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By Ethan Indigo Smith (Reporter)
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The Printed Threat

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Excerpt from Chapter One of The Printed Threat -A free Ebook today, 12/14/24
    I ended up highlighting the following section of The Theory and Practice to E.S.P. I remember I was scanning through it when I first bought it, brand new too, the following was the first page I opened to, then and basically every time. I swear, every book has what I call the primal page. It’s that part of the book you think you just fumble to when you open it randomly, but it’s not random. Usually the primal page is in the first half, but you never know. It is a strange phenomenon, but I have experienced it with thousands of books. The following begins on the primal page of The Theory and Practice to E.S.P.
“Your consciousness is trapped in a matrix of cellular cages, held biologically on the microscopic level and categorically in the system around your skeleton. Your consciousness is further trapped in a matrix of politicalized and social cages, held behaviorally on the collective level.
    Our biological states and our political states of being are equally complex systems, that because of our immersion in them, biologically caged in a being of cells, and politically caged as an individual in groupthink, we have no idea the matrix exists, and we succumb to it like a drop in an ocean. We are trapped inside and outside, politically and biologically, but there is an exit. 
    The mechanized mind bending advertisers of corporations influence our thinking via marketing propaganda, and influence the thinking of those in the government via lobbyists and so forth and so on. And this has been occurring for generations. The corporations and government seek to influence our thinking, in fact they are all about influencing and controlling our thinking. The word govern-ment means control the mind, after all. The matrix cages really require no more than a little knowledge of current events and etymology to discern. Further discernment of our own thinking can allow us to slip through the cages. We are only capable of thinking so many thoughts in a day. If, with discernment, we can maintain the right thinking we can surpass the suppression of potential by the negative thinking imposed on us.     
    The government and corporate infiltration of our minds is the greatest influence on us all, and perhaps the greatest crime ever. Through all sorts of subtle scams including the initiation of ‘scientific studies’, they make us believe whatever they want. The recent idea, that the benefits of meditation can only be obtained with a machine, is particularly disturbing. And the somewhat ancient idea that eating bovine parts will somehow sustain vitality is another great trick to deaden consciousness. You are what you eat is true in so many ways. In order for consciousness to bloom, simply do not stifle it with deadened thinking, and deadened food, such simply consumes your energy. 
    Religious institutions too have taken over spiritual nutrition, and loaded it with salty dogmatic transfat taking what was whole(y) lessons concerning and make the meaning indigestible in attempts to not so covertly control your mind. Corporations, governments and religious institutions all are unions and formations that seek to control the mental via a metaphysical cage. If institutions inhabit your thinking they can inhibit your being. So whether with advert jingles or monothematic interpretations of allegory if they have your thinking they have your being.
    Being arises before thinking, but being directs later thinking. Chemical and biological reactions and ignitions can be related to certain feelings. You are what you are because of the endowment of your birth, and your thoughts later transform too. However, there are thoughts that are your own, the traumatic thoughts of others around you and the traumas of your ancestors. If individuals were only more in tune, or rather less in shock from such traumas of others and their own, they might be able to go much farther than the simple intuition notions within. Today we were all born into the fire of postmodern toxicity and today likely you, and certainly, practically everyone around you, is dominated by advertisers, law writers, dogma dealers and those seeking to govern your mind, either directly or indirectly, to con-vince others to seek solutions outwardly, with them, and be a slave to their game, their way, instead of seeking the answer within, so as to understand and surpass traumas for instance. 
    We wait in line to commute, wait in line to eat bovine flesh with scat, wait our turn to discuss horrible and worldly subjects with equally locked out slaves, equally far from their home within, all in the bosses’ buildings and offices, doing their bidding, in a hurry up and wait game on their behalf. We daily go away from ourselves and rarely, if ever, go in-ward to our own ward, or mansion within, to the point we have little direction, and no sense of self. We’ll disbelieve and refuse in-tuition or in-sight, because we’ve never been ‘in’ and because we are steered by tools of mediation, outer control as opposed to steering ourselves with meditation. We are held by the status quo, by our social training, and moreover our very essences or lack thereof, by the hormones and endorphins we emit and detect with the olfactory despite our lacking conscious knowledge we do detect and react to them.    
