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Trump/Kushner Plans to Behead Christians in the Name of Peace! [Important Update]

% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

UPDATE [January 18, 2020] Critical new report giving significantly higher credence to the credibility of EVERYTHING Rabbi David Goldberg was warning us about – “Trump Lies His A$$ Off To Advance Nuclear Conflict/NWO Genocide”

UPDATE [August 18, 2019] Hollywood Jews Made An EXPLICIT Movie About Hunting Down Christians!  [Jump to the 34 minute mark and then watch til end]  This presentation ALONE proves beyond reasonable doubt that Trump/Kushner along with many other Zionist Jew Leaders plan to GENOCIDE CHRISTIANS between the years of 2020 and 2025, after which TWO-THIRDS of the United States population [including non-Christians] will have been GENOCIDED!! [Original link - Removed from youtube]


The purpose of this article is to empower researchers/the reader to better understand the true plans and mentality of the imensely powerful Zionist elite Jews who consider Christians to be ENEMY number 1.  The more you research the links the more clear it should become how this all fits together.  If there is a specific link you cannot understand how it fits in, let me know in the comment section, and I will try to explain. Thank you.

White House Insider FIRED for revealing Trump is a Jew

Rabbi David Goldberg states that Trump converted to Judaism 3 years ago and he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah or Moshiach:

‘I am the chosen one’: [Anti-Christ] Trump again plays on messianic claims as he embraces ‘King of Israel’ title [Trump on video claiming this]

The Chosen People Love Raping Children [and how they get away with it]

Trump calls Christians “fools,” “idiots” and “schmucks”, and has declared his life philosophy is “revenge.” That stance is aggressively anti-Christian.  Donald Trump also participated in “golden showers in a sex club in Vegas” with his long-time fixer Michael Cohen:

Rabbi David Goldberg states that Millions of Christians Will Die Over This [Trump/Zionist TAKEOVER] and that This Is War and that You Are So Stupid If You Do Nothing With This Inside Information:

UPDATE [August 26, 2019] Henry Makow published an article with many more details on this subject.

UPDATE [September 1, 2019] Project Zephyr – The Plan to Kill Millions of Patriots Leaked!

Trump & the End of the Christian West – Adam Green

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Connection To The British Royalty To Pharaoh Bloodline
[The practice of child sacrifice to Moloch goes all the way back to ancient Egypt.  The dollar bill displays the Egyptian pyramid in honor of the FACT that this Pharaoh bloodline is still in full power today]

The Pharaoh Show; [Serpent hybrid] Alien Predators in Human Appearance – Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland
This is like the Holy Grail of SUPPRESSED TRUTH! [Important 5 min Intro]

Deal of the Century: Jared Kushner [Zionist Chabad Luciferian] Just Released His Middle East Plan for ‘Peace to Prosperity’ [My expectation if this comes about is that we may actually see peace in the Middle east for 3-4 years, but then the true colors of the Zionists will show its UGLY HEAD with the genociding of Palestinians.  By that time Trump will no longer be president, and most people will be oblivious to the fact that Trump/Kushner helped set these plans into motion]

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV) “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

More Evidence That Trump Is NOT Committed To Peace

Trump is GUILTY of attempting to start WWIII according to both Benjamin Fulford AND Rabbi David Goldberg:

“President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews, ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him.” – Benjamin Fulford:

Trump told he will be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no Iran war [Trump caves]

Nuclear Strikes Within USA Coming – Zionist Timeline Leaked

People who are REALLY interested in PEACE should read the section entitled The Red Pill For Peace beginning on page 87 here:

Irrefutable Proof (Including From An Honest Jew Converted To Christianity) that the Jewish Talmud (Pharisee Oral Law condemned by Jesus) is a Satanic Blueprint For The New World Order

Verify the verses – Full Text of the English Babylonian Talmud:

“Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:

1) Jewish Supremacy.
2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles).
3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians.

18 Satanic Verses of the Jewish Talmud Cited by Brother Nathanael Kapner [of which the following 6 seem to say it all]:

* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b) [The basic Talmudic doctrine includes more than a "super-race" complex. It is an "only" race concept]
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a) 

Some additional noteworthy verses from the Talmud:

* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a)
* A Gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death … not even on Mondays is the Gentile allowed to rest. (Sanhedrin 58b)
* Even a Christian who is found studying the Law of Israel [Talmud] merits death:
“Rabbi Jochanan says: A Goi who pries into the [secret Luciferian Talmud] Law is guilty to death.” (Sanhedrin 59a)
* My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament). (Erubin 21b (Soncino edition))
* The New Testament books of the Christians are to be burned whenever possible. (Shabbath 116a) 

* Michael Hoffman (historian): The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.  [Sanhedrin 58b ” Jews are Divine. To smite an Israeli on the jaw, is like to smite the jaw of God. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God”]
* Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a gentile. (Baba Kamma 113a)
* If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. (Moed Kattan 17a)

* A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 54b)
“When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves [servants] of the Jews.” (Erubin/Eiruvin 43b)

* Children, life and sustenance do not depend upon merit but upon mazal (one’s lucky stars). (Mo’ed Kattan 28a)

Audio link of a famous Rabbi admitting the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews [his words, not mine, including “Hey, we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” - an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God - the Christian God - God the father]:

So Why Does It MATTER Whether The Jews Are Descendants Of Israelites Or Not?

