good morning to everyone! To those of you that have inboxed me needing the link to order sea veg which is our dialy, cardio and or the burn this is the link and no you do not have to enable the autoship. try it first and then come back. Im excited to be getting you on my team and remeber the next 90 days change your life forever………If anyone has any questions of concerns please call me at 502-682-9020 Thank you and God bless http://www.epxbody.com/epx4life the sea veg and burn is what I am on and just started the cardio great taste and wow is all I can say. If your want weight loss and cant afford 2 then may I suggest either the burn or the nutri thin. Both are amazing. The burn has a little more kick to it so its how well you deal with caffiene. The nutri thin is the step dowm from that. But they both work equally as well.
You can also see my before and after pictures of my 90 day challenge at https://www.facebook.com/pages/EPX-4-LIFE/384738741632096?fref=ts Be sure and like us on there and thanks. and a reminder If bought elsewhere I can not give you any support at all Im sorry. Lets get our healthy on yall!!!!!!!!!!!
The amazing healing powers of sea veg can be seen at supportepx.com mind blowing
we also have amazing opportunties with wide open market potential is unlimitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!