What shall we do in a world filled with so much hatred and animosity toward the name and person we serve, the man named Jesus?
In our age the vile, the unrepentant, those who despise righteousness are making a direct assault on the Christian faith.
By using whatever method they can; through print, radio, television, through direct threats and violence they attempt to silence the preaching of the faithful.
In communist and socialist countries; across the Muslim world, into India and now this persecution is raising its head in the United States.
There is hardly a day that passes where a news story shows this outright loathing for the name of Christ.
So what can we do?
First, pray for forgiveness; for yourself and for your family. We do this to start because sin is why GOD is judging this once great nation. We need to ask GOD to remember His children here and elsewhere, to forgive us of our wickedness.
I do not believe it is expedient that we pray specifically for this nation as a whole because until this nation is led to repent from its evil it will suffer judgment and we will be wasting our breath.
The reason being.
This nation is being led by secular reprobates whose conscience has been seared with a hot iron; most seem incapable of even understanding their wickedness let alone wanting to know.
Its been said by the Spiritless pastors and their mind numbed congregations that we are to obey all authority over us as stated in Romans.
To this I will agree to a point. That point being when taken as a single verse on which to build doctrine this verse is sufficient for that one doctrine.
But when researched further and looked at under the full light of scripture that doctrinal position cannot stand.
We are to obey authority so long as that authority is standing for righteousness. When a governing authority steps outside of its delegated authority then we are not obligated to obey it.
David fled from Saul for years. The judges led the children of Jacob out from under their oppressors. The Christians of the first century knew full well about oppressive governments. Some were killed, more often they fled to stay alive.
So for me, I will obey the governing authority until such time that it violates my Christian faith and my conscience.
So what are we to do?
Pray for forgiveness as stated above.
If you are having a hard time trying to remember your sins, those which you were burdened about in the past but have since been deleted from your daily recollection.
Ask for wisdom to recall, ask for the Lord to give you an understanding heart and mind. Pray for the Lord to show and to teach you about a humble and meek spirit.
He may need to bless you with all of these or perhaps only one of them. Whichever it is GOD’s Holy Spirit can guide you.
Once this is achieved we can move on to the second step. If you cannot fathom or understand this first step then all the rest will be in vain.