The distinction is paramount because the so-called Zionist-Christians [an oxymoron] represent perhaps over 30% of US voters, and this misunderstanding is for all intents and purposes the only reason they keep voting for war-monger Zionist presidential candidates. Sadly, they are unaware that they are voting for their own eventual beheading:

It is now LEGAL FOR THE SANHEDRIN TO LATER BEHEAD CHRISTIANS in the United States.  Noahide laws will take precedence over the US constitution via a future NWO treaty/establishment of a world court in Jerusalem for policing by Zionist Jews, but are already signed into law in the USA. CRITICAL Sanhedrin TRUTH regarding the ELITE Rabbis in control of Israel. THIS is what TRULY is driving WORLD POLITICS, Putin, Trump, and practically everything, and PRECIOUS FEW TRUTHERS ARE EVEN AWARE OF THIS: The Jerusalem Conspiracy [This will blow your mind - watch til end! Jews on video admitting the REAL TRUTH!]:

Pressure to Move Hague to Jerusalem

Wife of Former Congressman Dr Lorraine Day Tells About the Passing of the Noahide Laws In The USA [and how Zionist Jews plan to use them to justify the beheading of CHRISTIANS who admit to worshipping Jesus!]:

The Talmud, Chabadism And Noahide Laws – Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Sep. 22, 2019 [This GOLDEN presentation ties it all together - ESSENTIAL VIEWING!!]:

If you watch the Israeli News Live videos below with Steven Ben-Nun on Noahide Laws, you will learn that once the Zionists conquer a few more governments they will reign in their Jewish Luciferian Messiah (note that Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew as proven here – /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html) and instead of the USA being the Military capital of the world, it will be Jerusalem with the help of the UN New World Order police.  This is where Donald Trump is leading us declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel [IS RA HELL]. The round table Jesuits = Crypto Jews knew Donald Trump was a Jew when they knighted him as one of their own [see further below]:

The Real Agenda – Critical Sanhedrin truth: [link scrubbed from YouTube because the Zionist Jews DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW from an ex-Zionist Jew converted to Christianity "What Is The Talmud", but it was reposted here - - also here is a Bitchute partial segment from original scrubbed youtube video - ]
* UNIVERSAL CODE FOR PEACE (NOAHIDE LAWS) – ANTI-GENTILISM RISING - ] - Trump first president to garner noahide law participation from ALL 50 STATES!

Donald trump has declared his NWO intention publicly to track people biometrically on land, on the sea, and in the air:

Trump on video calling for the death penalty for people who protest the New World Order Jews/Noahide Laws? – Noahide Laws Prayer in Congress – Adam Green

Comment by “cyndy t”:
While Lenin was ordering  the destruction of Christian churches and the torture and death of Christians,  one of the 1st laws he passed was making antisemitism against the law punishable by death.  
The Bolshevik Revolution  was financed by  Wallstreet Bankers and much of the training took place in NYC

WHAT? No Way This Is Happening! [July 27, 2019 and a MUST SEE!  Totally Mindblowing!!] [If the video gets censored from YouTube, look for it here]

Comment from Cherish Pearl:
This was the absolute best and [most] informative live stream I’ve ever seen. Thank you so very much!

Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors in Seminary – This Will Rock the Christian World! [Updated July 2, 2019] - /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html

To the Fools Who Think Donald Trump Is a Christian

Donald Trump [German-Jewish name Drumpf] is a Knighted 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Jesuit “Red Dragon” [Luciferian Freemason]:

Trump has admitted on video that his Luciferian Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ Award represents EVERYTHING he believes in/stands for

[Trump] Kushner, Chabad, & Alex Jones EXPOSED w/ Matthew North [Trump seeks
guidance from the Luciferian Jewish Kabbalah]

Trump admits in his autobiographical book ‘Way To The Top’ that he attends Kabbalah classes[which ONLY JEWS are allowed to take] - BIN user mothman777.

Both Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, as ALL Zionist Talmudic Jews, apparently believe in sacrificing children to Moloch! [An on-going elite serpent blood-line ritual dating all the way back to ancient Egypt!]
Burning children to the demon Moloch is permitted today by the supreme legal authority of the so-called “Jewish” religion, which is the Babylonian Talmud, and, in particular, the Talmud book of Sanhedrin, Folios 64a-64b.

We recently learned that Zionist Jew Jeffrey Epstein is Deeply into Moloch worship here:

Epstein Raped Me in Underground Facilities! Survivor Exposes it All!

Fact – Luciferians are required to partake in/attend Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremonies each year. Fact – Donald Trump as proven in the links above, has for all intents and purposes admitted on video that he is a Luciferian Kabbalist, and that this represents EVERYTHING he stands for.

Epic example of SRA expert speaking truth:
Ted Gunderson (FBI) Tells all – Secrets 911 JFK CIA Satanism Government Conspiracy – Truth Symposium

Nazism Was Cloned After its Predecessor: Zionism!!!

[Jew] Stalin Funded Hitler

The Proof that Stalin is a Jew


Sixty-Six Million Christians Were Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union

[Racist Zionist] Jews admit organizing White Genocide:

Irrefutable Proof that behind the scenes Donald Trump is 100% Zionist/NWO:


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To those of you who think this story is fear porn BS:  Please explain why Rabbi David Goldberg was assassinated for leaking this information!  He knew that he was puting his life in danger in an attempt to bring you this information, and IN FACT WAS ASSASSINATED FOR IT – PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAVE BEEN IN VAIN – PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS!

AND REMEMBER the Millions Upon Millions of Christians Who Were Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union:

Lastly – PLEASE DO NOT Shoot The Messenger for attempting to help empower the reader to connect the dots of MULTIPLE Whistle-bloweres who collectively have painted a picture which can hardly be overlooked by those who explore the links provided.  Judging from the comment section you would think that I just mandated that coffee be made illegal or some such madness.  The research I have put into this story does not merit the postal plethora of vicious name calling attacks as seen in the comment section below.  In other words, PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE LOONEY LEFTIST ZIO-LIBTARDS!  


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    Total 82 comments
    • DJ Dog

      Ok sounds like a plan lets start with hypothesisfull to make sure the guillotine is nice and sharp I doubt anybody will miss his ridiculous articles on BIN

      • HypothesisFree

        I have IRREFUTABLY PROVEN based upon the Babylonian Talmud itself that the Zionist Jews/Rabbi’s are HIGHLY SECRETIVE about their NWO = Zionism plans. ADDITIONALLY I have proven this from multiple JEWISH sources. ADDITIONALLY I have proven this through LENGTHY analysis of REAL WORLD FACTS!

