Giving us the opportunity to completely turn around the destructive direction towards which we are currently heading. Citizen Arrest Warrants have now been issued to detain Pope Rat zinger and Queen Elizabeth ll on child racketeering charges and they also are the ones at the top of the Power Chain that includes the United States.( I know, I was shocked when I first learned that the US is still connected with the Queen). If you would rather take some action to change the World Situation for the better, than just reading horrifying, fear provoking stories that continue to contribute to feelings of helplessness, read the latest post at http://itccs.org/ and how you can actually do something about it. If everyone knew this Court existed, don’t you think they would use and support it so that any unjust system would fall away? After all, if everything is allowed to continue just the way it is, the majority of us will be sick, impoverished slaves to a very rich, ruthless minority. Also, you can post this information on as many sites as possible to spread the word until the lawful International Common Law Court of Justice becomes the law of the land. In the US, the court would support the Constitution. The benefit of this Court is that only crimes that infringe directly on another’s enjoyment of life can be prosecuted and it is totally lawful. All non-violent, non-intrusive people would be set free. In other words only actual criminals would be prosecuted such as those who pull the strings so that their lives are benefited to the detriment of everyone else.
This court was founded in the spring of 2010 at a conference of survivors of church torture in Dublin, Ireland, the ITCCS presently comprises organizations in fifteen countries. It was founded because of the refusal of existing courts and governments to charge and prosecute churches guilty of genocide and crimes against children, and because of the active complicity of these state agencies with such criminal church bodies.
The ITCCS Central Office is in Brussels, Belgium, with affiliate centers in London, Dublin, Rome, New York and Vancouver.
The Acting Field secretary of the ITCCS is Rev. Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. Its legal advisers include members of the Kuala Lampur Human Rights Tribunal, Andrew Paterson, a common law consultant, members of the American and Canadian Bar Associations, and lawyers with the prestigious Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City.