From Vietnam, to Prison, to SAVED!
Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi CHEAT article, taking a bit of a short-cut. I just spoke with Jack Hager – therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use a FREE online Transcription Service (you get what you pay for, right?) therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good, I know well as a former IT guy that I am, but not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…
CTP (S1EMaySpecial1, 20240508) Jack Hager “From Vietnam, to Prison, to SAVED!” BTS/SP Video (you don’t know Jack, as the joke goes, but after this you will)
S1EMaySpecial1 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed May 8 2024 and thereafter (Please, of course have to make the pitch: Like, Share, Subscribe)) audio version of Show/episode at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics “Jack Hager – ‘From Vietnam, to Prison, to SAVED’”
Discussing Christianity, Prison (Drug Dealing), Youth Ministry, Christian controversey, Christian camps, Vietnam, Myeloma Cancer, Personal Responsibility, Victimhood, with Jack Hager.
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(S1EMaySpecial1 Audio: 43m 07s, Wed May 8 2024)
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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): I’m joined by Jack Hagar and we are going to talk about various things If you’re looking at the behind-the-scenes video, you could see I’m flapping around my notes here of the things We’ll be discussing from Jack’s online profile Christianity Duh, given my show right Prison youth ministry Christian controversy Christian camp the at Namor Myeloma, I think I pronounce that right cancer Personal responsibility as well as your family life network podcast So welcome to the show Jack Hagar, please give us a little about your overall background bio
JACK HAGER: A little huh, it’s one of those stories, you know, it’s one of those That some people call an exciting Christian testimony, but all Christian testimony should be exciting, but I was from a Military family we were dysfunctional for as trendy I thought we were screwed up then I went to college and found out we were dysfunctional because that sounds so much better But anyway, a child of the 60s Moved out of my own when I was 14 got busted a couple times when I was a kid Went in the arm it graduated from high school in 65 Had a couple scholarships, but I didn’t want to go to school But at the same time Vietnam was getting hot and heavy. I didn’t want to go to Vietnam So I enlisted in the army for four years because my recruiters said not only would I not go to Vietnam I wouldn’t even go overseas. So I fell for it went in the military went to Korea for two years went to Germany for two months finished up in Vietnam My drug of choice in high school was course Jack Gannett is and Johnny Walker read I Introduced myself to grass and some other stuff in Korea The military did not make me a drug either military did not Make me do anything it contributed, but I made my choices that my choices made me Came back from Vietnam very much in hate with America very much Screwed up and probably alcohol was the only thing I was physically addicted to But screwed up with other kinds of drugs didn’t want to stay in the States went back overseas for a while came back to the States Got involved with a relatively large West Coast criminal organization You’ve heard all those stories got busted three years later in Texas in a jail cell in Texas They found some drugs, which is not unusual because drugs are easy to get in jail in prison And they are in the street the unusual thing is they punished us. They took the TV set away So we couldn’t watch sesame Street or police story anymore They took the luina more Westerns. They took everything out of the cells Except what apparently the Texas State Supreme Court said they couldn’t take out and that was the religious junk up until that point I’d never been in church except for weddings and funerals had no idea about anything But out of boredom after a couple of days went by I went over the pile of books and picked up a paperback book that had the word prison in the title I wasn’t looking for God. I wasn’t looking for a way out prison was going to be a new thing for me I was bored to death anyway I wasn’t about going to prison, but I wasn’t scared about going to prison Out of boredom. I read the book it kept quoting the Bible So after a while I figured a mouse will read the Bible. So I read the Bible Started a page one somehow got through numbers and Leviticus ended up in the gospels Kept reading and over a period of time the Holy Spirit who I did not know existed Use the word of God which I did not know was that God breathed inspired word of God to convict me of sin judgment and righteousness and When I’m sharing my testimony in the church or somewhere. I usually tell people I’ve never been witness to and I’ve never asked Jesus into my heart both of those things are true Because there was no repeat after me prayer in the book. There was no Chaplain there was just a incredibly lost sinner that would be me and a crazy loving God that would be him and On January 30th 1974 and the only reason I remember the date I was 26 years old. I committed myself Believed trusted tongue to the gospel. I was saved converted born again. Whatever term you want to use Subsequently our sentence to it what it ended up being three years in An Oregon State penitentiary. I was extradited from Texas to Oregon did my Oregon time While I was doing the Oregon time, California dropped the charges the fed selected not to prosecute I was pro old went to Bible school and since 1978 have been in full-time youth prison Camp church any kind of ministry that God opens the door for and that’s the real short version
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yeah, you kind of covered the first three on the checklist already to a point So yeah, my first question was going to be indeed whether you were born race Christian or when you found Christ and you indeed already answered that but regarding the prison thing I made a side note Here in Michigan I supported You did so before before it was a hip thing now, you know, you know because I believe indeed in Christianity and Repentment right and exoneration of you know a second chances so When Rick Snyder was governor quite some time ago like 14 years ago was now we did a Judicial reform or a prison or a criminal or a you know what? Crime reform bill whatever you want to call it that gave the Spungement to certain classes of people and crimes Because indeed like you you served time After you got out in a certain degree of time. I think you should be eligible for Expungement of that record stealing of the records. It shouldn’t go away It shouldn’t be erased the courts and the police Obviously should still be able to see it, but it should be sealed so employers and others Can’t hold it against you. Had you given any thought to any of that?
