ (useful-idiots for Fascicrats, helping/allowing Fascicrats get elected refusing to help someone they’d agree with 80+% of the time, but again rather throw Votes away on those with ZERO CHANCE of getting into Office (and why the more STRATEGIC actual Libertarians^ like Ron and Rand Paul and some others Run as Republicans (which, of course, is NOT to say GOP is perfect, gotta fight CINOs and RINOs every bit as hard as Fascicrats but you do that by being a GOP Delegate NOT screaming from the cheap seats at people actually ON THE FIELD doing things to try and MAKE THINGS BETTER) to have any chance of getting into Office and MAKING ANY DIFFERENCE) instead (LIBERALtarians) get Fascicrats put into Office) always are though, if you do not say something the EXACT WAY they would prefer, even if agreeing with them, they get flustered cuz you did not word it exactly as they preferred.
So that (my being interrupted) was ON ME, I know better, I should have hung up and called back during Dick’s 2nd hour Thayrone likely will not sit in on and made my (as well as Ed’s and Tim’s) points that was what I was calling in to do and wasted my time bothering to try PRAISE Thayrone for his comment and agree (which again, if you do not say as he prefers, causes issues).

^ Yes, there are differences -
1) there are Leftard FASCICRATS, and then there are fewer and fewer “Classical Liberals” useful-idiots to/for Fascicrats as they are too stupid to pay attention and figure out that Party left them long ago and ignores them except when comes time to SUCKER THEM out of their Vote for more Fascicrats power/control.
2) GOP, there are real Republicans (Conservatives, ChristiTutionalist, others) and of course there are fakes/frauds CINOs and RINOs who are at best also useful-idiots to/for Fascicrats and/or outright #DeepState #Insiders #Establishment HACKS!
3) LIBERALtarians (Emotional Hysterics SNOWFLAKES, zero understanding of short-term, long-term, STRATEGY, and work both) that love running around and just annoying people and will never convince anyone of anything ever nor get any of their “preferred” Candidates elected but instead aiding/abetting Fascicrats getting Elected vs REAL LIBERTARIANS that can and do THINK, use logic, use reason, have common-sense, enough to understand as Reagan said “Someone with me 80% is NOT my Enemy” and if/when/where Electable AN ALLY OF MINE and help REAL REPUBLICANS get Elected (become GOP Delegates to help bring GOP back Rightward and to the GOP Conservative Platform again. opposing CINOs and RINOs; recognizing we cannot Govern if we do not Win and we will NOT ALWAYS Win enough Seats to really get the things we want but TRY bring things back at least partially (incremental Wins, just as how Left has gotten us to where we are by instituting #CommieFasciSocies blend policies a bit at a time)) versus throwing Vote away that helps Fascicrats get Elected.



This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…..

trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS (All Left of Spectrum) lording over all else.

Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

irrefutable #FACTS in: 




And further, I am going to repeat my #PrinciplesNotPersonalities – and how does Iran factor into this? B4IN post from  the B4IN “Iran” (should probably also be in “US-Politics” as well as “Republican”) category….

#PrinciplesNotPersonalities – and how does Iran factor into this?
Iran | Jul 19 2024 21:36

#PrinciplesNotPersonalities – and how does Iran factor into this? August 10th 2024 piece development
Early BEFORE ITS NEWS Behind-The-Scenes / Sneak-Peek PREVIEW
current ROUGH DRAFT version as of Fri. Jul. 19th 2024  21:45ET ]

[ TLB Aug 10 2024 – 1,200 words, 2 images, 2 videos
– conjunction w/ CTP S2E60 ]


If you’ve read even a fraction of my pieces and/or heard my CTP Shows you will have read/heard me espouse: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities.

My plan to make the point, I plan on short article (and corresponding CTP episode) but hey I’ve said that before and when done lands up being 2,000 words piece. LOL. So, we shall see! 😊


And, yes, a bit of a “cheat” piece taking cut/paste from #SocialMedia threads….


[from over on #TruthSocial]

Trump speaks often about Speaking to World Leaders BEFORE BEING RE-ELECTED!

One of my responses

@realDonaldTrump should NOT be talking with World Leaders,
Period! Not right now! Why? Simple…
We as #GOP have been complaining about #FASCICRATS always undermining #USA while #Republican‘s hold Office in violation of #HatchAct — so I do not, will not, change my tune for #Trump (be a liar and hypocrite like a Leftists, flip-flopper, etc.).
There is only ONE Official CIC/President (and SecOfState, etc.) at a time, Period!
That is not only Law but Foundation of our Constitutional Republic!!!
I am consistent – it’s called #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
NOT being a #hypocrite!

They can, Foreigners including Official Nation Heads, if they choose, call and leave their “concerns” and “congratulations” with his Campaign Manager – not actual discussion.


Someone then chimed in “different now that he is GOP nominee?”

My response to that


No, no it doesn’t. NOT until PRESIDENT ELECT!
Read the Law.
And, again, #HatchAct has NEVER really been enforced as #FASCICRATS violate it every time a #Republican is in Office (as I said) but also as I said I STAY CONSISTENT and do not waffle/flip-flop…. #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
So, again, need be enforced, or repealed (and there are good reasons why it was put in place)!