        No Rational Honest Thinking person can read the following three articles and conclude ANYTHING ELSE:

        - /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html
        - /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html
        - /v3/christian-news/2019/2580229.html

        all 3 of these also reference the greatest truth bomb of all time:


        ANYONE who reads these will see right through your ASTOUNDING IGNORANCE DJ Dog!

        • MyTwoCents

          You are way too fanatical to take seriously, even if some of what you sy is true. Why don’t you write a book instead of spamming BIN?

      • b4

        with you on that dj=thought it already happened–the dude is brainless!!!

        • HypothesisFree

          Baseless character assassinations are something we associate with the leftist loonies. Sadly their Globalist Zionists have infiltrated the right as well. Whether you go with Zionist Trump or the likes of Zionists like Gore/Cheney/Biden, you are going to be taking it up the ass!

          Indeed the phrase Brain-Dead does come to mind for the sheeple followers of party propaganda politics.

    • DJ Dog

      Me thinks he doth protest too much!

      • HypothesisFree

        YOU who take NO ISSUE with being owned/PONED by the Zioninst Jews will happily bend over and take it up the rear like the BITCH-DOG that YOU REALLY ARE!

        As for me, my motto is “NO RULERS IN MY LIFE!”

      • DangerWillRoberson

        many believe jared kushner is the freemason isis antichrist with third temple to follow? i believe he could be the talmuds man of mossad pease? we did not vote for this man but trump has made him some kind of advisor?

        trump did get the us embassy placed in Jerusalem? i support the jews and israel is forever! i oppose the satanists yahoo and the other actors who more then likely will be hung on lamp post when the biblically correct antichrist does show up in his ufo sport model or out of his islamic well?

        i believe the false profit is the pedovore pope or the next one? and the antichrist will be a non human nephilim being with powers ! but we know the freemasons have a plan for there version of antichrist following the western banking model , movies revived roman empire? this deep state cia plan involve the UN the EU and chaos engineered to start conflicts with jews and arabs out of this plan there man of peace will rise to solve the world’s conflicts like the real jesus at the beginning but devolves into a global hell hole! outlined after the 1881 albert pike mazzini letter article? hoax?

        the world that can still think has an eye on trump and his son in law! i just believe the satan i know will double cross the deep state like the liar he is! we have one hope, the son of man, Jesus his words , if you want eternal life with him , repent of your sin, pray always study his words and obey them! after time of testing Jesus will show you what you will need to do in the coming tribulation period! i believe there will be places on earth where true believers will live out this time of testing and they will be protected by his angels with big swords! :idea:

    • DJ Dog

      Oh no! I’ve been called out by one of the jew hating wacko writers on BIN how will I ever sleep at night again. Keep on hating them Zionist they are coming for you.

      • HypothesisFree

        To the contrary I have over 20 AWESOME Jewish friends in my city of residence, and THEY know that I ABSOLUTELY speak the truth with regards to Zionism.

        Furthermore I state “[Note: This is NOT to say that seed-line Jews cannot be saved. To the contrary there are MANY Anti-Zionist Christian Jews]” in the following article of mine:

        Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors in Seminary – This Will Rock the Christian World!
        - /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html

        Furthermore there are MANY MANY MANY Anti-Zionist Jews in Israel protesting the existence of Israel and calling out Zionists as Racists.

        To be clear, calling out Racism is NOT Racist!

        • 2QIK4U

          Most the Jews I’ve known openly admit Everything, its as normal for them as you lot believing a fake book of worship… Funny thing is, this makes them more honest than so called Christian’s

    • DJ Dog

      Ok hypothesis full I’ll tell you what I don’t know where you live mebbe you got guys with funny beards, beanie caps and curly sideburns running around bobbing their heads and hiding in the bushes but in this part of Texas there’s not a synagogue or mosque for miles so their probably gonna come for you first. So when the Zionists are at your door ready to ship you off to New Auschwitz call DJ Dog I will bring a bunch of well armed rednecks and we will snipe the the little uzi toting bastards and make them eat motza balls in the dark. Until then if I were you I would refrain from calling people ignorant because they don’t swallow your manifesto hook line and sinker or they may find you in a walmart parking lot and wup your ass.

    • Sweetoea

      Most ridiculous crap I’ve heard in a long time. Delusion on display here.

      • HypothesisFree

        The ONLY people who have VALID MOTIVATION to propagandize this story as delusional ARE ZIONIST JEWS!

        We who are AWAKE know that the Zionist Jews murdered some 50 million Christians in the Bolshevik [Russian] Revolution!

    • joe

      too funny, i guess your a believer in such things. Super entertaining, keep it up!!!

    • mothman777

      Actually, Rabbi Ben Yohai, author of the Zohar, stated that a Jew can have sex with a little girl up to three years of age, and then marry her and have sex with her at three years and one day old, and that adult Jews can have sex with little boys under 9 because they are not yet sexually aware, thus creating no offence, and then at nine years and one day and over as they are then sexually mature males.

      Trump admits in his autobiographical book ‘Way To The Top’ that he attends Kabbalah classes. The Chabad Lubavitchers, who run the Kabbalah movement, are the ones mentioned in the following article by Alison Weir, which tells you all about how Jews think about the rest of us: ‘Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?’, Counterpunch.

      The Zohar states that all Gentiles in the whole world are an eternally evil subspecies of soul that is eternally non-living and eternally inferior and irredeemable, to be exterminated by ‘God’ in his wrath, and then sent to hell at the end of the world, after having first been enslaved of course.

      That is what all the laws to prevent ‘antisemitism’ (awareness of what Jews are doing to us) are for, to make sure nothing gets in the way of the plans of those murderous Jewish bastards. The Jews say that they themselves are parts of their God, so when the statement is given in the Zohar that ‘God’ will exterminate all the Gentiles, that in fact is a direct instruction to the Jews, a military order, a battle plan for the Jews to follow through to the end.

      Stalin passed a law in Russia that imposed the death penalty on anyone criticising the Jews, after the Bolshevik Jews of course had just slaughtered many millions of white Christians in Russia during 1917 and afterwards, that is exactly what the current hysteria about ‘antisemitism’ is all about, to enable the Jews to do the same again without the slightest mental or physical preparedness in any Gentiles being allowed to occur.