    Without meditation, we will remain trapped in an endless matrix of unconscious reaction, as if we are paper in a burning house of prejudice and delusion, unknowingly, uncontrollably, susceptible to catching fire and spreading the delusional flame. This old, ill trap is illustrated most vividly and clearly in the cyclical torment of Samsara described in Buddhism where a cock, snake and pig chase each other’s tails. It’s like that, and worse where there’s a million other entities trying to get in there and get a tail before you, maybe your own. The matrix of tail chasing keeps us as paper apes of base thinking, performing predictable animalistic routines based on our biological inheritance and karma amid bear traps afire in a burning house. The difficult thing about the fire of course, is the fact that we’re made of paper, that is to say, the most difficult thing is to get past is ourselves. What fear has a diamond in a fire? Transforming your inner house in such a way, concentrating a paper mind that sways in the social winds into diamond density that cannot be burned simply requires dedication, dedication to practicing meditation.
    As paper, you misjudge, make assumptions, misunderstand, think you see what happened when you did not at all, miscount, misplace and all in all flub what could surpassed. Simple social breezes easily mislead us in the wrong direction off cliffs and into pitfalls by corporate malfeasance. But in the beginning we are all primarily swayable through our very bodies, our masculine or feminine natures.
    If you are not a meditator, your cortex of bioelectric flesh controls you, and it’s rigged to base root instincts and uncontrollable reactions akin to that of a paper ape afire in a bear trap, in a burning house. If you meditate occasionally you may be in control of yourself occasionally, but you will not be aware of your true nature. If you meditate twice a day and then once a night when you roll over and wake up during sleep, you can become in control of how worldly weather affects you and you can begin to grasp your true nature, and even understand what your higher self is telling you, probably initially something like every Buddha says, ‘Be happy, time is short, seize the day and meditate to return to your true nature.’ Going inward is the supreme exploration because the microcosm within our mansion, our consciousness, accesses the macrocosm of the Akashic field, the universal stream of consciousness. 
    In order to go inward you have to be open and clear, and be geared towards being aware. Then you have to learn how to interpret the symbolism and brief messages your stillness and awareness initially yields, but somethings that were hidden immediately become obvious. In the psychic, energetic, spiritual Akashic that which has remained hidden the longest, the truths which have been covered up with the most lies become the most blatant and bright subjects. The more energy went into covering up truth with lies in the physical, the more energetically the subject glows in the spiritual.
    Men and women interpret symbols differently, as we are subject to our born being, to raw femininity or masculinity, as much as we are subject to the need to eat, only it’s even more constant, and thus being more constant perhaps less realized. Our culture practices the inhibition of understanding of self as a means to sell some smokes or cell phones or some snake oil to consumers lacking understanding of their true nature. But this physical entrapment leads to a downward spiral effect, downgrading our being further because our chromosomes seek to keep us locked down in the physical as well, to interrupt our metaphysical connections, so we remain focused on and ruled by the physical, which tends to be self-absorbed, sexual and aggressive, so that everything we do is in order to get laid on finer sheets, in a bigger room with more stuff and more flesh to eat. The physical is encouraged to maintain its established rule of behavior, and always attempts to hold the reins, no matter if negative. In the same way the eyes try to infer the seer of their dominant role in visions or insights, but they are not responsible. The physical always tries to dominate the spiritual, the metaphysical, but be sure everything begins in, and adheres to the rules of, spirit. And what we note physically arose before in the psychic, spiritual Akashic.        
    Dealing with the physical nature of our raw femininity or raw masculinity is a constant, and because it is constant it is mostly unnoticed, as are most happenings and circumstances when you’re out of your mansion working all day in some institutionalized literal or figurative off(orof)ice. We are trapped by our psychosexual selves, men much more so then women, usually by women. Interestingly cultures in Asia and Europe classified the feminine as the weaker of the sexes, the lesser in a physically dominating manner and therefore, it was inferred, all across the board weaker. Cultures in the Americas however yielded to women as the spiritually superior of the two sexes, and often made women leaders and equals as such. The Indigenous Americans were more spiritually open to the feminine and thus more in touch with metaphysical Akashic. No matter what people tell you, no matter how one views life on this gross, physical plane of Samsara, the feminine is exponentially more powerful spiritually and metaphysically more powerful. Masculinity taking physical power in the world among various cultures is just like the eyes claiming responsibility for insight and intuition. 
    For women to find their true nature, simply meditate in the manner described, twice a day and once a night in order to be open to the truth of your higher self, surpassing the guttural cellular cages the political have played upon and set afire. Women always maintain a bit of the receptive spiritual essence, that metaphysical water that quenches and clears karma if you will, a combination of purity or innocence, clarity and dedication, and for all extents and purposes easy access to the spiritual metaphysical field. While men practically always have their waters dried up.  Without purity, clarity and dedication one cannot clear burdensome karma and will be stuck viewing this plane of existence for its tangible grossness only, for its tail chasing and no more. 