VIDEO (XXm XXs): CTP (S1E60, 20240810) #PrinciplesNotPersonalities BTS/SP Video:
NOTE: SHOW episode not yet Recorded (as of today’s B4IN drop)


There was indeed a Cultist (all about Personality, NOT Principles) who was happy about the discussion – and I “get that” to a degree and point. HOWEVER, again, NOT principled and she a clear hypocrite, not a #RuleOfLaw #Republican, so I called her out as such and #BLOCKED. I am on #SocialMedia for THINKERS and those that are consistent. IF indeed you are going to “make an exception” then be honest about such and/or say “changed mind” on this and why!!! Clear/obvious hypocrisy and flip-flopping based on Personalities rather than Principles = #BLOCK.


Be principled! Period! But, indeed, again, it is OK to at times change mind, change a position, give Grace to our side (but clear on the Why it is “different” this time), as long as you are honest, up-front, about such.


Hell, I was always Anti-Tax. And, yes, Tariffs are Taxes and Import Tariffs most often eaten by OUR CITIZENS (those costs passed on to us) but I (as I cannot, and will not, again be a hypocrite, and indeed outline when/where I changed on something to give Trump Grace during his first-term (only after several months of very harsh calling him out, but he was RIGHT)) was willing to side with Trump (after some initial very vocal push-back from me, cuz again, you know, that whole “I stand by Principles, not Personalities”) on enacting large Tariffs on Chinese goods (Imports, and US Exports to) as “my REASONING” (logic, reason, thought, NOT feewings or hypocrisy) at that time we had to do something (vs the soft on Commie regimes Fascicrats (yes, and some #CINOs and #RINOs (all #DeepState, not UniParty, Establishment hack Insiders profiting off such not standing for American Citizens)) policies got us where we are today) and that (Tariffs) were really the only tool in the Arsenal (yes, word-choice purposefully, you’ll see why) to use. What else were we to do? DECLARE WAR and invade China?!?!?

Reagan nor Team talked to the Iranians ahead of becoming POTUS Elect – they, as part of the Campaign (the correct way to do it) TALKED AT the Ayatollahs and put them on notice!!! #PeaceThroughStrength was coming. They feared Reagan (as they do Trump) and they very eagerly released the American Hostages before Reagan took Office. And PROOF that Trump knows that is the right-way to do it, he appropriately put HAMAS Terrorists in Gaza (and Iran) on notice during his GOP Convention acceptance speech (you all heard that, right?)!!! You do NOT talk with World Leaders (again, IF you are #RuleOfLaw as we on Right are supposed to be, again until and/or unless #HatchAct is repealed) until POTUS Elect – or, again, we would be hypocrites having called out Fascicrats never ending violations of that Act.

VIDEO (41s): Trump threatens Hamas: You’ll pay ‘very big price’ if hostages not freed (The National News):            

#TrumpVance2024  #VanceNoem2028 


Now, what follows may seem CONTRARY to the #PrinciplesNotPersonalities as I will talk about Vance’s background, it is not, as ART OF WAR (sound, logical, effective, STRATEGY) is a Principle/Value!

No-one Perfect, PERIOD!
JD is good VP pick for one reason
(yes, lots GOOD (again, not Perfect) choices, all have good/bad, pros/cons, and the like regarding Election strategy, but IMO)
JD’s background. His having grown up poor and his Family Life that shows he’s AN AVERAGE PERSON not a pampered insider; the part I am referring to is way HILLBILLY ELEGY book and the “Hillbilly” language endearingly rather than how Left always tries use as pejorative (Flyover fools).

And it is NOT just about reaching POOR WHITE FOLKS but all not in the Leftists favored #IdentityPolitics dividing – but proud, folks think for selves, work for what have, care about Family and America as ‘Land of Opportunity’ and FREE to WORK to achieve for self/Family/Nation betterment, etc… And THAT IS NOT SKIN-TONE SPECIFIC (despite the usual “Hillbilly” connotation; and about damn time WE start using Language better on our Side)! Left twists language, WE MUST RECLAIM IT!


[image source: TheLibertyBeacon
note: B4IN Archives Articles after 1 year and images are stripped when blogs are moved by B4IN to Archive Servers in order to save space (so, obviously, after that time you will not see the images]

You, me, we, may not like Identity Politics, but Abraham Lincoln DID NOT just get to say “Gettysburg Schmettysburg, let ‘em have it” (and then the South could have marched into virtually anywhere else into North they damn well pleased). Your opponent/Enemy sometimes dictates BATTLE GROUNDS WHICH YOU MUST FIGHT and make no mistake this HELPS in the Identity Politics battle without the obvious clear PANDERING (would be declared by #MSM #ENEMEdia Leftists, while ignoring all the actual pandering of/by Left/Fascicrats) of picking a Female or a “Person Of Color” (but I would have been VERY HAPPY with a Kristi Noem (for right reasons, again, all have pros/cons, her being Female just BONUS) or a Tim Scott (again, plenty of GOOD REASONS WHY, and his skin-tone BONUS in the Identity Politics game THE LEFT we all know will try play, they always do).

From my CTP2 book (generally famous folks quotes, some lesser known folks, and even a few #JoeOriginal quotes…. like the following, modified a bit from what is exactly printed in the book) “Quotations” chapter…..

“Real Leaders studied ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, where-as Leaders doomed to failure [sadly even too many on my Side, The Right]; sadly far too many USA Leaders; seemed to have studied ‘Art of Stupid’ by Sun Burn” – (Me) Joseph M Lenard


And, hey, updates added to the recent piece here on B4IN that I wrote about Trump Assassination attempt and #PrinciplesNotPersonalities application needed there too!