      That is what all these infiltrated Jewish agents in our Western governments are doing as they maintain the fake ‘antisemitism problem’ in the media and in politics, as they effectively ban any truly aware Gentiles from office, thus bringing into existence their 100% Jewish NWO world government a bit at a time.

      • beLIEve

        The ADL……….aka……….Another DUPLICITOUS LIE. :wink:

        JACOB $CHIFF

        AZL flag holder Transparent Jacob Henry Schiff (born Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847 – September 25, 1920) was a JeWI$H banker, businessman, and philanthropist. :lol:

        Schiff was born in 1847 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to Moses and Clara (née Niederhofheim) Schiff, members of an A$hkeNAZI Jewish RABBInical family that traced its lineage in Frankfurt back to 1370.
        His FATHER, MO$E$ $chiff, was a BROKER for the RAT$child’$.
        On May 6, 1875, Schiff married Therese Loeb, daughter of Solomon Loeb, and in 1885 became head of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.
        Walter Görlitz reported in “financiers of power”: “Above all, Leo Bronstein-TROT$KY ENJOYED the BENEVOLENCE and AL$O the FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF those WALL $TREET tycoons who are in New York the, GERMAN DUKE$’ called by Jacob Schiff and the owner of the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. , BANKER$ of GERMAN-Jewish ORIGIN.”

        In 1913 $CHIFF FOUNDED the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL) AS a BRANCH of the B’NAI B’RITH IN the UNITED STATES of America. :idea: :mad:

        Schiff was associated with E.H. Harriman in notable contests with James J. Hill and J.P. Morgan & Company for control of several Western railroads.
        Schiff was elected a director of Wells Fargo in September 1914 to succeed his brother-in-law, PAUL WARBURG, who had resigned to accept APPOINTMENT to the ORIGINAL FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD.

        * * *

        ONE MINUTE & 25 seconds……….Video :smile:

        It’s a Trick, We Always Use It (calling people anti-Semitic)

        * * *

        $atan’$ $t00ge$ :oops:

    • PeacePlanet

      Please let your Psychiatrist adjust your meds; don’t try to do it yourself. I’ll lend you the $20 copay.

      • HypothesisFree

        That you even believe there is validity to Psychiatry and their SSRI drug pushing efforts SAYS IT ALL!

    • truck driver

      Orthodox Jews don’t believe in Jesus and that’s what Kushner is

      • b4

        ok dumass–did you know the romans created jesus out of thin air to give the way ward joos something to bitch about so they could kill a lot of way ward joos? think of santa claus or the easter bunny–same deal to make a few bucks—i like superman and batman the best–lots of bullshett to keep a bunch of insane sobs busy–but believe what you want–it dont make one shett of difference…your gonna die someday just like me and then your gone and 50 years late nobody gets a shett

        • The Ferrett

          You again . . learn to spell you stupid wanker . .

    • Slimey

      Talmud is man-made crap. It has nothing to do with God. I do find that Jared guy a little weird. He bears watching. :twisted:

    • Helen

      Reading those words make me think of the muslim laws hidden under the cloak of judaism. If you read either of the books, muslim or Hebrew you will notice the difference. What is wrong with people writing such crazy articles! Seriously!

    • Lastnerve

      What does the Bible say about people saying they are Jewish but do not have one one drop of the blood of Abraham in them.
      How can they be the chosen people? Khazarian?

      • HypothesisFree

        According to an elderly German contact of mine, he witnessed that the Ashkenazi Jews did indeed live among the Mongolian Khazars, however they looked nothing at all similar to the Mongolians/Khazars. He thought possibly they were Anglo-Saxons, but his is something I need to research further.

        Whenever an English translation of the Bible uses the word Jew/Jews, it really means Judean/Judeans who absolutely were NOT Jews, but rather Israelites, as proven here:

        Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors In Seminary – This Will Rock The Christian World!
        - /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html

        The Pharisees of course were a hybrid of both the Abraham pure blood-line (on the male side), and the serpent blood-line (on the female side).

      • beLIEve

        The Khazarians have been chosen by their “dog/god”…..$atan. :idea:

    • Anonymous

      I can not believe that about Trump; I just can not! This dude Maurice Samuel is of Genghis Kahn decent; wing nut ears caused by the skull-form, their ears are way bellow the eyes; like the Hillary got it too.

      • Anonymous

        Several Hillary’s out there; State sponsored lookalikes; doppelgänger. Like the Saddam thingy.

        • Anonymous

          “Black Nobility” (They got one time freebe to change it all; from Me.) (No-one is speaking out, I am speaking out!)

          One World Order

          The Jesuit order is a Military order taking commands.

          Socialism- made out of worker bees.

          Reece Committee Investigation of Tax Exempt Foundations
          Norman Dodd

          • Anonymous

            Then The Jesuit order have to splinter; for us to survive.
            Like Cardinal Richelieu saved France (something special), once upon a time

            • Anonymous

              Because I can separate things and see truths still; I actually also loves
              The Three Musketeers (1973)
              The Four Musketeers (1974)
              It is all about honour; Chivalry rules.

              Code of Chivalry. There was not an authentic Code of Chivalry as such. The Code of Chivalry was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct – qualities idealized by the Medieval knights such as bravery, courtesy, honor and great gallantry toward women.

    • Josie

      Fear porn, B.S.!

    • HypothesisFree

      Josie – If this story is B.S.,then please explain why Rabbi David Goldberg was assassinated for leaking this information.

    • Freeus

      Serial Brain 2 tells us who the threat is and has been for eons. Do you think real humans would eat babies and kids and torture them and want to kill them “after” they are born? We have an elite cabal of society with their stolen wealth off of people and wars since Adam and Eve. Who are these soul less psycho’s, not All Zionist but surely some of them just like every denomination of religions etc. secret societies and mystery schools who summon demons from other dimensions and gain power through the exchange of metaphysical energy into real energy on earth. Unknown to us but it is known to them that the ancient alphabetic letters have energy and a vibration and put together form metaphysical quantum energy. Called Gematria- SB2 decodes the elites decodes for us and more interestingly Trumps. Watch him there is much to learn.