JACK HAGER: Not really a whole lot simply because you know the main thing is if felon can’t have a weapon and For a long time I didn’t care about that The way our country is going the last couple years. I’ve really wished that I could carry So I thought about trying to get it expunged so I can get a weapon, but It’s a whole lot of cash and it’s a whole lot of time so far. I haven’t elected to go that route
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yep That brings me to the question. I forgot to ask up at the top Where do you live? Where are you look that you know your street obviously what state are you in? St. Joseph Missouri just north of Kansas. Oh Missouri. Okay. Yeah, cuz like you should probably call your state reps and ask them to look at Michigan’s law We passed under Rick Snyder as governor so that you would then qualify under law without having to Obtain um king million dollars worth of legal fees to get your record expunged because that is indeed Two things right your ability to then have your second amendment right back and your voting right back
JACK HAGER: Well oddly enough I could vote In Oregon State they registered registered us to vote while we were doing time
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Interesting state of Oregon where we’re having that in a lot of blue states where they’re automatically Not expunging records, but indeed Changing the law to allow felons to vote whereas felons normally have lost Their right to vote so because they let you vote in Oregon Missouri is also not coming to you and saying look you’re convicted felon. You can no longer vote They’re still loving you vote then
JACK HAGER: Nope, I’ve been voting regularly since I got out. That’s good because I could tell already
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Talking to you just this short a period of time. You’re definitely somebody I want voting But anyway, you you briefly touched on youth ministry go ahead and expound on that a bit
JACK HAGER: Well, I when I got out All I knew is and I love the lord that he loved me And I didn’t want to go back to prison So I got a job as a minister of sanitation otherwise known as a janitor in a church in southern, California Through a string of coincidences And a coincidence is simply a miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous Bible school That I had my parole switched from California to Missouri Came to Kansas City went to a year-long Bible college that doesn’t exist anymore It was part of Kansas City youth for Christ, which doesn’t exist anymore But I’m very indebted to that gave me some Grounding in the word of God some practical experience Since that time I’ve been as much as I hate this term parachure at youth ministry Youth for Christ type stuff and God has opened unique doors Uh typically in the summer I speak six seven eight weeks a camp Uh during the school year the ministry that I’m associated with now we do All kinds of one-on-one discipleship special meetings bible quizzing, which sounds really boring, which is a wonderful thing Uh God just continues to open dry moulder than dirt um And I just God continues to open doors that no man can shut and shut stores that no man can open My job is trying to figure out which doors are shut As you mentioned earlier in june, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma Which is a form of bone cancer that has sort of restricted me in the sense that I’m on chemo and on treatments So I cannot the toughest thing for me was last year Having to cancel six weeks a camp and this year having to say no to numerous invitations to speak
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Ah so you’re going through the cancer now then
JACK HAGER: Yeah, my cancer is it’s described as not curable but treatable Ah And We got some good news monday. I was getting injections once a week Now we’re going to go to once every other week with the goal of once a month And then the ultimate goal of coming once a month for blood work We know who the great physician is we know all that kind of stuff But right now he seems to be using the medical professionals to Uh, get me to the point where there would be a form of remission, which I’m all for Um, but it’s You know, I by god’s grace. I haven’t got to do a pity party thing. Why me? Why not me? You know, uh I don’t believe in the prosperity health and wealth garbage I believe jesus knew what he was talking about when he said in this world you will have tribulation um, and I just I’m rolling with it. I’m I’m not having cancer, but the same thing It didn’t shock god didn’t surprise god. It wasn’t on my Uh bucket list to get cancer, but here it is And I believe that the old prison cliche that has become a cliche to everybody God is good all the time and all the time. God is good is true And I believe the all in Romans 8 28 means all All things do in fact work together for good doesn’t mean all things are good But all things work together for good for those who love god. So i’m just along for the ride
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Amen brother. I tell this Uh great testimony. I’m glad you gave that I for those viewing online behind the scenes video. You can see my bald head leukemia 2010 I’m past Unfull remission. Thanks be to god on that And uh the other you mentioned prosperity. Yeah the the feel good doctrine of some of these churches My sister went through a phase of watching joe old steamed for a while and you know after a couple of years and reading his book She finally woke up to the fact. Yeah, you know Sometimes bad things happen and you got to be prepared for those Those aren’t god attacking you those Those the devil and the world attacking all of us that’s not you know Made or may not be part of god’s plan and what we make of it and Indeed so she woke up to the fact. Yeah, you feel good prosperity doctrine is a far It’s great. You may feel good for a short period of time, but you’re not prepared for life