Added additional UPDATES* (just now, Sat. Jul. 20th 12:20ET), as new information dictates, to…

How About We Stick With 100 Percent Verifiable Facts (They Are Enough) of the Trump Assassination Attempt?! (originally dropped: Sunday, July 14, 2024 12:42) piece…

see: /conspiracy-theories/2024/07/how-about-we-stick-with-100-verifiable-facts-they-are-enough-of-the-trump-assassination-attempt-2521266.html

* As can/does happen with several (not all, some here and there) of my BeforeItsNews ( ) items – they GROW (via updates) as additional information comes in and points need be added.



JLD B4IN pieces:   
JLD TLB pieces:   
Former writer at/with REDSTATE/TOWNHALL (those pieces now only available via WebArchives/InternetArchive project)
As well as some pieces on/via my own former (SSCE) website (WebArticles section).
Joseph M Lenard books:   

[and speaking of books - if you like C.S.Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien Fantasy genre, you will want to check out my article on Zachary Hagen: /books/2024/07/the-eternal-chronicles-discussion-with-author-zachary-hagen-via-my-ctp-podcast-2557588.html]

How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html

Going further back….

A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…

Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).


Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]




So let’s close out with other NUTTINESS vs dealing with easily evidence REALITY that could potentially AWAKEN FOLKS FROM WOKE STUPOR (like #BiDUMBnomics #EpicFail) some running around with the NUMEROLOGY stupidity “It says 45-47 on his Hat” and 4+5= 9 and 4+7=11 which equals 9/11. WHAT THE FUCK is that then supposed to mean (other than some MORONS have far too much time on their hands)?!?!?  I said elsewhere that I downgraded BIDEN WILL REMAIN CANDIDATE from 70/30 a couple weeks ago, to 60/40 last week, now I move the odds to coin-toss 50/50…. I wonder what the MORONS on the “it’s a 9/11 signal on his hat” (and whatever the Fuck it is supposed to signal/Dog-Whistle/mean, which, of course, they avoid “explaining” it means in their Retard heads) gonna do/say IF BiDUMB actually leaves the Presidency and/or Left actually wakes up and invokes 25th Amendment making #KacklingKamala #POTUS47 and Trump then defeating her to become #POTUS48…. Regardless, the 45-47=9/11 is  MORONIC SPECULATIONS AND WHAT IFS versus any productive ones.

#TrumpVance2024 #VanceNoem2028 


CTP S2E57 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 20 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E57) “USA: Past, Present, What is its/our Future” 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus   
This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA). Plus discussing: COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Personal Commandments), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical vs COMMUNISM (Forced (Govt. edicts/dictates), theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) not Biblical!  
JLenardDetroit Video Behind-The-Scenes/Sneak-Peek drop note: Professional Radio Host, I am not, this is not that. LOL. Please pardon the Ahs and Ums in the Video RAW Recording that yes was/is “cleaned up/out” of the official Audio version of Show drop.  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “USA: Past, Present, What is its/our Future” TLB piece   

Episode related pieces…
- /books/2024/06/usa-what-we-were-what-are-we-now-what-are-we-becoming-2557226.html  
- Joseph M Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit) books via Amazon: (most available anywhere books sold)  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)   
- CTP Official playlist:    
(CTP S2E57 Audio: 27m 24s, Sat Jul 20 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from June 1st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch  
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs 
July 6 – S2E55: In The News  
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts  
July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future  
July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?  
August 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom? 
August 10 – S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities  (TLB version)

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 




CTP S2E54 NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun 29 2024 and after) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) “Speculations and What Ifs”  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)  
First, pardon the Ahs and Ums as I “hunt” across my Notes page at some sections of this Show and wasn’t paying attention to not do the Ahs and Ums segways thing (Raw, UnCut, Show drop)… What do Richard Dawson, Steve Harvey, Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Caitlin Clark, Sting, Donald Trump Jr., all have to do with ‘Speculations and What Ifs?’ Well, obviously; this is called a promo/tease; tune in to find out! :) LOL And remember (will make sense once hear Show) as song by Sting goes: “Free, Free, set them Free!”
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: The TLB corresponding/correlating “Speculations and What Ifs” piece. 

Episode related pieces (lots of links this Show)…
- Video Only Jun 2024 CTP Show:   
- /christian-news/2024/06/did-jesus-ever-contradict-himself-of-course-not-humankind-in-frailty-can-and-sometimes-and-does-get-things-wrong-2622143.html  
- /religion/2024/06/christianity-the-bible-what-it-says-what-it-is-silent-on-realm-of-god-does-not-mean-preclusion-just-not-yet-revealed-2574087.html  
- /education/2024/06/life-living-learning-from-mistakes-to-move-forward-2464067.html  
- /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html  
- /self-sufficiency/2024/06/will-you-always-be-self-sufficient-do-you-want-someone-else-making-that-determination-lifedeath-2540303.html  
- /the-law/2024/06/for-the-left-gun-laws-they-passed-when-they-want-them-to-2459247.html  
- /u-s-politics/2024/06/usa-past-present-what-is-its-future-2613616.html  
- /religion/2024/05/life-walk-downriver-detroit-june-22nd-2024-udmi-rtl-2573883.html  
- Joseph’s Musical Heritage:  
- [Car Show every Monday 5pET-8pET]  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  
(CTP S1E54 Audio: 51m 30s, Sat Jun 29 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats  
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch  
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs  
July 6 – S2E55: In The News  
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Realities – Some Still Trying Ignore  
July 20 – S2E57: USA: Past, Present, What Is Its Future  
July 27 – S2E58: Self Sufficiency?  
August 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom ? (about Education, Parental Rights)
August 10 – S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities (TLB version) 