    • Anonymous

      David Goldberg was said killed because he was releasing information regarding plans to start a war with Iran in October 2019 according to Shocking Update on Man Killed for Revealing Date of Iran War! It’s Real! so you are absolutely Not being truthful… in other words you are trying to deceive the people

      • HypothesisFree

        Please take into consideration that there was more than one assassination attempt on David Goldberg’s life. In the following video David Goldberg states that they tried to kill him with arsenic poisoning and that they were NOT happy with ANY of the information that he was leaking. He makes no mention of the Iran war leak here. So according to him there were multiple reasons for assassinating him. Furthermore he states that they fired a White House insider for releasing the fact that Donald Trump was a Jew.


        People should ask themselves WHY IS DONALD TRUMP HIDING THE FACT THAT HE IS A JEW as did both Stalin and Hitler as well?

    • Anonymous

      A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

    • counselor john

      60 million Christians? OnlyChristians, and there were 60 million of them in Russia? No one else was killed except for 60 million Russian Christians? Not even entertainment value. Get a job.

    • James Red Pills America

      Now I’ve heard it all. What an imbecilic moron you must be. lol

    • Central Scrutinizer

      Just stop….. Your incoherent ramblings are just embarrassing…. :mrgreen:

    • Infidel64

      So, anyone that disagrees with this story is leftist zionist myopic loonie?? hahaahahah Sorry ,…how childish!

    • patann

      Prophecy Links

      -Hearing Jan 19-23, (2019), “whore and beast separated,” hearing Jan 13, (2018), “one hour with the beast.” meaning all US. Western soil this planet, a Noah’s cousin, no Jer 7:8/Rev 17:16-18, ELE’s nuclear, solar and molten, disallowed, no further delays US soil, desolations predicted come, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb

      -This happened on our Earth from Italy, U.S.A Mexico, Brazil “Ice of Age”& other countries 2019 / v3, 50, 888 views

      (there is no rest for the weary, for those procrastinating repentance to escape into Jordan’s Petra to Africa’s West Atlantic, the North American Continent to world exodus come, beware, repent, escape, also see here,

      -Article, Lindsey Williams – Warning to prepare for an Emergency. Stock up on food, water and supplies now! It is 5 days before the Economic Collapse.” So, what do you do?


    • Katherine

      All U.S. presidents, (and people who strive for positions of “trust and power” worldwide) those running for those positions and politics as a whole, world-wide, are/have been evil to the core.

      As for politics, just look at what people, everyone, does in the name of politics. Including the deceived voters. It all smacks of evil to the core.

      And politics, is a great part of Satan’s religion. Dwell on that, if you truly care about the other guy and gal and it’ll come to you eventually. If you get involved in “politics”, you’ve been conned by Satan.

      The simple Truth! Anyone who deliberately does ill or violence to anyone else is evil !!

      Christ, in His New Covenant Never Set it up for anyone to be violent or “racist”.

      That’s Satan’s filthy job. Christ Is Looking Always to See who we will listen to.

      Christ through Paul Refers to Satan as the “prince of the power of the air”. Ephesians 2:2 Satan transmits a lot. And a lot of people seem to prefer his kind of religion; one of hate and violence to Christ Who Is The Giver of Life and the Prince of Peace. Most don’t realize it, but it’s true. Satan works in the “sons of disobedience”. This means anyone worldwide.

      To those who actively seek out Satan are the ones who actively work out the hate and violence on others. WAY TO GO!

      No doubt Satan can/will come to us as an “angel of light”, as will his followers, so in order for us to be “on it”, we must strive to follow and obey Christ and His Holy Ways; 24/07!

      That being said ( I’ll get into Zionism a bit further in)

      If anyone accuses anyone of antisemitism, here’s a bit of much needed clarification on that.

      Just what is a Semite?

      a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

      2. a Jew. (only recently have the Israeli Zionists tried to use the term antisemite exclusively to push forth their quite evil agenda)

      3. a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah

      Sem·ite (smt)
      1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.

      2. A Jew.

      3. Bible A descendant of Shem, the eldest of Noah.

      Noun 1. Semite – a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa
      Caucasian, White, White person – a member of the Caucasoid race

      Babylonian – an inhabitant of ancient Babylon

      Chaldaean, Chaldean, Chaldee – an inhabitant of ancient Chaldea
      Assyrian – an inhabitant of ancient Assyria

      Phoenician – a member of an ancient Semitic people who dominated trade in the first millennium B.C.

      Arab, Arabian – a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa

      Aramaean, Aramean – a member of one of a group of Semitic peoples inhabiting Aram and parts of Mesopotamia from the 11th to the 8th century BC

      Canaanite – a member of an ancient Semitic people who occupied Canaan before it was conquered by the Israelites

      Adj. 1. Semite – of or relating to or characteristic of Semites; “Semite peoples”

      What is an anti-Semite? Well, this “term” sure is tossed around by the deliberate liars.

      What is an anti-Semite? Anyone who is against any of the ***aforementioned*** peoples.

      Put that in your pipes and smoke it!

      Christ, Lord Jesus Had/Has most of His descendants, Palestinians, being persecuted now by a political agenda, (ALL politics being one of Satan’s religions) “Zionism”.

      ISIS=USA, ISRAEL, BRITAIN, GERMANY, CIA, MI6,MOSSAD ETC threatens to crucify Palestinian Christians, Lebanon’s Christians; THREATENS TO MURDER ALL CHRISTIANS!

      Tell the Truth! Why? Because whatever lies anyone spews does not go unnoticed by Christ, Who Is God Almighty!


      It is, exactly, a satanic political movement ( as All political movements are) designed to deceive and eventually murder non discerning Christians who believe in the Christ, Lord Jesus’ Truth=His New Covenant with us. Haven’t you noticed that all NWO plan far in advance for everything they do. But, it is all futile.