JACK HAGER: Totally agree. I just uh The the thing that bothers me the most about the health and wealth prosperity guys Is the people i’m glad for your sister because a lot of times the people that get sucked up in that Eventually sees the stupidity of it, but unfortunately they throw everything out They throw that junk out and they throw Jesus out and they walk away from the face if they
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yeah, oh, that’s oh great. Thank you very important point. Yes. There is that risk Uh, so that’s very important point. God you made it now also just By way of full disclosure you and i stumbled on to each other through the podcast guest list That’s a thing that podcasters and guests use It’s kind of a matchmaker site so that we can find each other and i’m glad we did The about guest guest list and in that list of things There is a thing that says christian controversy i’m curious what exactly that means
JACK HAGER: Uh That opens the door to so many things obviously one of the things is uh judging you know matthew seven Matthew seven one is the most abused verse in the entire word of god And you don’t know how many
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): You don’t know how many times i’m repeating and i’m using show There are more words than just the first seven it really is Damn not less eb condemned. We are too judge and there are 12 plus other scriptures telling us to judge biblically On biblical standards judge ourselves as we judge others not be a hypocrite Not have double standards. So i am so glad to hear you say that
JACK HAGER: Well my personal thing on judging because obviously as you know The same jesus who says judge not said judge right just judgment And how do you know if it’s right to judgment? And in my opinion what works for me is if it hurts me to judge i’m probably okay If i find joy in judging i’m probably off base
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Oh, that is so all yeah So well put all that I hope we’re going to become fast friends because i really like you
JACK HAGER: verse advice verse advice Uh, but i just think there’s so much So much stuff That passes for christianity that isn’t and there’s so much arguing Among christians of secondary things Uh, there’s there’s some things i’ll die for and in fact You know, I think a preference is something you’ll argue about A conviction is something you’ll die for a biblical conviction is something you’ll let your family die for And that list is pretty short for me uh But the deity of christ the blood atonement the resurrection The necessity of repentance and faith in order to be saved Those are things i’ll die for Uh, host trip mid trip don’t give a trip I’m not going to even argue about because I have a hard enough time getting through today Our tongues for today or tongues not for today security the believer I have my My personal beliefs about that, but those aren’t crucial to salvation Uh, obviously there’s a whole lot of christians who believe Who’s salvation is a whole lot of christians who believe once they’ve always saved Guess what? They both aren’t right But they’re all going to go to heaven if they’ve trusted christ And maybe we ought to be telling people about jesus Instead of yelling at each other about making us stuff that ultimately doesn’t matter. I was just on
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): On moment of clarity on wam radio the other day with pastor richard gatorine patcher richard clark gatorine friend of mine ed bond doranka also co-hosts with him And we had this very discussion And also I go back to other shows. Oh, I forget who I was talking Uh, whether it was david or david who also will be on on a special show interview discussion about the different Baptist Protestant Lutheran Catholic, you know that’s division We focus on the things we agree on the important things And not argue like evangelical’s are high on the rapture Whereas other churches won’t discuss that’s not important Sweating ourselves over whether that’s going to happen or not Out of our control is not important to argue about Who your point right believe in it or not. It’s okay. It doesn’t really matter If and when it happens it happens We’re about it then right
JACK HAGER: Absolutely Like I said, you occasionally There’s been times that churches have asked me to come preach eschatology in times And I just tell the pastor whoever’s saying I can do that in a few sentences Number one jesus is coming back Number two. He’s not going to be early. Number three. He’s not going to be late and number four. He’s coming for me Call I know for sure and I don’t have time to get too caught up in that Because I have a hard enough time trying to serve the Lord today and not screw today up that I know He does all things well. I know his timing is better than mine And right now I want to redeem the time. I’m older than dirt. I’m 76 thinking years old The biggest question. What is such a young guy like me doing in such an old body? But anyway I want to finish well not quickly but well and finishing well to me means That I’ll be talking to somebody about Jesus Not about secondary things when my life is over. I like that finishing well, not early