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  

OF COURSE, with keyboard internet jockey’s of today – instead of things being “clearer” these now couple days later, things just get/got more “WAY OUT MORE AND MORE WILDLY SPECULATIVE” (while some of us seek TRUTH/REALITY/CLARITY, others just seek CLICK-BAIT HYPERBOLE CLICKS). For the Record, myself: ”I am not a know-it-all I just indeed play one on the Internet!” LOL


[ UPDATE (Sun. 7/21) about the "multiple guns" -- after discussions with others (including Rick (further mention forthcoming), my Friend Ed Bonderenka (former Military, WAAM Radio Show Host "Your American Heritage" program), and others (including counter-terrorism sources I obviously cannot directly mention)) I am now "comfortable" to say, and "confident" in DELIVERING THESE FACTS.... Facts (evidenced) vs the speculation there-of, as was discussed with Rick Walker of/on Maverick News Sun. 7/21 evening (video replay of that LIVE Show (click-here)): 
Anyone that follows News even semi-regularly knows that several Large Cities use "Shot Spotter" system (as Chicago Mayor famously saying lately they will "eliminate" (and, of course, Conspiracy conjecture abounds as to WHY the Hell would they want to eliminate a working/effective Crime Fighting tool?) the very successful tool) that aids Police in knowing THAT shot(s) has been Fired and via very specifically located audio sound pickup microphone locations THEY CAN TELL a "GENERAL" area that a shot/shots have been Fired to dispatch Police to then investigate (do ground leg-work) to further try determine (narrow down) WHERE it happened, then try determine (via then potential eye-witness testimony) the more definitive "WHERE" and then try determine WHO and the WHY. 

Those systems, specifically created for this, DO NOT, and CAN NOT, tell them EXACT location of shot(s)-fired, direction/trajectory, elevation, etc.. YET, there is an already now famous/viral Video where someone CLAIMS to KNOW that a 2nd Gunman Fired at Trump! THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE to know from ONE AUDIO SOURCE. PERIOD!

What he can, and does say, definitively that indeed (and even Law Enforcement says) there were 3 different Guns Fired that day at the Event. THAT can be gleaned even from ONE audio source. HOWEVER, again, and the guy trying to generic CLICKS even says, many times in his Video people repeating his CONJECTURE leave out, a lot of "IF" and "POSSIBLY" statements! NOT PURE DEFINITIVE FORENSIC SCIENTIFIC FACT conjecture beyond the THREE DIFFERENT GUNS indeed Fired at that Event. PERIOD, the FACTS/EVIDENCE vs then CONJECTURE, SPECULATIONS, and WHAT IFS (as coincidentally covered in a recent CTP episode available at:   Show recently)!

What he then SPECULATES is "possible" while many would argue NOT PROBABLE - many try pass as PROVEN which it is NOT conclusive evidence but does raise Questions to INVESTIGATE further the "potential" there-of. Again, HOW ABOUT WE STICK WITH FACTS over Conjecture. Again, unless you have multiple, pre-selected and purposefully positioned, microphones to collect audio (and even then, as I stated FACTUALLY about the dedicated "Shot Spotter" systems) YOU CAN NOT determine exact trajectory, elevation, and/or more, THAT THOSE SPECULATING jump to conclusions about to fit a PREFERRED NARRATIVE. If is PROPER to ASK QUESTIONS and need INVESTIGATION to prove/disprove, as best possible, but the many now running around (IGNORING the "IF" and "POSSIBLY" statements (admitting CONJECTURE, not certainty) of the creator of that Viral Video they now MIS-QUOTE as supposed fact.

That THEY (whomever folks want to draw own conclusions WHO, and exactly WHY) tried to Kill Trump IS ENOUGH to make the point that many that Trump would upset "their" apple-cart (the mostly "accepted" as #DeepState CORRUPTION and that Trump may indeed #DrainTheSwamp this time around) wanting him therefore eliminated IS ENOUGH, should be ENOUGH, FACTS alone ENOUGH, to potentially sway Votes Trump's way.

BUT sadly some (as you may have heard or read me saying a difference in/between a REAL #LIBERTARIAN and a #LIBERALtarian, or a #QAnonner (which I consider myself part of #QArmy) and what I call #QAnutter, that always MUST leap to the most extreme "POTENTIAL" (potential, does not equate to "actuality") speculations.

You've heard, no doubt, of OCCAMS RAZOR, which indeed is most often likely CORRECT, I call the #LIBERALtarians and #QAnutters #AntiOccamsRazorites (more about CLINGING TO THEIR FEEWINGS, not evidenced based) - they automatically dismiss the most likely and easy (often indeed accepted/proven) versions of any event, dismiss such, and cling to DELUSIONS and any and every often WAY NUTTY excuses to dismiss Reality to keep peddling the MOST EXTREME version of any and every event --- often, cuz it makes it more about THEM and that "they" are so Special, only "they" are holders of the "secret reality" and you/we are ALL STUPID!