      Zionism was embraced by these non discerning Christians with the “invention” of the Scofield bible.

      Scofield was commissioned by the Zionists to create this very very ANTI CHRIST version of the bible complete with Scofield’s “notes”, which enticed non discerning Christians into advocating the creation of state of Israel within a political movement known as ZIONISM.


      The Only Truth

      He Is God after all, and we are His creation.





    • Katherine

      All U.S. presidents, (and people who strive for positions of “trust and power” worldwide) those running for those positions and politics as a whole, world-wide, are/have been evil to the core.

      As for politics, just look at what people, at what everyone involved in politics do in the name of politics. This includes the deceived voters. It all smacks of evil to the core.

      And politics, is a great part of Satan’s religion. Dwell on that, if you truly care about the other guy and gal and it’ll come to you eventually. If you get involved in “politics”, you’ve been conned by Satan.

      The simple Truth! Anyone who deliberately does ill or violence to anyone else is evil !!

      Christ, in His New Covenant Never Set it up for anyone to be violent or “racist”.

      That’s Satan’s filthy job. Christ Is Looking Always to See who we will listen to.

      Christ through Paul Refers to Satan as the “prince of the power of the air”. Ephesians 2:2

      Satan transmits a lot. And a lot of people seem to prefer his kind of religion; one of hate and violence to Christ Who Is The Giver of Life and the Prince of Peace. Most don’t realize it, but it’s true. Satan works in the “sons of disobedience”. This means anyone worldwide.

      To those who actively seek out Satan are the ones who actively work out the hate and violence on others. WAY TO GO!

      No doubt Satan can/will come to us as an “angel of light”, as will his followers, so in order for us to be “on it”, we must strive to follow and obey Christ and His Holy Ways; 24/07!

      That being said ( I’ll get into Zionism a bit further in)

      If anyone accuses anyone of antisemitism, here’s a bit of much needed clarification on that.

      Just what is a Semite?

      a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

      2. a Jew. (only recently have the Israeli Zionists tried to use the term antisemitic exclusively to push forth their quite evil agenda)

      3. a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah

      Sem·ite (smt)
      1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.

      2. A Jew.

      3. Bible A descendant of Shem, the eldest of Noah.

      Noun 1. Semite – a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa
      Caucasian, White, White person – a member of the Caucasoid race

      Babylonian – an inhabitant of ancient Babylon

      Chaldaean, Chaldean, Chaldee – an inhabitant of ancient Chaldea
      Assyrian – an inhabitant of ancient Assyria

      Phoenician – a member of an ancient Semitic people who dominated trade in the first millennium B.C.

      Arab, Arabian – a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa

      Aramaean, Aramean – a member of one of a group of Semitic peoples inhabiting Aram and parts of Mesopotamia from the 11th to the 8th century BC

      Canaanite – a member of an ancient Semitic people who occupied Canaan before it was conquered by the Israelis

      Adj. 1. Semite – of or relating to or characteristic of Semites; “Semite peoples”

      What is an anti-Semite? Well, this “term” sure is tossed around by the deliberate liars.

      What is an anti-Semite? Anyone who is against any of the ***aforementioned*** peoples.

      Put that in your pipes and smoke it!

      Christ, Lord Jesus Had/Has most of His descendants, Palestinians, being persecuted now by a political agenda, (ALL politics being one of Satan’s religions) “Zionism”.

      ISIS=USA, ISRAEL, BRITAIN, GERMANY, CIA, MI6,MOSSAD ETC threatens to crucify Palestinian Christians, Lebanon’s Christians; THREATENS TO MURDER ALL CHRISTIANS!

      Tell the Truth! Why? Because whatever lies anyone spews does not go unnoticed by Christ, Who Is God Almighty!


      It is, exactly, a satanic political movement ( as All political movements are) designed to deceive and eventually murder non discerning Christians who believe in the Christ, Lord Jesus’ Truth=His New Covenant with us. Haven’t you noticed that all NWO plan far in advance for everything they do. But, it is all futile.

      Zionism was embraced by these non discerning Christians with the “invention” of the Scofield bible.

      Scofield was commissioned by the Zionists to create this very very ANTI CHRIST version of the bible complete with Scofield’s “notes”, which enticed non discerning Christians into advocating the creation of state of Israel within a political movement known as ZIONISM.


      The Only Truth

      He Is God after all, and we are His creation.





    • SuzanneL

      This is hilarious! A direct translation of the Koran & Sharia, only swapping out the word “Muslim” for “Jew”. Whodoya think you’re kidding? Whataya think Trump’s gonna do with his Christian wife, children, and grandchildren? It’s not just Ivanka and Jarad walking around, ya know 🤣😆🤣😆 Christ was and is the perfect Jew. Never beheads anybody. Get over yourselves.

      • HypothesisFree

        The Babylonian Talmud (~400 AD) predates Islam/Shariah Law by about 150 to 200 years, and is based upon oral law of the Pharisees which of course predates the life of Jesus Christ, so more than 400 years earlier than its written form. So unless you can cite a Rabbi claiming that the on-line English translation of the Babylonian Talmud is NOT AUTHENTIC [and God knows I have searched and could not find ANY such claims], your arguement has no substance.

        The following video demonstrates that ALL of Donald Trump’s children are officially recognized as Zionist Jews by the Zionist Jews (which of course as a general rule would insinuate that their mothers are Jewish also) [The claim is also made here that Trump raped girls with Epstein]:

        I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew here:

        Something Paramount They Did Not Teach Pastors In Seminary – This Will Rock The Christian World!
        - /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html

        Lastly, the following two videos ALONE prove beyond any reasonable doubt that I am on the right side of history here:

        The Jerusalem Conspiracy [This will blow your mind - watch til end! Jews on video admitting the REAL TRUTH!]:

        WHAT? No Way This Is Happening! [July 27, 2019 and a MUST SEE! Totally Mindblowing!!]