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): I always say I’m not afraid of death But indeed I do fear a painful long-gated death, you know, and yeah We all my revelation is there end times we know is coming but there were people preaching end times Right after Christ’s death I mean every 50 years 75 years 20 years Some new person comes along where you the end is nigh again It’s going to come when it comes no one shall know the day and time right And we know the place our Megito okay for the final battle but again Obsessing whether we are not in end times currently and Yes, certainly a lot of argument can be made for it But to obsess over that is just silly We need to focus on the salvation of others should indeed we be in end times Saving people not worrying about how soon they’re going to die
JACK HAGER: Absolutely Absolutely, I think it’s a trick of the devil and a trick of The flash that we get caught up in this Mickey Mouse stuff that uh you know trying to Change the American political system. I’m not saying Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. Oh, they should
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Show us all about yeah We
JACK HAGER: We need to be Understanding that it’s much more important. The only way things are going to really change in this country is for individual hearts to be changed and I don’t want to be doing the work of Trying to make uh, how do I say that? This is not God’s country. You know, I I go crazy when somebody says jack Don’t you think Jesus is coming that quick because look at look at Look at Biden. Look at The economy. Well, it’s not about us. It’s not about the United States God so loved the world not God so loved the republicans God so loved the world not God so loved america And if I was a north korean christian or a chinese christian I might think the tribulation had already started And in this country so far we don’t know a whole lot about persecution. I think we will But for right now I love america. It’s the best country around and I’d like to see a change and I had no clue what’s going to happen in november All I know is for sure that nothing is going to surprise god god owes us nothing uh as we continue to Fall away from anything that even resembles judayo christian ethics Uh, the wrath of god is slamming against the dam of his grace and one of these days that dam’s going to come down
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yeah, i’m glad you again you you are leading me right down the path Because this show is a need about christians need to be involved in politics the christitutionalist politics book and a christitucilist politics too is coming out june of this year on the back of the book I talk about the jepheresin letter that the left Basterdises separation of church and state is not separation From church who state which is what they really want what they really mean Jefferson was not saying christian shouldn’t be involved in politics. He was just saying there will be no official Right federal but states themselves Indeed in their original constitutions had official Of religions of their colony That was allowed that was not precluded So yes, we are to be involved, but there cannot be an official federal religion And I wholeheartedly agree with that and I think you do too Absolutely and revelation right war and rumor of war which I think Yeah, of course when is it there a war going on somewhere on this planet But that segues conveniently to the atnam
JACK HAGER: Uh the atnam and prison are similar in the sense that I’ve learned a lot there, but I don’t want to go back The atnam was a debacle in many ways Uh in my in my life I spent two years as I mentioned in korea and I was in korea when the north korean seized the pueblo That most people have the pueblo. What was that? Uh, i’m guessing you remember what the pueblo was a spy ship That the north korean seized the most scared i’ve ever been in my life Was those first few days because silly me. I didn’t think we’d sell those guys out Instead we did in fact sell those guys out But so I saw that debacle. I was in jeremy Two weeks before the russian zebated checklist vakia They alerted us that the russians were going to invade checklist vakia So we moved out on the border so we could gain Intelligence when the north when the uh russian’s invaded check So by the time I got to the atnam, I knew that america Was capable of making some very very stupid mistakes And vietnam was a mistake in the sense that Sherman was right war is hell And you cannot win a war If you’re not going to fight the enemy and there were so many restrictions on us That the american soldier the american marine the american airman Did not lose vietnam the american people the american government gave it away And american in 58 000 americans and millions of vietnamese and ties and kambodians Died in effect for nothing uh So And so you think we’ve learned something we’ve done the same exact thing in afghanistan and iraq Yeah, you can’t go in part time. You can’t go in and tie the hands of the soldiers
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): You’re talking roe rules of engagement absolutely In my terror strikes coming soon to a city near you book which not a normal traditional fluffy kind of christian book But a christian book nonetheless about terrorism but not about death About life and living I go into the whole point that vietnam would have been a whole lot different if the united states spain and england Would have had the brain capacity to go in with the french When they were there rather than the us deciding to go with alone after the french were cutting and running