Yes, can they be correct sometimes? YES! But, again, the point, is that these LOONS always go the utmost extremes, often implausible, facts contrary to, the "SPECULATION" they try peddle.  So, again, IN CONCLUSION, yes, audio forensics (given more than just the ONE SOURCE those peddling the Conspiracy Video are peddling) does "SUPPORT" as EVIDENCED there was 3 Guns Fired that day at the Trump Assassination attempt event; THAT IS ALL that is evidenced/fact, the rest is SPECULATION. And, the Local Police "claim" one of their Counter-Sniper Snipers took a shot (missed, as the guy jumped up rather than maintain solid/sound grounding of his tripod weapon; AS CAN BE SEEN ON VIDEO EVIDENCE of such)! AND, of course, the ones INSISTING that is "what you would EXPECT them to say to engage in cover-up" is again SPECULATION (against the VIDEO evidence that he likely did such).

Yes, true, IF indeed a Conspiracy of multiple people and Agencies was in place, yes, you would EXPECT such a statement as part of the cover-up. POSSIBLE, but #AntiOccamsRazor (and, yes, add that to the list of terms/tags I have coined, but this is NOT about me (as others try make it all about them, more on that/this down-thread, and why I saying here what I am saying, but WHAT HAPPENED (factually, can be evidenced, could be PROVEN in COURT)) such, and counter to other eye-witness and video evidence, so NOT PROBABLE!

Again, AGAIN, how many fucking times does it need be repeated that THE 100% KNOWN FACTS are ENOUGH to speak to the "average schmuck" on the Street about to AWAKEN some from their WOKE Leftist idiocy delusions stupor; those on Right engaging in own DELUSIONS only will illicit eye-rolls and do NOT help AWAKEN anyone as they are dismissed as KOOKS!

So, STICK WITH KNOWN BASIC FACTS, it is ENOUGH, and it can, may, hopefully will, AWAKEN some more people how those that are Corrupt or those who benefit from (handouts from the Corrupt, they EXACT Conspirators, if one beyond LONE GUNMAN is true must be found out through solid investigation over time, STOP jumping to unwarranted conclusions/speculation/conjecture without merit before such) wanted Trump dead and bring Votes Trump's way on Nov. 5 this year.

Simple and basic conversation with THE AVERAGE SCHMUCKS on the Street can/may work, any NUTTY OVER-REACH SPECULATIONS likely to just turn them away so YOU LOSE (NOT gain) by such approach. As to the DELUSION that the 2nd of the 3 Guns fired was a 2nd would-be Assassin on the Water-Tower and then used a Zip-line to getaway. SERIOUSLY? People saw the Gunman on that Roof we ALL KNOW, FACTUALLY, shots were taken at POTUS45 from; but with all the people there, all the videos taken, all the TRAINED Law enforcement, no-one, no video exists, of ANY EVIDENCE of anyone being up on that Water-Tower (or, one has to allege EVERY SINGLE LAW-ENFORCEMENT PERSON THERE THAT DAY must be in on the Conspiracy and some knew he/she was on the Water-Tower and tried cover for that person even at the JFK Assassination MANY WITNESSES claimed there was a potential 2nd shooter noticed behind the fence on the Grassy-Knoll, whether one believes indeed there was and that was covered-up POINT IS there were WITNESSES said such ---- NO SUCH WITNESSES allege, nor again Video suggest, someone was on the Water-Tower )!!!

And A ZIP-LINE ESCAPE??? OK, if James Bond like Shooter had such - WHERE IS ANY RISIDUAL EVIDENCE ANYONE CAN POINT TO of such? IF "Mission-Impossible" style the Zip-line magically EVAPORATED into oblivion to not leave it as evidence THERE WOULD STILL BE EVIDENCE of what it would have had to been attached to ON THE WATER-TOWER (it could not attach to NOTHING, just magically suspend from/by EMPTY SPACE to allow escape from there) but yet ZERO video or actual physical evidence exists to even remotely SUGGEST that could have been the case.

But, again, #LIBERALtarians (not real #Libertarians) and #QAnutters (not average #QAnonners / #QArmy) folks will DISMISS that they have not evidence but cling to their delusional RUMORS AND SPECULATIONS (What If, possible/potential, but HIGHLY IMPROBABLE) narratives!!!! 

Also, one last addition, YES as should I was watching (as IF to talk about these things, I MUST) the Director of SS (that I label #CheeseSticks.... er.... #Chattel (fully owned by #Fascicrats #IdentityPolitics Plantation), er... Cheatle) on Capitol Hill for Congressional Hearings -- and, of course, The Leftists all about turning this into GUN CONTROL AGENDA narrative NOT getting to FACTS on the FAILURE of/by SS that day.  :( A former, and likely future, POTUS was almost MURDERED and many/most of The Left Representatives had ZERO INTEREST about Facts surrounding such and wanted to DEFLECT and peddle their illegal/UnConstituional GUN CONTROL agenda (and anything/everything to DEFLECT from what we all now know was/is DEI hires putting people at risk and some will DIE (some have, but you will never see the Leftard #ENEMEdia cover those stories) due to DEI) instead. ]












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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 19 comments
    • truefreedom