        Comment from Cherish Pearl:
        This was the absolute best and [most] informative live stream I’ve ever seen. Thank you so very much!

        Mark Twain said ‘It’s easier to fool someone that to convince them they’ve been fooled.

    • MyTwoCents

      There’s way too much testosterone in this room.

    • DJ Dog

      I cant beleive this bs article is still here a month later. I guess they loved my comment about wuppin ass at walmart. :lol:

      • HypothesisFree

        A month later – Seriously? This article was published on July 17th, LESS THAN TWO WEEKS prior to your comment which was made on July 29th. But by all means, enjoy your stay here parked in FANTASY-LAND if it makes you feel good . . .

    • HypothesisFree

      Please share the following via e-mail, social media, or what have you -

      For the first time we have a Jesuit = Crypto Jew Pope. The REAL enemy we are fighting is the Serpent/Viper blood-line Zioninst Jews! And here is PROOF of how they maintain control over the ENTIRE Western World -

      - /v3/new-world-order/2019/8539.html

      Here is insight as to why they needed to have a Zionist Jew Pope -

      WHAT? No Way This Is Happening

      . . . BEFORE they can bring the following to fruition –

      [Jews] Trump/Kushner Plan To Behead Christians In The Name Of Peace!
      - /v3/christian-news/2019/2580229.html

      White House Insider FIRED for revealing Trump is a Jew

      Rabbi David Goldberg states that Trump converted to Judaism 3 years ago and he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah or Moshiach:

      Rabbi David Goldberg states that Millions of Christians Will Die Over This and that This Is War and that You Are So Stupid If You Do Nothing With This Inside Information:

      • HypothesisFree

        Jordan Maxwell – NEW WORLD ORDER Countdown

        Ezekiel 33:1-7 (KJV)
        1 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
        2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:
        3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
        4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
        5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
        6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
        7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

    • DJ Dog

      A jew pope? Is that anything like a catholic muslim? Or a baptist hindu? How bout a buddist agnostic? Cause that all sound about the same……stupid. Honestly hypofull how do you expect anybody to take you seriously? But keep the atricles coming I get a kick out of your ramblings

      • HypothesisFree

        Please feel free to come back ANYTIME for MORE PONING SESSIONS! We ALL know a DAAAWWG needs a bone. You will find no censorship here where we refrain from censoring even BITCH-SLAP PORN! I must admit that I admire your stamina after the NOW WORLD FAMOUS BITCH-SLAP PONING SESSION you somehow managed to survive where I SEVERELY served up your BITCH-SLAPPED-ASS upon a GOLDEN PLATTER here:


        Now go research the LINKS in my articles where you MIGHT actually learn something!

      • ipkilburn48

        No the fuckin pope supplies kids to the paedophile elite and actively takes part in secretive human sacrifices, the Vatican has the throne of Satan supposedly the genuine deal with parts added to it over millenia, deep under the Vatican are depictions of Satan and luciferian worship that goes right back to when it was founded. The obalisk outside is to do with their belief in the sun god and hence the Roman Catholic church changed the Protestant Sabbath day from Saturday to sunday and also when they pray to Mary they’re not praying to the mother of Jesus but to the goddess of heaven and they also don’t pray to God through Christ like Christ said to do when he said no one cometh to the father but through me meaning they are worshipping idols and false gods and this Jesuit pope is the false prophet and one of the antichrists which included Napoleon and hitler, in other words the Catholic faith is a false faith and is steeped in devil worship and occultism and has been infiltrated by the Mafia as well as secret societies, they also tell people to light candles and leave money and pray for their sins so they can go to purgatory in between heaven and hell which is the biggest load of bulkshit and how they apart from having a hand in businesses and politics as well made themselves the richest organisation the worlds ever known, at the end of the day the pope is basically an evil and corrupt bastard and I’m quite surprised a hit man hasn’t tried to assassinate the evil bastard yet lol

    • Anonymous

      You are a sick fuck. :shock:

    • DangerWillRoberson

      the truth must come out! todate nothing meanful has changed, i believe trump is a banker asset support homo’s. jared kushner appears to be Mossad? i hope i am wrong but all that has changed in 3 years are the lists of patriots on the red list? there is no political solution to a spiritual problem, rejecting Jesus and signing a contract with satan! :idea:

    • counselor john

      What a stupid article. My suggestion is that the author needs to get a real job. A real career.

      • HypothesisFree

        Are you suggesting that the multiple Jewish whistle-blowers who gave us this story are somehow non-credible? Or are you just miffed that ACTUAL RESEARCH is required on behalf of the READER, which requires visiting MULTIPLE/MANY links which I provided to prove the validity of this story.

      • HypothesisFree

        In case you missed it, we have Donald Trump on video in the oval office with a couple dozen Chabad Jews signing into law the Noahide laws, and on a LARGE POSTER too leaving no room to doubt, and in another video with both Steven Ben-Nun and Adam Green, they show on the official Noahide Law website how the penalty for breaking ANY of these laws is BEHEADING!

        What’s NOT to like?

    • DangerWillRoberson

      many believe jared kushner is the freemason isis antichrist with third temple to follow? i believe he could be the talmuds man of mossad pease? we did not vote for this man but trump has made him some kind of advisor?

      trump did get the us embassy placed in Jerusalem? i support the jews and israel is forever! i oppose the satanists yahoo and the other actors who more then likely will be hung on lamp post when the biblically correct antichrist does show up in his ufo sport model or out of his islamic well?

      i believe the false profit is the pedovore pope or the next one? and the antichrist will be a non human nephilim being with powers ! but we know the freemasons have a plan for there version of antichrist following the western banking model , movies revived roman empire? this deep state cia plan involve the UN the EU and chaos engineered to start conflicts with jews and arabs out of this plan there man of peace will rise to solve the world’s conflicts like the real jesus at the beginning but devolves into a global hell hole! outlined after the 1881 albert pike mazzini letter article? hoax?

      the world that can still think has an eye on trump and his son in law! i just believe the satan i know will double cross the deep state like the liar he is! we have one hope, the son of man, Jesus his words , if you want eternal life with him , repent of your sin, pray always study his words and obey them! after time of testing Jesus will show you what you will need to do in the coming tribulation period! i believe there will be places on earth where true believers will live out this time of testing and they will be protected by his angels with big swords! :idea:

    • DJ Dog

      See what I did I tell you about walmarts some people take this shit way to seriously.