    Sometimes things that seem magical might just be the result of a mechanical process, like what is termed ‘women’s intuition.’ No matter what a women’s thinking is and even if she never meditates three times a day, if a woman practices purity, clarity and dedication she will develop her inborn intuition, to some extent or another.  The problem for women is that being such high end metaphysical receivers they are more receptive to and influenced by social, political, corporate mind bending which otherwise inhabits and inhibits. Women have better access to the light, but are made to carry the corporate blight more. For women to crack open the shell of the psychosexual self, in order to communicate with higher self, simply address it’s there and meditate as described, twice daily, once at night.  
    The following is for men only. Ladies, I respectfully ask you do not read this section as it would only undermine your thinking with the clutter of the masculine predicament, though I know many will decline. Instead of reading further meditate now and skip ahead to the beginning of the following chapter. If there is any gender discrepancy at all, go with whatever sex you were born as, and not whichever sex you have most affinity for being, for all of us were born physically a certain way, but spiritually possess contents of both.
Dear Sir,
    You have been trained since day one, not directly but through immersion in a subtle manner that goes mostly unnoticed. You have probably not been yourself since you were a toddler, since before you really grew to be yourself any way. You were brought up to be a brute and to dominate those around you as a dirty, lying, tricking, conniving coyote in a pack of a billion strong scheming coyotes. You have been lied to your whole life by most all who you have met and most likely have been steered away from any form of sensitivity, and totally desensitized from reality, and for most, this condition may remain preferable to facing it and moving forward.
    You have been convinced to think that obtaining things and dominating other coyotes who are lower on the canine social ladder than yourself is the key to good fortune.  You have been made to see the most evil as the most typical and trained to jump right in so you are soaked by it. Your only validated ideas are evil, and ‘get’ is your most often used word. You are not being yourself, you have been steered to be blind, deaf, and mostly silent brute. 
    Centuries ago men accomplished farm work, and sought to enhance their consciousness, not to grasp and seize tangible crap and to march around constantly chatting on phones and about how much they get. We indeed operate in a form where lost is logic today. The Sufis were predominantly a farming and meditating community, clearly representative of our lost heritage, despite their current leniency to the monotheistic and secular thinkers. The Sufis were among the first people to enjoy coffee and found the stimulant enjoyable and useful. Only the Sufis did not drink coffee before work, as a cog in some hurry up and wait corporate machine, instead the Sufis drank coffee to stay up late and meditate, to explore their inner house and their true nature, what you might understand as the corporation within. Now we spend our whole life persuaded to work outwardly, not to perform the most important work of all, inward getting. Time is short and Sufis used coffee to stay up late and meditate, not get up and go somewhere they didn’t want to be. Change your pattern. Instead of focusing on get, focus on let. Let the absorption of meditative energies take place. Stay up late and meditate, instead of just performing the goals of the corporation. 
    You have been trained to think drinking cow milk is normal when in reality cow milk is for babies, baby cows. Milk is for babies, coffee, teas, wine, beer, juice, are suitable drinks for adults. Children crave fruit and vegetables to grow, but are tricked by advertising gimmicks to substitute their natural wants for cereals and sweets. Stay away from grains, sugars, all bovine products, and unnatural energy drinks.
    You have been trained to think going to war is a heroic and that being violent is legitimate. Across all spectrums this reptilian notion is pushed. Our ancestors came and went, tricked into killing and dying in wars for nothing. And we’ve been tricked to be proud of that and if someone calls attention to the fact that memorialization of stupid violence is not the best for progression of consciousness they are chastised. Many believe that because of some religious idea from some thousand year old doctrines based on homogenization for the rule of some king at the time, that revenge quest is worth pursuing, but it’s not. Religion is based on spirit and the religious just don’t know and can’t know what can’t be described, your true nature. War with religious institutions involvement or approval is worldly and stupid, simply. It is not spiritual. The suggestion of its legitimacy comes from the institutionally mutated need of adventure and comradery and the basic behaviors instilled in society so that kings today can maintain their end. Institutions steer you and manipulate you into thinking the way you do, in order to make money and dominate. And you take pride in it.     
    You have been trained think in terms of getting, of seizing and holding people, places and things because you are afraid to go inwardly wrestle consciousness. You are so afraid to go inward that even when exercising, when you are potentially most in tune with yourself, you call it a work-out, key word: out. You have been trained to be outside yourself even when ‘exercising’ and attention is steered outside via dealing with the deadness of metal weight, instead of body weight and mechanics of movement. 