      “Attempted Assassination” – written, produced and director by Donald (6) Johann (6) Drumpf (6) – Talmudic Jew

      “Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” – Jerimiah 17: 5

      For all those who “worship” Trump … what a fraud

      Don the Con-vict is in on all of it … the chosen one lol … he suffers from the worst case of malignant narcissism and everyone that supplies his narcissism will be infected with his contagion of contagions … fact

      I mean how can some people be so blind? It wasn’t an “attempted assassination” … it was a staged to the second photo opt for Warp Speed Donny to gain sympathy. And seems he pulled it off even with real casualties as any 5th degree MAGA (MAGUS) of the Church of Satan would have to offer to their MAGA god. Donald Johann Drumpf of 666 5th Avenue is a Zionist shill and Mossad agent. Oh yea and “the chosen one” and “King of Israel” their Moshiach. And last but not least, where is the blood on the hand after the “Father of the kill shot” should have had after having his right ear pierced by a screaming hot AR-15 round. Notice at 27:54 not a drop of blood and the day after no swelling at all… staged people and to the second … 11 shots were fired from 3 (maybe 4) different firearms: 8 shots from one or two, probably from the two SS snipers on the roof who had the same type of rifle; the 2 shots from another and then 1 from what looks like it came from behind the stands and hit a man.


      • JLenardDetroit

        LMFAO, OK TDS moron, useful-idiot that will just PARROT anything lying #ENEMEdia will peddle them; train you to recite (Polly want a Cracker mimic repeat)
        Thank you for chiming in and PROVING MY POINT about THINKERS vs EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS SNOWFLAKES just Emote and easily PROGRAMMED/indoctrinated as you are.

        Here’s another article for you that you no doubt will try to DISMISS and just MAKE UP SHIT to deflect from the Facts there-in — that the DNC has 28 planks of the NSDAP in their Platform today —– and why they constantly PROJECT and try label everyone else NAZIs….. Irrefutable facts in:

        While THIS WHOLE PIECE is about STICKING TO VERIFIABLE FACT, you then go off into Leftard conjecture and Alinsky manure ( ).

        By all means, go ahead and KEEP YOUR HEAD UP YOUR ASS — this is about reaching THINKING people, not #obaMAOzombies (clinging to Biden empty suit Puppet keeping #obaMAO “fundamental transformation of America to #CommieFasciSocies blend nightmare and turn America into a shit-hole like all those FAILING Nations.

      • JLenardDetroit

        USA Biblical COMMUNITY vs your Leftard COMMUNISM…

        COMMUNITY (Voluntary, Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical
        COMMUNISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT

        Original CTP book examined Bible context and proper historical application of Jefferson Letter (NOT declare “Separation FROM Church TO State” some try apply). Of late seen criticisms about Washington “An Appeal To Heaven” flag flown that [previously they] demanded our Founders “really not Religious people” (with that thought, flag “really didn’t mean anything”) and despite endless “Quotations” (chapter included here-in) our Constitution/Republic only sustainable if Godly / Moral peoples. Now some try claim “meant nothing flag” means “Christian [Theocracy] Nationalism” signal.

        CTP2 dives deeper into false-narratives (Bible distortions) and while we’re “called” be “Brother’s Keeper, “Widows / Orphans,” and like via Christian Charity (“Cheerful Giver” not theft / redistribution), Jesus not Socialist and “Community” (Bible sense, distinction between “unable” vs “unwilling”) not modern Political “Communism” (yet some try co-opt / distort “Community” language).

        Join “ChristiTutionalist” Army and fight (figuratively/vocally).

        — from the book (“Quotations” chapter):

        “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” – Ronald Reagan

      • JLenardDetroit

        OK tard, yep he FAKED the 1st one too, right?

        Hey, shoot me in the EAR (a task worthy of the highest of our trained Marksman wouldn’t undertake) as anything could go wrong and mistake made and TARGET DEAD (instead, you morons suggest, purposefully wounded to create a narrative)).
        BYE RETARD

    • JLenardDetroit

      #JoeBiDUMB to step down from #Election2024 Campaign.

      I will be on with #RickWalker again tonight (Sun. Jul. 21, #LIVE) his #MaverickNews Show to discuss this and more!!!

      Will matter to #MORONS but should not, of course, same BAD BULLSHIT #CommieFasciSocies blend* Policy destroying our Nation no matter who at this point is atop the #FASCICRATS Party ticket (there are NO #MODERATES in #Fascicrats Party #Leadership)!! And as I’ve also said over last few weeks IF he did, makes sense they would go with #KacklingKamala (still not a certainty) as they know SHE WILL LOSE TOO but they then eliminate both BiDUMB and Kamala in one Election cycle (rather than her potentially be nominee and LOSE, piss away, #Election2028 also)!

      * This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…..

      trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.

      Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

    • JLenardDetroit

      The #SSBIDENic went down (hit Antarctica, not just one Iceberg),
      replaced by someone got where she is today also by GOING DOWN!
      #KacklingKamala (aka: #kamELE – Extinction Level Event if ever POTUS)

    • JLenardDetroit

      CheeseSticks, or whatever head of SS right now name is, MUST BE FIRED…

      The SLOPED ROOF excuse was/is one of the most MORONIC and easily dismissed attempts at an EXCUSE as I think I’ve ever heard – as anyone seen stills or Video know the SS Snipers were on other Roofs WITH GREATER GRADE SLOPES!
      This Woman MUST BE FIRED!
      CheeseSticks, or whatever head of SS right now name is, MUST BE FIRED…

      This idiot a clear DEI hire, as was the short over-weight woman trying to be one “protecting” Trump?!?!? My ExWife was 5’4″ and IF she would have wanted to join SS she would have had my undying SUPPORT to answer phones, shuffle papers, run a magnatometer (sp?) at the perimeters, etc… NOWHERE NEAR A PROTECTEE!!! And, has ZERO to do with Sexism – we gotta STOP lowering Standards and those to PROTECT a PROTECTEE must be minimum 6′ tall and able to bench minimum of 250lbs (Male, OR FEMALE) or CANNOT HAVE THAT JOB! PERIOD!!!

      DEI is causing people to DIE, those stories just are NOT going to be covered by the #ENEMEdia — this one was LIVE (almost resulting in Death) FOR ALL TO SEE – again, ON LIVE TV.

    • JLenardDetroit

      #SocialMedia Mon. Jul. 22nd 20:20ET UPDATE….

      Seriously if you’re openly admitting as SS Chief (as #CheeseSticks… or #Chattle…. er… #Cheatle did) that #Communications were not SAVED/PRESERVED to examine of/from an Event that was the greatest Protective Detail of our modern era — YOU INVITE the #CoverUp #Conspiracy language…. SERIOUSLY, #CheeseSticks doesn’t get that?!?!? She keeps saying SHE TAKES #RESPONSIBILITY but she refuses to be #ACCOUNTABLE. She must be forced to #Resign or #BiDUMB has to show some BALLS and actually take action AND #FIRE HER! That is always the deal with Left – no-one ever accountable for anything ever, no matter the #EpicFail in question (esp. when a #DEI hire is involved) no #accountability, just try to MOVE ON (pretend nothing is wrong).

      more in…
      The Trump Assassination attempt… Facts vs Speculation, needing sound investigation to seek facts (vs fictions)….
      Saturday, July 20, 2024 18:50

    • JLenardDetroit

      I deal in FACTS (normally, but yes at times conjecture/speculations, but try to be CLEAR betw. the 2)
      I will NOT, as some, with ZERO, even ZERO flimsy circumstantial, EVIDENCE leaping to the IT WAS THE CIA DOING IT (Trump promising RFK Jr. he will ORDER (no compromise this time, all involved WOULD BE DEAD) Docs of JFK and RFK murders release HEIGHTENS CONSPIRACY POSSIBILITY LINKS/hysteria
      HOWEVER, seems CLEAR, that IF CIA, FBI, whomever, not directly involved in PLOTS sure are not DOING TOO MUCH to potentially intercede ANY1 WANT TAKE SHOTS AT DJT 
      CLEAR, something going on, rather NOT GOING ON SHOULD BE, for now BOTH these PROTECTION (up front, how any1 w/ Rifle pass parimeters should been set) FAILURES happened

      more in, as discussed with Rick, over I think FOUR SEPARATE PHONE CALLS with/on his Program   


    • JLenardDetroit

      Yes, while it CLEAR at times I MAY BE ANGRY/UPSET in my tone (like during my calls into MAVERICK NEWS (outlined in this piece SUN SEP 15 UPDATE at top) Rick asked me too the first time called me back a couple times and I called him the last time I was on via Phone) rest assured I will never, ever, be a complete Emotionally Hysterical Snowflake moron and while ANGRY still can/do/will remain rooted in LOGIC, REASON, COMMON-SENSE, as much FACT/REALITY/EVIDENCE based as I can (EVEN when I delve into CONJECTURE/SPECULATIONS – when we go into the utmost WILD SPECULATIONS it does ourselves a dis-service as it can erode Credibility, Integrity, in some eyes/minds and we must avoid that —- as, as I said in the show, WE HAVE AN ELECTION TO WIN and dealing in things that can/may and hopefully WILL shift some Votes our way is WHAT we have to stay grounded in and focused on.

    • JLenardDetroit

      Now, here is a COMMENT/UPDATE that I just posted on the MAVERICK NEWS Rumble video from tonight (Sun. Sep. 15)

      Since Rick played the Video that went on about UKRAINE (from supposed Suspect) and others commented in LIVE Chat during show about such — REMEMBER, if you’re going to continue to SPECULATE if you are to be HONEST about the MORE OUT THEIR CONSPIRACY POTENTIALS —- could have been a Russian plant/agent around to SET UP the Ukraine narrative to then when this happened BLAME ON UKRAINE SUPPORT….. I am NOT saying that is case…. I AM saying with all the WILD NONSENSE some come up with, if you WANT TO BE HONEST you have to hash-out ALL THE POSSIBLE WILD OPTIONS!

      • JLenardDetroit

        He DID, after all, use RUSSIAN AK-47, or, if we’re to continue the NUTI-NESS-BRIGADE stuff —- was that a DEEP FAKE, use AK-47 to try have RUSSIA/PUTIN blamed?!?!?


      • JLenardDetroit

        I was on (via Phone) w/ Rick Walker and Maverick News again tonight, kept trying to make following point…

        A lot of things matter, but there will be TIME after the Election to deal in those things IF WE WIN (by pounding the IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID message (that all can related too) and IF we do not FOCUS and LOSE THIS ELECTION then not a whole lot of anything is going to matter with final Nails put into USA’s Coffin by the #KAMALunist.

