UPDATE ... Japan's 2011 official Government and Nuclear Industry position - 6 months after Nuclear Disaster ... I don't know if the residence of Fukushima and their children have the right - to avoid dangerous radiation exposure & live a healthy life, ALT
—– Original Message —–
From: Gerald Hernesmaa
To: Michael D. Shore … . … Mayan Majix … http://www.mayanmajix.com/art_ht.html … Health Articles
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 1:00 AM
Subject: UPDATE … Japan’s 2011 official Government and Nuclear Industry position – 6 months after Nuclear Disaster … I don’t know if the residence of Fukushima and their children have the right – to avoid dangerous radiation exposure and live a healthy life
Position taken by the Japanese government and Akira Satoh - Director of the local Japanese Nuclear Energy Response Headquarters on July 19, 2011.
Please see this … video … 14 minutes … 14 seconds
Fukushima Japan – Update Sept. 11, 2011 — ( 6 months after nuclear accident )
July 19, 2011 … Fukushima residence meet with
Akira Satoh, Director and officials of the local Japanese Nuclear Energy Response Headquarters
posted youtube … Sept. 9, 2011
. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAZsx_WFtfM&feature=player_embedded .
Part of the Transcript
9 minutes … 24 seconds
Fukushima population have been abandoned
Public meeting
July 19, 2011 … Corasse Fukushima, Fukushima City
« Question «
9 minutes … 32 seconds
« As other people do. People in Fukushima have right to avoid dangerous radiation Exposure
and live a healthy life, too ??.
Don’t you think so ??.
9 minutes … 52 seconds
Director of Nuclear Energy beats around the bush in order to avoid answering this important question !!.
You did not answer the original question
… Akira Satoh, Director of the local Nuclear Energy Response Headquarters
audience interprets not answering question as
people of Fukushima have no right to live a healthy life in Fukushima
10 minutes … 4 seconds
« The official answer is given … I don’t know if they have that right «
What !!.??,
says audience
Audience extremely mad
10 minutes … 8 seconds
Audience says
you don’t have that right either, to live a healthy life
Audience says …
you think people in Fukushima have no human rights ??.
Is there a different standard of safe radiation exposure levels for different class of people in Japan ??.
10 minutes … 33 seconds
Response … by … Akira Satoh, Director of the local Nuclear Energy Response Headquarters
We have tried to reduce radiation exposure as much as we can
10 minutes … 39 seconds
You did not answer the original question !!. Is Director of Nuclear Energy applying a different standard ??.
10 minutes … 44 seconds
I have already said all I could say
What ?? says audience
There are people in Fukushima who want to be evacuated. Please take responsibility to evacuate them
Please respond with comment
10 minutes … 58 seconds
no comment by Director of Nuclear Energy
Please respond with comment
please respond
Director of Nuclear Energy says
You are free to evacuate at your own risk.
11 minutes … 22 seconds
If people live in a safe place, we, Director of Nuclear Energy ask them to stay there.
11 minutes … 34 seconds
audience says
This is emergency now, isn’t it ??. is Fukushima City safe ??. Where on earth is safe ??.
Even USSR evacuated people PROMPTLY in Belarus at the 1986 Chernobyl accident
Why on earth can’t Japan, a free nation, do the same thing ??.
no comment,
dead silence by Director of Nuclear Energy
12 minutes … 4 seconds
The USSR evacuated 240,000 children in 2 weeks after Chernobyl accident
What on earth has the Japanese government been doing in the last 4 months !!.??.
Shame on you !!.
Why on earth did you come here ??.
We would like you to test the urine of our children promptly
12 minutes 23 seconds
officials begin to pack up and QUICKLY walk out of meeting room to avoid any more questions
residence say — Inform us who will conduct urine test and how they will be conducted
no answer by officials as officials continue to walk out of meeting room, toward elevators
12 minutes … 32 seconds
Please bring this urine sample from our children with you
people say — They are awful !!.
This is so absurd
Test this urine !!.
Officials do not wait for elevators,
take stairway trying to avoid crowd and to avoid more questions from angry parents, crowd
Test this urine !!.
What do you think you are doing by leaving !!.??.
Many people say .. Test this urine !!.
Test this urine !!.
Test this urine !!.
13 minutes … 7 seconds
people say .. Why are you refusing ??.
Why are you refusing ??.
13 minutes … 18 seconds
What do you think you are dong !!.??.
Officials continue to quickly go down stairs to avoid questions
Please don’t run away !!.
Please bring that urine with you !!.
13 minutes … 42 seconds
Please bring that urine with you for testing !!.
Please bring that urine with you !!.
Please bring that urine with you !!.
Please bring that urine with you !!.
Director of Nuclear Energy and his officials, do not answer
Please bring that urine with you
13 minutes … 57 seconds
Director of Nuclear Energy says … we are not in charge of that
officials quickly leave building
video … 14 minutes … 14 seconds
. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAZsx_WFtfM&feature=player_embedded .
Uploaded by 2011MESSAGE on Sept. 9, 2011
After 6 months, the Fukushima nuclear accident is not resolved (and not ready to be) …
NOTE: Half-life – the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.
* Cesium-134 ~ 2 years
* Cesium-137 ~ 30 years
* Iodine-131 ~ 8 days
* Plutonium-239 ~ 24,200 years
* Ruthenium-103 ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.]
* Ruthenium-106 ~ 374 days
* Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and
is found in large amounts in spent nuclear fuel and in radioactive waste
from nuclear reactors.]
* Uranium-234 ~ 246,000 years
* Uranium-235 ~ 703.8 million years
* Uranium-238 ~ 4.468 billion years
Japan’s 2011 – Nuclear Radiation Disaster
Why It Is A Crime Against Humanity
And Against All of Nature
. www.mayanmajix.com/gerald_nuke.pdf .
. ………………………………………………………………………
The Lost Knowledge and Forgotten Wisdom of the Y Heart
July 27, 2011
. http://www.mayanmajix.com/heart_g.pdf .
. /story/862/264/The_Lost_Knowledge_and_Forgotten_Wisdom_of_The_Heart.html .
. .
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