    You have been steered to think drinking alcohol daily is fashionable, when in actuality it kills you, when in actuality any so called tough ‘manly’ drinking culture like the Vikings you might think you emulate, would only drink occasionally and then they would get rip roaring drink and could handle it as most of the didn’t live long enough to endure hangovers of any significance. They would have never soured their blood for days on end.
    You have been trained to think about hurting others, been trained to think about acting stupid and trained to evoke shallow toughness in a hateful manner. Why? Because you are spiritually inept, and you compensate for it physically and tangibly, even if it means knuckling up for no reason. You are the most unlucky of beasts, capable of ascension, but tending toward declination, because of a fire you did not start. 
    Women can turn on their ascension reception with very little concentration, whereas men tend to require so much reconditioning, meditation on removal of vile preconceptions to turn on their reception, that most become disbelievers of intuition. It can take years to recover from the denial of truth and portrayal of lies. We are indeed so filled up with our sense of things, our perspective, most of which is distorted at best, that we are basicall a mix of nonsense and therefore have to be rid of it to begin to make sense. We have to return to being in no sense, to our innocence, as within no sense, no preconception.  
    We are all cocooned in our physicality first and foremost and meditations are all about simply becoming and rising beyond the cocoon of conditioning and peering inward toward our true nature. We are also layered with webs and masks, put on us directly and indirectly, so many in fact that we just don’t know ourselves anymore, or anyone let alone ourselves, resulting in the sense of our nationhood instead of our universal brotherhood. Once true nature is found, intuition is undeniable brotherhood is undeniable. Because men have mostly accepted physicality as dominant over spirituality, because we’ve adopted rigidity we think is strength, because we are not natural receivers in tune inwardly, like the feminine, it can take years to verify intuition. In fact, biologically speaking on the spiritual plane white males are the most limited. They are male of course which is a hindrance, and secondly they lack any sufficient quantities of melanin which is a receptor of sunlight, and light of course is intuition’s medium. Where there is light, intuition can bloom Your average white male has about as much potential in a year to gain about the same amount of intuition as your average white female does in about a week. White males are spiritually the weakest, dullest and most rigid and therefore the most likely to be physically insistent, that is for all extents and purposes, deniers of spirt and/or atheists. If you fall into this category, double your efforts. If you’re blessed with melanin and are male, meditate on enhancing your already natural feminine-like receptive qualities physically of melanin with sunlight.
    No matter your physical cocoons and the experiential traumas and fragmentation that one might have experienced we can always mentally and further, spiritually, overcome our cocooning and conditioning through learning and practicing meditations and through learning and understanding universal symbolism, only then can we truly understand the potential of our own intuitive conceptualization. 
    The more one understand who one is biologically, the better one can get past it and understand one’s true nature which is of course beyond female and male. he more you understand your biological and political being, the more likely you are to understand your true nature, just as the more symbolism you understand, the more you will be able to understand the intuitive flickers.”  
~From the chapter Individuation, The Theory and Practice to E.S.P., by Joe King Townham
    Joe King Townham had to write The Theory and Practice to E.S.P. And I had to write this. His book changed the world. I can only hope this changes anything for me or the world. E.S.P., as Joe put it, stands for Earthling Spiritual Properties. This following is about Joe, the individual and what happened after the publication of the book, to the world, and to me.
    I have done extensive academic and empiric research into the book’s subject matter and spoke with the author several times, randomly, before the book’s publication. And I basically found myself in the right place, at the right time, and fell into my own story, that ultimately was a part of his. I realized I had to tell my story, about how Joe King Townham and his book effected my life. I was in a unique situation, by way of what I first thought was random luck, and later momentarily considered it to be possibly destiny, and now as hard as it is to believe, and at the risk of losing credibility, it is entirely I was steered by psychic phenomenon beyond my comprehension. 
    I began my personal research into The Book as an open minded skeptical reader, and also a fan of Joe King Townham. I was so profoundly changed by the book, so positively, that I could only approach it with appreciation or even reverence after reading it. Probably everything you’ve ever heard about Joe King Townham and his book is all lies. It is not satanic, but saintly, and it is not brainwashing, but brain cleansing. It was obvious to me that Joe King Townham does not hate women, or any racial group as has been portrayed by the media. Joe King Townham had only the best intentions in publishing the book the way he did, and though surely he knew there would be wild waves, he did it to counter evil and repression, not to instigate it, as so many otherwise believe, and no matter how things might have worked out.