        THAT is what I kept trying to get across but could not succinctly articulate it.

    • JLenardDetroit

      response to someone on GAB

      @whitelightning777 well, yes, my BASIC point, let some FACTS (or supposed FACTS, if one wants to INSIST they would all be LIES) but NO the fucking NUT-JOBS that just cannot wait and JUMP TO THE MOST NUTTY CONCLUSION POSSIBLE (what I coined #ReverseAccumsRazor or #FuckingRetardSyndrome) cannot resist their NEED FOR ATTENTION (even if it is negative for them to show how RETARDED THEY ARE) cannot wait even A FEW HOURS, let alone A FEW DAYS, to see things shake out a bit.

      Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
      S1E32 NOTES ( listen (Jan 27 2024 and after) at: )…
      ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) “Red-Pill Strategy (aka: ‘the Conspiracy-Theories show’)”
      Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
      Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You do not start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce “digestible” fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
      Also, Peter Serefine (Author of forthcoming book: “Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal”) joins the Show to discuss this, Liberty Lighthouse, Google censorship (as they try to block visitors to his site), and his previous books.
      See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
      Transcript Bonus: N/A

    • JLenardDetroit

      Listen, this may seem like an aside but MUST BE ADDRESSED.
      the attempted Assassination potential Shooter yesterday has been in/out the Criminal system and Courts MULTIPLE TIMES prior to this!
      THIS absolutely therefore IMO is reason enough to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with moron Leftard #SoftOnCrime #SoftOnCriminals policies and having OVER-TURNED prior #ThreeStrikesLaws upgraded Sentencing prior put in place as IF SOMEONE is a constant, repeat, CRIMINAL, they clearly ARE NOT REFORMABLE, and THREE STRIKES indeed should, MUST, be invoked to keep these people OFF THE DAMN STREETS as they continually ESCALATE THE SEVERITY OF THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES. Are we to WAIT until indeed SOMEONE IS DEAD at these Criminal’s hands/actions before really LOCKING THEM AWAY FOR LONG TIME (to protect the Public). CONGRESS (USHouse GOP) MUST IMMEDIATELY RE-PASS THREE STRIKE LAWS and keep the REPEAT CRIMINALS off the damn streets and IT WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ESCALATE TO THIS.

    • JLenardDetroit

      I am TIRED of the TRUMP IS A FORMER POTUS excuse for lackluster Protection dodges. He is NOT just a “former POTUS” he is highly likely to be NEXT POTUS. I want GOP in House to DEMAND SS to show Protection Detail numbers for ALL SEATED POTUS’ and FORMER POTUS’ for last 40 years at least (now, it is indeed Natl Security, they should not release those numbers Publicly) but how much would you Bet that former POTUS Trump (who is a current Candidate, THAT MAKES A BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE) is like 70% (if not worse) than Details still Protecting FORMER POTUS OBAMAO who CANNOT RUN FOR OFFICE AGAIN?!?!!? That’s what we need, Security Committee members get Review all the Documentation in a SCIF room, then able to do the quick Math, that then the PERCENTAGES (which does NOT jeopardize Natl. Sec. for us to know) to then be released to us the Public. They will RESIST IT, cuz we all damn well know the DOUBLE STANDARDS The Left (as always) again employing!!!!

      This is about PRINCIPLES not PERSONALITIES – If Carter would have sought rematch with Reagan in 1984, HE SHOULD HAVE had increased Protection (NOT just treated as a FORMER POTUS who could NOT QUALIFY TO RUN AGAIN). Also, again, PRINCIPLES NOT PERSONALITIES/PARTIES the same as with that Carter example would applied if HWBush would have sought reMatch vs Clinton 4 years after defeated. THIS IS NOT TOUGH TO THINK over and understand – but THAT is the issue THE LEFT never THINKS they only care about WHAT WORKS BEST FOR THEM not WE THE PEOPLE having real, EQUALITY (meaning no Double Standards) in all things!!!

    • JLenardDetroit

      Said (SMS Texting back/forth) to SAVAGED of SAVAGED UNFILTERED (I sometimes co-host, not sure I will any more) after he said wants PIVOT and stop all Politics stuff on the Show

      Makes sense, let’s just do jokes, to hell with the Nation, let’s FIDDLE while Rome burns and just hope and pray OUR HOUSE is just the last to burn down. AT LEAST wait until after election to pivot – or you just conceding to the #KAMALunist?

      Go let him know displeasure. Need ALL VOICES to KEEP AT counter Left #ENEMEdia #LIES


    • JLenardDetroit

      #Happy, Happy, #Joy, Joy
      #KAMALunist leading her #BrainDead morons at one of her Rallies (devoid of all #Substance)….

      Did you see the FARCE at #Black #Journalists (more correctly, #propagandists) #Association the other day and the MORONIC “What does #JOY mean to you” #Softball (as all were) #Questions of #kamELE?!?!? While, of course, while #Trump was there no #Questions just ASSAULT COMMENTS expecting him to respond to (actually, they did not care IF or WHAT he would respond, they just got the next #ATTACK ready)…

      #obaMAO / #BiDUMB years: #HOPE AND #CHANGE (lies)
      #Harris / #Walz: #Dope and #Deranged (delusion)

      more in…
      #Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
      Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12

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