    • DJ Dog

      Oh hypofull the only thing you could ever bitch slap would be your wife ( if you have one) and your weiner ( again if you have one). Surely someone so afraid on zionist has never been in a real fist fight. So stay away from walmarts hypofull you don’t wanna become a statistic. The zionist have read your manifesto I’m sure you have a uzi target on your back. I will send flowers to your funeral out of respect for any remaining family members the zionist didnt get to. Jesus still loves you even though your an idiot.

    • Blomigerus

      I dont understand this page i click on the heading “trump plans to behead christians in the name of peace” and there is no article just 4 pages of links to other articles that have nothing to do with the story…

      • HypothesisFree

        The purpose of this article is to empower researchers to better understand the true plans and mentality of the Zionist elites who consider Christians to be ENEMY number 1. The more you research the links the more clear it should become how this all fits together. If there is a specific link you cannot understand how it fits in, let me know and I will try to explain. Thank you for your comment.

    • Jack Shlitz

      Wow…..that took a lot of effort.

    • PeacePlanet

      Here’s a recap thus far, channeling the author:
      Jews bad, Ango-Saxons good!

      Right, professor?

    • DJ Dog

      July 17 thats when you posted this article what the hell have you been doing the past 3 months Hypofull? Surely you can come up with something new? That’s poor journalism even for you. However I will play the devils advocate once more with you to give yourself a chance to clarify yourself with BIN readers so lets suppose that everything you say is true the zionist want to depopulate the world and enslave us all etc. etc. we’re all familiar with your premise. What is one thing every red blooded American can do every day to fight the zionist scourge? And don’t say write our Congress person cause that’s b.s. Also I asked you to post a pic of a typical Zionist so readers can see what one looks like. Now you may have tried to address this on a previous post but in your multitudes of links the pic was lost I never saw it so please keep your links down to one or two any more than that readers will lose interest and move on to something else. So to recap we need one thing we can do as a average citizen to fight the evil zionist and a pic of a typical Zionist. And please Hypofull no more three month old articles it ruins your already thin credibility.

      • HypothesisFree

        Here are Typical Zionist Jews and a minute later Zionist Jew children in the classroom talking about how non-Jews only exist for the benefit serving the Jews as slaves.

        Some of the best Zionist Jew photos can be found here –

        of which TWO of the most TELLING pictures would have to be THOSE SHOWN ON PAGE 62 in the free e-book linked to directly above.

        The best defense against the encroachment of the Zionist World Order is through sharing articles such as this one with others.

    • holeshot

      A little light on the old Thorazine today, EH HYPOTHESISNUTJOB !!! Spending too much time around Alex Jones ??

      • HypothesisFree

        Get a clue Gas-Hole-shot! Most of us here are well aware that Alex Jones ALWAYS steers clear of implicating the Zionist Jews . . . :roll:

    • MJ12

      Clearly HypothesisFree is going to be the next Hitler. I bet if the FBI searched his computer they would find plans to massacre Jews.

      • HypothesisFree

        Here is one of the kings of Zionist propaganda, Benjamin Netanyahu himself, stating on video that “Hitler did not want to exterminate the Jews” …
        “he wanted to expel the Jews”: –

        Shows what little you know Tupac!

    • Anonymous

      I hope not; what Trump says are telling us otherwise!

      Donald Trump at the United Nations: Human Rights Come from God, Not Government

      President Donald Trump led a United Nations event promoting religious freedom on Monday, reminding world leaders that all rights came from God.“The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government they come from God,” he said. “This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the first amendment to our Constitution’s Bill of Rights.”
      Trump noted that 80 percent of the world’s population live in countries where religious freedom is in danger or outright banned, and called for the world to end religious persecution and release prisoners held for professing their belief. (there exists even more UN speeches that goes against the Globalist cabal.)

      But; that said never let 5G go live.

      (Banksters always play both sides and they can afford it; money for nothing (The FED))

      • Anonymous

        The cards must be played in the right order; that is my only explanation. I still got faith in Trump & the good guys in the Military. Prepare for the worst; with sunshine on your lips still. If they got 5G online and using it as a weapon; take down the electric grid.

      • HypothesisFree

        If Pope Francis said these things would you be EQUALLY gullible? There is NO GETTING AROUND THE FACT that Donald J Trump IS A LUCIFERIAN (as the OP proves in MULTIPLE WAYS), SAME AS POPE FRANCIS!

    • ElOregonian

      This author is one sick puppy…

      • HypothesisFree

        Are you suggesting that the multiple Jewish whistle-blowers who gave us this story are somehow non-credible? Or are you just miffed that ACTUAL RESEARCH is required on behalf of the READER, which requires visiting MULTIPLE/MANY links which I provided to prove the validity of this story.

    • Tamohara dasa

      LOL ! What a load of hooey! Your accumulation of words does not equal reality, “proves” nada.

    • Anonymous

      This didn’t age well at all. How about all those beheadings with the millions of guillotines? Did I miss it in the news? Are people suddenly paying attention to Kushner? Did the deep state, the joos or Trump put him up to it? Imminent though, right? Soon though, right? Any second of any minute of any day they (Kushner st al.) will start wheeling out a hundred thousand guillotines to smite the christian hordes. Because peace.

      So incredibly believable. You are winning, 1 to nothing. Keep up the good work.

      The only thing missing on the update is your third alter ego (Zeropointenergy) commenting on your own “post”.

    • MyTwoCents

      “Rabbi David Goldberg states that Trump converted to Judaism 3 years ago and he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah or Moshiach:”
      “‘I am the chosen one’: [Anti-Christ] Trump again plays on messianic claims as he embraces ‘King of Israel’ title”

      Which is it?

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