JACK HAGER: Yep, demian food if we would have uh Got involved in I think you’re absolutely right and they you know the fear was the china would too And you know you kind of backtrack that stuff to korea the korean conflict you know the one Theoretically we’re still at war in korea, but that’s a dmz and stuff and then you backtrack to the end of world war two When everybody got together and divided brilina cetera. Yeah, we just haven’t had any uh fortitude To stand to our convictions probably because we Too often don’t have convictions. Yeah, whether jf k was the one that got us involved vietnam or lbj or uh Yeah, it’s just I get yeah, I get pretty bitter about that and hindsight is always 2020
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): That’s an important thing to mention right? It’s it’s easy for me to say that about the atnam Having been born in 1962 and written my book it dropped in 2022 It’s easy to speculate that and say that but It’s making your point you’re right. We didn’t fight those wars to win those wars And frankly paten was right and truman should have let him roll all the way to my scow Uh a lot of this would have been solved because as church hill said Stalin You mentioned the invasion of chickles vock you look at the hundred-year oppression of Ukraine by the russians and their second invasion in a decade Recently right a hundred years history of russian Stalin was not an ally. He was a temporary marriage of convenience and once The germans were ready to fight with the americans to continue to roll to maskow because They indeed were the ones warning and afraid of the russians to begin with Uh that if hitler wouldn’t have created world war two Stalin would have and people automatically forget that Stalin invaded fynland before hitler invaded anyone he invaded polon along with hitler so You know people don’t on history But I didn’t mean to open that rabbit hole and go down. So one of the last checklist things is a an important Uh item of mine and this show personal responsibility
JACK HAGER: Well Probably that started Probably 1980 or so a School I was asked to speak do a school assembly at a local school Uh telling my story if you will it’s a sad commentary that reverend hager can’t get into a school But ex-convict hager can But anyway, so I went into the school and I kind of told my story And I stressed the fact that my parents alcoholism did not make me an alcoholic Uh Vietnam didn’t make me a drug dealer It contributed but I made the choices I made the decisions And the worst thing about the prison system from my perspective is that well-meaning people Who operate from the standpoint that man is good Therefore if man goes bad, they have to find an excuse for why man went bad So in my case, I checked in organ state prison after they gave me the tests and the interviews They said mr. Hager the reason why you’re a dealer and a thief is because Of the bad attitude you have toward the united states because of Vietnam What if the idiot’s just told me it’s not my fault I’m black. I’m white. I was poorly potty trained my parents And no Horrible things happen to young people and i’m sad about that But that does not determine what you’re going to do And the prison system unless and until with or without christ I take responsibility for my life. I can’t turn it around And I think the biggest upset The country is it’s not my fault. It’s not my fault I expect that from a five year old not from a 15 year old or a 50 year old Who spends their whole life blaming and i’ll get in trouble for this But I believe there is such a thing as post traumatic stress I believe like a lot of things. It’s over diagnosed And I believe there’s a lot of my brothers Who are blaming Vietnam for the screwed up life and a my normal kind passionate way. I say get over it dude Take responsibility for your life move ahead and again with or without christ obviously with christ You have uh the power of the holy spirit, etc to help you Move ahead, but even without christ you can turn it around short term Obviously, I want to see this individual come to christ, but before you can do that He’s got to get sober. He’s got to get clean. He’s got to do something And the only way that’s going to happen is when he says I am a problem. I can fix this And unless and until he takes responsibility
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): It can’t be turned around. Yeah, you’re freezing up a little I don’t know what the deal is there, but I think we’ve heard you uh through the freezes even I think we got everything But yes, this show i’ve done a show and then the liberty beacon that copies on victimhood Yes, that’s the whole You’re excused you have an excuse You’re oppressed in some way shape or form this victim Do pivoting I did a show That show with uh herbie k Who has the? 1964 plan about criminal justice reform. I think you should check out that show I think you would enjoy it and in fact after we’re done recording I’ll send you the link to that show so you could check it out But the other thing regarding personal responsibility going back to politics too is the bradford colony I often go down this road because the bradford colony you don’t have to look to marks and leon and stalin and chay and castro and Even hitler for fascism. They’re all kind of one and the same They’re all just slightly different means to the same Parenicle boot on your throat. You don’t have to study those to understand the failure of of communism, fascism, socialism. You can look at america the