    Joe was not a traitor, molester, or Satanist, he simply wanted people to know they were being lied to, he wanted you to know who the traitors are. He certainly knew that doing so would result in the cascade of events that followed, he must have, but he knew what would happen if he didn’t too, and the alternative must have been worse.  The Book’s detractors commonly refer to those who read it, as under the influence of literary narcotics, but I swear, for what it’s worth, those who have not read it are much more under the influence of a narcotic, or a spell rather, than any who read it. I swear, despite what you’ve been told, reading Joe King Townham’s, The Theory and Practice to E.S.P, and reading at all, particularly contraband books, will free your mind. Of course, this is just my opinion.  
    I read the book and learned several, simple new ways of thinking, new meditations and found the motivation to meditate. And soon after began to have several surprising and spontaneous intuitive insights. The insights were strange and I could see how some people would have a difficult time dealing with such, but if these thoughts were maddening to certain people, they were just borderline already, living with unaddressed madness.
    Reading The Theory and Practice to E.S.P. will not cause psychotic episodes or behavioral changes, unless one is on psychotropic medication, or one has a psychological disorder in which has long been on a bearing treading the precipice anyway. Reading the book did not result in a desire to commit heinous acts of violence or sexual deviance, and I had no impulse to perform dangerous stunts as the detractors commonly claim. However after reading it there is no doubt in my mind that the detractors are 100% percent correct, the book is indeed a threat to society.
   The book is a threat to society for it revealed to me society’s foundation on devastating lies engineered to kill people, to create problems which kill just to get certain people paid. By enabling realization of lies society is built on, society is certainly threatened.  
    The gift and the threat the book offers is lie detection. The ability to detect lies directly threatens infrastructural segments of society dependent on lies, therefore becoming a threat to the rest of society dependent on and connected to. We are living in a house of cards that lies built, and it’s afire. Depending on the lies in one’s immediate proximity, one’s mental condition and one’s intake of disastrous prescription narcotics, one could snap. It’s very possible one might find out their spouse is cheating or their company is willfully poisoning people, or any number of upsetting realizations. Joe King Townham’s book is a danger to society, but assuredly, it is dangerous because it leads to the discovery of foundational lies, lies much more dangerous to society than even a city of millions on psychotropic meds, all reading the book, could ever be. The lessons of the book enable people to expose lies and ulterior motives hidden in underhanded coordination. Therefore the book is dangerous to liars, therefore the liars in control made it contraband material.
    If you are unprepared for revelations of lies, lies by friends and family, lies both simple and complicated, then one should not read Joe King Townham’s book, for they are highly likely. If one is unprepared for revelations of lies delivered by familiar institutions, lies both laughable and diabolical, then one should not read Joe King Townham’s book, for they are certain. After reading The Theory and Practice to E.S.P., I found both. Most everyone lies and the book teaches people to see lies, and prevents lying from taking root, or would. 
    I have never spontaneously learned any secret or read anyone’s mind. Mischievous and diabolical lies were all I became intuitively privy to. I have never spontaneously learned of secrets, whether they were embarrassing or private, or otherwise, but I constantly become aware of lies, mainly pertaining to institutional abuses, of me and the rest of us. Interestingly Joe King Townham’s methods, despite the accusations otherwise, can detect lies and reveal insights pertinent to the individual, but few if anyone can learn to read minds in order to obtain bank numbers, or peer into your personal life from reading The Theory and Practice to E.S.P. Lies and obfuscations glow in the intuitive realm more than any other idea.    
    If one is not ready for lies to come to light, then do not read Joe King Townham’s book. And if you are not ready for lies to come to light then read this no further, for more excerpts of his book are within. If there is an inner dilemma between the part of you that wants to know the truth and the part of you who is afraid of the truth, then read and the debate will end. Just know that the excerpts themselves have potential to instigate spontaneous insight into lying individuals and institutions around you. 
    Most worldlings prefer stability over truth, even if it means their enslavement, their death and even inevitable extinction. Joe King Townham said, “societal training leads us away from our true nature and higher self, and sometimes redirection or cutting a societal leash is all that is required to regain connection and begin attaining psychic insights.”


You can connect with Ethan on Facebook, Twitter, check out his author page on Amazon to support. Or visit his websites, Geometry Of Energy, Meditation 108, and The Matrix of Four where Ethan offers lessons on individuation, meditation, observation, situational comprehension, the conceptualization of energy, and the metaphysical significance of Sacred Geometry, Tao, 4, and 108.

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