bradford colony the communist mayflower compact the commonwealth No one owned anything. They were all part of a collective and they almost all starved to death because as Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged more and more people found I can just get in the cart and let others pull me And the people pulling the cart eventually say why am I doing all this work? So the bradford colony almost all starved to death until bradford as paul harvey would say now you know the rest of the story Pivoted to what america is or is supposed to be today free market personal responsibility individual rights and freedoms not collectives Absolutely. We pretty well screwed it up. Yeah, we don’t educate our children We purposely indoctrinate them into what I call the new core ours radicalism ranch and racism through CRT right raunch you got all the perversion in the schools and the radicalism There’s no reading writing arithmetic very little of that nowadays and absolutely no history There’s an hour in there. They don’t they know the bradford colony But they don’t know why they should know the failure of the mayflower compact not just that oh they had one
JACK HAGER: Yep, we are don’t know much about history that old song from the sixties eight Yeah
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): It’s time and Not not garfunkel, no simon right don’t know much about history. Yeah, pardon my bad saying it. Yeah I used to write and record music. I used to have a reason to vote voice could play keyboards drums I recall music but uh my voice has long been shot The last thing on the list because I like to keep the shows kind of short We’re getting up there in time Tell us a little about your family life network Podcasts that you did in new york for seven years and we’ll wrap it up with that
JACK HAGER: Okay, well for 21 years. I was on staff a family life in new york And it was It was an unfortunate name because there’s so many family life now But this is not at the family life of campus crusade. It’s a different thing It started as a youth for christ and it evolved into the family life And they built when I first went out there was a big youth ministry with a little dinky 800 somewhat station Uh as I was there radio got bigger and bigger and bigger and now it’s got I don’t even know how many broadcasting stations and translators they have but anyway for several years I did a call in show on the radio and then uh Maybe a year and a half ago after I did start my podcast. You can know jack the podcast Which has been on a hiatus since I was diagnosed but i’m going to kick start it here in fact later this week. I’ll uh record the first of many hopefully episodes after a uh seven or eight month hiatus I and if I may I also wrote the book captured by grace after 40 years of nagging. I mean counseling. I finally uh wrote the uh kind of an autobiography. It’s a unique story, but it’s uh I mentioned way back at the beginning that I read a book before I read the book And my hope in my prayer is that a copy of this book would end up in every jail and prison in the country And maybe god would see fit to use my book the way that other book was used to introduce me to the book And ultimately to introduce me to jesus christ
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yeah, that’s what my christian was politics book is about Those on the fringes that they kind of quasi considered themselves religious but not Quite a christian that hopefully through my book They will then get into the full bible in full context So you’re we’re kind of doing the same thing the same thought process Which leads me to the last question is where to find you do you have does that book have a website? Do you have a website per se?
JACK HAGER: Get my my blog Oh, i’ve blogged at Oops
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Yeah, you’re breaking up. Yeah, you’re breaking up again there, but we got you can know That’s where your blog is you were kind of breaking up a bit So i don’t know what we got going on with zoom, but you know you seem to be breaking up a bit. So This is a logical point. I’m breaking up a story to do Yeah
JACK HAGER: I have a song for every occasion. I have a song for every occasion
JOSEPH M LENARD (Host): Your mind works a lot like mine. I’m doing that all the time on social media Yeah, you know, someone will say something and i gotta go. Oh, sorry now this tune is in my head Right, thanks, but no thanks now. It’s like Do you know that rebecca black friday song? Well, you probably know rick astleys never going to give you up right they call it rick rolling (#RickRolled) Well, I created and started doing rebecca black rolling every friday (#RebeccaRolled, and sometimes her Saturday follow-up song on Saturdays) i post her friday tune that everybody hates, but yeah on occasion someone will say something and say oh Now you put this song on my head and i’ll link to youtube and social media. So yeah, uh, I don’t know right You’re saying it’s a bad thing. I think it’s a good thing you and I think alike I hear that have a good totally have a good one jack and yeah, I I I need to remember to use the joke i’ve used it before with other jacks though. You don’t know jack But now you do right now you know here he was have a good one. Take care.
JACK HAGER: It’s been a joy.
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
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A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying my latest CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
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